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Meditation and Mindfulness PLR Ebook

Meditation and Mindfulness Premium PLR Package 32k Words

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Meditation and Mindfulness Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 32 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Self Help Content.


Attention: Self Help Marketers, Personal Development & Self Improvement Coaches

Done for You Premium Self Help PLR Product on a


Meditation and Mindfulness !


Dear Self Improvement online business owner, When it comes to self help and personal development searches, the Meditation and Mindfulness is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Meditation and Mindfulness has spawned an entire industry of blogs, courses, books and products.

This is where my premium done-for-you Meditation and Mindfulness PLR content package comes in. It’s all about teaching your customers how to Practical Meditation & Mindfulness.

Everything is completely done-for-you and ready-to-go – from the main Meditation PLR info product to your social media updates – it’s simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative self improvement niche.



Introducing The…

Meditation and Mindfulness PLR Package

Featuring Over 32 000 Words of High Quality Gratitude Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality Meditation and Mindfulness PLR package covers the hugely popular self help niche. Self Help is evergreen and will always be. This Meditation and Mindfulness PLR content package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell the PLR or use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Meditation and Mindfulness MEGA PLR Package…


Main eBook: “Practical Meditation & Mindfulness (for Normal People)”

(4,340 words, 20 pages, 9 images)

Meditation PLR Ebook



A look inside the Meditation and Mindfulness PLR eBook:

Meditation and Mindfulness PLR Ebook Inside Look


Table of Contents for the Meditation and Mindfulness PLR Ebook:

What is Meditation? (It’s Not Just for Hippies!) 3

What Meditation Is, and What It Isn’t 3

How Meditation Can Improve Your Life. 6

Focus. 6

Immunity. 7

Emotional Well-Being. 7

Creation of a “Super Mind” 7

Better Physical Health. 7

Body Weight Control 8

What is Mindfulness Meditation?. 9

How to Meditate Mindfully. 10

How to Meditate for Complete Beginners. 11

How to Make Meditation a Habit 13

Common Meditation Obstacles and How to Overcome Them.. 14

How to Bring Mindful Practices into Everyday Life. 16

Helpful Meditation Resources for Further Study. 19

Physical Books and Kindle eBooks. 19

Audio CDs, Audiobooks. 19


Sample Content for the Meditation and Mindfulness Premium PLR Ebook:

When you hear the word “meditation”, what thoughts immediately pop into your head? Do you see in your mind’s eye a turban-wrapped Indian mystic sitting on a carpet (probably the magical flying variety)? You may envision incense, weird chanting, spiritual devotees and impossibly crossed legs.

If you remember the hippie movement of the 1960s in the US or the UK your thoughts turn to headbands, grubby clothing, the “free love” movement, communes, sit-in protests and smoking “grass”. Meditating yogis and Tibetan monks painlessly walking across hot coals and lying on beds of nails may spring to mind.

Meditation will always conjure up such stereotypical thoughts (and memories for some of us). While this is only natural, it is an entirely limited and close-minded view of a centuries-old practice proven to provide so many health benefits. Meditation was long ago accepted by the global medical community as a healing treatment for multiple conditions of the mind and body, and not just for hippies, monks and yogis.

What Meditation Is, and What It Isn’t

First off, let’s take a look at what meditation is not. To the uninformed layperson meditation is often thought of as a religious or spiritual practice. While it certainly can deepen your spiritual awareness, and is an integral part of multiple religions, the act of meditating is in itself a singular and non-religious event.

You can involve meditation in your religious practice, or use it to bolster your spiritual understanding. You can also use meditation simply to calm your mind and silence the constant chatter of your inner voice, as it was intended to be used.

Meditation does not require you to move to a monastery, shave your head, burn incense, chant secret verses or adopt a cross-legged sitting position that is impossible for many. You will not go into a trance or become a “psychic Superman”, and you are not required to be a saint or holy person to benefit from meditation.

