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Comfort Eating Premium PLR Product Package – Featuring Over 39 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Health/Fitness Content.

Attention: Health, Fitness & Wellness Entrepreneurs

Done for You Premium Health PLR Product on a EVERGREEN Topic:

Comfort Eating!

Dear online business owner, When it comes to top Health and Fitness searches, the Comfort Eating niche is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Health and Fitness has spawned an entire industry of blogs, health/fitness courses, and products.

This is where my premium done for you Comfort Eating PLR Package comes in. Its all about teaching your customers How to Stop Comfort Eating & Finally Shift That Weight.

Everything is done for you – from the main PLR diet info product to your social media updates – its simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative health and fitness niche.


Introducing The…

Comfort Eating Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 39 000 Words of High Quality Health and Fitness Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality Comfort Eating PLR package covers the hugely popular health and fitness niche. Health and Fitness is evergreen and will always be. This Comfort Eating PLR content package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it and use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Comfort Eating MEGA PLR Package…

Main eBook:”How to Stop Comfort Eating (& Finally Shift That Weight)”

(4,448 words, 18 pages, 7 images)

How To Stop Comfort Eating PLR eBook


A look inside the How to Stop Comfort Eating Premium PLR eBook:

Comfort Eating Premium PLR Ebook Sneak Preview


Table of Contents for the How to Stop Comfort Eating PLR eBook:

Introduction – What is Comfort Eating?………………………………… 3

Why Do We Engage in Comfort Eating? What Causes It?………. 5

Step #1 Creating a Sense of Awareness Around Your Eating Habits…………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

When do you eat? When do you eat during the day?……………………. 7

What are you feeling before you decide to eat?……………………………. 8

Do you decide to eat or is it automatic and unconscious?…………… 8

How to create an awareness habit around your eating………………. 9

Find Other Ways to Treat What’s Causing Your Discomfort. 12

It’s Time to Improve Your Diet……………………………………………. 14

Changing Your Diet………………………………………………………………………….. 15

Success Doesn’t Happen Overnight…………………………………….. 17


Sample Content for How to Stop Comfort Eating PLR eBook:

Introduction – What is Comfort Eating?

How often do you find yourself eating when you’re not hungry? Most of us reach for food for comfort, and we’re usually not aware of it. Comfort eating is exactly what it sounds like. It’s when you eat to feel better.

You may be sad, angry, or stressed, and eating relieves those feelings – at least for a little while. It’s important to point out that most of us eat for comfort once in a while. It’s not “bad” to eat food for comfort.

However, it can become a problem if it’s:

  • The only way that you try to deal with your uncomfortable emotions.
  • Unconscious and you’re not aware of your actions. You’re not making a decision to comfort eat, you’re responding without thinking.
  • Chronic and you comfort eat every day, maybe even several times a day.

In this guide we’re going to take a look at what causes comfort eating and how you can begin to be more conscious, deliberate, and in control of your eating. You may still have those emotions and experiences, but comfort eating will eventually be left behind. You’ll no longer turn to food as a solution because, let’s face it, food doesn’t solve the problem, right? If you’re stressed, a bowl of ice cream doesn’t get rid of the thing that caused the stress. In fact, that bowl of ice cream can worsen your ability to manage stress.

Let’s get started living a happier and healthier life right now.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.

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Short Report:”Emotional Eating Triggers to Watch Out For”

(1,744 words, 9 pages, 4 images)

Emotional Eating Triggers Premium PLR Report


A look inside the Emotional Eating Triggers to Watch Out For PLR Report:

Comfort Eating Premium PLR Report Sneak Preview


Product Reviews:

“The Binge Code: 7 Unconventional Keys to End Binge Eating & Lose Excess Weight” by Alison Kerr – 410 words

AmazonBasics High-Density Round Foam Roller  – 400 words

AmazonBasics Neoprene Dumbbells  – 403 words

BalanceFrom GoYoga – 398 words

Body Xtreme Fitness Whole Body 3D Vibration Platform – 402 words


Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Diet Journals – 1136 words


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: How to Follow Your Body’s Real Hunger Signals

Email 1 – Welcome to How to Follow Your Bodys Real Hunger Signals email series – 221 words

Email 2 – The difference between real and emotional hunger – 325 words

Email 3 – Getting in tune with your body – 324 words

Email 4 – Learning about foods – 378 words

Email 5 – Are you hungry or really just thirsty – 288 words


Comfort Eating Email Sample Content:

Email #2 – The difference between real and emotional hunger

Welcome back. As the title indicates, in this email we are talking about hunger and specifically the difference between actually being hungry and thinking that we are hungry when really we are trying to feed another hunger – our emotions. Many people seek out food when they are stressed out emotionally. That is why it is called comfort food, and while it is comforting in most cases the food chosen is high-calorie and full of saturated fat, sodium and sugar … which is why it is comforting, but not good for you.

