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Strength Training For Women PLR Ebook

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Strength Training for Women Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 21 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Fitness and Training Content.


Attention: Fitness and Training Entrepreneurs

Done for You Premium Fitness PLR Product on a




Dear online business owner, When it comes to top fitness and training searches, the Fitness is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Strength Training for Women has spawned an entire industry of blogs, fitness courses, and products.

This is where my premium done for you Strength Training for Women PLR Package comes in. This Fitness PLR Package is all about teaching your customers how to Get Lean, Not Bulky.

Everything is done for you – from the main info product to your social media updates – its simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative fitness and training niche.


Introducing The…

Strength Training for Women Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 21 000 Words of High Quality Strength Training for Women Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality Strength Training for Women PLR package covers the hugely popular fitness niche. Fitness and training is evergreen and will always be. This Strength Training for Women PLR content package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it and use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Strength Training for Women MEGA PLR Package…

Main eBook: Strength Training for Women! (Get Lean, Not Bulky)

(4,796 words, 17 pages, 8 images)

Strength Training For Women PLR Ebook


A look inside the Strength Training for Women Premium PLR eBook:

Strength Training for Women Premium PLR Ebook Sneak Preview


Table of Contents for the Strength Training for Women PLR Ebook:

Why Strength Training? The Powerful Benefits of Lifting Weights…… 3

More Muscle, Less Fat…………………………………………………………………… 3

Better Posture………………………………………………………………………………. 3

Improved Energy Levels and Health……………………………………………… 4

Feel and Look Better…………………………………………………………………… 4

Osteoporosis and Aging……………………………………………………………….. 4

Five Myths to Let Go of Before You Start……………………………………. 5

Myth #1 You’ll Get Bulky If You Lift Weights……………………………… 5

Myth #2 Weightlifting is Dangerous…………………………………………… 5

Myth #3 Cardio Is the Only Thing That Burns Fat……………………… 6

Myth #4 You Can Tone and Shape a Muscle…………………………………. 6

Myth #5 Women Shouldn’t Go Heavy………………………………………….. 6

Weightlifting Equipment……………………………………………………………..8

Bodyweight Is Great………………………………………………………………….. 8

Kettlebells………………………………………………………………………………….. 8

Dumbbells………………………………………………………………………………… 8

Barbell…………………………………………………………………………………………. 9

Weights…………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

Rack…………………………………………………………………………………………… 9

Bench…………………………………………………………………………………………. 10

Workout Clothing Considerations…………………………………………….. 11

Movements to Start With………………………………………………………….. 12

The Lunge…………………………………………………………………………………. 12

The Squat…………………………………………………………………………………… 12

The Shoulder Press……………………………………………………………………. 13

The Thruster……………………………………………………………………………… 14

Advanced Weightlifting Movements…………………………………………. 15

The Deadlift………………………………………………………………………………. 15

Row……………………………………………………………………………………………. 16

Other movements to consider learning include:……………………….. 16

Creating Your Weight Training Program…………………………………….17


Sample Content for Strength Training for Women Premium PLR Ebook:

Why Strength Training? The Powerful Benefits of Lifting Weights

Women tend to avoid strength training and weightlifting. There are many reasons why, and the vast majority of those reasons are based in myth and preconceptions about what weight training is and what it does to a female body. We’ll take a look at those myths shortly. First, it’s important to talk about what strength training does, and what it has to offer women specifically, because there really is a tremendously long list of positives for women.

More Muscle, Less Fat

Strength training and weightlifting increase the capacity of your muscles. You have them. You have biceps, glutes, hamstrings, and abdominals. When you work your muscles in this way, through lifting weights, you incur small tears to your muscles. As these tears repair, your muscles get stronger.

Now it not only takes energy to repair those muscle fibers (energy that burns fat and calories), it also takes a tremendous amount of energy to sustain your muscles.

That means that you burn calories and fat while you work out, after you work out, and that your metabolism becomes faster, which means you’re burning more calories overall. “Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue does, muscle mass is a key factor in weight loss” (Source: Mayo Clinic).

Better Posture

Strength training has the impact of making you become more aware of your body. You feel stronger, and that often translates into better confidence and improved posture. You feel empowered. However, it also facilitates better posture on a musculoskeletal level.

