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Affiliate Marketing Profit Tactics
Affiliate Marketing Profit Tactics

In this quick guide I want to give you 5 different profit strategies for making money as an affiliate marketer. You can pick any one of these, implement it, and start making money as an affiliate marketer!

First, let me give you a super quick rundown on what an affiliate marketer is.

Affiliate marketer: Someone who promotes products and services and gets paid a commission when someone they refer buys through their affiliate link.

Online this generally entails you using a special link that is unique to you and when people click on it and buy something you get a commission. All the tracking is done by the affiliate program. I’m going to teach you my proven affiliate marketing tips and techniques to do this for best results.

So what do you need to be an affiliate marketer?

1. You need to find a product you can get an affiliate link for and get your link. There are many affiliate marketing places online that you can search to find products you’d like to be an affiliate for.

2. You need to have somewhere (like a website) that you can post promotional content that gets people to click on your link.

3. You need to get people to your promotional content so that they can see it and then click on your link. (Website traffic.)

People try to make it way hard than this, but this is the basics…

Affiliate link + place to put your affiliate link + traffic to your affiliate link = COMMISSIONS! PRO TIP: Adding bonuses/incentives to your offers can dramatically increase your conversions.

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way let’s get to our affiliate marketing profit tactics. I want to make sure you fully get the drift of the ways you can and should be promoting affiliate products for maximum exposure and increased visibility.

I recommend that you read each tactic below, and then pick one to start with. I have listed an overview of each strategy, and then the steps you need to take to put the plan into action.

Let’s get started…

Affiliate Marketing Profit Tactic #1:

List Building For Affiliate Marketers

With this plan you will be setting up a squeeze page (a page that allows you to capture the information of your visitor be it their email address and name, and in some cases even more) giving away some kind of offer that makes people want to give you their information in exchange for your offer.

Here are a few examples of squeeze pages:

30 Landing/Squeeze Page Examples – I use this plugin to create most of my memberships, landing pages and squeeze pages. It’s so easy because of the huge template library, it was a great investment and huge time saver for me.

Learn more about OptimizePress by clicking here.

Creating Squeeze Pages and Optin Boxes with Ease – I use this plugin on on my side bar, footer area and a popup. It’s so easy to use and setup and works with all major email providers for easy integration. I absolutely love it.

Learn more about OptinMonster by click here.

Squeeze pages are meant to be giving away something of value, something you believe your audience really wants or needs. You can give away anything you want, but it needs to be something people truly want and will be thankful for.

Fail at offering something people actually want and you’ll never get anyone to give you their information and get on your list. Or they will just unsubscribe after they get it or never confirm their email addresses.

Now once you start building an email list based on your free offer you need to send people on that email list information that leads to them clicking on your affiliate link and buying.

For example…

Let’s say that I’m an affiliate for an ebook on getting website traffic. I could create a squeeze page giving away a resource that tells people my top 5 ways of driving traffic. When they give me their name and email address on my squeeze page they automatically get access to the free offer and they get put on my email list. To make money as an affiliate marketer I would constantly send them information about getting website traffic and recommending products related to getting website traffic and pointing the reader to my affiliate link.

So how do you do this?

Here are the steps:

Step 1: Find a product you want to promote that you can become an affiliate for. There are many places to do this like WarriorPlus, Commission Junction, ClickBank, Max Bounty, JVZoo, ShareASale etc.

Step 2: Create or source something you can give away for free via a squeeze page to entice people to give you their information and get on your email list.

Step 3: Build your squeeze page giving away your free offer.

Step 4: Drive traffic to your squeeze page. You will need to do this daily to keep building your list.

Step 5: Send content to your ever growing email list that leads them to click on your affiliate links, and buy through them. You will need to do this several times a week.

Now of course there is a lot more that goes into this like doing things to build a relationship with your list, measuring your results to see what does and doesn’t work, but this is where you need to get started. As time goes on you’ll get better, learn more “tricks”, and ultimately make more money. This is a great proven tactic though!

Resource: Hands down one of the best training products that teaches this method from A-Z is First List Profits course. If this is a affiliate strategy you want to go with I recommend you grab it, go through it, and use what the course teaches you. The content is very unselfish and extremely helpful. You can learn more about it here. The nice part of grabbing it is that you can resell it to help you audience because it comes with resell rights!

Affiliate Marketing Profit Tactic #2:

Blogging For Affiliate Marketers

There are many ways to make money with a blog, but my favorite is by promoting products I’m an affiliate for via a blog. And it’s fun and easy!

