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Productive Mornings PLR eBook

Productive Mornings Premium PLR Package 26k Words

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#productivemornings #morningpeople #morningroutine #dailyritual #perfectmorning #morningprioritize #productive#productiveplr #snoozebutton #todolists #dailyrituals #energy #happiness #mindandbody #exercise #distractions #protein #success

Productive Mornings Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 26 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Self Help Content.


Attention: Self Help Marketers, Personal Development & Self Improvement Coaches

Done for You Premium Self Help PLR Product on a


Productive Mornings!


Dear Self Improvement online business owner, When it comes to self help and personal development searches, the Productive Mornings is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Productive Mornings has spawned an entire industry of blogs, courses, books and products.

This is where my premium done-for-you Productive Mornings PLR content package comes in. It’s all about teaching your customers how to Productive Mornings: Creating a Daily Ritual to Boost Your Energy, Productivity and Happiness.

Everything is completely done-for-you and ready-to-go – from the main info product to your social media updates – it’s simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative self improvement niche.



Introducing The…

Productive Mornings PLR Package

Featuring Over 26 000 Words of High Quality Productive Mornings Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality Productive Mornings PLR package covers the hugely popular self help niche. Self Help is evergreen and will always be. This Productive Mornings PLR package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it or use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Productive Mornings MEGA PLR Package…


Main eBook: “Productive Mornings: Creating a Daily Ritual to Boost Your Energy, Productivity and Happiness”

(4,267 words, 19 pages, 9 images)

Productive Mornings PLR eBook



A look inside the Productive Mornings PLR eBook:

Productive Mornings PLR eBook Inside Look


Table of Contents for the Productive Mornings PLR Ebook:

Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………. 3

Are Morning People More Productive Than Night Owls?………………….. 5

How to Wake Up Early Feeling Refreshed……………………………………….. 6

Forget the Snooze Button!…………………………………………………………….. 6

Program Your Internal Clock………………………………………………………….. 6

Remove Distractions from Your Sleeping Environment……………………….. 7

Adjust Your Waking Time Gradually………………………………………………… 7

Nourish Your Mind & Body…………………………………………………………….. 8

Exercise Early………………………………………………………………………………. 8

Eat Smart…………………………………………………………………………………… 8

Your Brain Needs to Be Fed Too……………………………………………………… 8

Eat Protein for Breakfast………………………………………………………………. 9

Upon Waking, Do This…………………………………………………………………… 9

Be Conscious of Distractions………………………………………………………… 10

Your First Work of the Day…………………………………………………………… 12

Preparing for Your Perfect Morning……………………………………………… 13

Creating To-Do Lists That Actually Get Done………………………………….. 14

Prioritize Properly………………………………………………………………………. 14

Write Out Your List … No Exceptions……………………………………………… 14

Put Your List Where You Can See It……………………………………………….. 14

Apps to Help Boost Your To-Do List Productivity………………………………. 15

How to Turn Your Morning Routine into a Natural Habit………………… 16

Limit Distractions……………………………………………………………………….. 16

For a Habit to Stick, it Takes Time … But Not That Much……………………. 17

Start Small For Momentum-Building, Long-Lasting Success…………………. 17

Don’t Rush Yourself……………………………………………………………………. 18

Involve Physical Movement………………………………………………………….. 18

Get Back On the Horse If You Fall Off……………………………………………… 19


Sample Content for the Productive Mornings Premium PLR Ebook:

Most people admit to being less productive than they would like to be. Then there are those individuals that seem to be able to squeeze 2 or 3 days’ worth of production out of 24 hours. The result is definitely not a difference in willpower or effort. This is not a case where most unproductive people are lazy. On the contrary, many people work very hard at trying to be more productive, but continually fall short of their goals.

The difference between those 2 sets of people often times comes down to how they spend their mornings.

