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Strengths & Weaknesses Premium PLR Ebook

Strengths and Weaknesses Premium PLR Package 33k Words

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#strengthplr #weaknessesplr #confidenceplr #selfcareplr #selfhelpplr #healthcare #selfimprovement #healthplr #selfesteem #selfupliftment #fearplr #strength #weakness #weaknesses #yourpotential #relationships #life #lifeimprovement #achievements #values #plr #plrcontent #plrcontent #nichemarketing

Strengths and Weaknesses Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 33 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Strengths and Weaknesses Content.


Attention: Self Help Marketers, Personal Development & Self Improvement Coaches

Done for You Premium Self Help PLR Product on a


Personal Development!


Dear online business owner, When it comes to digital marketing and work from home searches, starting and profiting with Strengths and Weaknesses is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Strengths and Weaknesses has spawned an entire industry of blogs, courses, books and products.

This is where my premium done for you Strengths and Weaknesses PLR package comes in. It’s all about teaching your customers to Know Your Strengths & Weaknesses.

Everything is done for you – from the main Strengths and Weaknesses PLR info product to your social media updates – it’s simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative online business niche.


Introducing The…

Strengths and Weaknesses Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 33 000 Words of High Quality Strengths and Weaknesses Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality Strengths and Weaknesses PLR package covers the hugely popular internet marketing niche. Strengths and Weaknesses is evergreen and will always be. This Strengths and Weaknesses PLR content package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it or use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Strengths and Weaknesses  MEGA PLR Package…


Main eBook: “Know Your Strengths & Weaknesses (& Unlock Your True Potential!)”

(4,274 words, 20 pages, 6 images)

Strengths & Weaknesses Premium PLR Ebook

A look inside the Know Your Strengths & Weaknesses Premium PLR eBook:

Strengths and Weaknesses Premium PLR Ebook Sneak Preview


Table of Contents for the Know Your Strengths & Weaknesses PLR Ebook:

Introduction……………………………………………………….. 3

How Strengths and Weaknesses Can Improve Your Life … 5

Power up Your Personal Relationships…………………….. 5

Improving Your Skill Sets to Get Ahead in Business……… 6

How to Identify Your Strengths………………………………. 8

How to Identify Your Weaknesses………………………………. 10

How to Boost Your Strengths to Their Full Potential and Improve Or Eliminate Your Weaknesses…………………………………………….. 11

Identify the Easy Fixes………………………………. 11

Spot the Hard Changes………………………………. 12

Get Some Training………………………………. 12

Keep a Journal……………………………… 13

Ask for Input…………………………………………………….. 14

Understanding What Fulfils You and How Your Strengths & Weaknesses Play Into That……………………………………………….. 15

Make a List……………………………… 15

The Relationship Between Strengths, Weaknesses and Values……16

Unlocking Your Full Potential……………………………… 17

Is There a Limit to Your Potential?………………………. 17

Examples Where Potential Was Realized for Incredible Achievement…. 18


Sample Content for the Know Your Strengths & Weaknesses Premium PLR Ebook:


US singer and songwriter Johnny Mercer wrote more than 1,500 songs during his storied career. One of his many popular songs from the 1940s was titled “Accentuate the Positive”. He got the idea for this particular tune after listening to a preacher mention in his sermon that you should “… accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative” to have a more fulfilling and successful life.

The idea of that sermon was that if you focus on doing positive, good things and stay away from negative influences, you will be more personally, spiritually and emotionally fulfilled. Is this something we should all practice? Should we all attempt to identify our strengths and weaknesses, and then spend time making our strengths stronger, while spending little or no time working on the things we are not very good at?

Should we instead agree to follow half of that advice, building our strengths, but also planning time to work on making our weaknesses better? If we are already really good at something, should we spend any time at all trying to improve something where we already operate at a high level of production?

These are all good questions.

In an attempt to achieve your true potential, enjoy successes and realize your dream reality, it is indeed important to understand what you are good at, and what you need to improve upon. That is what this report on attaining success in any endeavor is all about. You will first learn how to pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses. You can’t take advantage of your abilities if you don’t understand exactly where it is you excel.