All you need to do is find a niche that has 3-5 products (the more the better) that you can promote as an affiliate. Not too small of a niche, but not too large of a niche either. I highly recommend you choose a niche that you’re passionate about so that you’re always having while writing reviews and promoting affiliate products on your blog. When you have a genuine interest and passion about something, you’re far more likely to want to learn more about it, understand it and write quality reviews about it. Then fill your blog with content that your niche wants to read about while pointing them to your affiliate links.

To find out what you audience wants, go to forums in your niche and see the issues people are having. Do a few google search about issues in your niche and see what your competitors are writing about issues. This can help a lot for idea generation.

I do recommend that you pick a niche you like, know a lot about, or want to learn a lot about because the quality of your content will directly affect your earnings. When you pick a niche you really don’t care about creating blog content writing and reviews will NOT be fun. You even go as far as to ask the affiliate product creator that owns the product you want to promote and ask them for a review copy. This way you can test the product and really write honest reviews about it. People are far more likely to trust you and buy through your affiliate links if you’re honest. Oh, and don’t forget to great value-added bonuses to your offers to bribe your audience to buy from you. It’s really a huge conversion increasing strategy.

So how do you do this?

Here are the steps:

Step 1: As I said you need to pick a niche that you know about or want to know about and that has at least 3-5 products you can promote as an affiliate.

Step 2: Setup an eye appealing blog. I recommend getting a domain name related to your niche and using WordPress to do this. A simple YouTube video search will give you all the tutorials you could possibly need to do this. Read about choosing domains names that are SEO friendly.

Step 3: Once you blog is setup then find out what your niche wants to know about and start creating content for them. Make sure that when you’re creating content that it’s REALLY good content that people actually want to read. Also make sure that you create content that you can put your affiliate links in to get people clicking on them and buying. That’s how you’re going to make money. And again, offer good related bonuses to maximize your conversions!

Step 4: Look at each post you put on your blog as a page and continually promote each post to get traffic to it.

Now again there’s a lot more that goes into this, but that’s a great start for you. As time goes on you’ll learn to build a relationship with your readers which will lead to more sales, you’ll get better at creating content that people pass around getting you more traffic, and you’ll find more ways to get more traffic. Good content and more traffic will always equal more sales! This is another great proven plan to making money as an affiliate marketer!

Resource: If this is a affiliate profit strategy you want to go with then this might be the perfect course for you. It’s called Affiliate Lifestyle Secrets that will show you a blueprint for affiliate marketers used by super successful marketers. The nice part of this video series is it comes with full private label rights. so you can learn from it, rebrand it, add your name to it and resell it as your own! You can learn more about it here.

Affiliate Marketing Profit Tactic #3:

Review Sites For Affiliate Marketers

Here’s another affiliate marketing tactic that I LOVE! And it’s used by some of the most successful marketers in the industry. Writing reviews for products and services you use and pointing people to get those products and services with your affiliate link. Again offering bonuses as incentives to your potential buyers is a MUST! It can dramatically increase your conversions of your affiliate review website.

People are getting smarter and they’re actively searching for reviews before they make a purchase. You can become their go to source if you do this correctly. Just be honest when doing reviews and promote products you believe in or use in your business.

So how do you do this?

Here are the steps:

Step 1: The first thing you need to do is pick a really large niche. Examples of really large niches would be things like weight loss, personal finance, investing, electronics, DIY, etc.

Step 2: Once you have a niche you need to find 2-3 products to start out with that you can review. You can do written reviews or video reviews. I recommend doing a mixture of both. Showing people the ins and out of the product/service you’re using can be very helpful for them to make a buying decision. and if you’re the one showing them how to use it and “bribing” them with valuable related bonuses then they’re more likely to buy the product through your affiliate link.

Note: If you don’t know how to review a product here’s an example of a review I wrote on my internet marketing reviews blog. I still use the tool daily to create covers for my list building ebooks, for my products in my PLR store and any other PLR that I need to rebrand quickly and easily.

Step 3: Grab a domain name related to your niche. For example if you’re in the weight loss niche you could get something like Just try to make sure your domain is SEO friendly, is not too long in length (easy to remember) and has your niche terms in it like “diet plans”. Then you need to create your review website. I recommend using a blog on WordPress. It’s FREE but you’ll need to get hosting and good theme clean them for your reviews. Do a Google search and you’ll find exactly what you need.

Note: We have a free WordPress setup video series for our subscribers, be sure you’re on our email list and watch those if you’re looking to setup your affiliate marketing review blog/site.

