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Nutrition for Losing Weight Free Premium PLR Package – A High Quality Nutrition for Losing Weight PLR Content Package Ready To Be Used In Your Business, Over 17 000 words!


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Dear online business owner, When it comes to Bitcoin searches, the Nutrition for Losing Weight is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Nutrition for Losing Weight has spawned an entire industry of blogs, courses, books and products.

This is where my premium done-for-you Nutrition for Losing Weight PLR content package comes in. It’s all about teaching your customers about Nutrition and Losing Weight and much more.

Everything is completely done-for-you and ready-to-go – from the main Nutrition for Losing Weight PLR information product to your  email updates – it’s simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative Losing Weight niche.

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Nutrition for Losing Weight Free Premium PLR Package


Featuring Over 17 000 Words of High Quality Nutrition for Losing Weight Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality Nutrition for Losing Weight PLR package covers the hugely popular Nutrition niche. Bitcoin is evergreen and will always be. This Nutrition for Losing Weight PLR package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it or use it to build your list of raving fans.

Here’s everything you’ll get in the Be An Nutrition PLR Package…



PLR Report: A Beginner’s Guide to Nutrition for Losing Weight

(3,856 words, 10 pages)

Nutrition for Losing Weight Thin Book


Table of Contents for the Nutrition for Losing Weight Premium PLR Report:

What is Good Nutrition?…………………………………………………………….. 2

The Basic Food Groups……………………………………………………………. 2

Good Nutrition Helps You Lose Weight Because…………………….. 3

Nutrition Myths – Busted!………………………………………………………….. 3

Nutrition Myth #1 Carbs are Bad……………………………………………. 3

Nutrition Myth #2 All Calories are Equal……………………………….. 3

Nutrition Myth #3 All Saturated Fat is Bad for You………………… 4

How Does Good Nutrition Help You Lose Weight?…………………….. 4

Fiber……………………………………………………………………………………….. 5

Inflammation………………………………………………………………………….. 6

Metabolism……………………………………………………………………………… 7

Steady Blood Sugar Levels………………………………………………………. 7

Make Small Changes – Reap Big Results…………………………………….. 9

The Power of Changing Your Habits……………………………………….. 9

Getting Started…………………………………………………………………………. 11


A look inside the Nutrition for Losing Weight Premium PLR Report:

Nutrition for Losing Weight Report Screenshot

Sample Content for the Nutrition for Losing Weight Free Premium PLR Report:

What is Good Nutrition?

Trying to eat better? It can be a confusing path. Information about what’s healthy and how to lose weight comes in many shapes and forms, and the information is often contradictory. You might hear the old adage, “calories in, calories out.” And the next minute you might read that “not all calories are equal.”

So what’s the truth and what is good nutrition? Do you trust the federal nutrition guidelines, your doctor, your best friend, the latest trend or do you listen to your body?

If you’re confused and frustrated, you’re not alone. The good news is that all of this confusion really only stems from two places:

  1. New science and information being released
  2. People trying to profit

These can overlap – quality companies and manufacturers do make good, nutritious food based on the latest in health and nutrition science. If you can evaluate the nutrition information you’re reading or hearing and ask where the information comes from, then you’re way ahead of the majority of the population. This guide incorporates that new science and information. We’ll share what the guidelines are and why they have been created.

Let’s start with the information you may have learned in grade school and how it’s changed over the years.

The Basic Food Groups

Do you remember the food pyramid?  Presently it looks a bit like this:

  • 6-11 servings of bread, cereal, rice and pasta
  • 3-5 servings of vegetables
  • 2-3 servings of milk, yogurt, and cheese
  • 2-3 servings of meat, eggs, nuts, eggs, beans
  • Fats, oils, and sweets – use sparingly

It doesn’t look like a big deal, right? You might look back on your day and think, “Well, I’ve had my six servings of grains and bread. I’ve had my dairy, meats and I’ve even had a fruit or veggie serving today. I’m not doing too badly.”

Serving size matters! Servings are often misleading. For example, one serving of pasta is a half-cup of cooked pasta. Put that on your plate and you might frown because it looks like a quarter of what you might consider to be a serving. However, a serving of vegetables is a full cup. Serving size is where most people get tripped up. Why the difference? Why is a serving of pasta a half cup and a serving of vegetables a full cup? Because, while calories are equal mathematically, your body processes foods differently. Calories from a cookie are not the same as calories from an apple. Don’t worry, we’ll break it down so it’s much easier for you to manage – you can eat nutritiously and lose weight.

