300 Spirituality Viral Videos Unrestricted PLR

Spirituality Viral Videos Package
Think Bigger Premium PLR Ebook

Think Bigger Premium PLR Package 25k Words

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#thinkbig #thinkplr #successmindset #commitmentplr #goalsetting #goalplanning #selfbelief #goalachievements #focusplr #motivationplr #achievemore #thinkbigger #thinksmall #subconsciousmind #consciousactions #consciousaction #comfortzone #bithinking #biggerthinking #unrealisticthinking #settinggoals #limitinghabits #limitingbeliefs #talktoyourself #achievegoals #achieveyourgoals #achievebigger #achievebetter #settingbiggergoals #settingbettergoals #premiumplrebooks #premiumplrreports #premiumplrcontent #digitalplrcontent #digitalcontent #selfhelpbloggers #personaldevelopment #selfhelpniche #selfdevelopmentcontent #plrworksheets #plrchecklists #plrtweets

Think Bigger Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 25 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Self Help Content.


Attention: Self Help Marketers, Personal Development & Self Improvement Coaches

Done for You Premium Self Help PLR Product on a




Dear Self Improvement online business owner, When it comes to self help and personal development searches, the Mindset is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Mindset has spawned an entire industry of blogs, courses, books and products.

This is where my premium done-for-you Think Bigger PLR content package comes in. It’s all about teaching your customers to Learn to Think Bigger (& Achieve More In Your Life).

Everything is completely done-for-you and ready-to-go – from the main Mindset PLR info product to your social media updates – it’s simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative self improvement niche.



Introducing The…

Think Bigger PLR Package

Featuring Over 25 000 Words of High Quality Mindset Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality Think Bigger PLR package covers the hugely popular self help niche. Self Development is evergreen and will always be. This Think Bigger PLR package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it or use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Think Bigger MEGA PLR Package…


Main eBook: “Learn to Think Bigger (& Achieve More In Your Life)”

(3,735 words, 19 pages, 7 images)

Think Bigger Premium PLR Ebook


A look inside the Think Bigger PLR eBook:

Think Bigger Premium Mindset PLR Ebook Sneak Preview


Table of Contents for the Think Bigger PLR Ebook:

Introduction…………………………………………………………………… 3

If You Think Small … That’s What You’ll Get……………………….6

Why You Should Be Thinking Bigger………………………………….8

The Subconscious Mind Creates Conscious Action………………9

How to Deal with the Discomfort of Thinking Bigger………….. 11

Outside Your Comfort Zone Is Where Big Wins Are Found…. 12

Big Thinking vs Unrealistic Thinking…………………………………. 13

Staying Committed to Your Goals – Overcoming Limiting Habits & Beliefs……15

Change How You Talk to Yourself……………………………………. 15

How to Set (and Achieve) Big Goals………………………………….. 17

Conclusion……………………………………………………………………….. 19


Sample Content for the Think Bigger Premium PLR Ebook:


Grandma Moses was a talented artist. Her given name was Anna Mary Robertson Moses. Why was she better known by “Grandma” than Anna Mary? It’s because she achieved painting fame late in life. She took up painting at the recommendation of her doctor to treat her arthritis pain.

She had painted very little to that point, but at 76 years of age, she began taking painting lessons. Her work was eventually spotted by an investor who displayed her work in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.

Her paintings are now hanging in museums around the world. Grandma Moses is regarded as one of the greatest folk artists of the 20th century.

How did that happen? How did a 76-year-old woman with basically no painting experience become one of the most accomplished and noted artists in her field? How did she accomplish this despite painful arthritis in her hands?

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.

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Browse for more Mindset PLR article packs at BuyQualityPLR.com

Think Bigger PLR Checklist:

(407 words, 3 pages)

Think Bigger Premium PLR Checklist


A look inside the Think Bigger Premium PLR Checklist

Think Bigger Mindset PLR Checklist Sneak Preview


Think Bigger PLR Editable Ecovers:

Think Bigger Premium PLR Ecovers


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: How to Boost Your Motivation to Reach Your Big Goals

Email #1 – Welcome to Boost Your Motivation and Reach Your Goals

Email #2 – Do It for the Right Reason

Email #3 – Maintaining Accountability

Email #4 – Start Small

Email #5 – Keep Focused

Think Bigger PLR Emails Total Word Count: 1717 Words


Think Bigger Email Content Sample:

Email #1 – Welcome to Boost Your Motivation and Reach Your Goals

Hello and welcome to the series on how to reach your goals by boosting your motivation. The lessons in this ecourse will cover:

  • Finding your why
  • Doing it for the right reason
  • Maintaining accountability
  • Start small
  • Keep focused

Finding Your “Why”

Sometimes when working toward a goal, our motivation to continue lags making it an extraordinary effort just to continue making progress with the project. When that happens, it is often a good idea to reflect and find your “why” in doing this project in the first place. You had the energy for the project when you first began, but now are lacking. What happened?

