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Healthy Bones Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 42 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Health and Wellness PLR Content.


Attention: Health and Wellness Entrepreneurs

Done for You Premium Health/Wellness PLR Product on a


Health and Wellness!


Dear online business owner, When it comes to top health and wellness searches, Bone health is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Bone Health has spawned an entire industry of blogs, cookbooks and products.

This is where my premium done-for-you Healthy Bones PLR Package comes in. Its all about teaching your customers how to Boost Your Bone Health & Preventing Bone Loss at Any Age.

Everything is done for you – from the main health and wellness info product to your social media updates – its simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative health and wellness niche.


Introducing The…

Healthy Bones Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 42 000 Words of High Quality Healthy Bones Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality Healthy Bones PLR package covers the hugely popular health and wellness niche. Health is evergreen and will always be. This Bone Health PLR content package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it and use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Healthy Bones MEGA PLR Package…

Main eBook:”Exercise for Healthy Bones: Boost Your Bone Health & Prevent Bone Loss at Any Age”

(4,260 words, 20 pages, 8 images)

Healthy Bones Premium PLR Ebook


A look inside the Exercise for Healthy Bones Premium PLR eBook:

Bone Health PLR Ebook Sneak Preview


Table of Contents for the Exercise for Healthy Bones PLR eBook:

Introduction: What Is “Bone Health” And Why Does It Matter?……………………. 3

3 Common Myths About Bone Loss……………………………………………………….. 6

Myth #1 It Happens Only to Women……………………………………………………. 6

Myth #2 You Can Replace Bone Loss…………………………………………………… 6

Myth #3 It Only Happens to Older People……………………………………………………. 6

Risk Factors for Osteoporosis…………………………………………………… 7

10 Things You Can Do to Stop Bone Loss Today………………………………………… 9

1) Reduce Coffee Consumption……………………………………………………. 9

2) Stop Drinking Soda……………………………………………………. 9

3) Take A Calcium Supplement…………………………………………………… 9

4) Get Some Sunshine (and/or Vitamin D)…………………………………………………… 10

5) Reduce Stress…………………………………………………… 10

6) Improve Your Diet…………………………………………………… 11

7) Eat Calcium-Rich Foods…………………………………………………… 11

8) Have Your Bone Density Checked……………………………………………………. 11

9) Check Your Vitamin D Levels (And Your Cortisol Too If You Have That Option)… 11

10) Add Weight-Bearing Exercise to Your Daily Routine………………………………… 12

Weight Bearing Exercises – What to Do and How to Do It………………………………… 13

Keys for Strength Training Success ……………………………………………………………………15

What If You’re Injured, Disabled, Or Have Bone Loss Already?……………………….. 18

Resistance and Flexibility Exercises to Reduce Bone Loss………………………………… 19

Conclusion……………………………………………………………… 20


Sample Content for the Exercise for Healthy Bones PLR eBook:

Introduction: What Is “Bone Health” And Why Does It Matter?

Your bones are porous structures. They’re made up of minerals like calcium and magnesium, and they perform many important functions. They protect your vital organs from damage. For example, your ribs keep your internal organs, heart, and lungs sheltered, and your skull protects your brain from injury.

Bones also keep you moving, standing, and functioning. Think about what you’d do if you didn’t have leg or arm bones. It’d be pretty difficult to get something done, right? You need bones for stability.

Your bones also help repair and rebuild. There are three types of bone cells. They include: osteoblasts, which make new bone and help repair damage; osteocytes, which are mature bone cells that help continue new born formation; and osteoclasts, which break down bone.

Your bones also store minerals such as calcium and phosphorous, which help keep your bones strong. They also release those minerals into your system when you need them for other uses.

For example, you need minerals for your heart to function and beat normally. If you don’t have enough calcium or magnesium in your body to keep your heart beating, your bones will release minerals and try to correct the levels.

What happens to bones as we age?

As we age, our bones grow and change. For example, the length of a femur (your thigh bone) is much different now than when you were five years old. As we age, due to a number of factors (including activity, diet, fitness, and genetics), our bone health can deteriorate. By bone health, we generally refer to what is called “bone density.”

This is the measurement of mineral composition. More bone density means that your cells are essentially closer together and stronger. Bone loss refers to losing bone density and the space between your bone cells becoming larger. They’re more porous.

If you lose bone density then you become more at risk for fractures. Unfortunately, bone loss is a natural part of getting older. Peak bone mass (or bone density) is reached around age 30. After age 30, new bone cell formation slows down. However, there are things that you can do, regardless of your age and degree of past bone loss, to slow down your future bone loss.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.