Good Nutrition Helps You Lose Weight Because…

With all the fad diets and pills on the market you might wonder why nutrition matters. Many of the not so healthy foods we eat are inflammatory – that is, they make your tissues and cells swell up. This inflammation is responsible for most diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

It also causes weight gain.

Good nutrition reduces inflammation. Instead of constantly trying to repair, your body can function optimally. Good nutrition:

  • Gives you more energy
  • Increases your metabolism
  • Repairs disease and dysfunction
  • And much more.

Your body is an amazing machine. In many cases you can actually reverse damage done to it by simply changing your diet and fueling your body with the nutrition it needs and deserves.  Before we dive into the nitty gritty, let’s have a little fun and debunk some common nutrition myths.

Nutrition Myths – Busted!


 Nutrition Fact Sheet PLR Checklist:

(236 words, 3 pages)

Checklist Nutrition Fact Sheet


A look inside the Nutrition for Losing Weight Free Premium PLR Checklist

Checklist Nutrition Fact Sheet Screenshot

Nutrition for Losing Weight Free PLR Editable Ecovers:

Nutrition for Losing Weight Free PLR Editable Ecovers

20 Related Nutrition and Weight Loss PLR Articles:

  1. 3 Easy Portion Control Habits To Start Using Today – 448 words
  2. A Beginner’s Guide To Balancing The Food Groups – 414 words
  3. A Guide to Carbohydrates and Weight Loss – 422 words
  4. A Guide to the 6 Nutrients Your Body Needs On A Daily Basis – 501 words
  5. Do Antioxidants Help Weight Loss? – 433 words
  6. Do You Need Weight Loss Supplements? – 436 words
  7. Essential Vitamins and Minerals For Weight Loss – 413 words
  8. Good Fats Vs. Bad Fats for Weight Loss – 427 words
  9. How Small Efforts In Portion Control Can Achieve Weight Loss – 424 words
  10. How To Modify Recipes For Healthier Results – 481 words
  11. How To Understand The Nutritional Value of Every Day Foods and Packaged Foods – 427 words
  12. How You Eat Your Food Is Just As Important As What You Eat – 407 words
  13. The Importance of Protein in Weight Loss – 434 words
  14. The 3 Top Reasons To Eat A Healthful Balanced Diet – 428 words
  15. What Are Processed Foods? – 435 words
  16. What Is Fiber and How Can It Help With Weight Loss? – 407 words
  17. What Is Nutrient Density? – 433 words
  18. Why Eating Breakfast Can Help You Lose Weight – 404 words
  19. Why Experts Say Diet Sodas Are Not A Beneficial Part Of A Weight Loss Program – 406 words
  20. Why You Need Antioxidants and A Guide To Natural Sources – 404 words


A look inside the Nutrition for Losing Weight Free Premium PLR Articles:

Nutrition for Losing Weight Free Premium PLR Articles Screenshot


Nutrition for Losing Weight PLR Article Sample:

3 Easy Portion Control Habits To Start Using Today

Portion control is probably one of the least favorite topics to think about when trying to lose weight. Images of scales, measuring cups and spoons, and countless hours weighing and remembering how much of what food you ate springs to mind when the words ‘portion control’ are uttered.

Yet it doesn’t have to be that way, or that hard. There are a few simple tricks to portion control that, when practiced consistently on a daily basis, yield weight loss results.

1) Divide and conquer: This trick is the easiest and can be practiced anywhere with any menu, whether you are in a restaurant, visiting a friend’s house, or at home. Look at your plate when it is empty and divide it in half. The top half should be filled with vegetables or a combination of fruit and vegetables. Fresh tossed iceberg lettuce salad along a side of steaming broccoli. Bright carrots sitting next to a lovely serving of green beans. Sliced sweet strawberries nestled up against a mound of dark leafy greens. You get the idea. The top half of your plate should always reflect a combination of foods that are fruits and vegetables, or just all vegetables.

The lower half of your plate should be split into two sides: one side is the protein. Chicken, beef, fish, or beans should occupy this portion of your plate. The other side should play host to a carbohydrate, preferably complex: brown rice, a slice of pumpernickel bread, or maybe a serving of whole grain pasta (without any cream or butter-based sauce). And that’s really all there is to it! Portion control without heavy thinking, no matter what is being served.