It is not difficult at all. Meditation can be beneficial for anyone, women as well as men, young and old alike. You can meditate successfully in a crowded, noisy environment, whenever and wherever you have a few minutes of free time. You do not have to dedicate years to meditation to receive its incredible benefits, and science even shows that meditation is perfect as “… a healing agent that improves the functionality of brain systems.” (January 2011 issue of Cognitive and Behavioral Practice)

To best define meditation, let’s look at what it offers. The Journal for the American Medical Association (JAMA) has concluded that meditation provides so many mental and physical benefits because…

“Cultivating a more mindful way of being is associated with less emotional distress, more positive states of mind, and better quality of life,” as well as noticeable improvements in “… the brain, the autonomic nervous system, stress hormones, the immune system and health behaviors, including eating, sleeping, and substance use.”

For just about anyone, meditation can be very powerful. The kitchen table entrepreneur or seeker of a laptop lifestyle often times launches an entrepreneurial dream part-time. Personal, family and career responsibilities combined with launching a part-time business account for every minute of every day, and then some.

To cut through this hectic, busy, “I never seem to be gaining any ground” lifestyle, meditation is perfect. The same can be said for anyone in any walk of life, small business owner or not. More than 3,000 published clinical and scientific studies on meditation show that a constant practice improves your mental abilities, boosts your ability to focus, supercharges your sleep and energy levels, reduces stress and improves feelings of well-being and contentment.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.

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Meditation and Mindfulness Checklist :

(518 words, 4 pages)

Meditation and Mindfulness PLR Checklist


A look inside the Meditation and Mindfulness Premium PLR Checklist

Meditation and Mindfulness PLR Checklist Inside Look




Meditation and Mindfulness PLR Editable Ecovers:

Meditation and Mindfulness PLR Editable Ecovers


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: How to Stop the Mental Chatter

Email 1 – Are You A Slave to Your Monkey Mind
Email 2 – Why Your Inner Voice Isnt Helping You
Email 3 – Why You Should Be Thinking Less
Email 4 – How to Recognize and Mental Chatter You Should Ignore
Email 5 – 2 Simple Ways to Reduce Mental Chatter

Meditation and Mindfulness PLR Emails Total Word Count: 1431 Words


Meditation and Mindfulness Email Content Sample:

Are You A Slave to Your “Monkey Mind”?


Picture a raucous, chattering, shrieking group of monkeys, flitting about, swinging from tree limb to tree limb, constantly in motion, seemingly with no purpose.

That is your inner voice sometimes.

Buddhist monks refer to this incessant, distracting mental chatter as your monkey mind. This comparison was made by the Buddha centuries ago, who said …

“The human mind is filled with drunken monkeys flinging themselves from tree branches, jumping around, and

chattering nonstop.”

He was referring to your inner voice, which never seems to stop talking. You quietly and silently “talk” to yourself about a million things a day, inconsequential and important. Your fears, desires, sensory input, what you should and shouldn’t do, what you could and couldn’t do, what you ate for breakfast, the weather, your to-do lists, your future goals, things you regret, people you meet and a million other topics flit in and out of your mind rapidly all day, constantly demanding your attention.

Don’t worry, this is natural. Just because it is natural though, does not mean it is a healthy and positive behavior.

Most of the time this inner voice should be ignored. It doesn’t help you, and rather, hinders you in so many ways. When you learn to ignore or silence your monkey mind, you find clarity, peace and focus. Your sleep becomes better. Your health gets a boost, and your self-esteem, well-being and happiness improve.

That is the focus of this short email series, to help you quiet your monkey mind, and receive the many benefits from doing so. The next time we talk, you will discover exactly why your inner voice may be leading you astray, and how it is working against you rather than serving you.

To your success,




Meditation and Mindfulness PLR Articles:

  1. How to Fit Meditation into a Busy Life – 545 words
  2. How to Use the Body Scan Exercise for Mindfulness – 594 words
  3. What is Loving-Kindness Meditation and How Can It Improve Your Life? – 550 words
  4. What is Mindfulness? – 507 words
  5. What to Do When You Feel like You Can’t Meditate – 626 words


Meditation and Mindfulness PLR Article Sample:

How to Fit Meditation into a Busy Life

Meditation is a calming practice that reduces stress, improves concentration, and increases self-awareness. It plays an important role to ensure that we are in a stable state of mind despite emotional shifts and challenges faced on a daily basis. As a result, many people have made meditation part of their daily routine. But, if you are juggling a busy schedule, fitting meditation into your hectic lifestyle can seem tricky, or even impossible.

