Elimination Diet Premium PLR Package 9k Words
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Elimination Diet Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 9000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Health and Wellness Content.
Attention: Health and Wellness Entrepreneurs
Done for You Premium Health/Wellness PLR Product on a
Health and Wellness!
Dear online business owner, When it comes to top health and wellness searches, the Elimination Diet is one of the most searched-for topics online.
It’s safe to say that Elimination Diet has spawned an entire industry of blogs, cookbooks and products.
This is where my premium done for you Elimination Diet PLR Package comes in. Its all about teaching your customers How & Why to Do An Elimination Diet!
Everything is done for you – from the main info product to your social media updates – its simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative health and wellness niche.
Introducing The…
Elimination Diet Premium PLR Package
Featuring Over 9 000 Words of High Quality Elimination Diet Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!
This big Elimination Diet PLR package covers the hugely popular health and wellness niche. Elimination Diet is evergreen and will always be. This Elimination Diet content package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it and use it to build your list of raving fans.
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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Elimination Diet MEGA PLR Package…
Main eBook: How & Why to Do An Elimination Diet!
(3,827 words, 18 pages, 8 images)
A look inside the How & Why to Do An Elimination Diet Premium PLR eBook:
Table of Contents for How & Why to Do An Elimination Diet PLR Ebook:
Introduction……………………………………………… 3
Why Do an Elimination Diet?……………………………………………………………………….. 5
You Live Longer (and Healthier)……………………………………………………………………………………. 5
You Identify Not Only Problem Foods, but the Foods Your Body Loves……………….. 6
Energy That Doesn’t Come from a Bottle, Sugar or Coffee Bean…………………………….. 7
You Make Your Influential Gut Healthy………………………………… 7
You Crank up the Natural Defensive and Healing Powers of Your Immune System………………… 8
You Will Usually Lose Weight If You Are Overweight, and Almost Certainly If You Are Obese……….. 9
Your Skin and Hair Become Strong, Healthy and Younger Looking………………………. 9
What Foods to Remove & How Long to Do the Diet…………………………………… 11
“If I Can’t Eat Those Foods, What Can I Eat?”…………………………………………………………….. 11
Reintroducing Foods………………………………………………………………………………….. 13
Paying Attention to How You Feel……………………………………………………………… 14
Embrace this feeling…………………………………… 14
Tips for Elimination Diet Success…………………………. 15
Conclusion……………………………………. 16
The bottom line is this………………………… 16
Resources, Books and Sample Plans………………………. 18
Sample Content for How & Why to Do An Elimination Diet PLR Ebook:
Your Skin and Hair Become Strong, Healthy and Younger Looking
If you suffer from eczema, acne, rosacea or some other noticeable skin issue, there is a good chance you are going to fall in love with your elimination food plan. The first line of defense of your immune system is your skin, the largest organ of the human body. This is a physical barrier which works to keep toxins and poisons out of your body. Once inflammation begins to work inside you, due to you eating foods which are less than healthy for you, skin problems are often the first symptom.
How effective can an elimination diet be for clearing up skin problems?
One study was conducted by the Institute of Special Medicine in Rome, Italy. A direct relationship between eczema symptoms and food allergies in adults was discovered in that study. While a small sample size of volunteers was used, the results cannot be ignored. Of the 15 adults with eczema that went on an elimination diet, a staggering 14 reported “… significant improvements in skin-related symptoms.”
Nutritionists will tell you that some people have problems with cereal grains and milk, eggs and tomatoes. Those specific foods are commonly associated with food allergies that cause skin problems like eczema and acne. Let’s take a look at the foods you will be removing from your diet in the elimination phase of this healthy eating approach.
Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.