Do you wake up to an alarm clock at a specific time, or do you simply rise from your bed whenever you feel like it? Do you follow the same process each morning, or do you just sort of “wing it”, following no specific game plan? There is plenty of research to indicate that those people who wake up in the morning with a purpose and a plan enjoy wonderful benefits like better productivity, better health, greater happiness and other rewards.

Consider the following pieces of research:

  • Data taken from 700 respondents aged 17 to 79 showed that “…early risers are generally happier than night owls.”

– American Psychological Association Journal Emotion

  • People who get up with a specific schedule or plan in mind are much more productive.

– Michael Smolensky, Ph.D., of the University of Texas at Austin.

  • Productive morning people “… tend to get better grades in school” and are more proactive than late risers. This proactivity also leads to success in other areas of their lives as well, such as personal, emotional, financial, spiritual, etc.

Christopher Randler, Biology Professor at the University of Education in Heidelberg, Germany

Can simply having a productive morning lead to such marvelous results? If so, are there certain processes you can follow each morning to set you up for success throughout the day? That is the focus of this short report.

You will learn exactly why morning people are more productive than night owls. You will discover how to wake up feeling refreshed, how to form long-lasting habits of productivity, and the mind-body connection which must be nourished for a happy, successful and productive life. You will also find out what types of tasks you should be tackling first thing each morning, and how to create to-do lists that actually get done.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.

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Productive Mornings Checklist :

(451 words, 3 pages)

Productive Mornings PLR Checklist

A look inside the Productive Mornings Premium PLR Checklist

Productive Mornings PLR Checklist Inside Look




Productive Mornings PLR Editable Ecovers:

Productive Mornings PLR Editable Ecovers


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: How to Design A Productive Sleep Ritual

Email 1 – How Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs can make you more productive
Email 2 – Why you should make a Tomorrow ToDo list before bedtime
Email 3 – Go take a nighttime hike For better productivity
Email 4 – Unplug your sleep environment for more daytime productivity
Email 5 – Skip negative input before bedtime

Productive Mornings PLR Emails Total Word Count: 1475 Words


Productive Mornings Email Content Sample:

How Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs can make you more productive


Will you agree that Einstein was a smart guy?

Albert Einstein is noted as one of the greatest minds in human history. Why not copycat one of his ideas for better productivity? After all, when one of the smartest people that ever lived discovers a way to increase productivity by creating a “night before” routine, you would be crazy to try to reinvent the wheel, right?

Here is what he did.

How many times have you seen pictures of Albert Einstein? In many of those photos he is seen wearing a simple black outfit and black shoes. Were all those pictures taken at the same time? Nope.

When Einstein was working, he wore the same clothes every day.

He had several shirts, shoes and pants that were exactly the same. He laid out his clothing the night before when he was going to be working on some taxing mental problem the next day. He wanted to spend every bit of his brainpower on his work, not on choosing his wardrobe.

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs did the same thing. He always wore the black mock turtleneck, New Balance sneakers and blue jeans he was famous for. One less choice meant dedicating his brainpower to making Apple a better company.

To make your mornings better, make your nights routine. Lay out your clothes for the next day. Have them cleaned, pressed and ready for you to do nothing but slip into.

After this repetitive behavior, your brain understands that the next thing which happens after laying out your clothes is sleep. This is like taking a sedative without taking a drug, and when practiced at the same time every night, improves your ability to go to sleep and stay asleep as well.

To your success,




Productive Mornings PLR Articles:

  1. 5 Apps That Minimize Tech Distractions – 405 words
  2. How to Fit Easy Meditation Into Your Daily Life – 450 words
  3. What is a Morning Ritual and Why Should You Create One? – 426 words
  4. Why Getting Up at 5am Could Give You More Energy – 455 words
  5. Why You Shouldn’t Check Your Email First Thing in the Morning – 492 words


Productive Mornings PLR Article Sample:

5 Apps That Minimize Tech Distractions

You are probably well aware that technology can cause a lot of distractions. Depending on the source you believe, you receive anywhere from several hundred to several thousand marketing messages throughout the day. You probably have your phone, watch and other electronics set up to give you notifications daily as well.

