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A simple and easy-to-follow how to Repurpose PLR Content Checklist

Repurposing PLR Content Checklist Today
Repurposing PLR Content Checklist

This checklist works for articles, blog posts, emails, reports and ebooks.

Repurposing your PLR content is one of the smartest things you can do. But if you’re not sure how to recycle that text, here’s what you should be doing…

The Repurpose PLR Checklist:

  • Choose your new format. Decide if you’ll be compiling several reports into an eBook or if you’ll be taking a portion from an eBook and creating a blog post.
  • Think about the next step. Consider what you want your audience to do after consuming content. Will they be invited to join your mailing list? Purchase your new course? Or hire you as a coach? Knowing this in advance helps you tailor your content.
  • Change the title. Most PLR titles are generic in nature. Try to change the original title into something entertaining or intriguing with a clear benefit to your readers.
  • Edit the content. Now that you know the new format, take time to go through and lightly edit the content. Remove words you wouldn’t use and replace them with ones that you would. Remember, you want this content to sound like you wrote it.
  • Format as you go. Keep in mind that many people reading online are scanning your content so keep your paragraphs short, add subheadings, and try to use bullet points where applicable.
  • Add examples or stories. As you’re editing the content, you may come across sections where you have the perfect example, parable, or story to include. Go ahead and write it up – since you’re using PLR, you have full rights to edit the content and that includes adding new information!
  • Promote the best resources. While editing this content, look for areas where you could make product or service recommendations—both for your own and for products you use as an affiliate. If these links are in service of your community, it’s a good thing to do this!
  • Place your call-to-action. When you’re done with your editing, it’s time to encourage your community to take the next step with you. Put a call-to-action in this section and tell your readers what to do.
  • Create images. If you haven’t already, this is where you want to add images into your content. Some PLR providers automatically include graphics with their content, so you don’t have to lift a finger.
  • Brand it. Look through your PLR and decide how to brand it so your community recognizes that it’s yours. Add your logo to your report, include your website address on the images, and tweak the coloring to match your blog.
  • Introduce yourself. Go back to the beginning of your content and make sure you talk about who you are and what you do. You want your audience to connect with you from the start and this is a great way to do it.
  • Save your content. If you’ve created an eBook or short report, you’ll want to save your document as a PDF. This allows others to download, read, and print the content. If you’re creating a blog post or article, save it as a draft inside WordPress.
  • Publish your PLR. For PDF content such as eBooks, you’ll want to upload it to your website through WordPress or into an Amazon S3 bucket.
  • Promote it. Now that your content is on the web, get busy promoting it on social media, in your podcast interviews, and during your Facebook Live videos.

Apply these simple tactics when repurposing your PLR and you’ll make the most of each piece of content and maximize it’s usage and reach.

I hope you found this checklist useful.

To Maximizing Your PLR Profits,


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