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Injury Free Fitness Premium PLR Ebook

Injury Free Fitness Premium PLR Package 38k Words

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Injury Free Fitness Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 38 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Fitness Content.


Attention: Health, Fitness and Wellness Entrepreneurs

Done for You Premium Fitness PLR Product on a




Dear online business owner, When it comes to top fitness searches, the Fitness is one of the most searched-for topics online. It’s safe to say that injury-free fitness has spawned an entire industry of blogs, fitness courses, and products.

This is where my premium done-for-you Injury-Free Fitness PLR Package comes in. Its all about teaching your customers about Injury-Free Fitness – How to Prevent the Most Common Workout Injuries.

Everything is done for you – from the main Private Label Rights fitness info product to your social media updates – its simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative fitness niche.


Introducing The…

Injury Free Fitness Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 38 000 Words of High Quality Injury Free Fitness Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This big Injury Free Fitness PLR package covers the hugely popular fitness niche. Fitness is evergreen and will always be. This Injury Free Fitness PLR content package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it and use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Injury Free Fitness MEGA PLR Package…

Main eBook:”Injury-Free Fitness – How to Prevent the Most Common Workout Injuries”

(4,532 words, 10 pages, 10 images)

Injury Free Fitness Premium PLR Ebook


A look inside Injury Free Fitness Premium PLR eBook:

Injury Free Fitness Premium PLR Ebook Sneak Preview


Table of Contents for the Injury Free Fitness PLR eBook:

Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

Myths About Injuries, Why They Happen and What You Can Do About Them…………….. 3

What Is an Injury?…………………………………………………………………………………………… 6

What is an Acute Injury?………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

What is a Chronic Injury?…………………………………………………………………………………. 7

Step #1 Stretching to Prevent Injury…………………………………………………………………. 8

When Should You Stretch?……………………………………………………………………………….. 8

How to Stretch……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8

Ballistic Stretching………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8

Static Stretching……………………………………………………………………………………………… 9

#2 Warming Up and Cooling Down to Prevent Injury………………………………………… 11

How Long Do I Warm Up (Or Cool Down?)…………………………………………………………. 12

How Do You Warm Up and Cool Down?…………………………………………………………….. 12

#3 Built in Rest Days to Prevent Injury…………………………………………………………….. 13

So What’s a Good Schedule?…………………………………………………………………………… 13

Let’s Talk About Active Rest……………………………………………………………………………. 13

#4 Listening to Your Body to Prevent Injuries…………………………………………………… 14

When to Work Through Soreness…………………………………………………………………….. 14

Understanding Soreness Versus Injury………………………………………………………………. 14

When to Go to the Doctor………………………………………………………………………………. 15

How to Recover from Soreness………………………………………………………………………… 15

Home Tools You Can Use To Ease Soreness………………………………………………………… 15

#5 Cross Training to Prevent Fitness Injuries……………………………………………………. 17

Final Tips and Thoughts on Injury Prevention………………………………………………….. 19

Conclusion – Pulling It All Together………………………………………………………………….. 20


Sample Content for the Injury Free Fitness PLR eBook:

Step #1 Stretching to Prevent Injury

Stretching is part of an injury prevention program, and it should become part of your daily exercise program. It’s just one component of what we’ll loosely call, “Mobility.” Mobility work is focused exercises and movements to improve your range of motion with your major joints. We’re talking about your shoulders, knees, hips, and your back. Let’s explore the fundamentals of stretching.

When Should You Stretch?

Stretch after your workout. Stretching before a workout and before your muscles are warm hasn’t been shown to provide any benefit and it doesn’t help prevent injuries. In fact, if you stretch when your muscles are cold you can injure yourself if you’re too exuberant with your stretching.

However, you can and should stretch when you’re done exercising. It has been shown to reduce soreness and to lengthen the muscles, tendons, and ligaments, which over time can help prevent injury.

What Should You Stretch?

Stretch what you just worked. For example, if you just went for a run then you’ll want to stretch your legs and hips. If you just did 100 pull-ups, then you would focus on your shoulders and perhaps your wrists.

