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Protein Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 18 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Health and Wellness PLR Content.


Attention: Health and Wellness Entrepreneurs

Done for You Premium Health/Wellness PLR Product on a


Health and Wellness!


Dear online business owner, When it comes to top health and wellness searches, the Protein for health and wellness is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Protein has spawned an entire industry of blogs, cookbooks and products.

This is where my premium done for you Protein PLR Package comes in. Its all about teaching your customers about Understanding Protein – And How It Can Help You Meet Your Fitness & Weight Loss Goals!

Everything is done for you – from the main info product to your social media updates – its simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative health and wellness niche.


Introducing The…

Protein Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 18 000 Words of High Quality Protein Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality Protein PLR package covers the hugely popular health and wellness niche. Protein is evergreen and will always be. This Protein for fitness and weight loss PLR package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it and use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Protein MEGA PLR Package…

Main eBook: Understanding Protein – And How It Can Help You Meet Your Fitness & Weight Loss Goals!

(4,136 words, 19 pages, 10 images)

Protein Premium PLR Ebook


A look inside the Understanding Protein Premium PLR eBook:


Protein PLR Ebook Sneak Preview


Table of Contents for Understanding Protein PLR Ebook:

Understanding Protein – A Guide to The Role of Protein in The Diet …………………………………..3

Part #1: What is Protein and Why Does Your Body Need It?…………………………………… 5

Healing. …………………………………..5

Energy …………………………………..6

Hormones …………………………………..6

Metabolism……………………………………. 6

Muscles …………………………………..6

Part #2 Understanding the Different Types of Protein…………………………………… 8

What is an Amino Acid?…………………………………… 8

Understanding Complete and Incomplete Proteins 9

Complete Protein…………………………………… 10

Incomplete Protein…………………………………… 10

Part #3 How Much Protein Do You Need?………………………………….. 11

What Is Your Goal?…………………………………… 12

Part #4 How to Know If You’re Getting Enough Protein…………………………………… 14

Pregnant and Lactating Women…………………………………… 14

Athletes …………………………………..14

Sickness/Illness …………………………………..14

Signs You’re Not Getting Enough…………………………………… 15

Tips to Get More Protein in Your Diet ………………………………….. 16

Two Protein Smoothie Recipes to Try…………………………………… 18

In Conclusion…………………………………… 18


Sample Content for Understanding Protein PLR Ebook:

Understanding Protein – A Guide to The Role of Protein in The Diet

Protein is an important part of a healthy diet. It’s the building block of your cells and therefore is utilized in every system of your body. There is a lot of nutritional disagreement about protein and the amount of protein that a person needs in their diet. Some people believe that the standard American diet, is too high in protein, while others strongly believe that the average person is not getting nearly enough protein in their diet for health.

The truth probably sits somewhere in the middle. The key is likely to make sure that you’re eating quality protein, that you’re getting protein from a variety of sources, and that you’re balancing your protein with a good healthy dose of plants (veggies, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and seeds).

It’s also imperative that you pay attention to not only what you put into your body, but also how your body responds to it. There are sure fire signs that you’re not getting enough protein. This report strives to take a look at:

• Why protein is so important to your health and wellbeing
• Understanding the different types of protein
• Sources of protein – meat isn’t your only option
• Determining how much protein you need to reach your goals
• How to know if you’re not getting enough protein
• How to get more protein
• Great protein smoothie recipes
• And much more!
Let’s get started.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.


15 Creative Ways to Consume Protein Powder PLR Report:

15 Creative Ways to Consume Protein Powder PLR Report

A Look Inside The 15 Creative Ways to Consume Protein Powder PLR Report:


Protein Premium PLR Report Sneak Preview



Protein Powder Short Report Article Sample (PLR)

15 Creative Ways to Consume Protein Powder

Adding protein powder to your diet is a simple way to make sure you are getting enough of this important compound. Many people eat a lot of processed and fast foods. In some cases, this leads to a protein deficiency. Even healthy approaches to nutrition, like vegetarianism and veganism, can also cause you to get an insufficient amount of protein if you do not eat enough protein-rich vegetables. This is where protein powder steps in to fill a much needed void.