A hunger scale can be a good indication as to your real hunger. When you think you are hungry and want to eat, measure your hunger level before and after you eat against this scale:

  • 1-Starving, weak, dizzy
  • 2-Very hungry, cranky, low energy, lots of stomach growling
  • 3-Pretty hungry, stomach is growling a little
  • 4-Starting to feel a little hungry
  • 5-Satisfied, neither hungry nor full
  • 6-A little full, pleasantly full
  • 7-A little uncomfortable
  • 8-Feeling stuffed
  • 9-Very uncomfortable, stomach hurts
  • 10-So full you feel sick

Before you eat, you should be at a 3 or 4. If you are at a 1 or 2, you have waited too long before eating and consequently may have a tendency to overeat. Once finished eating, a 5 or 6 is acceptable. Anything higher and either you were not hungry in the first place or you ate too much.

To get to a 5 or 6, your meal should be a balance of complex carbohydrates, protein and fat at a ratio of 50%, 30% and 20% respectively as a starting point. You can adjust those numbers as time goes on and you see where you are at as far as losing weight.

In the next email, we are going to discuss how to get in tune with your body and learn what the signals it is sending you really mean.


High Quality Comfort Eating PLR Articles:

5 Stress Relief Techniques to Help Avoid Overeating – 404 words

Behavioral Signs of Emotional Eating –  390 words

Do Hormones Cause Stress Eating? – 401 words

How Getting Too Hungry Can Cause You to Overeat – 397 words

How Stress Contributes to Overeating – 393 words

How to Prioritize Self-Care to Stop Overeating – 397 words

How to Stop Eating Out of Boredom – 412 words

Is Comfort Eating a Sign of Depression? – 377 words

Is Stress Eating a Disorder? – 372 words

Physical Signs of Emotional Eating – 381 words

Psychological Signs of Emotional Eating – 399 words

The Difference Between Emotional Vs. Physical Hunger – 405 words

What is Binge Eating? – 357 words

What is Comfort Eating? – 411 words

What is Mindless Eating? – 417 words

Why Do People Comfort Eat? – 394 words

Why Hating Your Body Can Lead to Overeating – 404 words

Why Junk Food Makes You Feel Good – 396 words

Why Tiredness Can Contribute to Overeating – 404 words

Why You Can’t Stop Emotional Eating – 400 words


Comfort Eating PLR Article Sample:

Do Hormones Cause Stress Eating?

Stress is often tied to overeating, and the reasoning is actually quite simple. When our bodies are stressed or tired, the brain automatically sends a stronger signal to the brain that tells us to eat something. Of course, that’s rarely the correct respond.

Cortisol, the stress hormone, often leads to weight gain in adults. When stress is combined with comfort eating, that weight gain can be even more noticeable. The hormonal balance of one’s body is very intricate, but to keep things simple, the short answer is that stress is most certainly connected to some (not all) cases of comfort eating.

What’s interesting is that, in the short-term, a bout of stress can actually shut-down your appetite. When you first begin to experience stress, your body will have your nervous system send a message to the adrenal glands, which tells the kidneys to pump out adrenaline. This adrenaline then triggers your “fight or flight” response, and this revved-up psychological state of survival that dates back to our ancient ancestors will temporarily put your desire to eat on hold.

That’s why food is usually the last thing someone wants when they have butterflies in their stomach before a performance or when they are anxiously awaiting some sort of big news. However, if the stress continues, the body goes into overdrive in the other direction. That’s when the cortisol is released, which instantly increases your appetite. It can also increase your motivation in general, especially your motivation to eat.

When your stress ends, the cortisol levels will fall again, but it can happen that stress levels get stuck “on” in your body and your cortisol levels remain elevated. That’s a situation where medical intervention would most certainly be required to address the issue and help you come up with a proper solution for your elevated cortisol levels, not short of appetite suppressants and anxiety medication.

