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Toned Legs Premium PLR Package 53k Words

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Toned Legs Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 53 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Fitness PLR Content.


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Dear online business owner, When it comes to top fitness and exercises searches, the Toning Your Legs is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that fitness and toning your body has spawned an entire industry of blogs, fitness courses, and products.

This is where my premium done for you Toned Legs PLR Package comes in. Its all about teaching your customers The Secrets to Achieving Toned Legs Successfully.

Everything is done for you – from the main PLR Workouts info product to your social media updates – its simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative fitness and exercise niche.


Introducing The…

Toned Legs Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 53 000 Words of High Quality Toning Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality fitness PLR package covers the hugely popular toning your legs niche. Fitness and exercising is evergreen and will always be. This How to Tone Your Legs PLR content package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it and use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Toned Legs MEGA PLR Package…

Main eBook:””How to Tone Your Legs”

(4,115 words, 22 pages, 9 images)

Tone Your Legs Premium PLR Ebook


A look inside the How to Tone Your Legs Premium PLR eBook:

Toned Legs Premium PLR Ebook Sneak Preview


Table of Contents for the How to Tone Your Legs PLR eBook:

Introduction……………………………………………………………………… 3

The Difference Between Toned and Bulky……………………………………………….. 4

How to Use This Guide………………………………………………………………….. 5

Beginner Toned Legs Exercises…………………………………………. 6

#1 Squat………………………………………………………….. 6

#2 Lunge………………………………………………………… 7

#3 Good Mornings……………………………………….. 9

Intermediate Leg Toning Exercises……………………………. 11

#1 Mountain Climbers………………………………………………………. 11

#2 Dead Lift…………………………………………………………………………….. 12

#3 Calf Raises……………………………………………………………………………. 14

Advanced Leg Toning Movements……………………………………… 16

#1 Jumping Squats………………………………………………………………… 16

#2 Jumping Lunges……………………………………………………………………. 16

#3 One Legged Squat……………………………………………………… 17

Fat Burning Cardio Ideas to Consider:………………………………………………. 19

Tips for Adding Exercise into Your Day……………………………….. 21

Conclusion…………………………………………………………….. 22


Sample Content for the How to Tone Your Legs PLR eBook:


Do you love your legs? So many people don’t. They hide them year-round, even in the summer, under long pants and skirts. They wear long shirts and sweaters that cover their backside and thighs. And swimsuit season is not their favorite time.

From thigh gap to cellulite and everything in between, legs tend to be a struggle for many. The good news is that toned legs are in your near future.

The benefits of toning your legs are many. In addition to being able to wear clothing that fits the season – that means shorts in warm weather – it also means feeling more strong and confident. Toned legs are strong legs. They look great with bare feet and cutoffs, or heels and skirts.

Toning your legs means that you never have to worry about hiding your legs again. Instead, you’ll get compliments on them, and inquiries about how you have such great legs.

For both men and women, it’s nice to be able to wear more revealing clothing. But it’s important to not forget that just about any leg toning exercise you perform strengthens your muscles as well, including your glutes and your core muscles. You’ll have better posture, your clothing will be more flattering on you, and you’ll feel more confident.

As you tone your legs, you also improve your strength and mobility. That means you may no longer experience those painful pops and clicks in your hips, ankles and knees. And your flexibility may improve, which is always fun to experience.

Many people, especially women, worry about becoming bulky when they do strength training. Let’s talk about that next.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.

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Short Report:”10 Types of Workout to Tone Your Legs & Butt”

(1,638 words, 8 pages, 5 images)

10 Exercises For Tonned Legs Premium PLR Report


A look inside the 10 Types of Workout to Tone Your Legs & Butt PLR Report:

Toned Legs Premium PLR Report Sneak Preview


Product Reviews:

Body Xtreme Fitness Home Rowing Machine Body Sculpture 1500-S – 584 words

Body-Solid Leg Press & Hack Squat – 593 words

HOVR Portable – Under Desk Leg Swing, Sitting Exercise, Office Workout – 542 words

“Thinner Leaner Stronger: The Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Female Body” by Michael Matthews – 690 words

TNT Body Wraps for Arms and Slimmer Thighs – 593 words


Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Leg Press Machines – 1114 words


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Toning vs. Bulking Your Muscles

Email 1 – Toning or bulking – 227 words

Email 2 – Fitness Goals – 340 words

Email 3 – Gender – 388 words

Email 4 – Nutritional Needs – 581 words

Email 5 – Putting it all together into a training program – 531 words


Toned Legs Email Sample Content:

Email #4 Nutritional Needs

So far in this course, we have defined the difference between toning and bulking, and how fitness goals and gender play their parts in your toning or bulking efforts. In this lesson, we look at the last leg of that three-legged stool nutrition. Specifically, we will look at what you eat, when you eat and how it affects your performance.

