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Tabata Fitness Premium PLR Ebook

Tabata Premium PLR Package 38k Words

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Tabata Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 38 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Fitness and Exercise Content.


Attention: Fitness and Exercise Entrepreneurs

Done for You Premium Fitness PLR Product on a



Dear online business owner, When it comes to top fitness and exercises searches, the Fitness is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Tabata fitness has spawned an entire industry of blogs, fitness courses, and products.

This is where my premium done for you Tabata PLR Package comes in. Its all about teaching your customers about The Tabata Fitness Plan and how to Get More from Every Workout.

Everything is done for you – from the main PLR Fitness info product to your social media updates – its simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative fitness and exercise niche.


Introducing The…

Tabata Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 38 000 Words of High Quality Tabata Fitness Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality Tabata workouts for fitness PLR package covers the hugely popular fitness niche. Fitness and exercising is evergreen and will always be. This Tabata workouts PLR content package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it and use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Tabata MEGA PLR Package…

Main eBook:”The Tabata Fitness Plan: Get More from Every Workout”

(4,235 words, 18 pages, 8 images)

Tabata Fitness Premium PLR Ebook


A look inside The Tabata Fitness Plan Premium PLR eBook:

Tabata Premium PLR Ebook Sneak Preview


Table of Contents for The Tabata Fitness Plan PLR eBook:

Introduction……………………………………………  3

Different Types of Tabata Movement and Exercises……….. 5

#1 Push-ups……………………………………….. 5

#2 Squats……………………………………….. 6

#3 Burpees……………………………………….. 7

#4 Pullups……………………………………….. 8

#5 Superman/Hollow Rock…………………………………………. 9

#6 L-Sits……………………………………….. 10

#7 Lunges/Jumping Lunges……………………………………….. 11

#8 Sit-Ups……………………………………….. 11

#9 Plank Holds……………………………………….. 12

#10 Thruster……………………………………….. 13

Sample Tabata Training Workouts…………………………. 15

Keys to Tabata Success……………………………………….. 17


Sample Content for The Tabata Fitness Plan PLR eBook:


Looking for a fast, fun, and effective workout?

The Tabata may be exactly what you’re looking for. The Tabata was discovered and created by Professor Izumi Tabata in 1996. He studied Olympic speed skaters on a cycle ergometer. The purpose of the study was to see if they could increase the VO2 Max for the athletes. Those that participated in the Tabata training saw an increase in their aerobic capacity. The method was quickly adapted by many fitness programs, which were beginning to uncover the benefits of HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training.

What it is a Tabata?

A Tabata, as mentioned, is a form of HIIT. It is a repeated cycle of 20 seconds of high intensity all out work, followed by ten seconds of rest. The cycle is repeated eight times, which equates to four minutes of work total. This is another reason why this method was quickly adopted. If you can see aerobic and fitness gains in four minutes a day, that’s a workout most everyone has time for.

Why does it work?

The Tabata works for a number of reasons. One, it taps into your anaerobic energy systems, which releases a cascade of hormones that are beneficial when they’re released occasionally. The Tabata isn’t designed to be something that you do every single day or for a long duration. Generally speaking, you want to add a Tabata into your regular fitness program once or twice a week.

The other workouts should be at a moderate pace, and a few should involve strength training. Tabatas also work because many people are able to push themselves hard for twenty seconds and perform a workout knowing that it’s only going to be four minutes long. It’s quite a different thing to push yourself hard for twenty, thirty, or even sixty minutes.

Additionally, Tabatas don’t cause that post-workout hunger that many other longer cardio workouts do cause. You can do your Tabata and go about your day not feeling like you’re exhausted or need food to recover. So there’s no unintentional weight gain from exercise.

Who uses a Tabata workout?

Anyone and everyone should use a Tabata workout. The pace you go and the movements you perform are based exclusively on your level of fitness right now. As you increase your endurance and strength, your Tabata workouts will evolve. They’re perfect for beginners and advanced athletes alike.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.

