Believe In Me PLR Sales Funnel Special

Believe In Me PLR Package
Boost Your Self-Confidence Premium PLR Ebook

Self Confidence Premium PLR Package 40k Words

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Self Confidence Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 40 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Self Confidence Content.

Attention: Self Help Marketers, Personal Development & Self Improvement Coaches

Done for You Premium Self Help PLR Product on a


Self Confidence!


Dear online business owner, When it comes to self help and personal development searches, Self Confidence is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Self Confidence has spawned an entire industry of blogs, courses, books and products.

This is where my premium done-for-you Self Confidence PLR package comes in. It’s all about teaching your customers about Boosting Your Self-Confidence.

Everything is done-for-you – from the main Self Confidence PLR info product to your social media updates – it’s simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative self improvement niche.


Introducing The…

Self Confidence Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 40 000 Words of High Quality Self Confidence Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality Self Confidence PLR package covers the hugely popular internet marketing niche. Internet Marketing is evergreen and will always be. This Self Confidence PLR content package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it or use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Self Confidence MEGA PLR Package…


Main eBook: “Boost Your Self-Confidence”

(3,861 words, 18 pages, 9 images)

Boost Your Self-Confidence Premium PLR Ebook



A look inside the Boost Your Self-Confidence Premium PLR eBook:

Self Confidence Premium PLR Ebook Sneak Preview


Table of Contents for the Boost Your Self-Confidence PLR Ebook:

Introduction………………………………………………………………………….. 3

Reasons for a Lack of Self-Confidence…………………………………… 6

Treatments & Tools for Low Self-Confidence……………………….. 9

How to Get Over Your Fear of Failure & Step Outside Your Comfort Zone……………………………………………………………………….. 11

Comfort = Stagnation = Watered-Down Existence…………………….. 11

How to Be Confident with Other People……………………………… 13

How to Recognize and Focus on Your Strengths (Not Your Weaknesses)……………………………………………………………………….. 15

Make a List………………………………………………………………………………………… 15

How to Really Love Yourself……………………………………………….. 17


Sample Content for the Boost Your Self-Confidence Premium PLR Ebook:


What is confidence? Psychology Today began as a magazine in 1967, more than 50 years ago. The company has grown to include a website as well as its print publication, providing global access to therapists, psychiatrists and psychologists for anyone with an Internet connection. Turning to the experienced staff of Psychology Today, we pose the question, “What is confidence?” Here’s the simple answer they gave.

“Confidence can be described as a belief in one’s ability to succeed.”

Psychology Today goes on to point out that balance is definitely needed where confidence is concerned. No one likes the braggart and blowhard that is openly cocky and outwardly certain that he can do anything. On the other hand, you don’t need to underestimate your ability to overcome hurdles and challenge yourself. A quiet confidence is the balanced state of self-assurance you are looking for, because often times, those people who loudly boast about their abilities are actually unsure and uncertain on the inside.

Why is self-confidence so important? You need it to live life to the fullest.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.

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Self-Confidence Checklist :

(415 words, 3 pages)

Boost Your Self-Confidence PLR Checklist


A look inside the Self-Confidence Premium PLR Checklist

Self Confidence Premium PLR Checklist Sneak Preview


Self-Confidence PLR Editable Ecovers:

Self Confidence Premium PLR Ecovers


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Do You Have Low Self-Esteem?

Email1-Low Self-Esteem – 435 words

Email2-How SelfEsteem Develops – 250 words

Email3-Why Low SelfEsteem Is a Problem – 334 words

Email4-Core Beliefs Unhelpful Rules and Assumptions – 398 words

Email5-Ways to Treat Low SelfEsteem – 438 words


Browse for more Confidence PLR content at


Self-Confidence Email Content Sample:

Email #1 – Low Self-Esteem

Welcome to the ecourse on Self-Esteem. In the next few lessons, we are going to talk about self-esteem as far as what it is, some of the issues with having low self-esteem and some ways to overcome it. But, before we go any farther, we need to define just what self-esteem is and how to recognize some of the signs of having low self-esteem.