Your bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles all become stronger. Generally speaking, poor posture is evidence of weakness. It’s often a sign of a weak core. Weightlifting changes that. Your core muscles become powerful and you not only sit up straighter, you walk better too. It improves how you function.

Improved Energy Levels and Health

When you strength train, your body creates a bit of what’s called “Free Testosterone.” Now don’t worry about weightlifting making you look like a man. It won’t, and we’ll address that in more detail in the “myths” section below.

However, it’s important to know that testosterone is important for female energy and vitality. It impacts your metabolism, your sexual function, and your muscular function. In short, you’ll feel better and look better with a bit of testosterone created by strength training.

Feel and Look Better

Weightlifting improves your energy levels, it kick starts your sex drive, and, let’s face it, you just look better in your clothing. You’ll be more aware of your body and what it’s capable of. And while everyone starts strength training at a different level, the benefits are across the board.

Osteoporosis and Aging

There are a few things that happen as a woman gets older, and I’m sorry to tell you that this process begins around age 30. Your bones start losing density. This means that they become weaker and osteoporosis can develop.

You also tend to decrease muscle and gain fat – we can thank our lovely hormones for this impact from aging. However, weightlifting can slow down these effects. Weightlifting slows down the loss of bone density dramatically, thus preventing fractures and spinal issues that range from fractures to a slouching posture.

And while you may not be thinking about it right now, but menopause can cause the female body to put on fat pounds. A strength training regimen not only helps balance hormones, it also helps you maintain and build new muscle mass, which in turn burns that potential fat.

So you know that weightlifting offers everything from preventing osteoporosis to helping you look great in your swimsuit. Let’s tackle those myths next because you’re bound to hear them, and you don’t want them to get in your way of succeeding.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.

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Short Report: “Strength Training for Women – 9 Myths Busted!”
(1,615 words, 7 pages, 4 images)

Strength Training For Women PLR Report


A look inside Strength Training for Women Premium PLR Report:

Strength Training for Women Premium PLR Report Sneak Preview

Product Reviews:

AmazonBasics 20-Pound Dumbbell Set – 485 words
AmazonBasics 40-Pound Adjustable Weight Set – 478 words
Lifting Belt by Rip Toned – 449 words
“Thinner Leaner Stronger: The Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Female Body” – 538 words
Tone Fitness Walking Dumbbells – 454 words


Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Kettlebells – 963 words


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Email1-How Strength Training Boosts Metabolism for Women – 288 words

Email2-6 Wonderful Health Benefits of Weightlifting for Women – 357 words

Email3-Dont Believe These 5 Weightlifting Myths for Women – 359 words

Email4-3 Tips for Better Weightlifting Results for Women – 359 words

Email5-Getting Started Lifting Weights Putting It All Together – 330 words


Strength Training for Women Email Sample:

3 Tips for Better Weightlifting Results for Women

Have you tried lifting weights before, but just didn’t get the results you were looking for? The following 3 tips deliver better weightlifting results for women, and can be implemented immediately.

1 – Use Proper Form

This can be tough for a lot of women just getting started lifting weights. Weightlifting may be an entirely foreign animal to you, and you aren’t even aware that you are practicing improper form. The key here is to get some training.

A quick YouTube search for “proper weightlifting form for women” reveals some excellent video advice. You can also stop into the local gym or health club and simply ask for some guidance. Proper form not only limits injuries, stress and strain, but it delivers the results you’re looking for quicker than sloppy form.

2 – Stay Regular

Consistency is the key with any form of exercise. Whether you are lifting weights to lose weight, burn fat, look great in a bikini or fight depression and anxiety, you will get the results you’re looking for when you stay consistent in your efforts.

This means lifting weights 5 or 6 days a week. Work the same muscle groups on alternate days. You can work your lower body Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and your upper body Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Consistent repetition will create a healthy habit that can change your body and mind positively in so many ways.

3 – You Can Strength Train Without Weights

It is highly recommended that you buy a weight set, or workout with free weights at a local gymnasium or health club. However, you already possess all the weight you need to get started strength training. Body weight exercises use your physical weight to create muscle stressing resistance.