How to Stretch

There are essentially three different ways to stretch. They include:

Ballistic Stretching

With this type of stretching you bounce a bit to get deeper into the stretch. Imagine standing up and leaning over to touch your toes. You might bounce to lengthen your leg muscles so that after a few bounces, you’re closer to touching them. In general, this isn’t a good idea. It can overload your muscle and if your muscles are tight and you bounce a bit too much, you could hurt yourself. We’re trying to avoid that.

Static Stretching

This type of stretching lengthens your muscle to the point of discomfort and is then held. This type of stretching is okay. The key is to be able to identify that point of discomfort and to hold the stretch long enough. The “death stretch” is a good example of this type of stretching. The death stretch has you kneel on the ground with your back against the wall.

One leg is bent in front of you for balance. The other leg is bent behind you with the front of your lower leg against the wall. It stretches your quadriceps muscle. You can stand on one leg and bend the other behind you for a similar stretch. Bending forward and touching your toes, as long as you don’t bounce, is another type of static stretching.

Static stretching is a slow and deliberate process. You should hold the stretch for at least a minute or two.

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching or PNF

This type of stretching is more active. You alternate relaxing and contracting to stretch your muscles. This is the preferred type of stretching because while it’s deliberate and slow, you do extend the stretch with each contraction. Using a chair for balance, stand on one leg and bend the other one behind you.

If you can get the heel of your foot to touch your buttocks, great. If not, just bend it as much as you can until you feel resistance. Relax the muscle and release the resistance. Now engage the muscle and feel the stretch. Relax, engage, relax, engage.

Hold each for about 20-30 seconds. Each time you contract, you may feel that you can get a deeper stretch. You may feel your flexibility increasing as you work though this process. Try to contract and relax 6-10 times.

Stretching is important after a workout. Your muscles are warm – it helps you improve your flexibility, which in turn improves your ability to prevent injury. It’s also been proven that stretching after a workout improves your recovery time and reduces soreness. Spend five minutes after a workout focusing on the muscles you just exercised.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.

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Short Report:”The Top 5 Most Common Sports Injuries”

(1,657 words, 7 pages, 5 images)

Injury Free Fitness Premium PLR Report


A look inside The Top 5 Most Common Sports Injuries PLR Report:


Injury Free Fitness Premium PLR Report Sneak Preview


Product Reviews:

Phantom Fit Resistance Loop Bands – 616 words

“The Miracle Ball Method” by Elaine Petrone – 612 words

Ultra Flex Athletics Knee Compression Sleeve Support – 601 words

Wacces Anti-Burst Fitness Exercise Stability Ball – 661 words

Yoga EVO Elastic Stretching Strap – 625 words


Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Muscle Rollers – 1252 words


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: How to Stay in Shape When You’re Injured

Email1-Dealing with the Mental Toll of a Physical Injury – 316 words

Email2-Injured Work Out the Muscles You Can – 296 words

Email3-Physical Injury Shouldnt Stop You from Working out the Most Important Organ in Your Body – 285 words

Email4-Returning to Exercise from Injury Dont Put the Cart Before the Horse – 291 words

Email5-Injury Downtime Is the Perfect Time to Learn about Nutrition for Health and Fitness – 334 words


Injury Free Fitness Email Sample Content:

Dealing with the Mental Toll of a Physical Injury


If you are injured and can’t exercise, and you are dedicated to your fitness and well-being, you probably feel frustrated right now. You might even be angry with yourself, if you became injured doing something you know you should not have been doing.

Maybe you decided to go for your personal best without warming up and working yourself up to that level first. Perhaps you attempted some fitness move or procedure that was totally foreign to you, and you didn’t get any training first. For whatever reason you are now dealing with an injury, as well as the damaged emotions and mindset that go along with it.

Hey, everyone makes mistakes.

Stop beating yourself up for sustaining an injury, whether it was your fault or just something that happened. If you get down in the dumps emotionally, you may put off returning to your exercise regimen when you are healthy and ready to do so.

Experiencing anger, frustration, self-doubt and anxiety when you are an injured fitness-oriented individual and cannot work out is natural. This is actually a good sign. It means you are very dedicated to getting yourself in shape and staying there.

Your attitude should be commended.