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Short Report:”6 of the Best Types of Exercise for Fat Loss”

(1,805 words, 8 pages, 6 images)

Fat Loss Premium PLR Report

A look inside the 6 of the Best Types of Exercise for Fat Loss PLR Report:

Tabata Premium PLR Report Sneak Preview


Product Reviews:

Body Xtreme Fitness Rowing Machine Turbo 2000 – 512 words

Coffea H7-HR Activity Tracker Review – 559 words

Reehut 1/2-Inch Extra Thick High Density NBR Exercise Yoga Mat – 494 words

Synergee Aluminum Speed Jump Rope – 530 words

“The All-Day Fat-Burning Diet: The 5-Day Food-Cycling Formula That Resets Your Metabolism To Lose Up to 5 Pounds a Week” by Yuri Elkaim – 547 words


Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Sports Stopwatches – 1024 words


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Boosting Metabolism with Exercise

Email1-What is metabolism – 317 words

Email2-Cardio training and metabolism – 461 words

Email3-Strength training and metabolism – 504 words

Email4-Kicking it up a notch with Tabata training – 344 words

Email5-Fueling your workouts – 416 words


Tabata Email Sample Content:

Email #5 Fueling your workouts

Welcome back! In the first four lessons, we talked about how exercise can boost metabolism. Of course, no discussion would be complete if we did not take into consideration the other half of the equation – calorie intake. As it turns out, eating anything causes an uptick in metabolism through a process called thermogenesis. Basically, it takes calories to digest food –  calories that would not have been burnt if you didn’t eat.

But there are some foods (and drinks) that seem to naturally increase metabolism more than others. Here are a few of the more common ones:

Lean meat. Meat has a lot of protein in it and it takes more calories in the digestive process to break down protein that it does the other two macronutrients carbohydrates and fats.

Water. How can something so simple and essential also boost metabolism? An increase in fluid intake helps the body breakdown food faster. In studies, water has shown an increase in metabolism by as much as 30%.

Chili peppers- Not only chili peppers, but all kinds of hot peppers contain a chemical called capsaicin which has shown to increase your heart rate. This in turn burns more calories. You only need the equivalent of one pepper per day to reap the extra calorie burn.

Coffee. Caffeine is a known calorie burn booster. Just a single cup of joe can burn an additional 75 to 100 calories over the course of a day. However, with that said, limit your caffeine intake to 3 cups of coffee or less.

Green tea. Teas have a chemical in them called catechins. Between it and caffeine, it can increase metabolism between 4% and 10%.

Milk scientists think the calcium in milk may be what increases metabolism. Plus, it has a certain amount of water which helps add liquid to your diet.

Whole grains. Not only whole grains, but a lot of the complex carbohydrates because they require extra calories to break down, more so that simple carbohydrates and similar less complex foods.

In this course we looked at how exercising can boost your metabolism, how incorporating a HIIT training strategy like Tabata can boost it even more, and wrapped up with some foods that are proven to increase metabolism.

Individually, no one training method will do a lot to increase the number of calories burned, when put together, it can be a significant gain. Thanks for sticking with us!

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High Quality Tabata PLR Articles:

10 of the Best Exercises to Blast Away Body Fat – 810 words

4 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Short Workouts – 392 words

5 Reasons Why You Should Try Interval Training – 396 words

Cons of Interval Training Workouts – 509 words

How and Why to Boost Your VO2 Max – 685 words

How Does Exercise Speed Up Your Metabolism? – 397 words

How Hard Should You Push Yourself During Interval Training? – 407 words

How Long and How Regularly Do You Need to Work Out? – 413 words

How Often Should You Be Doing Interval Training? – 407 words

How to Do Interval Training on a Bike – 701 words

How to Do Interval Training on a Treadmill – 562 words

How to Do Interval Training with Weights – 526 words

How to Get Started With Interval Training as a Complete Beginner – 627 words

Is HIIT the Same as Tabata? – 533 words

Pros of Interval Training Workouts – 520 words

Threshold vs. Interval Training: What’s the Difference? – 519 words

What Burns the Most Calories? Interval Training vs. Weights vs. Regular Cardio – 409 words

What is a Metabolic Workout? – 399 words

What is Fartlek Training for Runners? – 512 words

What is Tabata Exercise? – 612 words


Tabata PLR Article Sample:

Cons of Interval Training Workouts

Interval training is excellent for improving health and fitness. It has many health benefits including burning more calories and improving heart health. It’s also a convenient and efficient way to exercise. Even though there are so many benefits of interval training, there are also a few things to be mindful of before giving interval training a try. If you still want to give it a try after you’ve read about the cons of interval training workouts below, then go ahead, but at least you will know what to look out for.

