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Knowing Your PLR Rights
Knowing Your PLR Rights

What You Can and Can’t Do

Before we get started, I want to mention that licensing regarding PLR content can be whatever the creator desires. When you create a piece of content, it is your intellectual property. You can do with it whatever you like, and you can also pass certain rights on to the buyers of that content. That having been said, most PLR creators agree on certain names for types of PLR and licensing rights.

While this is true, there is one thing you should always do with purchasing PLR. Check with the creator. Find out exactly what rights you’re getting with the content. Don’t just assume what you can do.

The top PLR sellers will usually have a page on their sites where they explain the licenses and rights you’re purchasing. If you can’t find this, reach out to the seller. Contact them and ask them exactly what rights you have. Now let’s take a look at the top PLR licensing packages and rights you’re going to run across.

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purchasing PLR

Common Types of PLR Licenses

When a painter paints a picture, it’s hers. She created it. She had nothing but a blank canvas and she produced a painting. This gives her absolute rights over what she does with that picture. She can sell it. She can take pictures of it and sell the pictures. She can give it away or keep it for herself. As an artist who has created that picture, she decides how it’s going to be used.

The same is true with PLR creators.

Let’s take writing an e-book for example. A PLR seller decides to write an e-book about weight loss for women after the birth of their first child. That writer does her research. She purchases some stock images, writes the e-book, comes up with a great title and pays a freelancer on Fiverr to create a good looking e-book cover.

Before she started this process nothing existed. She created this e-book. All her efforts and her imagination and talents led to the creation of the e-book. As the creator, this PLR seller can attach any type of rights to this e-book.

She can sell the content with what are known as personal use only rights. This means that whoever purchases it can use it for their own benefit or enjoyment. They can’t resell the book or give it away to anyone. They have purchased only the right to use it for their own experience.

The creator of the e-book might decide to attach resell rights to the book. This means if you purchase the book from her, you can resell it to others. Your rights allow you to profit from selling the book. The people who buy it from you have nothing more than the right to use it for their own benefit.

Master resell rights deliver more flexibility. This is how they work. If you purchase master resell rights, you can resell the content you purchased. Additionally, the people who buy the content from you can also resell what they purchased. Their customers can do nothing more than use the content or learn from it.

Types Of PLR, plr licenses, licenses plr, plr licensing, private label rights
Types Of PLR

If you look at the difference between master resell rights and resell rights, you can tell that one delivers more value than the other. Someone purchasing master resell rights is going to accordingly pay more money for a piece of content than if he just purchased resell rights. This is because more can be done with that content. The license offers a lot more flexibility and potential use.

That brings us to PLR licensing.

When you pay for PLR licensing, you can do just about anything you want with that content. You can edit the content in any way. You can resell it. You can put your name on it as the creator. This is powerful because you can name yourself as the developer.

This allows you to purchase high quality, valuable content and slap your name on it. You instantly build the perception of the prospects in your market that you are an authority figure. Your name on a book or a course carries a lot of value in the eyes of your prospects.

In most cases, a PLR license gives you the most flexibility and usage rights.

Having said that, there are some circumstances to consider. The creator of any content can pass along any type of usage rights. This means that the PLR rights you receive from one site may be vastly different than those you get from another website.

While this is the case, many PLR sellers agree on the following as a common example of the rights you receive with PLR.

Private Label Rights Terms & Conditions

  • [YES] Can be packaged
  • [YES] You Can Use This Product Yourself
  • [YES] Can be sold as it is not less than $7 price tag!
  • [YES] Can Add This Product to a Membership Site or Bundled Within a Product Package as a Bonus.
  • [YES] Can be used to create audio/webinar/video products
  • [YES] Can Give Away The Product (NOT The Source Code Files) To Your Subscribers, Members or Customers as a Bonus or Gift.
  • [YES] Can change sales page and/or graphics
  • [YES] Can Modify the Product Anyway You See Fit To Add/Remove Content or Make It a Brand New Unique Product, Break It Up Into Articles, Email or Online Course Lessons.
  • [YES] Can be added to paid membership sites
  • [YES] Can claim full authorship
  • [YES] Can give away for free in exchange of a lead
  • [YES] Can be edited completely and your name put on it
  • [YES] Can edit or create your own covers for this product
  • [YES] Can sell resell rights
  • [YES] Can sell master resale rights
  • [NO] Give Away, sell or transfer the Private Label Rights to any third party.
  • [NO] Add to a free membership sites
  • [NO] You can’t just pass the product to anyone

To rehash what we said above, here’s a quick description of the rights you usually receive with different types of nonexclusive content sold on a PLR site

  • Private Label Rights – Private Label Rights (PLR) can be edited and resold using your name as the creator! There are endless possibilities with this business model that you can exploit. It’s great for building your email list, selling for a profit and doing so many other things. PLR content usually has the most flexibility, especially if you’re looking to edit and rebrand the content. (You should always rebrand PLR content. You need to make it unique. Make it yours. I show you exactly how to do this later in this report.)
  • Master Resell Rights – MRR refers to nonexclusive content others can resell after they buy it from you. This allows you to help others start their businesses. You resell the resell rights and sometimes even resell master resell rights too.
  • Resell Rights – This is known in the industry as RR. If you’re in a business that deals in the instruments of education, basic Resell Rights is the license you need. This business model helps you sell a “Personal Use Only” license to your customers.
  • Personal Use Only Rights Personal Use Only Rights is pretty self-explanatory. You sell someone the rights to use a piece of content. If someone is looking to learn how to do something, this type of content can help them. The rights they receive allow them to use the content for themselves and no one else.
private label rights license, plr license, types of plr, plr content
private label rights license

At this point you might be wondering what types of things you can purchase with different licensing rights. Where content on the Internet is concerned, PLR licensing is not limited to just a few types of content. If you need just about anything to make a sale, build your email list or build your business in any other way online, there’s PLR content out there that can help you.

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