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Fuel Your Fitness Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 37 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Fitness Content.
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Dear online business owner, When it comes to top fitness searches, the Fitness and workouts is one of the most searched-for topics online.
It’s safe to say that fitness workouts has spawned an entire industry of blogs, fitness courses, and products.
This is where my premium done for you Fuel Your Fitness PLR Package comes in. Its all about teaching your customers about How, What & When to Eat to Meet Your Fitness Goals.
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Fuel Your Fitness Premium PLR Package
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This high quality Fuel Your Fitness PLR package covers the hugely popular fitness niche. Fitness and exercising is evergreen and will always be. This Fuel Your Fitness PLR content package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it and use it to build your list of raving fans.
Here’s everything you’ll get in the Fuel Your Fitness MEGA PLR Package…
Main eBook:”Fuel Your Fitness With Food: How, What & When to Eat to Meet Your Fitness Goals”
(4,472 words, 22 pages, 8 images)
A look inside the Fuel Your Fitness With Food Premium PLR eBook:
Table of Contents for the Fuel Your Fitness With Food PLR eBook:
Introduction: Why Focus on Nutrition?……………………………. 4
Increased Energy…………………………………………………………………. 4
Better Results …………………………………………………………………5
Faster Recovery…………………………………………………………………. 5
Weight Loss………………………………………………………………… 5
How to Use This Guide…………………………………………… 6
Identify Your Goal………………………………………………………………… 6
Assess Your Current Diet and Nutrition…………………….. 6
Leverage the Tips into Your Daily Nutrition/Eating Habits……………………. 7
Learn as You Go and Adapt………………………………………………………………… 7
Fitness Goal #1 Improved Running and Cardio Performance…………………….. 8
Hydration…………………………………………………………………. 8
Electrolytes………………………………………….. 9
Carbohydrates………………………………………….. 9
Fat………………………………………………………………… 9
Protein…………………………………………………………………. 10
Day to Day…………………………………………………………………. 11
Before Exercise…………………………………………………………………. 11
During Exercise…………………………………………………………………. 12
Post-Workout Recovery…………………………………………………………………. 12
Fitness Goal #2 Improve Strength Without Adding Bulk…………………….. 13
Day to Day…………………………………………………………………. 13
Before Exercise…………………………………………………………………. 13
During Exercise…………………………………………………………………. 13
Post-Workout Recovery…………………………………………… 13
Fitness Goal #3 Improve Strength and Add Muscle…………………….. 15
Day to Day…………………………………………………………………. 16
Before Exercise…………………………………………………………………. 16
During Exercise…………………………………………………………………. 16
Post-Workout Recovery…………………………………………… 17
Fitness Goal #4 Improved Cross-Training Performance & Results…… 18
The Paleo Diet………………………………………………………………… 18
The Zone Diet………………………………………………………………… 18
Whole30…………………………………………………………………. 19
Five Tips to Embrace Better Nutrition for Your Exercise Goals………… 20
#1 Reduce Added Sugar in Your Diet………………………………………….. 20
#2 Hydrate…………………………………………………………………. 20
#3 Timing of Foods Can Be Important………………………………………….. 20
#4 Combination of Foods Is Important………………………………………….. 20
#5 Cut Yourself Some Slack Occasionally…………………………………………… 21
Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………….. 22
Sample Content for Fuel Your Fitness With Food PLR eBook:
Introduction: Why Focus on Nutrition?
Good nutrition is essential for an effective fitness program. What you put into your body plays a key role not only in how you feel and look, but also in how you perform. If you haven’t been paying much attention to your nutrition before now, today is the day your life is going to change – for the better.
Here’s what you get when you focus a bit more on your nutrition.
Increased Energy
Have you ever had a workout where you felt like you were putting in your all, but you were getting lackluster results? It happens to everyone at some point or another.
Maybe they didn’t get enough sleep the night before, maybe they’re a bit dehydrated, or maybe they skipped breakfast. To get the most out of your workout you have to give your body the fuel it needs.
Better Results
Whether your goal is to run a faster 5K, to deadlift your bodyweight, or to get a personal record in your spin class, paying attention to your nutrition yields better fitness results. What you put into your body matters. And it shows during your workouts. You’ll feel more powerful, you’ll gain endurance, and you’ll have the mental strength to push yourself just a bit harder.
Faster Recovery
When you exercise, you deplete your body of certain nutrients, fluid, and energy. Even a moderate effort breaks down your muscles, and that requires a recovery period. Guess what…?
That recovery period burns calories and requires good nutrition. If you want to reduce the amount of time you’re sore, if you want to be able to work out hard again the next day, and if you want to continue to improve your results, good nutrition can make a significant impact on your results.