So, is stress really big concern regarding your eating habits? One Finnish study featuring more than 5,000 men and women linked obesity to stress-related eating in women, but not in men. However, men are still at risk for the potential of stress eating even though it is much more prevalent in women.

Meditation, exercise, and social support can help you get to the root of the problem by enabling you to conquer your stress. In turn, negative eating habits associated with that stress should come to a halt.

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Social Media Posts & Images:


5 Shareable Social Media Graphics (PLR)

Comfort Eating Premium PLR Social Media Tips


5 Shareable Social Media Inspirational Images

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20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

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11 Royalty Free Images

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Comfort Eating Keyword Research Pack

Comfort Eating Premium PLR Keyword Research



Long Article: Real Hunger vs. Emotional Hunger – 809 words

Available in Word and TXT doc format.

5 Emotional Eating PLR Articles

What is Emotional Eating? (665 words)

5 Ways to Stop Emotional Eating (605 words)

Adopting a Proactive Mindset to Curb Emotional Eating (539 words)

Understanding Why Ending Emotional Eating is a Battle – and How You Can WIN It! (628 words)

How to Discern Physical Hunger from Emotional Hunger (581 words)

These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR license


Long Article: Real Hunger vs. Emotional Hunger Article Sample:

Real Hunger Vs Emotional Hunger and What It Means for Your Diet

One of the biggest hurdles to overcome when dieting is learning how to properly manage hunger. If you can learn to manage your hunger properly, then you are well on your way to having a successful diet. What makes managing hunger so difficult is that many of us fail to understand the differences between real hunger and emotional hunger (also called psychological hunger or fake hunger). Whereas the former is a very real thing that needs to be responded too with food, the latter is not. In this article, you will learn all about real hunger and emotional hunger, and how to deal with each.

What Is Real Hunger?

Real hunger, as the name indicates, refers to the actual feelings of hunger that you experience when your body truly needs food. In some ways, the term hunger has been watered down. Nowadays people use the term hungry to refer to themselves whenever they feel like they need a snack or a small bite to eat. But, that isn’t what real hunger refers to. Real hunger refers to the feelings you get when you absolutely need food. When you are suffering from real hunger, you will know it. You will likely get sharp hunger pangs. Your mind will be consumed with getting food and nothing else, you won’t be able to concentrate on anything else.

Because of how easy it is to get food and how much food is available to us, very few people ever truly experience real hunger anymore unless they are purposely denying themselves food as part of a diet. Think about it, if you were to suddenly get some small hunger pangs, how easy would it be for you to satisfy those cravings instantly? If you are at home, it is as easy as just getting up and going to the kitchen. Even if you aren’t at home, satisfying the carvings is easy because of the huge number of fast-food restaurants around.

What Is Emotional Hunger?

So, now that you understand what real hunger is, it is time to tackle the second part of this article, which is defining emotional hunger. Emotional hunger is very common, and it is often the bane of many dieters out there. The chances are very good that you have experienced emotional hunger at least one time or another in your life. But, what is it exactly?

Emotional hunger refers to instances where you may feel hungry, but it isn’t because your body is demanding food, instead it is because your mind is making you think that you need food. It may sound strange at first but trust us when we say that your mind is definitely powerful enough to make you think that you are hungry, even when you really aren’t in desperate need of food.

What causes emotional hunger? There are a variety of factors that can result in emotional hunger. By far the most common cause is boredom. So many people, when they get bored, turn to food to try and alleviate their boredom. Others mistake the feelings of boredom for feelings of hunger and assume that they need to eat to cure their hunger. Another common cause of emotional hunger is habit. People who eat their meals at the same time every day may find themselves getting “hungry” around that time, even though their body isn’t actually craving food.

There are some telltale signs that you are suffering from emotional hunger and not real hunger. The first sign is if you have eaten recently (within the last few hours). It takes your body a while to digest food, so if you are feeling hungry after having eaten recently, then it is unlikely to be real hunger. Another sign is if you are just sitting around doing nothing and suddenly start feeling hungry. That is a good sign that you are suffering from boredom induced hunger. Finally, if you truly want to tell if you are suffering from emotional hunger, drink a glass of very cold ice water and see if the hunger subsides. If it does, it is emotional hunger and not real hunger.

