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Three To Thrive List Traffic Offers Premium PLR Newsletter

Three To Thrive List Traffic Offers Premium PLR Newsletter 36k Words

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#listtraffic #newsletters #newsletterstips #newslettersideas #newsletterstricks #monthlynewsletter #subscribers #leadmagnets #affiliateoffers #affiliatespromoting  #usingsegmentation #creatingviralcontent #highticketoffer #multipartcourse #highqualityproduct #emailseries #creatinginfoproducts #unresponsivelist #traffic #newslettersplr #listbuilding #trafficgeneration #onlinetraffic #contentcreation #createcontent #engagingcontent #contentbrainstorming #leadmagnets #listgrowth #growyourlist #guestblogging #guestposts #productideas #profitablelist #affiliatepromotions #nichemarketing #highconvertingcontent #socialmediacontent #jointventures #increaseconversions #websitepromotion #findinfluencers

Three To Thrive List Traffic Offers Premium PLR Newsletter 36k Words – A Supreme quality PLR Newsletter that covers the 3 most important parts of a successful online business. This is not your ordinary PLR, this is high quality content your audience will love because it’s been developed by a highly successful marketer that actually does this stuff!

Introducing the…

THREE TO THRIVE: Twelve Premium PLR Newsletter Issues

Premium PLR Newsletter Issues That Covers The 3 Things It Takes To Create A Thriving Business

Three To Thrive List Traffic Offers Premium PLR Newsletter

Page Count: 132 pages
Word Count: 36,300 words

This collection includes twelve (12) 3000-word premium PLR newsletter issues that covers the three things it takes to create a thriving business:

1. List.
2. Traffic.
3. Offers

Here’s what’s inside each issue:

Issue 1

1.List: How To Create A Monthly Newsletter That Your Subscribers Can’t Wait To Read
2.Traffic: The Real Key (Which You Already Know) To Getting Clicks (Which You Aren’t Getting Right)
3.Offers: Top 5 Ways To Create Content That People Pay For (When So Much Free Stuff Is Available)

Issue 2

1.List: 17 Different Types of Lead Magnets Your Audience Will Love
2.Traffic: How to Create Guest Blog Posts That Other People Want to Publish
3.Offers: How to Brainstorm Dozens of Product Ideas

Issue 3

1.List: How to Create a More Profitable List Using Segmentation
2.Traffic: How to Get Your Affiliates Promoting Your Offers Like Crazy
3.Offers: How to Find Out What’s Selling Like Crazy in Your Niche (So That You Can Sell It Too)

Issue 4

1.List: How to Use Email Personalization to Boost Response
2.Traffic: How to Craft Social Media Content That Gets Clicks
3.Offers: The Keys to Selling a Lot of Affiliate Offers

Issue 5

1.List: How to Create Email Teasers That Get Clicks
2.Traffic: The Four Essential Keys for Creating Viral Content
3.Offers: How to Find and Use PLR Content to Create Stunningly Popular Products

Issue 6

1.List: Why Creating a Multipart Course is Such a Powerful Lead Magnet
2.Traffic: How to Create Content That Boosts Your Visibility in the Search Engines
3.Offers: The Five Keys to Creating a High-Ticket Offer

Issue 7

1.List: How to Establish Yourself as a Niche Authority With Your Newsletter
2.Traffic: 5 Joint Ventures You Can Do Starting Today to Generate Red-Hot Traffic
3.Offers: How to Create Bonuses That Boost Conversions

Issue 8

1.List: 7 Ways to Open a Newsletter
2.Traffic: How to Find Influencers to Help You Promote Your Site
3.Offers: How to Quickly Create a High-Quality Product – Without Writing It Yourself

Issue 9

1.List: How to Create CTAs that Get Results
2.Traffic: How to Drive Traffic Using Repurposed Content
3.Offers: The Secret of Adding Value to Any Product to Create Uber-Satisfied Customers

