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How to Use PLR Articles Effectively for Business Growth
How to Use PLR Articles Effectively for Business Growth

Have a bunch of PLR article packs laying on your hard drive collecting digital dust?


What to do with your PLR articles to grow your online business?


Should I use PLR?


Is PLR content a waste of time?

These are common questions and problems people face with their PLR articles.

So let me teach me you the most effective ways you can use PLR article content in your business.

1. Using PLR articles on your blog or website

Finding ideas and content to post on your blog can be very time consuming. Finding relevant niche content with private label rights can be a fantastic way to publish top notch content to your blog efficiently.

Use your blog as a tool in your business to communicate with your audience and to solve their problems. Coach your tribe on your blog by leveraging the power of PLR articles for blogs.

Making use of PLR articles as coaching content for your blog is an amazing business building strategy. Just edit titles, add your own voice and insights and some relevant images/branding to make it unique to your brand.

For example, did you know this is a post I wrote using PLR content as ideas?

And see my image on top of this post which has my branding 🙂

Find PLR in your niche, tweak it to suite your audience and post it to your blog or website.

2. Using PLR articles as content for your coaching membership

If you’re a coach or want to start a coaching membership site PLR is the perfect solution.

Steps to take:

  • Find high quality coaching PLR content in your niche.
  • Edit it with your insights and branding.
  • Send it to your coaching students via email, in PDF/eBook format or as paid content within your free or paid coaching membership site.

Thousands of successful coaches are already doing this. Model their success!

Search for PLR blog content in your niche by using the search bar below:

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Or Browse for coaching PLR content from our of our recommended suppliers:

  1. CoachGlue
  2. Content Sparks
  3. PLR.Me

3. Compile your PLR articles into a list building report or ebook to build your email list.

List building could be one of the most important tasks you must do in your business.

Your email list is one of your greatest assets.

Think of it as a house. You always need to look after it so it increases in value.

Every family needs a house, and every business needs a list of loyal subscribers.

  • Use PLR articles to compile a report or ebook and offer it in exchange for signing up to your email list.
  • You can do this from a squeeze page or using pop-up or opt-in forms on your blog or website.

4. PLR articles for product creation

You’ve probably seen lots of information products like ebooks, videos and audios for sale on the Internet.

Did you know many of them are rebranded and edited PLR content?

Steps to take:

  • Find quality rebrandable PLR content in your niche.
  • Edit it with your insights and voice.
  • Compile it into an ebook or video course with your branding.
  • Put it up for sale on JVZoo or WarriorPlus.
  • Or use these products as affiliate bonuses when promoting affiliate offers.

5. Use PLR articles to create your email autoresponder follow-up series

Use your email autoresponder to train your customers.

Edit your articles with your knowledge and branding.

Copy your PLR articles into your autoresponder series.

Schedule those emails to be sent to your email list.

When building your list, you want to make sure you have a follow-up series of emails in place.

Monetize these follow-up emails by adding links to your products or affiliate offers.

6. PLR for social media content

Social media is an awesome way to connect with your customers and increase your traffic.

Use PLR to market your business on social media.

  • Post content (snippets) from your PLR articles on-to social media with branded images.
  • Include good hashtags for more eyeballs.

This technique will help you with traffic while engaging with your target audience.

You should do this for all your content.

7. Use PLR articles for video marketing

Video sites like YouTube have massive traffic.

I go to YouTube daily to learn stuff.

Steps to take:

  • Convert your PLR articles into video content using a video editing tool like Camtasia.
  • Add your branding to your videos.
  • Then post your branded video to YouTube.
  • Add a link to your website or product in your video description.
  • Do basic SEO keyword research when posting your video to help it rank in Google.

While there might be lots of other ways you can use PLR articles to grow your business. The ones I’ve listed above are the most effective ways to use your PLR.

The most important part of using PLR is to edit it and add your branding.

PLR is an effective content generation and marketing tool.

So if still you’re wondering if PLR is a waste of time. My answer is NO!

The people who say this just don’t know how to use them or are to lazy to edit them.

Use my tips above to build your list, increase traffic, make sales, and grow your business!

Recommended resource for rewriting/editing PLR articles:

Pro Writing Aid – The most powerful grammar checker and online writing tool for any writing. (works with MS word and in chrome too!)

I wrote this article using it.

To your success,

Mozie @

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