Weight Loss
Some people, maybe you, exercise to eat. It’s the “I’ll run another mile so I can have a piece of cake” approach. This is a surefire path to weight gain, not weight loss. Why? Well, for one thing, you’re putting the wrong type of calories and food into your body. No, we’re not saying don’t have a piece of cake sometimes.
What we’re saying is don’t trade exercise for food. 99.9% of people overestimate the calories they burn and underestimate the calories they consume. This leads to weight gain. On top of that, it just detracts from your workout.
If you shift your focus to improving your nutrition, you will likely find that you can work out less and still lose weight (and still have the occasional cookie or piece of cake).
Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.
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Short Report:”15 Foods to Eat Before and After Your Workouts”
(1,612 words, 10 pages, 7 images)
A look inside the 15 Foods to Eat Before and After Your Workouts PLR Report:
Product Reviews:
George Foreman CRP1060B 4 Serving Removable Plate Grill Review – 387 words
Hamilton Beach 12-Cup Stack and Snap Food Processor – 443 words
Nutri Ninja Pro – 397 words
Omega J8006 Nutrition Center Juicer – 399 words
“The No Meat Athlete Cookbook: Whole Food, Plant-Based Recipes to Fuel Your Workouts-and the Rest of Your Life†by Matt Frazier – 452 words
Product Comparison Review:
Top 5 Protein Powders – 963 words
5 Emails/ Blog Posts:
Topic: Eating the Right Food to Fuel Your Fitness
Email1-PreWorkout Protein Timing – 266 words
Email2-What and When Should I Eat After a Workout – 289 words
Email3-Eat Protein for Breakfast to Reach Your Fitness Goals – 300 words
Email4-Tracking Carbohydrates for Weight Loss – 278 words
Email5-Should You Eat While Exercising – 289 words
Fuel Your Fitness Email Sample Content:
Should You Eat While Exercising?
You should definitely be eating before and after you work out. This provides your body with the fat, carbohydrates and protein it needs to fuel your workout, and to help your body repair and heal afterwards. During your exercise, you may or may not want to eat some food.
Here is what you need to know.
If you work out for less than an hour, and you wisely ate some carbohydrates and protein an hour or two before your planned exercise, you probably don’t need to eat anything in the middle of your physical activity. You are probably going to eat a post-workout meal, and your pre-workout nutrition has given you plenty of necessary fuel.
If you work out for more than an hour, plan on consuming somewhere between 50 and 100 cal every half hour.
Eat carbohydrates like raisins, a banana or low-fat yogurt. These foods are easy for you to pop into your mouth and easy on your digestive system as well.
You also want to hydrate yourself every 15 minutes while exercising. This means just taking a few sips of water every now and then, because you will never reach your health and fitness goals without a properly hydrated body. You can even add some healthy protein powder to your water to deliver a combination of hydration and nutrition to keep you going while you exercise.
Try to avoid munching on a fitness bar or drinking an energy drink. These items are often touted as healthy, when they contain tons of unhealthy preservatives, additives and other nasty chemicals. Stick to healthy carbohydrate sources when you exercise, and you may begin to notice better fitness results.
To your success,
High Quality Fuel Your Fitness PLR Articles:
3 Best Snacks to Eat During Endurance Training – 407 words
A Basic Guide to Nutrition for Bodybuilding Exercise – 627 words
A Basic Guide to Nutrition for Endurance Exercise – 555 words
A Guide to the Role of Carbohydrates in Fueling Your Exercise – 500 words
A Guide to the Role of Fat in Fueling Your Exercise – 493 words
A Guide to the Role of Protein in Fueling Your Exercise – 514 words
Are Organic Foods Healthier? – 464 words
Basic Rules of a Healthy Diet That Supports Your Fit Lifestyle – 442 words
During Exercise, Should You Drink Anything Other Than Water? – 418 words
How Many Calories Do You Need to Consume to Support Your Exercise? – 443 words
How Much Water Should You Drink During Exercise? – 396 words
How Should You Change Your Diet If You’re Exercising to Gain Weight? – 403 words
How Should You Change Your Diet If You’re Exercising to Lose Weight? – 392 words
How Soon Should You Eat Before a Workout? – 406 words
Should You Take Protein Shakes and Supplements for Exercise? – 502 words
Should You Take Vitamin and Mineral Supplements to Support Your Exercise? – 509 words
The Danger of Overhydration When Working Out – 405 words
The Difference in Nutrition Needs for Ectomorphs vs. Endomorphs vs. Mesomorphs – 456 words
Top 5 Iron-Rich Foods – 594 words
What Are Micronutrients, and Should You Worry About Them? – 437 words
Fuel Your Fitness PLR Article Sample:
A Guide to the Role of Fat in Fueling Your Exercise
Throughout recent history, dietary fat has gotten a bad rap. When mentioned, most people react like it is a bad thing… and it can be. But it is also one of the critical macronutrients of the three that the body needs to perform at optimal levels. The issue that comes into play is the type of fat and amount.
