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SEO for Beginners PLR eBook

SEO for Beginners Premium PLR Package 21k Words

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SEO for Beginners PLR Package – Featuring Over 21 000 Words of Done-For-You Premium SEO for Beginners PLR Content.


Attention: Internet Marketing, Online Business & Home Biz Entrepreneurs

Done for You Premium Online Marketing/Home Business PLR Product on a EVERGREEN Topic:

SEO for Beginners!


Dear online business owner, When it comes to digital marketing and work from home searches, SEO for Beginners is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Search Engine Optimization for Beginners has spawned an entire industry of blogs, courses, books and products.

This is where my premium done for you SEO for Beginners PLR package comes in. It’s all about teaching your customers how to use SEO for Beginners .

Everything is done for you – from the main SEO PLR ebook info product to your social media updates – it’s simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative online business niche.


Introducing The…

SEO for Beginners Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 21 000 Words of High Quality Physical Internet Marketing Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality SEO for Beginners PLR package covers the hugely popular internet marketing niche. Internet Marketing is evergreen and will always be. This SEO for Beginners PLR package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it or use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the SEO for Beginners MEGA PLR Package…


Main eBook: SEO for Beginners

(4,519 words, 19 pages, 8 images)

SEO for Beginners PLR eBook


A look inside the SEO for Beginners PLR eBook:

SEO for Beginners PLR eBook Inside Look


Table of Contents for the SEO for Beginners Premium PLR Ebook:

What is SEO?. 5

The 2 Basic Functions of Search Engines. 5

How SEO Is Related to Search Engines. 6

The 2 Different Types of SEO. 7

Why Should I Use SEO?. 7

Use WordPress. 9

Using Alt Text for Images. 9

Respect Your Headings. 9

Consider an Exact Match Domain. 9

Make Your Content Relevant… and Long. 10

Include Internal Links. 11

Include Smart Title Tags. 11

Keyword Research and Its Importance in SEO. 12

Common SEO Myths. 14

Myth – Search Engine Optimization Will Get You Penalized by Google. 14

Myth – Linking Multiple Blogs on the Same Topic or Niche Will Get You Lots of Traffic. 14

Myth – SEO Is a One-Time Job. 14

Myth – Google Hates Link Building. 14

Myth – All You Have To Do Is Rank Really High for One Monster Keyword and Your SEO Work Is Done. 15

Tracking Your SEO Success. 16

Social Media as an SEO Tool 18

2 Successful “Old School” SEO Methods That 19

Don’t Work Anymore. 19

1 – High Keyword Density Doesn’t Work Anymore. 19

2 – Change up Your Anchor Text 19


Sample Content for the SEO for Beginners PLR Ebook:

Blogging doesn’t have to be hard. It does have to be planned. If you want to be a successful blogger, you need to do certain things that keep the search engines happy. When you take action in your business according to particular methods and systems, you effectively tell the Internet what your business is about.

The search engines will then send you traffic (web surfers) that they think will benefit from what you offer. This is what makes optimizing for the search engines so important. If you don’t do your job correctly, you get traffic that doesn’t really care about what you have to say. Done properly, you get plenty of free and targeted traffic, the exact people that you are looking for.

This means that when you do SEO correctly, the people that end up on your blog are happy. You are happy. The search engines are happy because they sent web surfers to a blog that is related to exactly what those surfers were searching for. So in this way, you could look at search engine optimization as an online dating service – when everything goes right, you and your blog visitors are a match made in heaven.

In this guide on SEO for beginners, you’ll get started by understanding exactly what search engine optimization is. You will find out that there are different types of SEO, why you should use SEO to build your blog, and some simple web design tricks and tools to make your job easier.

Then we will take a simple look at specific ways to create SEO-friendly content, some myths you need to know about search engine optimization, and ways you can track whether your efforts are paying off or not. You will learn the importance of social media in an SEO campaign, and you will discover a couple of “old school” SEO tactics that don’t work anymore, and could get your site sandboxed or otherwise penalized by Google. Let’s get started by defining search engine optimization.

What is SEO?

