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Back Pain Premium PLR Ebook

Healthy Back Fitness Premium PLR Package 35k Words

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Healthy Back Fitness Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 35 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Health and Fitness Content.


Attention: Health, Fitness and Wellness Entrepreneurs

Done for You Premium Fitness PLR Product on a


Back Pain!


Dear online business owner, When it comes to top health and fitness searches, the back pain niche is one of the most searched-for topics online. It’s safe to say that health and fitness has spawned an entire industry of blogs, health/fitness courses, and products.

This is where my premium done for you Healthy Back Fitness PLR Package comes in. Its all about teaching your customers about Easing Your Back Pain: A Guide to Using Exercise to Treat & Prevent Back Pain.

Everything is done for you – from the main back pain PLR info product to your social media updates – its simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative health and fitness niche.


Introducing The…

Healthy Back Fitness Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 35 000 Words of High Quality Healthy and Fitness Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This big Healthy Back Fitness PLR package covers the hugely popular health and fitness niche. Health and Fitness is evergreen and will always be. This Healthy Back Fitness PLR content package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it and use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Healthy Back Fitness MEGA PLR Package…

Main eBook:”Ease Your Back Pain: A Guide to Using Exercise to Treat & Prevent Back Pain”

(4,276 words, 21 pages, 9 images)

Back Pain Premium PLR Ebook


A look inside the Ease Your Back Pain Premium PLR eBook:

Health Back Fitness Premium PLR Ebook Sneak Preview


Table of Contents for the Ease Your Back Pain PLR eBook:

Introduction……………………………………. 3

5 Ways Exercise Helps Back Pain………………………………. 4

7 Exercise Mistakes People with Back Pain Make………………………………. 7

Not Talking to Their Doctor First ………………………………7

Doing Too Much………………………………. 7

Performing Exercises That Make Back Pain Worse………………………………. 8

Exercising Through the Pain/Forcing It……………………………… 8

Not Taking Rest Days……………………………… 8

Not Warming Up and Cooling Down………………………………. 8

Performing Exercise with Poor Form……………………………….. 9

Back Friendly Exercises – Movements and Fitness Programs that Support Back Health… 10

Strength Exercises……………………………… 11

Cardio Exercise for Better Backs……………………………… 18

Stretching for a Healthy Back………………………………. 20


Sample Content for Ease Your Back Pain PLR eBook:

Cardio Exercise for Better Backs


There’s nothing better for you than walking. A study conducted by the Laser Spine Institute in 2012 study found that walking just 20 to 40 minutes, twice weekly for six weeks, helped ease low back pain. It also helps you get your heart rate up and your blood circulating. And the sunshine and fresh air are great mood boosters. On bad weather days you can walk on a treadmill.

Tips: Walk at an intensity level where you feel like you’re pushing yourself; where you’re not out of breath and can talk, but your heart rate is increased.


Swimming is a low impact exercise that doesn’t twist or strain your back. In fact, it’s an excellent strengthening exercise, as well as a good cardio one. Generally speaking the backstroke and breaststroke are recommended for people with back pain. The front crawl is good, but it does require some twisting – which can cause problems if you’re already experiencing back pain.

Stair climber

The stair climber supports you to burn calories, build strong leg and glute muscles, and when you maintain proper posture it also helps you strengthen your core.

Tips: Gently hold the railings to stay upright, but don’t use your arms for support.

Try to add at least 20 minutes of cardio to your day. If you’re also doing a strength training program and don’t have more than 30 minutes in a day to work out, alternate days of strength and cardio – and don’t forget to take a rest day. Stretching is next and that’s something you should try to do before and after every workout.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.