Dietary Fat
There are three kinds of fat that we get from our food: saturated, unsaturated and trans.
Saturated fat generally comes from animal sources and is a solid at room temperature; lard is one such example. Meat, eggs and dairy products all contain varying amounts of saturated fat. And of course like anything else, too much of it is not good and can lead to high cholesterol and heart disease. But when kept to no more than 10% of your total daily dietary fat intake, it will help with metabolizing the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Without enough if it, these go through your digestive system and your body gets no value from them even though you may be consuming the daily minimum requirement of each one.
Unsaturated fat is the kind found in many plant sources and usually remains in a liquid state when at room temperature. Unlike saturated fat, unsaturated has several health benefits, such as lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of heart disease ; the exact opposites of saturated fat. Olive oil, avocados, almonds, flaxseed and fatty fish like tuna, halibut and salmon, are all great sources of poly and mono-unsaturated fat. Unsaturated fat should make up no more than 20% of your daily dietary intake.
The third type is trans fat. While it does occur naturally in limited quantities, most of it comes from manufacturing processes. It is created when unsaturated fat is made into a solid usually through a process called hydrogenation. Companies generally add it to their products to extend the shelf life, but because the body does not recognize it in its new form as neither saturated or unsaturated, the only thing it knows to do is store it as bodyfat. Because it is foreign to the body, it should be avoided when possible.
While carbohydrates and protein each contain 4 calories per gram, fat has over twice as much at 9 calories per gram, making it a great source of energy gram for gram due to its density of calories. As you know carbohydrates are used first for energy, but once it is depleted, fat is the next source making it beneficial for longer low-to-moderate intensity type endurance sports, like marathons or triathlons.
Fat plays an important role not only as a source of energy for your body, but also for your health and should be factored in as part of your daily requirement. Except for trans fat, the other two are not the culprits they have been made out to be when consumed in the right proportions.
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Fuel Your Fitness Keyword Research Pack
Long Article: Top 9 Foods to Fuel Your Fitness – 842 words
Top 9 Foods to Fuel Your Fitness Article Sample:
Top 9 Foods to Fuel Your Fitness
Being fit and healthy isn’t all about going to the gym or not having any excess weight on your body. It’s also about sleeping well, having enough energy and looking after your skin, hair and nails. The foods we eat make up a big part of how we feel, look and act in general. Eating a better diet will help you in many different ways, so here are some of the foods you should be eating and how they can help to fuel your fitness levels and general health.
- Green vegetables
Growing up, we’re always being told to eat our vegetables, and it’s certainly not an old wives’ tale that they’re good for you. Full of antioxidants and other minerals, greens such as broccoli, kale and spinach have a wealth of benefits within them. They have been known to help women struggling to conceive, and they can enhance your overall health as well as making you feel fuller for longer. To add flavour to your vegetables, steam them and melt some butter once they are cooked, or add some dried Italian herbs or other spices such as paprika or curry powder.
- Avocado
People hoping to lose weight on a calorie-controlled diet often shy away from eating avocadoes since they are relatively high in calories and fat. However, eating just half an avocado will help you to feel full, preventing you from overeating the wrong foods, and it’s important to remember that this food contains healthy fats, not bad or sugary fats. High in potassium, avocadoes will balance out your sodium intake, helping to reduce bloating. Anxiety, stress and high blood pressure can also be relieved through the right level of potassium in your diet.
- Eggs
You can easily add eggs to a fresh salad at lunch time, and as long as you’re buying the free-range variety, you’ll get lots of goodness. Experts recommend eating raw eggs, but only if they are free-range and not laid by chickens raised in factories. The next best option is either soft-boiled or poached, but you should stay away from fried or scrambled eggs. You should aim to eat around 6-7 eggs per week, as this will aid your immune system and help to repair any damaged tissue in your body.
- Bananas
To get the most out of your workout, eat a banana half an hour before you start exercising. This will give you the right amount of calories that you need, and you’ll be giving your body long enough to digest it before you work out. Bananas can also help you to feel more relaxed, thanks to their high levels of Vitamin B6.