In trying to find a boost in your motivation to continue, ask yourself these four questions:

  1. What is the bigger cause or reason for doing this project? Is it a standalone project or a piece of a larger project? Refreshing yourself that your piece is critical to the completion of the whole is sometimes all you need to breath new fire and excitement into a stalled project.
  2. What are your strengths? Sometimes your piece of the puzzle is not what you are good at. If so, see if you can trade projects with someone to one that is more in line with what you are good at.
  3. Where do you add the greatest value to the project? Like with strengths, maybe you are not a good match for this part of your project. Could your knowledge, abilities and talents be better used elsewhere?
  4. What is your purpose for doing this? Is this just another routine project or will this be something that you will be known for doing for a long while. The higher the value to you, the more inclined you will devote more time to it and come out with a better product overall.

Once you have found your four answers, you should have a boost in your motivation to continue with the project. Knowing your why, and the part you play often as part of a larger project, is often what you need to bring the project home.

That wraps it up for this first lesson. In the next lesson, we will talk about doing it for the right reason. Be sure to read that one.


High Quality Think Bigger PLR Articles:

How to Expand Your Beliefs Around What’s Possible in Life – 403 words

How to Find Purpose in Your Goals – 396 words

How to Focus on Your Big Goals in Life – 391 words

How to Stay Motivated to Achieve Success – 393 words

What Does it Mean to Think Bigger? – 398 words


Think Bigger PLR Article Sample:

How to Expand Your Beliefs Around What’s Possible in Life

Most of us feel that we have a limit. We have an idea in our minds of what feels about normal for us to achieve, to receive and to do in life. Anything beyond that just feels unattainable or something reserved only for those with the best of luck.

However, what many people don’t realize is that their own beliefs are causing them to be held back. By holding on to the belief that there is only a certain amount they can achieve or attain, people unintentionally hold themselves back from achieving their wildest dreams. They watch other people achieve things and believe they could never do the same. They think about what they would love to do but, without even truly knowing why, believe they will never do it.

By expanding your beliefs around what’s possible in life, your whole mindset and view can change. You will also find that you are achieving more and breaking down your own internal barriers – some which you never even realized you had.

Think about what you believe

A good first step is to stop and analyse why you believe what you believe. Is it because this is what you were taught? Is it because you’ve just never thought anything else? Is it because people have told you this must be the case?

When you understand why you have your current beliefs, you can then think about how to overcome these barriers and blockages to achieving your dreams.

Discover new beliefs

Not all new beliefs will be good for you, and you will find that many new things don’t resonate with you at all and you struggle to adopt them. However, discovering new beliefs and ideas can help you to develop your own understanding and have a clearer idea of what you actually think and believe.

Visiting new places, speaking to people with different viewpoints to you, reading different books and seeing what other people have to say are all ways to discover new beliefs and challenge your own.

Commit to rethinking your approach

Depending on how long you’ve held the views you’re trying to change, you might find it difficult to commit to trying anything new. If you’ve figured out now that you want to change your views, you’ll also need to challenge and change your approach to things. After all, if you can do anything you want to – it’s time to try something different.


Browse our BuyQualityPLR.com for more high quality PLR Self Development Content Packs


Social Media Posts and Images:


5 Shareable Social Media Graphics (PLR)

Think Bigger Premium PLR Social Media Graphics


15 Social Media Posts with hashtags (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

Think Bigger Premium PLR Social Media Tweets


7 Royalty Free Images

Think Bigger Royalty Free Images


Worksheet: Learn to Think Bigger 

Think Bigger Premium PLR Worksheet Sneak Preview

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10 Goals PLR Articles and Tweets

Goals PLR Article Titles:

Five Things You Can Do Today to Achieve Your Goals – 833 words

Are You Setting the Right Goals for Yourself? – 979 words

Are Your Limiting Beliefs Stopping You from Achieving Your Goals? – 732 words

Common Goal Setting Obstacles and How to Maneuver around Them – 890 words

Goal Setting Tools to Help You Succeed – 726 words

How to Create a Pattern of Success – 777 words

How to Find Motivation to Achieve Your Goals – 863 words

How to Prioritize Your Goals – 851 words

How to Set Powerful Goals You Can Achieve – 717 words

What Is a Smart Goal? – 452 words

These Goals PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


Goals PLR Article Sample:

Common Goal Setting Obstacles and How to Maneuver around Them

Many people have issues with goal setting due to setting limiting obstacles in their own way. Some of the most common barriers to goals setting involve fear and lack of belief in yourself enough to even set a goal, much less follow steps toward achieving them. Perhaps if you know some of the most common goal setting obstacles you can work toward overcoming them.