What you eat

Protein builds and repairs muscle. But it is often misunderstood as to the amount you need on a daily basis. The amount of protein consumed is based on bodyweight and not gender or anything else. Regardless if a male or female, strive to get 0.6 to 0.9 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight each day. In metric, that is 1.3 to 2.0 grams per kilogram of bodyweight.

Daily caloric needs vary according to activity level, but the general guidelines suggest increasing your calorie consumption by an additional 500 calories if trying to gain muscle mass or tone up; reduce calorie consumption by 500 calories per day if your current goal is to lose weight and in particular body fat. Most professionals in the fitness business don’t recommend trying to lose weight and build or tone muscle at the same time. Work on burning off body fat first (by reducing calorie consumption) and then tone or build (by adding in additional calories).

When you eat

The body in general, but muscles specifically, need energy and they get it from the glycogen stored in muscles and the liver. But depending on the intensity and duration of your strength training sessions, it can deplete quickly, so it is important to consume calories about an hour before working out (so your body will have more energy at its disposal before it must resort to burning glycogen) and again within an hour after working out. Be sure to include a healthy dose of protein in your post-workout meal as your muscles need it to start rebuilding and repairing themselves.

Other nutritional needs

Wev’e talked about how much and when you should consume protein and a little about carbs, but there are also other nutritional needs that strength trainers should consider namely vitamins and minerals, and of course water.

For example, your muscles need oxygen (and a lot of it) when you train. The oxygen they get comes from an iron-rich protein in your blood, however if you are deficient in iron, there will be less oxygen available for your muscle to use, hence you will become fatigued quicker than you would have otherwise. And having the proper amount of vitamin C helps you absorb iron. Deficient in this vitamin may mean you are getting enough iron, but because you aren’t getting enough vitamin C, it is not getting it into your bloodstream. These are only two examples on how dependent the body is on getting the proper amount of vitamins and mineral.

Water is another nutritional need when working out. It is the only way to replace the water you lose from sweat and heavy breathing while strength training. Consume water before, during and after your workout. Here is an interesting fact: for every liter of water lost, your heart rate increases 8 beats per minute, meaning you are working your heart harder than it would otherwise work if you kept properly hydrated.

In the next lesson, we put it all together in a strength training plan you can use to get started strength training.


High Quality Toned Legs PLR Articles:

5 Exercises for Toning Your Calves – 514 words

5 Exercises for Toning Your Thighs – 578 words

5 Tips for Women Who Want to Make Their Calves Smaller – 377 words

6 Diet Tips for Slimmer Legs – 413 words

6 Exercises That Can Make Your Legs Look Slimmer – 544 words

7 Best Exercises for Toned Legs at Home – 576 words

7 Best Exercises for Toned Legs at the Gym – 641 words

7 Exercises for Toning Your Legs, Butt and Thighs – 637 words

A Guide to the Muscles of Your Legs (if You Want to Tone Them) – 564 words

How Long Does It Take to Get Defined Leg Muscles? – 401 words

How to Cope with Aching Leg Muscles After Exercise – 390 words

How to Get Rid of Cellulite on Your Legs – 390 words

How to Tone Your Legs (Rather Than Bulk Them) – 406 words

Pros and Cons of the Leg Press Machine – 409 words

Should You Lift Weights if You Want Toned Legs? – 419 words

What Are Calf Raises and How Do You Do Them? – 540 words

What Are Walking Lunges and How Do You Do Them – 534 words

What is a Wall Sit and How Do You Do Them? – 571 words

Will Running Make My Legs Bulky? – 435 words

Which Exercises Will Lift Your Buttocks?  – 389 words


Toned Legs PLR Article Sample:

5 Tips for Women Who Want to Make Their Calves Smaller

Are your calves bothering you? Do you struggle to fit into knee-high boots, jeans and other items of clothing? If you’re trying to make your calves smaller, here are some of the things which will help you along the way.