- Salmon and other fish
People who are trying to lose weight will often eat lots of fish in their diet, since it is relatively low in calories compared to meats like pork and lamb. However, it’s important not to eat too much fish since some of it contains moderate levels of mercury which can be harmful to the body, particularly for children and pregnant women. You should limit your fish intake to 2-3 portions per week, and choose oily fish with Omega 3 for maximum benefits.
- Sweet potato
Before hitting the gym, sweet potatoes provide a great way to get a small quick meal, and they’re healthier than regular potatoes. They rank much lower on the glycemic index (GI), meaning that they don’t raise the blood glucose levels as much. Containing good levels of Vitamins A, C and B6, they will help you to feel more energetic and conserve your energy, which is why sweet potatoes are such a great pre-gym food!
- Raw foods
This isn’t a specific type of food, but raw foods tend to be better for you than boiled or fried foods. When it comes to eating your veggies, eat them raw whenever possible. Of course, not everybody likes to eat raw vegetables, but if you’re having a salad or you want a quick snack, raw carrots, celery and peppers are full of nutrients and are part of your 5-a-day too.
- Whole grains
If you’re a fan of bread, rice, pasta and other carbs, trade the white versions in for the better whole grain types. You can find a wide variety of bread in your supermarket, including fruit bread and bread with nuts and seeds, so if you find plain brown bread very bland and boring, you can try other versions which are equally good for you. Brown pasta can be mixed with regular pasta sauces, and brown rice can be paired with a curry or mixed vegetables.
- Almonds and other nuts
While nuts might seem very high in calories (approximately 150 calories per 25g), they will make you feel full while giving you nutrients such as copper and magnesium. A good source of Vitamin E, almonds can be added to a stir fry, salad or a bowl of mixed veggies. Snack on them during the day, before the gym or add to some yoghurt for a healthy dessert after dinner.
Better Nutrition Report PLR Report – 8392 words
This Report is available in .TXT and Word Doc format and Includes PLR License.
Better Nutrition Report PLR Report Article Sample:
You Are What You Eat: The Relationship between Nutrition & a Healthy Body
For a long time people have realized that there is a relationship between food, and health. However, it’s only been in recent years that the true benefits of eating a healthy diet have been understood. Doctors and nutritionists alike know that there is a connection between nutrition and health due to the role vitamins and minerals play. It’s not uncommon today for consumers to visit their doctor for their yearly checkups where they are given blood tests that check for vitamin deficiencies.
It may seem strange that in todays modern societies and first world countries that we would be the least bit concerned with nutritional deficiencies, but unfortunately due to the fast-paced, fast-food lifestyle, many people are overfed, but under nourished. TV shows like Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, where he tried to complete a healthy make-over of America’s school lunch programs, and HLN’s “Cook Your Ass Off” bring to light how important eating the right type of food is to the human body.
The truth is, eating the wrong food causes most of the illnesses first world inhabitants experience today. Heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, stroke, some cancers, tooth decay, osteoporosis, and even depression can be traced to issues with people not eating meals composed of the right type of nutrition. There is even evidence today that many autoimmune illnesses like Fibromyalgia are linked to a deficiency of vitamin D (Pain Medicine, Volume 13, Issue 3, Pages 452-458).
Thankfully, humans are resilient, as you learn more about nutrition and how it affects your health, once you make the changes the results are usually dramatic and astounding. And, the thing is, it’s not even that difficult. It really is simple. The truth is that good health boils down to this: Eat as close to nature as possible, eat mostly plants, drink water, move around, get plenty of fresh air and sunshine. Supplement only when truly necessary.
Whether you choose a vegan lifestyle or one of everything in moderation — you can eat healthy, increase your nutritional quotient, and improve your health dramatically by understanding the role that nutrition plays in your health and disease prevention. In addition it helps to know where (and how much) fat, fiber, protein, and the various vitamins and minerals come from. Due to the commercialization of food and corporations lobbying the government, our information is tainted, the answers my surprise you.
Food Allergies & Intolerances
Some people have additional challenges to getting proper nutrition from their food such as food allergies and intolerances. Thankfully, true food allergies are rare. But, many people have serious food intolerances and should pay attention to those, avoiding the offending foods whenever possible.
Sometimes a problem surpasses a simple intolerance or even an allergy and becomes an actual disease. Celiac Disease has been in the press and in the forefront a lot lately. Part of the reason has to do with so many processed foods happening to contain gluten. Celiac disease is a condition where it is very dangerous for a person to ingest gluten due to the fact that their body lacks the ability to properly digest it.