In defining search engine optimization, we are going to talk about how Google wants you to conduct business on your blog. There are obviously other search engines, like Yahoo and Bing, but the Big G is far and away the most influential search engine. Practice the SEO tactics you will learn in this report, and you will find you are keeping the other search engines happy as well.

The 2 Basic Functions of Search Engines

Search engines are just large pieces of code. They have 2 basic functions – 1) crawling the World Wide Web to build an index of webpages, and 2) to give web surfers a list of webpages the search engines think are relevant to whatever people are searching for.

That’s really all search engines do. They are a tool for searching the Internet. They have pieces of code called “spiders” that “crawl” all over the web constantly. They are always looking for updated information and new webpages. When they find a page that they have not indexed yet, they add that page to their search engine index.

Then the next time someone is searching the web, if they are looking for information that is on your blog, the search engine will decide if that page is more or less relevant than all the other pages related to that topic.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.

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Checklist: SEO for Beginners Checklist

(476 words, 3 pages) 

SEO for Beginners PLR Checklist


A look inside the SEO for Beginners Premium PLR Checklist

SEO for Beginners PLR Checklist Inside Look


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Search Engine Optimization Basics for Bloggers

Email 1 – Beginners Guide to How SEO Works
Email 2 – Why SEO Isnt as Scary as It Sounds
Email 3 – What Google Wants to See on Quality Websites
Email 4 – Bad SEO Practices to Avoid
Email 5 – SEO Plugins That Make Blog Optimization Easier

SEO for Beginners PLR Emails Total Word Count: 2107 Words


SEO for Beginners Email Content Sample:

Beginner’s Guide to How SEO Works

Hello, I’m glad you are here for our SEO Basics for Bloggers ecourse. If you are not familiar with the term SEO, it stands for Search Engine Optimization. Basically, it is things you can do to make your posted content in your blog friendlier to the search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. This in turn can rank your content higher in search results, thus getting you found more easily.

Let’s use Google as an example. Based on an algorithm, it sends out “electronic spiders” to your website and checks 100 different things called indicators that determine the usefulness of your content. Included in the checks are backlinks, age of your website, traffic and how often you post content, just to name a few. The trick is to make sure the spiders find what they are looking for so you can rank higher than other blogs in your same niche.

From a blogging standpoint, SEO is basically a process. If followed, it will give you the best chance of success. First, make sure your theme is optimized. The search engine Google is looking to see if your theme is:

  • Mobile responsive – Google prioritizes mobile sites before non-mobile ones’ due to the number of smartphone being used today.
  • Coded smartly – This usually isn’t too much of a problem unless you have had a theme custom designed by a coder that wasn’t SEO savvy.
  • Loads fast – The less time it takes for a site to load, the better will be the user’s experience. If your site is not as fast as it could be, there are plugins you can add to your blog to speed things up – like W3 Total Cache.
  • Original – The more unique your theme is, the better it will rank. That is not to say the themes that come loaded on a new WordPress blog are bad, just be sure to customize them to fit your needs or buy a readymade theme that allows you to make further customizations.
  • No broken links – Links that lead to nowhere will send up red-flags. Why? Because it will not enhance the user’s experience if they click on a link and it errors out.

Lastly, add the Google Search Console to your blog so you can see it from their viewpoint. It will give you a lot of insight as to changes you may want to make to rank your blog higher.

In the next lesson, we’ll look at some tried-and-true best practices as far as SEO that you can do to make you blog rank higher.

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SEO for Beginners PLR Articles:

  1. A Guide to On-Page Vs Off-Page SEO – 460 words
  2. How to Get On the First Page of Google Search Results – 546 words
  3. What Are Backlinks in SEO? (And How to Get Them) – 438 words
  4. What Is Keyword Research (And How to Find Keywords for Your Blog) – 415 words
  5. What Is SEO and Why Does It Matter for Your Website? – 424 words


SEO for Beginners PLR Article Sample:

A Guide to On-Page Vs Off-Page SEO

SEO (search engine optimization) is a broad term that refers to any actions taken to make a site rank better on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo – i.e. to make the site show up higher in the search results when people search for a certain word or phrase.

Within the broad term of “SEO,” there are several sub-divisions or categories. Two of those categories are on-page SEO and off-page SEO. Both on-page SEO and off-page SEO seek to make your site rank better on search engines, but besides that, they are fairly different. A combination of both on-page and off-page SEO is needed to make a site rank well.