Recommended daily protein consumption –  The Institute

of Medicine recommends adults consume 0.8 g of protein

per kilogram of body weight (0.36 g per pound). Children

should be eating 0.85 to 1.1 g of protein per kilogram of body weight (0.38 to 0.5 g per pound).

Protein is a macronutrient that is an essential part of all living organisms. It is made up of a single or multiple long chains of amino acids. In human beings, it is an essential structural component found throughout the body. Your hair, skin, muscles, brain, enzymes, antibodies and just about every part of your physical makeup depends on protein to stay healthy, and function properly.

When your parents told you that you needed to eat protein to grow up to be “big and strong”, they weren’t kidding. Protein also ensures overall mental and physical health, and gives your physiological system the best chance at a long, healthy and happy existence. So there is no doubt that you should be eating sufficient protein.

If you are an athlete or bodybuilder, you need much more protein than the average person. Any muscle-building, endurance-craving, stamina-requiring pastime or career demands a high protein intake. Meat, fish, nuts and eggs are extremely high in protein. Beans, green peas, quinoa and spinach are some vegetarian-friendly foods that deliver protein.

If you don’t eat enough of those foods which deliver high levels of protein, a simple solution is to supplement with protein powder. The most common way to ingest protein powder is to mix it into a shake or juice. However, you may quickly grow tired of drinking protein shakes.

This report will show you some creative ways to add protein powder to your diet. First, let’s take a look at the history of protein powder, and understand exactly why it was created. Then you will discover the different types of protein powders, and finally, some sneaky and not so common ways to get protein powder into your body.

The History of Protein Powder

Joe and Ben Weider owned Brute Enterprises, and were competing against York Barbell, owned by Bob Hoffman. Those 2 companies catered to weightlifters, strength trainers and bodybuilders. At the time, there were not too many commercial gyms around. Weight training was actually looked on as sort of a fringe activity, and even subversive or unhealthy, by a lot of people. This meant that most strength trainers had to purchase their own barbell and dumbbell sets.

In many cases, these weight sets were indestructible. They were made from cast-iron alloys that lasted virtually forever. So once Hoffman or the Weiders sold a set of weights, that customer was gone forever. They had the weights they needed, and never had a reason for a return purchase.

In the 1950s Hoffman began to search for products that would provide repeat customer sales. He discovered consumable protein-rich products help his customers create more muscle without adding weights, and also provided recurring sales. His Super Hi-Proteen and Hoffman Germ Oil Concentrate were some of the first protein-based muscle building supplements. The Weiders followed quickly with products like Crash Weight Gain #7 and Dynamic Muscle Builder, and the protein powder industry was born.

While protein powder was developed nearly 70 years ago as a strength training, bodybuilding tool, it has applications in modern-day diets. If you are not getting enough protein, your overall health is affected negatively. Simply adding protein powder to your diet treats your body to sufficient levels of this healthy, natural compound.

The Different Types of Protein Powder

The protein used in protein powders comes from 2 sources – animal proteins or vegetable proteins. A vegetable-based protein powder may get its protein from sprouted grains, soy, rice, peas or hemp. Animal-based protein powders derive their protein from beef, egg whites, or milk derivatives like whey and casein. It is important to understand the differences in the types of protein powder you purchase, since taste and cost can differ greatly.

·       Whey Protein

This is the most popular protein powder base. It delivers one of the highest quality proteins, it is priced within everyone’s budget, and it is one of the best tasting as well. Choose whey concentrate for a lower lactose level. Whey isolate is preferred if you are trying to strip fat from your diet, as it is virtually fat-free.

·       Casein or Milk Protein

Most of the protein in milk is casein. Casein protein powders taste like whey-based products. However, they are absorbed into your system at a much slower rate.

·       Egg White Protein

These protein powders are a little more costly than whey or casein powders. Egg white protein powder is cholesterol free, and usually the choice for those who are trying to limit or avoid dairy products.