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Short Report:”11 Foods to Eat for Healthy Bones”

(1,674 words, 8 pages, 5 images)

11 Foods To Eat For Healthy Bones Premium PLR Report



A look inside the 11 Foods to Eat for Healthy Bones PLR Report:

Healthy Bones Premium PLR Report Sneak Preview


Product Reviews:

Fit Simplify Resistance Loop Exercise Bands – 435 words

Hiker Hunger Carbon Fiber Trekking Poles – 551 words

PowerSkip Jump Rope – 389 words

Rep 1,000 lb Rated Flat Weight Bench for Weight Lifting – 678 words

Wilson Federer Adult Strung Tennis Racket – 437 words


Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Nordic Walking Poles – 1127 words


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Are You Destroying Your Bone Health?

Email1-How Sitting Weakens Your Bones – 315 words

Email2-Smoking Raises Your Risk of Developing Osteoporosis – 268 words

Email3-The One Sign That Means Your Gums Are Telling You Your Bones Are Dying – 280 words

Email4-Do You Drink This Poison Thats Destroying Your Bones – 292 words

Email5-4 Common Foods and Drinks That Destroy Your Bones – 337 words


Healthy Bones Email Sample Content:

4 Common Foods and Drinks That Destroy Your Bones


Just as calcium and vitamin D promote strong bones, some of the things you put into your body can make your bones weak and brittle. Here are 5 foods and drinks that make your skeletal system weak.

1  Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. You may have a coffeemaker on your kitchen counter right now, and some coffee in your pantry or refrigerator. For many, the first move of a daily routine is to drink a cup of coffee, or two or three or more.

The high caffeine content in coffee decreases your body’s ability to absorb calcium, and this weakens your bones. Apples provide more energy than your morning Java, so try an apple in the morning instead of a cup of coffee as a healthy replacement.

2  Salty foods degenerate the health of your bones. This can happen at all ages, to men or women, and every time you consume roughly 2,300 mg of sodium, you lose approximately 40 mg of calcium. Start reading food labels. Massive amounts of salt may be hidden in your favorite foods, and since you shouldn’t get more than 2,300 mg per day, you could be unknowingly harming your bones with your current diet.

3  Too much alcohol can lead to bad decisions, an unhealthy liver, and can weaken your bones. Alcohol keeps osteoblasts (cells which build bone) from absorbing calcium and other minerals and nutrients necessary for bone production.

4  Hydrogenated oils are made by contaminating vegetable oils with large amounts of hydrogen gas. This creates trans fats. Fast food, pastries, breads, frozen food and even coffee creamers are among those foods which contain hydrogenated oils and trans fats. If you see “trans fat”, “hydrogenated oil”, or “partially hydrogenated oil” on a food label, eat something else. These types of oils can weaken your bones, and are linked to a number of other health conditions.

To your success,



High Quality Healthy Bones PLR Articles:

3 Bone Health Tips for Men & Women – 595 words

3 Foods That Are Good for Bone Health – 398 words

3 Tips for Boosting the Bone Health of Your Child – 568 words

4 Signs and Symptoms of Unhealthy Bones – 575 words

6 Things You Can Do to Keep Your Bones Strong – 486 words

At What Age Should You Start Worrying About Your Bone Health? – 585 words

Calcium Carbonate vs. Calcium Citrate: Whats the Difference? – 509 words

How Age, Gender and Genetics Affect Bone Health – 551 words

How Does Calcium Boost Bone Health? – 557 words

How Does Cardio Exercise Benefit Bone Health? – 408 words

How Does Menopause Affect Bone Health? – 478 words

How Does Strength Training Benefit Bone Health? – 404 words

How to Prevent Falls and Protect Your Bones as You Age – 465 words

How to Reduce the Risk of Osteoporosis – 410 words

Lifestyle Factors That Can Affect the Health of Your Bones – 633 words

What Are the Risk Factors for Osteoporosis? – 542 words

What Causes Weak Bones? – 573 words

What Role Does Vitamin D Have In Bone Health? – 531 words

When Do We Reach Peak Bone Mass? – 678 words

Why is Bone Density So Important for Our Health? – 410 words


Healthy Bones PLR Article Sample:

At What Age Should You Start Worrying About Your Bone Health?

Bone health is something most people don’t start worrying about until they have already lost a significant amount of bone density already. In light of this, we should start managing our bone health much earlier than most of us do.

From birth to about age 30, our bone mass in continually on the increase. The body is making new bone mass faster than the old bone mass is deteriorating. After approximately the age of 30 though, our bone mass starts to diminish. We are still replacing bone loss, but at a much slower rate than before; we are starting to lose ground in regard to the amount of bone mass.