Self-esteem is defined as the degree to which we feel confident and the value we place upon our self. It exists on a high/low continuum and a person can be at several places along the continuum during one’s lifetime or even during the course of a day. However, being on the low end of the scale is far more dangerous and is the topic of this ecourse.

To know if you have low self-esteem or not, here are a few of the more common signs:

  • Self-talk – Those negative conversations with yourself. If done long enough, even you begin to believe them.
  • Social anxiety – Avoiding situations like interviews, parties, business meetings and public speaking that can trigger panic attacks in people with low self-esteem.
  • Inadequacy – That feeling of not being good enough that has a detrimental effect on relationships, work and everyday life.
  • Powerlessness – A feeling of not being able to change a negative situation into one more positive, so the person just lives with it. Over time, it takes its toll mentally and eventually physically.
  • Abuse – It can be any of many, but the common ones are physical, emotional or sexual. And it can come from parents, teachers, co-workers, family members or friends.
  • Perfectionism – This usually results in not finishing projects because of a fear of failing. The thought process of people exhibiting this sign is if the project is never done, it can’t fail. However, this sign can also prevent one from achieving their goals in work and life for fear of failing.
  • Codependency – This sign involves sacrificing one’s needs to meet the needs of others and is usually rooted in insecurity, low self-worth and shame.
  • Over-compensating – The two most common types of overcompensation are overeating and drinking in excess. People with low self-esteem find comfort in food and drink as those two never fail them and are always there to comfort them.

Low self-esteem can also be a symptom of several mental health issues like depression and anxiety. If left unchecked or not recognized, it can lead to life-threatening conditions such as suicide.

Be sure to come back as in the next lesson we are discussing how self-esteem develops. You won’t want to miss it!


High Quality Confidence Building PLR Articles:

5 Signs That You’re Suffering from Low Self-Esteem – 433 words

5 Ways to Instantly Boost Your Confidence – 400 words

How Can Diet and Exercise Affect Your Self-Confidence? – 446 words

How to Be Less Self-Conscious in Social Situations – 395 words

How to Have the Confidence to Be More Assertive – 399 words


Self-Confidence PLR Article Sample:

5 Ways to Instantly Boost Your Confidence

When it comes to boosting your confidence, many people think that it takes years of coaching sessions to become a confident person. However, this certainly isn’t always true, and in many cases, you can do lots of little things which all add up to give you more confidence overall in yourself and in the way you behave and speak. Here are some quick ways to leave the house feeling instantly more confident.

  1. Wear some perfume

It really works – the better you smell, the more confident you will feel. You’ll feel more confident about standing next to people, chatting to people and engaging in healthy discussion with your peers. Wearing a good perfume can also make other people feel like you are more confident, trustworthy and smart!

  1. Do something nice

If you haven’t sent your grandparents a message lately, do it now. If you haven’t done something nice for one of your best friends, take the chance to do it now and see how it affects your confidence. By doing things which make you feel like a better person, you’ll instantly boosting your self-esteem and confidence. If you can’t think of what to do or how you do something for, be nice to a stranger!

  1. Take a good photograph

It’s great if the photograph is a picture of yourself that you really love, but if you don’t feel like taking a selfie, go outside and see what else you can capture. You’ll be proud of something that you’ve created and this in turn will help you to feel better about yourself.

  1. Flirt with somebody

This could turn out disastrous, but let’s face it, you’re probably never going to see them again anyway! Flirt with somebody you meet on the train, in a queue, or even online on dating apps such as Tinder. Avoid flirting with your friends if you’re not too sure how they will react – this could go down badly and will damage your confidence rather than build it up!

