Believe In Me PLR Sales Funnel Special

Believe In Me PLR Package
Developing A Success Mindset Premium PLR Ebook

Developing A Success Mindset Premium PLR Package 21k Words

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#mindset #successmindset #businesssuccess #growthmindset #mindsetplr #mindsetcontent #staypositive #selfhelp #selfimprovement #successplr #achieveyourgoals #personalsuccess #businesssuccess #goals #boostyourmindset #healthyliving #selfconfidence #overcomefear #positivethinking #mindsetcourse #plrmindset #mindsetplr #stress #mentalhealth #physicallyactive #healthylifestyle #healthtips #plrcourse #successachievement #besuccessful #improveemotionally #mindexercises #successmindsetplr #brainhealth #goodsleep #mindsetforsuccess

Developing A Success Mindset PLR Package – Featuring Over 21 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen and Premium Success Mindset PLR Content.


Attention: Internet Marketing, Online Business & Home Biz Entrepreneurs

Done for You Premium Online Marketing/Home Business PLR Product on a EVERGREEN Topic:

Success Mindset!


Dear online business owner, When it comes to digital marketing and work from home searches, starting and profiting with Success Mindset is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Success Mindset has spawned an entire industry of blogs, courses, books and products.

This is where my premium done for you Developing A Success Mindset PLR package comes in. It’s all about teaching your customers how to Develop a Successful Mindset (for Personal, Business and Relationship Goal Achievement).

Everything is done for you – from the main Success Mindset PLR info product to your social media updates – it’s simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative online business niche.


Introducing The…

Developing A Success Mindset Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 21 000 Words of High Quality Physical Internet Marketing Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality Developing A Success Mindset PLR package covers the hugely popular personal development niche. Self Improvement is evergreen and will always be. This Developing A Success Mindset PLR content package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it or use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Developing a Success Mindset MEGA PLR Package…


Main eBook: “Developing a Success Mindset (for Personal, Business and Relationship Goal Achievement)”

(3,876 words, 20 pages, 9 images)

Developing A Success Mindset Premium PLR Ebook


A look inside the Developing a Success Mindset PLR eBook:

Developing A Success Mindset Premium PLR Ebook Sneak Preview


Table of Contents for the Developing a Success Mindset PLR Ebook:

Introduction………………………………………………………………………….. 3

Health & Lifestyle Tips to Boost Your Mindset……………………… 6

Why This Is Fabulous News……………………………………………………………… 7

Get a Good Night’s Rest……………………………………………………………………… 7

Drink Plenty of Water……………………………………………………………………….. 8

The Importance of Being Physically Active…………………………………… 9

Eat Right……………………………………………………………………………………………. 11

Cut out the Stress… Mental, Physical and Environmental…… 12

Upgrading the Way You Think for Success…………………………. 13

The Process Produces Results………………………………………………………. 13

Visualization…………………………………………………………………………………….. 14

Positive Thinking and Overcoming Fear……………………………………… 14

Boosting Your Self-Confidence Levels………………………………………….. 15

Knowing What You Want… Being Specific…………………………… 17

Knowing What You Want Also Means Taking One Step at a Time…………………………………………………………………………………….. 19

How Do You Eat an Elephant?………………………………………………………… 19


Sample Content for the Developing a Success Mindset Premium PLR Ebook:


Everyone is different in so many ways, so you may have a different idea about success than the next person. However, most of the time, success can be defined as …

“The accomplishment of an aim or purpose.”

That simplistic definition tells you everything you need to know about succeeding in life. You may have specific goals concerning your physical development, how you want to improve emotionally, desires and aims regarding personal relationships, and financial goals you wish to pursue. In each of these areas, you will either succeed or fail, either totally or to some minor degree.

If you look at someone who is successful in one aspect of his or her life that individual is often able to achieve what they want in other areas. Why is this so? In many cases, this all-around success achievement has to do with the fact that the same mindset has been proven to deliver success in many different endeavors.