Osteoporosis is a condition where a significant amount of bone density has been lost over time, making the bones brittle and subject to breakage. If or when you get osteoporosis depends in large part on how much bone mass you have before the decline starts. It makes sense that the more bone mass you have in the beginning, the longer it will take to lose it to the point where you are diagnosed as having osteoporosis, if you develop it at all.

Bone Health Factors

Bone mass is affected by several factors, some of which are in your control, while others are genetic based and are not.

  • Calcium intake. Not getting the recommended amount of calcium daily, either through food or supplements, means a diminished amount of bone density. But that is not the whole story. Adults age 19 to 50, and men 51 to 70, should get at least 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day. For men over age 70 and women over age 50, the amount increases to 1,200 milligrams per day. Healthy food high in calcium include dairy products, fatty fish like tuna, salmon and mackerel, dark leafy green vegetables and soy products.
  • Vitamin D. Not getting enough of this vitamin slows down the absorption rate so even if you are getting enough calcium, it might not be getting into your bones. Just 15 to 20 minutes of sun exposure gives you more than enough vitamin D – around 10,000 IUs. If you can’t get exposure to the sun at least twice a week, ensure you get at least 600 international units (IUs) if between 19 to 70 and 800 IUs for adults age 71 and older, either through food or supplementation.
  • Exercise. There is a direct connection to being physically active and a lowered risk of getting osteoporosis. Be sure to get at least 150 minutes per week of weight-bearing activity.
  • Genetics. If you have a parent that has osteoporosis, or you are of Caucasian or Asian descent, your risk of getting osteoporosis is already elevated. The only way to counteract it is by building up your bones while young to gain maximum density.
  • Unhealthy habits. Study results have shown a link between smoking and excessive drinking of alcohol in regard to bone density loss. They believe it is because these two unhealthy habits interfere with the absorption of calcium into the bones.
  • Hormones. This is again something that for the most part is out of your control. In women, the absence of their monthly period before menopause, due to low estrogen, contributes to bone density loss. In men, low testosterone causes the same effect. In both genders, too much thyroid hormone can cause low bone density also.

As far as maintaining bone health and reducing the risk of osteoporosis, start as early as you can, but no later than age 19.

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Long Article: 4 Tips for Boosting Your Child’s Bone Health – 778 words


4 Tips for Boosting Your Child’s Bone Health Article Sample:

4 Tips for Boosting Your Child’s Bone Health

We all know how important healthy bones are. Without healthy bones, things like sports become impossible. Likewise, if your bones are not healthy, then daily tasks like getting out of bed in the mornings or cleaning the house will become extremely difficult.

Unfortunately, a lot of people realize this too late and they start desperately trying to improve the health of their bones when they are young. But, the thing about healthy bones is that you need to start looking after them when you are young. So, if you have children, then you are going to want to make sure that you take steps to protect their bones now so that their bones remain healthy when they get older.

The most obvious tip is to increase their calcium intake, which is why we will not be mentioning it in the main article since at this point everyone knows that calcium is necessary for healthy bones. With that in mind, here are 4 tips for boosting your child’s bone health.

1) Don’t forget about vitamin D

We all know that calcium is essential for building strong bones, but what a lot of people do not know is that vitamin D is almost as important. Vitamin D is the vitamin that we get from sunlight (it is also found in a small variety of foods) and it is responsible for helping our body to actually absorb minerals. Despite being relatively easy to get, lots of people are still vitamin D deficient. If your child’s body lacks vitamin D, then it is going to struggle to actually absorb the calcium that you give to your child. If you suspect that your child’s vitamin D levels might be low, then you should consider giving them vitamin D supplements, force them to go outside and get exposed to sunshine more often, and give them vitamin D rich foods like orange juice, fish (specifically salmon and sardines), and egg yolks.

2) More exercise is always good for your bones

Bones, much like muscles, operate on a “use it or lose it” basis. Which is to say that if your child is not regularly exercising their bones, then their bones will not develop properly. In fact, not moving around enough massively raises a child’s chance of developing bone issues like osteoporosis later in life. So, no matter what age your child is, you should make an effort to get them moving more. If they are still very young, make sure they are out of their crib often and make sure they are crawling around as much as possible. For older children, make sure that they are getting around 3 hours of physical exercise a day. It does not have to be intense exercise, but they should be outside playing. Doing this will ensure that your child’s bones develop properly and that they do not lose any bone mass due to being sedentary.