This form of strength training can take place anywhere, at any time. You only need a few minutes to perform a few sets of squats, lunges or planks. You should still find time to lift physical weights. However, in a pinch, or if you are just getting started, body weight exercises deliver excellent strength training benefits for women.

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High Quality Strength Training for Women PLR Articles:

4 Myths About Weight Training for Women – 459 words
A Guide to Compound Exercises for Women – 446 words
A Guide to Myogenic and Neurogenic Muscle Tone – 499 words
A Guide to the Role of Protein in the Diet of Women Who Lift Weights – 576 words
Am I Too Old to Start Lifting Weights? – 656 words
Can Strength Training Help Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease and Diabetes? – 475 words
Do Men and Women Need Different Diets for Effective Strength Training? – 456 words
Do Women Need to Strength Train Differently to Men? – 429 words
Dumbbells vs. Barbells vs. Kettlebells: Which is Best for Women? – 430 words
How and Why to Use a Foam Roller for Strength Training – 455 words
How Strength Training Could Improve Your Daily Life – 538 words
How to Combine Cardio with Weight Training for Maximum Fat Loss – 454 words
How to Warm Up Before Lifting Weights – 499 words
How Women Can Start Lifting Weights When They’ve Never Done It Before – 410 words
Should Women Take Any Supplements for Weight Lifting? – 519 words
Strength Training Can Lead to Healthy Bones – Here’s How – 409 words
Understanding Macronutrients to Get the Most Out of Your Strength Training Workouts – 483 words
Understanding the Role of Testosterone in Weight Lifting for Women – 623 words
What Does Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption Mean? – 471 words
Why Women Shouldn’t Just Stick to Light Weights – 405 words


Strength Training for Women PLR Article Sample:

4 Myths About Weight Training for Women

Many women decide to stick with cardio programs because of myths they have heard about weight training for women. Other women weight train but are disappointed with their results because of what they believed to be true only to find out it was not. Let’s explore four myths that prevent people from achieving their fitness results.

  1. “I don’t’ want to bulk up.”

This truly is a myth in that it is impossible for women to get bulky regardless of how much weight lifting they do. It just isn’t going to happen. Why? Because to do so, requires a level of testosterone that is far above what women normally have – eight to 10 times more. Even women bodybuilders have a hard time bulking up and many resort to taking steroids or testosterone supplements. Put that fear to rest and start lifting.

  1. “I don’t want to lift a lot of weight.”

As counter-intuitive as it may seem, weight lifting doesn’t necessarily mean lifting weight. Actually it should be called resistance training as it can be done with anything that imposes an increasing demand on your muscles. Instead of weights, some people use resistance bands, which are just as effective and come in varying levels of resistance. The beauty of them is you can take them with you without adding much weight to your luggage – an important consideration when traveling by air today.

  1. “I just want to tone up.”

Toning up in a specific area is the same as spot-reducing which is a myth in itself. It isn’t impossible. What is possible though is to burn off some fat all over your body through cardio training and increasing the muscle size in that area slightly with strength training that targets those particular muscles, therefore making you look as if you just toned up.

  1. “I want to turn fat into muscle.”

Because muscle cells and fat cells are completely different, it is impossible to convert one into the other. What can happen, as noted in the previous myth, is that you do both cardio and weight lifting, you will burn fat and add a little muscle at the same time making it look like you indeed did turn fat into muscle.

The other is also not true -if you stop exercising muscle will turn to fat. Here you are losing muscle mass (from non-use) and adding fat from eating more calories than you are burning.

Now that these four myths are put to bed, get out and start strength training. Whether you use free weights, weight machines or resistance bands, the point is to mix in at least two days (non-consecutively) into your workout schedule to get the body you desire or the body back that you once had.

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Social Media Posts and Images:


5 Shareable Social Media Fitness Tips Graphics (PLR)

Strength Training for Women PLR Social Fitness Tips


5 Shareable Social Media Inspirational PLR Images

Strength Training for Women PLR Inspirational Images


20 Social Media PLR Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

Strength Training for Women PLR Social Media Tweets and Bylines


12 Royalty Free Images

Strength Training for Women Royalty Free Images


Images of All Products Reviewed

Strength Training for Women PLR Products Reviewed


Bonus: Strength Training for Women Checklist – 447 words

Strength Training for Women Checklist Article Sample:

☐ Stop comparing yourself to others. Right now, regardless of your experience level, there are women who are stronger and weaker than you. Comparing yourself to them does no one any good.