In other words, the way a successful athlete, celebrity, teacher, car manufacturer, politician and baker approaches tackling any important task is basically the same. All paths to success originate with first getting your mind in “the right place”. This is because your mind is the headquarters of your behavioral center.

When you approach a task with confidence and a clear set of marching orders, your brain knows exactly what to do. Human beings have brains which love clearly defined instructions, while also craving order and discipline. A set game plan combines with discipline to create confidence, and confidence gives you the belief you need to tell yourself you can succeed at any activity. That chain of events begins in your brain, and if you can routinely develop the mindset that goes from plan to confidence to action, you will be successful many more times than when you experience failure.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.

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Browse for more Self Improvement PLR content packs at


Developing a Success Mindset Checklist :

(418 words, 4 pages)

Developing A Success Mindset Premium PLR Checklist


A look inside the Developing a Success Mindset Premium PLR Checklist:

Developing A Success Mindset Premium PLR Checklist Sneak Preview


Developing a Success Mindset PLR Editable Ecovers:

Developing A Success Mindset Premium PLR Ecovers


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: How to Identify Your Limiting Beliefs

Email1-Welcome to the Identifying Your Limiting Beliefs Course – 299 words

Email2-Observation Openness to New Information and Trial and Error – 353 words

Email3-Limiting Beliefs and Goal Attainment – 260 words

Email4-Common Examples of Limiting Beliefs – 447 words

Email5-3 Tips to Push Through Limiting Beliefs – 342 words


Developing a Success Mindset Email Content Sample:

Welcome to the Identifying Your Limiting Beliefs Course

Over the course of the next 5 lessons, we are going to help you discover your limiting beliefs. Why is that important? Read on to find out. But first, let’s define exactly what is a limiting belief.

A limiting belief is usually “a type of negative thought or group of negative thoughts that hold you back from doing something”. Basically, they are assumptions we have about reality that are just not true. Invisible obstacles, if you will, that if not controlled, can become self-fulfilling prophecies (and not in a good way).

A limiting belief tells you something is impossible to do, and because it has such control in your mind, you actually belief it to be true – even though it is not. As long as you have that limiting belief controlling you, you will not go outside that framework that you believe to be true.

For example, “Losing weight is impossible for me to do.” So why is it other people have been successful at losing a lot of weight – in some cases hundreds of pounds? In reality, they are no different than you.

The answer is your limiting belief that you think you can’t do it and therefore it is what is preventing you from losing weight. Eliminate the limiting belief (or at least don’t spend time thinking about how you can’t lose weight and instead focus on how you are going to lose the weight) and that can be your new self-fulfilling prophecy, but this time, in a good way! See the difference?

It is only through observation, openness to new information and trial and error that we can begin to limit the impact of our limiting beliefs and move on … all the topics of the next lesson.


High Quality Developing a Success Mindset PLR Articles:

3 Healthy Lifestyle Tips that Can Help Boost Your Mindset – 387 words

3 Tips for Setting Goals in Life – 394 words

4 Tips for Overcoming Your Fears – 402 words

5 Tips for Boosting Your Self-Confidence – 397 words

A Simple Visualisation Exercise for Success – 396 words


Developing a Success Mindset PLR Article Sample:

3 Tips for Setting Goals in Life

If you’re feeling a little bit down or depressed, one of the things that can help you to get back on your feet and come out on top is setting a few goals for your life. You don’t have to set massive goals that take a number of years to achieve – you can create small goals or a mixture of smaller and larger goals. Goal-setting can really help you to feel like you have a purpose and that you’re progressing in your life, so here are some tips to get you going.

  1. Create different types of goals

Rather than thinking about the ultimate goal or the one thing in life that you really want, such as buying a mansion or owning a yacht and sailing the Mediterranean, you should make your list a series of both short-term and long-term goals. While you might want to be earning a certain salary by the time you’re 40, you should also create smaller goals that you can work on in the meantime. This also means that rather than having one huge mountain to climb and therefore only one success to celebrate, you can achieve many different things, building your confidence and keeping you enthusiastic along the way.