However, giving into negative self-talk and negative emotions doesn’t help you recuperate. Studies show that mental stress and anxiety slow down the path to recovery for someone who has suffered a physical injury.

Start thinking positive. Imagine the day that you will be able to return to your preferred physical activity or exercise. Envision it. It is just around the corner. Prepare your mind and the rest of your body for that day. In the next email in this series, you will discover a way to ensure you are able to return to physical exercise as soon as you are able to.

To your success,



High Quality Injury Free Fitness PLR Articles:

4 Most Common Gym Injuries and Ways to Prevent Them – 855 words

4 Most Common Workout Injuries – 666 words

5 Tips for Preventing Running Injuries – 655 words

5 Tips for Preventing Workout Injuries – 655 words

5 Tips to Quickly Get Rid of Muscle Soreness – 668 words

7 Tips for Exercising Safely – 517 words

A Guide to Plantar Fasciitis – 594 words

Can Cold Baths Help Prevent Injuries? – 530 words

Does Massage Prevent Workout Injury? – 588 words

Do You Need Heat or Cold for Your Workout Injury? – 613 words

How to Prevent Knee Injury When Working Out – 728 words

How to Prevent Shoulder Injury When Working Out – 573 words

How to Reduce Tiredness After Workouts – 451 words

How to Stay in Shape When Injured – 612 words

How to Workout When You Have Shin Splints – 562 words

How to Workout When You Have Back Pain – 679 words

Should You Exercise Late at Night? – 487 words

The Dangers of Dehydration During Exercise – 404 words

What is Dynamic Stretching? – 600 words

What is the RICE Method for Treating Injuries – 560 words


Injury Free Fitness PLR Article Sample:

4 Most Common Workout Injuries

Workout injuries are nothing but a nuisance. They cause you a ton of pain, leave the injured body part feeling weak and stiff, and worse of all, end up setting you back weeks and sometimes months from your fitness goals. What’s even more unfortunate is that workout related injuries are quite common with statistics showing that the rate of gym injuries have increased by up to 35% in recent years. For the most part, injury possibilities greatly depend on the kind of exercises you engage in. However, there are a few workout injuries that are common among fitness enthusiasts of all types. Below is a brief look at some of the most common workout injuries as well as a few pointers on how to avoid them.

  1. Ankle Sprain 

At the top of the list of the most common workout injuries is an ankle sprain. It mostly affects people who hit the treadmill regularly, cycle for fitness, or go for outdoor runs. You also run a higher risk of spraining your ankle if you regularly engage in leg exercises such as rope jumping and squats.

The best defense against an ankle sprain is engaging in ankle-strengthening routines on a regular basis. The stronger your ankles are, the less likely they are to get injured.

  1. Back Strain 

Every person who exercises regularly has at one time or another suffered from a back injury. Whether in the form of strained muscles, or herniated disc, back injuries often start outside the gym where sitting all day for those who spend most of their work hours hunched in front of a computer. Poor posture puts a strain on the back. Add a tough workout or poor technique to the mix and an already strained back suffers even more stress, resulting in injury.

Avoiding back injuries all comes down to strengthening the back and minimizing the amount of strain towards this body part. Doing a couple of light back stretching and strengthening exercises before your workout routines will undo the effects of prolonged poor postures while ensuring proper form in all your workouts prevents the placing of undue stress on the back.

  1. Shoulder Injury 

The fact that the shoulder has a large range of motion puts it at an increased risk of being injured. This ability of the shoulders to move in all planes of motion sees them used in a variety of exercises ranging from weightlifting, to pull ups, to tricep dips, to even routines as simple as pushups. This repetitive use of the shoulders leaves the muscles in that area exhausted and vulnerable to a number of injuries including massive muscle tears, inflamed tendons, separated shoulder, among others. Things become even worse if you are exercising too hard or taking on the wrong form during routines.

When it comes to protecting your shoulders from injury, a few precautionary steps is all it takes. Maintain a good posture at all times whether in or out of the gym, work on strengthening your rotator cuff muscles, and avoid using weights that are too heavy.