What is on-page SEO?

As you can probably tell from the name, on-page SEO refers to the wide variety of actions that you can do on your site to optimize it for SEO – things like the content, design and coding. A site’s search engine ranking is heavily determined by on-page SEO and how well optimized the site is. Here are some of the things that would fall under the banner of on-page SEO.


If you run a blog, everything you write an article or a blog post and include keywords, you are improving your blog’s on-page SEO – the keywords help to show the search engines what your content is about, which will then boost your position in the rankings. Page content is one of the best ways of getting your website ranked, but it takes time and still requires putting effort into high quality articles.


URLs are another aspect of on-page SEO. Not everyone knows this, but the URLs of a website can be modified to include a keyword, which further optimizes a site’s on-page SEO.


Image descriptions can also be changed so that they include keywords. Images also have things called alt-text, which is not visible to your average user. This can also be modified to include keywords that search engines will pick up on.

Site optimization

Not all on-page SEO related to keywords. Even doing things like changing a site to make it mobile friendly or to make it load faster fall under the banner of on-page SEO. The reason for this is that Google rewards sites that do these things.

Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO encompasses a variety of actions that can improve a site’s ranking without actually changing anything on the site itself. For example, sharing links to your site on social media will improve your site’s search engine ranking because those social media links are considered backlinks. But, because sharing links to your site on social media does not actually change anything on the site itself, it falls under the banner of off-page SEO. Anything involving backlinks will be classified as off-page SEO.



Social Media Posts and Images:


5 Shareable Social Media Inspirational Images (PLR)

SEO for Beginners PLR Social Graphics


16 Social Media PLR Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

SEO for Beginners PLR Tweets

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7 Royalty Free Images

SEO for Beginners Royalty Free Images


Images of All Products Reviewed


SEO for Beginners Keyword Research Pack

SEO for Beginners PLR Keywords



10 Day Steps to Auditing Your SEO PLR Email Course

Day Steps to Auditing Your SEO Ecourse Sample:

Email 1

Subject: How SEO works and creating SEO goals

Dear [Name],

Welcome to this email course about search engine optimization, or SEO. You probably know something about SEO already. But even if you don’t, if you follow along with each email and take the steps suggested, you’re going to see a great improvement in traffic from your audience.

A Search Engine’s Purpose

The purpose of a search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others, is to deliver relevant content to their audience based on their search. In the old days of the internet, this was not done very well. For example, if you went online and looked for a word like “jugs” and you meant ceramic jugs, you would end up with a long list of porn sites to weed through.

That wasn’t what the audience wanted at all, so search engines had to figure out how to better show their audience what they really wanted. They created algorithms that were designed to crawl the web to locate the best content for their users. That’s how SEO became so important. SEO helps you let the search engines know that your content is authoritative, well-written, and targeted.

Today, Google and other search engines make it their mission to deliver the best, highest quality content to their users that they can. Sadly, there is a lot of trash on the internet, so this not an easy job. Due to this, you can use SEO to ensure that search engines show your website as a choice when a customer searches for information related to your niche. In many ways, SEO is just a way to ensure that people find you, so that you can grow your traffic and your business.

Create Your SEO Goals

Now that you know what search engines are for and why SEO exists, it’s time to determine your goals for SEO. That’s the best way to start so that you can go through your website and fix any issues that are impeding your efforts to get targeted traffic to your website.

So first, to set your SEO goals, determine your strategic SEO objective. Here are some examples:

* Increase organic search visibility by 40% within 4 months
* Increase inbound links by 30% within 6 months
* Increase targeted traffic by 50% within 12 months
* Increase lead captures (email list) by 25% within 12 months

These are just examples, and your numbers will be different based on the time you have to spend on the project. As you see, to accomplish creating these goals you need to know where you stand now. So, before you go further with this, take a look at where you are now so that you know what numbers you’re starting with as you audit your SEO throughout this 10-part eCourse.

Next time, we’ll talk more about technical information surrounding SEO and how you can use technology to make your job easier, faster, and more efficient.