Issue 10

1.List: 7 Tips for Creating Emails That Get Opened and Get Read
2.Traffic: How to Build a Community That Establishes You as An Expert and Generates a Lot of Traffic
3.Offers: How to Quick and Easily Create Products the Hands-Free Way

Issue 11

1.List: How to Create a High-Converting Email Series
2.Traffic: How to Get Your Best Customers to Refer Their Friends
3.Offers: Five Keys to Creating Infoproducts That Sell Like Crazy

Issue 12

1.List: Troubleshooting a Cold, Unresponsive List
2.Traffic: How to Drive Traffic Using Optimized YouTube Videos
3.Offers: How to Create a High-Value Product That Has a Super-Low Refund Rate

Let’s take a look inside this Online Business Templates bundle:

Three To Thrive List Traffic Offers Inside Look

Here’s a Sample of what inside this Online Business PLR Newsletters bundle:

List: How To Create A Monthly Newsletter That Your Subscribers Can’t Wait To Read

Welcome to your first issue of “Three to Thrive!”

Each month, you’re going to learn about the three things it takes to create a thriving business:

  1. List.
  2. Traffic.
  3. Offers.

In particular, we’re going to be looking at how to create content to support those three key areas.

So, with that in mind, let’s jump right into the first key, as you learn how to create a monthly newsletter that your subscribes can’t wait to read. In order to do this, you need to do three things:

  1. Create an exciting title and theme.
  2. Generate compelling headlines and content that delivers.
  3. Make your content visually appealing and easy to read.

Let’s look at each of these three in more detail…

Create an Exciting Title and Theme

Seems like everyone and their brother has a mailing list, which means you won’t get a lot of sign ups if you have a “run of the mill” newsletter. For example, if you tell people to “sign up to learn how to train your dog” that’s not very original. You won’t stand out. And people aren’t going to hand over their precious email addresses for something they’re probably already getting elsewhere.

Instead, you need to create a unique theme and title that catches people attention, gets you standing out from your competitors, and makes people want to join.


One really good way to do this is by creating some sort of proprietary formula or system that you promise to share within your newsletter.

Let’s take the example of the very popular P90x workout system. Their fat-loss system was pretty much the same as everyone else’s. However, what set them apart is that they gave a fresh name to their system: they called it the Science of Muscle Confusion™.

No one else in the industry was using that exact name, which made the workout system stand out and get a lot of attention (even from notable figures such as Michelle Obama and Sheryl Crow). While that’s an example of how they named a program, it’s a great illustration of how you can name your newsletter.

I’ve done the same thing with my own newsletter (as well as courses and other content). For example, you’ll see that I often develop a system around an acronym (such as my S.P.E.N.D. more system, which teaches marketers how to get their customers to spend more money with them).

Another way to develop something that stands out is to combine two associated words. For example, my “Earncome” site is a combination of “Earn” and “Income.” Likewise, my “Businessentials” course is a combination of “Business” and “Essentials.’

Finally, you can use alliteration to stand out. This newsletter you’re reading now is an example (Three to Thrive). And as with all of these examples, the name matches the focused theme. Instead of talking about everything related to online marketing, this newsletter focuses on the three keys your business needs to thrive.

One final note: once you select your title and theme, then be sure to include this information on your opt-in page. You’ll also want to set expectations on this page, by letting people know what sort of content they’ll get and how often. E.G., “Each week you’ll get a fresh newsletter teaching you how to [get some good result], plus I’ll share with you my favorite resources for [making this process quicker/easier/faster!”

Now the next point…

Generate Compelling Headlines and Content

Your awesome theme and newsletter title compelled people to sign up. Now your next challenge is to get them to open and read your content. You do this by creating compelling headlines (AKA subject lines) followed by content that delivers on those headlines.

Here’s the key: don’t create click-bait titles that don’t match the content. This will disappoint and even upset subscribers, who will stop reading your newsletter and likely unsubscribe.

Instead, create intriguing titles, and then be sure your content creates a payoff.