Elimination Diet Premium PLR Checklist:
A Look Inside The Elimination Diet PLR Checklist:
5 Emails/ Blog Posts:
Topic: Signs you need a food elimination diet
Elimination Diet Email Sample:
Email #1 – Welcome to the Elimination Diet Course
Hello and welcome to this course on the Elimination Diet. More than likely you have never heard of this diet and for good reason … it really is not a diet at all, but a process that can cure many health problems to which there seems to be no cure (at least through conventional medicine). Over the course of these 5 lessons, we will cover:
- Symptoms that show you may need the elimination diet
- Identifying primary and secondary food offenders
- How to get started on the elimination diet
- Adding foods back in
- Phase 3 of the elimination diet
Symptoms that show you may need the elimination diet
Many of us suffer through ailments and conditions that there seem to be no explanation for although we have been to multiple healthcare providers and even some specialists. Some common reported unsolved complaints are:
- insomnia
- skin disorders that pop up from time to time including acne, eczema, psoriasis and others
- brain fog
- headaches
- muscles and joints that ache for no reason
- energy level in the dumps
- hives
- digestive disorders including constipation (or diarrhea), intestinal pain and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- sinus infection
- autoimmune disorders like lupus, arthritis, fibromyalgia, etc.
If you suffer from one or more of these conditions and can’t seem to find any medical reason for it, it may be worth your time to try the elimination diet. It could be the answer you have been looking for. If it is, then it will have been well worth your time doing it and you will definitely know what is causing your symptoms. One problem with modern medicine is it tends to treat the symptoms but fails to identify the actual cause of the problem.
In short, the elimination diet helps you identify which foods your body likes and which ones it does not. The ones it doesn’t like can be the very foods causing your symptoms. The trick is using a systemic process to find the one food (or several), which is the meat (no pun intended) of the rest of this course.
That wraps it up for this first lesson. In the next lesson, we will talk about how to identify primary and secondary food offenders as the first step of the elimination diet. Be sure to read that one as it lay out the guidelines you will need to follow to get started.
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High Quality Elimination Diet PLR Articles:
Common Health Problems That an Elimination Diet Could Help to Solve – 400 words
Common Mistakes People Make When on an Elimination Diet – 409 words
Elimination Diet Basics – 408 words
How to do a Vegan Elimination Diet – 394 words
What’s the Difference Between Food Intolerance and Food Allergy? – 408 words
Elimination Diet Premium PLR Article Sample:
Common Health Problems That an Elimination Diet Could Help to Solve
If you’re thinking about starting an elimination diet, there’s a high chance that you’re suffering with health problems you’re trying to solve. You might be trying to find the ideal diet that will help you to finally be relieved of a certain health issue. Here are some of the most common health problems which elimination diets are often useful in helping to solve.
Acne and other skin conditions
Acne and skin conditions such as eczema are not always, but can often be, related to your diet. Many teenagers experience acne solely as a part of adolescence, while some people can’t seem to do anything to get rid of it. Eczema, another common skin condition, often appears in young children and can come and go in cycles of approx. seven years.
An elimination diet is useful for acne and other skin conditions such as eczema since they are often caused or exacerbated by an allergy to, or an excess of, dairy. Many people have noticed significant positive effects on their skin after just cutting down on dairy products, and even more so when cutting it out completely. This doesn’t mean that other ingredients may not be contributing to your skin condition, but dairy is among the most common.
If you’re suffering from diarrhea which just doesn’t seem to be going away or seems to be returning on a regular basis, an elimination diet could help you to figure out what’s causing it. While there are other health conditions which can cause diarrhea, and it’s important to visit your doctor if it’s been going on for more than a few days, there are foods which are notorious for making diarrhea worse or bringing it on.
High fiber foods are the culprits when it comes to diarrhea, and if your stomach is more sensitive than average they may affect you particularly badly. Vegetables such as broccoli are often promoted as being good for everybody, but that’s just one examples of a food which can really upset your stomach.
Another common health problem which many people experience regularly is bloating. Unfortunately, many of the main ingredients can be a problem when it comes to bloating, so an elimination diet is often a good way of figuring out which ones are an issue for you. Gluten is a common problematic ingredient when it comes to bloating, followed closely by dairy products, including eggs.