Once you identify personal traits and characteristics where you are good, as well as where you are not so good, you can use this information to finally achieve all of the goals you have been pursuing for so long. In this report you will find out why knowing your strengths and weaknesses is so important for you to achieve your true potential, whether that be in your business or personal life.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.

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Know Your Strengths & Weaknesses Checklist :

(549 words, 4 pages)

Strengths & Weaknesses PLR Checklist

A look inside the Know Your Strengths & Weaknesses  Premium PLR Checklist:

Strengths and Weaknesses Premium PLR Checklist Sneak Preview


Know Your Strengths & Weaknesses PLR Editable Ecovers:

Strengths and Weaknesses Premium PLR Ecovers


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Understanding Your Personality Type

Email1-Basic Personality Types – 463 words

Email2-Extraversion or Introversion – 304 words

Email3-Sensing or Intuition – 287 words

Email4-Thinking or Feeling – 288 words

Email5-Judging or Perceiving – 320 words


Strengths & Weaknesses Email Content Sample:

Basic Personality Types

During this 5-lesson course, we are going to look at a personality identification method called the Myer-Briggs Personality Type Indicator that is based on 16-type personality theory developed by the psychological theorist Carl Jung. Katharine Biggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers developed the test named after them that when used indicates the type of personality a person has based on how they answer questions on the test. The personalities are broken down into four different preference indicator pairs:

  • Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I)
  • Sensing (S) or Intuition (N)
  • Thinking (T) or Feeling (F)
  • Judging (J) or Perceiving (P)

Putting it together, the 16 possible personality types and their main traits are:

  • ISTJ – Sensible, reliable and like to pay attention to detail
  • ISFJ – Kind, considerate with a strong sense of commitment to others
  • INFJ – Inspiring and likes to help others grow and develop
  • INTJ – Sees the big picture and thinks strategically
  • ISTP – Calm, efficient and open to new opportunities
  • ISFP – Gentle, sensitive and attends to the needs of those around them
  • INFP – Lives by their core values and knows what is important to others
  • INTP – logical, analytical and likes to take advantage of new opportunities
  • ESTP – Energetic, easily adaptable and likes to make work fun
  • ESFP – Entertaining, easy-going and likes to put others at ease sociably
  • ENFP – Energetic and able to motivate others around them
  • ENTP – Adaptable and energetic
  • ESTJ – Organized and goal oriented
  • ESFJ – Team players that like a sense of belonging
  • EMFJ – Caring and inspiring
  • ENTJ – Driven, decisive natural-born leaders

Now, let’s look at each pair individually to get a better sense of what they mean:

Pair 1 – Extraversion or Introversion. These look at how you deal with people and things as an extrovert, or ideas and information as an introvert.

Pair 2 – Sensing or Intuition. This pair examines how you as an individual process facts and reality, or look at possibilities and potential.

Pair 3 – Thinking or Feeling. This pair gets deeper into the emotional aspect as far as how you see logic and truth verses values and relationships.

Pair 4 – Judging or Perceiving. This last pair deals more with lifestyle. Do you like a life well-structured, so that you know what is going to happen each day, or do you prefer to go with the flow and accept life however it comes at you with little or any prior planning?

The test results will place you in one category from each of the four pairs. For example, based on the letter for each indicator, you may end up being an ESTJ or any of the other 15 combinations possible.

In the next four lessons, we will look at each pair in more detail to get a better understanding of what each indicator means. See you then!


High Quality Strengths & Weaknesses PLR Articles:

  1. 4 Mealtime Habits That Can Improve Your Digestion – 488 words
  2. 5 Most Common Digestive Health Conditions – 654 words
  3. 7 Possible Reasons Why You Suffer from Regular Stomach Aches – 416 words
  4. A Quick Overview of the Digestive System – 452 words
  5. How Does Fiber Aid Digestion? – 420 words


Strengths & Weaknesses PLR Article Sample:

6 Tips for Reaching Your Full Potential

Few people are lucky enough to be able to actually reach their full potential in life, but doing so (or at least getting as close as possible) is an amazing feeling that will give you a lot of satisfaction. Achieving your full potential doesn’t even need to be in everything – you can achieve everything you’re capable of in just one aspect of your life or for one particular event.