In ideal conditions, meditation is best practiced at a specific hour each day while seated on a comfortable cushion in a serene place. But, between taking care of your kids, attending to never ending house chores, running a business or going to work and giving your spouse their fair share of attention, meditating can easily be the last thing on your mind.

If you really want to reap the benefits of meditation despite leading a busy lifestyle, some flexibility will be required. This means shifting from traditional practices and finding opportunities to meditate amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. Feeling up to the task? If so, here are a few tips on how to fit meditation into a busy life.

#1: When Commuting
If you spend several minutes in a bus or train every day when commuting to and from home, this can be an excellent time to meditate. The only challenge to expect is traffic noise, but you can overcome that through guided visualization or breathing based meditation techniques using a smartphone app. Meditating in a public transit vehicle should be feasible since you won’t be preoccupied with driving. If you are going to use a subway train, ensure to board it early enough and grab a seat as it will be easier to meditate while seated.

#2: Inside the Car
For those who drive a lot, there will be moments when you are stuck sitting in a parked car. This can be when you arrive ten or fifteen minutes earlier at the workplace, during pickup duty or while waiting for someone in a meeting. Those are perfect opportunities to squeeze in some meditation time. It may be helpful to have a meditation CD and play a guided session track that is appropriate for the time you have at hand.

#3: At Your Work Desk
Meditating at your work desk can work if you take advantage of any available free time. For example, you can use part of your lunch break to clear and refresh your mind. All you have to do is plug in your headphones into the computer, shut the office door and log into your favorite YouTube meditation channel or play some soothing tunes while taking deep breaths.

#4: Before Sleeping
After a busy day, it helps to wind down and ease the mind. Meditating before going to sleep clears thoughts and helps you to let go of mental clutter of the day. Practicing mindful meditation at bedtime not only frees the mind of stress, it also prepares the body for a good night’s sleep.

With the tips shared above, it is possible to fit meditation into a busy day. It takes time to get used to meditation on the go. But, with time and consistence practice, you will reap the benefits that meditation has to offer.


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Social Media Posts and Images:


5 Shareable Social Media Graphics (PLR)

Meditation and Mindfulness PLR Social Graphics


16 Social Media Posts with hashtags (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

Meditation and Mindfulness PLR Tweets


9 Royalty Free Images

Meditation and Mindfulness Royalty Free Images


Meditation and Mindfulness Keyword Research Pack

Meditation and Mindfulness PLR Keywords

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5 High Quality Quiet Your Mind PLR Articles

Quiet Your Mind PLR Article Sample:

5 Simple Techniques to Quiet Your Mind

Trying to quiet an overactive mind can be a Herculean task if you don’t know how to go about it. Even if you do know what to do, it will take daily practice for about a month before you start noticing a difference in your mental state.

Nevertheless, this is a worthy pursuit because a calm and quiet mind will lead to a better and more productive life.

1. Meditation

No list on mind calming techniques would be complete without mentioning meditation. This is one of the most potent ways to quiet your mind and is used by some of the top CEOs on the planet to be more productive.

Meditation helps you to focus and gives you clarity. While there are several different ways to meditate, the goal is often the same – to prevent your mind from overthinking and being flighty.

In a world filled with distractions, being able to focus on one thing is becoming a rare skill. Meditation will help you harness your concentration and increase your focus while reducing any mental stress you may have.

2. Self-reflection

Self-reflection is easier than meditation, but it can be more painful. With self-reflection, you’ll be looking at the way you think and act… and more importantly, asking yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing/thinking.

Almost always, there will be an emotional reason attached to it. It could be bad experiences from the past, childhood trauma, etc. Once you discover what is eating you deep down in your heart and soul, then you can begin the healing process.

You’ll need to learn to let go and understand that the past is just a mental construct. Whatever has happened is over, and moving on will be in your best interest.

If you’re still filled with bitterness, anger or other negative emotions, it would be a good idea to find a professional therapist to work through these issues. It will be cathartic and you’ll find inner peace and a quieter mind that’s not plagued by turmoil.