  1. Find out whether you are overweight

It’s not difficult to know without even stepping on the scale whether or not you’re overweight. If you have extra weight that you need to lose, start to work out how many calories you should have and look at a diet plan.

  1. Focus on the overall problem

If you do need to lose weight, your calves will naturally get smaller as you lose some weight. Rather than focusing on exercise routines which work only your calves, incorporate a healthy balance of diet and exercise into your lifestyle that will help you to see improvements in your entire body, not just your lower legs.

  1. Stretch your calves before workouts

Before doing any form of exercise, you should stretch your calves for 15-20 seconds. You should also repeat this after you’ve finished doing your workout. Most exercises use your legs in some form, and many of them use your legs more than any other part of your body, so it’s important that they are properly warmed up and down. Stretching can help to lengthen your muscles (but not enough to increase your height significantly!).

  1. Start running

Running is a great form of exercise, regardless of whereabouts on your body you’re trying to burn fat. Belly fat will often be greatly reduced by running, which comes as a surprise to many people who are running in a bid to decrease the size of their legs. However, with regular running sessions, you will start to see your legs becoming more toned and slim.

  1. Remember your goal

Since your goal is to make your calves smaller (and this might not necessarily be fat – it could be large muscles), be careful not to start doing any exercises which are purposely designed to increase the size of your legs. Working out on the machines at the gym which are for the legs will help you to tone up, but overdoing it could mean that you lose any excess fat but build further muscle.

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Social Media Posts & Images:


5 Shareable Social Media Fitness Graphics (PLR)

Toned Legs Premium PLR Social Media Tips


5 Shareable Social Media Inspirational Images

Toned Legs Premium PLR Inspirational Images

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20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

Toned Legs Premium PLR Social Media Tweets Bylines


14 Royalty Free Images

Toned Legs Royalty Free Images


Images of All Products Reviewed

Toned Legs Premium PLR Product Reviewed


Toned Legs Keyword Research Pack

Toned Legs Premium PLR Keyword Research



15 High Quality Running For Weight Loss PLR Articles Pack

Running For Weight Loss PLR Article Titles:

7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Go for a Run (581 words)

10 Bodyweight Training Exercises to Improve Your Running (646 words)

Are You Running Too Much? – Symptoms of Overtraining (573 words)

Discover the Importance of Flexibility Training in Running (553 words)

What to Look at When Assessing Your Running Health (659 words)

Is Running a Suitable Choice for Fasted Cardio? (576 words)

Discover Why Running Is So Effective for Weight Loss (562 words)

How to Improve Your Stamina with Running (699 words)

7 Stretches You MUST Do Before Running (674 words)

7 Ways to Beat Running Boredom (619 words)

Is it a Good Idea to Join Marathons? (609 words)

When Is the Best Time to Run? (656 words)

Nutrition for Runners – Losing Weight or Getting Fit? (608 words)

How to Prevent Running Injuries (588 words)

Running Apparel and Equipment: What You Will Need (545 words)

These articles are available in .TXT and Word doc Formats and includes a PLR License.


Running For Weight Loss PLR Article

7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Go for a Run

Before going for a run, there are seven crucial questions that you should ask yourself in order to be safe and get the best out of your session. In this article, we’ll look at the 7 questions and how they pertain to you.

  1. How do I feel?

A simple enough question and yet, so many people have ended up injured or worse because they didn’t ask it. While you may be motivated and driven to stick to your goals, there may be times when your body is just not up to the task.

If you’ve just recovered from the flu or an illness, your body may be tired, and it would be best to rest for a day or two. It’s imperative that you know the difference between feeling unwell and feeling unmotivated.

If your body aches and you’ve not been feeling good the whole day, you should not run. However, if you were fine the rest of the day and just feel like you’re not in the mood to run, then you’re feeling ‘lazy’… just wear your shoes and go go go!

  1. Did I get enough sleep?

Ideally, you should have gotten at least 6 hours of sleep the night before. If you’re sleep deficient and feeling drained, running is not an activity you want to undertake.

  1. Have I stretched?

Before any running, it would be a good idea to do some light skipping for about a minute or two. This will warm up your muscles. Next, you should do some light stretches for your legs and upper body.