☐ Remember that you can never spot reduce fat. You can’t target fat in your thighs, belly or arms. Strength training burns fat all over your body, and this fat blasting benefit can last for up to 72 hours after your workout.

☐ You are a unique woman. Because of this, what works for someone else may not work for you. Experiment until you find the strength training exercises or programs that work for you.

☐ Get started today. Don’t use the excuse that you don’t have any weight training physical fitness equipment for not getting started. You can strength train using body weight exercises anywhere and at any time.

☐ Don’t focus on a particular weight loss goal or other physical metrics that you can measure. Simply continue to lift heavier weights, and your fat loss, weight loss, 6 pack abs goals will be achieved.

☐ Strength training improves bone density and muscle mass. Women are more susceptible to osteoporosis and other bone health conditions, and strength training can offset that risk.

☐ Lift heavy weights with fewer repetitions. Simply lifting 3 pound or 5 pound weights over and over does not stress your muscles enough to burn fat, calories and give you that toned look you are striving for.

☐ The myth of getting “bulky” is ridiculous. Bulk comes from fat, not lean, strong, sexy, toned muscle mass, which is the reward of a smart strength training regimen.

☐ Form is important. 10 repetitions of any strength training movement practiced perfectly delivers more results than 20 sloppy reps.

☐ If you are just beginning a strength training program, or getting back to one after years of absence, start slowly. Practice just a few exercises until you get back into the habit of lifting weights or strength training.

☐ The squat is one of the most “perfect” all-over strength training movements. It works your legs, core and upper body.

☐ Drink lots of water. Even sedentary individuals that don’t strength train should be consuming 1 gallon of water each and every day (3.79 liters).

☐ Be consistent – don’t give up. You should strength train at least 3 days a week, alternating days. If you are inconsistent in your efforts, your results will be inconsistent also.

☐ Get excited about the new you that you are creating! Envisioning the body you are going to create gives you the motivation to continue working out when you don’t feel like it.


Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

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Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!


For the first 50 buyers of this Strength Training for Women Premium PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!


Bonus 1

7 Best Kettlebell Exercises To Strengthen Core Muscles MRR Ebook and Squeeze Page

7 Best Kettlebell Exercises To Strengthen Core Muscles MRR Ebook and Squeeze Page

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Package Details:

  • Covers
  • Ebook
  • Landing Page

Total File Download Size:

2.92 Megabytes (MB)


Bonus 2

10 High Quality Fat Loss Cardio and Strength Training For Women PLR Articles

10 High Quality Fat Loss Cardio and Strength Training For Women PLR Articles

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Here are the titles of the 10 Fat Loss Cardio and Strength Training For Women Articles:

  1. 6 Reasons Why Walking is Great for Women (712 words)
  2. Cardio Workouts That Women Can Do at Home (565 words)
  3. Discover Why Overdoing Cardio Makes Women Gain Weight (844 words)
  4. How Women Can Accelerate Fat Loss by With These 5 Cardio Tips (789 words)
  5. What Types of Cardio are Best for Women? (751 words)
  6. 4 Principles to Toning and Sculpting a Bikini Body with Resistance Training (735 words)
  7. Discover the Benefits of Strength Training for Women (664 words)
  8. How Women Can Build Their Own Effective Weight Training Workout Routine (950 words)
  9. How Women Can Use Resistance Training to Tone and Strengthen Their Upper Body (615 words)
  10. What Type of Weight Training is Best for Women to Tone Their Butt and Legs (724 words)


Bonus 3

Womens Strength Training PLR Report and Squeeze Page

food inflamation Ebook

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Package Details:

  • Images
  • Lead Magnet
  • Squeeze Page

Total File Download Size:

23.8 Megabytes (MB)


Bonus 4

10 High Quality Bodyweight Training for Health PLR Articles

10 High Quality Bodyweight Training for Health PLR Articles

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Here are the titles of the 10 Bodyweight Training Articles:

  1. 4 Ways to Take Your Bodyweight Training to the Next Level (521 words)
  2. Bodyweight Exercises to Boost Your Metabolic Rate (543 words)
  3. Bodyweight Training to Help Women Tone Their Lower Body (525 words)
  4. Developing a Rock-Hard Core with Bodyweight Training (545 words)
  5. Discover Why Bodyweight Training is Ideal for Quick Office Workouts (524 words)
  6. Do This Bodyweight Workout to Lose Weight and Get Ripped (545 words)
  7. How to Train to Failure with Bodyweight Workouts (570 words)
  8. Using Bodyweight Training to Improve Stability in Seniors (563 words)
  9. Using Calisthenics to Sculpt Your Body (597 words)
  10. Weight Loss and Bodyweight Training – The Missing Link (563 words)


Bonus 5

5 High Quality Resistance Training For Weight Loss PLR Articles

5 High Quality Resistance Training For Weight Loss PLR Articles

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Here are the titles of the 5 Resistance Training For Weight Loss Articles:

  1. Full Body Workouts Will Blast Your Fat Away! (585 words)
  2. Resistance Training for Weight Loss: What You MUST Know (550 words)
  3. Is Bodyweight Training Better for Weight Loss? (531 words)
  4. Compound Moves VS Isolation Moves: Which Do You Focus On? (523 words)
  5. 8 Common Resistance Training Mistakes People Make (617 words)

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Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!


Package Details For The Strength Training for Women Premium PLR Package:

Main eBook:
“Strength Training for Women – Get Lean, Not Bulky!”
(4,796 words, 17 pages, 8 images)

Short Report:
“Strength Training for Women – 9 Myths Busted!”
(1,615 words, 7 pages, 4 images)

Product Reviews:

AmazonBasics 20-Pound Dumbbell Set – 485 words
AmazonBasics 40-Pound Adjustable Weight Set – 478 words
Lifting Belt by Rip Toned – 449 words
“Thinner Leaner Stronger: The Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Female Body” – 538 words
Tone Fitness Walking Dumbbells – 454 words

Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Kettlebells – 963 words

5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Why Women Should Lift Weights

Email1-How Strength Training Boosts Metabolism for Women – 288 words

Email2-6 Wonderful Health Benefits of Weightlifting for Women – 357 words

Email3-Dont Believe These 5 Weightlifting Myths for Women – 359 words

Email4-3 Tips for Better Weightlifting Results for Women – 359 words

Email5-Getting Started Lifting Weights Putting It All Together – 330 words

Strength Training for Women PLR Articles:

4 Myths About Weight Training for Women – 459 words
A Guide to Compound Exercises for Women – 446 words
A Guide to Myogenic and Neurogenic Muscle Tone – 499 words
A Guide to the Role of Protein in the Diet of Women Who Lift Weights – 576 words
Am I Too Old to Start Lifting Weights? – 656 words
Can Strength Training Help Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease and Diabetes? – 475 words
Do Men and Women Need Different Diets for Effective Strength Training? – 456 words
Do Women Need to Strength Train Differently to Men? – 429 words
Dumbbells vs. Barbells vs. Kettlebells: Which is Best for Women? – 430 words
How and Why to Use a Foam Roller for Strength Training – 455 words
How Strength Training Could Improve Your Daily Life – 538 words
How to Combine Cardio with Weight Training for Maximum Fat Loss – 454 words
How to Warm Up Before Lifting Weights – 499 words
How Women Can Start Lifting Weights When They’ve Never Done It Before – 410 words
Should Women Take Any Supplements for Weight Lifting? – 519 words
Strength Training Can Lead to Healthy Bones – Here’s How – 409 words
Understanding Macronutrients to Get the Most Out of Your Strength Training Workouts – 483 words
Understanding the Role of Testosterone in Weight Lifting for Women – 623 words
What Does Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption Mean? – 471 words
Why Women Shouldn’t Just Stick to Light Weights – 405 words

Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Tips
5 Shareable Social Media Inspirational Images
20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)
+ 3 bonus bylines for article marketing or guest blogging
12 Royalty Free Images
Images of All Products Reviewed

Bonus: Strength Training for Women Checklist – 447 words

Total Word Count: 21 000+ Words

FAST-ACTION BONUSES – Available for the first 50 buyers of this Strength Training for Women PLR Pack. You’ll no longer see these awesome extra bonuses available on this page once the 50 fast action takers have been awarded.


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