Your cave dwelling ancestors did not have to deal with this. You do. Use the following applications to keep technology from distracting you and ruining your productivity, ramping up your stress, and keeping you from ending your work at a decent hour.

1 – Your Built-In “Do Not Disturb” App

All modern smart phones contain an application that allows you to turn off notifications. You may have to go into your phone’s settings to access this distraction-buster, but it is worth finding out how to do so. Many of these applications allow you to pick and choose which notifications to turn off and which to allow. If you need help, perform a Google or YouTube search for “my smart phone do not disturb application”, replacing “my smart phone” with your smart phone model.

2 – Anti-Social

This application does exactly what you think it does. It keeps you from spending your entire day on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other social media sites which you are addicted to. You can set it to block out any website that you want to stop distracting you. As its marketing message promises, “Start anti-social, and Facebook and Twitter go away.”

3 – SelfControl (Macs only)

This is a pretty hard-core distraction killer. Once you set up the parameters for what sites and what times you want it to run, you cannot access those sites unless you go back into the settings and change them manually.

4 – StayFocusd

This is probably the most intensive web blocker that exists. If you have a web addiction that simply can’t be resisted, you need this application. It blocks the entire Internet for periods of time that you set. This does not keep you from particular notifications or websites, and instead turns off the entire web!

5 – Focus Lock (Android)

Focus Lock makes the promise of freeing you from smart phone slavery. If you have ever walked into a wall or almost been hit by a car because you were staring at your android smart phone instead of paying attention to your surroundings, this is the technology distractor built for you.



Social Media Posts and Images:


5 Shareable Social Media Graphics (PLR)

Productive Mornings PLR Social Graphics


16 Social Media Posts with hashtags (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

Productive Mornings PLR Tweets


12 Royalty Free Images

Productive Mornings Royalty Free Images


Productive Mornings Keyword Research Pack

Productive Mornings PLR Keywords

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Becoming a Morning Person PLR Report “11 Tips for Becoming a Morning Person”

(1,334 words, 6 pages, 3 images)

Productive Mornings PLR Report

A look inside the Productive Becoming a Mornings Premium PLR Report

Productive Mornings PLR Report Inside Look

Maintaining Balance For Happiness PLR Report

Maintaining Balance For Happiness PLR Report Sample:

It’s not always easy to maintain balance in the pursuit of happiness, regardless of how hard you try. Sometimes, life gets seemingly more hectic in what seems like a second. What do you do then? First, take a deep breath and try to relax. Next, try to remember some of what you’ve read in this report. Depending on your personal and professional goals, it may not be as hard to “have it all” as you might think.

Obviously, everyone’s goals are different. Think of how boring life would be, it that wasn’t the case? Never allow anyone to talk you out of what you want in life, unless, it happens to border on the illegal.

All kidding aside, your goals help to make up the person you are. Should you lose sight of them, for whatever reason, you’re losing a tiny part of yourself as well. If that happens, it becomes more difficult achieve balance and enjoy the important things in life.

Typically, when it comes to happiness, everyone’s definition is different. This is partly because no two people are exactly alike. Think about it. What makes one individual happy might only have a slight effect on another.

The First Scientist

Aristotle was a Greek scientist and philosopher in the 4th century B.C. At the age of thirteen, he traveled to Athens so he could continue his education at the academy founded by Plato. He studied at the academy for over twenty years, before leaving to continue his research. For a time, he even tutored Alexander the Great.

He was well known in his time for his writings on many subjects including biology, politics, logic, poetry, and physics. Many of his works are still studied to this day and many of his ideas concerning ethics and psychology are still applicable as well.

To Aristotle, maintaining balance was a key component in the pursuit of happiness. He believed that a strong moral character was one of the most important factors in living a happy life. And, while he recognized that maintaining moral character can be difficult, the effort is rewarded with a happy, fulfilled life.