  1. Knee Pain 

Patellar tendonitis or pain in the cartilage below the kneecap is a common complaint among regular exercisers. Commonly referred to as runner’s knee, this workout injury is usually caused by wrong foot placement and improper body positioning when performing exercises that are tough on the knees (e.g. squats, jumping, and running). Stiff hips are also a contributory factor to knee pain. Stiff hips are unable to properly support leg movements and therefore put more pressure on the knees. So, loosening hip flexors with hip-centric warm-up movements such as a plank routine and maintaining proper form during workouts can help reduce the risk of developing knee pain.

While workout injuries can strike at any time, the good news is that there are some little things you can do to prevent them. Start with the few tips discussed above and you will be able to greatly reduce your risk of injury.

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Social Media Posts & Images:


5 Shareable Social Media Fitness Graphics (PLR)

Injury Free Fitness PLR Social Fitness Tips


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20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

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Injury Free Fitness Keyword Research Pack

Injury Free Fitness Premium PLR Keyword Research



Injury-Free Exercise Checklist (414 Words)

Comes in Word Doc, .TXT and PDF formats.


Injury-Free Exercise Checklist Article Sample:

Tips for Avoiding the Most Common Workout Injuries

The easiest way to avoid common workout injuries is to eat smart. This doesn’t just mean the day you are going to work out. You know what foods are good and bad for you. Eat more natural, organic, fresh and raw foods, like vegetables, whole grains, nuts, berries and fruits. Drastically reduce or eliminate entirely processed foods, refined sugar, white flour and fast foods from your diet.

This will prepare your body for exercising or working out, giving you the best chance at creating the body you are looking for, and the health you desire. Here are a few more tips for avoiding common workout injuries.

☐ Always think safety first. Is what you are about to do safe? If not, don’t do it.

☐ Always have a spotter when lifting heavy weights.

☐ Never work out with faulty equipment. If the fitness equipment you are going to use looks like it has seen better days, it could cause an injury.

☐ Keep focused on what you’re doing. Most injuries occur during exercises and when working out when your mind drifts.

☐ Exercise on flat, level ground whenever possible.

☐ Don’t workout too often. Exercise a major muscle group every other day at most. This gives your muscles time to heal, which is when the muscle building occurs.

☐ Make sure you work out frequently enough. Your body should be used to exercise and the physical stress that working out puts on your muscles and the rest of your body. An “every other day” workout regimen is recommended, 3 days each week with an added day of rest.

☐ Be honest with yourself. You know what you can and cannot do physically.

☐ Stretch and loosen up before, and cool down after.

☐ Stay hydrated, before during and after working out.

☐ Always employ proper form. Form and technique are so very important, both to reduce your risk of injury and to produce the best possible results.

☐ Keep your exercise area debris-free. A misplaced dumbbell, medicine ball or other piece of fitness equipment can cause significant injury.

☐ Don’t work out when you are sleepy or tired. Whether you are strength training with free weights, body weight training, performing yoga or Pilates, or working out in any other way, you need to be fully awake when you do so.

☐ Eat some protein and carbs 30 minutes to 1 hour before and after working out.


15 Top Quality Fitness PLR Articles, Slide Shows and Images:

Fitness PLR Article Titles:

  1. Exercises for Strengthening Your Core – 463 words
  2. Fitness Tips for Older Adults – 451 words
  3. Getting Started with Strength Training – 452 words
  4. How to Add High Intensity Interval Training to Your Home Workout – 504 words
  5. How to Track Your Workouts – 535 words
  6. s Restorative Yoga Right for You? – 465 words
  7. Can a Personal Trainer Help You Get Fit – 491 words
  8. Three Reasons to Try Circuit Training – 447 words
  9. Seven Reasons to Try Tai Chi – 553 words
  10. The Benefits of High Intensity Boot Camps – 457 words
  11. Five Tips for Balancing Calories and Physical Activities – 482 words
  12. Tips for Strength Training Safely – 464 words
  13. Seven Tips and Tools to Help You Recover from Your Workouts – 457 words
  14. What Exactly Is Functional Fitness? – 465 words
  15. What Is a Whole Foods Diet and Why Should You Consider It? – 498 words


15 Top Quality Fitness PLR Article Sample:

Exercises for Strengthening Your Core

Many people believe that your core muscles are the most important muscles in your body. After all, its quite difficult to move without using your core. These muscles actually start at your hips and comprise your entire torso up to and including your neck.