You Don’t Want What You Think You Want

Some goals are set because other people want them for you. If you don’t really want what you say you want, it will be very difficult to set a goal for that thing. Be sure that you’ve set the goals for the right reasons and that it’s something you really want. Write down the pros and cons of any goal and know why you want to achieve that result before setting it in stone.

You Don’t Truly Understand the Importance of Goal Setting

Many people think goal setting is just hocus pocus and doesn’t really work. If you don’t really understand the power behind appropriate goal setting, it can be hard to take the time out of your day to truly set a goal. To understand the importance of goal setting, read several books about success and you’ll find that the most successful people set realistic goals, and then worked that goal into their schedule every single day. Even people who experience “overnight success” didn’t really achieve everything overnight. It was many nights of following a plan that brought results.

You’re Not Really Sure How to Set a Reasonable Goal

If you’ve actually tried to set a goal before but didn’t experience results, it’s probably because you just don’t know how to set a goal. It’s not as easy as just writing down a dream. Goals aren’t dreams. They are realistic, specific, achievable end results that you want to see. Take the time to learn the best goal setting techniques in order to experience goal setting success.

You’re Scared of Failure

Many people do not bother setting goals because they have a self-limiting belief that they’ll fail anyway. Therefore, if they do not set a goal, they won’t have to be a failure. But remember that the idea of planning to succeed over planning to fail is realistic. No goal setting is a recipe for failure; goal setting is a recipe for success. When you accept that you can only achieve real success through goal setting, you’ll overcome this obstacle.

You’re Afraid of Judgment

Sometimes people are scared to set a goal for something because they see it as outrageous. For instance, let’s say that you want to go back to college to get a Master’s degree, or you want to start your own business. You fear that if you set that goal, and other people know about the goal they’ll judge you harshly for wanting it or for some other imagined issue. If you are worried about what others think of you, it’s time to dig deep inside yourself and get over it. The truth is, what you think of yourself is more important than anything else. When you stop judging yourself, you’ll stop worrying about the judgment of others.

You’re Afraid of Success

Believe it or not, some people are literally afraid of success. They feel too much pressure surrounding success to actually make goals to be successful. They are more comfortable in their role as someone who is not successful or who is “normal” instead of as someone who sets a goal, works toward achieving it, and is seen as a success. The truth is, there will always be people who want to tear you down once you achieve some success, but the saddest thing in life is regretting not doing something. Most people regret the things they did not do, more than the things they did do – right or wrong.

You Secretly Don’t Think You’re Worth It

This is where the way you see yourself is important because if you see yourself as someone who doesn’t follow through, who doesn’t succeed and who can’t change their life, you’ll avoid goal setting like the plague. You’re the only person on Earth who can control your actions, so you’re the only one who can set the goals for you, and the only one who can make yourself feel worthwhile.

You Don’t Really Believe It’s Possible

People avoid goal setting because they simply do not see the vision of what can be. They don’t believe. They don’t picture themselves fully at the point of success, experiencing success. Since they think it can’t happen, they don’t try. But, the truth is, you can’t know for sure about anything unless you follow the steps necessary to reach a goal. You can dream big, and reach for the stars. Trying is more important in most circles than actually making it. And, chances are that if you really try, you will make it after all.

Goal setting is an imperative if you want to truly see all your dreams and visions come to fruition. It doesn’t matter if it’s business oriented or personal – setting a realistic and achievable goal, and then working toward realizing that goal on a daily basis does work. You just have to do the work.


10 Success Mindset PLR Articles

Success Mindset Articles Titles:

Focusing on Success – 407 Words

Applying the Law of Attraction to Your Business – 490 Words

What Is the Law of Attraction? – 408 Words

How to Set and Achieve Business Goals – 566 Words

Building Confidence in Business – 445 Words

Tips on Developing a Successful Mindset – 413 Words

Tips on Setting Realistic Business Goals – 447 Words

Keys to a Successful Mindset in Business – 417 Words

How to Use Visualization to Achieve Success – 461 Words

Visualize Your Way to Success – 448 Words

These Success Mindset PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


Success Mindset PLR Article Sample:

Focusing on Success

It’s so easy to let your mind get preoccupied and lose track of your goals and dreams. The world is more full of distractions than ever before, and they are all at our fingertips – social networking, computer games, television, mobile devices, and so on. And even if you don’t give in to those distractions, there are life distractions – kids, household chores, errands… How do you stay focused on success?