Happiness According to Aristotle

For many people, it’s easy to lose sight of what being “happy” really means. For example, calling in sick to work might make you feel happy for a time, but the added workload and cut in pay will probably make you regret the decision in the long run.

Aristotle didn’t view happiness as something that could just come and go, but as the very reason for a person’s existence. To him, real happiness was, in essence, a final goal. While many people in his time (and, of course, today) devoted their lives to seeking money or power, they generally did so with the belief that it would make them happy. So, though different people may seek out different things, they all tend to do so in search of the same thing: happiness.

What does a person need to do to live a happy life? The answer may not be the same to everybody. But, Aristotle believed that striving to possess certain positive traits he called “virtues” was key to a happy life.

It isn’t enough to live by these virtues some of the time. Simply being generous once or twice may make you feel good for a while, but with practice, we can act with generosity in all facets of our lives.

The “Golden Mean”

Aristotle didn’t think that achieving happiness was as easy as acting virtuous. Even if you act with virtue, displaying too much or too little of a virtue is not the right course of action. He believed that each virtue was a mean (or middle) between acts of excess or deficiency.

For example, courage (a virtue) is the mean between rashness (an excess of courage) and cowardly (a deficiency of courage.) So, when applying virtuous behavior, it is best to strive for a “Golden Mean” (or perfect middle ground) between too much and too little.

What this Golden Mean is precisely differs from person to person. For example, friendliness (the mean between being ingratiating and unfriendly) can mean a completely different thing to someone who is shy than it does to someone who is naturally very outgoing. One person’s mean could be seen as extreme by someone else.

While Aristotle referred mostly to virtues (such as temperance, prudence, courage, and justice,) the principle of a golden mean fits well with many aspects of our lives. Putting forth too little effort at work will result in a poor job being done, while doing too much could be exhausting.

Not only was Aristotle the first scientist, he was also the first advocate of keeping balance when it comes to seeking happiness. Applying the philosophy of the Golden Mean to your life means taking things in moderation and making decisions based on the long-term, rather than impulsive snap-decisions.

For most people, this shouldn’t seem like bad advice. Many of us already consider thinking things through before we act to be a good idea, not to mention the idea of taking things in moderation.

Although hard work is an important part of your pursuit of happiness, too much hard work can lead to burnout. Burnout is physical or mental fatigue brought on by too much work or prolonged periods of stress. Burnout can affect many different aspects of our lives, but we most often experience it because of work.


5 Boost Your Energy PLR Articles

Boost Your Energy PLR Article Sample:

5 Habits That Will Boost Your Energy Levels

Warren Buffet once said, “Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they’re too heavy to be broken.”
If you’re feeling lethargic and lack energy throughout the day, more often than not, seeing a difference in your life will mean examining your habits and making changes. Millions of people all over the world are in a funk and they have no idea how to get out of it.

We are creatures of habit. The results you see and feel in your life are a result of your habits. Unless you’re suffering from diseases like fibromyalgia or osteoarthritis which take a toll on you, having low energy levels is NOT the norm.

In this article, we’ll look at 5 habits that you can inculcate to boost your energy levels. Good habits are not easy to form and take time to master, but if you can manage it, the rewards are plenty.

1. Sleep well

Ideally, you should get 7 to 8 hours of good sleep daily. That will mean going to bed at the same time every single day and waking up at the same time. It doesn’t matter if it’s a public holiday or a weekend. Your sleep schedule stays the same.

Too many people stay up late watching TV and the next morning they wake up groggy with insufficient sleep as they bumble through their morning tasks and stumble to work. Get enough sleep and you’ll have more energy.

This is the MOST basic of all the habits. Doing this alone will help millions of people boost their energy levels.

2. Clean up your diet

You are what you eat. Eating clean wholesome foods will mean that your body burns the fuel with a ‘cleaner flame’. If you’re consuming too much sugar, chemicals, additives, etc. your liver will be working overtime to remove these toxins from your body.