3) Avoid fat-based calcium products

For kids, their most common sources of calcium tend to be dairy products with a high proportion of fat. Yogurt, cheese, and regular milk. Now, these can be good for children in small amounts, but the problem with fat-based dairy products is that the body does not absorb calcium as well from products with high-fat components.

So, if traditional sources of calcium are not that efficient, where should kids get their calcium from? Well, leafy vegetables like kale, broccoli, and spinach are great sources of calcium. Another good source is low-fat milk substitutes, like soy milk, almond milk, etc. Now, you do not need to cut fat-based dairy products completely out of your child’s diet, but you should supplement them with other, better sources of calcium like the ones just described.

4) Make sure your child stays at a healthy weight

This tip may seem obvious, but given that childhood obesity is on the rise in most developed countries, it, unfortunately, seems like a tip that quite a few parents need. Being overweight is terrible for your bones (this is true for people of all ages). Children who are overweight are at a much greater risk of suffering bone related injuries like fractures. While that is an issue, just being overweight puts more strain on your child’s bones, specifically their joints. Given that a person’s bones continue to develop until around their 20s, putting extra stress on your child’s bones when they are young could result in issues down the road when they are older. So, if your child is overweight, you should take steps to address that issue immediately. You can ban junk food, encourage them to play outside, and encourage them to eat a healthier diet.


5 Top Quality Weight Loss Psychology Crucial Habits PLR Articles

Accountability Habits For Achieving Weight Loss (583 words)

Why Watching Your Blood Sugar Levels is One of the Best Habits to Have (804 words)

Daily Exercise Is it a Habit or are You Forcing Yourself? (615 words)

Cooking Your Own Meals A Long Lost Habit of Good Health (675 words)

Tracking The Habit of Measuring and Managing Your Health (540 words)


These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and Includes PLR License.


5 Top Quality Weight Loss Psychology Crucial Habits PLR Article Sample:

Daily Exercise – Is it a Habit or are You Forcing Yourself?

We’ve all heard the excuse, “I just don’t have time to exercise”. We might even be guilty of using it every now and again.

Whenever one thinks of losing weight, they immediately think of two things – diet and exercise… and neither sounds fun. Thoughts of running endlessly on the treadmill or doing weight training is a turn off for thousands of people.

Yet, they force themselves to exercise because they want to lose weight. The unfortunate fact is that by the third week, most people quit. They start skipping workouts over and over until finally they just stop.

There’s a reason this happens. They’ve not made exercise a habit. Once you make it a habit, you’ll stick with it. Until then, it’s a chore.

In this article we’ll look at how you can make it a habit that you carry with you into your golden years.

  • Exercise doesn’t have to be torture

Forget the old advice about running for an hour or lifting weights. If you’ve led a sedentary life for years, all you need to do is find a physical activity you enjoy (other than the obvious one).

It doesn’t matter whether you like swimming or cycling or even Zumba classes. As long as you’re moving, you’ll be burning calories. Some people prefer kickboxing while others prefer rock climbing. There is no right or wrong answer.

The goal is to get more active… and if you find an activity you love, you’ll gladly stick with it until it becomes a habit.

  • Knowing the Basics

The basics of weight loss are to make sure your diet is on point and to get some cardio and resistance training in your workout regimen.

Over 80 percent of your success will depend on your diet. Exercise is just to give your metabolism an added boost to burn more calories.

That said, regardless of what activity you do, if you do it fast with little rest in-between, it will become cardio in nature. If you do rock climbing, it’s a form of resistance training. Do it fast over and over and it becomes cardio.

Running is a cardio activity. Adding ankle weights or a weighted backpack while running uphill makes it resistance training. So, you can always tweak the activities you love to get both cardio and resistance training in them.

  • Overcoming obstacles

The best way to make exercise a habit is to do it early in the day. Get it over with. Do it before work or in the morning on weekends. Once it’s done, you’ll not keep thinking of excuses to skip the workout.

Even those with the habit find themselves not in the mood every now and then. Completing the exercise early in the day is one of the best ways to stay on track.

  • A quick trick to making exercise a habit

No matter how much you hate exercising initially, just tell yourself you’ll do it for 5 minutes. It doesn’t matter if you go all the way to the gym just to walk on the treadmill for 5 minutes and go home. Just do it.

Over time, you will build the habit. No matter how lazy or unmotivated you feel, always give yourself that 5 minutes. You’ll notice that most of the time, you carry on with the workout since you’re already there.

Just give yourself the chance. Everything else will fall into place once you take the first step.

These 4 points may seem simplistic, but they’re the fundamentals to making exercise a habit. Adopt them and make exercise something you can’t live without.