  1. It’s all about your outlook

You can’t be negative and expect to reach your full potential. The first step is being positive and having a bright outlook on life in general. This doesn’t mean that you can’t ever be miserable or feeling down about something, but a positive attitude really goes a long way.

  1. Find a role model

This doesn’t even have to be somebody that you know – it can be a celebrity or world figure who really inspires you. Maybe it’s your favorite author, actor or musician, or it could be your parent or grandparent. A teacher, for example, is a great example of a good role model.

  1. Set goals for yourself

You should set small and realistic goals for yourself that you could actually manage to keep. Don’t set wild goals and aspirations, such as earning unrealistic amounts of money in a short space of time or meeting somebody who doesn’t even live in the same country as you. Set goals and make them happen.

  1. Don’t wait for other people to motivate you

No matter how many people you have in your life, and no matter how many people you tell about your life goals and what you want to achieve, nobody will be able to motivate you more than you will be able to motivate yourself. You should remember this, and never become angry if other people aren’t helping to motivate you.

  1. Increase your endorphins

We can all achieve more when we’re feeling happier, so increasing your endorphins is very important. You can do this by eating certain foods, such as bananas, and regular exercise is one of the main things which will help further. Spending time with your partner and other people you love will also give you a great boost.

  1. Believe you can do it

If you’re in denial about what you can and can’t achieve, or you just don’t really believe that you’re going to complete your goals, you’ll struggle from the beginning. You need to do things and strive to do things that you really believe in.


Social Media Posts and Images:


5 Shareable Social Media Graphics (PLR)

Strengths and Weaknesses Premium PLR Social Media Graphics


15 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

Strengths and Weaknesses Premium PLR Social Media Tweets


6 Royalty Free Images

Strengths and Weaknesses Royalty Free Images

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Long Article: Introvert vs. Extrovert – 865 words


Long Article: Introvert vs. Extrovert Sample Content:

Introvert vs. Extrovert

Introvert. Extrovert. Both are words which we hear on a regular basis, especially when people are discussing social situations and what type of things they are happy with. Introverts are commonly perceived as the shy people, while extroverts are the loud and bubbly ones that we often wish would be a bit quieter or wander to another part of the room to give us a break. When discussing their own personalities, people often refer to themselves as ‘a bit of both’ – sometimes they are introverted and sometimes they are extroverted – this type of personality is known as an ‘ambivert’. We’ll look at the keys differences for both types of personalities, and it might even help you to discover which type you are.

What is an introvert?

The words that come to mind when we think about introverts are ‘shy’, ‘quiet’, ‘not very talkative’ and even ‘difficult’. Trying to have a conversation with someone who is very introverted can be a struggle, and most of the time, it’s not because the person is rude, it’s because they genuinely find it difficult to interact in social situations or just find it extremely tough to make conversation with other people, whether they are strangers or friends.

What is an extrovert?

A person who is an extrovert is normally known as ‘the life of the party’, and it’s rare for people not to love an extrovert. It’s the person who will always be able to make some more conversation when it seems to be dying out, and they seem to ooze natural social confidence. They’re not afraid to step up when everyone else is a little bit shy, and nothing seems to bother them about doing it either.

What is an ambivert?

Most people would consider themselves to be ambiverts (although other people might not!). These are the people who seem to have a healthy mix of both introvert and extrovert within their personality. Of course, there is a broad scale onto which people may fall, and some may have a little bit more of the extroverted side while others are more shy and slightly more introvert than extrovert.