It’s next to impossible to feel your best, if the food you eat is sub-par. Consume more vegetables and fruit. Get rid of the processed foods and only indulge in them occasionally.

3. Declutter

Stop having too many unfinished tasks and unnecessary items in your life. Your energy is finite. If you spread it out over too many tasks, you’ll feel drained. Throw away what you do not need and only focus on tasks that are actually beneficial.

If you’re at work, learn to say ‘no’, if your colleagues are trying to push off their work on to you. Only handle what you can.

The less tasks you have, the more energy you’ll have.

4. Stay hydrated

It’s very easy to be dehydrated without even knowing it. People often confuse hunger with thirst. They often fail to realize that they’re feeling tired because the body lacks water. Drink sufficient water throughout the day.

5. Relieve stress

Stress has been coined the 21st century’s silent killer. In our hectic lives, it slowly creeps up on us without our knowledge. We have more convenience now and everything is almost instant, and yet, as a people we’re more stressed out than ever before.

Stress saps your mental and physical energy. To boost your energy levels, you should practice meditation or yoga or just deep breathing. Try and center yourself and become an oasis of peace in a frantic world.

Alternatively, you can do things that you find fun. Watch that movie, take that trip, have a laugh, try something you’ve always wanted to and so on. All these fun activities will give your mind and soul a respite from the stresses of day to day life.

Why do you think people feel ‘lighter’ and happier when they’re on a holiday? They always seem to have more energy and life. When the holiday comes to an end, suddenly their energy dissipates, and they sink into the doldrums.

It’s stress or the expectation of stress from the mundane life that they’ve become accustomed to. Relieve your stress at frequent intervals.

Apply these 5 habits in your life and you’ll notice that over time, your energy levels soar, and you feel much better and full of life. That’s how you want to live.


5 High Quality Time Management PLR Articles

Time Management PLR Article Sample:

7 Quick Time Management Tips That Work!

It’s common to feel like you have a ton of work and not enough time to get it all done. That’s just how it is. We live in a hectic world today and despite all the conveniences of daily life, we have more to do now than ever before.

The best way to remedy this problem is to manage your tasks effectively so you get the most out of your time. Below you’ll find 7 tips that are highly effective. Apply them and you’ll see how powerful they are.

1. Plan tomorrow today

Planning tomorrow today means spending about 15 to 20 minutes at night before you go to bed – planning out what tasks need to be completed the next day and so on.

Either you’ll be planning your schedule on the laptop or on paper. This will serve as a handy reference to keep you on track with your daily tasks and goals.

2. Prioritize your tasks

There’s never enough time to get all the tasks done. More will always creep up to bog you down. The best way to get around this is to complete the most urgent and important tasks before the rest.

Do not try to get the menial or unimportant tasks out of the way first. This is a common mistake. By the time you’re done with those, you’ll either be exhausted and unable to do your best when it matters, or you won’t have enough time for the important tasks.

3. Use checklists

Checklists make things seem more manageable. When you have a lot of tasks at the back of your head, it may all seem more overwhelming.

Writing down what needs to get done and checking them off one by one, will not only make it seem easier, but you’ll have a sense of relief when you complete everything on the list.

4. Plan your meals

Thinking about food and trying to decide what to eat every single day can be a huge distraction and a time waster. Plan and prepare your meals for the entire week.

This will save you a ton of time. You’ll know what to eat, where the food is and won’t waste time and energy pondering daily about your food choices.

5. Avoid multitasking

Multitasking is a bad habit. It results in shoddy work and makes people have short concentration spans. Pick one task, focus on it and get it done – then move on to the next one.

Trying to do several things at once does not make you productive. In fact, the opposite holds true. You take a longer time to do the same job and it’s of a poorer quality too.

6. Block distractions

Turn off notifications on your phone, put it to silent and focus on the work at hand. The world is filled with distractions from beeping messages to advertisements to phone calls and a ton of other things designed to distract you.