Due to the reaction these people have from gluten they have experience actual damage to their stomach lining which then prevents them from absorbing nutrition through their food. If not caught soon enough Celiac Disease can actually be life threatening. Fortunately, you can do without gluten in your diet if needed by using substitutes. Today there are many substitutes available to help people who need gluten free food eats nutritionally healthy meals.
It’s become popular to eat for food issues when people don’t actually have food issues. There is no point in doing that. All you are doing is limiting the ways in which you can get the right nutrients through your diet. Don’t borrow problems from other people that don’t exist for you. You want to eat a wide variety of food, in mostly plant form, to get the nutrition that you need so that you are healthy, feel good, and avoid diseases when possible.
If you believe you might have a food intolerance, allergy or disease talk to your healthcare professional about your options.
5 High Quality Diet Changes For Weight Loss PLR Articles
Diet Changes For Weight Loss PLR Article Titles:
Will Cutting Your Carbs Help You Shed the Pounds? (596 words)
Intermittent Fasting: Yay or Nay? (580 words)
2 Diet Tips That Will Accelerate Your Weight Loss (596 words)
Is it What You Eat or is it What’s Eating You? (551 words)
Should You Eat Six Times a Day Like They Tell You To? (533 words)
These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and Includes PLR License.
5 High Quality Diet Changes For Weight Loss PLR Article Sample:
Intermittent Fasting: Yay or Nay?
Intermittent fasting (IF) is used by thousands of people to stay lean throughout the year. It’s a fantastic protocol with a plethora of benefits ranging from weight loss to reducing insulin resistance.
However, it’s not something that anyone and everyone can adopt without risk. When you’re on an intermittent fasting plan, you’ll have 2 windows – the eating window and the fasting window.
The most common style of IF has an 8-hour eating window and a 16-hour fasting window. During your fasting window, you’ll not be allowed to eat anything, but you can and should be drinking water. During your eating window, you’ll need to consume all your calories for the day.
So, the only problem with this plan is that people who have gastric issues or are diabetic (may experience blood sugar dips) might have problems. Always speak to your doctor and see if it’s safe for you to give intermittent fasting a try.
In most cases, if you do not have any health issues, you’ll be just fine.
- Burns Stubborn Fat Stores
What intermittent fasting does, is that it forces your body to burn fat from the fuel stores. Once your eating window closes, within 2 to 3 hours, the food in your body would have been digested.
However, the body will still need fuel for the rest of the day and for bodily processes and maintenance during the night. Since the body has no food to use as fuel, it will tap into its fat stores for fuel… and that is how your stubborn fat gets burned up.
- Stabilizes Blood Sugar Levels
Intermittent fasting also keeps your blood sugar levels stable for most of the day. If you’re eating throughout the day from dawn to dusk, your blood sugar levels will be all over the place and your body can’t burn fat if there is sugar (glucose) in the blood. It will use the sugar first. So, you’re impeding your fat loss.
Intermittent fasting will gradually reduce your cravings and appetite too. You’ll notice that you feel less hungry and don’t have as many food cravings anymore. This is a HUGE benefit to people who are struggling to lose weight because food is always on their mind.
Another problem that many people face and they don’t realize is that their bodies are inflamed. When you have inflammation, your cells are unresponsive and will not cooperate with you. Losing weight will be an uphill task.
- Reduces Inflammation
Intermittent fasting reduces inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. You’ll feel less aches and pains, and your body will shed the fat much faster.
- Boosts Your Metabolic Rate
You may notice that after 2 or 3 weeks of IF, you seem to have more energy. This is one of the benefits of intermittent fasting. It increases your energy levels and boosts your metabolic rate.
It may seem strange that eating during a short window actually leaves you feeling more energized than sluggish. However, digestion is a ‘tiring’ process. When you’re eating during a short window, your stomach and digestive process only works for a short while.
It has time to rest after that. So, your energy is conserved because it’s not being spent digesting food the whole day.
As you can see by now, intermittent fasting is definitely a yay, and not a nay. It’s one of the best tools to lose weight. Give it a try and stick with it for 3 weeks and you’ll be amazed at the results.
5 High Quality Diet Success PLR Articles
Diet Success PLR Article Titles:
Is Your Diet Right For You? (617 words)
Understanding Why Eating Right is a Lifestyle and NOT a Diet (635 words)
How to Ensure You Succeed with Your Diet (704 words)
Do Diets Work? (688 words)
Will a Diet Fix Your Eating Habits Permanently? (617 words)
These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and Includes PLR License.
5 High Quality Diet Success PLR Article Sample:
Is Your Diet Right For You?