  • Risk of injury increases.– The risk of injury increases with interval training because of being in a hurry to complete as many repetitions as you can during your exercise period. It is easier to get injured when your form isn’t correct, so be sure to use correct form any time you exercise. Don’t sacrifice form for speed, even when doing intervals. You don’t want to risk injury to your joints, pull a muscle, or suffer a broken bone. If you choose to participate in interval training, be mindful of the increased risk of injury and take steps to protect yourself.
  • It’s not safe for everyone.– Interval training isn’t for everyone. It can be too strenuous for some people with existing medical problems such as a heart condition or serious breathing problems. If your fitness level is low, you may want to start out slowly with exercise. It’s also a great idea to get a check-up before you use intervals in your fitness routine. In some extreme cases, rhabdomyolysis, a breakdown of muscle fibers that can poison your kidneys, can occur.
  • It can leave you exhausted.– Being tired after a workout is normal, but for some people interval training can leave them extremely tired after their workout. If you have issues with fatigue after exercise, you might need to lower the intensity for a while. You may also need to have a check-up or ensure you’re getting the proper nutrition to support your fitness routine. Even if you’re in perfect health, interval training can leave you feeling fatigued and if this is the case, you may want to exercise in a different way, especially if the fatigue is affecting your daily life.
  • It can leave you feeling anxious.- Interval training causes your body to be flooded with adrenaline and other hormones. The excess adrenaline can cause you to feel anxious, have heart palpitations, loss of focus, and sweaty palms. Some people are only slightly affected by adrenaline, but it can be more severe for others. If your adrenaline response is severe, interval training may not be right for you.

Even though there are several negatives associated with interval training, it is still an excellent way to exercise as long as you’re healthy enough. It is always a good idea to see a doctor before starting a new workout so that you won’t make any chronic conditions worse or agitate an injury. After medical clearance, you can start slowly to reduce your chance of injury and help guard against fatigue.

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Social Media Posts & Images:


5 Shareable Social Media Fitness Graphics (PLR)

Tabata Premium PLR Social Fitness Tips


5 Shareable Social Media Inspirational Images

Tabata Premium PLR Inspirational Images

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20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

Tabata Premium PLR Social Media Tweets

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14 Royalty Free Images

Tabata Royalty Free Images


Images of All Products Reviewed

Tabata Premium PLR Products Reviewed


Tabata Keyword Research Pack

Tabata Premium PLR Keyword Research



5 Top Quality Summer Fitness Body Workouts PLR Articles

Summer Fitness Body Workouts PLR Article Titles:

How Often Should I Do Cardio to Get Fit by Summer? (702 words)

5 Tips When Planning a Summer Body Training Regimen (529 words)

Rushing to Become Summer Fit? Discover the Most Effective Way to Burn Fat with Exercise (758 words)

Cardio Workouts VS Full Body Workouts Which is Better for Getting a Beach Body? (580 words)

How to Tailor Your Workout Program So You Are Ready for Summer (634 words)

These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and Includes PLR License.


Summer Fitness Body Workouts PLR Article Sample:

Cardio Workouts VS Full Body Workouts – Which is Better for Getting a Beach Body?

Cardio has often been hailed as the be-all and end-all of weight loss. Cardio activities such as jogging, swimming, cycling, aerobics classes, etc. are thought to be absolutely necessary if one wants to lose weight and get fit.

However, recent studies have shown that shorter and more intense workouts are much more effective for burning calories and fat. If you stopped to think about it, you’d realize that every animal on the planet runs in short bursts.

This applies from, the wild cats on the plains of Africa, to the dogs that people keep as pets. They run fast for short bursts and then slow down.

Man is the only animal that takes part in marathons are runs for miles at a time trying to achieve feats of endurance… and end up having chronic injuries. Very often, the marathoners look thin, emaciated and not muscular.