  1. Be disciplined with yourself

Put something in your calendar or discipline yourself to set new goals at the start of every month (or every year). At the start of the year, you could create individual goals for each month, as well as a goal to achieve after six months and then a further goal for the end of the year. At the start of each month, take five minutes to review the goals that you set, see how far you’re progressing to achieving them and add any new goals which you think would be good.

  1. Find a friend

Setting goals with friends is often more fun that doing it alone. As well as your own personal goals that you can talk about together if you like, you can also give each other ideas for new goals as well as keep each other accountable and just make the whole experience a little more fun. You might even want to decide on goals to work on together. While it often works well in small groups, there’s nothing wrong with getting a larger group together and working on a project.


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Social Media Posts and Images:


5 Shareable Social Media Graphics (PLR)

Developing A Success Mindset Premium PLR Social Media Graphics


15 Social Media Posts with hashtags (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

Developing A Success Mindset Premium PLR Social Media Tweets


9 Royalty Free Images

Developing A Success Mindset Royalty Free Images


Developing a Success Mindset Keyword Research Pack

Developing A Success Mindset PLR Keyword Research

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Developing a Success Mindset PLR Report – 7169 words

This Report is available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR license.


Developing a Success Mindset PLR Report Sample Content:

The Success Mindset – An A-Z Guide to

Developing and Maintaining Your Entrepreneurial Mindset  

Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture…Do not build up obstacles in your imagination.

-Norman Vincent Peale

Did you know that author Stephen King was rejected 30 times before his bestselling book, which was later licensed for a movie, Carrie was accepted?

Did you know that it took Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield three years to get their first Chicken Soup for the Soul book published?

Did you know it took millionaire entrepreneur and inventor of SPANX, Sara Blakely, months and months of knocking on doors before anyone would give her idea a second thought?  Now she’s hanging out with the likes of Sir Richard Branson and Oprah Winfrey and has her own foundation – not to mention she’s sold more than $150 million in retail sales.

What do these three stories have in common and what does it have to do with you?

The key to success as an entrepreneur is hard work, perseverance, and a belief that you can succeed.  So…

Are you an entrepreneur?

We are all impressed to hear how much money the latest internet entrepreneur has made this year, and how they have made their business a success.  The numbers are often staggering, not to mention the enticement of being your own boss.  However, being an entrepreneur isn’t as glamorous as it may seem.


10 Success Mindset PLR Articles and Images 

Applying the Law of Attraction to Your Business – 490 words

Building Confidence in Business – 445 words

Focusing on Success – 407 words

How to Set and Achieve Business Goals – 566 words

Keys to a Successful Mindset in Business – 417 words

What Is the Law of Attraction? – 408 words

Visualize Your Way to Success – 448 words

How to Use Visualization to Achieve Success – 461 words

Tips on Developing a Successful Mindset – 413 words

Tips on Setting Realistic Business Goals – 447 words

These Success Mindset PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


Success Mindset PLR Article Sample:

Applying the Law of Attraction to Your Business

It is said that the law of attraction has its roots in Buddhism. Others say that it’s about Karma. But it need not be a religion – it can simply be a way of thinking and, ultimately, living.

Basically, the law of attraction says that what you visualize in your mind and with your emotions can become a reality. By believing that you are present in your thoughts and feelings, you are said to “attract” those things you desire by thinking of them and having strong feelings about them. When you tap into the law of attraction, you visualize yourself in the place you want to be.

According to the law, you will attract the necessary things for those wants to manifest in real life. You are said to attract those things on which you focus your energy.

How can this law be applied to your business? Here are some ideas.

What Do You Want?

Determining just what it is that you want is the basic beginning of applying the law of attraction. After all, you can’t visualize your dreams if you don’t know what they are. So, it’s a good idea to begin by being quite specific about what you want from your business.


