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Mindful Meditation Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

Discover Ancient And Proven Methods To Triple Your Productivity, Vitality & Finally Experience True Joy

I’ll Personally Show You Ways You Can Use Meditation To Dissolve Any Barriers To A Better Life

Did you know that you and I will have between 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts today?

98% of these thoughts are the same as yesterday.

70% of them will be negative thinking.

Which means, most of us live our day to day talking down to ourselves!

We abuse ourselves with negative thoughts that not only limit our growth in life but also damage our body.

When I found out about this fact, I decided to turn my mind from an enemy into a friend.

I promised myself that I would never let my mind put down my ambitions, goals, and dreams.

Instead, my mind will be the supportive friend that guides me towards those desires.

That’s when I started to improve my relationship with myself and discovered mindful meditation.


According to research, mindful meditation has been shown to bring positive effects to both the body and mind.

Obviously, it reduces stress and anxiety.

What’s remarkable is that it also improves immune function and reduces inflammation, which means you are less prone to disease and pain.

Scientists also found that it increased the gray-matter density in the part of your brain associated with compassion and learning.

8 weeks of meditation was enough to make the patients more focused and more loving.

Isn’t it wonderful how the simple act of meditation can transform you into a productive person who everyone likes being around?

Within us is the power to become ten times better than what we are now and yet everyone is asleep!


Take a look at the people who have caused great changes in the world.

Oprah Winfrey, Rupert Murdoch, Larry Brilliant and Ray Dalio all said meditation helped them achieve success.

Ancient civilizations like the Greeks and the Hindus spawned many great thinkers and their culture had detailed meditation systems.

Looking further back, most founders of religion meditated and their influence can still be felt today.

I’m sure you’d agree that meditation opens us to a different way to approaching the world.

Imagine how much difference you’d make in this world after meditating.

You’d be more creative and focused in whatever you do.

You’d stand out of your own way towards success.

You’d find people gravitating to you.

You’d feel true joy from within.

You’re About To Discover Amazing Ways To Boost Your Productivity And Health By The Simple Act of Meditation

Today’s your lucky day because I’m giving you FULL ACCESS TO

Everything I’ve learned through my journey to a positive mind by Mindful Meditation!

And for the first time ever, they’ve been compiled into one incredible blueprint

  • How to Practice Mindful Meditation
  • Mindful Meditation and Relationships
  • Successful People Who Meditate
  • The Inner Joy That Everyone Is Born With
  • The state of mind Ancient Greeks Called Henosis One Pointed Awareness

And MANY more

Just know that I’ve spent thousands of dollars on researching the scientific studies and different methods of meditation, and distilling them into these proven methods.

Methods used by successful people to achieve wealth, health and happiness.

It’s your chance now to dissolve any barriers to success and happiness
to become the best version of YOU!


Mindful Meditation

Mindful Meditation Bundle

The Journey Within That Will Unearth Your True Power

Mindful Meditation is your go-to Master Guide to bringing their productivity levels to the next stage while handling the hair-pulling stress that comes with it like nothing!

You will discover new abilities to focus, think creatively
and perform without anxiety or stress.

Find out how to evolve yourself into a happier, more successful
and loved by others. It’s all within you.

Here’s What I’ll Be Sharing With You Exclusively:

How mindful meditation can improve your relationships by dissolving negative emotion that is keeping you down

How successful multi-millionaires use mindful meditation as a weapon for success.

The meditation technique that will make you joyful just to be alive

… And So Much More Waiting To Be Uncovered Inside

Why This Ultimate Must-Have Blueprint Is For You:

Become a unique individual who stands out and makes people notice

Accomplish tenfold of what was thought possible

Magnetize people with your natural charm and calming energy

Become a world-class performer in whatever you do

To sum it up, you will:

Develop deeper focus and better thinking abilities

Understand what is keeping you from your goals and overcome them

Become a loving person that everyone enjoys being around

Live the life you’ve been dreaming of

Manage self-doubt, fears, and anxieties

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

You will feel the changes in a day, change your body in a few weeks, and become a completely new person in a month!

Mindful meditation’s effects grow more and more powerful the longer you do it.

And Here’s The Good News…

This will only cost you at a low one-time investment.

This Master Guide is worth so much more than what I’m offering to you right now. But I will only be charging you a minuscule fraction of its total value.

Here’s the deal.

Get Your Mindful Meditation Copy Now

Save Hundreds of Dollars During This Launch Special

Regular Price $9.99 Today Only

The reason I am willing to let this go at such a massively discounted price is because I want to prove my worth and value to you.

And if you can turn your mind into a friend like I did, I’d love for you to continue being a customer of mine when I have other products.

After all, you’ve proven that nothing will stand in your way to a better life – not even yourself.

So Why Wait Another Day?

Your Investment In This Course Is 100% Guaranteed!

Act now to grab these fast action bonuses!

Mega Bonus #1: Complete Check List

Mindful Meditation Checklist

This checklist contains step-by-step guidelines for you to reap the most benefits from Mindful Meditation

By simply breaking one huge topic into easy digestible chunks, you will get absolute clarity with the included easy to follow action steps!