Why Strengthen Your Core?

When your core muscles are strong you have better balance. Your mobility and ability to move in any position without stress or strain is improved. Your posture is better, which actually leads to more confidence and improved health.

And you significantly reduce your risk of injury and pain. According to the American Chiropractic Association, on any given day 31 million Americans are suffering from back pain. The following exercises will help you stay strong and pain free.


The plank is a movement that really works your entire core. Lie on the floor in a push-up position. Press up until your arms are straightened and hold the position. That’s a plank. You can make it more difficult by dropping to your forearms.

Side Plank

The side plank is another movement you can do. From the plank, turn your body so that you’re reaching up to the ceiling with one arm. You are supported by one arm and your legs.

Hollow Rock/Superman

Lie on your back on the floor. Tighten your abs. Raise your legs and shoulders/arms off of the floor. Keep your core muscles tight and hold the position for ten to twenty seconds. Now roll over, without touching the floor with your hands if possible. Your arms and legs are still off the floor and you’re positioned as if you’re superman flying through the air. Chest and thighs arent touching the floor. Hold the position, roll to your back and repeat.


Finally, lets not forget the good old fashioned sit-up. Consider putting a small bolster or pillow under your lower back to offer support. On the floor, place your arms behind you and over your head. As you sit up, swing your arms with you and use the momentum to help you up. The movement isn’t complete until you touch your toes with your fingers. You can modify the movement by letting your knees fall to the outside in a butterfly position.


If you have access to a glute hamstring developer machine at your gym, aka GHD, then you can use this machine to perform sit-ups and hip and back extensions. Before you try these movements, its important to get instruction on proper form. You can hurt yourself if you perform the movement incorrectly.

Add core strengthening movements to your workout routine at least twice a week. A stronger core will make your other exercises easier. You’ll burn more fat and have a healthier and stronger core.


Strategies That Guarantee Weightloss for Life PLR Report (6996 Words)

Comes in Word Doc, .TXT and PDF format and includes PLR License.


Strategies That Guarantee Weightloss for Life PLR Report Sample:

Weight Loss For Life – Lose Weight And Keep It Off For Good

The Strategies That Really Work!

Today Is the First Step to Your Better Life

Why do you want to lose weight?

For many people it is as simple as wanting to look better or to look like they used to. Other people want to lose weight because their doctor told them to. Maybe you want to lose weight because you simply think you should.

Before you begin a weight loss program it’s important to consider why you’re starting it.

  • Do you want to look better?
  • Do you want to feel better?
  • Do you think you should lose weight?
  • Did someone tell you to lose weight?

Analyze your reasons. They’re important because reasons can become obstacles. Over the course of the next twenty pages you’re going to take a look at 12 steps to lose weight and keep it off for good. These are lifestyle changes. You’re going to be developing habits.

The only thing that’s standing in your way of success is you. If you want to lose weight for reasons that aren’t really motivating then it’s going to be a struggle. In fact, the very first thing we’re going to discuss is mindset. Your approach to your weight loss is extremely important. If you’re losing weight for someone else or because you think you should, then the process can be difficult.

So before we jump into the first step, let’s take a look at all you have to gain personally when you lose weight.

Seven Amazing Benefits of Losing Weight

#1 You’re going to look great. This is important too and it’s okay to use this reason as a motivator. It’s human nature to want to be proud of your body and your appearance. When you lose weight you will look better. You’ll be able to wear those clothes you want to wear. And you’ll wear them with pride.

#2 You’re going to have more energy! Remember those days when you felt great all day long?  You were able to accomplish everything on your to do list with ease. When you lose weight you will have more energy.

#3 You’re going to feel better too. Overweight people tend to have poorer health. Simple things like breathing and joint aches and pains improve with just a little bit of weight loss. A diet that causes obesity also causes inflammation in the body. Inflammation is the cause for many illnesses and conditions. Lose the weight, lose the inflammation. You’re taking a huge step toward feeling better from head to toe.

Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

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Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!

For the first 50 buyers of this Injury Free Fitness Premium PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!