For example, a title might be something like, “The weird fat-loss trick you’ve never heard of before…”

When readers open up and read the newsletter, they indeed better be reading something that they’ve never heard about before.

Let’s suppose the “trick” isn’t entirely new. In that case, your title might be something like this: “The weird fat-loss trick that really works…”

If your content then shares a trick that is a little “weird” (maybe something not commonly used), but it’s proven to work, then you’ve got good content that matches a compelling title.

You can take this tip and put it to work for you ASAP. Take note that we’ll be talking about how to create compelling content in length in future issues of this newsletter.

So, let’s move on and look at the third key to creating a newsletter people want to read…

Make Visually Appealing Content

The third key to creating a newsletter that your subscribers really want to read is to create visually enjoyable content. Here are tips for doing this:

Utilize White Space

Use short paragraphs, bulleted lists and similar elements to create more white space in your newsletter. This makes it visually appealing and easier to read.

Insert Graphics

Good graphics break up content, which makes it easier to read. They also add value to your content and make it more visually appealing.

Use a Polished Layout/Design

Don’t just send out a plain-text newsletter. Instead, use a responsive layout and HTML to create something that’s visually appealing. Many email service providers offer free templates so you can do this quickly and easily, no tech experience required.

Now let’s wrap things up…


If you’re looking to create a newsletter that people really want to read (and what marketer doesn’t?), then you need to implement the three keys you just learned about. Namely:

  1. Create an exciting title and theme for your newsletter.
  2. Generate compelling headlines and content that delivers on your headlines.
  3. Make your content visually appealing and easy to read.

If you do these three things, you’ll be well on your way to building a responsive list of eager readers who open (and read!) everything you send them!

We could easily be selling these premium internet marketing newsletters with a PLR license for $297 or more.

But we want to make it affordable for you, so for our first 50 buyers of this premium newsletter content, you can grab a limited PLR license for only $77.

Don’t miss out, this is high quality content that is so much better than most of the PLR out there because it was created by a real coach that teaches what he does daily to his business.

Click the button below to grab your license!

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Package Details:

  • Twelve Premium Newsletter Issues (36 300 words)
  • eCover Graphics – 3D ecovers and Flat Cover with PSD file.
  • PLR License

Your PLR License Terms

PERMISSIONS: What Can You Do With These Materials?

Sell the content basically as it is (with some minor tweaks to make it “yours”).

If you are going to claim copyright to anything created with this content, then you must substantially change at 75% of the content to distinguish yourself from other licensees.

Break up the PLR content into small portions to sell as individual reports for $10-$20 each.

Bundle the content with other existing content to create larger products for $47-$97 each.

Setup your own membership site with the content and generate monthly residual payments!

Take the content and convert it into a multiple-week “eclass” that you charge $297-$497 to access!

Use the content to create a “physical” product that you sell for premium prices!

Convert it to audios, videos, membership site content and more.

Excerpt and / or edit portions of the content to give away for free as blog posts, reports, etc. to use as lead magnets, incentives and more!

Create your own original product from it, set it up at a site and “flip” the site for megabucks!

RESTRICTIONS: What Can’t You Do With These Materials?

To protect the value of these products, you may not pass on the rights to your customers. This means that your customers may not have PLR rights or reprint / resell rights passed on to them.

You may not pass on any kind of licensing (PLR, reprint / resell, etc.) to ANY offer created from ANY PORTION OF this content that would allow additional people to sell or give away any portion of the content contained in this package.

You may not offer 100% commission to affiliates selling your version / copy of this product. The maximum affiliate commission you may pay out for offers created that include parts of this content is 75%.

You are not permitted to give the complete materials away in their current state for free – they must be sold. They must be excerpted and / or edited to be given away, unless otherwise noted. Example: You ARE permitted to excerpt portions of content for blog posts, lead magnets, etc.

You may not add this content to any part of an existing customer order that would not require them to make an additional purchase. (IE You cannot add it to a package, membership site, etc. that customers have ALREADY paid for.)

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