Sprinters at the Olympics almost always look much more muscular than the long-distance runners. This is proof that short, hard bursts of training is far more effective for giving you a beach body than long, arduous and mind-numbing sessions of cardio.

  • So, what is the difference between a cardio workout and a full-body workout?

An activity like running or cycling very often works the leg muscles repeatedly over and over. While there are other muscles used such as the core and the arms to a small degree, for the most part, these are lower body exercises.

Swimming, kickboxing, etc. are more full-body workouts, but the resistance used is mostly either one’s bodyweight or water resistance.

These are cardio activities because the focus is mostly on increasing your stamina.

A full-body workout, however, works the entire body by using a variety of exercises that combine both resistance training and an element of cardio. For example, a full-body workout could consist of a series of deadlifts, burpees, squats, pull ups and mountain climbers.

Just these 5 exercises done in sequence with minimal rest periods will work the entire body and leave you panting in exhaustion. The weights can be adjusted to create more resistance which will result in more effort used.

  • Can a full body workout be cardio in nature?

The answer is yes! Definitely. When you keep your rest periods between exercises to about 15 to 30 seconds, you only have just enough time to catch your breath before hitting out the next bunch of reps.

When done repeatedly, you’ll be gasping and exhausted. Ideally, you should use weights that challenge you but still allow you do fast reps. So, using extremely heavy weights is out of the question. You’re training for stamina and not hypertrophy.

  • Why full-body workouts are so effective

When you engage in full-body workouts, not only do you train your endurance, but you also train your muscles. So, you’re boosting your metabolism, burning calories, working your muscles and creating a situation known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC).

EPOC will turn your body into a fat burning furnace and you’ll be burning calories for 8 to 12 hours after a workout is over. This beats conventional cardio training where you only burn calories during the workout session and all benefits taper off when you’re done.

Engaging in full-body workouts will save you time, unnecessary effort and yield you maximum results in a short time. Within 90 days of regular training, you’d have lost a lot of weight and also look toned. You’ve killed two birds with one stone.

You now officially have a beach body, and it’s time to rock it. Your hard work has paid off.


5 Top Quality Summer Fitness Muscle Building Toning PLR Articles

Summer Fitness Muscle Building Toning PLR Article Titles:

What Exercises Should I Focus On for a Beach Body? (534 words)

Structuring Your Workout Routine for Ultimate Summer Fitness

Best Chest and Tricep Exercises for a Beach Body (560 words)

Best Shoulder, Back and Bicep Exercises for a Beach Body (579 words)

Should You Train Your Abs Daily to Get a Beach Body? (566 words)

These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and Includes PLR License.


Summer Fitness Muscle Building Toning PLR Article Sample:

Best Chest and Triceps Exercises for a Beach Body

There’s no denying the fact that when you’re at the beach with your shirt off, a broad muscular chest and well-defined triceps will turn heads. Many men make the mistake of focusing on their biceps when it’s the size of the triceps that will decide just how big their arms will look because they’re the bigger muscle of the two.

By training your triceps, you’ll not only have bigger arms but will not be wasting unnecessary time doing countless bicep curls just to make your arms look huge.

  • Train chest first

It’s important to note that when training, you’re only as strong as your weakest link. That means, you should always train your bigger and stronger muscles first. In this case, most chest exercises will incorporate some of your triceps muscles.

So, if you train your triceps and exhaust them first, your chest workout will be compromised. It’s best to focus on working your pectoral muscles first, and after you’ve given them your full attention, you can then hit your triceps until exhaustion.

Now let’s look at some of the best chest and triceps exercises that you can do.


  • Barbell bench press

No list would be complete without the bench press. This is the most popular exercise in the gym and the one that guys brag about the most.

It’s a simple exercise. You’ll lie flat on a bench with both your hands holding a barbell above your chest perpendicularly. You’ll then lower the bar until it almost touches your chest, and then you push it back up.

You should lower the bar for 3 counts and push it up for one count. The eccentric motion is the one that truly activates the muscles for most exercises.

  • Dumbbell bench presses

Similar to barbell presses, but you’ll be holding one dumbbell in each arm. While you’ll not be able to move as much weight as you would if you used a bar, with dumbbells, you’ll be able to truly target each side of your chest and train the weaker side.