Getting Started with Search Engine Optimization PLR Report – PLR SEO Content for List Building

Getting Started with Search Engine Optimization Report Sample:

If you have been trying to earn a living online or get traffic to your website at any time, you’ve likely heard of this mysterious thing called search engine optimization or SEO. In short, SEO is one of many ways to market your website so that you get more traffic, more subscriptions for your email list, and ultimately make more sales.

SEO practices enable people who are searching for your topic to find it (using a search engine like Google Search or Bing), due to the content and information that you put on and off your site.

There are two types of SEO: on-page SEO and off-page SEO. In this report, we’ll talk about both types of SEO and why you need to use it for your business.

SEO encompasses the code you use on your site to make it easy to access and load fast. Plus, SEO involves the titles of your articles, pages, and blog posts. SEO informs how you should format your content in terms of the URL, title, H1 and H2 tags. In addition, SEO helps you develop good titles, and write meta descriptions that get results.

It should be obvious at this point that SEO is an imperative for any business owner who wishes to get more targeted traffic and build their business, plus provide excellence to their customers. Remember, good SEO is all about improving the content on the internet, not stifling you. Search engines just want to send their audience to high-quality, relevant, honest content.

Now let’s start learning about SEO and how you can use it – starting today.

SEO Basics

When we talk about SEO, we must acknowledge that the number one search engine is Google Search. There is no way around it. With over 2 trillion searches happening every year, 100 billion per month, and 2.3 million per day, they cannot be ignored. Google’s job is to deliver quality information to their audience, and they’re serious about it.

Therefore, when you think about SEO you must think about Google and what Google teaches as best practices for webmasters, to ensure that your audience can find you. If you think you can reinvent the wheel here, or trick the system, you’re wrong.

But, thankfully, you can use good SEO practices to get found. The great thing is, this makes the internet better for everyone because their goal is to deliver top-notch results to please their customers.

Two Types of SEO

We mentioned the two types of SEO. On page, SEO consists of anything you do on your website to help search engines differentiate between important content and unimportant content. Things like the content itself, how you format the content, the titles you give the content, and more, all matter.

Off-page SEO concerns itself with anything you do off your site to help your website look more attractive to search engines and your audience, gaining backlinks to your site that help your audience and the search engines know that your site is knowledgeable about the topic you cover.

On-Page SEO

On page, SEO is a way to make the site more accessible, usable, and findable. There are many ways to use SEO tactics right on your website which will not only help the search engines find the content that your audience wants, but will also make the website more attractive to users. After all, users are the most important factor when it comes to your website. Here are the main factors affecting on-page SEO.

  • Page content – All the content on your page and keywords
  • Page and content formatting – How you format the content
  • Smart URLs – Choosing the right URL structure
  • Internal linking – How and what you link to within your site, internally
  • Image alt text – The description within the alt text of all images
  • Navigation – How users navigate your site and allow search engines to crawl your site
  • Meta descriptions – How each page is described in the meta description
  • Keyword density – This describes the ratio of keywords to other content
  • Site map – Helps search engines index your site and (if public) helps users find things
  • Site speed – How fast your site loads each page that your audience clicks on
  • Usability and accessibility – How easily your users understand and use your site

Paying close attention to these parts of your website will improve your traffic, help you get more sign-ups for your email list, and hopefully make more sales. It’s one of the most important aspects of building an effective website that works for your business.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO are techniques that you use off your website to improve search engine results so that you can get more traffic. Using off-page SEO tactics can help build your brand, build connections with your audience, and send traffic to your website. Using the right tactics depending on your goals, as detailed below, can improve your traffic and authority factor substantially.

  • Social media platforms – Using the platforms your audience uses can gain you some respected backlinks to your website
  • Discussion participation – Commenting intelligently on discussion boards, forums, blog posts, and on social media
  • Guests blogging and writing – Submitting original and unique blog posts and articles to high-ranking authoritative websites and blogs
  • Branding – Your branding should be consistent with all things you do on and offline
  • Trusted directories – Use association directories like the Chamber of Commerce or well-known directories
  • Apps – Offering your customers an app is another way to get them to come back to your site
  • Press releases – Sending out press releases is a legitimate way to get attention and links
  • Speaking – Whether it’s in person, in public, or on an online show, it’s a great way to build your brand
  • Q & A sites – Getting a link back to your site by answering questions about your niche can make you an authority
  • Video marketing – Using video through Facebook Live,, YouTube and other mediums to spread awareness
  • Customer service – Providing amazing customer service
  • Email marketing – Getting people on your list and then marketing to them via the list
  • Influencer marketing – Using popular influencers to talk about your products and services

There are so many things you can do off page to enhance awareness and improve your image to customers and search engines. The more authoritative inbound links that go to your website, the better you look to not only search engines but also to users.