Step 4: Once your site is all setup then add your reviews to it. I recommend adding at least one review a week. This is why you need to pick a niche that is profitable and preferably evergreen. You’re going to need to have several products you can be an affiliate for so you can continually add reviews to your site.

Step 5: Continually promote each of your reviews to keep traffic coming to it. Post a link on all your social media (with hashtags), email broadcasts, content marketing sites and any other places you post content. Just because you create a great looking review site and promote your review once doesn’t mean you’re going to make a ton of money. You’ve got to continually promote all your reviews. I recommend in a 5-day work week that you spend 1 day creating a new review, 1 day promoting your new review, and then spend the next 3 days promoting 3 of your older reviews. The key is continual promotion of your reviews though!

Just like the rest of these affiliate profit strategies of course there’s more to this, but this will definitely get you started! Just remember… Pick a profitable niche, that’s evergreen and big enough. Create solid reviews, add bonuses that add value to your review and continually promote your affiliate reviews!

You’ll want to use a clean theme, that’s easy on the eyes and is mobile responsive.

Resource: Here’s a theme supplier that has nice clean blogging themes, I use some of their themes on my own affiliate review sites. The supplier I use for WordPress powered review sites is MyThemeShop. Their themes are very clean, very fast and SEO friendly. They also have nice plugins for affiliate review sites.

Browse MyThemeShop blogging themes here:

Affiliate Marketing Profit Tactic #4:

Social Media Marketing For Affiliate Marketers

Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and others are at everyone’s finger tips now days and you can utilize these social networks to make you money as an affiliate marketer. The key to it is to promote things that you’re an affiliate for, but do it in a natural way.

Social Media sites are growing rapidly and all of the one’s I mentioned have millions of users. As an affiliate marketer, one of the biggest problems you face is driving targeted traffic to your affiliate links. This is the beauty of marketing your affiliate products and reviews on social networking sites.

So how do you do this?

Here are the steps:

Step 1: This is another profit plan that requires you to pick a profitable niche. You want to find one that social media people are passionate about. Niches like fashion, beauty, health, wealth, online gaming, apps, etc. are what you want to focus on. Find out the most popular pages on Facebook and you’ll see a huge variety of niches to choose from.

Step 2: Pick one social platform to dominate at a time, and I recommend that be Facebook. You need to create a Facebook fan page and/or a group and start building a following by sharing content with them that they like. Getting them to like you is the KEY to all of this. They need to look forward to what you share. Ideally you want to be marketing your affiliate products and review sites on all social media sites. The trick is to be active on them, to help others with problems in the niche and offering affiliate products/service that help them solve their problems. This way you’re a part of their solution! I’ll repeat this and keep repeating it because it’s THAT IMPORTANT…Offer valuable related bonuses that add value to the affiliate products you’re promoting. I’ve even had customers buy products through my affiliate links just to access my bonuses 🙂

Step 3: Once you’ve got a good following going then I recommend that you start mentioning products that you’re an affiliate for. I highly recommend that you use a link cloaker like ThirstyAffiliates to make your links social media friendly and just look prettier in my opinion. Remember that social media sites don’t like affiliate links. They tend to block it too. So protect yourself from this by cloaking your affiliate links that make them appear as if they’re coming from your site and then redirects to your affiliate offer once clicked. This way your affiliate links don’t get blocked. This is what smart and highly successful affiliate marketers do when promoting affiliate offers.

I use ThirstyAffiliates on when promoting affiliate offers. Here’s an example of one of my affiliate links:

So how it appears as if it’s coming from my site. if you click it you’ll see it redirects to (one of my favorite PLR providers. They supply high quality coaching PLR content for businesses and marketers.

Step 4: You need to continually build your following each and every day and you need to be posting content your niche loves. There are many many many ways you can build a following. Do some research and use what you learn!

Step 5: Once you build up one social network then move on to the next one and rinse and repeat to build your presence there. Then again start promoting products you’re an affiliate for.

Note: If you go this route I do HIGHLY recommend that you also transition your following over into something you own. Like get them on your email list, or get them over on your blog. Social networks don’t belong to you so at any time they can ban you, go under, or anything. I’d hate to see you lose your entire audience because you’ve been cut off from them. Use social media marketing to build your audience and build your email list of subscribers. Have an email follow-up series in place that coaches your list while selling to them. Remember, your email list is your biggest business asset. Look after it, treat it kindly and keep growing it.