“Habit is a cable; we weave a thread of it each day, and at last we cannot break it.” – Horace Mann


5 Top Quality Weight Loss Psychology Sustainable Results PLR Articles

Is Your Diet Suitable for the Long Term? (641 words)

Discover Why Routines and Planning Will Give You More Freedom (606 words)

Making Corrections When You Slip Up (561 words)

Why Paying It Forward Will Help with Weight Management (686 words)

Is Having a Social Life while Staying Lean and Fit Possible (558 words)

These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and Includes PLR License.


5 Top Quality Weight Loss Psychology Sustainable Results PLR Article Sample:

Is Having a Social Life while Staying Lean and Fit Possible?

If you’re overweight and struggling to shed the excess pounds, embarking on a weight loss program will be a huge step… and it will be a difficult one. However, things can get a lot more challenging if you have a very active social life.

Trying to lose weight and get fit doesn’t gel well with throwing back Sambuca shots at the club every weekend. In this article, we’ll see if you can have a social life and still achieve your fitness goals.

  • How social are you?

This is the most important question to think about. If you’re hitting the club once or twice a month, that’s manageable. Partying once or twice a week is a definite no-no.

Binge eating at parties or consuming too much alcohol too often can undo all your exercise and dieting in a couple of hours. You’ll be taking 2 steps forward and 3 steps back.

Ideally, you should limit yourself to one social event a month during your weight loss journey.

  • Is it adversely affecting your progress?

When you’re young, your body is a lot hardier and you can recover faster after a night out on the town. Once you’re in your thirties, it may take you two to three days to recover from one day of partying.

This may make you skip your workout or you may eat what you shouldn’t because your body is tired, you don’t feel good and it’s just too much effort to stick with the plan.

Sticking to a weight loss program requires both mental and physical energy. When you’re low in energy, it’s more difficult to summon the discipline you need to stay focused.

This is why so many people cave to temptation and binge eat at night. They’re tired at the end of the day and can’t resist the cravings for food.

  • Did you take advance measures?

When you’re trying to achieve your weight loss goal, you may often find that social situations crop up or you get invited to events that will mean either skipping your workouts or eating meals you shouldn’t.

If you’re faced with these issues, you should either exercise earlier in the day so that you don’t need to skip a workout, or you may bring your own food so that you don’t need to eat the unhealthier options there.

In some cases, it may seem weird to bring your own meals. For situations like these, it’s best to fast for most of the day, do a high intensity interval training session and hour or so before you attend the event.

You’ll then be in calorie burning mode, and since you fasted, even if you eat more than you were supposed to at the event, the impact on your weight loss would be mitigated.

  • Do you have an exit plan?

Set a time for yourself to leave the party or the club or whatever event you’re at. The later you stay, the more you’ll eat or drink and sabotage yourself. So, have an exit plan that you can use to get yourself home.

Follow these tips and you can have a social life and still lose weight and get fit. You only need to cut down on your socializing until you achieve your desired weight. After that, you can ease up a little and have more fun while you maintain your weight.


10 Top Quality Osteoporosis PLR Articles

Osteoporosis PLR Article Titles:

1.Bone Density Tests – Risk Detectors for Osteoporosis – 548 words

2.Forteo Osteoporosis Treatment – The Pros And Cons – 491 words

3.Managing Chronic Pain in Osteoporosis – 585 words

4.Osteoporosis Causes the Bones in The Body to Become Brittle – 596 words

5.Osteoporosis Effects on The Body – 544 words

6.Osteoporosis Exercises to Keep You Limber – 595 words

7.Osteoporosis Guidelines – What Your Doctor Should Be Doing – 512 words

8.Osteoporosis Medicine – The Types Of Treatments For The Condition – 574 words

9.Osteoporosis Symptoms – What to Know About The Silent Epidemic – 345 words

10.Osteoporosis –  Bone Health for This Condition – 505 words

These articles are available in .TXT format and Includes PLR License.


10 Top Quality Osteoporosis PLR Article Sample:

Osteoporosis Effects on The Body

Osteoporosis effects the body by causing the bones to degenerate and lose mass.  8 million women and 2 million men in America are afflicted with the disease and at least half of all women will de osteoporosis effects in their lifetimes.  There is no cure for osteoporosis, but there are treatments which will lessen osteoporosis’ effects.

Although there are currently not any cures for osteoporosis, several treatments exist that can help you to increase your bone density and prevent potential fractures. If you currently suffer from osteoporosis or are at risk for osteoporosis, you should know what the choices you have are so that you can select the correct treatment to reduce the osteoporosis effects.