10 Self Discipline PLR Articles and Tweets

1.Eight Examples of Good Self-Discipline – 452 words

2.Eight Steps to Mastering Self-Discipline – 617 words

3.How Self-Discipline Benefits You at Work and When You Study – 573 words

4.How Self-Discipline Benefits You Socially – 515 words

5.How Self-Discipline Benefits Your Health – 632 words

6.Is Self-Discipline Always a Good Thing? – 462 words

7.Ten Tips for Avoiding Temptation – 612 words

8.Using Self-Discipline to Get Rid of Negative Habits – 531 words

9.What Is Meant by Self-Discipline? – 580 words

10.Why Is Self-Discipline So Hard? – 456 words

These Self Discipline PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


Self Discipline PLR Article Sample:

How Self-Discipline Benefits You at Work and When You Study

Out of everything you learned as a kid growing up, self-discipline is probably one of the most vital skills. If you have learned this lesson, you’ll reap the benefits your entire life by reaching for and meeting your goals more easily. Plus, you will be living your life at full blast because you won’t have as much stress.

  1. You Won’t Be Impulsive – When you are able to control your own impulses, you tend to make much better decisions because you’re willing to stop and think before doing so. That means you’ll have fewer things to be sorry about at work or school. You won’t skip studying to go out and party; you won’t quit working on a project to hang out with friends; and you will get things done because you won’t create unneeded drama caused by impulsiveness.
  2. You Know Your Priorities – A self-disciplined person is very aware of the priorities they have each day. They are prepared and look over everything in plenty of time to arrange their day to meet those priorities.
  3. You Will Meet Your Obligations – Let’s be clear. Meeting obligations feels good. It’s not a downer or a drag on your life. When you follow through and do something at work or school (or life) that is important, it feels good, and you want to do it again.
  4. Reduces Procrastination – Procrastination is really a symptom of a larger problem – usually a lack of confidence in skills, imposter syndrome, or fear of success. When you have self-discipline, you tend to make a schedule that doesn’t consider your mood or anything but getting it done and done right.
  5. You Don’t Need Passion to Finish Projects – One of the biggest myths of life is that you should work or do things when you feel like it. When the passion strikes is the time to work according to many. However, this is not a good plan. You’re not going to feel passion every single day. When you have self-discipline, you tend to get it done regardless of your thoughts and feelings.
  6. You’ll Be Much Healthier – Due to not eating everything you see, not avoiding exercise, and working hard instead of avoiding work (which is actually stressful), you’re going to be much healthier. You’ll feel better physically and mentally because you’re making better choices.
  7. You Have Better Relationships – When you are not just saying whatever comes to your mind, and when you’re not selfish but are there for your friends and family, you’re going to have better relationships. People know they can count on you.
  8. You’ll Sleep Better – When you get up at a normal time each day, go to bed at a normal time each night, and eat right most days – as well as do what you say you’ll do – you’ll probably sleep a lot better every night.
  9. You’ll Feel Less Guilt – When you follow through in life – whether it’s something you promised to yourself or someone else, you feel less guilt. You won’t have any reason to feel guilty due to your good choices.

When you have self-discipline, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t a fun person or that you can’t be spontaneous. It simply means that you are reliant on yourself, trust yourself, and show this by doing what you promise yourself and others that you will do.


15 Motivational PLR Articles and Images

How to Feel Awesome All Day Long – 525 words

How to Make a More Positive Impact on Your Own Life – 529 words

How Volunteering Can Make You Happier – 492 words

Laugh More – 532 words

Life is a Song – 511 words

The Art and Style of Self Confidence – 512 words

The Art of Positive Goal Setting – 517 words

The Power of Imagination and How to Kickstart Yours – 520 words

Ways to Make Affirmations Work for You – 506 words

Courage is the Willingness to Try Again – 500 words

Face Your Weaknesses to Find Your Strength – 501 words

Greatness Starts with Believing in Yourself – 518 words

How Men and Women Love Differently – 511 words

How to be a Great Friend – 506 words

How to Create Your Own Happiness – 499 words

These Motivational PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


Motivational PLR Article Sample:

How Men and Women Love Differently

We are all familiar with well-known books that state that both men and women are from completely different planets. However, to put it more simply, men and women love differently. There are certain differences but also some similarities between how men and women love.