As you can see, emotional hunger is a very real thing and it is dangerous for those on diets because it can so easily derail any diet. So, you have to be mindful when dealing with emotional hunger.

How to Manage Real Hunger

To conclude let’s look at how to manage real hunger. The most effective method for managing real hunger is to practice what is called “mindful eating.” Mindful eating is basically a strategy that relies on smart portion control (to avoid overeating) combined with slow eating. Believe it or not, slow eating actually does manage to satiate your hunger more than wolfing down your food. Applying mindful eating is easily the most effective way to curb your feelings of real hunger.


5 Curbing Food Cravings PLR Articles

How to Work with Your Food Cravings Rather Than Against Them (593 words)

Is Your Diet Causing Food Cravings? (665 words)

Avoid These Foods and You Will Prevent Food Cravings (612 words)

7 Ways to Curb Your Food Cravings (623 words)

Are You Tempting Yourself to Binge Eat? (645 words)

These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR license


Curbing Food Cravings PLR Article Sample:

Avoid These Foods and You Will Prevent Food Cravings

It’s inevitable to have food cravings when you’re trying to diet or change your eating habits. Very often, you’ll be fighting your hormones and habits.

To make matters worse, some foods actually cause more cravings and make the process even more difficult. The foods listed below should be avoided if you wish to curb your cravings.

  • Sugary foods

Sugar is highly addictive and the more you consume it, the more you’ll crave for it. If you’re trying to quit emotional eating, you’ll need to establish a good relationship with food.

You can’t do that if you’re addicted to sugar and need a sugar high constantly. The best way to break your sugar addiction will be to either quit it cold turkey or gradually reduce your consumption of it.

Once you don’t crave sugar, a lot of your other food cravings will diminish too.

  • Sodas and fruit juices

Just as mentioned earlier, sodas are laden with sugar and other harmful additives.  Even diet sodas are best avoided because they cause cravings too.

Studies have shown that while diet sodas may contain only artificial sweeteners, they still spike blood sugar levels because your mind and body perceives it as sugar and insulin is secreted. Your body is smarter than you think.

As for fruit juices, always AVOID those that are pre-packaged and sold in stores. These juices are portrayed as healthy but they’re full of sugar. You’ll notice that every bottle of juice for any particular brand always tastes the same.

That’s because the juices are processed and sugar is added to create a uniform taste. Stick to freshly squeezed fruit juices and avoid the processed ones.

  • Energy drinks

Energy drinks don’t really contain energy. It’s false advertising. What an energy drink does is that it either creates a sugar high that causes you to feel alert… or it’s high in caffeine to stimulate you.

The drinks do NOT give you extra energy. Only a clean diet can do that. Energy drinks only serve to add lots of sugar and additives in your body.

If you consume these in the evening, you might find yourself awake late in the night because caffeine has a half life of about 5 to 6 hours. Guess what happens when you’re awake late at night?

You probably start craving for food and end up binge eating. Steer clear of energy drinks and you’ll curb your sugar addiction and food cravings.

  • Alcohol

You may have noticed that after a few beers, your body tends to get hungry and craves for greasy junk food. This is the norm with most people.

Nobody wants carrots and broccoli after a few bottles of beer. No… they want pizza, wings, cheeseburgers and other junk food.

Alcohol causes food cravings, and if you’re drinking cocktails, you’ll probably be getting a hefty dose of sugar. By now you should know what that means – sugar is the enemy!

  • Other foods

Since we’re all different individuals, the foods we eat may impact us differently. Some foods such as Chinese food, which is high in MSG, may leave you feeling full after the meal… but 90 minutes later, you’re hungry again and need to eat.

The meal itself is not filling and causes food cravings. You end up eating more and piling on the calories.

For other people, certain foods may make them crave other foods. For example, you may crave for a soda when you eat some French fries and so on.

So, be aware of how the foods interact in your body.

Avoid the foods mentioned here and others that cause cravings. With time, your cravings will dissipate and no longer control your thoughts and emotions.