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Short Report:”10 Everyday Habits That Are Setting You Up for Lower Back Pain”

(1,715 words, 7 pages, 5 images)

Back Pain Premium PLR Report


A look inside the 10 Everyday Habits That Are Setting You Up for Lower Back Pain PLR Report:

Health Back Fitness Premium PLR Report Sneak Preview


Product Reviews:

“Back RX” Book Review – 691 words

Exercise Ball by Urbnft – 589 words

Nayoya Back and Neck Pain Relief – 1050 words

Speedo Aqua Fit Swim Training Gloves – 502 words

Yes4All Stability Disc Review – 596 words


Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Water Exercise Belts – 859 words


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Understanding Lower Back Pain

Email1-Your Back Aches Is It Serious or Not – 320 words

Email2-What Causes Your Back to Hurt – 318 words

Email3-Understanding the Most Common Forms of Back Pain – 287 words

Email4-Back Pain Prevention What You Need to Know – 277 words

Email5-Top 10 Ways to Relieve Back Pain – 284 words


Healthy Back Fitness Email Sample Content:

Understanding the Most Common Forms of Back Pain


Back pain is very personal.

Two people with the same injury can experience different levels of intensity. The way you manage your back pain may be entirely different from someone else. There are so many ways you can injure your back, simply moving through your regular routine. Also, all back pains and aches are not created equally – some are more severe than others.

If you have to head to the doctor because your back pain won’t go away, or it has totally ruined your mobility and independence, you probably suffered from one of the following common forms of back pain.

  • Muscle sprain
  • Lumbar sprain
  • Torn or over-stressed ligaments
  • Degenerated discs
  • Slipped discs
  • Ruptured or herniated discs
  • Worn down cartilage
  • Torn muscle

These issues can be caused by other health concerns, like diabetes, osteoarthritis, bone spurs or neurological problems.

They can occur with varying levels of intensity and severity due to normal activities. Doing the laundry, mowing your yard, unpacking the groceries and playing with your kids or grandchildren can all result in back pain.

Look at the common back pains listed above. When you suffer from back pain, it could be one of these or another reason. Even if your pain is minimal, if you have suffered some kind of serious internal damage and you ignore it, this could lead to much more pain and limited mobility.

Your spine is too important to play a guessing game with.

The next time you experience back pain, get it checked out. And if your pain persists for several weeks, or you have dealt with back pain for years, you need to see a specialist immediately.

To your success,



High Quality Healthy Back Fitness PLR Articles:

4 Exercises to Help With Sciatica Pain – 493 words

4 Exercises to Prevent Back Pain in Those That Work at a Computer – 713 words

6 Bad Exercises to Perform if You Have Back Pain – 425 words

6 Pool Therapy Exercises to Help with Back Pain – 403 words

6 Stretches to Help Ease Back Pain – 489 words

6 Tips for Keeping Your Back Healthy – 668 words

A Beginner’s Guide to Using an Exercise Ball – 509 words

A Guide to the McKenzie Method for Back Pain – 424 words

Can Yoga and Pilates Help with Back Pain? – 430 words

Essential Home Exercise Equipment Guide for Those Suffering with Back Pain – 477 words

How Does Aerobic Exercise Lessen Back Pain? – 578 words

How to Choose the Best Shoes for Back Pain Walking Exercises – 554 words

How Water Therapy Can Help with Osteoarthritis Pain – 583 words

Risk Factors for Developing Low Back Pain – 627 words

Should You Exercise If You Suffer from Back Pain? – 430 words

Stretching Techniques That Can Help Alleviate Back Pain – 466 words

Understanding 2 Different Types of Back Pain – 929 words

What Are the Causes of Sciatica? – 687 words

What are the Differences between Acute and Chronic Back Pain? – 625 words

Why Cardio Exercise Is Important for Treating Back Pain – 501 words

Why Low Impact Exercise Is Important for Back Pain – 542 words


Healthy Back Fitness PLR Article Sample:

4 Exercises to Help with Sciatica Pain

Sciatica pain can be caused by a number of things, such as a ruptured disc, narrowing of the spinal canal or a back injury. To better understand sciatica pain, let’s look at the sciatica nerve itself. It runs down the length of the spine and branches off at each vertebra. The pain can feel like sharp shocks running down your leg or just a nagging lower back pain. In the case of leg pain, usually only one leg is affected. Exercises that rotate the hips in some way usually provide relief. The Reclining Pigeon Pose and Sitting Pose both do just this – rotate the hips.