First of all, no one can remain focused on one thing all day every day. That would be impossible, especially in this world where multiple demands are characteristic of the average day. But you can focus on success by adopting a successful mindset. Here are some ideas on keeping focused on success.

Keep a Log

Every day, write in a log or journal about what you did for your business that day. Note particularly all your successes and things you did toward your goals. If you spent the morning designing a logo, that’s not wasted time – that’s a success, and a step toward your goal. When you log in this way, you will also be able to see areas where you are losing focus and need to step things up a bit.

Write Your Goals

You probably know this, but writing down your goals is important. What you may not have thought of is displaying them where you can see them. Keep them nearby – maybe even frame them – so that you can look often and get your mind back on achieving success.


Visualizing takes the concept of the daydream up several notches. Taking some time every day to visualize your success can help. Take a few quiet minutes and envision yourself succeeding. Be specific – if this is about your business, imagine yourself meeting clients, making them happy, and then imagine those clients telling others.

If this is about personal success, imagine the details of a successful relationship, a harmonious family, or a different lifestyle. Try to make it real, as if you’re watching it happen. Think in vivid colors, sights, and sounds.

Don’t Be Hesitant

Experts say that it can hamper your success if you keep thinking you need a back-up plan “just in case.” It may be better just to go for it 100 percent and not look back. Otherwise, you may jump into your back-up plan at the first sign of trouble, and success takes effort.


Simplifying All Aspects of Your Life PLR Report – 5302 words

Report: Simplifying All Aspects of Your Life

  • Getting Your Priorities Right
  • The Power of Being Well-Organized
  • The Art of Delegation
  • Automation That Will Save You Time
  • Taking Control of Your Finances
  • Tips for Saying No
  • How to Let Go of Toxic People
  • Ways to Use Social Media Effectively

This report is available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR license and PDF file.


Simplifying All Aspects of Your Life PLR Report Sample Content:

There is no doubt that for many people, life is simply too overwhelming. Everyone is given the same 24 hours in a day, but everything you do takes time.

To fit it all in, it’s imperative to prioritize, organize, and delegate. We live in a hectic and complex world. It’s natural to want to get a lot done and to be able to point to your accomplishments. However, if you don’t slow down and set some goals for your life, personally and work wise, things won’t go as planned and will feel a lot more complicated.

Getting Your Priorities Right

When you want to simplify your life, the first thing that must happen is to set your priorities. This works for both your personal life and your work life. Whether it’s a large project or a small one doesn’t matter. Knowing how to choose where to start, how to organize it, and what’s most important is essential to your success.

List Every Task You Need to Do

When you have things to do, it’s essential to know what you are doing at any given time in the day. Listing out all the tasks you need to do on any given day is an excellent way to figure out how to organize each task and get it done the right way. Think of this just like Marie Kondo’s method of organizing your bedroom. You need to be able to see everything you have before you can organize it and classify it.

Put Each Task in the Right Category

Try to put each task into a category that lets you know what it’s for: personal or work. Then also identify whether this task is important, urgent, or something else. This is going to help you identify tasks that you can let someone else do, as well as identify tasks that you’re doing that you can simply let go.

Move Urgent Tasks to the Top

When you notice that some of the tasks are urgent, put them up at the top. For some people, it helps to separate work from personal, but others prefer to just list tasks in the order by which they’ll take care of them. You can make two lists, or you can put it all in one if you have correctly identified whether it’s urgent or not.

Determine the Value of the Task

One of the things you must look at for each task is its value. This is easier to identify if it’s a work thing. You know that putting an item that people can buy up for sale is going to make you money, so it has a high value. But you also know that taking your child to piano lessons is a high value task.

Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!


For the first 50 buyers of this Think Bigger PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!