5 Sugar Addiction PLR Articles

5 Ways Sugar is Killing You (666 words)

How to Break Your Sugar Addiction (713 words)

Understanding the Dangers of Sugar Addiction (540 words)

Discover How Sugar is Linked to Emotional Eating (514 words)

Hidden Sugars – Don’t Let Them Slip By (627 words)

These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR license


Sugar Addiction PLR Article Sample:

Hidden Sugars – Don’t Let Them Slip By

Hidden sugars can be very deceptive. You may be trying to lose weight and despite watching your diet, you may notice that your weight just doesn’t seem to come off.

Very often, you may be consuming foods high in hidden sugars. It may be the barbecue sauce you add on your lean chicken… or the sweetened nuts you snack on.

Sugars can creep into most dishes. So, you’ll need to be alert and check just how much sugar your food contains.

  • Energy bars

Energy bars are often marketed as healthy and nutritious. People often think these bars can be substituted for meals. While you can do that occasionally, it’s important to know that energy bars and granola bars are usually high in sugar.

The problem with consuming these bars is that they create a sense of complacency and make one believe that they’re eating healthy when that’s not true.

The sugar that’s present in these energy bars can cause sugar addiction and make you crave for other sweet foods.

  • Cereals

Breakfast cereals are high in carbohydrates and empty calories. In fact, it’s better to skip breakfast than to consume the usual cereals that come in boxes.

Very often, the cereal boxes will state that the cereals are fortified with vitamins, etc. This is all marketing hype. The food has to be fortified because it’s lacking in nutrition.

Most cereals will cause blood sugar spikes and lead to a sugar crash a few hours later. If you really must have breakfast, have an egg or avocado or a protein shake. You’ll be more sated and have a cleaner source of fuel.

  • Coleslaw

Coleslaw may be made with vegetables but it’s highly fattening and chockful of hidden sugar. Have you ever noticed that almost all coleslaw tastes the same and there’s a sweet aftertaste to them?

This is because coleslaw is often commercially-produced to meet certain taste standards. Sugar and other additives are used to create this taste. Steer clear of them.

  • Commercially-sold fruit juices

Just like coleslaw, one is led to believe that just because fruit juices have some fruit extract from real fruit, they’re healthy. This is NOT true.

Once again, most commercially-sold fruit juices are pre-packaged and sugar is added in the form of fructose or sucrose to create the sweet taste. Artificial flavoring and preservatives are added too to make the juice sweet and addictive.

Avoid these juices at all cost. The sugars are hidden well. Instead, juice your own fresh fruit and chill the juices if you wish to have a refreshing drink that tastes even sweeter.

  • Sauces

Sauces used for pasta contain sugar. So does ketchup, salad dressing, soya sauce, etc. In fact, almost all sauces contain sugar because it’s a flavoring agent.

Besides sugar, very often, monosodium glutamate is added to these sauces so that the food tastes better. None of these ingredients are good for your health.

  • Yogurt

Yogurt is an excellent food to consume, but it must be natural, unsweetened and unflavored. Do not consume flavored yogurt which may contain sugar and other additives.

  • Diet sodas

Diet sodas usually do not contain sugar. This is why soda companies can make bold claims that their drinks contain zero calories.

However, artificial sweeteners such as aspartame or acesulfame is used to make the drinks sweet. Several studies have shown that these artificial sweeteners are even more toxic than sugar.

The effect they have on your body is not all that different. Since you’re still consuming sweet drinks, you’ll still crave for sweet foods even if the sodas are zero calories.

Avoid the foods mentioned above and look for hidden sugars in the foods you buy. Generally, as long as you avoid processed foods, you’ll greatly reduce your consumption of these hidden sugars.


10 Emotional Overeating PLR Articles

Emotional Overeating: Knowing Where to Turn – 581 words

Alternative Therapies for Emotional Overeating – 481 words

Could You Have an Eating Disorder? – 413 words

How to Eat to Stop Emotional Overeating – 514 words

Lifestyle Choices: Learn to Overcome Emotional Overeating – 359 words

Nutritional Treatments for Emotional Overeating – 462 words

Tips on Overcoming Emotional Overeating – 469 words

Could Your Weight Gain Be the Result of Emotional Overeating? – 420 words

Weight Loss Surgery: Can It Help with Emotional Overeating? – 493 words

What Causes Emotional Overeating Disorder? – 421 words

These articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license


Emotional Overeating PLR Article Sample:

Lifestyle Choices: Learn to Overcome Emotional Overeating

Overcoming emotional overeating can seem overwhelming, and setbacks can be expected. But the good news is, there are lifestyle choices that you can make to help overcome this problem.