Men may communicate more simply than women do. Women can call up a girlfriend and talk about an issue for hours only to rehash it again the following weekend. Men may prefer to say a few words and then they are good to go.

Men may also be more task oriented. Communicating as if they are going from point A straight to Point B is where it is at for men for the most part.


There may be a huge misconception on men and their feelings. Men have feelings too, but many times men are taught as young boys not to cry or to suppress those feelings. However, it is important to note that men most certainly do have feelings and that does not make them any less masculine. In fact, it makes them more so.

It is important to remember when communicating that men have feelings too, but they may not show them as easily as women do.

Goals and Multi-Tasking

Back in the day men had to focus on one thing and one thing only and that was to kill and capture food for the family. Women, as far back as we can remember, were able to cook the food, tend to the children, and care for the elderly.

Women may simply be better at multi-tasking than men because of their genetic makeup. So, when expecting a man to do multiple tasks, don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t get done the way a woman would get the tasks done.

Men may be able to focus more and sometimes may forget to do other things because of his intense focusing abilities. Women may simply be more geared to doing many things at once.

Showing Affection

Again, it is possible that men show affection differently than women. Women may be more giving and nurturing whereas a man may show affect on occasion and not as intense as a woman.

This may go back to men being raised not to show affection as young boys.

These are just some of the ways that men and women differ in showing love. Of course, there is always compromise on both sides.

For men the possibility exists that being in love may mean a lifelong commitment and that may provoke fear and emotions that he is not ready for something so powerful. Perhaps, a man in love still needs to feel some sense of control over his life, maybe not.

For women, being in love is more of a positive feeling in the early in love stages. Bliss and happiness are present before fear.

Sometimes simply understanding the differences and respecting them, not taking it personal and trying to come to a middle ground is what works for both parties in a relationship.


10 Confidence PLR Articles V2

Steps to Confidence – 439 words

Mindsets that Lead to Low Self-Confidence and How to Change Them  – 555 words

Build Confidence in Interpersonal Relationships – Top Tips – 417 words

Confidence Coach: A Viable Career Choice – 445 words

Tips on Boosting Self-Confidence for Teens – 445 words

How Diet, Exercise, and Confidence Are Connected – 428 words

Can Hypnosis Help Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem? – 430 words

Tips to Help Overcome Shyness and Social Awkwardness – 470 words

From Self-Consciousness to Self-Confidence – Teens – 456 words

Tips on Teaching Your Child to Be Self-Confident – 477 words

These Confidence PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


Confidence PLR Article Sample (V2) 

Build Confidence in Interpersonal Relationships – Top Tips

For some people, self-confidence with regard to personal relationships is challenging. You may find that you have confidence in many other areas of your life – your business, talents, and so forth – but lack the confidence to have successful personal relationships. For some, this is due to past experiences – once bitten, twice shy, so to speak. For others, it just seems to be how they’re wired; they just can’t be the social butterfly they wish they could be.

If any of this describes you, read on for some tips and suggestions that may help.

Recognize You’re Not Alone

Pretending like you don’t have trouble with confidence is not going to help. You’d be surprised at how many people who seem naturally born confident actually took time and effort to learn the art of self-confidence in their relationships. If there weren’t a growing number of people in need of self-confidence, there wouldn’t be a growing field of confidence coaches and life coaches to help!

Consider Coaching

You might consider becoming a client of a confidence or life coach. These coaches specialize in helping people realize their potential, both professionally and personally. There’s no shame in seeking advice, whether from a friend or a professional.

Your Contribution

If you feel insecure when you think of your interpersonal relationships (or when you think of starting one), it might help to remember that you have something of value to contribute to that relationship. Lack of confidence may stem from a sense that relationships are only about you pleasing the other person, or getting him or her to like you. However, it’s important to realize that you have something to contribute to the relationship which will benefit the other person – you!