Reclining Pigeon Pose

Start by lying on the floor on your back. Bring up your right leg bent at the knee using your hands behind the knee to help bring it toward you. Now bend it to the left and bring your left leg up so that it contacts your bent leg. Using your left leg, push the bent leg further forward toward your head and hold for a second or two. Switch legs and repeat the exercise.

Sitting Pose

Sit on the floor with your legs outstretched in front of you. Now bend your right leg and cross it over your left leg so that your right ankle is just above and to the outside of your left knee. Lean forward toward your crossed leg and attempt to touch your upper body to your leg. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds, Repeat with the other leg.

Sitting Spinal Stretch

Sometimes sciatica pain is caused by compressed vertebrae. This exercises helps decompress and create some space in between them. Start out the same as in the Sitting Pose. Cross your right leg over your left so that your right ankle is on the outside of your left knee. Now rotate your upper body to the right and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat three times before switching sides.

Knee to Opposite Shoulder

Tight gluteal or piriformis muscles pressing against the sciatic nerve can be a source of back pain. A simple stretch can sometimes loosen them up enough to relieve the pain.

Start by laying on your back on the floor with your legs outstretched in front of you. With your hands clasped around your right leg just below your knee, pull your right leg across your body to the left toward your left shoulder. Hold for 30 seconds before returning back to the starting position and switching legs.

Number of Repetitions

The duration of hold is noted for each exercise, but as far a number of repetitions, try to do at least three repetitions of each exercise for each leg. Once you can routinely do three, try to do more.

By rotating through these exercises, you should find one or more that provide some relief. While all of these exercises are good for your back, focus on the one(s) you find help relieve your sciatica pain the most.

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Social Media Posts & Images:


5 Shareable Social Media Fitness Graphics (PLR)

Health Back Fitness Premium PLR Social Fitness Tips


5 Shareable Social Media Inspirational Images

Health Back Fitness Premium PLR Inspirational Images

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20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

Health Back Fitness Premium PLR Social Media Tweets


11 Royalty Free Images

Health Back Fitness Royalty Free Images


Images of All Products Reviewed

Health Back Fitness Premium PLR Products Reviewed


Healthy Back Fitness Keyword Research Pack

Health Back Fitness Premium PLR Keyword Research



10 Top Quality Back Pain PLR Articles And Tweets: 

1.Avoid Back Pain by Stretching – 630 words

2.Back Pain – How It Starts – 750 words

3.Back Pain Indicators 767 words

4.Connective Tissues, Joints, and Back Pain 595 words

5.Herniated Disks and Back Pain 610 words

6.Osteoarthritis and Back Pain – A Brief History 601 words

7.Preventing Sports Injuries and Back Pain 606 words

8.Reduce Back Pain 558 words

9.Shoes and Back Pain 680 words

10.Skeletal Muscles – How they Cause Back Pain 633 words

The above Back Pain PLR Articles come in .TXT format and includes PLR license.


10 Top Quality Back Pain PLR Article Sample:

Back Pain – How it Starts

From the moment that back pain starts, we must pay close attention to the different variables associated with it. Back pain can originatefrom various musculoskeletal and nerve problems. The most common cause of back pain begins with a slipped disk, also known as a “herniated nucleus pulposa” (HNP). Physicians typically refer to a rupture in the “intervertebral disk” as a slipped disk. An intervertebral is located between the spinal column and the posterior spine.

The “interruption” has its own variables, including the L4 vertebra and L5 vertebra, and the C5 through C7 vertebra. Even though the C5 through C7 are part of the neck, they also belong to or associated with other sections of the back as well. When medical professionals begin looking for slipped disks, they typically look through the possible etiology, including the possibility of strains, trauma, malformation, degeneration, weakness, and heavy lifting that can damage the back and the neck ligaments, causing strains and sprains.