  1. Hit the gym

If you don’t have a membership, either get one or visit the gym and ask for a day pass. There’s no excuse! A session at the gym or in the pool will make you feel instantly more confident about yourself, and your brain will release serotonin which is a chemical element designed to make us feel happier and better about our lives.


Social Media Posts and Images:


5 Shareable Social Media Graphics (PLR)

Self Confidence Premium PLR Social Media Graphics


15 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

Self Confidence Premium PLR Social Media Tweets


9 Royalty Free Images

Self Confidence Royalty Free Images

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10 Confidence Building Articles, Tweets and Images

Confidence Building PLR Article Titles:

Mindsets that Lead to Low Self-Confidence and How to Change Them – 417 words

Build Confidence in Interpersonal Relationships – Top Tips – 498 words

Confidence Coach: A Viable Career Choice – 445 words

Tips on Boosting Self-Confidence for Teens – 445 words

How Diet, Exercise, and Confidence Are Connected – 428 words

Can Hypnosis Help Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem? – 430 words

Tips to Help Overcome Shyness and Social Awkwardness – 470 words

From Self-Consciousness to Self-Confidence – Tips for Parents of Teens – 456 words

Tips on Teaching Your Child to Be Self-Confident – 477 words

Easy Steps to Gaining Confidence – 441 words

Includes 10 Tweets for social posting.

These Confidence Building PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


Confidence Building PLR Article Sample:

Confidence Coach: A Viable Career Choice

Do people tell you you’re encouraging? Do you find that you enjoy giving people helpful advice and boosting their confidence? Then you might consider becoming a confidence coach.

This rapidly-expanding business takes several forms. Some people specialize in coaching certain types of people (such as entrepreneurs) or age groups (such as teens). Following are some examples of what a confidence coach is and what he or she does, and some tips on becoming one.

What Is a Confidence Coach?

Generally speaking, a confidence coach is someone who makes a living at encouraging others and boosting their self-confidence. Confidence coaches give their clients tips on how to think positively and discover their gifts and talents, and they help their clients identify what situations cause them to lose confidence.

A confidence coach then gives tips and training to his or her clients to help them overcome their low confidence. The coach helps clients to identify where they have confidence trouble, and to face that “glitch” and overcome it.

Another thing confidence coaches may do is help clients identify goals, both short- and long-term. Ultimately, confidence coaches want to see their clients achieve success in life.

How Do Confidence Coaches Do What They Do?

There are several approaches you can take as a confidence coach. For example:

* CDs and DVDs are a popular way for confidence coaches to reach their clients. You might produce a series of CDs or DVDs, or offer them in correlation with printed media.

* Online tutorials, to which clients can subscribe, are another visual medium through which confidence coaches can help their clients.

* Ebooks and written guides help confidence coaches sell their message to clients while still having a personal connection with them.

* Phone calls, personal emails, online chats, and live video are some personal ways that confidence coaches can connect with their clients.

How Can I Become a Confidence Coach?

There are training courses you can take, and if this is what you would like or need, you have your choice online. Most of these courses are offered by businesspeople like yourself, so generally there is a fee for the course.

Or you can also simply go for it without special training – some successful entrepreneurs say they became experts on a certain topic on the day they decided they were! In other words, there is a great deal of information out there and you can avail yourself of it and train yourself.

Look at the websites of other confidence coaches. Read the testimonials and find out what clients appreciate. Then, you will need to set up a unique and powerful website yourself.


10 Top Quality Self Esteem PLR Articles and Tweets

Self Esteem PLR Article Titles:

Self Esteem – 628 words

Dumped? How to Maintain Your Self-Esteem – 580 words

Factors That Influence Your Self-Esteem – 628 words

How to Help a Partner with Low Self-Esteem – 543 words

Is Low Self-Esteem a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy? – 489 words

Regaining Self-Esteem after a Setback – 559 words

Surprising Causes of Low Self-Esteem – 553 words

Ten Tips to Strengthen Your Self-Esteem – 563 words

The Balancing Act of Self-Esteem – 520 words

The Link between Low Self-Esteem and Depression – 487 words

Ways That Low Self-Esteem Hurts Your Relationships – 553 words

Includes 10 Tweets for social posting.