Visualization is said to create your personal “vibration.” The law of attraction is said to respond to this vibration. Every day, try envisioning yourself as successful in your business. Try to make the visualizations specific – you receive a phone call; you join with a powerful business partner; you find 100 new clients. Spend time each day with these thoughts in the forefront of your mind.

Imagine that you have already achieved what you want. This is said to heighten your awareness to the opportunities you will begin to attract.

Believe It’s Yours

The law of attraction says you need to accept those things that come your way as a result of your attraction. Like any belief, you need to overcome doubt and trust that you will, in fact, attract what you want. If you want to sell more of your product or service, for instance, believe it can happen. As you visualize, move into trust. Accept that these business goals and achievements are yours.

Another element of believing it’s yours is to cultivate a healthy sense that you deserve these accomplishments and dreams. If you continue to think you’re not worthy, it could affect the vibration you send out, and attract negative attention to your business.

Be Careful of Negative Thoughts

The law of attraction means you attract those things you focus on – so if you attract negative things, it is due to a negative vibration you sent out. The law of attraction applies to bad things as well, in other words. It is said that you should make sure to keep it positive so that you do not attract business failure or frustration.


Growth Mindset PLR Report and PLR Articles

Growth Mindset Articles

5 Growth Mindset PLR articles:

Choose Your Thoughts like You Choose Your Words – 500 words

Communication and Changing Your Mindset – 491 words

Do You Fall Into This Trap? Comparing Yourself to Other People – 553 words

Growth Mindset How-To’s – 476 words

How to Change Your Mind – 605 words


Growth Mindset PLR Article Sample Content:

Do You Fall Into This Trap? Comparing Yourself to Other People

If you are human, you have done it. You compare yourself to other people. The good news is that people out there compare themselves to you and the not-so-good news is that you do it, as well. While neither is benefit of the other, it is simply part of human nature. It’s how we grow, it’s how we strive, but sometimes, unfortunately, it’s sometimes an excuse to give up, as well.

A Fixed Mindset

If we don’t have something to compare ourselves to, you might reason, then how will we learn to achieve and grow? Sometimes, when we compare ourselves to others, we have something to gauge our success and failure with and, therefore, a measure of where we can do better and achieve more.

However, unfortunately, for those with a fixed mindset, this does not occur at all. There is actually a reverse method of thinking. That reverse method tells us, since we are not as good as the other person, we might as well just quit. That doesn’t work in the world of intelligence, however. It is ineffective, at best.

Do you ever find yourself viewing someone else’s success as only a way to make yourself look bad? If so, you are not alone in this thought process. For some, the success of others equates to highlight their own failures. Excuses are made such as the other party being luckier or having it easy. Another excuse is to say everything just comes easily to that person or, even worse, use their success to highlight some other unrelated shortcoming. What if you could re-train your brain to adopt a mindset of growth?

Growth Mindset

On the opposite end of the spectrum is a growth mindset. You can give yourself the opportunity to change and grow over time as you learn to re-train your brain to a growth mindset. When you view someone else’s success as a way to strive harder, do more, and work harder, you re-train your brain to view this not as an excuse to stay status quo, but as a reason to thrive.

If you choose the thought patterns that intelligence can be developed and you can most certainly train your brain to reach higher heights, you will see a radical change in your life. Once you get that your self-image has nothing to do with failing at something and that this failure is actually a path to higher learning, you will be at ease in your own skin.

Wouldn’t that be nice to be at ease in your own skin? If you change your mind, you can re-train your brain to view failure as a stepping-stone to new successes. You will begin to understand failure as a learning tool and not as a way to define your image.

So, the next time you want to compare yourself to someone else, stop and ask yourself if his/her success can highlight inspiration for you. Maybe he/she put a tremendous amount of effort into the realization of dreams and all that hard work paid off. This could be a learning tool for you rather than something viewed as an enemy.

Other people’s success could be a way and a means for you to learn, grow, and, most importantly, be inspired.