To be more productive, you MUST shut out the noise, even if that means appearing “anti-social” to the rest. Water cooler talk, colleagues who drop by to chit chat, social phone calls during working hours, etc. should all be eliminated so that you can get the most from the time you have.

7. Reward yourself

Reward yourself with a short break when you complete a task. This will give you a mental respite from the stresses of work. It will help you to focus on the next task better.
You may choose to have a coffee or some light food to give you an added boost of energy. One good practice is consuming a tablespoon of coconut oil which not only gives you energy but is great for health.

Don’t consume more than one spoon a day though.

Apply these 7 tips and your productivity will go up and you’ll get more work done in a shorter time. You may even find yourself with more time freed up since you’re working with focus and purpose. That’s the best way to gain control of your schedule.


5 Sense Of Self Health and Wellness PLR Articles

Sense Of Self Health and Wellness PLR Article Sample:

Are You Blaming Yourself for Your Poor Health?

It may seem strange to blame yourself if you’re sick, but this is something that millions of people do on a daily basis. This is especially true for diseases such as diabetes or other weight related diseases.

The general belief is that these diseases could have been prevented if the patient was more vigilant and had taken the necessary precautions and remedial actions during the early stages.

The unfortunate truth is that usually the problems could have been prevented in the early stages, but the patient was complacent and now things have become bad. This knowledge weighs heavily on the patients’ minds and bogs them down.

If left to spiral out of control, it can lead to depression and stress. This in turn will lead to more problems since stress opens the door for many other health issues to take root.

The key to overcoming guilt about your health is to learn to let go. You’ll need to accept your mistakes and forgive yourself. This is often one of the most difficult things to do because most people are hardest on themselves. They figuratively beat themselves with a stick over and over for the same mistakes.

This relentless onslaught not only weakens your resolve, but also makes you lose your strength and will-power. When you’re coping with diseases such as diabetes, etc. you’ll be required to watch your diet, monitor your blood sugar levels and so on.

If you’re feeling down and blaming yourself for your health, these negative emotions will not allow you to be proactive. You’re in a negative state. All good things need to arise from a positive state.

Your state of mind directly and indirectly impacts your health. Yes, you may have made mistakes before and the situation may be serious now… but your body is waiting to recover, and it needs your help and attention.

Guilt and blame are not productive in the least. In fact, these emotions are more detrimental to your well-being than the disease itself. You may wish to journal your thoughts and emotions so that you can experience some relief.

Another way to find release from your pent-up frustration will be to speak to a loved one or a professional counsellor. Just talking about your problems can be helpful.

If you’re a man and you find it hard to speak about your feelings, very often, action will help you remedy this problem. Feeling guilty about your poor health?

No problem. Start exercising. Clean up your diet. Take up new activities to fix the problem. The very act of doing something to help yourself will make you feel better.

Here’s the catch – DO NOT wait till you are in the mood before you do something productive. When you’re feeling guilty and sad, you’ll be in a state of inertia. Your mind will wallow in misery and blame for as long as you let it.

You need to start on the positive actions even when you’re feeling down. Do it despite being in a poor mood. Then and only then, will you start feeling better. You get the ‘high’ and sense of achievement after the action. Not before.

Forgive yourself. Love who you are and make changes for the better. Your future depends on what you do today.



Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!


For the first 50 buyers of this Productive Mornings PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!