These Self Esteem PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


Self Esteem PLR Article Sample:

How to Help a Partner with Low Self-Esteem

It can be heartbreaking to watch someone you love wrestle with their own self-worth. Having a partner with low self-esteem not only hurts them, but it can affect your relationship as well. There are ways you can help, however.

Understanding Self-Esteem

To really be able to help your partner, you need to understand what self-esteem truly means and where it comes from. The truth is that self-esteem is deeper than just dressing the part. To make real changes, you will need to dig deep. Self-esteem isn’t just about feeling good about how you look or having confidence. Self-esteem means having a sense of self-worth and self-respect.

Look to the Past

A lot of times people with low self-esteem feel the way they do because of something that has happened to them in the past. It could even be something they learned from a parent or someone else close to them.

Talk It Out

Without pressuring your partner too much, it may help to talk about their issues. They may or may not be willing to discuss their feelings of self-worth, and might even brush the whole situation off as silly. It’s important that you do not force the issue too much, as you want them to come around in their own time and not feel pressured.

Consider Therapy

Sometimes, especially if the situation is particularly bad or is affecting your daily lives, seeing a therapist can help get to the root of the problem. Your partner may be more comfortable talking to a professional, and you need to be okay with that too.

Show Unconditional Love

No matter what, it is very important that you maintain and show your unconditional love for your partner. The very idea that you love them unconditionally, even when they cannot find that love for themselves, is going to be what keeps you both holding on.

Speak Your Affections

Your partner may not understand or realize their self-worth, but you do. Let them know by speaking your affections out loud and often. Avoid making it all about their physical looks, though; remember that self-esteem is much deeper than that. When you can, tell your partner all of the ways that they are a good person and how deserving they are of love and respect.

Be Patient

Teaching another person about themselves is a daunting and sometimes near impossible task. You might be feeling irritated, upset, or your own self-esteem might take a few hits as well. Try to be patient and give your loved one the time and space that they require.

Don’t Give Up

Most importantly, don’t give up on your partner. Low self-esteem is a deep and complex issue, so it will take time and work. It’s not your job to fix them, but you can help them by having patience and the strength to ensure that they get help.

With patience, love, and determination, you can help your partner overcome their low self-esteem. It may be a tough process with heartbreaking moments, but the two of you can make it through. Have hope and confidence that your partner will eventually, in time, come around and see themselves for the wonderful loving person you know them to be.


Building Self Confidence PLR Newsletter eCourse

12 Building Self Confidence PLR Email Messages – 7494 words

Extra Content – 8000 words

Includes a Squeeze Page, PSD files and PLR license.


Top Quality Personal Empowerment PLR Pack

6-Page Special PLR Report: Personal Empowerment ~ Live The Life You Want To Live – 2238 words

  • What Is Personal Empowerment and Why Is It Important?
  • Can You Develop or Improve Your Personal Empowerment?
  • Why Awareness Is the First Step to Empowerment
  • How Your Language Can Empower You
  • Getting Started on Your Path to Personal Empowerment

These articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


Top Quality Personal Empowerment PLR Article Sample:

How to Identify Your First Self-Empowerment Goal

Being self-empowered means that you have made the conscious choice to control your life – all areas of your life. Instead of being the victim of others, of circumstance, and even of your own negative or limiting thinking, you’ve decided to take life by the reins, make your own decisions and set your own goals.

Now that you’ve made that decision, it’s time to focus on where you want to change your life. What goals do you want to set? And most importantly, what is the first goal you’re going to tackle?