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Bonus 1

The Power Of Positive Thinking Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

The Power Of Positive Thinking Bundle

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Resource Cheat Sheet
Module 4 – Mind Map
Module 5 – Sales Page
Module 6 – Squeeze Page
Module 7 – Lead Magnet Report
Module 8 – eCover
Module 9 – Banner Advertising
Module 10 – Articles
Module 11 – Email Swipe
Module 12 – Social Image
Module 13 – Affiliate Page


Bonus 2

Affirmations Made Easy MRR Ebook and Squeeze Page

Affirmations Made Easy MRR Ebook and Squeeze Page

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • Articles
  • Covers
  • Ebook
  • Optin Page

Total File Download Size:

7.81 Megabytes (MB)


Bonus 3

Relentless Drive Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

Relentless Drive Bundle

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Mindmap
Module 4 – Sales Page
Module 5 – VSL
Module 6 – Lead Magnet
Module 7 – Landing Page
Module 8 – Emails
Module 9 – Graphics Pack


Bonus 4

The Productive Solopreneur Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

The Productive Solopreneur Bundle

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Resource Cheat Sheet
Module 4 – Mindmap
Module 5 – Sales Page
Module 6 – Optin Page
Module 7 – Graphics
Module 8 – Email Swipes
Module 9 – Social Media Images


Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!


Package Details For The Think Bigger PLR Package:

Main eBook:

“Learn to Think Bigger (& Achieve More In Your Life)”

(3,735 words, 19 pages, 7 images)


+ Checklist

+ eCovers

+ Keywords


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: How to Boost Your Motivation to Reach Your Big Goals – 1717 Words

Email #1 – Welcome to Boost Your Motivation and Reach Your Goals

Email #2 – Do It for the Right Reason

Email #3 – Maintaining Accountability

Email #4 – Start Small

Email #5 – Keep Focused


Think Bigger PLR Articles:

How to Expand Your Beliefs Around What’s Possible in Life – 403 words

How to Find Purpose in Your Goals – 396 words

How to Focus on Your Big Goals in Life – 391 words

How to Stay Motivated to Achieve Success – 393 words

What Does it Mean to Think Bigger? – 398 words


Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Tips

15 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

7 Royalty Free Images



Learn to Think Bigger – PLR Worksheet



10 Goals PLR Articles and Tweets

Goals PLR Article Titles:

Five Things You Can Do Today to Achieve Your Goals – 833 words

Are You Setting the Right Goals for Yourself? – 979 words

Are Your Limiting Beliefs Stopping You from Achieving Your Goals? – 732 words

Common Goal Setting Obstacles and How to Maneuver around Them – 890 words

Goal Setting Tools to Help You Succeed – 726 words

How to Create a Pattern of Success – 777 words

How to Find Motivation to Achieve Your Goals – 863 words

How to Prioritize Your Goals – 851 words

How to Set Powerful Goals You Can Achieve – 717 words

What Is a Smart Goal? – 452 words

These Goals PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


10 Success Mindset PLR Articles

Success Mindset Articles Titles:

Focusing on Success – 407 Words

Applying the Law of Attraction to Your Business – 490 Words

What Is the Law of Attraction? – 408 Words

How to Set and Achieve Business Goals – 566 Words

Building Confidence in Business – 445 Words

Tips on Developing a Successful Mindset – 413 Words

Tips on Setting Realistic Business Goals – 447 Words

Keys to a Successful Mindset in Business – 417 Words

How to Use Visualization to Achieve Success – 461 Words

Visualize Your Way to Success – 448 Words

These Success Mindset PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


Simplifying All Aspects of Your Life PLR Report – 5302 words

Report: Simplifying All Aspects of Your Life

  • Getting Your Priorities Right
  • The Power of Being Well-Organized
  • The Art of Delegation
  • Automation That Will Save You Time
  • Taking Control of Your Finances
  • Tips for Saying No
  • How to Let Go of Toxic People
  • Ways to Use Social Media Effectively

This report is available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR license and PDF file


Total Word Count: 25 000+ Words

FAST-ACTION BONUSES – Available for the first 50 buyers of this Think Bigger PLR Pack. You’ll no longer see these awesome extra bonuses available on this page once the 50 fast action takers have been awarded.


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Articles, reviews, comparison charts and all other content from BuyQualityPLR.com Quality PLR List Building Packages are for you only – you cannot pass on any rights to anybody else.

More information on the PLR rights that come with your purchase:

What You CAN Do With The Content In This PLR Package:

Can be added to or edited completely.
Can put your name on as the author.
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Can be used in videos, MP3s, books.
Can sell or give away for personal informational use only.
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Can use the content to build your list (PDF format)

To learn more about the benefits of using PLR content in your business, click here.

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This license is non transferable. Meaning this PLR license is for you only and not for your customers.

Your customer can only learn from the content.

You can use PLR articles on as many of your own sites as you wish.

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Social media images may be edited using the PSD files, and you may repost them on social media sites but you cannot sell or pass on the PSD files to customers.

The images contained within the main report and top 10 tips report are Public Domain and free to use in personal and commercial projects.

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