Flaws Happen

Remember that both you and the person with whom you are in a relationship have flaws. Everyone does. People who lack confidence in relationships tend to walk on eggshells, afraid they will say or do something to cause the other person to turn against them. But truthfully, someone who really likes or loves you is not going to ditch you just because you said one off-color thing or made one mistake. And if they do, you didn’t need them to begin with!

Silence the Negative Inner Voice

First, you have to recognize it – listen for a few days to your inner voice. What’s it saying? Do you hear, “You’re not good enough,” “No one would ever put up with you,” or “I just can’t go over and talk to him/her?” Once you begin to hear these thoughts, it’s time to take action and change them. Often, such negative self-talk is a habit and you don’t even realize you’re doing it. You have to forge new habits of positive self-talk instead. Remember that you have something to contribute to a relationship and the right person will be glad to have you as an addition to his or her life!


Developing a Success Mindset PLR Report – 7169 words

This Report is available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR license.


Developing a Success Mindset PLR Report Sample Content:

The Success Mindset – An A-Z Guide to

Developing and Maintaining Your Entrepreneurial Mindset  

Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture…Do not build up obstacles in your imagination.

-Norman Vincent Peale

Did you know that author Stephen King was rejected 30 times before his bestselling book, which was later licensed for a movie, Carrie was accepted?

Did you know that it took Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield three years to get their first Chicken Soup for the Soul book published?

Did you know it took millionaire entrepreneur and inventor of SPANX, Sara Blakely, months and months of knocking on doors before anyone would give her idea a second thought?  Now she’s hanging out with the likes of Sir Richard Branson and Oprah Winfrey and has her own foundation – not to mention she’s sold more than $150 million in retail sales.

What do these three stories have in common and what does it have to do with you?

The key to success as an entrepreneur is hard work, perseverance, and a belief that you can succeed.  So…

Are you an entrepreneur?

We are all impressed to hear how much money the latest internet entrepreneur has made this year, and how they have made their business a success.  The numbers are often staggering, not to mention the enticement of being your own boss.  However, being an entrepreneur isn’t as glamorous as it may seem.


Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!

For the first 50 buyers of this Strengths & Weaknesses Premium PLR Package, if you grab this PLR niche pack right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!

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Bonus 1

5 High Quality Sense Of Self Online Marketing PLR Articles

5 High Quality Sense Of Self Online Marketing PLR Articles

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the 5 Sense Of Self Online Marketing Articles:

  1. The Art to Overcoming Herculean Obstacles and Still Succeeding Online (556 words)
  2. Want Success Online? Embrace Your Fears First! (580 words)
  3. Coping with Doubts and Criticism When Building an Online Business (518 words)
  4. Highlighting Your Strengths and Deleting Your Weaknesses to Succeed Online (596 words)
  5. Finding Balance in Life While Striving for Financial Success Online (550 words)


Bonus 2

10 High Quality Proactive Mindset Online Marketing PLR Articles

10 High Quality Proactive Mindset Online Marketing PLR Articles

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the 10 Proactive Mindset Online Marketing Articles:

  1. Are You Planning Your Online Business Proactively? (574 words)
  2. Being Relentless Even When You Have Nothing to Show for It (556 words)
  3. Do Some Marketers Have It Easier than You? (607 words)
  4. Does Your Biochemistry Affect Your Will Power? (620 words)
  5. Focusing on Your Strengths and Scale New Heights (542 words)
  6. Hitting a Road Block? This is What You Do! (560 words)
  7. Inertia is Your Greatest Enemy and How to Overcome It (626 words)
  8. Proactively Sacrificing for Long Term Success Online (521 words)
  9. Staying Sane and Not Losing Yourself in the Pursuit of Online Success (751 words)
  10. The Air at the Top is Thin… Be Prepared! (571 words)


Bonus 3

Planning For Success Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

Planning for Success Bundle

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Training Guide
Module 2 – Cheat Sheet
Module 3 – MindMap
Module 4 – Resource Report
Module 5 – Sales Letter And Thank You Page
Module 6 – Sales Video
Module 7 – Legal Pages
Module 8 – Graphics
Module 9 – Articles
Module 10 – Banners
Module 11 – Promotional Email Swipes
Module 12 – High Quality eCovers
Module 13 – Social Media Images Pack