There are a number of areas where you may want to take control of your life. You may have lifestyle goals like meditating, exercising, eating healthier or thinking more positively. You may have career goals like going back to school, getting a promotion, or starting your own company. You may have personal goals like finding a partner or spouse, improving your finances, or buying a home.

Most often, the key to success with any goal is to focus and take small and manageable steps. For example, if you want to start a business then you’ll ideally make a list of the steps required to achieve that goal. Each step can then be a smaller and more attainable goal.

Once you’re on the path to achieving one goal and have taken some significant steps toward success, you can add another goal to your plan. Most people have more than one goal, but trying to focus on them both at the same time can be overwhelming.

So, which goal will you focus on first? Consider the following questions and ideas:

* What goal will have the biggest impact on your life? Sometimes one goal on your list will make the biggest definer for you. That can be the best place to start.

* What goal is the easiest to achieve? Another option is to focus on the simplest and easiest goal. Create a pattern of success by starting with goals that you know you can achieve. It’ll help make empowerment part of your life.

* What goal feels necessary to move forward? There may be a goal on your list that just logically comes first. For example, maybe you want to start a business as a personal trainer but you can’t begin that process until you become certified. Logically, certification must come first.

* What do you want to do first? All things aside, what goal on your list gives you the biggest smile or sense of inspiration? What goal do you want to focus on first? Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions about your goals. They’re powerful signs that you’re on the best path.

Choosing the self-empowerment goal that you focus on first may feel overwhelming. Enjoy the process of becoming empowered and taking control over every aspect of your life.


5 Personal Empowerment PLR Emails  – 1736 words

1.Signs that you’re not in charge of your own life

2.Characteristics of an empowered person

3.Why improving your personal empowerment skills may be the solution to your problems

4.The three elements of a self-empowered life

5.Are you ready to live an empowered life?


Personal Empowerment PLR Email Sample:

Subject: Signs that you’re not in charge of your own life

Dear NAME,

How do you feel about your life? Do you feel like it happens to you? If you do, it’s not uncommon. It may not have always been that way. You might remember a time when you felt on top of the world and completely in control over your life. Then maybe something happened. One event led to another, and another, and before you knew it, you’d lost control over your life.

Here are some signs that you are not in charge of your life.

* You don’t feel respected – If you don’t feel respected at work or in your personal life, it’s a sign that you’ve given control to others. An empowered person realizes that while the opinions of others can be useful at times, you don’t obsess about what other people think or say.

* You don’t feel like your life is meaningful or that you have purpose – How long has it been since you felt like you were making a contribution to the world in your own unique way? If you don’t remember the last time you felt like you had purpose, it’s a sign that you’re not in charge of your life. The goal of self-empowerment is to live a life that feels true to your skills, talents, and interests in a way that helps you feel purposeful.

* You lack energy and vitality – If more of your days are filled with exhaustion and fatigue than energy and excitement, it’s time to turn things around. An empowered life puts you in the driver’s seat. You’re able to set goals that feel important and relevant to you. You get to make the choices and decide which steps you take and what direction your choices will take you.

It’s important to know that there are degrees of empowerment. You may feel like your life is slightly out of balance or you may feel like you’re completely out of control. The good news is that small steps can help you regain the balance and empowered life that you seek. You can learn the characteristics of a self-empowered person and change your mindset.

Next time we’ll take a look at the characteristics of an empowered person. Don’t be surprised if you already possess some of what you need to take charge of your life.

Subject: Characteristics of an empowered person


5 Personal Empowerment PLR Articles

How to Define Your Personal Empowerment Goals – 446 words

How to Identify Your First Self-Empowerment Goal – 479 words

The Components of Self-Empowerment – 494 words

The Connection between Personal Empowerment and Self-Esteem – 430 words

What to Do When You Don’t Feel Empowered – 446 words

Also includes 5 Tweets for social posting.

