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Six Big Benefits of PLR Content
6 Big Benefits of PLR Content

Why PLR Content?

1 – You Save A Lot Of Time

It might take you a total of 5 to 10 hours to create a 5,000 word e-book or report. That’s if everything goes smoothly. There’s research, the actual writing, proofreading and editing, spellchecking and formatting. You have to find graphics and possibly video to make your report or e-book come alive.

Now think about the PLR solution to creating an e-book. You head over to your favorite search engine. You run a search for PLR e-books or reports on the topic you’re interested in. You spend may be 10 or 15 minutes going through the results. You find a piece of content that’s exactly what you’re looking for.

Productivity PLR, time saving PLR, save time plr, time management

You purchase the PLR, along with the publication rights you need. Tweak it and make a few simple changes to make it unique. Your job is done. You saved countless hours (and content creation headaches) and your content is ready for you to use. Using PLR is like “creating time” in many ways.

And who couldn’t use more time in their life?

2 – You Save A Lot Of Money

Your time is worth money. Look at the previous example. How much are 5 or 10 or more of your hours worth? Even if you value your personal time very inexpensively, say $10 per hour, PLR can save you a lot of money.

Let’s stick with the example we used above. You decide to write an e-book yourself and the entire process takes 5 hours. If you value your time at just $10 per hour (by the way, your time is worth a lot more than that), that means it cost you $50 to create that e-book. Now let’s see how much you could get a comparable PLR e-book for.

Search reputable PLR sellers and you can find 5,000 word e-books for anywhere from $5 to about $10. You pay a small portion of what you valued your time at, $50.

That’s $5 to $10 instead of the $50 cost your time would have cost you.

This is extreme value.

Not only do you get content at a very affordable price, but remember, you have all those hours you saved as well. Those can be spent working on other areas of your business (or relaxing, playing with the kids, etc.). Because PLR content creators sell licenses to several customers, they can price their PLR very affordably.

This makes it attractive to you, the business owner who’s always looking for fresh content. PLR can reduce your financial investment while giving you more time to do other things.

3 – Speed, Speed, Speed!

You don’t always need to produce content quickly. When you do, PLR is a lifesaver! Have you ever forgotten some content creation task? Maybe it’s that time of the month again and you’ve totally forgotten until the last minute that you need a brand-new post for your blog.

Perhaps you’ve recognized a moneymaking opportunity. Something has popped up in the recent news and there is a “right now” opportunity to cash in on a current trend or hot topic.

No matter the reason, if you need content in a hurry, PLR simply can’t be beat. Once you find sources for high-quality PLR content (don’t worry, I’m going to show you how to do exactly that), with a quick search you can find just what you need. Make a few changes so your PLR content is original and you’re ready to put it to use.

There are a lot of business advantages to being able to move more quickly than your competitors. PLR offers speed of implementation. 

4 – PLR Clears up Brain Fog, Writer’s Block and Other Brainstorming Problems

It’s that time again. You have to write another blog post or publish an article. Maybe you’re trying to create a new information product each month. For whatever reason, you need to create some content … but there’s a problem.

Your brain isn’t playing along.

You can’t come up with a fresh idea for content. Your mind seems sluggish. You feel like you have a big fog bank rolling around your brain and you just can’t come up with new ideas. You’re entirely run out of things to write about. Maybe you know what you want to write about, but … writer’s block has settled in and doesn’t appear to be going anywhere.  

Writers Block PLR, content writing plr, writers block plr, creativity plr

Don’t worry, PLR has the answer.

Browse your favorite PLR site. Run a site search for the topic or market you need to write about. Just like that you have several examples of subjects and titles for your new content. Many business owners don’t think of using PLR this way, but it’s an absolute lifesaver when brainstorming and researching just isn’t working for you.

5 – PLR Makes You a Specialist at Everything!

Running any type of business online means you have to do several different things. There’s list building, content creation, customer interaction, building and managing websites and dozens of other things to do. You’re probably very good at a few things and an expert at some of them. There’s no doubt that you’re also less than exceptional at some other necessary business tasks.

Quality PLR is available for running any part of your business. This means you can use PLR to fill in the blanks of your talent. You might be really good at outlining and writing e-books. Keep doing that. Maybe you realize that you stink at writing emails that keep your list engaged.

No worries. Purchase PLR email autoresponder content and you’ve solved the problem.

There are so many different types of PLR content. You can always find something to step in and save the day when you’re not so good at creating a certain type of content.

6 – PLR Membership Sites Guarantee Regular Content

Some PLR sellers offer memberships. They update their websites with brand-new content for a monthly fee. This is fabulous if you are concerned you don’t know where your content is going to come from each month.

It helps solve the writer’s block problem of making content. It also helps if you always seem to be crunched for time and you’re scrambling around every month trying to create the content you need. A monthly membership to a quality PLR site keeps you on schedule each month so you can post fresh, high-quality content to grow your business.

Membership PLR. membership site plr, membership program plr, plr membership sites
Membership PLR

Honestly, these are just a few of the benefits PLR content offers anyone with an online presence. 

PLR can help you if you sell physical or digital products. You can build your real world, brick-and-mortar business by using PLR online. You can also build a successful business that is entirely Internet-based. The key is in using PLR the right way.

That’s exactly what I want to help you do. 

It’s the reason why I created PLR Profits Blueprint. I want to give you methods and formulas and recipes for turning PLR content into profit producing marketing tools for your business.

In this guide we are going to cover several things. First, we’ll define PLR. We’ll cover what type of business owners can profit from this content. You’ll discover that there are multiple PLR and licensing rights. It’s important to know your rights before you buy any PLR content, because you rights dictate what you can and can’t do with the content you purchase.

I’ll show you the different types of PLR products you’ll find, as well as how you can repurpose or rebrand PLR to make it your own. As I said earlier, I’ll show you where you need to go to find high-quality PLR providers. 

You’ll learn how and where to sell your PLR products, where to host your content online, as well as how to price your offerings. You can even outsource a lot of PLR related tasks to talented freelancers so you work less and profit more. Honestly, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There’s a lot more I have to share with you in this inclusive and exhaustive PLR how-to resource. 

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