Bonus 1

15 Quality Running Safety PLR Articles Pack

15 Quality Running Safety PLR Articles Pack

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the 15 Running Safety Articles:

  1. How To Stay Hydrated and Healthy While Running
  2. Reviewing Design and Comfort-The Vibram Five Fingers Running Shoe
  3. Running In Bad Weather-Heres Your Guide To Protective Gear
  4. Safety Tips To Consider When Running At Night
  5. Some Tips To Consider When Starting On Barefoot Running
  6. The Hoka One One Shoe-A Complete Review
  7. These 5 Foods Are Perfect to Eat During Your Long Runs For More Energy
  8. Why You Should Consider Barefoot Running
  9. Answer These 10 Questions First to Determine Whether Running Is Right For You
  10. Follow These 5 Tips To Stay Safe During Your Running Exercise
  11. Follow These Quick Tips When Choosing Your Running Gear
  12. Follow These Tips To Choose the Right Shoes for Your Running
  13. For Safety Purposes, Remember These Important Tips When Running
  14. Getting Prepared For Running-A Few Tips
  15. How To Avoid Injury When Running


Bonus 2

10 Top Quality Warm Weather Fitness PLR Articles

10 Top Quality Warm Weather Fitness PLR Articles

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the 10 Quality Warm Weather Fitness PLR Articles:

  1. Fitness Activities for Your Kids This Summer
  2. Get Fit with Summer Games
  3. Get in Shape with Bike Riding
  4. Health and Fitness Tips for Summer
  5. Summer Fitness – Hiking and Walking
  6. Riding Your Way to Summer Fitness on Horseback
  7. Fun Family Fitness – Kayaking!
  8. Rock Climbing for Fitness – What You Should Know
  9. Fun Summer Activities That Keep You Fit
  10. Swimming for Fitness This Summer


Bonus 3

10 Top Quality Children Fitness PLR Articles


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Here are the titles of the 10 Top Quality Children Fitness PLR Articles:

  1. Bike Your Way to Fit with Your Children
  2. Different Types of Sports for All Ages
  3. Fitness for Your Pre-Teen
  4. Get Your Kids Up and Running with Physical Fitness Fun
  5. Guide Your Teen at the Gym
  6. Incorporating Fitness into Your Next Vacation
  7. Make Fitness Fun for Kids
  8.  Make Healthy Eating and Exercise a Family Affair
  9. Walk the Walk with Family Trails
  10. Ways Family Fitness Can Encourage Kids to Exercise


Bonus 4

Muscle Gain Secrets Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

Muscle Gain Secrets Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Mindmap
Module 4 – Sales Page
Module 5 – VSL
Module 6 – Lead Magnet
Module 7 – Landing Page
Module 8 – Emails
Module 9 – Graphics Pack


Bonus 5

22 Unrestricted Aerobics PLR Articles Pack

22 Unrestricted Aerobics PLR Articles Pack

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the 22 Aerobics Articles:

  1. Aerobics Exercise in Conjunction with Anaerobic Exercise
  2. Aerobics for Beginners
  3. Aerobics from your Living Room – Working Out at Home
  4. Aerobics to Target the Abdomen
  5. Back to School Learning about Aerobics
  6. Benefits of a Personal Trainer for Aerobic Exercise
  7. Choosing a Gym for Aerobic exercise
  8. Creative Aerobics Exercises
  9. Don’t Forget Your Lower Body Aerobic Targeting
  10. Don’t Quit! Aerobics for Endurance
  11. Following Fishes for Losing the Pounds Water Aerobics
  12. Full-Body Aerobics
  13. Getting Fit with Aerobics Classes
  14. Intense! How Tough should your Aerobics Workout be
  15. Popular Aerobics Machines
  16. What are Aerobics
  17. What’s not to Love The Benefits of Aerobics
  18. When Workouts Go Wrong Aerobics and Injuries
  19. Working your Upper Body with Aerobics
  20. Aerobic Exercise, No Matter What Your Age
  21. Aerobics and a Support System Why You Need It and Who Should be in It
  22. Aerobics and Healthy Eating

Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!