·       Plant Proteins

Pea, soy and rice protein powders are the most popular where vegetable-source proteins are concerned. Hemp and soy proteins uniquely provide all 8 essential amino acids. Be forewarned, soy protein has a taste that is not necessarily unpleasant, but is difficult to mask with sweeteners and other flavors.

·       Beef Proteins

This is the perfect non-dairy, non-plant protein option. Beef is one of the best natural sources of creatine, so some bodybuilders tend to lean towards these protein powders.

15 Creative Ways to Consume Protein Powder

It used to be that protein powder was added to water, milk, juice or some other beverage to get it into your system. In a lot of cases, as with soy protein, this mixture has an unfriendly or uncommon taste. Rest assured, protein shakes are not the only way to ensure you are getting enough protein in your diet. Begin practicing the following 15 “outside the box” ways to get protein powder into your diet, and your mind and body will benefit from this necessary health component.

1 – Oatmeal

Natural oatmeal, with no sugar or man-made chemical additives or flavors, is extremely healthy. It is full of dietary fiber that your body needs to regulate a healthy digestive system. Dietary fiber also keeps you feeling full longer than many other foods. Protein does the same, making oatmeal a perfect companion for a morning meal that will keep you from reaching for an unhealthy sugary snack mid-morning.

2 – Oatmeal Cookies

Add peanut butter and protein powder to your oatmeal cookie recipes for a healthy alternative to store-bought cookies.

3 – Muffins

What is your favorite muffin flavor? Whether you add chocolate, bananas or nuts to your muffins, protein powder makes a delicious additive. Use oat flour if you are looking for a gluten free alternative. Bake several muffins at a time, and store them in the freezer for a quick and healthy microwavable snack.

4 – Banana Bread

Substitute 50% of the white flour in your banana bread recipe for whole wheat. You can add some chopped walnuts for a healthy omega-3 fatty acid boost. Add protein powder, experimenting to get the perfect flavor.

5 – Veggie Burgers

Why not add some nutritious protein powder to your favorite veggie burger recipe? There are hundreds of non-beef, plant-based burger recipes that would benefit from a powerful protein powder punch.

6 – Chicken Pasta

Pea protein powder is a perfect match for a lot of pasta dishes. Add broccoli, your favorite cheese, a low-carb pasta and a healthy homemade Alfredo sauce and you may just have created your new favorite pasta-based meal.

7 – Soup

Soup can be made with virtually any number of ingredients. You probably have a favorite soup you are thinking of right now. And some protein powder to give your soup a healthy addition.

8 – Pizza

Store-bought and restaurant-purchased pizzas are not the best for you. When you make pizza at home, you can choose exactly what healthy ingredients you use. This is the perfect place to add protein powder to make your pizza even healthier.

9 – Meatballs

You don’t need to be thinking just beef here. There are meatball recipes which use black beans, pork, chicken and other red meat alternatives. Use a beef-based protein powder to help give non-beef meatballs a meaty taste.

10 – Lasagna

A recent Google search for the term “lasagna protein powder recipes” delivered an astounding 265,000 results! Some of them call for pasta made from scratch, but any packaged noodles can be used instead.

11 – Protein Bars

The protein bars you buy at your grocer or health food store often times contain unhealthy levels of sugar, preservatives and other additives that you don’t want in your body. When you make your own protein bars at home, you can add protein powder and your favorite ingredients to ensure a healthy snack.

12 – Protein Balls

Throw some dates, peanut butter, protein powder and chia seeds into a food processor. Separate this mixture into extremely nutritious and delicious protein balls. Chill in the fridge and grab on the go for a healthy snack.

13 – Cakes and Pies

Your favorite baked goods are usually not the healthiest. Adding protein powder won’t turn around the nutritional nightmare that is the end result of most cake and pie recipes, but it is a sneaky way to get more protein into your body.

14 – Ice Cream

You can either make your own ice cream at home, adding protein powder yourself, or stir a couple of scoops into your favorite store-bought ice cream flavor.

15 – Fudge or Brownies

This is just one more way to make a “not so healthy” snack a little healthier.

