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Green Tea Premium PLR Package – A High Quality Green Tea PLR Content Package Ready To Be Used In Your Business, Over 21 000 words!

Attention: Green Tea Marketers

Done for You Premium Green Tea PLR Product on a


Green Tea!

Dear Green Tea online business owner, When it comes to Green Tea wellness searches, the Affirmations is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Affirmations has spawned an entire industry of blogs, courses, books and products.

This is where my premium done-for-you Green Tea PLR content package comes in. It’s all about teaching your customers on  Green Tea Natures Miracle Health Drink.

Everything is completely done-for-you and ready-to-go – from the main Green Tea Private label digital product to your social media updates – it’s simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative mental resilience niche.

Introducing The…

Green Tea PLR Package

Featuring Over 21 000 Words of High Quality Green Tea Guide Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality Green Tea PLR package covers the hugely popular Green Tea niche. Green Tea is evergreen and will always be. This Green Tea PLR package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it or use it to build your list of raving fans.


Here’s everything you’ll get in the Green Tea Guide MEGA PLR Package…


Main PLR eBook: “Green Tea Natures Miracle Health Drink”

(11,307 Words)

Green Tea PLR Ebook

A look inside the Green Tea PLR eBook:

Green Tea Ebook Screenshot


Table of Contents for the Green Tea PLR Ebook:

Introduction. 8

Green Tea, White Tea, Black Tea … What’s the Difference?. 9

The History of Tea. 11

Tea Hits America. 12

15 Science-Backed, Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Green Tea. 14

Green Tea as a Healthy Weight Loss Tool 20

When to Drink Green Tea for the Best Weight Loss Results. 21

Are There Any Negative Green Tea Side-Effects?. 24

How Often Should You Drink Green Tea and In What Dosage?. 26

7 Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Green Tea Experience. 27

1 – You Burned the Tea, Your Water Is Too Hot. 27

2 – You’re Letting It Steep for Too Long. 28

3 – You Aren’t Letting the Tea Steep Long Enough. 29

4 – You Are Not Reusing Your Tea. 30

5 – You Are Using Tap Water. 30

6 – You Are Polluting Your Tea! 31

7 – You Aren’t Using Loose Leaf Tea. 31

How to Brew Green Tea … the Right Way. 33

Popular Types of Green Tea. 35

Matcha Green Tea. 35

Twinings Green Tea. 35

Japanese Sencha Green Tea. 35

Chamong Green Tea. 36

Jasmine Green Tea. 36

Organic India Tulsi Green Tea. 36

GAIA.. 36

Gunpowder Green Tea. 37

Green Tea Powder vs Capsules vs Liquid Extract. 38

Top 10 Accessories and Tools to Up Your Green Tea Game. 39

1 – Get Your Hands on a Tea Timer. 39

2 – Bamboo Tea Tongs. 39

3 – Temperature-Controlled Kettle. 40

4 – Brewing Baskets and Tea Filters. 40

5 – Teacup Set. 41

6 – Water Filter. 41

7 – Green Tea Storage Box. 42

8 – Tea Lover’s Pet. 42

9 – Tea Tray. 43

10 – Tea Balls. 43

What Is the Difference between Green Tea, Flavored Tea and Herbal Teas?. 44

Chamomile Tea. 44

Ginger Tea. 45

Rooibos Tea. 45

Peppermint Tea. 45

Hibiscus Tea. 46

Echinacea Tea. 46

Pregnant Women, Children, Seniors and Green Tea. 47

Green Tea Super-Drink Recipe. 49

5 Non-Drinking Ways to Receive the Health Benefits of Green Tea. 51

1 – Diffuse Green Tea Essential Oil 51

2 – Green Tea Ice Cream Anyone?. 52

3 – Green Tea Extract for the Skin. 53

4 – Add It to Your Smoothies and Juices. 53

5 – Soak in a Green Tea Bath. 54

Green Tea – The Wrap-Up  55

Sample Content for the Green Tea Premium PLR Ebook:

“There is a great deal of poetry and fine sentiment in a chest of tea.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson – Letters and Social Aims, 1875

Ralph Waldo Emerson was a US philosopher, lecturer and poet. He became globally known as an influential speaker through his essays, such as “Self-Reliance”, “Fate” and “History”. The above quote reveals that Emerson enjoyed drinking tea while he wrote his poetry and essays.

You might not strive to become a well-known philosopher and essayist like Emerson. Even so, you can benefit greatly from getting more tea into your life and your diet, especially green tea.

Green tea is referred to as a “true tea”, and it may deliver more health benefits than any other type of tea.

In this e-book we will show you the many benefits of drinking green tea every day. There are so many ways that your mind and body benefit when you drink this amazing miracle beverage. It truly is a provider of health and wellness.

We’ll give you a brief history of tea, then discuss some different ways to maximize your overall wellness with this natural health booster. Let’s get started by discussing the differences (and similarities) between different types of tea that come from the same plant.

Green Tea, White Tea, Black Tea … What’s the Difference?

“Where there’s tea, there’s hope.”

Arthur Wing Pinero – Sweet Lavender, 1888

Tea has been around for thousands of years. It comes in many varieties, from black to green and white. Because of the way tea is made, there are a virtually limitless number of varieties. Tea is made by putting whole tea leaves, crushed leaves or a tea powder into hot water.

That simple process means if a plant has edible leaves, someone has probably used those leaves to make a warm beverage from the plant. One of the many types of this refreshing drink is green tea.