Choosing a diet that’s ideal for you can be a challenge. Very often, people get on diets because they see other people having results with it. So, they jump on board without considering if the diet is even suitable for them.
In many cases, it isn’t and complying with it becomes a nightmare. So they throw in the towel and that’s the end of their weight loss journey.
In this article, we’ll look at a few factors you should consider before embarking on any diet. Thinking about these in advance will prevent you from choosing a wrong diet plan and setting yourself up for failure.
- Goals
The first point to think about are your goals. Do you want fast weight loss or would you prefer a slower easier method?
Fast weight loss will mean going with a more aggressive diet like keto or paleo. You’ll need to closely monitor your macronutrient ratio and so on. It’s much more of a hassle, but the results are much faster.
However, if you love food and don’t mind slower weight loss, you can try intuitive eating and use mindfulness to slowly transform your lifestyle. You could also gradually make positive changes in your diet until you’re eating clean.
- Age
Generally, younger people tend to be more gung-ho and have the energy to take on the more challenging diets. The older folk realize that they’re not in a race to be beach body ready and can go at their own pace.
If you’re younger and filled with gusto, taking on a diet like keto can be a fun challenge. You love testing out knew things and will have more energy to expend on willpower to rein yourself in.
The older crowd may have commitments and career obligations that eat into their time and they’ll find all the constant meal prepping to be a hassle. So, it’s best for them to pick a more hassle-free diet.
- Gender
While stereotyping is anathema these days, generally, women tend to prefer intuitive eating instead of diets. Even if they choose diets, they tend to pick fad diets rather than the more ‘hardcore’ ones like the paleo diet or keto diet.
Once again, it all comes down to your personality, which can be considered as a factor too. If you enjoy a challenge, the harder diets may be perfect for you.
If you really love junk food and processed foods, trying to make a shift too soon will cause food cravings that are extremely difficult to overcome. Even if you picked a keto diet, it would take you about 2 or 3 weeks to get accustomed to it.
This may not seem like a long time… but when you’re breaking your old habits and avoiding the foods you love, it can seem like a lifetime. This is why most people quit.
They can’t handle the struggle. The best way to stay on track is to not rush the process and torture yourself. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
Choose a diet that has been proven to work and ask yourself how much effort the diet will require from you. The more restrictions and requirements it has, the harder it will be to comply.
You’ll need to figure out if you have the time and energy to keep up with a stringent diet that can end up controlling your life… or will you go the easier route which is slower?
There’s always a trade-off. The easier diets take longer to work, and the harsher ones give you faster results. Both will get you to your destination, but if you pick the wrong one, you may quit before you get there. So choose wisely and stay on track.
5 High Quality Fitness Nutrition PLR Articles
Fitness Nutrition PLR Article Titles:
Creating a Meal Plan That Aligns with Your Fitness Plan (533 words)
How Much Should I Eat When Trying to Get Fit? (561 words)
Supplements You May Need When You are On a Fitness Program (715 words)
Water: Your Secret Ingredient in Your Nutrition Plan (552 words)
Weight Gain: Are Carbs the Culprit? (747 words)
These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and Includes PLR License.
5 High Quality Fitness Nutrition PLR Article Sample:
How Much Should I Eat When Trying to Get Fit?
This is a very difficult question to answer because there are so many factors involved. There’s also so much misinformation out there that it’s no wonder that people trying to figure it all out end up more discombobulated than ever.
The first step to answering this question is to ask yourself what your definition of fit is. Different people have different definitions, but all that matters is what you want.
- Are you trying to shed all your excess pounds? Is that your definition of fit?
- If you’re a lady, do you want a lean, lithe body that looks great in a slinky dress?
- Maybe you want a muscular, bulky body with biceps that split your t-shirt sleeves and command attention?
- What about those who want to have high endurance and strength for activities like CrossFit, but aren’t really worried about aesthetics? It’s all about performance for them.
Each of these different goals will have different requirements.
If you’re trying to lose weight, you’ll need to aim for a daily caloric deficit of about 500 to 600 calories daily. There’s no denying the fact that you’ll have to EAT LESS than what you’re accustomed to. You won’t need to starve, but it will be a little bit less satiating. Drinking a glass of water before each meal will help prevent this problem.
While some articles will tell you to eat 6 small meals a day, this is unnecessary and counterproductive. Ideally, you should have a 6 to 8 hour eating window where you consume all your calories for the day. Once the window closes, you’ll fast until the next day when your eating window opens again.
This is known as intermittent fasting and it’s highly effective for weight loss because it stabilizes your body’s insulin levels. When your insulin levels are low, your body will be primed for fat burning and will have no choice but to burn its fat stores for fuel.
