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Outsourcing PLR eBook

Outsourcing Premium PLR Package 16k Words

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#outsourcing #outsourcingideas #businessoutsourcing #outsourcingservices #outsourcingbenefits #onlineaudience #internetmarketing #outsourcingtips #outsourcingplr #outsourcingplrcontent #bloggers #entrepreneurs #productivity #bloggeroutsourcing #businessreach #outsourcetasks #hirefreelancers #findcontractors #manageteammembers #simpleworkflows #qualityfreelancers #editorialcalendars #virtualassistant #virtualassistants #hireava #hiringfreelancers #hirevirtualassistants #projectmanager #outsourcingmistakes #businessplr #premiumbusinesscontent #readymadecontent #rebrandablecontent #brandableplr

Outsourcing PLR Package – Featuring Over 16000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen and Premium Outsourcing PLR Content.


Attention: Internet Marketing, Online Business & Home Biz Entrepreneurs

Done for You Premium Online Marketing/Home Business PLR Product on a EVERGREEN Topic:

Outsourcing For Bloggers and Entrepreneurs!


Dear online business owner, When it comes to digital marketing and work from home searches, Outsourcing is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Outsourcing has spawned an entire industry of blogs, courses, books and products.

This is where my premium done-for-you Outsourcing PLR package comes in. It’s all about teaching your customers how to write for an online audience .

Everything is done-for-you – from the main PLR Outsourcing info product to your social media updates – it’s simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative online business niche.


Introducing The…

Outsourcing Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 16 000 Words of High Quality Physical Internet Marketing Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality Outsourcing PLR package covers the hugely popular internet marketing niche. Internet Marketing is evergreen and will always be. This Outsourcing for entrepreneurs and bloggers PLR package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it or use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Outsourcing MEGA PLR Package…


Main eBook: How to Write for an Online Audience

(4,362 words, 22 pages, 7 images)

Outsourcing PLR eBook


A look inside the Outsourcing PLR eBook:

Outsourcing for bloggers PLR eBook Inside Look


Table of Contents for the Outsourcing Premium PLR Ebook:

Introduction: Why Outsource as a Blogger/ Entrepreneur?. 3

Money Efficiency. 4

Better Efficiency, Quality and Productivity. 4

Fewer Headaches. 5

You Expand Your Business Reach. 5

More Free, Targeted Traffic Because of Improved Search Engine Optimization. 6

You Create Free Time in Your Life. 6

Identifying Tasks You Can Outsource. 7

10 Jobs Perfect for an Outsourcer or Freelancer 7

4 Jobs and Activities You Should Be Handling Yourself 11

Starting Small & Working Your Way Up. 13

Pick a Task That Is Easy to Accomplish. 13

Where to Find Contractors. 15

How to Manage Your Team Members. 17

Make Workflow Simple. 17

Hire Quality Freelancers. 17

Don’t Try to Get Orange Juice from Apples. 17

Get an Editorial Calendar 17

Review Work Early and Often. 17

Give Praise When It Is Needed, and Be Firm When That Is Needed. 18

Treat Each Freelancer or Virtual Assistant As an Individual 18

Include a “Test” When Hiring Freelancers. 18

Bringing on a Project Manager to Make Things Easier 19

8 Common Outsourcing Mistakes to Avoid. 21


Sample Content for the Outsourcing PLR Ebook:

Blogging is more competitive than ever before. There are literally tens of millions of blogs, and you may have several blogs and websites competing for your audience. Internet entrepreneurs that don’t blog also have competitors to worry about. The bottom line is, if you plan on becoming the next millionaire kitchen table entrepreneur or blogger, you need to be as efficient as possible in your business.

Outsourcing offers efficiency, productivity and a lot of other benefits. Yes, it can be scary at first. Most web entrepreneurs and bloggers do their own thing, taking on multiple jobs. This means it could be a little overwhelming to handoff parts of your business to someone you don’t know very well. However, that is how the largest and most successful businesses in the world create the wealth and freedom their owners enjoy.

