How To Be Super Productive Premium PLR Report
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How To Be Super Productive Premium PLR Report
Are you tired of low quality PLR that requires too much editing or is just too badly written that you cannot use it without chasing your audience away?
If your answer is yes, then this is the PLR package for you.
At BuyQualityPLR.com, we proud to present you with a new addition to our Premium PLR content collection.
Our Premium PLR content packages is high quality PLR packages that have not been written to be PLR.
They were created by a top notch veteran marketer as his own content to serve and coach his audience, as well as build his list. So you know this PLR content is top notch and works.
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Introducing the
How To Be Super Productive Premium PLR Report
(Featuring Over 3273 Words of Premium Content)
What’s included:
How To Be Super Productive Graphics
How To Be Super Productive PDF
How To Be Super Productive PSD
How To Be Super Productive Word Doc
Screenshots of Product
Sample of the How To Be Super Productive Premium:
Resistance to any task for a sustained period of time ultimately creates a negative association to that task. Do this enough times and watch as you feel paralyzed every time you sit in front of your computer screen.
Been there, not a nice feeling.
I want you (from here on in) to focus your attention on “productivity” above all else. At the end of the day, it’s action that yields results – and yet most people are focusing on “studying” instead. It’s easy to study. It’s easy to passively consume information and falsely believe you’re being productive, but you’re not. You’re busy wasting the most valuable asset we Internet marketers have, which is our “time” of course.
Never confuse busyness with productivity. Highly productive people are often less busy than those who are overworked and overwhelmed.
“It’s not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is, what are we busy about?” – Henry David Thoreau
If you’ve been in this business for at least a month or so, you most likely have everything needed to start earning a full time income online. Even the people who haven’t made a single cent, already know this on some level. What most likely happens is they continue to absorb more information until they completely Zombie out and become marketing vegetables. In essence, they have a head full of mush, I’ve been there too. It’s a killer.
But… there’s no need to keep learning if…
There’s No New Information:
There really is no “new” information in this business – just variations of the same, reframed to make them seem unique.
I’ll give you an example:
Take my last report “Strategic Profits Blueprint.” Forget about the step by step implementation of what the book shares. Instead let’s summarize it in 6 steps…
1) Find a niche where people are spending money
2) Set up a squeeze page to capture leads & write a 10-page quality report to give away as a freebie/bribe (like this one)
3) Set up a “one time offer” where people are directed to after they opt in – and write 3 more quality reports to sell for $7 so you can start building a buyers list
4) Set up a series of autoresponder messages that deliver valuable content and super targeted promotions
5) Drive traffic to your squeeze page via paid (solo ads, ppc, FaceBook ads etc) or free (forum marketing, guest posts, youtube etc)
That’s it. The above strategy has been used by almost every successful online marketer out there in one variation or another. It’s a solid proven method to making money.
A lot of people know this, right? So why do most people fail in this business if they have already been given this information, probably many times before? Again, this is nothing new.
You wouldn’t even have to follow the strategy step by step, and most likely you’d deviate a little to incorporate your own ideas and concepts into the mix, which takes us back to the very first point I made…
Screenshot of PLR Graphics Included:
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Package Details
How To Be Super Productive Graphics
How To Be Super Productive PDF
How To Be Super Productive PSD
How To Be Super Productive Word Doc
How To Be Super Productive Word and PDF Format 13 page (3273 Words)
Total File Download Size:
7.18 Megabytes (MB)
License Terms
These Premium PLR rights are for you only – you cannot pass on any rights to anybody else.
More information on the PLR rights that come with your purchase:
[YES] Can be edited completely and your name put on it as the author
[YES] Can be used as E-Course material
[YES] Can be used as ebook content
[YES] Can be used for article marketing but must be rewritten completely
[YES] Can be used in printed work
[YES] Can be used as web content on your own sites
[YES] Can be used as coaching content for your paid coaching membership
[YES] Can be used as a bonus when promoting affiliate offers (PDF)
[YES] Can be added to paid membership sites (PDF)
[YES] Can sell or give away with personal informational rights only
[YES] Can use to build your email list (PDF)
[NO] Can be sold or given away with PLR rights (can sell or give away with personal informational rights only)
[NO] Can sell Resale Rights, Master Resale Rights or Private Label Rights
[NO] Can offer through auction websites with PLR rights
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