Growth Mindset Report – 2224 words

6-Page PLR Report: Growth Mindset: The Key to Success in All Areas of Life

eCover Images for the report:  A flat ecover plus a 3-D paperback image


Growth Mindset Report Sample Content:

Have you ever noticed how some people just seem to skate right through their academic career while others seem to struggle endlessly? For some of us, academics just don’t seem to come as easily as it does to others. Or does it? Is it possible that intelligence is not necessarily left to the gene pool and there is something you can do about it?

The area of intelligence is measured in several ways – by the academic tests you take, by the grades you receive, and sometimes by a standardized test or an intelligence quotient test. As many people grew up, they adopted the beliefs of the adults around them; believing such things as “he is not as smart as his older brother,” or “she is not as academically inclined, but has musical talent.”

The idea or notion that you can only be either creative or academic is another potential “story” that you may have heard as a youngster. Maybe your big brother got the smart gene, and you got the creative gene. Decades ago, that explanation would suffice. Today, however, we know more and we know better.

In the world of personal development, it is known that your thoughts create your reality. When it comes to success in all areas of your life, there is a new knowledge. That knowledge is that mindset matters. If you can create a reality based on your thoughts, then you can create a life that is successful in all compartments of your life from intelligence to creativity based on the work you do with your mindset.


Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!

For the first 50 buyers of this Developing a Success Mindset PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!

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Bonus 1

Success Rituals Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

Success Rituals Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights Bundle

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Mindmap
Module 4 – Sales Page
Module 5 – VSL
Module 6 – Lead Magnet
Module 7 – Landing Page
Module 8 – Emails
Module 9 – Graphics Pack


Bonus 2

Entrepreneur Success Mindset PLR eBook

Entrepreneur Success Mindset PLR eBook

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • Ebook
  • eCovers
  • Source DOC
  • Source PSDs
  • Squeeze Pages + TPLR Upsell

Total File Download Size:

104 Megabytes (MB)


Bonus 3

10 High Quality Proactive Mindset Online Marketing PLR Articles

10 High Quality Proactive Mindset Online Marketing PLR Articles

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the 10 Proactive Mindset Online Marketing Articles:

  1. Are You Planning Your Online Business Proactively? (574 words)
  2. Being Relentless Even When You Have Nothing to Show for It (556 words)
  3. Do Some Marketers Have It Easier than You? (607 words)
  4. Does Your Biochemistry Affect Your Will Power? (620 words)
  5. Focusing on Your Strengths and Scale New Heights (542 words)
  6. Hitting a Road Block? This is What You Do! (560 words)
  7. Inertia is Your Greatest Enemy and How to Overcome It (626 words)
  8. Proactively Sacrificing for Long Term Success Online (521 words)
  9. Staying Sane and Not Losing Yourself in the Pursuit of Online Success (751 words)
  10. The Air at the Top is Thin… Be Prepared! (571 words)


Bonus 4

10 High Quality Proactive Mindset For Online Marketing PLR Articles

10 High Quality Proactive Mindset For Online Marketing PLR Articles

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the Proactive Mindset For Online Marketing Articles:

  1. Are You Planning Your Online Business Proactively? (574 words)
  2. Being Relentless Even When You Have Nothing to Show for It (556 words)
  3. Do Some Marketers Have It Easier than You? (607 words)
  4. Does Your Biochemistry Affect Your Will Power? (620 words)
  5. Focusing on Your Strengths and Scale New Heights (542 words)
  6. Hitting a Road Block? This is What You Do! (560 words)
  7. Inertia is Your Greatest Enemy and How to Overcome It (626 words)
  8. Proactively Sacrificing for Long Term Success Online (521 words)
  9. Staying Sane and Not Losing Yourself in the Pursuit of Online Success (782 words)
  10. The Air at the Top is Thin… Be Prepared! (571 words)


Bonus 5

The Abundance Mindset Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

The Abundance Mindset Bundle

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Resource Cheat Sheet
Module 4 – Mindmap
Module 5 – Sales Page
Module 6 – Optin Page
Module 7 – Graphics
Module 8 – Email Swipes
Module 9 – Social Media Images


Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!