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Bonus 1

The Productive Solopreneur Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

The Productive Solopreneur Bundle

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Resource Cheat Sheet
Module 4 – Mindmap
Module 5 – Sales Page
Module 6 – Optin Page
Module 7 – Graphics
Module 8 – Email Swipes
Module 9 – Social Media Images

Advance Video Course:

Module 1 – Videos
Module 2 – Upsell Page
Module 3 – 7 Day Autoresponder Series
Module 4 – Special Report
Module 5 – Affiliates Toolbox Page
Module 6 – Social Media Swipe Kit
Module 7 – Top Forums and Blogs
Module 8 – Keywords
Module 9 – Presentation
Module 10 – Feature Images

Total File Download Size:

115 Megabytes (MB)

Bonus 2

How To Be Super Productive Premium PLR Report

How To Be Super Productive Cover

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details

How To Be Super Productive Graphics
How To Be Super Productive PDF
How To Be Super Productive PSD
How To Be Super Productive Word Doc
How To Be Super Productive Word and PDF Format 13 page (3273 Words)

Total File Download Size:

7.18 Megabytes (MB)

Bonus 3

Get Productive With G-Tools Sales Funnel with Resell Rights

Get Productive With G-Tools MRR Sales Funnel

View full product details here ->>>

Front End Package

  • Graphics
  • Lead Magnet Page
  • Sales Page
  • Video Mind Map
  • Videos
  • VSL Video

Upsell Package

  • Affiliates Toolbox
  • Upsell Page
  • Videos
  • Visual Cheat Sheet
  • VSL Video

Total File Download Size:

457 Megabytes (MB)

Bonus 4

21 Productivity Ideas To Get More Done MRR eBook with Squeeze Page

21 Productivity Ideas To Get More Done Ebook

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • Covers
  • Ebook
  • Optin Page

Total File Download Size:

9.16 Megabytes (MB)

Bonus 5

Supercharged Productivity Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

Supercharged Productivity MRR Sales Funnel

Package Details:

  • Covers
  • eBook
  • Follow Up Emails
  • Sales Video
  • Sales Materials

Advance Video Course:

  • Audios
  • Covers
  • Sales Video
  • Sales Materials Upgrade
  • Swipe Emails
  • Transcripts
  • Videos

Total File Download Size:

238 Megabytes (MB)



Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!


Package Details For The Productive Mornings PLR Package:

Main eBook:

“Productive Mornings: Creating a Daily Ritual to Boost Your Energy, Productivity and Happiness”
(4,267 words, 19 pages, 9 images)

+ Checklist
+ eCovers
+ Keywords

5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: How to Design A Productive Sleep Ritual

Productive Mornings PLR Articles:

5 Apps That Minimize Tech Distractions – 405 words
How to Fit Easy Meditation Into Your Daily Life – 450 words
What is a Morning Ritual and Why Should You Create One? – 426 words
Why Getting Up at 5am Could Give You More Energy – 455 words
Why You Shouldn’t Check Your Email First Thing in the Morning – 492 words

Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Tips
15 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)
12 Royalty Free Images


Becoming a Morning Person PLR Report

“11 Tips for Becoming a Morning Person”
(1,334 words, 6 pages, 3 images)

Maintaining Balance For Happiness PLR Report – 7324 words

This Report is available in Word Doc Format and includes a PLR license.

5 Boost Your Energy PLR Articles

Will Eating Less Give Me More Energy? (756 words)
5 Habits That Will Boost Your Energy Levels (652 words)
Are There Supplements That Will Boost My Energy? (621 words)
What Does My Metabolism Have to Do with My Energy Levels? (598 words)
Less of These Equals More Energy for You (852 words)

These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR license.

5 High Quality Time Management PLR Articles

7 Quick Time Management Tips That Work! (667 words)
Can You Really Manage Time? (592 words)
Kaizen and Time Management (608 words)
Mindset and Time Management: Reprogramming Yourself (625 words)
What Do They Mean by “Eating the Frog”? (550 words)

These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR license.

5 Sense Of Self Health and Wellness PLR Articles

Relieving Stress by Avoiding Perfectionism (548 words)
Are You Blaming Yourself for Your Poor Health (545 words)
How to Cope with Chronic Pain without Losing Your Happiness (560 words)
The Secret to Transforming Your Mind to Transform Your Body (548 words)
Are You Helping or Hurting Your Health Consciously? (596 words)

These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR license.

Total Word Count: 26 000+ Words

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