The best place to start with search engine optimization is with on-page strategies and tactics.

Developing Your Keyword Strategy

As quickly as the search engines change their algorithms, it seems like you must come up with a new strategy. But, if you use smart techniques designed to make your content better instead of trying to trick the system, you’ll always be ahead of the game. To ensure that you’re using a good keyword strategy, these tips will help.

Types of Keywords

There are single keywords, long-tail keywords, keyword phrases and more. Some keywords are related to the market and some are related to the customer. There are product-focused keywords, thought leader keywords, competing keywords, and related keywords.

Additionally, there are geotargeted keywords. For the purposes of this report, you’re going to want to find long-tail keywords, keyword phrases, and low-competition keywords. A low-competition keyword is easier to rank for because the big-name brands aren’t spending a lot of money trying to attract people to that keyword.

Keyword Research

The first thing you need to do is conduct keyword research. At first, don’t try to come up with too many keywords. But understand that each page needs to have its own main keyword for which you want it to rank, meaning that when someone searches for that keyword, you want them to find that particular content you’ve created for that keyword. But first, find the keywords. There are many ways to go about it.


Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!


For the first 50 buyers of this SEO for Beginners Premium PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!

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Bonus 1

SEO Split Testing Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

SEO Split Testing MMR Sales Funnel

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Training Guide
Module 2 – Cheat Sheet
Module 3 – Mindmap
Module 4 – Resource Report
Module 5 – Sales Letter and Thank You Page
Module 6 – Sales Video
Module 7 – Legal Pages
Module 8 – Graphics
Module 9 – Quality Articles
Module 10 –Banners
Module 11 – Promotional Email Swipes
Module 12 – High Quality eCovers
Module 13 – Social Media Images Pack

Advance Video Course:

Module 1 – Training Videos
Module 2 – Ready Made Sales Page And Thank You Page
Module 3 – Legal Pages
Module 4 – Sales Video
Module 5 – Affiliate Page
Module 6 – Promotion Email Swipes For The Upsell
Module 7 – Squeeze Page
Module 8 – Giveaway Report
Module 9 – Graphics
Module 10 – MP3 Files

Total File Download Size:

455 Megabytes (MB)



Bonus 2

Modern SEO Strategies PLR Lead Magnet Front End and Upgrade

Modern SEO Strategies PLR Lead Magnet

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Product Details:

  • Report File Formats: DOC, DOCX, PDF
  • Viewable With: Any PDF Reader (Online and Offline)
  • Report Word Length 2,300+ Words of High Quality Content
  • Pages In Report: 13 Pages Total (Beautifully Formatted)
  • Video File Format: MP4​​​​​
  • Videos In Series: 1 Long Video File
  • Video Series Total Length: 13 min 55 Seconds
  • File Size: 388MB


Bonus 3

200 Unrestricted Keyword Research And SEO PLR Articles Pack

200 Unrestricted Keyword Research And SEO PLR Articles Pack

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the 200 Unrestricted Keyword Research And SEO Articles:

  1. Yahoo To Prohibit Competitive Keyword Bids Containing Trademarks
  2. You Must Use The Right Keywords To Attain High Page Rank
  3. 3 Steps To Selecting And Using The Right Keywords For Your Site
  4. 6 Free Keyword Marketing Research Tools
  5. 6 Steps To Picking Profitable Adsense Keywords
  6. 25 Fat Juicy Keywords
  7. 99 High Paying Keywords – The Secret Is Out
  8. A Free List Of Immediately Useful Top Paying Keywords
  9. Adwords Adsense SEO – Common Denominator Keywords
  10. Adwords Keyword Research for Beginners
  11. Are You Sure You Are Selecting The Right Keywords
  12. Articles Writing and Keyword Density
  13. Auction Titles – Keywords To Bigger Ebay Profits
  14. Boost Article Marketing’s Search Engine Ranking Through Keyword Usage
  15. Boost Your Web Site Traffic – 14 Benefits Of Keyword Optimization
  16. Building The Ideal List Of Keywords
  17. Choosing Correct Keywords
  18. Choosing Keywords for Highly Optimized Web Pages
  19. Choosing The Best Keywords To Drive Traffic To Your Website
  20. Choosing The Right Keywords
  21. Choosing The Right Keywords Is Of The Utmost Importance
  22. Correct Keywords Placement Is Easier To Attain Than You Think
  23. Creating a Target Keywords List
  24. Creating Keyword Rich Pages KRPs
  25. Different Keywords for Different Folks in Home Business
  26. Does Keyword Density Still Matter For SEO
  27. Don’t Be Dense – Writing Keyword Rich Text To Effectively Promote Your Website
  28. Don’t Compete For The Most Popular Keywords
  29. Don’t Let The Wrong Google Adword Keywords Take You Broke During The Holidays!
  30. Drive Traffic To Your Website Using The Right Keywords
  31. Effective Keyword Use for SEO
  32. Emphasizing Your Keyword For SEO
  33. Everything you need to know about Keywords in SEO
  34. Find Out All Pay-Per-Click Campaign Keywords That Bring You Sales Within 3 Minutes Easily
  35. Find the best keywords for your web pages
  36. Finding Good Keywords for Your Site
  37. Finding Keywords
  38. Five Ways To Choose The Right Keywords And Have Your Website Hopping
  39. Getting The Most Out Of Your Pay-per-click And Keyword Campaign
  40. Good Keywords – More Than Good Demand
  41. Google Adwords – Manipulating Keywords For Success
  42. Google Keywords Tool Guide
  43. Google Update – A Test For Keyword Dominance
  44. Have You Polished Your Keyword List
  45. Hidden Html And The Keywords They Love
  46. High Paying Lateral Keywords
  47. How Important Are Keywords To Your Website
  48. How Keywords Affect Your Rankings
  49. How To Choose Right Keywords To Market Your Website
  50. How to Choose the Best Keywords
  51. How To Choose The Right Keyword
  52. How To Find Keywords With High CPC
  53. How To Find The Best Keywords
  54. How To Find Your Ideal Keywords
  55. How to find your natural keywords from you blog post and convert it to an article.
  56. How To Find Your Own Valuable Adsense Keywords For Free
  57. How To Generate 270 New Keyword Ideas In 15 Minutes
  58. How to Know if Your SEO Keywords are Making Money
  59. How to Measure Keyword Density For Your SEO
  60. How to Select Correct Keyword Phrases
  61. How To Start An Internet Business Meta Tags and Keyword Density
  62. How To Use PLR Content To Exploit Long Tail Keywords
  63. How To Write Keyword Articles
  64. Improved Search Engine Rank – Start With Great Keywords
  65. Improving your Targeted Keywords List
  66. In A Town Called Google The Keyword Is Real Estate
  67. Increase Adsense Profits With Keyword Strategies And Templates
  68. Internet Marketing Keyword Stuffing Good Idea Or Bad Policy
  69. Internet web site marketing tips – selecting keywords
  70. It All Comes Down To Keyword Research
  71. Keyword Advertising To Attain High Search Engine Ranking
  72. Keyword Advice
  73. Keyword Advice – on keyword research and identification keyword placement keyword density
  74. Keyword Article Companies
  75. Keyword Density
  76. Keyword Density Not Too Much Not Too Little Get It Just Right
  77. Keyword Density and Search Engine Optimization
  78. Keyword Density for Newbies
  79. Keyword Elite The Ferrari Of Keywords Research
  80. Keyword Finess Broad Phase Or Exact
  81. Keyword generators a useful way to increase website traffic
  82. Keyword Identification
  83. Keyword Keepers And Losers
  84. Keyword Lists
  85. Keyword Lists Their Proper Care And Feeding
  86. Keyword Optimization
  87. Keyword Optimization For Building Internet Traffic
  88. Keyword Perspective Avoid This Mistake At All Cost
  89. Keyword Prominence
  90. Keyword Research
  91. Keyword research do not depend on your assumptions alone
  92. Keyword Research – A Better Way
  93. Keyword Research – A Necessary But Worthy Evil
  94. Keyword Research It s A Critical Step Any Way You Slice It
  95. Keyword Research And Analysis Strategies 1 Overview
  96. Keyword Research and Product Lines
  97. Keyword Research For PPC
  98. Keyword Research Guide — How and Why
  99. Keyword Research Is A Great Seo Strategy
  100. Keyword Research Is Critical To Your Website s Success
  101. Keyword Research That Works
  102. Keyword Search Why Keyword Tools Are Important
  103. Keyword Selection – Finding A Good One – Part 1