Package Details For The Developing a Success Mindset PLR Package:

Main eBook:

“Developing a Success Mindset (for Personal, Business and Relationship Goal Achievement)”

(3,876 words, 20 pages, 9 images)

+ Checklist

+ eCovers

+ Keywords


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: How to Identify Your Limiting Beliefs

Email1-Welcome to the Identifying Your Limiting Beliefs Course – 299 words

Email2-Observation Openness to New Information and Trial and Error – 353 words

Email3-Limiting Beliefs and Goal Attainment – 260 words

Email4-Common Examples of Limiting Beliefs – 447 words

Email5-3 Tips to Push Through Limiting Beliefs – 342 words


Mindset PLR Articles:

3 Healthy Lifestyle Tips that Can Help Boost Your Mindset – 387 words

3 Tips for Setting Goals in Life – 394 words

4 Tips for Overcoming Your Fears – 402 words

5 Tips for Boosting Your Self-Confidence – 397 words

A Simple Visualisation Exercise for Success – 396 words


Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Tips

15 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

9 Royalty Free Images



Developing a Success Mindset PLR Report – 7169 words

This Report is available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR license.


10 Success Mindset PLR Articles and Images 

Applying the Law of Attraction to Your Business – 490 words

Building Confidence in Business – 445 words

Focusing on Success – 407 words

How to Set and Achieve Business Goals – 566 words

Keys to a Successful Mindset in Business – 417 words

What Is the Law of Attraction? – 408 words

Visualize Your Way to Success – 448 words

How to Use Visualization to Achieve Success – 461 words

Tips on Developing a Successful Mindset – 413 words

Tips on Setting Realistic Business Goals – 447 words

These Success Mindset PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


Growth Mindset PLR Report and PLR Articles

Growth Mindset Articles


5 Growth Mindset PLR articles: 

Choose Your Thoughts like You Choose Your Words – 500 words

Communication and Changing Your Mindset – 491 words

Do You Fall Into This Trap? Comparing Yourself to Other People – 553 words

Growth Mindset How-To’s – 476 words

How to Change Your Mind – 605 words


Growth Mindset Report – 2224 words

6-Page PLR Report: Growth Mindset: The Key to Success in All Areas of Life

eCover Images for the report:  A flat ecover plus a 3-D paperback image


Total Word Count: 21 000+ Words

FAST-ACTION BONUSES – Available for the first 50 buyers of this Developing a Success Mindset PLR Pack. You’ll no longer see these awesome extra bonuses available on this page once the 50 fast action takers have been awarded.


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Articles, reviews, comparison charts and all other content from Quality PLR Content Packages are for you only – you cannot pass on any rights to anybody else.

More information on the PLR rights that come with your purchase:

What You CAN Do With The Content In This PLR Package:

Can be added to or edited completely.
Can put your name on as the author.
Can be used as content for websites, courses, newsletters, eBooks.
Can be used in videos, MP3s, books.
Can sell or give away for personal informational use only.
Can add the content to your coaching membership site
Can add the content to a paid membership with Personal Use Rights (PDF).
Can be offered as a bonus in PDF format (as long as you don’t offer PLR rights).
Can add to a website that is sold with a unique domain name (no templates/ PLR sites) as long as you don’t offer PLR rights.
Can rewrite and add the articles to client websites and projects.
Can use the content to build your list (PDF format)

What You CANNOT Do With This Content

Cannot sell or give away Resale Rights, Master Resale Rights or Private Label Rights.
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This license is non transferable. Meaning this PLR license is for you only and not for your customers.

Your customer can only learn from the content.

You can use PLR articles on as many of your own sites as you wish.

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Social media images may be edited using the PSD files, and you may repost them on social media sites but you cannot sell or pass on the PSD files to customers.

The images contained within the main report and top 10 tips report are Public Domain and free to use in personal and commercial projects.

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