3. Brain dump

There’s always so much to do in our lives. Chores, deadlines, bills, commitments, etc. It never ends. Complete 2 tasks and 4 more appear like you’ve just chopped off one of Hydra’s heads and two more have grown back.

So how is one to make sense of this never-ending chaos?
The first and most important thing to do, will be to write it all down. Write down all your tasks, thoughts and emotions.

Write down whatever you’re feeling. The goal is to take out whatever is cluttering your mind and put it down on paper. The more you write the better.

After that, make a list of the tasks/chores that need to get done. Then do them and strike them off one by one.

This brain dump approach works for two reasons – it gives you an outlet to release your pent-up stress… and it gives you clarity on exactly what needs to be done.

When everything is floating around your head, it just seems like a lot more to do and your mind never gets a break.

4. Stretching

Practice stretching exercises throughout the day. This will help to release tension in the body. Pay special attention to your shoulder, neck, back, hip flexors and hamstrings.

When you stretch your body, your muscles will relax. Your entire body will feel ‘lighter’ and not as tight. Your mind will automatically calm down because your entire being is not as taut.

5. Mindful breathing

Mindful breathing is a technique where you pay attention to your breaths, feel the air being inhaled and exhaled and the expansion and contraction of your lungs.

You’re an observer of your breaths but you don’t interfere in the process. Breathe naturally and focus on your breathing and be aware of how your body moves.
This will help you to quiet your mind as you only focus on your breathing.

These 5 techniques are extremely effective for quieting your mind. You don’t need to use all of them. Just using one or two methods might be enough to achieve your goal of reducing mental stress and an overactive mind.

Choose one method and start on it today.


10 Meditation PLR Articles

Meditation PLR Article Sample:

Beginner Meditation Techniques

It is very important to note that with any new undertaking, there will be questions and adjustments, and your mind will probably want to talk you out of it as well. If you persist and experiment, you will get to where you need to be with your meditation practice.

Understand that meditation is not something that will happen overnight or something that will be automatic from the onset. It takes time and it takes practice.

Take the time to read through some books or get some audio/visual tapes to acclimate yourself with the art and practice of meditation. In this way, you will know what to expect.

Start to focus on your breathing throughout the day. When you are hurried and rushed, do you notice that your breath is shorter and more labored? If so, begin by focusing on each breath, taking deep breaths in through the nostrils and releasing through the mouth. You should also notice the rise and fall of your stomach as you focus on your breathing.

Be intentional about your meditation. Meditation is a practice and a learned skill. It needs to be practiced intentionally in order for it to work. It does not just happen to you.

Dress appropriately for meditation. If you are trying to sneak in ten minutes of meditation in your lunch hour, dressed in your business skirt and heels, chances are you will be rushed and harried. Set aside a time that is appropriate where you can wear loose fitting clothing and where you can concentrate.

Begin with the practice of releasing tension in all your body parts. Focus on the feet first and release tension in that area; move up to your ankles, etc. Do this until you have reached the top of your head. For some practitioners, tightening and releasing muscles as they go along makes for a greater awareness of the release.

Practice your breathing techniques together with the release of tension in your body parts. At first, this will seem difficult; however, it will become easier as time goes on. You will be able to tighten and release your muscles and breathe in and out to release that tension.

Stretching your muscles a bit before sitting to meditate is a great way to get blood circulating and get in the moment.
Choose a focal point, if you wish. For some, meditation is only done with their eyes closed, while others need a focal point. Yours could be a picture on the wall of a serene setting.

Let others in on your new-found desire to learn meditation. If those around you know you need quiet time, they will respect your solitude – especially if it will give them a happier and healthier you.

Be consistent with your mediation practices. Do not let circumstances take over control of your mediation practice. Before you know it, you will become a pro – just stay consistent.


Keeping Your Mind Sharp as You Age PLR Report

Keeping Your Mind Sharp as You Age PLR Report Sample:

Keeping Your Mind Sharp as You Age

Normal, cognitive changes as you age are completely normal. This may include mild cognitive impairment, which is quite common in humans after midlife.