 2) Smaller is better: Another easy tip is one of the oldest dieting tricks in the book – a smaller plate. When you fill up your (smaller) plate with the ratio of vegetables, fruits, carbs, and protein mentioned above, you will trick your mind into thinking that you really are indulging – your eyes can’t see any empty space on the plate, so this meal is going to be satisfying!

3) Work it to get it: Don’t bring the serving dishes to the table. Studies show that when you have to get up from the table to get another helping of food from the stove or kitchen counter, chances are you won’t. Overeating is reduced, and in turn, so is your total caloric intake for that meal. Do that for every meal and your total daily calories will be reduced, aiding in your weight loss.


Nutrition for Losing Weight Keywords Research Pack:

Nutrition for Losing Weight Keywords Screenshot

Nutrition for Losing Weight PLR Reviews:

3 Long Product Reviews:

Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite – 919 words
Customized Fat Loss Diet Program – 975 words
Perfect Portions Digital Scale + Nutrition Facts Display – 973 words

4 Short Product Reviews

EatSmart Precision Pro – Multifunction Digital Kitchen Scale – 557 words
FitDeck – 497 words
Fitlosophy Fitbook: Fitness and Nutrition Journal – 454 words
The China Study Book – 444 words

A look inside the Nutrition for Losing Weight Free Premium PLR Reviews:

Nutrition for Losing Weight Free Premium PLR Reviews Screenshot


Package Details For Nutrition for Losing Weight Free Premium PLR Package:


PLR Report: A Beginner’s Guide to Nutrition for Losing Weight (3,856 words, 10 pages)

What is Good Nutrition?

– The Basic Food Groups
– Good Nutrition Helps You Lose Weight Because…

Nutrition Myths – Busted!

– Nutrition Myth #1 Carbs are Bad
– Nutrition Myth #2 All Calories are Equal
– Nutrition Myth #3 All Saturated Fat is Bad for You

How Does Good Nutrition Help You Lose Weight?

– Fiber
– Inflammation
– Metabolism
– Steady Blood Sugar Levels

Make Small Changes – Reap Big Results

– The Power of Changing Your Habits

Getting Started

PLR Report Graphics:

Flat Cover
3D eCover (Thin Book and Thick Book 3D Covers)
Flat Cover PSD File

PLR Checklist: Checklist- Nutrition Fact Sheet (236 words)

PLR Checklist Graphics:

Flat Cover
3D eCover
Flat Cover PSD File

SEO Keywords:

Weight Loss Keywords

Nutrition Keywords

3 Long Product Reviews:

Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite – 919 words
Customized Fat Loss Diet Program – 975 words
Perfect Portions Digital Scale + Nutrition Facts Display – 973 words

4 Short Product Reviews

EatSmart Precision Pro – Multifunction Digital Kitchen Scale – 557 words
FitDeck – 497 words
Fitlosophy Fitbook: Fitness and Nutrition Journal – 454 words
The China Study Book – 444 words

20 Related Nutrition and Weight Loss PLR Articles:

3 Easy Portion Control Habits To Start Using Today – 448 words
A Beginner’s Guide To Balancing The Food Groups – 414 words
A Guide to Carbohydrates and Weight Loss – 422 words
A Guide to the 6 Nutrients Your Body Needs On A Daily Basis – 501 words
Do Antioxidants Help Weight Loss? – 433 words
Do You Need Weight Loss Supplements? – 436 words
Essential Vitamins and Minerals For Weight Loss – 413 words
Good Fats Vs. Bad Fats for Weight Loss – 427 words
How Small Efforts In Portion Control Can Achieve Weight Loss – 424 words
How To Modify Recipes For Healthier Results – 481 words
How To Understand The Nutritional Value of Every Day Foods and Packaged Foods – 427 words
How You Eat Your Food Is Just As Important As What You Eat – 407 words
The Importance of Protein in Weight Loss – 434 words
The 3 Top Reasons To Eat A Healthful Balanced Diet – 428 words
What Are Processed Foods? – 435 words
What Is Fiber and How Can It Help With Weight Loss? – 407 words
What Is Nutrient Density? – 433 words
Why Eating Breakfast Can Help You Lose Weight – 404 words
Why Experts Say Diet Sodas Are Not A Beneficial Part Of A Weight Loss Program – 406 words
Why You Need Antioxidants and A Guide To Natural Sources – 404 words

Total: Word Count 17 495+


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