For people who are already lean and trying to build a toned body, consuming slightly more protein will help with their weight training because the body will be able to repair and build muscle tissue. Their macronutrient ratio will be slightly different from someone who is trying to lose weight.
There’s also less focus on controlling one’s carbs because people who are lean tend to have a higher metabolic rate. The more muscle on your body, the more calories you’ll burn while at rest.
So, you can eat more as long as you don’t go overboard.
People who are trying to get fit with endurance activities will need to consume more calories from fat. This will help to fuel their long workouts. They may need additional glucose too. It all depends on the activity.
At the end of the day, most people just want to lose weight and look great. Initially, the focus should be on eating less than usual and slowly replacing unhealthy foods with healthier options. As you progress in your fitness journey, you can learn how to eat to fuel your body for the workouts you engage in.
Speaking to a fitness trainer and/or nutritionist will help you have a better understand of how meal plans work. It’s not so much about quantity as quality. Once you realize that food is fuel and not therapy, you’ll eat more mindfully because ultimately, you’ll always wear what you eat.
5 High Quality Sport Supplements PLR Articles
Sport Supplements PLR Article Titles:
3 Essential Supplements for Any Serious Athlete (626 words)
Arginine and BCAAs: What You Need to Know (556 words)
Caffeine and CLA: Do You Need Them? (544 words)
Discover the Power of Glutamine and Glucosamine (561 words)
What to Look Out for When Buying Supplements (641 words)
These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and Includes PLR License.
5 High Quality Sport Supplements PLR Article Sample:
Arginine and BCAAs: What You Need to Know
Arginine is an essential amino acid that is used by the body to synthesize creatine, aid in the production of growth hormone and can be converted into glucose for enhanced performance.
Many athletes use arginine supplements in the belief that it helps produce nitric oxide which improves once performance in endurance events. Usually athletes who are into cardio heavy activities tend to take arginine supplements.
A typical dose is about 3 to 9 grams a day. The question left to ask is this – do you really need arginine supplements?
The answer is no. Your body is fully able to create arginine on its own from foods like meat and beans. The only times people can’t create arginine is if they’re sick or have some disease. In cases like these, consuming arginine supplements is fine.
Simply consuming it believing that your muscles will get bigger because of its supposed anabolic nature is pointless. There have been no conclusive studies that shows this to be true.
BCAA stands for branched-chain amino acids, which are leucine, isoleucine and valine. These are the essential amino acids that the body needs and are usually derived from foods that are high in protein.
Many athletes swear by BCAAs, and this is one of those supplements that actually works. It’s especially helpful for people who are into intermittent fasting and need to train in a fasted state.
The BCAAs will take the ‘edge’ of the training and prevent the body from catabolizing muscle tissue for fuel. It will tap into the fat stores instead. That’s the general idea.
Besides those trying to lose weight, bodybuilders consume BCAAs too because studies have shown that they prevent muscle from being sacrificed due to protein breakdown. This allows the bodybuilders to pack on more muscle mass and get better results from their training.
One benefit of BCAAs is that they can be converted into fuel during workouts. Many athletes rely on timed meals and carbohydrates to fuel their training sessions. BCAA supplements make things more convenient.
Consuming them after a workout helps with protein synthesis and muscle building too. You just need to follow the dosage mentioned on the label. Some BCAAs come in powder form, while some are in pill form.
Which you choose to go with is up to you. Just remember to consume lots of water throughout the day. As long as you’re consuming supplements, it’s best to be well hydrated to flush your system and keep it functioning smoothly.
One important point to note is that if you’re consuming whey protein or other supplements, those may already contain some BCAAs. So, check the labels and see if they do.
While overconsuming BCAAs has shown no adverse results, it’s best to stay in the healthy range. Many athletes choose to use BCAAs on days when their training is more intense and don’t take any on their off days.
This helps to give the body a ‘break’. Either way, BCAAs are a reliable supplement to purchase and can be useful for most people who are exercising regularly and want to enhance their performance.
Check out the brands available and compare the labels to see if you’re getting the highest quality at the best possible prices. Do your due diligence researching before you make the purchase. Not all supplements are made equal.
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- Why Is Complete Nutrition Important?