Osteoporosis is when your bones lose a percentage of their mineral density. It leads to serious fractures, including those in the wrist, hip and spine. The fractures from osteoporosis can be painful and may even limit your independence and freedom. The disease is most common among the elderly and women, though it can also occur in men and young people. Once you get osteoporosis, it lasts the rest of your life, but it can be reversed or reduced through careful treatment. There are numerous causes of osteoporosis including: estrogen loss during menopause, eating disorders, disease, or genetic factors.

Osteoporosis is often termed the “silent epidemic” because it is accompanied by no visible symptoms. If you suffer from osteoporosis, you probably won’t know about it until you have been diagnosed by a physician. One of the first signs is that the bones become so brittle and you suffer from a fracture or a broken bone. Fractures tend to  result from everyday falls. Spinal and hip fractures are very common and the osteoporosis effects can be severe. Did you know that 20% of people with osteoporotic spine fractures die within one year?

One reason that women are more apt to develop osteoporosis is that menopause can wreak havoc on your bones. During menopause, estrogen levels in your body drop rapidly and estrogen plays an important role in bone health. The osteoclasts are kept in check by estrogen, which allows the osteoblasts to build more bone. Bones can become thin and brittle quite rapidly unless the estrogen is replaced.

Estrogen replacement is an effective treatment to lessen the osteoporosis effects. Women suffering from osteopenia or osteoporosis who take estrogen can prevent further reabsorption of bone and boost the creation of new bone mass. Estrogen therapy is also an effective treatment for menopause.  It can increase bone mass by at least 5 percent over 2 years. It is recommended that women have at least 5 years of estrogen therapy to protect against serious fractures, including those of the hip and spine. You should know that once estrogen therapy is stopped, its benefits will begin to disappear.

Another factor to help lessen the osteoporosis effects is calcium.  Calcium is essential for healthy bones.  The mineral is a natural medication for osteoporosis. If you have mild to moderate osteopenia or if you have a family history of osteoporosis, calcium supplements can help reduce your risk of bone fractures. 1000 mg supplements are recommended daily, in addition to a diet rich in calcium.

And that’s the low down on osteoporosis effects.


15 Top Quality Living A Natural Healthstyle For Women PLR Articles Pack

Living A Natural Healthstyle For Women PLR Article Titles:

  1. 10 Tips To Help You Build a Healthy Immune System – 571 words
  2. For Women-How To Integrate Natural Health In Your Life. – 562 words
  3. For Women-Understanding Bone Loss and Bone Health – 609 words
  4. Herbal Medicine and Nutritional Medicine-Where Do They Differ – 631 words
  5. How To Live A Naturally Healthy Lifestyle – 594 words
  6. How To Maintain Healthy Kidneys, The Natural Way – 530 words
  7. Pelvic Organ Prolapse-Learn The Cause, Treatments and Effects – 731 words
  8. Start Healing Your Digestive System Today With These Simple Tips – 611 words
  9. These Simple Ideas Will Greatly Boost Your Emotional Health – 704 words
  10. This is How Regular Exercise Promotes Overall Body Balance – 639 words
  11. Try These Lifestyle Changes for Better Heart Health – 594 words
  12. Understanding The Concept of Alternative Medicine for Women – 586 words
  13. Use These 16 Simple Ways To Balance Your Hormones The Natural Way – 576 words
  14. Yes, The Body Heals Itself. Here’s How It Happens. – 543 words
  15. Your Liver Is Really Delicate, So Here’s How You Can Keep It Healthy – 815 words

These articles are available in .TXT format and Includes PLR License.


15 Top Quality Living A Natural Healthstyle For Women PLR Article Sample:

Start Healing Your Digestive System Today With These Simple Tips

Did you know your digestive system could be making you sick and fat? If you have any type of health concerns or are overweight, it might be a sign that your digestive system needs attention. Problems you could be you experiencing include irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, bloating, heartburn, or acid reflux. Bloating, diarrhea and gas among other things could also be caused by an unhealthy digestive system.

Here are some common digestive problems and the natural way to solve them.

Indigestion, Acid Reflux and Heartburn

Increased acid levels will have you suffering from heartburn, acid reflux, bloating and indigestion. Over the counter acid reducing remedies may seem like an instant fix, but they can create more long-term problems than solutions. OTC antacids can create a greater imbalance in your system and increase the risk of ulcers or pancreatic or gastric cancer.

A better way to deal with these symptoms is with natural products. Look for products that contain slippery elm, marshmallow or plantain. These herbs coat and heal the digestive tract. They can be found in capsule form at many stores.

Gas and Bloating

The first step to eliminating gas and bloating is to remove trigger foods from your diet. Foods such as baked beans, broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, carbonated drinks, hard candies and chewing gum are common culprits.