This is especially crucial if you’re sprinting or doing interval runs. Muscles that are not sufficiently warmed up can get torn or you may experience severe delayed onset muscle soreness several hours after your run.

  1. Am I hydrated?

Drink enough water 30 to 45 minutes before your workout. It’s best to stay hydrated before and after your session. Running is one of those activities that causes you to perspire a lot. Drinking enough water will prevent you from being dehydrated or suffering from heat exhaustion.

  1. Do I have on the correct attire?

Make sure you have lightweight and bright running attire. This will keep you cool, and you’ll not feel overly hot while running. If you’re running near roads, having luminous strips on your attire will make you more visible.

Always use proper running shoes and make sure that your feet are getting all the support it needs. People with flat feet or high arches will need footwear that addresses these issues.

  1. What’s the weather like?

It’s best not to run during noon time when the sun is at its hottest. Other than that, avoid running when it’s too cold, rainy, etc. You want the weather to be cool, and you should be able to breathe easily.

Many people choose to run early in the morning when the air is crisp and fresh. You may wish to do this. If you’re running in the evening when it’s cooler, do it at least 3 hours before bedtime.

  1. How is traffic?

This only applies if you’re running on roads, etc. Avoid running in places or during times when there is heavy traffic. This is for your own safety.

Ask yourself these 7 questions before you run. Doing so will keep you safe and you’ll be able to train in peace and more effectively.


10 Top Quality Spring Fitness PLR Articles and Tweets

Spring Fitness PLR Article Titles:

Defining Leg Muscles – 621 words

Firming the Butt – 634 words

Flushing Body Fat – 694 words

Get Six-Pack Abs – 544 words

Improve Your Cardio – 526 words

Sag-Proofing Your Bust – 571 words

Strengthening Your Core – 711 words

Stretching for Flexibility – 620 words

Toning and Strengthening the Traps, Lats and Back Muscles – 623 words

Toning the Tummy – 610 words

These articles are available in .TXT format and Includes 10 Tweets and a PLR License.


Spring Fitness PLR Article Sample:

Firming the Butt

If there is one thing you want to look good this swimsuit season, it’s your butt. After all, it is one of the hardest parts to hide in a tiny swimsuit, and the most likely to jiggle in ways that you might not want it to. Luckily, there are exercises you can do to get your butt looking toned and firm.


Stand with your feet just wider than shoulder width apart, with your arms down by your sides. Slowly bend at the knees, extending your arms out in front of you, until you are at an almost sitting position – or lower if you can manage. Hold this position for a few seconds, and then slowly rise and come to your original standing position. Repeat this action 20 times, rest, and then repeat.

Chair Squats

This squat option is better for beginners who don’t quite have the core strength to complete regular squats. In this version, you can stand in front of a chair. Complete the same movements, hovering just above the chair. Repeat 20 times, rest, and then repeat.

Jump Squats

This exercise puts a bit more “oomph” into your squats. Start in the same position as regular squats, and complete the squat as usual except that when you are coming up, jump into the air. Jump up about one foot, and remember to bend your knees slightly coming back down to prevent injury.

Hip Lifts

Start by lying flat on the floor, with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Using the muscles in your butt, lift your pelvis into the air, keeping your feet flat on the floor. Experiment with moving your feet closer to your body or farther away to get the most effective resistance. Complete 50 repetitions, rest, and then repeat twice.

Extended Hip Lifts

This is a slightly more advanced version of regular hip lifts. In this version, you will extend one leg out straight while completing the same motions. Do 15 repetitions and then alternate to the other leg before resting and then repeating for a total of three cycles.


Begin in your standing position, with your feet shoulder width apart and your hands on your hips. Step out with one foot, about two feet straight in front of you. Keep your torso straight, bend at the knees until your back knee almost touches the floor, and then straighten back up and return to the beginning standing position. Alternate legs, completing 20 repetitions on each side before you rest and then repeat.

Toe Taps

Start by lying on your back with your legs elevated and knees bent to a 45 degree angle, and then bring your knees closer to your chest. From this position, bring one foot down and tap the ground, and then bring that leg back to the starting position. Alternating feet, complete this motion for one minute before you rest, and then repeat twice.

Superman Lunges

This is a slightly different take on lunges that works out a different part of your butt and the backs of your thighs. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart, arms down by your sides. In one fluid movement, lean forward and elevate one leg behind you, bringing your arms up in the air. The motion should remind you of Superman taking flight – thus the name. Return to the beginning position and then repeat, alternating sides, 15 times per side. Rest and then repeat twice.