If you are considering outsourcing as a way to improve your productivity and reduce your personal time investment in your business, you should be commended. Outsourcing is one of the most cost-efficient ways to grow your business exponentially. Let’s take a look at a few reasons why any blogger or online entrepreneur should be outsourcing.

Money Efficiency

One of the beauties of outsourcing is that you can spend the time on those projects which generate the greatest return on your time and financial investment. Other tasks, such as email inbox management, content creation and social media management, don’t need to be eating up your valuable time.

You have heard it before, and it rings true in any business… time is money.

The cost advantages of hiring outsourcers that live in cities and countries where the cost of living is lower than where you live are plentiful. You can enjoy cost savings of anywhere from 40% to 75% when you outsource certain tasks. This means your personal time investment in your business goes down, your cost for hiring employees and team members also decreases, and you can still find incredibly talented individuals to work for you.

Better Efficiency, Quality and Productivity

Through a smart outsourcing management process, you get access to people that have a lot more time and experience invested in performing certain activities. This means you automatically become more productive and efficient.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.


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Checklist: Outsourcing Checklist

(429 words, 3 pages) 

Outsourcing PLR Checklist


A look inside the Outsourcing Premium PLR Checklist

Outsourcing PLR Checklist Inside Look


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: How to Create a Standard Operating Procedures Manual for Bloggers

Email 1 – What Is an SOP and Why Create It
Email 2 – Create an Outline of Main Tasks
Email 3 – Keeping an SOP Up to Date
Email 4 – Learning When and What to Outsource in Your Blogging Business
Email 5 – Apps and Program to Make Writing an SOP Easier

Outsourcing PLR Emails Total Word Count: 1956 Words


Outsourcing Email Content Sample:

Email #1 – What Is an SOP and Why Create It?

Welcome to the SOP for Bloggers ecourse.  In the next few lessons, we will explain why you need an SOP, what should be in it and how to write one tailored to your blog business. The term SOP is short for Standing Operating Procedure and is a written set of detailed instructions as to how you will run your business.

In the business world, it can explain manufacturing practices, safety procedures, IT measures, controlling financial assets and more. In regard to operating a blog, it is specifically the steps you will take on how you will do each function of running your blog.

It could include elements contained will be in each blog post, frequency of posting, image sourcing, outsourcing, branding, plug-ins, themes, etc. Anything you will do more than once should be included on how to do it in your SOP. That way, you’ll do that same thing the same way every time. Document the process or procedure step-by-step, so you get the same results every time; it will help you maintain the quality, quantity and security of your blog.

Because you are most likely a one-person show, it will serve more as a reminder as to the steps you will take to do a certain thing. In a business having two or more employees, it shows them the proper way to do something so regardless of who is doing the task at the time, the results will be the same.

One fault many businesses make when writing SOPs is they make them too difficult to read. Use clear easy-to-understand terms and language, along with checklists, charts, mind maps, flow charts, screenshots and outlines as applicable. Each task documented should be goal-based meaning it should accomplish a specific objective to a specific standard.

Be specific and detailed. For example, under marketing, “promoting a blog post” is not defined as to where it will be promoted or how many times. However, “promote a blog post by tweeting it 15 times in two weeks after posting” defines the task better and provides a marketing objective for your blog posts.

In the next lesson, we are going to look at outlining and how it can be used in an SOP.


Outsourcing PLR Articles:

  1. 5 Tips for Getting Started with Outsourcing in Your Business – 462 words
  2. 6 Tips for Outsourcing on a Budget – 388 words
  3. 9 Task Ideas for Bloggers to Outsource – 723 words
  4. How to Manage Your Team When Outsourcing – 410 words
  5. What is a Virtual Assistant and What Could They Do for You? – 507 words


Outsourcing PLR Article Sample:

5 Tips for Getting Started with Outsourcing in Your Business

When you first start a business, you might think you can do everything on your own; however, you’ll soon realise that this certainly isn’t the case. You can employ staff to help you out, but this can come with extra costs that you might not be able to afford. Outsourcing is one of the best ways to free up your own time for management tasks while also getting people who are skilled and knowledgeable in a particular field.