  104. Keyword Selection – Finding A Good One – Part 2
  105. Keyword Selection For Search Engine Optimization SEO
  106. Keyword Selection For Website Marketing
  107. Keyword Selection Process For Search Engine Optimization
  108. Keyword Services
  109. Keyword Specific Ads Equals Higher Search Engine Rankings
  110. Keyword Tracking
  111. Keyword Use That Goes Beyond the Search Engines
  112. Keywords – How To Use Them Properly On Your Website
  113. Keywords – The Basic Unit Of E-Commerce.
  114. Keywords Trust Adwords
  115. Keywords & Search Engine Optimization
  116. Keywords In Page Title For SEO
  117. Keywords Shape the Success of a Web Site
  118. Keywords That Will Place Your Resume At The Top Of The Selection Pool
  119. Keywords, Content & Matching Issues
  120. Keywords, Content And Copywriting
  121. Keywords, Tags & Copy – Don’t Waste Your Time Unless You Know What Your Doing.
  122. Killer Keyword Marketing Research
  123. Learning The Basic About Internet Marketing Keyword Positioning
  124. Make Money Online With Targeted Keywords
  125. Making Keyword Optimization Work for your Website
  126. Making money from Keyword Adsense sites
  127. Making Money From Keywords Through Adsense
  128. Making Money with Articles The Importance of Keywords
  129. Making Money with Articles-The Importance of Keywords-438
  130. Making Money with Articles-Using the Yahoo Search Marketing Tools
  131. Marketing through Keyword Articles
  132. Maximizing Keyword Matching for Seach Engines
  133. Optimum SEO Keyword Density A Real-Life Case Study
  134. Part Three – Keywords Tags Categories – Oh Vey I Am So Mixed Up
  135. Perfect SEO Keyword Density
  136. Picking Keywords for SEO A Different View
  137. Quality And Keywords How To Strike The Perfect Article Balance
  138. Ranking Well For Particular Keywords – 3 Key Considerations
  139. Rich Keywords Poor Keywords for Adsense Publishers
  140. Search Engine Keyword Stuffing
  141. Search Engine Keywords Selection
  142. Search Engine Marketing Keyword Lookup
  143. Search Engine Optimisation How Accurate are Keyword Tools
  144. Search Engine Optimization Strategies Keyword Density
  145. Search Engines – Buying Keywords – Inside Story
  146. Search For Keywords In PDF
  147. Searching for the Right Keywords through Staff Leasing Companies
  148. Selecting Google Adsense Keywords Simple and Easy
  149. Selecting The Right Search Engine Keywords
  150. Selective Keywords Get Higher Search Engine Ranking
  151. Seo – Keyword Popularity Versus True Integrity
  152. Seo – Branding And Your Keywords
  153. SEO – Choose The Right Keywords
  154. SEO – Choosing And Testing Keywords
  155. Seo – Crafting Keyword Enriched Pay Per Click Ads
  156. Seo – Do You Need To Buy A Keyword Database
  157. Seo – How To Find Keywords Using Research
  158. SEO – Insider Tips To Creating SEO Keywords And Phrases
  159. Seo – Keyword Flooding Is Bad Seo
  160. Seo – Making The Best Use Of Keywords
  161. SEO – Query Terms And Keywords
  162. Seo – Tips About Seo Keyword Density
  163. Seo – Tips For Writing Persuasive Keyword Copy
  164. SEO Content Writing Converting Artificial Keywords Into Natural Keywords.
  165. SHOCKING…New Keyword Software Breaking All The Rules
  166. Steps For Search Engine Optimization Placing Keywords Part I
  167. Striking Keyword Gold
  168. Striking Keyword Gold How To Grab Keywords By The Tail
  169. Succeed In the Music Business with Crazy Keywords
  170. Targeted Traffic Choosing The Right Search Engine Keywords
  171. Targeting Efficient Keyword Phrases
  172. Techniques And Methods For Researching Keywords
  173. The 2 Most Common Mistakes When Writing With Keywords
  174. The Advance Of Algorithms New Keyword Optimization Rules
  175. The Art Of Selecting Keywords For Your Small Business Website
  176. The Basics of Blogging and Web Site Creation – Part Two Introduction To Keywords
  177. The Benefits Of Keyword Enriched Articles
  178. The Blind Spot Of Long Tail Keyword
  179. The Google Adwords Keyword Tool
  180. The Importance of Anchor Text Keywords
  181. The Importance of Keyword Marketing for Newbies part 1 of 2
  182. The Importance of Keywords in Articles
  183. The Importance of Relevant Keywords
  184. The Jury Is Out On Keyword Discovery
  185. The Keys To Successfully Selecting Keywords
  186. The latest Internet Buzz Keyword Sites
  187. The Lowdown On Finding The Perfect Keywords
  188. The Present and the Future of Keyword Ownership
  189. Tips To Keyword Efficiency
  190. Top-Paying-Keywords
  191. Use This Top Internet Marketing Research Tool To Find The Keywords
  192. Using Keyword Analysis to Choose to right keywords
  193. Using Keyword Research To Improve Web Traffic
  194. Using Overture For Keyword Research
  195. Using Strong Keyword Density Can Bring Success In Advertising Your Business
  196. Using The Right Keywords Is Of The Utmost Importance
  197. Web Content Mass Keywords Links SEO
  198. Web Site Copywriting for Search Engines – Keywords
  199. What Keywords Do I Need And How Do I Find Them
  200. Why Keywords Are Vital To An Seo Campaign
  201. Write Keyword Articles and get more traffic