These Personal Empowerment PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


Personal Empowerment PLR Article:

How to Identify Your First Self-Empowerment Goal

Being self-empowered means that you have made the conscious choice to control your life – all areas of your life. Instead of being the victim of others, of circumstance, and even of your own negative or limiting thinking, you’ve decided to take life by the reins, make your own decisions and set your own goals.

Now that you’ve made that decision, it’s time to focus on where you want to change your life. What goals do you want to set? And most importantly, what is the first goal you’re going to tackle?

There are a number of areas where you may want to take control of your life. You may have lifestyle goals like meditating, exercising, eating healthier or thinking more positively. You may have career goals like going back to school, getting a promotion, or starting your own company. You may have personal goals like finding a partner or spouse, improving your finances, or buying a home.

Most often, the key to success with any goal is to focus and take small and manageable steps. For example, if you want to start a business then you’ll ideally make a list of the steps required to achieve that goal. Each step can then be a smaller and more attainable goal.

Once you’re on the path to achieving one goal and have taken some significant steps toward success, you can add another goal to your plan. Most people have more than one goal, but trying to focus on them both at the same time can be overwhelming.

So, which goal will you focus on first? Consider the following questions and ideas:

* What goal will have the biggest impact on your life? Sometimes one goal on your list will make the biggest definer for you. That can be the best place to start.

* What goal is the easiest to achieve? Another option is to focus on the simplest and easiest goal. Create a pattern of success by starting with goals that you know you can achieve. It’ll help make empowerment part of your life.

* What goal feels necessary to move forward? There may be a goal on your list that just logically comes first. For example, maybe you want to start a business as a personal trainer but you can’t begin that process until you become certified. Logically, certification must come first.

* What do you want to do first? All things aside, what goal on your list gives you the biggest smile or sense of inspiration? What goal do you want to focus on first? Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions about your goals. They’re powerful signs that you’re on the best path.

Choosing the self-empowerment goal that you focus on first may feel overwhelming. Enjoy the process of becoming empowered and taking control over every aspect of your life.


For more mindset PLR articles, click here.


Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!

For the first 50 buyers of this Self-Confidence Premium PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!

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have been added to your cart!


Bonus 1

7 Easy Hacks To Build Confidence MRR Ebook and Squeeze Page

7 Easy Hacks To Build Confidence MRR Ebook

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • Covers
  • Ebook
  • Landing Page

Total File Download Size:

7.70 Megabytes (MB)


Bonus 2

Unshakeable Confidence Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

Unshakeable Confidence Bundle

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Mindmap
Module 4 – Sales Page
Module 5 – VSL
Module 6 – Lead Magnet
Module 7 – Landing Page
Module 8 – Emails
Module 9 – Graphics Pack


Bonus 3

Self Confidence Mastery MRR eBook Package


View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2- Checklist
Module 3 – Resource Cheat Sheet
Module 4 – Minisite
Module 5 – Advertising Banners
Module 6 – Source Graphic

Total File Download Size:

14.4 Megabytes (MB)


Bonus 4

Self Confidence Unleashed eBook Package with Master Resell Rights

Self Confidence Unleashed eBook

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Sales Page
Module 4 – Lead Magnet
Module 5 – Optin Page
Module 6 – Email Swipes
Module 7 – Articles
Module 8 – Graphic

Total File Download Size:

21.8 Megabytes (MB)


Bonus 5

Growing Your Self-Confidence PLR eBook and Squeeze Page

Growing Your Self-Confidence PLR eBook

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • Ebook
  • Source File
  • Covers
  • Opt-in Page

Total File Download Size:

2.47 Megabytes (MB)


Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!


Package Details For Self-Confidence Premium PLR Package:

Main eBook:

“Boost Your Self-Confidence”

(3,861 words, 18 pages, 9 images)

+ Checklist

+ eCovers

+ Keywords


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Do You Have Low Self-Esteem?