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Social Media Posts and Images:
5 Shareable Social Media Diet Tips Graphics (PLR)
15 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)
10 Royalty Free Images
Bonus Long Article:
How to Keep A Food Journal – 800 words
How to Keep A Food Journal – Bonus Long Article Sample:
How to Keep a Food Journal
If you’ve ever looked into following a specific diet, you’ve probably heard about food journals. Food journals are just like a normal journal, where you keep track of what you’re doing, but you use it to keep track of what you’re eating.
What should you keep in a food journal?
Your food journal should include the details of all the foods you have eaten. Choosing to leave certain foods out of your journal will only mean that you don’t have an accurate picture of what you’ve been eating, so use it to be as honest as you can about your diet.
Some people find it easier to use a yearly diary with dates already set out, but you can use any notebook and just make a note of the dates and times yourself.
If you are looking at your overall wellbeing and nutrition, as opposed to just calories or certain nutrients, you should also keep track of how much water you are drinking. You may even want to include other information, such as medication you have taken and at what times, which days you have your period (for women), and whether you are taking supplements.
Why should you keep a food journal?
People often wonder about the benefits of keeping a food journal.
- It helps to assess your diet and how it is making you feel. Many people using food journals find it useful to record how they are feeling, either at the end of the day or half way through the week. This can help to spot patterns when it comes to the food you are eating and whether there are foods which are making you feel bad.
- Food journals are also able to help with spotting allergies or confirming certain allergies. Once you are serious about recording what you are putting into your body, you’ll become more aware of the ingredients. If there are days where you feel like a certain food has affected you, compare this to another day where you felt the same and look for similar foods.
- It can help you to lose weight and get healthier. Studies have shown that people who write down exactly what they are eating and drinking are less likely to eat something they shouldn’t. It can help you to eat a healthier diet, thus keeping you feeling great even if you don’t have weight loss goals. The element of self-control is a good reason to start keeping a food diary if you don’t already have one.
- Keeping focused on a healthy lifestyle is another reason why people use food journals. This is particularly true if you are recording calories or macronutrients, and it’s also useful if you’re recording time spent at the gym. Having it written down will make it appear more obvious to you when you’ve missed three days.
How to start keeping a food journal
If you are worried about certain aspects of your health and that’s what is prompting you to keep a food journal, you should first visit your doctor. Explain that you are thinking about keeping a food journal, and explain the reasons why. Your doctor is likely to be very supportive of this, and may even ask to see it on your next visit. It can help your doctor to get a clearer picture of your diet and more easily diagnose a potential problem.
You can start with a blank notebook or diary. Depending on the time of year, many people prefer to use a plain notebook and mark in the dates themselves rather than keeping a yearly diary. As well as the date, you should make a note of the time at which you ate, drank, exercised or took medication.
The secret to keeping a good food journal is to update it regularly. Take it to work with you, take it when you go out, and if you forget it, don’t forget to update it later. Because of this reason, it helps to use a notebook which isn’t too heavy as you can then carry it around. Alternatively, you can make the most of food journal apps which can be downloaded to your phone, although not everybody finds this an easy way of tracking their food.
Finding a way that works for you is important. A food journal should be something that you are able to keep for a long period of time, so you need to find a method which is sustainable for you. If it doesn’t work for you to write down the details of your meal immediately afterwards, fill in the details at the end of the day before you go to bed. Making small notes and then elaborating on them when you have more time is another way to make keeping a food journal easier.
Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!
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Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!
For the first 50 buyers of this Elimination Diet Premium PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!