You will see massive improvements in your productivity and will be crushing goals in no time!

Mega Bonus #2: Comprehensive Mindmap

Mindful Meditation Mindmap

Perfect for ‘visual’ learners.

This interactive mind map outlines everything you are going to find out throughout the entire game plan.

With just a glance, you will have a clear picture of what to expect and absorb SO much more than just reading through Power of Focus!

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You’re One Step Closer To Unearthing The Power Within You…

Thank you and congratulations for unearthing your potential.

You’ve just made one of the best investments in your life and your future will thank you for that.

Also, I want to personally commend you for being willing to commit and take massive action towards securing your success.

I’m certain that you’re going to love what you discover in this book.

But your order is not quite complete yet though so don’t leave this page yet!

Or you will lose out your ONE-TIME opportunity to tap into the potential within and achieve more than you’ve ever thought possible.

So before you go, here’s my one-time offer…

Don’t worry, this video presentation is a lot shorter this time.

What I’m about to show you will increase your likelihood of following through with the method AND achieving so much more than you ever thought possible!

It is an amazing offer that will compliment your new blueprint.

Get Mindful Meditation Video Upgrade

Mindful Meditation Upsell Bundle

To get all the secrets within the book, you have to read through the pages…

And I know that this process can be extremely tedious for many…

That said, I’m pretty sure that more than 60% of the readers won’t even last a single chapter.

That’s the reason why many didn’t get the results they truly desire, because they gave up half-way through the process.

And I Don’t Want You To Be One Of Them…

What if there’s a way for you to shortcut the tiresome process?

Would you be interested?

That’s right, I’m talking about cutting half the time you spend on reading and gaining 30-40% more results.

If you are then you will love the video course of Mindful Meditation.

Here’s Why You Should Get This Upgrade

As you probably already know by now, videos are one of the most impactful ways to keep one engaged with your content.

Think of this upgrade as a LIVE workshop where I’ll guide you by the hand and show you step-by-step as if I’m right beside you.

You remember more from this video course than the game plan because you have a voice that speaks to you, guides you and grabs your attention with visual graphics.

You digest everything easily from this course without any distractions or boredom.

Did You Know That We Remember 50% Of The Things We Hear And See?

This interactive form of visual receiving allows you to easily recall what you have learned. And break the boundaries of what you might already know about a topic.

These videos are designed and recorded by a professional voice-over actor for optimum results.

Meaning… You get more profound results in LESS time!

And I want you to see positive results when you put everything you have learned into practice.

A Sneak Peek At What’s Inside This Amazing Video Upgrade High-Quality Video Course

You Get 14 Premium Quality Videos of Mindful Meditation!

Find Out How This Upgrade Will Benefit You…

Be Fully Immersed In These 14 Powerful Video Course!

Get Ready To Unearth Your Potential And Live A Life Filled With Wealth, Health And Happiness

Just Sit Back And Press PLAY To Reap All The Benefits!

FIRST-CLASS Quality In Video And Audio

  • Video 1: Introduction
  • Video 2: What is Mindful Meditation
  • Video 3: How To Practice Mindful Meditation
  • Video 4: More Mindful Meditation Techniques
  • Video 5: Mndful Meditation and The Brain
  • Video 6: Why is Awareness So Important
  • Video 7: Mindful Meditation And Work
  • Video 8: Mindful Meditation And Relationships
  • Video 9: Mindful Meditation And Happiness
  • Video 10: Successful People Who Meditate
  • Video 11: Great Mindful Meditation Apps
  • Video 12: The Benefits of Mindful Meditation
  • Video 13: Create A Mindful Life
  • Video 14: Conclusion

So How Much Is It For This Upgrade?

I could easily charge you a few hundred dollars for the above upgrade considering the amount of time and effort put into creating this fantastic course!

But I want this year to be your best year ever.

And it’s going to happen but only if you take action now…

That’s why I’m not going to charge you THAT MUCH…

As mentioned before, I only want those who are truly committed to joining this course.

And I know that you are one of them!

You won’t be reading this page otherwise.

So I’m going to give you a really special offer.

In this exclusive ONE TIME OFFER, you get instant access to

Mindful Meditation Video Upgrade

for only


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Here’s a Sample Video So That You Know What To Expect From These Videos

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Mindmap
Module 4 – Sales Page
Module 5 – VLS
Module 6 – Lead Magnet
Module 7 – LandingPage
Module 8 – Emails
Module 9 – Graphics Pack

Advance Video Course:

Module 1 – Video Course
Module 2 – Upsell Sales Page
Module 3 – VLS
Module 4 – Graphics
Module 5 – AudioFiles

Total File Download Size:

226 Megabytes (MB)

Master Resell Rights License:

[YES] Can be sold “as is” but not for less than $7
[YES] Can pass on the Resell Rights privilege (MRR) to your customers
[YES] Can add this product to a Membership Site or Bundled Within a Product Package as a Bonus
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[YES] Can giveaway the lead generation report (if any) for email list building purposes
[YES] Can edit the salespage(s) with your personal details and order link
[YES] Can be used as basis for your webinar/seminar
[YES] Can be added to paid membership sites
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[NO] Content of this product can be edited, modified or altered

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