If none of those creative ideas for consuming more protein power appeal to you, check out this resource. The LiveStrong website posted an article entitled “22 Delicious Protein Powder Recipes (That Are NOT Shakes)”. It can be found at, and provides specific recipes that take the guesswork out of getting more protein powder into your diet, without drinking another boring protein shake.

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Product Reviews:

BlenderBottle ProStak System – 467 words
Cordless Powerful Handheld Battery Operated Milk Frother Drink Mixer – 562 words
Crossactiv 3in1 32oz Fruit Infuser and Protein Shaker Bottle – 511 words
Meal Prep Haven 7 Piece Portion Control Containers and Protein Shaker Bundle – 426 words
“The Ultimate Protein Powder Cookbook: Think Outside the Shake” – 481 words


Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Blenders – 1161 words


Top 5 Blenders Article Sample:

Top 5 Blenders Comparison Review

Although there are many good countertop blenders out there with some pretty nice features, sometimes shopping for one can seem like a daunting task. With so many options to choose from, how do you go about selecting the best blender? Well, one way to go about that is comparing top rated blenders to see how they stack up against each other in terms of features, power, pricing, durability, build quality, warranties, and any other aspect that you consider to be important. To help you get started, here’s a comparison review that covers our top 5 blenders.

  1. Magic Bullet NutriBullet 

This blender from NutriBullet promises to pulverize fruits, vegetables, and other ingredients effortlessly. It has a 600W motor that powers the patented NutriBullet blade with cyclonic action. Although it clocks in at just under one horsepower, the motor on this blender operates at a high torque setting.

The Magic Bullet NutriBullet blender comes with a clear plastic container that lets you see how your ingredients are progressing in the blender. Also included are two-short to-go cups, one tall cup, two re-usable lids, as well as extractor and emulsifying blades. As an added bonus, users also get a pocket nutritionist booklet with a ton of delicious recipes.

The only drawbacks to point out in this blender are its single speed operation and somewhat small 3-cup capacity. Some users have also complained that the blender leaks, but that tends to happen if you add ingredients beyond the max fill line.


  • Dishwasher safe
  • BPA free
  • Package includes a recipe booklet to help you get the most out of your new blender
  • See-through plastic container
  • Comes with to-go cups
  • Backed by 1-year limited warranty


  • Only one speed setting
  • Container lacks handle
  1. Ninja Professional Blender 

Are you searching for a powerful blender at an amazingly low price? If so, the Ninja Professional Blender might just be what you need.

With a 1,100W motor, this blender offers about 1.4 peak horsepower. It’s the most powerful model on the list. Touted for having total crushing technology, the Ninja Professional blender offers enough power to crush ice or even frozen ingredients.

What’s more, it has the largest capacity amongst all other blenders reviewed in this post. Capable of blending 9 cups (72 oz.), this is the perfect blender for family sized servings.

Much like the NutriBullet Blender, this professional blender from Ninja also comes with sealable to-go cups, dishwasher-safe parts, and a BPA-free plastic construction. Unlike the previous model, the pitcher on Ninja’s professional blender has a handle and pouring sprout with hinged cap. It also comes with 3 blending speeds and a pulse setting, allowing you to make smoothies and shakes with different levels of consistency.

This blender doesn’t come with multiple blades. However, it features a stacked blade system, with three blades mounted on different positions along one shaft.


  • 1.4 horsepower motor blends ingredients in seconds
  • Transparent, calibrated, BPA free pitcher with handle and lid that has a pouring sprout
  • Come with a couple of sealable Nutri Ninja to-go cups
  • Dishwasher safe parts allow for easy clean up
  • Generous 72oz/9 Cup holding capacity
  • 4 speed settings to choose from, including Pulse function
  • VIP Lifetime Service Guarantee


  • Blade gets blunt with time but it can be replaced easily
  1. Hamilton Beach 58148A Blender

The Hamilton Beach 58148A blender exudes style and class. With its glass jar, this blender would look great on any kitchen countertop. The glass pitcher not only eliminates the need to worry about BPA toxins, it also allows you to see what’s inside when blending.