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Package Details For The Injury Free Fitness Premium PLR Package:

Main eBook:

“Injury-Free Fitness – How to Prevent the Most Common Workout Injuries”

(4,532 words, 10 pages, 10 images)


Short Report:

“The Top 5 Most Common Sports Injuries”

(1,657 words, 7 pages, 5 images)


Product Reviews:

Phantom Fit Resistance Loop Bands – 616 words

“The Miracle Ball Method” by Elaine Petrone – 612 words

Ultra Flex Athletics Knee Compression Sleeve Support – 601 words

Wacces Anti-Burst Fitness Exercise Stability Ball – 661 words

Yoga EVO Elastic Stretching Strap – 625 words


Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Muscle Rollers – 1252 words


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: How to Stay in Shape When You’re Injured

Email1-Dealing with the Mental Toll of a Physical Injury – 316 words

Email2-Injured Work Out the Muscles You Can – 296 words

Email3-Physical Injury Shouldnt Stop You from Working out the Most Important Organ in Your Body – 285 words

Email4-Returning to Exercise from Injury Dont Put the Cart Before the Horse – 291 words

Email5-Injury Downtime Is the Perfect Time to Learn about Nutrition for Health and Fitness – 334 words


Injury-free Fitness related PLR Articles:

4 Most Common Gym Injuries and Ways to Prevent Them – 855 words

4 Most Common Workout Injuries – 666 words

5 Tips for Preventing Running Injuries – 655 words

5 Tips for Preventing Workout Injuries – 655 words

5 Tips to Quickly Get Rid of Muscle Soreness – 668 words

7 Tips for Exercising Safely – 517 words

A Guide to Plantar Fasciitis – 594 words

Can Cold Baths Help Prevent Injuries? – 530 words

Does Massage Prevent Workout Injury? – 588 words

Do You Need Heat or Cold for Your Workout Injury? – 613 words

How to Prevent Knee Injury When Working Out – 728 words

How to Prevent Shoulder Injury When Working Out – 573 words

How to Reduce Tiredness After Workouts – 451 words

How to Stay in Shape When Injured – 612 words

How to Workout When You Have Shin Splints – 562 words

How to Workout When You Have Back Pain – 679 words

Should You Exercise Late at Night? – 487 words

The Dangers of Dehydration During Exercise – 404 words

What is Dynamic Stretching? – 600 words

What is the RICE Method for Treating Injuries – 560 words


Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Tips Images

5 Shareable Social Media Quote Images

20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

+ 3 bonus bylines for article marketing or guest blogging

15 Royalty Free Images

Images of All Products Reviewed



Injury-Free Exercise Checklist (414 Words)

Comes in Word Doc, .TXT and PDF formats.


15 Top Quality Fitness PLR Articles, Slide Shows and Images

Fitness PLR Article Titles:

Exercises for Strengthening Your Core – 463 words

Fitness Tips for Older Adults – 451 words

Getting Started with Strength Training – 452 words

How to Add High Intensity Interval Training to Your Home Workout – 504 words

How to Track Your Workouts – 535 words

s Restorative Yoga Right for You? – 465 words

Can a Personal Trainer Help You Get Fit – 491 words

Three Reasons to Try Circuit Training – 447 words

Seven Reasons to Try Tai Chi – 553 words

The Benefits of High Intensity Boot Camps – 457 words

Five Tips for Balancing Calories and Physical Activities – 482 words

Tips for Strength Training Safely – 464 words

Seven Tips and Tools to Help You Recover from Your Workouts – 457 words

What Exactly Is Functional Fitness? – 465 words

What Is a Whole Foods Diet and Why Should You Consider It? – 498 words


All articles in .TXT format and includes PLR License.

2 Powerpoint Slides Shows Included:

Seven Reasons to Try Tai Chi

Seven Tips For Recovering from Your Workouts


Strategies That Guarantee Weightloss for Life PLR Report (6996 Words)

Comes in Word Doc, .TXT and PDF format and includes PLR License.


Total Word Count: 38 000+ Words

FAST-ACTION BONUSES – Available for the first 50 buyers of this Injury Free Fitness PLR Pack. You’ll no longer see these awesome extra bonuses available on this page once the 50 fast action takers have been awarded.


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