Add a good probiotic to your diet by eating yogurt, sour cream and cottage cheese. Make sure you buy a kind that contains live, active cultures. Drink Kefir and add miso paste to soups, stews and casseroles.

Apple cider vinegar and fennel, anise or chamomile can be taken for discomfort. Ginger tea will work well for flatulence.

Other ways to improve your digestive health:

Take care of your body by getting enough sleep, having a positive state of mind, and exercising. Exercise helps tone your muscles and a positive state of mind influences how you absorb nutrients and digest your food. Do some kind of physical activity every day. Walking, playing with your dog, aerobics or even household chores like sweeping or gardening all count as a form of exercise.

Choose healthy whole foods meals. Your meals should be well balanced and proportionately sized. Don’t leave out all fat since your body needs it to slow down the intestinal tract. A wide variety of foods that includes plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits should be included in your diet. Add whole-grain foods, beans and nuts that promote intestinal health. Avoid sweets and simple carbohydrates.

Eliminate food irritants. If you are sensitive to certain foods, eliminate them from your diet as much as possible. Dairy, gluten, soy and eggs are common culprits. Remove them one at a time from your diet until you figure out what is causing the irritation.

Heal and protect your stomach lining by taking omega-3, glutamine and zinc supplements daily.

Get regular medical checkups and screenings. Screenings can help find problems before you even become aware of them.

Drink at least 8 ounces of water with every meal and snacks.

Reduce the number of caffeinated and alcoholic drinks you consume and stop tobacco.

Take your time eating. Savor every bite.

Avoid eating before going to bed. Try to eat at least 3 hours before you retire.

Your digestive system is a hard working part of your body. It converts food into energy and nourishes it so the body can build, repair or maintain itself. When it’s not at its best, you feel it in the form of heartburn, constipation or diarrhea. You’re uncomfortable. It can be a sign that simple lifestyle changes are needed to improve your digestive health.


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  1. Full Body Workouts Will Blast Your Fat Away! (585 words)
  2. Resistance Training for Weight Loss: What You MUST Know (550 words)
  3. Is Bodyweight Training Better for Weight Loss? (531 words)
  4. Compound Moves VS Isolation Moves: Which Do You Focus On? (523 words)
  5. 8 Common Resistance Training Mistakes People Make (617 words)


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5 High Quality Natural Remedies For Joint Pain PLR Articles

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  2. 4 Home Remedies to Battle Joint Pain (760 words)
  3. Acupuncture for Painful Joints (616 words)
  4. Soothing Your Mind to Soothe Joint Pain (982 words)
  5. Hot & Cold Therapy for Painful Joints (623 words)


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10 High Quality Diet Tips For Seniors PLR Articles Pack

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  1. Portion Control and Dietary Changes for Seniors (569 words)
  2. Discover How Seniors Can Reduce Body Aches and Pains (604 words)
  3. 9 Supplements That Will Help Seniors (581 words)
  4. 6 Benefits of Juicing for Seniors (591 words)
  5. Diet Tips for Seniors with Diabetes (519 words)
  6. Detoxing to Improve Health in the Elderly (536 words)
  7. 10 Common Health Problems that Seniors Face and the Foods to Prevent These Problems (569 words)
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Package Details For The Healthy Bones Premium PLR Package:

Main eBook:

“Exercise for Healthy Bones: Boost Your Bone Health & Prevent Bone Loss at Any Age”

(4,260 words, 20 pages, 8 images)


Short Report:

“11 Foods to Eat for Healthy Bones”

(1,674 words, 8 pages, 5 images)


Product Reviews:

Fit Simplify Resistance Loop Exercise Bands – 435 words

Hiker Hunger Carbon Fiber Trekking Poles – 551 words

PowerSkip Jump Rope – 389 words

Rep 1,000 lb Rated Flat Weight Bench for Weight Lifting – 678 words

Wilson Federer Adult Strung Tennis Racket – 437 words


Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Nordic Walking Poles – 1127 words


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Are You Destroying Your Bone Health?