The key word is choice – you can choose to follow a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes it helps to break things down into small, specific steps you can take (just trying to lead a “healthier lifestyle” is a bit vague!). Following are some of these specifics. And remember, setbacks and relapses are not unusual. Don’t beat yourself up; just start fresh tomorrow.


Experts are in general agreement that regular exercise three to five days a week is most beneficial. This exercise should consist of at least 20 minutes of cardiovascular exercise (such as vigorous walking, jogging, biking, etc.) followed by some light toning or weight training. Committing to this regimen full-force is not necessarily the best way to go; if you can only exercise once or twice a week, that’s still better than nothing and will hopefully pave the way for more in the future

Exercise is said to relieve emotional overeating in several ways. For one, exercise produces endorphins which are the body’s natural “feel good” hormones. For another, exercise prevents boredom and mindless eating, which is what you might be doing if you weren’t exercising! And finally, exercise will likely boost your self-image, helping to break the cycle of low self-esteem and poor self-image that “feeds” emotional overeating disorder.


Never underestimate the healing power of nature! For those with emotional overeating disorder, choosing to spend more time out in nature can be particularly beneficial. After all, in the natural realm there are no media messages to mess with your self-image, and being in nature connects you to your origins and the origins of food.

Some experts theorize that detachment from food and its natural source plays a role in emotional overeating disorder. Getting involved in nature and exploring and appreciating it can go a long way toward reconnecting with our biologically normal view of food. Maybe you can kill two birds with one stone and do your regular exercise outdoors!


10 Mindful Eating PLR Articles and Tweets

1.How to Eat Something Mindfully – 574 words

2.How to Tell That You Are Genuinely Hungry – 711 words

3.Mindful Eating Apps and Courses – 597 words

4.Mindful Eating When Eating Out – 577 words

5.Mindful Eating When You Are Busy – 579 words

6.Mindful Eating with Children – 557 words

7.Mindful Eating: The Effect on Eating Disorders – 533 words

8.Mindful Eating: Things to Avoid at Mealtime – 577 words

9.The Benefits of Mindful Eating – 533 words

10.The Difference between Mindful and Mindless Eating – 522 words

Includes 10 Tweets for social posting

These articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license


Mindful Eating PLR Article Sample:

Mindful Eating: Things to Avoid at Mealtime

If you want to be more mindful when you eat, there are a few things you should avoid having around to ensure that you really can eat mindfully. Now keep in mind, especially if you have a family, that no mealtime will be uninterrupted. Having said that, you can try to make the experience more enjoyable by making it an important enough event in your life to avoid certain things that make eating mindfully impossible.

* Electronics – Unless you have a real reason to have them on such as waiting for an emergency call, all electronics should be off during mealtimes. This is especially true when you’re enjoying meals with other people.

* Screens – During mealtime, the TV should not be on either. You don’t need to watch the news, or movies, or anything during a good meal. Instead, focus on how good the food smells, looks, and tastes and be thankful about the nutrition you’re ingesting.

* Calls – Mealtime lasts at the most 45 minutes for most people. Like electronics in general, if you’re not waiting on an important call for a child or work, you can turn ringers off for the duration of the meal. You cannot do anything about anyone else during that time most of the time anyway.

* Large Portions – You can always go back for seconds, but start with small portions of your favorite foods you’re eating that meal. You may still be hungry, but you can always get more food. No need to get large portions when you can take your time and get more when needed.

* Clean Plates – No matter what your momma or granny taught you, you do not need to clean your plate. Eating that food will not feed any starving children anywhere in the world anyway, so that is not a good way to get anyone to eat food. Eat until you’re satiated and no more.

* Stress – If you have had a stressful day, consider taking a few minutes to meditate before you sit down to eat. Eating food when you are under emotional stress is not a good thing to do. Sometimes putting off the meal for a bit is a better choice.

* Standing – Don’t eat while you’re standing up because that is not going to be a good way to focus on the food you’re eating. You’ll be focused on getting it down as fast as possible if you are standing. Sit down and take your time.

* Eating Quickly – Each meal should take a minimum of 20 minutes to eat. If it’s a larger meal, it should take longer. Focus on chewing each bite of food fully before swallowing. Enjoy the taste, the smells, and the textures. Put your fork down between bites. Enjoy it.