Bonus 1
5 High Quality Diet Success PLR Articles
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Here are the titles of the 5 Diet Success Articles:
- Is Your Diet Right For You? (617 words)
- Understanding Why Eating Right is a Lifestyle and NOT a Diet (635 words)
- How to Ensure You Succeed with Your Diet (704 words)
- Do Diets Work? (688 words)
- Will a Diet Fix Your Eating Habits Permanently? (617 words)
Bonus 2
5 High Quality Anti Inflammation Diet PLR Articles
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Here are the titles of the 5 Anti Inflammation Diet Articles:
- Discover Why Sugar MUST Be Avoided to Reduce Your Inflammation (546 words)
- Do Carbs Cause Inflammation? (529 words)
- Understanding the Importance of an Anti-Inflammation Diet (601 words)
- 4 Steps to Reducing Inflammation (679 words)
- Eat These, AVOID These: How to Switch to an Anti-Inflammatory Diet (575 words)
Bonus 3
25 Unrestricted Diabetic Diets PLR Articles Pack
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Here are the titles of the 25 Unrestricted Diabetic Diets Articles:
- A Diabetic Diet for Vegetarians
- Adjusting your Diabetic Diet for Special Occasions
- Artificial Sweeteners for Diabetics
- Benefits of a Healthy Diabetic Diet
- Benefits of the Carbohydrate Counting Diet
- Benefits of the Exchange Diet
- Carbohydrate Counting Diet
- Diabetic Diets – Consistency and Variety
- Easy Meal Planning for Diabetics
- Free Foods in a Diabetic Diet
- Good Carbohydrates and Bad Carbohydrates
- High-Fat Foods and the Affect on Blood Sugars
- Keeping on Track with your Diabetic Diet
- Meal Planning for an Active Diabetic
- Protein’s Affect on Blood Sugar Levels
- Reading Food Labels
- Satisfying a Diabetic Sweet Tooth
- The Exchange Diet
- The Glycemic Index and Diabetic Diets
- The Role of Fiber in a Diabetic Diet
- The TLC Diet for Diabetics
- Tips for Revamping Favorite Recipes
- Using the Food Pyramid in Diabetic Diets
- When to Eat when you have Diabetes
- When you are Hungry in Between Meals
Bonus 4
Vegan Diet Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights
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Here’s Just A Quick Preview Of What You’ll Discover Inside…
- What is a Vegan Lifestyle and Why Does It Matter?
- What is the Difference Between Vegetarianism and Veganism?
- Staying Healthy While Living Vegan
- Staying Healthy While Living Vegan
- Old Habits Die Hard, Here’s How
- Identifying Your Values and Sticking To Them
- Identifying Your Values and Sticking To Them
- Meal Planning and Preparation
- Completing the Vegan Lifestyle With Exercise and Proper Hydration
Bonus 5
10 High Quality Plant Based Diet for Health PLR Articles
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Here are the titles of the Plant Based Diet for Health Articles:
- Detoxing with a Plant-Based Diet (576 words)
- Discover How the Plant-Based Diet Helps with Diabetes (598 words)
- How to Shop Smart to Save Money on the Plant-Based Diet (610 words)
- Keeping a Food Journal While on the Plant-Based Diet (631 words)
- Using the Plant-Based Diet to End Sugar Addiction (608 words)
- A Quick Guide on What to Eat When on the Plant-Based Diet (556 words)
- Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Should Be Consuming (578 words)
- Reducing Acid Reflux with the Plant-Based Diet (556 words)
- Simple Substitutes to Clean Up Your Diet and Make it Plant-Based (550 words)
- What are Phytochemicals and Why They Are So Potent? (516 words)
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Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!
Package Details For The Elimination Diet Premium PLR Package:
Main eBook:
“How & Why to Do An Elimination Diet”
(3,827 words, 18 pages, 8 images)
+ Checklist
+ eCovers
+ Keywords
5 Emails/ Blog Posts:
Topic: Signs you need a food elimination diet
Related Articles:
Common Health Problems That an Elimination Diet Could Help to Solve – 400 words
Common Mistakes People Make When on an Elimination Diet – 409 words
Elimination Diet Basics – 408 words
How to do a Vegan Elimination Diet – 394 words
What’s the Difference Between Food Intolerance and Food Allergy? – 408 words
Social Media Posts & Images:
5 Shareable Social Media Tips
15 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)
13 Royalty Free Images
Bonus Long Article: How to Keep A Food Journal – 800 words
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