This blender can produce up to 40 oz. or 5 cups of beverage in one go. The pitcher has a pouring sprout that makes serving or transferring your smoothies and other drinks mess free.

The 58148A blender from Hamilton Beach features a 700-Watt peak motor that powers the patented Wave Action blade system. It has over a dozen preset functions, beating every model in the list. They include programmed blending speeds such as Pulse, Grind, Grate, Mix, Chop and Dice, just to name a few. There’s an easy clean function as well, which will automatically rinse the pitcher after filling it with a small amount of water.


  • Stylish glass jar that has a handle and sealable lid with pouring sprout
  • 3 -year limited warranty
  • Easy to clean
  • BPA-free
  • Easy clean/rise function


  • Pitcher is not calibrated but it has a max fill line
  • Breakable glass jar
  • To-go cups or additional attachments not included
  1. Oster 006706-BG3-000 Simple Blend

The 6-cup Oster 006706-BG3-000 Simple Blender is ideal for small families or individuals who want to stay hydrated with healthy smoothies and fruit drinks. In addition to its 48 oz. capacity, this blender also comes with one “go cup”, allowing you to carry your healthy drinks on the go.

When it comes to blending power, the Oster 006706-BG3-000 Simple Blend offers 700-Watts peak power and 450-Wats steady operating power. Users also get complete blending control through a selection of 10 speed settings, some of which include the Liquefy, Grate, Grind, Blend and Ice Crush presets.

The pitcher on this model lacks a pouring sprout but it has a lid and you also get a handle for easy serving. Except for the power base, everything is dishwasher safe plus you can have the peace of mind knowing that your Oster 006706-BG3-000 Simple Blender is completely BPA-free.


  • 10-speed settings allow you to blend a wide range of ingredients
  • Unique crush pro 4 blade system features a stainless steel design
  • Funnel design on the front part of the jar allows for easy pouring of smoothies and other blended contents
  • BPA-free and dishwasher-safe parts
  • 1 Go-Cup included
  • 3 -year satisfaction guarantee plus 10 year limited warranty on all metal drive


  • Cord is a little short
  • Jar doesn’t shut tightly so you have to hold it for a few minutes until blending becomes smoother
  1. Ninja Kitchen System Pulse

This model is not as powerful as the Ninja Professional Blender and it’s also much smaller with a capacity of 5 cups/40 oz. The motor is also rated at only 550 watts, but it still features Ninja’s total crushing technology. On the plus side, you can fill up the two 16 oz. to-go cups that come with the blender after running one cycle.

To make up for the lower blending power, Ninja offers the Kitchen System Pulse blender with extra attachments. These include a dough hook, total crushing blade, and dough paddle.


  • Dishwasher-safe and BPA-free parts
  • 2-to-go cups included in the package
  • Extra blade attachments
  • Clear plastic jar with handle
  • year limited warranty


  • Only includes the “Pulse” speed setting


Although it’s important to note that there are many other models on the market besides those listed above, the 5 blenders compared in this review all make fantastic choices. They’re some of the most popular and highly rated models, and offer the best balance between price and features.


5 Emails/ Blog Posts: 

Email1-Can Eating Protein Help You Lose Weight (297 words)

Email2-How Much Protein Do You Need Every Day (275 words)

Email3-The 2 Ways That Protein Helps You Lose Weight (365 words)

Email4-Are You Eating Enough Protein The 5 Signs of a ProteinPoor Diet (378 words)

Email5-When to Eat Protein For Better Weight Loss (311 words)


Protein Email Sample:

Are You Eating Enough Protein? The 5 Signs of a Protein-Poor Diet

You know that protein plays an important part in every one of your internal systems. When you don’t give your body something that it needs, something goes wrong.

When you eat too much sugar and processed foods, you become overweight or obese.

When you eat a predominantly plant-based diet, lean meats, whole grains and healthy fats, you regulate a naturally healthy body weight.

So all you have to do is give your body what it needs.

In terms of protein, how do you know you are getting enough? In the 2nd email in this series, you discovered exactly how much protein you should be eating. But not everyone is going to take the time to weigh their food and figure out exactly how much protein they are getting.