The butt might be a big problem area for many people trying to look good in their swimsuits, but it is actually one of the easiest areas of the body to exercise. Complete these exercises at least two to three times a week consistently and you will be summer ready in no time.


5 Top Quality HIIT For Women PLR Articles

HIIT For Women PLR Article Titles:

4 Ways Women Can Incorporate HIIT in Their Workouts (717 words)

Discover Why HIIT is So Effective for Women Struggling to Lose Weight (676 words)

HIIT Splits and Training Different Muscle Groups for a Toned and Sexy Body (712 words)

How to Structure an Effective HIIT Workout (669 words)

Steady State Cardio vs. HIIT. Which is Better for Women? (807 words)

These articles are available in .TXT and Word doc Formats and includes a PLR License.


HIIT For Women PLR Article Sample:

Discover Why HIIT is So Effective for Women Struggling to Lose Weight

Gone are the days when long, dreadful sessions on the treadmill or never-ending aerobics workouts were deemed as the only solution to weight loss and the be-all and end-all of fitness. Over the years, studies have shown that short, intense bursts of activity are far more effective for burning fat and getting fit.

HIIT refers to high intensity interval training and it has skyrocketed in popularity as more and more people discover how powerful it really is. HIIT is a cardiovascular protocol that uses short, extreme workouts to get you in your maximum heart rate zone.

Many benefits will be accrued to you by incorporating HIIT in your training regimen. Thousands of women have made HIIT a part of their life because the workouts are short and the results are phenomenal. Let’s look at why HIIT is so effective for women.

  • Reduces food cravings

Unlike normal steady state cardio, your body will not crave for carbohydrates after a workout session. The HIIT workouts are so exhausting that you’ll also be more aware of what you’re eating just because you expended so much effort during training. Undoing a hard workout with an easy snack just doesn’t seem worth it.

  • Trains your heart to work efficiently

HIIT is exhausting and because it is so tough, it improves cardiac output which directly reduces heart related health problems from taking root in your body. HIIT training may be explosive in nature because of the speed involved. This speed of activity will recruit different muscular functions and aerobic pathways.

  • Improves steady state performance

It is very common to see many women on treadmills or stationery bikes at the gym. Women sure love their cardio and they’ll do anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour of it. However, in most cases, the cardio is steady state. It is not fast or explosive. That’s why it’s called steady state.

HIIT, however, can last anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 minutes. It is totally draining and will leave you breathless. Yet, by engaging in HIIT often, you’ll actually become better at steady state cardio.

HIIT is far more difficult and really improves your stamina in a way that steady state cardio never will. Oxygen and fuel is diffused faster into your muscles and this will improve your level of fitness. So, it’s better to train with HIIT. Cast your worries aside about the women spending hours on the treadmill being fitter than you. It’s just a misconception.

  • EPOC

EPOC stands for excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. It is impacted by the duration and intensity of the workload. In simple terms, it just means that your body will be in fat burning mode for hours after your workout is over. You could be burning calories anywhere from 5 to 12 hours after a HIIT session.

There is higher fat oxidation when you engage in high intensity interval training. The size and amount of mitochondria in your cells will increase. This will boost your metabolism and speed up fat loss. Short HIIT sessions burn just as much fat as long steady state sessions.

So, you spend less time working out and get better results. It’s a win-win situation.

  • Not boring

Last but not least, HIIT sessions barely give you time to breathe much less let your mind wonder and get bored. Long treadmill sessions can get boring because the pace is slow or moderate and your mind starts to ‘space out’ and you ponder in boredom about the other things in your life.

HIIT workouts are fast and you don’t even have time to think. The rest periods are short and only give you just enough time to cuss a little and catch your breath before jumping into the next set. You’ll feel a burst of energy during the session and will bask in the warm afterglow of exhaustion and pride when you’re done with a HIIT session.

Every woman should include HIIT in her workouts. It’ll save you time and get you to your dream body faster than most other training methods. Your strength, stamina, metabolism and energy levels will get a boost. It doesn’t get better than this.