Bonus 4

Happiness Through Self-Care Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

Happiness Through Self-Care Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Resource Cheat Sheet
Module 4 – Mindmap
Module 5 – Sales Page
Module 6 – Optin Page
Module 7 – Graphics
Module 8 – Email Swipes
Module 9 – Social Media Images


Bonus 5

Self Esteem Boosters Unrestricted PLR eBook

Self Esteem Boosters Unrestricted PLR eBook

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • Ecovers
  • Product
  • Rebrandable
  • Source Documents
  • Source PSD Graphics
  • Content: 43 Pages – 15,744 Words

Total File Download Size:

45,5 Megabytes (MB)


Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!


Package Details For Strengths & Weaknesses Premium PLR Package:

Main eBook:

“Know Your Strengths & Weaknesses (& Unlock Your True Potential!)”

(4,274 words, 20 pages, 6 images)

+ Checklist

+ eCovers

+ Keywords


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Understanding Your Personality Type

Email1-Basic Personality Types – 463 words

Email2-Extraversion or Introversion – 304 words

Email3-Sensing or Intuition – 287 words

Email4-Thinking or Feeling – 288 words

Email5-Judging or Perceiving – 320 words


Related Articles:

5 Reasons Why You’re Not Reaching Your Full Potential – 407 words

6 Tips for Reaching Your Full Potential – 419 words

7 Tips for Overcoming Your Weaknesses – 428 words

How to Have Confidence in Your Own Abilities – 395 words

How to Identify Your Zone of Genius – 426 words


Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Tips

15 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

6 Royalty Free Images



Long Article: Introvert vs. Extrovert – 865 words

10 Self Discipline PLR Articles and Tweets

1.Eight Examples of Good Self-Discipline – 452 words

2.Eight Steps to Mastering Self-Discipline – 617 words

3.How Self-Discipline Benefits You at Work and When You Study – 573 words

4.How Self-Discipline Benefits You Socially – 515 words

5.How Self-Discipline Benefits Your Health – 632 words

6.Is Self-Discipline Always a Good Thing? – 462 words

7.Ten Tips for Avoiding Temptation – 612 words

8.Using Self-Discipline to Get Rid of Negative Habits – 531 words

9.What Is Meant by Self-Discipline? – 580 words

10.Why Is Self-Discipline So Hard? – 456 words

These Self Discipline PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


15 Motivational PLR Articles and Images

How to Feel Awesome All Day Long – 525 words

How to Make a More Positive Impact on Your Own Life – 529 words

How Volunteering Can Make You Happier – 492 words

Laugh More – 532 words

Life is a Song – 511 words

The Art and Style of Self Confidence – 512 words

The Art of Positive Goal Setting – 517 words

The Power of Imagination and How to Kickstart Yours – 520 words

Ways to Make Affirmations Work for You – 506 words

Courage is the Willingness to Try Again – 500 words

Face Your Weaknesses to Find Your Strength – 501 words

Greatness Starts with Believing in Yourself – 518 words

How Men and Women Love Differently – 511 words

How to be a Great Friend – 506 words

How to Create Your Own Happiness – 499 words

These Motivational PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


10 Confidence PLR Articles V2

Steps to Confidence – 439 words

Mindsets that Lead to Low Self-Confidence and How to Change Them  – 555 words

Build Confidence in Interpersonal Relationships – Top Tips – 417 words

Confidence Coach: A Viable Career Choice – 445 words

Tips on Boosting Self-Confidence for Teens – 445 words

How Diet, Exercise, and Confidence Are Connected – 428 words

Can Hypnosis Help Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem? – 430 words

Tips to Help Overcome Shyness and Social Awkwardness – 470 words

From Self-Consciousness to Self-Confidence – Teens – 456 words

Tips on Teaching Your Child to Be Self-Confident – 477 words

These Confidence PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


Developing a Success Mindset PLR Report – 7169 words

This Report is available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR license.


Total Word Count: 33 000+ Words

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