Never fear, help is here.

If you display the following 5 signs, you are probably not eating enough protein.

1 – You are weak when you exercise – Protein repairs your muscles after you work out. If your body doesn’t have enough protein, exercising, running, lifting weights or performing any other strenuous activity can actually be counterproductive, since your body isn’t able to repair itself properly.

2 – You have fat were used to have muscle – This goes back to the whole “protein creates muscle” recipe. When your body does not find enough protein to power all of its internal processes, it steals protein from your muscles. This turns muscle to fat when you don’t eat enough protein.

3 – You are tired when you normally shouldn’t be – When you first wake up in the morning, it is natural to feel groggy and tired. However, if you are frequently tired after no physical exertion, you may need to eat more protein.

4 – You are losing your hair – Stress can cause problems with your hair and skin. As it turns out, a lack of protein can cause skin problems, and can even cause your hair to fall out.

5 – It takes you a long time to recover after injury – Protein is crucial for building new tissue. If you suffer some simple injury and don’t recover quickly, a lack of protein.

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High Quality Protein Articles:

5 Best Non-Dairy Protein Powders – 569 words
5 Vegan Sources of Complete Protein – 428 words
5 Ways to Consume Protein Powder – 425 words
6 Best Sources of Protein – 474 words
Busting the Myth That Vegetarians Don’t Get Enough Protein – 411 words
Can Protein Help You Lose Weight? – 469 words
Do Men Need More Protein Than Women? – 473 words
Do You Get Protein From Plant Milks? – 513 words
How to Make Protein Pancakes – 401 words
How to Improve the Taste of Protein Powder – 442 words
Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Protein? – 401 words
Is Your Protein Supplement Unhealthy? – 419 words
Protein Powder vs Food: Which is Best? – 404 words
Protein vs. Carbs for Post-Workout Snacking: Which is Best? – 400 words
Signs of Protein Deficiency – 403 words
The Pros and Cons of Whey Protein – 402 words
What Are Amino Acids? – 440 words
What Are Complete Proteins and Where Do You Find Them? – 486 words
When Do You Need to Supplement With Protein? – 472 words
Why Is Protein Important in Our Diets? – 403 words


Protein Premium PLR Article Sample:

5 Best Non-Dairy Protein Powders

Non-dairy protein powders are not as plentiful as dairy-based ones, but there is still a good selection available. However, determining which ones are the “best” can be subjective; what may be touted as the best by one person may not be the same for another. Allergies and certain food intolerances can bring one type of powder to the top of a list over others, while taste or nutritional value may be high on the list for someone else.

While talking about nutrition, not all plant-based powders contain complete protein as do the ones based on dairy. Complete protein are food sources that contain all nine essential amino acids. Because these nine cannot be manufactured by the body, and are necessary for good health, these three complete protein sources make our non-dairy protein powder list: soy, hemp or sunflower.


Easy to digest, soy protein powder is used in everything from shakes, yogurt, bars, pancakes and soups. One reason it is so versatile is because it adds little flavor and blends smoothly in liquids. One-hundred grams of powder provides up to 60 grams of protein.


Like soy, hemp contains all of the essential amino acids along with 12 of the non-essential ones. Unlike soy however, hemp is non-genetically modified. Along with being a complete protein, hemp protein powder is also hypoallergenic making it easier tolerated by people that suffer from food allergies. One-hundred grams of powder provides up to 49 grams of protein.


Derived from sunflower seeds, this superfood protein powder has a light nutty-like taste, different from the other two types. It is also one of the most nutrient, fiber and protein dense of all non-dairy protein powders making it a good addition to breads and baked goods for a little extra protein. One-hundred grams of powder provides up to 45 grams of protein.

Incomplete Protein

Two other non-dairy protein powders also make our list. While not complete proteins as the first three, these two are great in their own right.


A fairly newcomer in the plant-based protein market, pea protein powder is taking the industry by storm. Why? Because it is rich in the amino acids lysine and arginine. These two amino acids are responsible for converting fatty acids into energy and helps with the formation of collagen used to repair tissue, cartilage and tendons, making it an excellent choice as a supplement for those with an active lifestyle. One-hundred grams of powder provides up to 81 grams of protein.