10 High Quality HIIT Advanced PLR Articles Pack

HIIT Advanced PLR Article Titles:

Best Upper Body Exercises for HIIT (528 words)

Effective Lower Body Exercises to Include in Your HIIT Workouts (537 words)

Don’t Neglect Your Core When Doing HIIT (510 words)

How to Warm Up Before a HIIT Session (560 words)

HIIT with Running: What You Need to Know (603 words)

Understanding Intensity and How to Train with HIIT (720 words)

Training Specific Parts of the Body with HIIT (634 words)

Should You Use Kettlebells for HIIT? (583 words)

Understanding the Importance of Recovery When Doing HIIT (605 words)

The Cubicle Workout: Taking it to HIIT Level (593 words)

These articles are available in .TXT and Word doc Formats and includes a PLR License.


HIIT Advanced PLR Article Sample:

Don’t Neglect Your Core When Doing HIIT

Your core is much more than an attractive set of six pack abs. Millions of men are so focused on doing crunches and getting the abs that they fail to realize that their back muscles and their oblique muscles are all part of their core.

Having a strong core is not just about aesthetics and turning heads at the beach during summer. When your core is strong, your stomach will not stick out like a ‘pooch belly’. Your posture will be better, and you’ll be less prone to back pain and injuries.

Even in your training, your speed and movements will be faster and sharper because your spine is stable. Training your core is simple in concept but NOT easy to execute.

It would be a good idea to have a core exercise at the end of each HIIT circuit. For example, if you’re doing a circuit of burpees, box jumps, pushups and jumping lunges, add a plank as the last exercise.

It may not seem like much to do a plank for 30 or 45 seconds. Is that even high intensity? You’re not even moving!

Yet, when you’re exhausted, holding that plank for a short span of 30 seconds will be torturous and feel like an hour. Your body will tremble and wobble as you struggle to hold the plank. This is core training at it’s finest. You’ll only know how difficult it is when you’re in the throes of the workout.

Now let’s look at some of the most common core exercises that you can do:

  • Planks
  • Reverse plank with leg raises
  • Hanging leg raises
  • Knee tucks with stability ball
  • Renegade rows
  • Seated crunches
  • Kneeling cable crunches
  • Reverse wood chops (with medicine ball)

These are just a few of the many core exercises that you can use. There are so many ways to work your core that you’ll be spoiled for choice.

Important note: High intensity interval training requires maximum effort and speed. However, you should NEVER sacrifice form for speed. Doing this will not only reduce the efficacy of the exercise but make it dangerous as well.

If you’re not sure of any move/exercise, you can always search online or look for demonstration videos on YouTube. Practice each move slowly until you can execute it well. From there you can try and do it faster while maintaining correct form at the same time.

You may wonder, “Don’t exercises like squats and pullups work the core?”

Yes, they do. However, the core merely stabilizes the body so that it can execute the exercise. There’s not much focus on the core itself. It does get a little stronger from the other compound exercises, but this is a part of your body that requires more focus and attention.

It’s probably the most important area in your body. So, you absolutely must spend time training it purposefully and not as an afterthought.

A strong core equates to a strong body. Every other exercise you do will become simpler when your core is strong. Give it the attention it requires.


Guidelines for Running for Health and Fitness PLR Report – 7468 words

This running PLR report is available in .TXT and Word doc Formats and includes a PLR License.


Table of Contents for this Running PLR Report Article Sample:

Inside This Report

Over the next twenty pages you’ll discover…

  • The benefits of running – including a better sex life!
  • How to find your reason for running
  • How to get and stay motivated to run
  • How to track your runs, and why it’s important
  • If barefoot or minimalist running is right for you
  • How to sign up for your first race
  • Why you may choose to run on a treadmill
  • How to find the perfect shoes for your feet
  • New running apparel choices to consider
  • How to calculate your MHR or Maximum Heart Rate
  • How to set your personal running goals
  • What type of running is best for you
  • How to get off the couch and start running pain free
  • How to increase your speed
  • What to do before and after your run
  • How to stay hydrated
  • How to prevent the most common running injuries
  • How to take your running program to the next level


Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

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For the first 50 buyers of this Toned Legs Premium PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!