Usually this “dulling of the mind” starts around middle age. Since the average person lives to about 80 years old, this means that if you’re 40, you are middle age. Even if you are nowhere near 40 right now, this age comes sooner than you think because time passes very fast while you’re living it.

Working on keeping your mind sharp as you age can and should start from a young age. The younger you start, the better. However, even if you’re over middle age right now, and even if you feel as if you have less mental dexterity than when you were younger, you can still implement what you will read in the pages that follow. If you do, you may avoid suffering too much decline, keeping your mind as sharp as possible and even improving where you can.

The Importance of Keeping Your Mind Sharp as You Age

It’s normal to experience changes in your brain throughout your life. As you go through middle age and beyond, your brain will slowly shrink. This is all completely normal and while it sounds frightening, you don’t have to be scared. With the right plan, you can – if you work on it – actually grow your brain even if it’s already started shrinking.

Keep Your Independence Longer

If you can take care of yourself and remember to pay your bills, turn off the stove, and that type of thing, you will be able to be independent a lot longer than if you can’t do those things. Working on improving your memory and brain function now, even if you have no mental or cognitive decline at all, will ensure that you will put it off even longer.

Ward off Dementia

Even though a large percentage of people over 70 have some form of dementia, you can certainly lessen the effects by working on your mental and physical health. Eating right, keeping your mind sharp by reading, doing new things, and living an active life is your best defense against any illness and costs less than medical intervention.

Improve Your Memory

Being able to remember to take your meds, or even remember what day it is, is an important factor in being able to live on your own. If you cannot remember what day it is, it’s hard to remember to pay your light bill or buy the right amount of food to eat. Don’t worry, though; even if you have a hard time remembering things now, you can learn methods to make it easier.

Experience Better Health in General

Taking care of your brain health will naturally rub off into creating a situation where your entire body is healthier. The main reason is that the same thing that keeps your brain healthy will maintain your general health. Eating right, drinking plenty of water, getting exercise, resting, and reducing stress are good for you all the way around.

Enjoy Your Retirement More

When you can be independent, remember your scheduled evening out with friends, and remember to pay your bills, you will obviously enjoy your retirement more. It’s more pleasurable if you’re healthy and your mind is sharp. You’ll have a lot more fun because you will be free of other worries once you retire, and you’re likely to earn more money longer due to having a sharp mind.

Keeping your mind sharp pays off in more than one way. Being independent as long as humanly possible is also a massive benefit to the rest of your family. The less your family worries about you, the more independent you can be, for longer. It’s a lot less expensive for you to stay independent.

So, let’s move on to look at things you can do to make your life better and to keep your mind sharp as you age.


Meditation Methods PLR Newsletter eCourse

Meditation Methods PLR Newsletter Sample:

Message # 1 Subject line: Your First Meditation Methods Issue

Hello “autoresponder code here”,

Welcome to the first Meditation Methods. In each issue of this newsletter, you will learn valuable information that will help you understand the various methods of meditation and their benefits. In this issue, we are going to talk a little bit about learning to meditate and why you should consider trying it yourself.

With most of us living fast-paced lifestyles trying to balance work, family and social lives can take it’s toll on our mental and physical wellbeing. Learning to meditate can bring a sense of calm and inner happiness to our lives and help promote feeling of peace and tranquility that often times get lost when we are busy trying to juggle everything we have to accomplish on a daily basis.

The practice of meditation is a gateway into your inner consciousness, resulting in an enhanced awareness of your own existence and your overall relationship to the universe.

Whether you are looking to answer the age-old question, “Who am I and why am I here?” or simply to implement simple relaxation techniques to help ease your mind meditation may just be the answer for you.

Meditation has been around for hundreds if not thousands of years and it has many different cultural contexts, some of which transcend the boundaries of any one specific culture. There are literally hundreds of established techniques on how to meditate and it’s up to you to decide which method will fit best into your lifestyle. You can have your choose between many different schools of thought and it may take you a bit of testing to find a technique that best suits your personality, so be prepared to try out several methods before you find the right one.

According to Eastern philosophy, to meditate means to think on the eternal, or rather to expand your consciousness until you are at one with the universe as a whole. This philosophy is based on the belief that transcendental emotions like grief, euphoria or even love can fade away, but the universe is forever.