1. Get recommendations from other people

When you’re on tight deadlines and you need to get things done properly, outsourcing work to the wrong people can push everything back and give your business a bad reputation. If you’re delivering items or services to a client and the person you’re outsourcing the work lets you down, it’s you that gets the bad reputation. Get recommendations from people you know and you’ll be able to narrow the search down a lot.

2. Start off small

Don’t start off by outsourcing everything you have, since it can quite easily go wrong. The temptation can be strong when you consider how much money you could save and how much extra time you’d get if you passed the work along to another person, but it’s very risky and could damage your business before you’ve even started. Start off small with each new person too in order to discover how well they work and if they’re suitable for you.

3. Communicate properly

Choose people who can communicate well and also make sure you’re communicating well with them. They need to know exactly what you need and how you like things to be done, and you need to know where they’re up to and if there are any important updates. Discuss terms of working before you start giving them tasks.

4. Protect your money

If you’re dealing with people online, there’s always the risk of losing money or being scammed if things aren’t properly in order. While invoices and agreements over email can only go so far, if you’re handing over lots of work or lots of money is at stake, you should take the time to get an agreement which is legally binding in order to protect both parties.

5. Remember you’re not an employer

When you outsource work to people, you are not employing them. You are using their services and they usually work on a freelance or self-employed basis. This means that while you can request certain things and tell them how you’d like things to be done, you don’t have a right to order them on how to run their own business. This is also a positive aspect of outsourcing to freelancers, since you don’t have to pay them sick pay or sort out their taxes either!


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Social Media Posts and Images:


5 Shareable Social Media Inspirational Images (PLR)

Outsourcing PLR Social Graphics


16 Social Media PLR Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

Outsourcing PLR Tweets


7 Royalty Free Images

Outsourcing Royalty Free Images


Images of All Products Reviewed


Outsourcing Keyword Research Pack

Outsourcing PLR Keywords



5 Outsourcing PLR Articles


Outsourcing PLR Articles Sample:

Basic Outsourcing for Home Based Businesses

Did you know that outsourcing can save you time and money – even if you’re a small home based company? When people think of outsourcing, they often think of huge corporations hiring people in developing countries. In reality, a lot of outsourcing is done by very small companies, by people just like you.

How Outsourcing Can Help You

Outsourcing can make all the menial tasks go away. You can outsource a lot of your menial tasks both in person and online.

For example, let’s say that every week you need to scan forums for potential clients. You look through various forums looking for people who’re asking questions. You answer those questions and offer your services. The whole process takes about 5 or 6 hours.

Of those 5 or 6 hours, only 1 hour is actually spent on responding to questions. The rest is spent on locating questions, browsing through the junk and finding people who’re actually in your target market.

Those 4 or 5 hours of time are important to your business, but can easily be outsourced. For a mere $3 to $6 an hour, you can have someone else do this menial task, freeing you up to do more important things in your business.

Getting Started

To begin with, come up with a value number for your time. For example, your billable hours might be worth $100 an hour. Of course, you have to put in a lot of work to earn a billable hour. You decide that your time is actually worth about $50 an hour.

So any time you can save yourself an hour of time for less than $30 or $40 an hour, you’re profitable. This is the magic number you use to decide whether or not to outsource something.

Now make a list of all the things you might want to outsource. Include everything from business tasks to personal tasks, like laundry and cooking.

Finding Your Outsourcers

One you have your list of tasks you want to outsource and you know your budget per hour limit, it’s time to find outsourcers.

For digital tasks, head over the or and create a job describing the tasks that you want completed. If you have a lot of different tasks that you want one assistant to do, use an hourly rate. If it’s a per-project payment, then pay by the gig instead.

For in-person tasks, use tools like Zaarly or Craigslist to locate people who’re willing to do it. In first world countries, you can generally expect to pay between $10 and $25 an hour for a personal assistant or menial tasks.