Brown Rice

Even though rice is mostly composed of carbohydrates, it does have a small amount of protein too. Through an extraction process, the protein is harvested and processed into a protein powder. One advantage of its protein is that it is easy to digest and hypo-allergenic making it a good choice for people with sensitive stomachs or prone to food allergies. However, because it is not a complete protein, it should be paired with hemp or pea powder to round out the complete amino acid profile. One-hundred grams of powder provides up to 75 grams of protein.

Adding non-dairy protein as part of a plant-based diet does not mean you can’t get enough complete protein. It means you just have to be smart, read nutrition labels and make sure to get enough complete protein to maintain good health. As shown above, in some cases that means combining two or more powders incomplete protein powders.


Social Media Posts and Images:


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infographic 101



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Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!


For the first 50 buyers of this Protein Premium PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!


Bonus 1

5 High Quality Sport Supplements PLR Articles

5 High Quality Sport Supplements PLR Articles

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Here are the titles of the 5 Anti Inflammation Diet Articles:

  1. 3 Essential Supplements for Any Serious Athlete (626 words)
  2. Arginine and BCAAs: What You Need to Know (556 words)
  3. Caffeine and CLA: Do You Need Them? (544 words)
  4. Discover the Power of Glutamine and Glucosamine (561 words)
  5. What to Look Out for When Buying Supplements (641 words)


Bonus 2

5 High Quality Healthy Eating Habits PLR Articles

5 High Quality Healthy Eating Habits PLR Articles

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Here are the titles of the 5 Healthy Eating Habits Articles:

  1. How to Adopt Healthy Eating Habits Without Quitting (664 words)
  2. 5 Healthy Eating Habits You Must Develop (616 words)
  3. Are You Drinking Enough Water? (573 words)
  4. Healthy Eating Can Be Juicing Too! (542 words)
  5. Intermittent Fasting VS Healthy Eating: Which is Better? (531 words)


Bonus 3

5 High Quality Fitness Nutrition PLR Articles

5 High Quality Fitness Nutrition PLR Articles

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Here are the titles of the 5 Fitness Nutrition Articles:

  1. Creating a Meal Plan That Aligns with Your Fitness Plan (533 words)
  2. How Much Should I Eat When Trying to Get Fit? (561 words)
  3. Supplements You May Need When You are On a Fitness Program (715 words)
  4. Water: Your Secret Ingredient in Your Nutrition Plan (552 words)
  5. Weight Gain: Are Carbs the Culprit? (747 words)


Bonus 4

Bulking Cutting Cycle Secrets MRR Lead Magnet and Squeeze Page

Bulking Cutting Cycle Secrets MRR Lead Magnet and Squeeze Page

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50 Unrestricted Sports Nutrition PLR Articles Pack