Bonus 4

SEO Ranking In Google PLR eBook

SEO Ranking In Google PLR eBook

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Bonus 5

SEO Strategies Part 1 and Part 2 Unrestricted PLR eBooks

SEO Strategies Part 1 Unrestricted PLR eBooks

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Package Details For The SEO for Beginners Premium PLR Package:

Main eBook:

“SEO for Beginners”
(4,126 words, 20 pages, 6 images)

+ Checklist
+ eCovers
+ Keywords

5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Search Engine Optimization Basics for Bloggers

SEO PLR Articles:

A Guide to On-Page Vs Off-Page SEO – 460 words
How to Get On the First Page of Google Search Results – 546 words
What Are Backlinks in SEO? (And How to Get Them) – 438 words
What Is Keyword Research (And How to Find Keywords for Your Blog) – 415 words
What Is SEO and Why Does It Matter for Your Website? – 424 words

Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Tips
15 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)
7 Royalty Free Images


10 Day Steps to Auditing Your SEO PLR Email Course (7000 Words)

Auditing Your SEO PLR eCourse Outline:

1.How SEO works and creating SEO goals
2.The technical aspect of SEO
3.Analyzing your keywords
4.Analyzing your competitors
5.User experience is a key factor
6.Writing and creating SEO-friendly content
7.Link building for SEO
8.Simple ways to drive traffic
9.Bumping conversions through marketing and promotion
10.Tracking your progress

Getting Started with Search Engine Optimization PLR Report (5050 words)

Getting Started with SEO PLR Report Outline:

•SEO Basics
•Developing Your Keyword Strategy
•Creating Your Site Structure
•SEO Tips to Help Improve SEO on Your Site
•SEO Technology and Tools That Make It Easier
•Why User Experience Is Important for Good SEO
•Writing Content with SEO in Mind

Total Word Count: 21 000+ Words

FAST-ACTION BONUSES – Available for the first 50 buyers of this SEO for Beginners PLR Pack. You’ll no longer see these awesome extra bonuses available on this page once the 50 fast action takers have been awarded.

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