Photoshop Instant Expert Video Series with Personal Use Rights
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Photoshop Instant Expert Video Series with Personal Use Rights
Enhance Your Boring Old Websites, Logos, Banners & Anything Else With Eye-Popping Images That Really Stand Out
Are you aware of how important graphics really are? Every single business in existence require graphics in a plethora of ways.
You might imagine the fees associated with getting design work done. Some sources are really cheap, and others can cost hundreds (and even thousands) for things like logos, banners, websites, and clipart… all of which are essential for any online business.
This is just a common problem that we all have to accept and live with… Or is it?
What if there was a way to quickly get exactly what you want,
without having to hire a designer or pay ridiculous outsourcing fees?
That sounds really nice, doesn’t it? To be able to just get the results you want, when you want it… and without costing you a dime!
I know what you’re thinking: “Too bad it’s just not possible!”
I would bet my money that have investigated every possible way to minimize costs like this and find a better alternative.
I know that sounds familiar for you, because it’s something that everyone encounters who pursues online business.
It’s just a fact of life, and there has been no real solution…
…Until Now!
Have you ever considered that you can just do it yourself?
Creating and designing things yourself is the best way to get exactly what’s in your brain out into the real world.
It’s not as hard as you might think.
What a lot of people also don’t realize is that Photoshop is just another tool. It’s not any harder to learn than say, Microsoft Word. Once you learn what a certain function does, it’s really hard to unlearn it.
Photoshop is a huge treasure trove of opportunity.
Designers are making a killing from their work, and it’s only getting more and more in demand with time.
It’s the number one most useful skill you can learn online.
There are so many options for someone who is interested in pursuing Photoshop.
It’s listed as one of the most in-demand skills around. Rasmussen College recently performed an analysis of over 28,000 job postings and found that Photoshop was the most requested skill by a milestone:
In fact, there are over 1,000+ job postings right now for Photoshop Designers on Monster that pays over $150,000.:
And did you know that large corporations pay out big bucks for simple logo designs? A great example is the BP logo, which cost a whopping $211,000,000:
I’m not making this stuff up!
Photoshop is in big demand these days, and you want to know why?
It’s because every product or service that exists needed someone to design and produce visual marketing material for it. That includes every product you can think of. It would actually be harder to come up with something that didn’t require a designer than something that does.
Designers are needed for everything from label design to billboard advertising.
Just look at a tiny fraction of things that utilize Photoshop:
You can safely assume that if you become proficient with Photoshop, you will never be broke again.
Are you looking for something that will never go out of style?
The Bureau of Labor Statistics stated that there will be a 13% increase in demand for graphic designers by 2020, and the number of designers in computer systems will grow by at least 61%.
Tge average designer makes over $50,000 per year!
It’s obvious that it’s not a matter of why you should learn Photoshop.
It’s a better question to ask:
Why shouldn’t you learn it?
I’m terrible with computers! I can barely check email or Facebook!”
“I’m way too busy and don’t have time for that!”
“I just don’t have any interest in that!”
“I don’t think I can do it, I’m not very artistic!”
The simple fact is that there is no excuse for anyone to not learn Photoshop. You might find it fun, or you might decide to make it your new career. You might just use it on the side for things you don’t want to outsource, or you might sell some images and make cash on the side.
But you may be wondering to yourself:
“Yeah right, no one can teach me Photoshop. It would either be too expensive or just a waste of time!”
Under normal circumstances, that would completely correct.
The most affordable accredited school for online design cost over $18,000! The Rhode Island School of design, which is the ranked #1 in the world, costs $42,932 for tuition and fees. Yikes!
Even simple 2 day classes from Adobe cost $695.
That’s a lot of money, and a huge decision.
Granted, it’s one that can pay off big-time. It’s a skill that is rapidly becoming more and more in-demand as time goes along, and it can be very lucrative.
The average annual gross income for a typical designer is $50,000.