Bonus 1

7 Best Kettlebell Exercises To Strengthen Core Muscles MRR Ebook and Squeeze Page

7 Best Kettlebell Exercises To Strengthen Core Muscles MRR Ebook and Squeeze Page

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Bonus 2

10 Top Quality Spring Fitness PLR Articles and Tweets

10 Top Quality Spring Fitness PLR Articles and Tweets

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Here are the titles of the Product Name ( Top Quality Spring Fitness PLR Articles and Tweets):

  1. Defining Leg Muscles
  2. Firming the Butt
  3. Flushing Body Fat
  4. Get Six-Pack Abs
  5. Improve Your Cardio
  6. Sag-Proofing Your Bust
  7. Strengthening Your Core
  8. Stretching for Flexibility
  9. Toning and Strengthening the Traps, Lats and Back Muscles
  10. Toning the Tummy

Bonus 3

Beginners Guide To Yoga PLR Ebook

Beginners Guide To Yoga Ecover

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Package Details:

Download File Size – 35.9 MB
eBook Format – PDF,
Reading Requirements – Any PDF Reader
Number of Pages – 45


Bonus 4

Top Quality Yoga and Flexibility PLR Email Course

Top Quality Yoga and Flexibility PLR Email Course

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Below are the Yoga and Flexibility that you are going to learn:

  • How yoga helps you stay flexible in pregnancy
  • How yoga helps you stay flexible when you are overweight
  • How yoga helps athletes stay flexible
  • How yoga helps the elderly stay flexible
  • Foods to eat to make you more flexible
  • Stretching exercises to improve flexibility
  • How dance can make you more flexible
  • How Pilates can make you more flexible
  • How massage can make you more flexible
  • Flexibility exercises for kids


Bonus 5

10 High Quality Bodyweight Training for Health PLR Articles

10 High Quality Bodyweight Training for Health PLR Articles

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Here are the titles of the 10 Bodyweight Training Articles:

  1. 4 Ways to Take Your Bodyweight Training to the Next Level (521 words)
  2. Bodyweight Exercises to Boost Your Metabolic Rate (543 words)
  3. Bodyweight Training to Help Women Tone Their Lower Body (525 words)
  4. Developing a Rock-Hard Core with Bodyweight Training (545 words)
  5. Discover Why Bodyweight Training is Ideal for Quick Office Workouts (524 words)
  6. Do This Bodyweight Workout to Lose Weight and Get Ripped (545 words)
  7. How to Train to Failure with Bodyweight Workouts (570 words)
  8. Using Bodyweight Training to Improve Stability in Seniors (563 words)
  9. Using Calisthenics to Sculpt Your Body (597 words)
  10. Weight Loss and Bodyweight Training – The Missing Link (563 words)

Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!

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Package Details For The Toned Legs Premium PLR Package:

Main eBook:

“How to Tone Your Legs”

(4,115 words, 22 pages, 9 images)


Short Report:

“10 Types of Workout to Tone Your Legs & Butt”

(1,638 words, 8 pages, 5 images)


Product Reviews:

Body Xtreme Fitness Home Rowing Machine Body Sculpture 1500-S – 584 words

Body-Solid Leg Press & Hack Squat – 593 words

HOVR Portable – Under Desk Leg Swing, Sitting Exercise, Office Workout – 542 words

“Thinner Leaner Stronger: The Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Female Body” by Michael Matthews – 690 words

TNT Body Wraps for Arms and Slimmer Thighs – 593 words


Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Leg Press Machines – 1114 words


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Toning vs. Bulking Your Muscles

Email 1 – Toning or bulking – 227 words

Email 2 – Fitness Goals – 340 words

Email 3 – Gender – 388 words

Email 4 – Nutritional Needs – 581 words

Email 5 – Putting it all together into a training program – 531 words


Related PLR Articles:

5 Exercises for Toning Your Calves – 514 words

5 Exercises for Toning Your Thighs – 578 words

5 Tips for Women Who Want to Make Their Calves Smaller – 377 words

6 Diet Tips for Slimmer Legs – 413 words

6 Exercises That Can Make Your Legs Look Slimmer – 544 words

7 Best Exercises for Toned Legs at Home – 576 words

7 Best Exercises for Toned Legs at the Gym – 641 words

7 Exercises for Toning Your Legs, Butt and Thighs – 637 words

A Guide to the Muscles of Your Legs (if You Want to Tone Them) – 564 words

How Long Does It Take to Get Defined Leg Muscles? – 401 words

How to Cope with Aching Leg Muscles After Exercise – 390 words

How to Get Rid of Cellulite on Your Legs – 390 words

How to Tone Your Legs (Rather Than Bulk Them) – 406 words

Pros and Cons of the Leg Press Machine – 409 words

Should You Lift Weights if You Want Toned Legs? – 419 words

What Are Calf Raises and How Do You Do Them? – 540 words

What Are Walking Lunges and How Do You Do Them – 534 words

What is a Wall Sit and How Do You Do Them? – 571 words

Will Running Make My Legs Bulky? – 435 words

Which Exercises Will Lift Your Buttocks?  – 389 words


Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Tips Images

5 Shareable Social Media Inspirational Quote Images

20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

+ 3 bonus bylines for article marketing or guest blogging

15 Royalty Free Images

Images of All Products Reviewed



15 High Quality Running For Weight Loss PLR Articles Pack

Running For Weight Loss PLR Article Titles:

7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Go for a Run (581 words)

10 Bodyweight Training Exercises to Improve Your Running (646 words)

Are You Running Too Much? – Symptoms of Overtraining (573 words)

Discover the Importance of Flexibility Training in Running (553 words)

What to Look at When Assessing Your Running Health (659 words)

Is Running a Suitable Choice for Fasted Cardio? (576 words)

Discover Why Running Is So Effective for Weight Loss (562 words)

How to Improve Your Stamina with Running (699 words)

7 Stretches You MUST Do Before Running (674 words)

7 Ways to Beat Running Boredom (619 words)

Is it a Good Idea to Join Marathons? (609 words)

When Is the Best Time to Run? (656 words)

Nutrition for Runners – Losing Weight or Getting Fit? (608 words)

How to Prevent Running Injuries (588 words)

Running Apparel and Equipment: What You Will Need (545 words)


These articles are available in .TXT and Word doc Formats and includes a PLR License.


10 Top Quality Spring Fitness PLR Articles and Tweets 

Spring Fitness PLR Article Titles:

Defining Leg Muscles – 621 words

Firming the Butt – 634 words

Flushing Body Fat – 694 words

Get Six-Pack Abs – 544 words

Improve Your Cardio – 526 words

Sag-Proofing Your Bust – 571 words

Strengthening Your Core – 711 words

Stretching for Flexibility – 620 words

Toning and Strengthening the Traps, Lats and Back Muscles – 623 words

Toning the Tummy – 610 words


These articles are available in .TXT format and Includes 10 Tweets and a PLR License.


5 Top Quality HIIT For Women PLR Articles

HIIT For Women PLR Article Titles:

4 Ways Women Can Incorporate HIIT in Their Workouts (717 words)

Discover Why HIIT is So Effective for Women Struggling to Lose Weight (676 words)

HIIT Splits and Training Different Muscle Groups for a Toned and Sexy Body (712 words)

How to Structure an Effective HIIT Workout (669 words)

Steady State Cardio vs. HIIT. Which is Better for Women? (807 words)


These articles are available in .TXT and Word doc Formats and includes a PLR License.


10 High Quality HIIT Advanced PLR Articles Pack

HIIT Advanced PLR Article Titles:

Best Upper Body Exercises for HIIT (528 words)

Effective Lower Body Exercises to Include in Your HIIT Workouts (537 words)

Don’t Neglect Your Core When Doing HIIT (510 words)

How to Warm Up Before a HIIT Session (560 words)

HIIT with Running: What You Need to Know (603 words)

Understanding Intensity and How to Train with HIIT (720 words)

Training Specific Parts of the Body with HIIT (634 words)

Should You Use Kettlebells for HIIT? (583 words)

Understanding the Importance of Recovery When Doing HIIT (605 words)

The Cubicle Workout: Taking it to HIIT Level (593 words)


These articles are available in .TXT and Word doc Formats and includes a PLR License.


Guidelines for Running for Health and Fitness PLR Report – 7468 words

This running PLR report is available in .TXT and Word doc Formats and includes a PLR License.


Total Word Count: 53 000+ Words

FAST-ACTION BONUSES – Available for the first 50 buyers of this Toned Legs PLR Pack. You’ll no longer see these awesome extra bonuses available on this page once the 50 fast action takers have been awarded.

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Articles, reviews, comparison charts and all other content from Premium PLR Niche Packages are for you only – you cannot pass on any rights to anybody else.

More information on the PLR rights that come with your purchase:

What You CAN Do With The Content In This PLR Package:

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