This will help get you started on the path to outsourcing. In time, you’ll want to outsource virtually all the non-essential tasks in your business. This will allow you to free up a lot of time and attention so you can focus your energy on actually growing your business.


Things To Note When Hiring a Virtual Assistant PLR Report


Hiring a Virtual Assistant Report Sample:

Congratulations on taking your first step to outsourcing!  If you’re tired of running your business alone and know you could turn bigger profits if you only had some help, this report is for you.

It will give you a complete introduction to what a virtual assistant can do for you and how to outsource on any budget. It will provide you with the steps you need to take and the tools you need to have to ensure you get the most return on your investment.

Here’s what the report covers:

  • Knowing When to Hire a Virtual Assistant
  • The Types of Tasks a VA Can Handle
  • Hiring Help if You’re on a Budget
  • Finding the Right Virtual Assistant for You
  • How to Train Your VA

So let’s get started….

Hiring a Virtual Assistant is Good for Business

Corporations and large businesses hire employees to perform various functions within the company.  Secretaries manage front office tasks which may include answering phones and offering customer support. The marketing department oversees advertising and public relations. Bookkeepers or accountants take care of the finances, and so on.

Many small and home-based businesses don’t have the luxury of being able to hire a staff of employees. However, that doesn’t mean they have to manage their business alone. By outsourcing to a virtual assistant (often referred to as a VA), they can have specialized help when they need it and for a fraction of the cost of hiring full-time employees.

Working with a virtual assistant means:

  • Smaller Learning Curves. While understanding the basic concepts are great, there’s simply no need to learn graphic design, marketing, programming, website creation, etc. Hiring assistants who specialize in these areas will save you loads of time and frustration.
  • Balanced Home and Business Life. Business is important, but so is spending time with family and friends.  Maintaining a healthy balance reduces stress, increases productivity and ensures everyone is happy.
  • Increased Productivity & Profits. Knowing your assistant is taking care of the time consuming tasks allows you to stay focused on more profit-producing business activities.

In a nut shell, outsourcing to a virtual assistant just makes good business sense.



Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!


For the first 50 buyers of this Outsourcing Premium PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!

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Bonus 1

Outsourcing PLR Pack

Outsourcing PLR Pack

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • List Building Report/Lead Magnet in PDF and Editable Word Documents
  • Training Guide in PDF and Editable Word Documents
  • Video Training in MP4 Format
  • Audio Training in MP3 Format
  • Graphics and Facebook Advert (JPG and PNG files)
  • Powerpoint Slides
  • Follow-up Emails
  • Rebranding Tutorial Video
  • Full Private Label Rights License

Total File Download Size:

322 Megabytes (MB)


Bonus 2

Outsourcing PLR Newsletter eCourse

Outsourcing PLR Newsletter eCourse

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Package Details:

  • 10 Outsourcing Email Messages (Word Doc & PDF)
  • HTML Squeeze Page
  • HTML Thank You Page
  • Web Ready eCover Graphics
  • Editable PSD Graphics Files
  • Download File Size – 24 MB


Bonus 3

Outsourcing Basics PLR Newsletter eCourse

Outsourcing Basics PLR Newsletter

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Package Details:

  • 12 Outsourcing Basics Email Messages (Word Doc & Text Format)
  • Clickbank Affiliate Recommendations (Word Doc & Text Format)
  • Bonus Content Containing Extra Paragraphs, Extra Titles & Opening and Closing Paragraphs (Word Doc & Text Format)
  • HTML Squeeze Page
  • HTML Thank You Page
  • Web Ready eCover Graphics
  • Editable PSD Graphics Files
  • Download File Size – 733 KB


Bonus 4

Outsourcing For Your Business eBook With Master Resell Rights

Outsourcing For Your Business MRR

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Package Contents:

eBook PDF file
Article doc
MRR License
Sales Page
Cover images
Promo Email Page
Earnings Disclaimer
Privacy Policy
Thank-you/Download Page
Lead Capture Page


Bonus 5

Outsourcing Done For You Marketing Templates

Outsourcing Done For You Marketing Templates

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • Insiders Guide
  • Outsourcing Templates
  • Project Listing Templates
  • Project Specs Templates


Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!