Just by looking at freelancer.com we can see over 1,000+ freelancers that charge over $50 an hour for their services.
Some even charge over $80 an hour:
Although people like that are masters of their skill and trade, but even they had to start somewhere.
Unsurprisingly, most of them were self-taught!
However, that’s just not a realistic option for the average online business owner. We know you are busy and cannot afford to waste months or years fiddling with various options in Photoshop in order to become proficient.
That’s why we have created a course that’s made just for people like you.
Go from knowing absolutely nothing about Photoshop, to creating and editing professional images in about 2-3 hours flat!
You will be able to cut out backgrounds like this…
And isolate colors…
And also be capable of breath-taking image retouching:
And many more things in no time at all!
That’s not an exaggeration, all of the modules are easy to follow and designed to get you through it as fast as possible. These are the essential tools most commonly used in order to complete the majority of designs.
There is simply no need to learn it all. Let’s face it, do you use every function in MS word? What about in Chrome or Firefox? Is it required to learn everything about a program in order to use it successfully? Absolutely not!
Earlier I discussed the many ways you can make money with Photoshop. But I really want to make sure you understand the importance of that.
People are using images to communicate.
People share photos and graphics more than any other type of content! More than video, text, or anything else. Pictures are how people communicate.
Images and graphics are flat-out the lifeblood of the internet. Photos right now make up 75% of Facebook posts (with Facebook accounting for more than 25% of all internet traffic). Businesses are posting images more than links and videos. More than anything else!
If you’re not making money with Photoshop, you’re missing out. Not only can it save you loads in designer fees, but you can easily make a great income on the side, or even full-time.
There are so many ways to earn from Photoshop…
- Sell your own photographs. You can create pictures and just sell them. Use your iPhone, a camera, or create them in purely in Photoshop. You can create backgrounds, icons, vectors, logos, and so much more.
- You can also be a high-price freelancer. You basically sell your work to the highest bidder. You can create original work, or do retouching for people, complete website designs, and so much more.
- You can drive traffic to whatever you want with Facebook images, eye-candy on Pinterest, blog posts, and info graphics. Traffic is key to earning online, and now you know that images are the way people communicate online. Use that to your advantage!
- Set up an Etsy store, or set up a service turning photos in videos. You can take pictures and do touch ups for weddings or events.
- You can host online classes. Teach other people how to use Photoshop, or set up your own Photoshop tutorial site and earn a nice passive income that way.
The only way to do all those things is if you have the skill.
You could take one graphic that you created and sell it for $120, over and over again…
Just one image, and just one download! You can make a crazy amount of money again and again.
Would you trade a few hours for that? 2 to 3 hours to learn a skill that can pay upwards of $173,000+ per year?
If you’ve been yearning to start your own business, this is a fantastic and realistic opportunity. If you’ve got a job right now or looking to start a new career, Photoshop skills can be a deciding factor on whether or not you get hired. It can add so much juice to your resume, keep you in your job, or get you that pay raise that you deserve.
PS Instant Expert is simply the easiest way to become a professional yourself in as little time as possible. It’s designed to get you on the fast-track to Photoshop success.
Which leaves you wondering how much we are going to ask for all this. It saves you $40,000 in tuition and fees and years of hardship. It’s a ride in the fast-lane on one of the most in-demand skill-sets around.
You might be thinking we’d charge AT LEAST $1000.
But no, we aren’t going to do that.
We aren’t going to charge $497.
It’s easily worth $297, but you aren’t going to pay that either.
You aren’t even going to pay $97!
Grab it today for Pennies on the Dollar and learn to be your own designer!
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Here’s a Sample Video So That You Know What To Expect From These Videos
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Total File Download Size:
1.88 GIgabytes (GB)
License Details:
[YES] Can be used for Personal Use
[NO] Can convey and sell Giveaway Rights
[NO] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
[NO] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
[NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights to the original document
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