If you wish to train the lower chest, use decline bench presses and if you wish to train your upper chest, use incline bench presses.

  • Cables

Besides dumbbells and barbells, you can do many chest exercises using cables too. Bench cable flyes, cable crossovers, etc. are highly effective too. The benefit of using cables is that there is always tension on your muscles.

Unlike a bench press where there’s a brief rest if you were to lock your elbows at the top of the movement, with cables, you’ll always be fighting the tension.


Generally, after a chest training, your triceps should already have gotten a workout too. However, if you wish to hit them harder and train the muscles to failure, there are a few exercises that you can use.

Skullcrushers, overhead triceps extensions, triceps dips, rope triceps pushdown, and tricep kickbacks are fantastic for training your arms. Since most of these are isolation exercises, it’s best to save them till the end of the workout.

Work your chest and triceps once or twice a week and gradually try to increase the weights. Always use good form and never use jerky movements just to move more weight.

Leave your ego at the door when you engage in weight training. With time, your muscles will get bigger and you’ll have all the bragging rights when summer comes.


14 Getting Fit PLR Articles and PowerPoint Slides Pack

Getting Fit PLR Article Titles:

These 7 Habits Will Help Your Body Recover from Intense Workouts – 450 words

Try These Easy Ways of Tracking Your Workouts – 532 words

Why Should You Consider A Whole Foods Diet – 493 words

3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Circuit Training – 449 words

5 Exercises That Will Immediately Strengthen Your Core – 466 words

Are High Intensity Boot Camps That Effective – 453 words

Explore The Endless Benefits Of Tai Chi – 554 words

Functional Fitness- What is it and how can you achieve it – 471 words

How Effective is a Personal Trainer in Helping You Get Fit – 489 words

How To Balance Calories and Physical Activities In Your Workout – 483 words

How To Use Your Body Weight To Start Strength Training – 451 words

Integrate High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) into Your Home Workout With These Steps – 505 words

Keeping Fit For Older Adults- How To Start – 454 words

Restorative Yoga- Is The Practice Right for You – 467 words

These articles are available in .TXT format and Includes PLR License.


Getting Fit PLR Article Sample:

Functional Fitness: What is it and how can you achieve it?

There’s a lot of talk online and off about something called “functional fitness.” However, few people understand what it is and why it may be important. Even fewer know how to actually achieve functional fitness. Understanding what it is can help you integrate it into your daily life and your weekly workout routine.

What Is Functional Fitness?

Functional fitness is an exercise that trains your muscles to work together in an effort to prepare them for common movements that you make during your day. For example, the basic squat is a functional movement. Each time you sit, you use the same muscles that you use when you perform a squat. Imagine your movements as you pick up a heavy box or a bag on the floor. Same muscles.

What about when you put away something in an overhead cupboard? You use your back, shoulder, and arm muscles. Functional fitness strives to improve how your muscles work together including your strength.

Why Is Functional Fitness Important?

Most often, when people suffer from injuries at home, it’s because they have a weakness. For example, you pick up a heavy box off of the floor and your back spasms. Suddenly you are on the floor flat on your back with pain.

Rotator cuff injuries often happen with the most basis movements. You put a plate away on a high cupboard and suddenly you have intense shoulder pain. You’ve torn a muscle.

Functional fitness, when it’s added to your workout program, can reduce your risk of these types of injuries. It improves mobility, balance, and strength and makes life just a bit more manageable. It reduces the risk of falls and strengthens joints, ligaments, and tendons too.

How Do You Add Functional Fitness to Your Day?

So how do you integrate functional fitness into your workout? Look to add movements that aren’t done in isolation. For example, a biceps curl is an isolated movement. Lunges, squats and shoulder presses are all movements that require using multiple muscle groups. You can work on different muscle groups each day.

For example, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday you can work on lower body functional fitness. On Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday you can work on upper body functional fitness. Movements can be performed at home or at the gym. Bodyweight movements are just as effective in the beginning.

As you become stronger, you might add weight to the movement. For example you can do an air squat right now. As your leg and core muscles become stronger you can squat with a kettlebell, hand weights or a barbell.