* Bad Food – It’s tempting to run through that drive through when you’re busy, but it’s not the best choice. It’s not even good food. You’re better off making your own hamburger or “fast food” at home to avoid all the chemicals that contribute to cravings.

While no one can eat every single meal avoiding everything mentioned, the point is to give it a try. Try eating a good meal when eating that good meal is your only focus. It’s amazing how good a basic roasted potato can taste when you’re not focused on what happens next on The Real Housewives of Hollywood or worse, The Nightly News.


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For the first 50 buyers of this Comfort Eating Premium PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!


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5 High Quality Overcoming Stress Eating PLR Articles

5 High Quality Overcoming Stress Eating PLR Articles

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Here are the titles of the 5 Overcoming Stress Eating Articles:

  1. Manage your stress and You Will Manage Your Diet (549 words)
  2. Use this Technique to Discover the Link between Your Stress and Food (634 words)
  3. Eat These Foods to Reduce Stress (597 words)
  4. Is Your Diet Stressing You Out? (709 words)
  5. Food Swapping: Use this Method to Control Stress Eating (699 words)


Bonus 2

5 High Quality Intuitive Eating PLR Articles

5 High Quality Intuitive Eating PLR Articles

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Here are the titles of the 5 Intuitive Eating Articles:

  1. Intuitive Eating 101: What You Need to Know (631 words)
  2. How to Prepare Yourself to Eat Intuitively (547 words)
  3. Discover Why Intuitive Eating Begins in Your Mind and NOT Your Stomach (687 words)
  4. 7 Principles of Intuitive Eating (602 words)
  5. Intuitive Eating VS Dieting: Which is Better? (591 words)


Bonus 3

5 High Quality Healthy Eating Habits PLR Articles

5 High Quality Healthy Eating Habits PLR Articles

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Here are the titles of the 5 Healthy Eating Habits Articles:

  1. How to Adopt Healthy Eating Habits Without Quitting (664 words)
  2. 5 Healthy Eating Habits You Must Develop (616 words)
  3. Are You Drinking Enough Water? (573 words)
  4. Healthy Eating Can Be Juicing Too! (542 words)
  5. Intermittent Fasting VS Healthy Eating: Which is Better? (531 words)


Bonus 4

5 Top Quality Mindful Eating For Women PLR Articles

5 Top Quality Mindful Eating For Women PLR Articles

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Here are the titles of the 5 Mindful Eating Articles:

  1. How to Apply the Principles of Nutrition to Your Mindful Eating (929 words)
  2. Knowing the Difference between Emotional Hunger and Real Hunger (725 words)
  3. Mindful Eating 101: What Every Woman Should Know (899 words)
  4. Mindfully Choosing Foods That Promote Fitness (803 words)
  5. Tips to Eating Mindfully When You’re at a Social Gathering (832 words)


Bonus 5

Mindful Eating Mistakes PLR Report and Squeeze Page

Mindful Eating Mistakes PLR Report and Squeeze Page

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Package Details:

  • Images
  • Lead Magnet
  • Squeeze Page

Total File Download Size:

51.2 Megabytes (MB)

Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!

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Package Details For Comfort Eating Premium PLR Package:

Main PLR eBook:

“How to Stop Comfort Eating (& Finally Shift That Weight)”

(4,448 words, 18 pages, 7 images)


Short PLR Report:

“Emotional Eating Triggers to Watch Out For”

(1,744 words, 9 pages, 4 images)


Product PLR Reviews:

“The Binge Code: 7 Unconventional Keys to End Binge Eating & Lose Excess Weight” by Alison Kerr – 410 words

AmazonBasics High-Density Round Foam Roller  – 400 words

AmazonBasics Neoprene Dumbbells  – 403 words

BalanceFrom GoYoga – 398 words

Body Xtreme Fitness Whole Body 3D Vibration Platform – 402 words


Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Diet Journals – 1136 words


5 Emails/ PLR Blog Posts:

Topic: How to Follow Your Body’s Real Hunger Signals

Email 1 – Welcome to How to Follow Your Bodys Real Hunger Signals email series – 221 words