Email1-How Sitting Weakens Your Bones – 315 words

Email2-Smoking Raises Your Risk of Developing Osteoporosis – 268 words

Email3-The One Sign That Means Your Gums Are Telling You Your Bones Are Dying – 280 words

Email4-Do You Drink This Poison That’s Destroying Your Bones – 292 words

Email5-4 Common Foods and Drinks That Destroy Your Bones – 337 words


Bone Health PLR Articles:

3 Bone Health Tips for Men & Women – 595 words

3 Foods That Are Good for Bone Health – 398 words

3 Tips for Boosting the Bone Health of Your Child – 568 words

4 Signs and Symptoms of Unhealthy Bones – 575 words

6 Things You Can Do to Keep Your Bones Strong – 486 words

At What Age Should You Start Worrying About Your Bone Health? – 585 words

Calcium Carbonate vs. Calcium Citrate: Whats the Difference? – 509 words

How Age, Gender and Genetics Affect Bone Health – 551 words

How Does Calcium Boost Bone Health? – 557 words

How Does Cardio Exercise Benefit Bone Health? – 408 words

How Does Menopause Affect Bone Health? – 478 words

How Does Strength Training Benefit Bone Health? – 404 words

How to Prevent Falls and Protect Your Bones as You Age – 465 words

How to Reduce the Risk of Osteoporosis – 410 words

Lifestyle Factors That Can Affect the Health of Your Bones – 633 words

What Are the Risk Factors for Osteoporosis? – 542 words

What Causes Weak Bones? – 573 words

What Role Does Vitamin D Have In Bone Health? – 531 words

When Do We Reach Peak Bone Mass? – 678 words

Why is Bone Density So Important for Our Health? – 410 words


Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Tips Images

5 Shareable Social Media Quote Images

20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

+ 3 bonus bylines for article marketing or guest blogging

13 Royalty Free Images

Images of All Products Reviewed



Long Article: 4 Tips for Boosting Your Child’s Bone Health – 778 words


5 Top Quality Weight Loss Psychology Crucial Habits PLR Articles

Accountability Habits For Achieving Weight Loss (583 words)

Why Watching Your Blood Sugar Levels is One of the Best Habits to Have (804 words)

Daily Exercise Is it a Habit or are You Forcing Yourself? (615 words)

Cooking Your Own Meals A Long Lost Habit of Good Health (675 words)

Tracking The Habit of Measuring and Managing Your Health (540 words)

These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and Includes PLR License.


5 Top Quality Weight Loss Psychology Sustainable Results PLR Articles

Is Your Diet Suitable for the Long Term? (641 words)

Discover Why Routines and Planning Will Give You More Freedom (606 words)

Making Corrections When You Slip Up (561 words)

Why Paying It Forward Will Help with Weight Management (686 words)

Is Having a Social Life while Staying Lean and Fit Possible (558 words)

These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and Includes PLR License.


10 Top Quality Osteoporosis PLR Articles

Osteoporosis PLR Article Titles:

1.Bone Density Tests – Risk Detectors for Osteoporosis – 548 words

2.Forteo Osteoporosis Treatment – The Pros And Cons – 491 words

3.Managing Chronic Pain in Osteoporosis – 585 words

4.Osteoporosis Causes the Bones in The Body to Become Brittle – 596 words

5.Osteoporosis Effects on The Body – 544 words

6.Osteoporosis Exercises to Keep You Limber – 595 words

7.Osteoporosis Guidelines – What Your Doctor Should Be Doing – 512 words

8.Osteoporosis Medicine – The Types Of Treatments For The Condition – 574 words

9.Osteoporosis Symptoms – What to Know About The Silent Epidemic – 345 words

10.Osteoporosis –  Bone Health for This Condition – 505 words

These articles are available in .TXT format and Includes PLR License.


15 Top Quality Living A Natural Healthstyle For Women PLR Articles Pack

Living A Natural Healthstyle For Women PLR Article Titles:

10 Tips To Help You Build a Healthy Immune System – 571 words

For Women-How To Integrate Natural Health In Your Life. – 562 words

For Women-Understanding Bone Loss and Bone Health – 609 words

Herbal Medicine and Nutritional Medicine-Where Do They Differ – 631 words

How To Live A Naturally Healthy Lifestyle – 594 words

How To Maintain Healthy Kidneys, The Natural Way – 530 words

Pelvic Organ Prolapse-Learn The Cause, Treatments and Effects – 731 words

Start Healing Your Digestive System Today With These Simple Tips – 611 words

These Simple Ideas Will Greatly Boost Your Emotional Health – 704 words

This is How Regular Exercise Promotes Overall Body Balance – 639 words

Try These Lifestyle Changes for Better Heart Health – 594 words

Understanding The Concept of Alternative Medicine for Women – 586 words

Use These 16 Simple Ways To Balance Your Hormones The Natural Way – 576 words

Yes, The Body Heals Itself. Here’s How It Happens. – 543 words

Your Liver Is Really Delicate, So Here’s How You Can Keep It Healthy – 815 words

These articles are available in .TXT format and Includes PLR License.


Total Word Count: 42 000+ Words

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