Even if you’re not interested in the metaphysical implications of meditation it has undeniable health benefits. It incorporates many relaxation techniques that can help you erase the negative feelings that come with the stress of leading a hectic lifestyle.

Learning to meditate can have positive effects on stress-induced illnesses like heart disease and high blood pressure. In conjunction with traditional approaches to medicine, meditation can target the root causes behind stress-based conditions by helping you to calm and clear your mind.

You don’t have to have any special tools or your private own meditation garden. You can meditate anywhere you feel comfortable. You can meditate sitting, standing or lying down, in a chair or on the floor. Learning how to meditate isn’t difficult either.
There are many products like books and DVD’s available. There are also online programs that can teach you the basics and chances are good that there may be classes and instructors in your local area that can guide you through each step of the meditation process, provide tips on appropriate posture and teach you how to create the ideal setting for your meditation session.

Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about unlocking your hidden potential through meditation.

Thank you again for joining,
“your name here”

“your email address”

“your URL here”



Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!


For the first 50 buyers of this Meditation and Mindfulness PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!

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Bonus 1

The Beginners Guide To Meditation MRR eBook with Squeeze Page

The Beginners Guide To Meditation Ebook

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • Covers
  • Ebook
  • Optin Page

Total File Download Size:

6.25 Megabytes (MB)


Bonus 2

The Beginners Guide To Meditation Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

The Beginners Guide To Meditation Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Training Guide
Module 2 – Cheat Sheet
Module 3 – Mindmap
Module 4 – Resource Report
Module 5 – Sales Letter and Thank You Page
Module 6 – Sales Video
Module 7 – Legal Pages
Module 8 – Graphics
Module 9 – Quality Articles
Module 10 –Banners
Module 11 – Promotional Email Swipes
Module 12 – High Quality eCovers
Module 13 – Social Media Images Pack

Advance Video Course:

Module 1 – Training Videos
Module 2 – Ready Made Sales Page And Thank You Page
Module 3 – Legal Pages
Module 4 – Sales Video
Module 5 – Affiliate Page
Module 6 – Promotion Email Swipes For The Upsell
Module 7 – Squeeze Page
Module 8 – Giveaway Report
Module 9 – Graphics
Module 10 – MP3 Files

Total File Download Size:

379 Megabytes (MB)


Bonus 3

Meditation Jumpstart PLR Lead Magnet Toolkit

Meditation Jumpstart PLR Lead Magnet

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Product Details:

  • Report File Formats: DOC, DOCX, PDF
  • Viewable With: Any PDF Reader (Online and Offline)
  • Report Word Length 1,300+ Words of High Quality Content
  • Pages In Report: 12 Pages Total (Formatted)
  • File Size: 55.5MB


Bonus 4

Mindful Meditation Mastery Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

Mindful Meditation Mastery MRR Sales Funnel

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Mindmap
Module 4 – SalesPage
Module 5 – VSL
Module 6 – Lead Magnet
Module 7 – Landing Page
Module 8 – Emails
Module 9 – Graphics Pack

Advance Video Course:

Module 1 – Videos
Module 2 – Upsell Page
Module 3 – VSL
Module 4 – Slides
Module 5 – Transcripts
Module 6 – Audios
Module 7 – Graphics

Total File Download Size:

325 Megabytes (MB)


Bonus 5

Meditation For Relaxation PLR eBook and Squeeze Page

Meditation For Relaxation

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • Ebook
  • Source File
  • Covers
  • Opt-in Page

Total File Download Size:

2.15 Megabytes (MB)



Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!