Email 2 – The difference between real and emotional hunger – 325 words

Email 3 – Getting in tune with your body – 324 words

Email 4 – Learning about foods – 378 words

Email 5 – Are you hungry or really just thirsty – 288 words


Emotional and Comfort Eating PLR Articles:

5 Stress Relief Techniques to Help Avoid Overeating – 404 words

Behavioral Signs of Emotional Eating –  390 words

Do Hormones Cause Stress Eating? – 401 words

How Getting Too Hungry Can Cause You to Overeat – 397 words

How Stress Contributes to Overeating – 393 words

How to Prioritize Self-Care to Stop Overeating – 397 words

How to Stop Eating Out of Boredom – 412 words

Is Comfort Eating a Sign of Depression? – 377 words

Is Stress Eating a Disorder? – 372 words

Physical Signs of Emotional Eating – 381 words

Psychological Signs of Emotional Eating – 399 words

The Difference Between Emotional Vs. Physical Hunger – 405 words

What is Binge Eating? – 357 words

What is Comfort Eating? – 411 words

What is Mindless Eating? – 417 words

Why Do People Comfort Eat? – 394 words

Why Hating Your Body Can Lead to Overeating – 404 words

Why Junk Food Makes You Feel Good – 396 words

Why Tiredness Can Contribute to Overeating – 404 words

Why You Can’t Stop Emotional Eating – 400 words


PLR Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Tips Images

5 Shareable Social Media Inspirational Quote Images

20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

+ 3 bonus bylines for article marketing or guest blogging

11 Royalty Free Images

Images of All Products Reviewed



Long Article: Real Hunger vs. Emotional Hunger – 809 words

Available in Word and TXT doc format.


5 Emotional Eating PLR Articles

What is Emotional Eating? (665 words)

5 Ways to Stop Emotional Eating (605 words)

Adopting a Proactive Mindset to Curb Emotional Eating (539 words)

Understanding Why Ending Emotional Eating is a Battle – and How You Can WIN It! (628 words)

How to Discern Physical Hunger from Emotional Hunger (581 words)

These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR license


5 Curbing Food Cravings PLR Articles

How to Work with Your Food Cravings Rather Than Against Them (593 words)

Is Your Diet Causing Food Cravings? (665 words)

Avoid These Foods and You Will Prevent Food Cravings (612 words)

7 Ways to Curb Your Food Cravings (623 words)

Are You Tempting Yourself to Binge Eat? (645 words)

These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR license


5 Sugar Addiction PLR Articles

5 Ways Sugar is Killing You (666 words)

How to Break Your Sugar Addiction (713 words)

Understanding the Dangers of Sugar Addiction (540 words)

Discover How Sugar is Linked to Emotional Eating (514 words)

Hidden Sugars – Don’t Let Them Slip By (627 words)

These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR license


10 Emotional Overeating PLR Articles

Emotional Overeating: Knowing Where to Turn – 581 words

Alternative Therapies for Emotional Overeating – 481 words

Could You Have an Eating Disorder? – 413 words

How to Eat to Stop Emotional Overeating – 514 words

Lifestyle Choices: Learn to Overcome Emotional Overeating – 359 words

Nutritional Treatments for Emotional Overeating – 462 words

Tips on Overcoming Emotional Overeating – 469 words

Could Your Weight Gain Be the Result of Emotional Overeating? – 420 words

Weight Loss Surgery: Can It Help with Emotional Overeating? – 493 words

What Causes Emotional Overeating Disorder? – 421 words

These articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license


10 Mindful Eating PLR Articles and Tweets

1.How to Eat Something Mindfully – 574 words

2.How to Tell That You Are Genuinely Hungry – 711 words

3.Mindful Eating Apps and Courses – 597 words

4.Mindful Eating When Eating Out – 577 words

5.Mindful Eating When You Are Busy – 579 words

6.Mindful Eating with Children – 557 words

7.Mindful Eating: The Effect on Eating Disorders – 533 words

8.Mindful Eating: Things to Avoid at Mealtime – 577 words

9.The Benefits of Mindful Eating – 533 words

10.The Difference between Mindful and Mindless Eating – 522 words

Includes 10 Tweets for social posting

These articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license


Total Word Count: 39 000+ Words

FAST-ACTION BONUSES – Available for the first 50 buyers of this Comfort Eating PLR Pack. You’ll no longer see these awesome extra bonuses available on this page once the 50 fast action takers have been awarded.

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