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- How To Meal Plan For Optimum Nutrition
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- Diet New Year’s Resolutions You Will Want to Keep
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- How to Develop a Realistic Fitness Plan You Will Stick With
- Lose Weight Through Hypnosis
- Keeping Your Whole Family Fit in the New Year – Top Tips
- Lose Weight with the Help of a Fitness and Diet Log
- Planning on Setting Up a Home Gym? Factors to Consider
- Smart Tips to Make a Permanent Healthier Lifestyle Change
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Package Details For The Fuel Your Fitness Premium PLR Package:
Main eBook:
“Fuel Your Fitness With Food: How, What & When to Eat to Meet Your Fitness Goals”
(4,472 words, 22 pages, 8 images)
Short Report:
“15 Foods to Eat Before and After Your Workouts”
(1,612 words, 10 pages, 7 images)
Product Reviews:
George Foreman CRP1060B 4 Serving Removable Plate Grill Review – 387 words
Hamilton Beach 12-Cup Stack and Snap Food Processor – 443 words
Nutri Ninja Pro – 397 words
Omega J8006 Nutrition Center Juicer – 399 words
“The No Meat Athlete Cookbook: Whole Food, Plant-Based Recipes to Fuel Your Workouts-and the Rest of Your Life†by Matt Frazier – 452 words
Product Comparison Review:
Top 5 Protein Powders – 963 words
5 Emails/ Blog Posts:
Topic: Eating the Right Food to Fuel Your Fitness
Email1-PreWorkout Protein Timing – 266 words
Email2-What and When Should I Eat After a Workout – 289 words
Email3-Eat Protein for Breakfast to Reach Your Fitness Goals – 300 words
Email4-Tracking Carbohydrates for Weight Loss – 278 words
Email5-Should You Eat While Exercising – 289 words
Related Articles:
3 Best Snacks to Eat During Endurance Training – 407 words
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A Basic Guide to Nutrition for Endurance Exercise – 555 words
A Guide to the Role of Carbohydrates in Fueling Your Exercise – 500 words
A Guide to the Role of Fat in Fueling Your Exercise – 493 words
A Guide to the Role of Protein in Fueling Your Exercise – 514 words
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Basic Rules of a Healthy Diet That Supports Your Fit Lifestyle – 442 words
During Exercise, Should You Drink Anything Other Than Water? – 418 words
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How Much Water Should You Drink During Exercise? – 396 words
How Should You Change Your Diet If You’re Exercising to Gain Weight? – 403 words
How Should You Change Your Diet If You’re Exercising to Lose Weight? – 392 words
How Soon Should You Eat Before a Workout? – 406 words
Should You Take Protein Shakes and Supplements for Exercise? – 502 words
Should You Take Vitamin and Mineral Supplements to Support Your Exercise? – 509 words
The Danger of Overhydration When Working Out – 405 words
The Difference in Nutrition Needs for Ectomorphs vs. Endomorphs vs. Mesomorphs – 456 words
Top 5 Iron-Rich Foods – 594 words
What Are Micronutrients, and Should You Worry About Them? – 437 words
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Long Article: Top 9 Foods to Fuel Your Fitness – 842 words
Better Nutrition Report PLR Report – 8392 words
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5 High Quality Diet Changes For Weight Loss PLR Articles
Diet Changes For Weight Loss PLR Article Titles:
Will Cutting Your Carbs Help You Shed the Pounds? (596 words)
Intermittent Fasting: Yay or Nay? (580 words)
2 Diet Tips That Will Accelerate Your Weight Loss (596 words)
Is it What You Eat or is it What’s Eating You? (551 words)
Should You Eat Six Times a Day Like They Tell You To? (533 words)
These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and Includes PLR License.
5 High Quality Diet Success PLR Articles
Diet Success PLR Article Titles:
Is Your Diet Right For You? (617 words)
Understanding Why Eating Right is a Lifestyle and NOT a Diet (635 words)
How to Ensure You Succeed with Your Diet (704 words)
Do Diets Work? (688 words)
Will a Diet Fix Your Eating Habits Permanently? (617 words)
These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and Includes PLR License.
5 High Quality Fitness Nutrition PLR Articles
Fitness Nutrition PLR Article Titles:
Creating a Meal Plan That Aligns with Your Fitness Plan (533 words)
How Much Should I Eat When Trying to Get Fit? (561 words)
Supplements You May Need When You are On a Fitness Program (715 words)
Water: Your Secret Ingredient in Your Nutrition Plan (552 words)
Weight Gain: Are Carbs the Culprit? (747 words)
These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and Includes PLR License.
5 High Quality Sport Supplements PLR Articles
Sport Supplements PLR Article Titles:
3 Essential Supplements for Any Serious Athlete (626 words)
Arginine and BCAAs: What You Need to Know (556 words)
Caffeine and CLA: Do You Need Them? (544 words)
Discover the Power of Glutamine and Glucosamine (561 words)
What to Look Out for When Buying Supplements (641 words)
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