After giving consideration the etiology of the problem, they take into consideration the pathphysiology, including the possibility of “nucleus pulposus.” The middle does connect to the spinal column, and there is a good possibility that it can press on spinal nerves, roots, or even the spinal cord, causing pain. If the spinal cord does become compressed, it can restrain the nerves and rootsgenerating a variety of symptoms, including reduction in motor function, numbness, and even pain.

The assessment is typically centered around the lumbroscral area, which can cause short-term, or long-term pain in the lower portion of the back. Pain in this area does not stay where it started, it tends to radiation through the buttocks and even down the back of the legs. It is not uncommon for people with this condition to experience numbness and weakness in their legs and possibly into the feet, so ambulation may be tested.

Another location in the lower back where physicians typically search for slipped disks is through the lumbar curves. These are located at the lower portion of the back, which is a common problem for patients with an abnormal spine curvature.

When the cervical vertebrae are considered, the symptoms are very different. Doctors look for rigidity in the neck, numbness in the arms, weakness, and possible tingling in the fingers and hands. If the pain radiates down the arms and into the hands, there is an evaluative focus on a possible slipped disk in the neck. Because the cervical vertebrae are so close to the origin of the spinal cord, there are other symptoms that may accompany the one’s previously mentioned. Weakness can develop in unlikely locations, such as higher portions of the neck and even at the base of the skull.


When physicians are considering a back-pain problem, they will perform a physical examination, and possibly a series of physical tests. These tests may consist of basic tendon reflex ability, EMG x-ray, cerebral spinal fluid tests, MRI, or CT scans. The results of these tests may be compared to results from previous tests to determine if there are any structural or inflammatory changes. Through the use of EMG scans your doctor may be able to determine whether there are spinal nerves involved in the irritating factor. X-rays can be used to determine if there is any narrowing or expansion in the disk space. A Myelogram may be used to determine whether there is any compression of the spinal cord. This is typically performed in the case where a patient reports numbness of the extremities.

How Slipped Disks are Managed

At the first sign of back injury, doctors typically provide pain relief management. This allows the patient some comfort while the doctor isolates the reason for the pain. The pain management regimen will depend on the patient’s history and metabolic variations. A physician may increase the patient’s fiber intake to ensure that pain management medications do not cause constipation.

Additional treatment methods will focus on symptomatic relief. Using hot pads, hot wet compresses, and at times, cold therapy may be recommended. NSAID medications may be used to reduce inflammation in an attempt to gain control of any compression on nerves and muscle systems. Muscle relaxers may be prescribed in situations where muscle spasms are involved, or degenerative muscle disorders are involved.

Orthopedic options may be recommended for short term use. They are not recommended for long-term use because they can further aggravate the injury by weakening the muscle structures the back depends on for stability.


Top Quality Walking PLR Email eCourse (5655 Words)

Ecourse/Emails Outline: Walking Tips

1.Five great American hikes

2.Benefits of walking with others

3.Common issues faced when walking

4.Getting the family involved

5.Tips for walking on various surfaces

6.Five mobile apps to take with you on your walk

7.Walking for charity

8.Walking holidays

9.Walking safety tips

10.Walking while you work

Comes in .TXT and Word Doc Format with PLR License


Top Quality Walking PLR Email eCourse Sample:

Subject: Benefits of walking with others

Dear [NAME],

For many people, walking is both a fun and relaxing way to burn calories and get their heart pumping. Even better, you don’t have to work out alone… unless you want to. The fact is, walking with a group comes with added benefits. Walking groups are more popular than ever before. Here are just a few of the reasons why.

They Keep You Going

When you walk with a group, as opposed to by yourself, you better commit to adhering to an established routine. If it’s just you, it’s easy to cancel your weekly walk or hike and no one will be the wiser. But, when a group of friends is involved, they help to keep you motivated. Once your friends and family become part of your walking routine, they typically provide encouragement when it comes to setting and reaching fitness goals.

They Make Things Fun

Walking or hiking consistently becomes tedious for some people. But, walking with a group brings forward the opportunity for new conversation each time you meet, which keeps things fun and engaging. When you chat, laugh and have a good time while you walk, you’ll generally feel much better once you’re back home.