Functional fitness is for everyone, regardless of their athletic ability. Add it to your workout today. You’ll be taking one powerful step toward overall health and reduced risk of injury.


2 Bonus Powerpoint slides

Seven Benefits You’ll Get From Tai Chi

That Will Help Your Body Recover From Intense Work-Outs.


Top 10 Quality Endurance PLR Articles

Endurance PLR Article Titles:

Increasing Your Endurance – 590 words

A Simple Way to Increase Your Fitness Endurance – 422 words

Can Heart Rate Training Help Increase Your Endurance? – 519 words

Can Periodization Help You Increase Your Fitness Endurance? – 516 words

Endurance Exercises for Beginners – 466 words

Is Endurance Exercise Right for You? – 447 words

Simple Tools to Help You Measure Your Endurance – 475 words

Tabata – An Answer to Increasing Your Endurance and Stamina– 460 words

The Benefits of Increasing Your Endurance – 455 words

The Long Slow Path to Increased Endurance – 472 words

What Is Endurance Exercise? – 512 words

These articles are available in .TXT format and Includes PLR License.


Endurance PLR Article Sample:

Is Endurance Exercise Right for You?

You may have been told by a well-meaning doctor, trainer or friend that you should look into endurance exercise. Or you may have read an article that made you wonder…is endurance training right for me? Well, it just may be the best thing you can do for your body. However, it’s not for everyone. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of endurance exercise, so you can make the best decision for your health and fitness goals.

Pros of Endurance Exercise

Endurance exercise strengthens the cardiovascular system. It promotes a healthy heart and lungs and has been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular disease. If you’re concerned about your cardiovascular health, endurance exercise may be for you.

Endurance exercise promotes an efficient metabolism. Endurance training means that your body is staying in the aerobic zone. It’s using oxygen to help supply energy and fuel to your muscles. While there are weight-loss benefits to strengthening both your aerobic and anaerobic systems, endurance exercise trains your body to optimize your metabolism. If you’re exercising for an hour or two a day, you’re going to lose weight.

It’s also good for your mindset. Because endurance exercise is performed at a low to moderate intensity level, you’re able to exercise for longer periods of time. This time is often useful to clear your head, let go of the day’s concerns and generally de-stress.

You have an abundance of options. While many people think of running when they think of endurance exercise, you can bicycle, dance, row, cross-country ski and swim too. In other words, you’re not limited to running. And in many cases there are fitness machines you can purchase so you can exercise year round.

Cons of Endurance Exercise

It can take a lot of time out of your day. Endurance exercise by definition is a longer exercise program. You’re not going to put out a high intensity effort for twenty minutes and be done with your fitness routine. Instead, you’ll exercise for an hour or more depending on your goals and current fitness level. This type of program doesn’t fit into everyone’s schedule.

Endurance exercise also doesn’t take functional fitness or strength training into the whole body health equation. It may be wiser to incorporate endurance exercise into a complete training program. For example, you might do yoga or lift weights twice a week and jog ten miles at a low intensity three times a week.

Endurance exercise is a fantastic way to improve your health. Talk to your trainer or health professional to help you decide if it’s right for you and how to get started.


Spice Up Your HIIT Workouts PLR Report and Squeeze Page – 2246 words

Includes squeeze page and the report is available in .TXT and Word Doc formats.


Table Of Contents For HIIT Workouts PLR Report:

HIIT 101: The Basics………………………………. 4

EPOC…………………………………………………. 5

A few important things to note:………………… 8

Cables, Balls and Bands………………………… 10

Try New Activities…………………………………….. 11

Boxing…………………………………….. 11

Rock climbing…………………………………….. 12

Insanity Max…………………………………….. 13

Change Up Your Workout Music……………………… 13

Vary Your Circuits/Intervals ………………………….14

Have a Training Partner……………………………………. 16

Conclusion………………………………………………….. 17


Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

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Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!

For the first 50 buyers of this Tabata Premium PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!