Package Details For The Meditation and Mindfulness PLR Package:

Main eBook:

“Practical Meditation & Mindfulness (for Normal People)”
(4,340 words, 20 pages, 9 images)

+ Checklist
+ eCovers
+ Keywords

5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: How to Stop the Mental Chatter

Meditation and Mindfulness PLR Articles:

How to Fit Meditation into a Busy Life – 545 words
How to Use the Body Scan Exercise for Mindfulness – 594 words
What is Loving-Kindness Meditation and How Can It Improve Your Life? – 550 words
What is Mindfulness? – 507 words
What to Do When You Feel like You Can’t Meditate – 626 words

Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Tips
15 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)
9 Royalty Free Images


5 High Quality Quiet Your Mind PLR Articles

Discover How Routines and Habits Will Calm Your Mind (599 words)
Does Your Diet Affect Your Mental State? (577 words)
5 Simple Techniques to Quiet Your Mind (696 words)
Will Meditation Help to Quiet Your Mind? (578 words)
7 Benefits of Achieving a Quiet Mind (648 words)

These PLR Articles are available in Word Doc and .TXT format and includes a PLR License

10 Meditation PLR Articles

Beginner Meditation Techniques (488 words)
Common Meditation Problems (486 words)
Creating a Meditation Room (464 words)
Easy Breathing Practices (428 words)
How Transcendental Meditation Can Improve Your Health (416 words)
Learning to Relax (480 words)
Three Tips to Quiet Your Mind (460 words)
Tips for Successful Meditation (448 words)
When and How to Meditate (443 words)
Why Meditation Is Good for You (455 words)

These PLR Articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR License

Keeping Your Mind Sharp as You Age PLR Report – 5139 words

Report: Keeping Your Mind Sharp as You Age

•The Importance of Keeping Your Mind Sharp as You Age
•Eat Right and Keep Moving
•Factors That Contribute to a Dulling Mind
•Get Enough Rest and Relaxation
•Activities That Sharpen Your Mind
•Systemize Your Life to Improve Your Memory
•Keep Learning and Trying New Things

Report available in Word Doc and .TXT format and includes a PLR license.

Meditation Methods PLR Newsletter eCourse

12 Meditation PLR Email Messages – 7321 words
Extra Content – 5000 words

These Meditation PLR emails and content are available in Word doc format and this package includes a squeeze page.

Total Word Count: 32 000+ Words

FAST-ACTION BONUSES – Available for the first 50 buyers of this Meditation and Mindfulness PLR Pack. You’ll no longer see these awesome extra bonuses available on this page once the 50 fast action takers have been awarded.


Your PLR License Terms

Articles, reviews, comparison charts and all other content from Premium Article Packages are for you only – you cannot pass on any rights to anybody else.

More information on the PLR rights that come with your purchase:

What You CAN Do With The Content In This PLR Package:

Can be added to or edited completely.
Can put your name on as the author.
Can be used as content for websites, courses, newsletters, eBooks.
Can be used in videos, MP3s, books.
Can sell or give away for personal informational use only.
Can add the content to your coaching membership site
Can add the content to a paid membership with Personal Use Rights (PDF).
Can be offered as a bonus in PDF format (as long as you don’t offer PLR rights).
Can add to a website that is sold with a unique domain name (no templates/ PLR sites) as long as you don’t offer PLR rights.
Can rewrite and add the articles to client websites and projects.
Can use the content to build your list (PDF format)

What You CANNOT Do With This Content

Cannot sell or give away Resale Rights, Master Resale Rights or Private Label Rights.
Cannot offer through auction websites or dimesales with PLR rights.
Cannot add to a free membership site in any format with PLR rights.
Cannot pass on any PLR rights to your clients.
Cannot use my name on the PLR content.
Cannot use as is to publish Kindle books (it’s against Amazon’s terms).
Cannot use in article directories unless you rewrite the PLR content completely.
Cannot pass along (sell or give away) Private Label Rights in ANY format.
Cannot sell this entire PLR package as is
Cannot add this package to a PLR membership site (only the ebook with personal use rights)

This license is non transferable. Meaning this PLR license is for you only and not for your customers.

Your customer can only learn from the content.

You can use PLR articles on as many of your own sites as you wish.

Can It Be Used For Website Flipping? If you add this PLR to a site and decide to sell it, that’s fine. But it can only be sold on sites that come with a unique domain name (i.e. not on PLR website packs that include templates/content sold to multiple buyers but no domain) and please don’t include the separate package with all the keywords/ bonuses.


Social media images may be edited using the PSD files, and you may repost them on social media sites but you cannot sell or pass on the PSD files to customers.

The images contained within the main report and top 10 tips report are Public Domain and free to use in personal and commercial projects.

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