Not only that, but walking with friends, family or new acquaintances builds a stronger relationship between everyone who participates. Friends may also have something interesting to contribute to the group, such as a new hiking route or fresh ideas for healthy snacks on-the-go.

They Make You Feel Better

A walking group provides support and entertainment. In addition, routine interaction with friends can help soothe depression or anxiety. Walking (and exercise in general) is already a therapeutic experience.

When you exercise your body releases endorphins, which cause feelings of happiness and excitement. But, when you walk with a group, you also get to experience positive conversations and interactions which can boost your confidence, mood and self-esteem.

You Get Quality Time

Going on walks with your friends and family strengthens the bond between one another. It’s hard to be involved in each other’s lives when we’re so distracted with our work, school and technology. Providing an outlet to freely communicate without distractions is an easy way to catch up with what’s going on in each other’s lives, as well as encouraging more conversation in the future.

These walks don’t need to be long and time-consuming, by any means. Even walking for 20 to 30 minutes, two or three times a week, is beneficial. It’s healthy for your mind, body and spirit. If you get your children involved at an early age, they’ll be much more inclined to incorporate a walking regimen into their daily routine as they get older.

Whether it’s friends, family or people you’ve recently met, bringing along company when you go for a walk goes a long way toward making your trip more entertaining and therapeutic. If you currently don’t know anyone who’s willing to join you, look into local walking groups either online or at your local gym.

Up next, we’ll be talking about a few issues you may face when walking and how to avoid them.


Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

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Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!


For the first 50 buyers of this Healthy Back Premium PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!


Bonus 1

20 High Quality Back Pain PLR Articles Pack

20 High Quality Back Pain PLR Articles Pack

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the 20 PLR Back Pain Articles:

  1. 3 Tips to Protect Your Lower Back (562 words)
  2. Common Causes of Lower Back Pain (627 words)
  3. Coping with Back Pain Caused by Osteoporosis (600 words)
  4. Simple Travel Tips for Back Pain Sufferers (627 words)
  5. Understanding the Impact of Back Pain In Your Life (725 words)
  6. 4 Types of Physiotherapy That Will Reduce Your Back Pain (585 words)
  7. 6 Simple Treatments for Back Pain (586 words)
  8. Does Over-The-Counter Medication Work for Back Pain? (608 words)
  9. Scoliosis 101: What You Need to Know (524 words)
  10. Seeing a Doctor about Your Back Pain? Read This First! (613 words)
  11. Use the Power of Yoga to Relieve Your Back Pain in No Time! (589 words)
  12. 4 Yoga Poses to Relieve Back Pain (583 words)
  13. How to Use Exercise to Strengthen your Lower Back (580 words)
  14. Discover How Posture Has a Direct Impact on Your Back Pain (587 words)
  15. Coping with Back Pain During Pregnancy (578 words)
  16. Doing a Self-Diagnosis of Your Back Pain (586 words)
  17. Engaging in Activities That Help Your Back… and Avoiding Those That Hurt It (599 words)
  18. Different Holistic Remedies for Back Pain and Their Effectiveness (565 words)


Bonus 2

49 Unrestricted Back Pain PLR Articles Pack

49 Unrestricted Back Pain PLR Articles Pack

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the 49 Unrestricted Back Pain Articles:

  1. Brief History of Osteoarthritis and Back Pain
  2. Cholecystitis and Back Pain
  3. depression and back pain
  4. Gouty and Back Pain
  5. Gynecological Conditions and Back Pain
  6. Hemophilia and Back Pain
  7. Herniated Disk and Back Pain
  8. How Back Pain Starts
  9. How the Skeletal Muscles cause Back Pain
  10. How to Manage Slip Disks in Back Pain
  11. Indicators in Back Pain
  12. Injuries and Back Pain
  13. joints and connective tissues and back pain
  14. Leaning Toward Back Pain
  15. Ligaments and Tendons Causing Back Pain
  16. Methods for Treating Common Back Pain
  17. Muscles and Nerves in Back Pain
  18. Musculoskeletal Disorders and Back Pain
  19. Osteogenic Sarcoma and Back Pain
  20. Osteomyelitis and Back Pain
  21. Osteoporosis and Back Pain
  22. Relieving Stress Fractures to Avoid Back Pain
  23. Rheumatoid arthritis and Back Pain
  24. Sacroiliac Bones and Back Pain
  25. Shoes and Back Pain
  26. SLE and Back Pain
  27. Spasms and Back Pain
  28. Sports Injuries Prevention and Back Pain
  29. Stretches and Back Pain
  30. Stretching to Avoid Back Pain
  31. Synovial Joints and Back Pain
  32. Taking Action to Reduce Back Pain
  33. The Diagnosis behind Back Pain Continue
  34. The Intermediary Cylindrical Girdle and Back Pain
  35. The Outline of the Spine Defining Back Pain
  36. Threads of Bands and Back Pain
  37. Weight Loss and Back Pain
  38. Acute Edema and Back Pain
  39. Associating Back Pain and Multiple Sclerosis
  40. Back Pain and Backers
  41. Back Pain and Considerations
  42. Back Pain and Diagnosis
  43. Back Pain and Fractures
  44. Back Pain and Herpes Simplex
  45. Back Pain and Hypercortisolism
  46. Back Pain and Multiple Myeloma
  47. Back Pain and Tendons
  48. Back Pain Interventions
  49. Bones and Back Pain


Bonus 3

Top Quality Back Pain Relief PLR Report

Top Quality Back Pain Relief PLR Report

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • Download File Size – 864 KB
  • Total Word Count: 5485 Words
  • Word Doc Format – Source File
  • Text Doc Format – Source File
  • eCover Graphic – Jpeg Format


Bonus 4

Top Quality 10 Day Sore Back PLR Ecourse

Top Quality 10 Day Sore Back PLR Ecourse

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • 10 Sore Back Email Messages (Text Format)
  • Download File Size – 195 KB


Bonus 5

Living Pain Free PLR Newsletter eCourse

Living Pain Free PLR Newsletter eCourse

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • 12 Living Pain Free Email Messages (Word Doc & Text Format)
  • Clickbank Affiliate Recommendations (Word Doc & Text Format)
  • Bonus Content Containing Extra Paragraphs, Extra Titles & Opening and Closing Paragraphs (Word Doc & Text Format)
  • HTML Squeeze Page
  • HTML Thank You Page
  • Web Ready eCover Graphics
  • Editable PSD Graphics Files
  • Download File Size – 11.2 MB

Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!

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Package Details For The Healthy Back Premium PLR Package:

Main eBook:

“Ease Your Back Pain: A Guide to Using Exercise to Treat & Prevent Back Pain”

(4,276 words, 21 pages, 9 images)


Short Report:

“10 Everyday Habits That Are Setting You Up for Lower Back Pain”

(1,715 words, 7 pages, 5 images)


Product Reviews:

“Back RX” Book Review – 691 words

Exercise Ball by Urbnft – 589 words

Nayoya Back and Neck Pain Relief – 1050 words

Speedo Aqua Fit Swim Training Gloves – 502 words

Yes4All Stability Disc Review – 596 words


Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Water Exercise Belts – 859 words


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Understanding Lower Back Pain

Email1-Your Back Aches Is It Serious or Not – 320 words

Email2-What Causes Your Back to Hurt – 318 words

Email3-Understanding the Most Common Forms of Back Pain – 287 words

Email4-Back Pain Prevention What You Need to Know – 277 words

Email5-Top 10 Ways to Relieve Back Pain – 284 words


Back Health and Back Pain PLR Articles:

4 Exercises to Help With Sciatica Pain – 493 words

4 Exercises to Prevent Back Pain in Those That Work at a Computer – 713 words

6 Bad Exercises to Perform if You Have Back Pain – 425 words

6 Pool Therapy Exercises to Help with Back Pain – 403 words

6 Stretches to Help Ease Back Pain – 489 words

6 Tips for Keeping Your Back Healthy – 668 words

A Beginner’s Guide to Using an Exercise Ball – 509 words

A Guide to the McKenzie Method for Back Pain – 424 words

Can Yoga and Pilates Help with Back Pain? – 430 words

Essential Home Exercise Equipment Guide for Those Suffering with Back Pain – 477 words

How Does Aerobic Exercise Lessen Back Pain? – 578 words

How to Choose the Best Shoes for Back Pain Walking Exercises – 554 words

How Water Therapy Can Help with Osteoarthritis Pain – 583 words

Risk Factors for Developing Low Back Pain – 627 words

Should You Exercise If You Suffer from Back Pain? – 430 words

Stretching Techniques That Can Help Alleviate Back Pain – 466 words

Understanding 2 Different Types of Back Pain – 929 words

What Are the Causes of Sciatica? – 687 words

What are the Differences between Acute and Chronic Back Pain? – 625 words

Why Cardio Exercise Is Important for Treating Back Pain – 501 words

Why Low Impact Exercise Is Important for Back Pain – 542 words


Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Sitting Disease Tips

5 Shareable Social Media Parenting Quote Images

20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

+ 3 bonus bylines for article marketing or guest blogging

14 Royalty Free Images

Images of All Products Reviewed



10 Top Quality Back Pain PLR Articles And Tweets

Back Pain PLR Article Titles:

1.Avoid Back Pain by Stretching – 630 words

2.Back Pain – How It Starts – 750

3.Back Pain Indicators 767

4.Connective Tissues, Joints, and Back Pain 595

5.Herniated Disks and Back Pain 610

6.Osteoarthritis and Back Pain – A Brief History 601

7.Preventing Sports Injuries and Back Pain 606

8.Reduce Back Pain 558

9.Shoes and Back Pain 680

10.Skeletal Muscles – How they Cause Back Pain 633

Comes in .TXT format and includes PLR license.


Top Quality Walking PLR Email eCourse (5655 Words)

Ecourse/Emails Outline: Walking Tips

1.Five great American hikes

2.Benefits of walking with others

3.Common issues faced when walking

4.Getting the family involved

5.Tips for walking on various surfaces

6.Five mobile apps to take with you on your walk

7.Walking for charity

8.Walking holidays

9.Walking safety tips

10.Walking while you work

Comes in .TXT and Word Doc Format with PLR License

Total Word Count: 35 000+ Words

FAST-ACTION BONUSES – Available for the first 50 buyers of this Healthy Back and Back Pain Relief PLR Pack. You’ll no longer see these awesome extra bonuses available on this page once the 50 fast action takers have been awarded.

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Articles, reviews, comparison charts and all other content from Premium PLR List-Building Report Packages are for you only – you cannot pass on any rights to anybody else.

More information on the PLR rights that come with your purchase:

What You CAN Do With The Content In This PLR Package:

Can be added to or edited completely.
Can put your name on as the author.
Can be used as content for websites, courses, newsletters, eBooks.
Can be used in videos, MP3s, books.
Can sell or give away for personal informational use only.
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Can be offered as a bonus in PDF format (as long as you don’t offer PLR rights).
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Can rewrite and add the articles to client websites and projects.
Can use the content to build your list (PDF format)

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Cannot add this package to a PLR membership site (only the ebook with personal use rights)

This license is non transferable. Meaning this PLR license is for you only and not for your customers.

Your customer can only learn from the content.

You can use PLR articles on as many of your own sites as you wish.

Can It Be Used For Website Flipping? If you add this PLR to a site and decide to sell it, that’s fine. But it can only be sold on sites that come with a unique domain name (i.e. not on PLR website packs that include templates/content sold to multiple buyers but no domain) and please don’t include the separate package with all the keywords/ bonuses.


Social media images may be edited using the PSD files, and you may repost them on social media sites but you cannot sell or pass on the PSD files to customers.

The images contained within the main report and top 10 tips report are Public Domain and free to use in personal and commercial projects.

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