Bonus 1

10 High Quality HIIT Basics PLR Articles

10 High Quality HIIT Basics PLR Articles Pack

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the 10 HIIT Workout Basics Articles:

  1. Are You Healthy Enough for HIIT?
  2. 7 Commonly Asked Questions Regarding HIIT
  3. What is HIIT and Why is It So Effective?
  4. Discover the Amazing Benefits of HIIT
  5. 9 Common HIIT Mistakes to Avoid
  6. Thinking of Getting Started with HIIT? Read This First!
  7. How to Structure a HIIT Workout
  8. What is the Tabata Protocol?
  9. Making Time for Your HIIT Workouts
  10. What are the Best Exercises to Use in a HIIT Set?


Bonus 2

HIIT 2 Fit Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

HIIT 2 Fit Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights Bundle

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Mind map
Module 4 – Sales Page
Module 5 – VSL
Module 6 – Lead Magnet
Module 7 – Landing Page
Module 8 – Emails
Module 9 – Graphics Pack


Bonus 3

10 Top Quality Fitness for the Generation X PLR Articles and Images

10 Top Quality Fitness for the Generation X PLR Articles Pack

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the 10 Fitness for the Generation X Articles:

  1. Generation X Paves Path to Health
  2. Generation X Is Moving Out Of The Gym And Into The Home
  3. Five Health And Fitness Concepts Vital To Gen X
  4. How to Get Your Social Fix In Your Workout
  5. Gen X Uses Technology to Improve Wellbeing
  6. Generation X Mindset Matters
  7. 5 Steps Improve Generation X Health
  8. Gen X intro
  9. Generation X Demands Fun Exercise
  10. Generation X Demands Convenient Exercise
  11. Exercise Isnt the Whole Picture


Bonus 4

Chemically Engineered Resell PLR eBook and Videos

Chemically Engineered Resell PLR eBook and Videos

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • Cover
  • eCovers
  • Source File
  • Videos

Total File Download Size:

160 Megabytes (MB)


Bonus 5

HIIT It Hard Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

HIIT It Hard Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Training Guide
Module 2 – Cheat Sheet
Module 3 – Mind Map
Module 4 – Resource Report
Module 5 – Sales Letter And Thank You Page
Module 6 – Sales Video
Module 7 – Legal Pages
Module 8 – Graphics
Module 9 – Articles
Module 10 – Banners
Module 11 – Promotional Email Swipes
Module 12 – High Quality eCovers
Module 13 – Social Media Images

Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!

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Package Details For The Tabata Premium PLR Package:

Main eBook:

“The Tabata Fitness Plan: Get More from Every Workout”

(4,235 words, 18 pages, 8 images)


Short Report:

“6 of the Best Types of Exercise for Fat Loss”

(1,805 words, 8 pages, 6 images)


Product Reviews:

Body Xtreme Fitness Rowing Machine Turbo 2000 – 512 words

Coffea H7-HR Activity Tracker Review – 559 words

Reehut 1/2-Inch Extra Thick High Density NBR Exercise Yoga Mat – 494 words

Synergee Aluminum Speed Jump Rope – 530 words

“The All-Day Fat-Burning Diet: The 5-Day Food-Cycling Formula That Resets Your Metabolism To Lose Up to 5 Pounds a Week” by Yuri Elkaim – 547 words


Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Sports Stopwatches – 1024 words


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Boosting Metabolism with Exercise

Email1-What is metabolism – 317 words

Email2-Cardio training and metabolism – 461 words

Email3-Strength training and metabolism – 504 words

Email4-Kicking it up a notch with Tabata training – 344 words

Email5-Fueling your workouts – 416 words


Related Articles:

10 of the Best Exercises to Blast Away Body Fat – 810 words

4 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Short Workouts – 392 words

5 Reasons Why You Should Try Interval Training – 396 words

Cons of Interval Training Workouts – 509 words

How and Why to Boost Your VO2 Max – 685 words

How Does Exercise Speed Up Your Metabolism? – 397 words

How Hard Should You Push Yourself During Interval Training? – 407 words

How Long and How Regularly Do You Need to Work Out? – 413 words

How Often Should You Be Doing Interval Training? – 407 words

How to Do Interval Training on a Bike – 701 words

How to Do Interval Training on a Treadmill – 562 words

How to Do Interval Training with Weights – 526 words

How to Get Started With Interval Training as a Complete Beginner – 627 words

Is HIIT the Same as Tabata? – 533 words

Pros of Interval Training Workouts – 520 words

Threshold vs. Interval Training: What’s the Difference? – 519 words

What Burns the Most Calories? Interval Training vs. Weights vs. Regular Cardio – 409 words