Package Details For The Outsourcing Premium PLR Package:

Main eBook:

“How to Write for an Online Audience”
(4,362 words, 22 pages, 7 images)

+ Checklist
+ eCovers
+ Keywords

5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: How to Create a Standard Operating Procedures Manual for Bloggers

Email 1 – What Is an SOP and Why Create It
Email 2 – Create an Outline of Main Tasks
Email 3 – Keeping an SOP Up to Date
Email 4 – Learning When and What to Outsource in Your Blogging Business
Email 5 – Apps and Program to Make Writing an SOP Easier

Outsourcing PLR Articles:

5 Tips for Getting Started with Outsourcing in Your Business – 462 words
6 Tips for Outsourcing on a Budget – 388 words
9 Task Ideas for Bloggers to Outsource – 723 words
How to Manage Your Team When Outsourcing – 410 words
What is a Virtual Assistant and What Could They Do for You? – 507 words

Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Tips
16 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)
7 Royalty Free Images


5 Outsourcing PLR Articles

Basic Outsourcing for Home Based Businesses
How To Go About Outsourcing Your Information Product Creation
Savvy outsourcing know how
The Benefits of Outsourcing Your Online Marketing Projects
The Best Work to Outsource When Growing Your Business


Things To Note When Hiring a Virtual Assistant PLR Report (4600 words)

This Virtual Assistants PLR reports is available in Word Doc format and includes eCovers.


Total Word Count: 17000+ Words

FAST-ACTION BONUSES – Available for the first 50 buyers of this Outsourcing PLR Pack. You’ll no longer see these awesome extra bonuses available on this page once the 50 fast action takers have been awarded.


Your PLR License Terms

Articles, reviews, comparison charts and all other content from Premium Private Label Contents are for you only – you cannot pass on any rights to anybody else.

More information on the PLR rights that come with your purchase:

What You CAN Do With The Content In This PLR Package:

Can be added to or edited completely.
Can put your name on as the author.
Can be used as content for websites, courses, newsletters, eBooks.
Can be used in videos, MP3s, books.
Can sell or give away for personal informational use only.
Can add the content to your coaching membership site
Can add the content to a paid membership with Personal Use Rights (PDF).
Can be offered as a bonus in PDF format (as long as you don’t offer PLR rights).
Can add to a website that is sold with a unique domain name (no templates/ PLR sites) as long as you don’t offer PLR rights.
Can rewrite and add the articles to client websites and projects.
Can use the content to build your list (PDF format)

What You CANNOT Do With This Content

Cannot sell or give away Resale Rights, Master Resale Rights or Private Label Rights.
Cannot offer through auction websites or dimesales with PLR rights.
Cannot add to a free membership site in any format with PLR rights.
Cannot pass on any PLR rights to your clients.
Cannot use my name on the PLR content.
Cannot use as is to publish Kindle books (it’s against Amazon’s terms).
Cannot use in article directories unless you rewrite completely.
Cannot pass along (sell or give away) Private Label Rights in ANY format.
Cannot sell this entire PLR package as is
Cannot add this package to a PLR membership site (only the ebook with personal use rights)

This license is non transferable. Meaning this PLR license is for you only and not for your customers.

Your customer can only learn from the content.

You can use PLR articles on as many of your own sites as you wish.

Can It Be Used For Website Flipping? If you add this PLR to a site and decide to sell it, that’s fine. But it can only be sold on sites that come with a unique domain name (i.e. not on PLR website packs that include templates/content sold to multiple buyers but no domain) and please don’t include the separate package with all the keywords/ bonuses.


Social media images may be edited using the PSD files, and you may repost them on social media sites but you cannot sell or pass on the PSD files to customers.

The images contained within the main report and top 10 tips report are Public Domain and free to use in personal and commercial projects.

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