Email1-Low Self-Esteem – 435 words

Email2-How Self Esteem Develops – 250 words

Email3-Why Low Self Esteem Is a Problem – 334 words

Email4-Core Beliefs Unhelpful Rules and Assumptions – 398 words

Email5-Ways to Treat Low Self Esteem – 438 words


Confidence Building Related PLR Articles:

5 Signs That You’re Suffering from Low Self-Esteem – 433 words

5 Ways to Instantly Boost Your Confidence – 400 words

How Can Diet and Exercise Affect Your Self-Confidence? – 446 words

How to Be Less Self-Conscious in Social Situations – 395 words

How to Have the Confidence to Be More Assertive – 399 words


Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Tips

15 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

9 Royalty Free Images



10 Confidence Building Articles, Tweets and Images

Confidence Building PLR Article Titles:

Mindsets that Lead to Low Self-Confidence and How to Change Them – 417 words

Build Confidence in Interpersonal Relationships – Top Tips – 498 words

Confidence Coach: A Viable Career Choice – 445 words

Tips on Boosting Self-Confidence for Teens – 445 words

How Diet, Exercise, and Confidence Are Connected – 428 words

Can Hypnosis Help Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem? – 430 words

Tips to Help Overcome Shyness and Social Awkwardness – 470 words

From Self-Consciousness to Self-Confidence – Tips for Parents of Teens – 456 words

Tips on Teaching Your Child to Be Self-Confident – 477 words

Easy Steps to Gaining Confidence – 441 words

Includes 10 Tweets for social posting.

These Confidence Building PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


10 Top Quality Self Esteem PLR Articles and Tweets

Self Esteem PLR Article Titles:

Self Esteem – 628 words

Dumped? How to Maintain Your Self-Esteem – 580 words

Factors That Influence Your Self-Esteem – 628 words

How to Help a Partner with Low Self-Esteem – 543 words

Is Low Self-Esteem a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy? – 489 words

Regaining Self-Esteem after a Setback – 559 words

Surprising Causes of Low Self-Esteem – 553 words

Ten Tips to Strengthen Your Self-Esteem – 563 words

The Balancing Act of Self-Esteem – 520 words

The Link between Low Self-Esteem and Depression – 487 words

Ways That Low Self-Esteem Hurts Your Relationships – 553 words

Includes 10 Tweets for social posting.

These Self Esteem PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


Building Self Confidence PLR Newsletter eCourse

12 Building Self Confidence PLR Email Messages – 7494 words

Extra Content – 8000 words

Includes a Squeeze Page, PSD files and PLR license.


Top Quality Personal Empowerment PLR Pack

6-Page Special PLR Report: Personal Empowerment ~ Live The Life You Want To Live – 2238 words

  • What Is Personal Empowerment and Why Is It Important?
  • Can You Develop or Improve Your Personal Empowerment?
  • Why Awareness Is the First Step to Empowerment
  • How Your Language Can Empower You
  • Getting Started on Your Path to Personal Empowerment

These articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


5 Personal Empowerment PLR Emails  – 1736 words

1.Signs that you’re not in charge of your own life

2.Characteristics of an empowered person

3.Why improving your personal empowerment skills may be the solution to your problems

4.The three elements of a self-empowered life

5.Are you ready to live an empowered life?


5 Personal Empowerment PLR Articles

How to Define Your Personal Empowerment Goals – 446 words

How to Identify Your First Self-Empowerment Goal – 479 words

The Components of Self-Empowerment – 494 words

The Connection between Personal Empowerment and Self-Esteem – 430 words

What to Do When You Don’t Feel Empowered – 446 words

Also includes 5 Tweets for social posting.

These Personal Empowerment PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


Total Word Count: 40 000+ Words

FAST-ACTION BONUSES – Available for the first 50 buyers of this Self-Confidence PLR Pack. You’ll no longer see these awesome extra bonuses available on this page once the 50 fast action takers have been awarded.


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The images contained within the main report and top 10 tips report are Public Domain and free to use in personal and commercial projects.

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