What is a Metabolic Workout? – 399 words

What is Fartlek Training for Runners? – 512 words

What is Tabata Exercise? – 612 words


Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Tips Images

5 Shareable Social Media Inspirational Quote Images

20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

+ 3 bonus bylines for article marketing or guest blogging

14 Royalty Free Images

Images of All Products Reviewed



5 Top Quality Summer Fitness Body Workouts PLR Articles

Summer Fitness Body Workouts PLR Article Titles:

How Often Should I Do Cardio to Get Fit by Summer? (702 words)

5 Tips When Planning a Summer Body Training Regimen (529 words)

Rushing to Become Summer Fit?  Discover the Most Effective Way to Burn Fat with Exercise (758 words)

Cardio Workouts VS Full Body Workouts – Which is Better for Getting a Beach Body? (580 words)

How to Tailor Your Workout Program So You Are Ready for Summer (634 words)

These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and Includes PLR License.


5 Top Quality Summer Fitness Muscle Building Toning PLR Articles

Summer Fitness Muscle Building Toning PLR Article Titles:

What Exercises Should I Focus On for a Beach Body? (534 words)

Structuring Your Workout Routine for Ultimate Summer Fitness

Best Chest and Tricep Exercises for a Beach Body (560 words)

Best Shoulder, Back and Bicep Exercises for a Beach Body (579 words)

Should You Train Your Abs Daily to Get a Beach Body? (566 words)

These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and Includes PLR License.


14 Getting Fit PLR Articles and PowerPoint Slides Pack

Getting Fit PLR Article Titles:

These 7 Habits Will Help Your Body Recover from Intense Workouts – 450 words

Try These Easy Ways of Tracking Your Workouts – 532 words

Why Should You Consider A Whole Foods Diet – 493 words

3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Circuit Training – 449 words

5 Exercises That Will Immediately Strengthen Your Core – 466 words

Are High Intensity Boot Camps That Effective – 453 words

Explore The Endless Benefits Of Tai Chi – 554 words

Functional Fitness- What is it and how can you achieve it – 471 words

How Effective is a Personal Trainer in Helping You Get Fit – 489 words

How To Balance Calories and Physical Activities In Your Workout – 483 words

How To Use Your Body Weight To Start Strength Training – 451 words

Integrate High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) into Your Home Workout With These Steps – 505 words

Keeping Fit For Older Adults- How To Start – 454 words

Restorative Yoga- Is The Practice Right for You – 467 words

These articles are available in .TXT format and Includes PLR License.


Browse for more PLR fitness content at


2 Bonus Powerpoint slides

Seven Benefits You’ll Get From Tai Chi

That Will Help Your Body Recover From Intense Work-Outs.


Top 10 Quality Endurance PLR Articles

Endurance PLR Article Titles:

Increasing Your Endurance – 590 words

A Simple Way to Increase Your Fitness Endurance – 422 words

Can Heart Rate Training Help Increase Your Endurance? – 519 words

Can Periodization Help You Increase Your Fitness Endurance? – 516 words

Endurance Exercises for Beginners – 466 words

Is Endurance Exercise Right for You? – 447 words

Simple Tools to Help You Measure Your Endurance – 475 words

Tabata – An Answer to Increasing Your Endurance and Stamina– 460 words

The Benefits of Increasing Your Endurance – 455 words

The Long Slow Path to Increased Endurance – 472 words

What Is Endurance Exercise? – 512 words

These articles are available in .TXT format and Includes PLR License.


Spice Up Your HIIT Workouts PLR Report and Squeeze Page – 2246 words

Includes squeeze page and the report is available in .TXT and Word Doc formats.


Total Word Count: 38 000+ Words

FAST-ACTION BONUSES – Available for the first 50 buyers of this Tabata Fitness PLR Pack. You’ll no longer see these awesome extra bonuses available on this page once the 50 fast action takers have been awarded.

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