50 Unrestricted Sports Nutrition PLR Articles Pack

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  1. 9 Reasons Why You Should Use Optimum Sports Nutrition
  2. Advanced sports nutrition for advanced athletes
  3. All About Endurance Sports Nutrition
  4. All in one sports nutrition for the working athlete
  5. American Sports Nutrition
  6. American Sports Nutrition Providing health and fitness for everybody
  7. Books On Sports Nutrition
  8. Buying Sports Nutrition Supplements On Discount
  9. Charts on sports nutrition Guides for a healthier, sportier bod
  10. EAS Sports Nutrition Products
  11. Endurance Sports Nutrition Keeping Yourself Hydrated And Fueled
  12. Essential Oil For Sports Nutrition The Supplements
  13. Extreme Sports Nutrition for the Motorcyle Rider
  14. Find more value for your money at sports nutrition depot
  15. Get your year-round supply of discount sports nutrition
  16. Heat stroke prevention An important factor in Japanese sports nutrition
  17. Journals related to Sports Nutrition
  18. Natural Sports Nutrition Diet for Champions
  19. Nature And Nurture Sports Nutrition Jobs
  20. Nutraceutical Industry and Sports Nutrition
  21. Nutritional Health in Sports
  22. Optimum Sports Nutrition
  23. Pinnacle Sports Nutrition
  24. Proper Education On Sports Nutrition
  25. Recovery, Body Protection and Sports Nutrition
  26. Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition
  27. Sports Nutrition All Over The World
  28. Sports Nutrition And Athletic Health
  29. Sports nutrition and exercise in the ancient times
  30. Sports Nutrition and Quick Food Fixes
  31. Sports Nutrition Education
  32. Sports Nutrition Energy Levels and High-vitamin Diets.
  33. Sports Nutrition Information
  34. Sports Nutrition International
  35. Sports nutrition is now a worldwide need
  36. Sports nutrition products – A Need or Just a Marketing Invention
  37. Sports Nutrition Programs
  38. Sports Nutrition Protein For Your Exercise Regimen
  39. Sports Nutrition Supplements
  40. Sports Nutrition Supplements Have The Body And Endurance Of An Athlete
  41. The Best Sports Nutrition A Day Or Hours Before An Endurance Sports Competition
  42. The Feminine Side of Sports Nutrition
  43. The Sports Nutrition Industry Keywords to Success.
  44. The World of Sports Nutrition
  45. Understanding Sports Nutrition Supplements
  46. Want that great physique Read a sports nutrition article
  47. What EAS Sports Nutrition Is
  48. What is Sports Nutrition
  49. What Keeps The Athletes Going
  50. Worldwide Sports Nutrition Pure Protein Drink Fruit Punch

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Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!


Package Details For The Protein Premium PLR Package:

Main eBook:
“Understanding Protein – And How It Can Help You Meet Your Fitness & Weight Loss Goals”
(4,136 words, 19 pages, 10 images)

Short Report:
“15 Creative Ways to Consume Protein Powder”
(1,721 words, 8 pages, 7 images)

Product Reviews:

BlenderBottle ProStak System – 467 words
Cordless Powerful Handheld Battery Operated Milk Frother Drink Mixer – 562 words
Crossactiv 3in1 32oz Fruit Infuser and Protein Shaker Bottle – 511 words
Meal Prep Haven 7 Piece Portion Control Containers and Protein Shaker Bundle – 426 words
“The Ultimate Protein Powder Cookbook: Think Outside the Shake” – 481 words

Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Blenders – 1161 words

5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Email1-Can Eating Protein Help You Lose Weight (297 words)

Email2-How Much Protein Do You Need Every Day (275 words)

Email3-The 2 Ways That Protein Helps You Lose Weight (365 words)

Email4-Are You Eating Enough Protein The 5 Signs of a ProteinPoor Diet (378 words)

Email5-When to Eat Protein For Better Weight Loss (311 words)

High Quality PLR Protein Articles:

5 Best Non-Dairy Protein Powders – 569 words
5 Vegan Sources of Complete Protein – 428 words
5 Ways to Consume Protein Powder – 425 words
6 Best Sources of Protein – 474 words
Busting the Myth That Vegetarians Don’t Get Enough Protein – 411 words
Can Protein Help You Lose Weight? – 469 words
Do Men Need More Protein Than Women? – 473 words
Do You Get Protein From Plant Milks? – 513 words
How to Make Protein Pancakes – 401 words
How to Improve the Taste of Protein Powder – 442 words
Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Protein? – 401 words
Is Your Protein Supplement Unhealthy? – 419 words
Protein Powder vs Food: Which is Best? – 404 words
Protein vs. Carbs for Post-Workout Snacking: Which is Best? – 400 words
Signs of Protein Deficiency – 403 words
The Pros and Cons of Whey Protein – 402 words
What Are Amino Acids? – 440 words
What Are Complete Proteins and Where Do You Find Them? – 486 words
When Do You Need to Supplement With Protein? – 472 words
Why Is Protein Important in Our Diets? – 403 words

Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Protein Tips
5 Shareable Social Media Inspirational Quote Images
20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)
+ 3 bonus bylines for article marketing or guest blogging
17 Royalty Free Images
Images of All Products Reviewed


Protein 101 Infographic

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