Now once again there is quite a bit more to this. You’re going to need to get good at providing your followers with good content and good at building your following. PLR content is a great shortcut and money-saver when doing this. Treat them right, promote products you’re an affiliate for that are truly good products and you’ll see a nice income come from this!

Resource: Here’s a few great courses on Marketing on social media, if you’re looking to earn from affiliate marketing, these can be quite useful. Some come with rights to resell, so you could learn from them and resell to help your audience.

Bundle of quality PLR video courses that focus on social media (PLR rights and reseller tools included) – Facebook and Social Media Mega Bundle

Affiliate Marketing Profit Tactic #5:

Bonus Sites For Affiliate Marketers

Here we are at my final proven profit plan, and this is a great one! Now I will say this is primarily done in the internet marketing/make money online niche, but it will work for other niches to. You’ll just have to get creative!

With this tactic you will promote a product as an affiliate, but you’ll get people buying through YOUR link by offering bonuses when they buy.

You know how I’ve stressed about this throughout this post. YES! It’s actually a very good affiliate profit tactic that is proven to increase conversions. It bribes people to buy stuff from you because you’re going to give them the most value for their money.

For example…

Let’s say I’m promoting an affiliate marketing course as an affiliate. I would create a bonus page and give people bonuses related to affiliate marketing to entice them to buy through my link. Sometimes people will buy JUST to get your bonuses.

The way I use this strategy is to create posts that say “product name” review and bonus. So you’ll see I offer my audience $20 free store credit from if they buy any products from my internet marketing review blog at

Here’s an example: – A great plugin for creating landing pages for products, memberships, squeeze pages and more. I use this plugin on my very inexpensive video coaching membership at

So how do you do this?

Here are the steps:

Step 1: Find a product that you have related bonuses for or that you can create/source bonuses for. Be sure to browse our PLR products store to find good related bonuses. We supply products that you have rights to offer an a bonus when promoting affiliate products. There are many niches available to choose from.

Step 2: Get all of your bonuses together. Having 3-5 bonuses is a great start. The more the better, BUT just make sure they are good bonuses and related to the topic of the product you’re promoting. For example of good affiliate bonuses would be:

Let’s say you’re going to promoting a coaching membership plugin for WordPress. A few really good bonuses would be digital products related to coaching. Like products you see over here:

Just remember to read the license terms of product you buy and make sure the license says that you can offer the product as a bonus when promoting affiliate offers.

Step 3: Create your bonus page. Now this takes some techie skills, and if you don’t have those of course you can hire someone to build your bonus page for you. Doing this in WordPress is pretty easy though. I think the hardest part of this is creating some nice bonus graphics for your bonus pages. For graphic design in internet marketing most people say use Photoshop. But for a complete newbie starting out, Photoshop can be hard. You’ll have 2 options.

  1. Learn to use Photoshop – Click the link to see an easy to follow video series (from our store) that teaches how to use Photoshop correctly
  2. Use an easy to use marketing graphics design tool – There’s many on the market like Canva. just do a Google search for “marketing graphics design tool” and you’ll find these easily.

Step 4: Create your download/claim page for your bonuses. Once someone buys from you then you need to send them to a page where they can download or claim their bonuses. Depending on what bonuses you offer will depend on how you set this up. Is what I do is when someone buys through my link I have them contact me and I send them to the page to get their bonuses. You could do this in many ways. the 2 easiest ways is to either create a PDF with the bonus download links and send it to them after purchase. Or create a bonus download page and send them to the page to download their bonuses. The problem with bonus download pages is that people tend to share these pages. So make sure to give it a hard URL name to remember and hide it from search engines. You can also look into plugins that protect certain pages.

Step 5: Promote your bonus page to get people to buy through your link.

This is a great strategy, but you will need to already be in front of your audience, but there is no other tactic around that drives people to buy like this one, and you can build an entire business around it! Bribe them with lots of value and they’ll love you for it!

Are You Ready To Make Money?

Now it’s your turn… I’ve just laid out 5 different ways that you can make money as an affiliate marketer. Now you need to decide which ONE of these you’re going to use.


Just pick ONE of these plans and start putting it into place. If you try to do more than ONE at a time you’ll be come over whelmed, and too spread out to make them all work. So please take this last piece of advice and ONLY PICK ONE!

Okay… Lecture over! 🙂

Now you need to go get started! I’ve given you tons of information and it’s your job to take it, use it, and make money with it!

To your affiliate marketing success!

Mozie @ BuyQualityPLR

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