In most cases, the tea you drink (whether it’s white, black or green) is going to be a product of the Camellia sinensis plant. (In rare cases, tea is made from the leaves of the Camellia taliensis plant.) Camellia sinensis is an evergreen shrub/tree which is native to East Asia. The five true teas taken from this plant are green, black, oolong, white and pu-erh. Camellia sinensis comes in two variations, Camellia sinensis var. sinensis (Chinese plants) and Camellia sinensis var. assamica (Indian variety).

This tree delivers so many health benefits. There are several different strains of the tea plant, and the many varieties of green tea differ on the basis of growing conditions, cultivation processes, the time of the harvest, and how they are processed.

The color (and thus the name) of white, black and green teas depends on the amount of oxidation the leaves receive during the drying cycle. Green tea has a shorter drying time and therefore less oxidation than other true teas. This is what allows green tea to retain the natural, green color of the leaves.

The amount of oxidation the leaves receive dictate the flavor as well as the color of the tea. Green tea is one of the least processed of all teas. This is one of the reasons it delivers so many amazing health boosting properties. It is about as close to its natural form as you can get.

As far as caffeine goes, black tea will deliver the biggest punch (60 to 90 mg) out of the true teas. White tea has the least amount of caffeine (15 to 20 mg) and green tea is somewhere in the middle. You can expect about 35 to 70 mg of caffeine per serving of green tea. For comparison, coffee delivers as much as 95 mg of caffeine per serving.

Replace highly processed drinks with tea and you’re going to give your mind and body a health improvement. All true teas are good for you, green, black, oolong, white and pu-erh. Just don’t add sugar and milk or dairy-based creamers. Go with healthy sugar and dairy alternatives to sweeten and flavor your tea.

A lot of people drink green tea with nothing added, as nature intended. It has such a unique and relaxing flavor and aroma. The past few decades we’ve come to understand that it might be the healthiest tea you can put into your body. Before we talk about the impressive health benefits, let’s take a quick look at the history of tea in general, and green tea specifically.

The History of Tea

“If a man has no tea in him, he is incapable of understanding truth and beauty.”

Japanese proverb

According to that proverb, man hasn’t always had an understanding of beauty and truth. That’s because tea is believed to be “only” about 5,000 years old. It was discovered quite by accident. Chinese Emperor Shen-Nung was relaxing beneath the shade of a tree in 2,737 BCE. One of his servants was boiling water and some leaves from the tree ended up in the pot.

The Emperor, a renowned herbalist who believed in the healing power of nature, decided to drink some of this new concoction instead of pouring it out. The man known as The Divine Healer was tantalized by the aroma that the boiling leaves delivered, so he drank what is believed to be the first cup of tea.

The Emperor was so taken with the healing properties of this tea that he had a medical book written in his name, titled “Pen Ts’ao”. In this book, he wrote that “Tea quenches thirst. It lessens the desire for sleep. It gladdens and cheers the heart.”

The tree responsible for what would become a worldwide sensation was a Camellia sinensis variety, which is still responsible for most of the tea people drink today.

Under the Tang Dynasty (618 to 906 A.D.) tea became well-established as the national drink of China. It was at this time, during the late eighth century A.D., that the first book entirely about tea was written. Author Lu Yu wrote “Ch’a Ching”, (also referred to as The Classic of Tea).

It wasn’t until the sixteenth century that we find mention of Europeans drinking tea. In the last years of the sixteenth century Dutch traders shipped the first known boat of tea from China to the island of Java, where Britain established a trading post where the British established a trading post. The fashionable drink among Dutch citizens didn’t take long to become popular in Western Europe.

Sailors traveling with the British East India Company brought tea home to Britain. The drink started to catch on. The first recorded mention of British tea was in a London newspaper in 1658. It was said that a “China drink, called by the Chinese ‘Tcha’, by other nations Tay, alias Tee” was being offered at a coffeehouse in London.

When King Charles the second married Catherine of Braganza, a Portuguese Princess, the future popularity of tea in England was virtually guaranteed. Catherine was a tea addict and it didn’t take long for the upper classes to copy her habit of drinking tea daily and making a ceremony of it.

Tea was rather expensive at that time. It was almost never enjoyed by the masses. That began to change when the East India Company started cultivating Camellia sinensis trees in India. Thanks to more affordable products, tea firmly became established as a daily part of British life.

Tea Hits America

Green tea was so popular in England that it had a big part in the American Revolution. So much tea was being shipped to the fledgling 13 colonies in America that the British wanted to get in on the act. The Tea Act of 1773 meant the British colonies in America would have to pay extra fees to get their favorite teas.

This led to the Boston Tea Party rebellion in December of 1773. Protesting the taxation, enraged colonists dumped 340 chests of British East India Company tea into the Boston Harbor. What a lot of people don’t know is much of that was green tea! It had become a favorite of the colonists. This disagreement played an important part in the American Revolution.

The British delivered tea culture to India in 1836 and Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) in 1867. It spread across Asia and Europe, and its growth in America introduced it to the Western world. Fast-forward to modern times and there are over 2 billion people drinking tea every morning. More than 500 million pounds of tea are imported into the United States every year. Only Russia imports more tea. It’s so popular that Grandview Research tells us the global tea market value was 14 billion in 2020.

As of 2022, three billion tons of tea were produced annually for consumption around the world. It is difficult to find a country where tea isn’t a part of daily life. Behind water and coffee, tea is the most popular beverage in the world, with green tea one of the favorites.

Green Tea PLR Checklist:

(1,204 words)

Green Tea PLR Checklist


A look inside the Green Tea Premium PLR Checklist

Green Tea Checklist Screenshot

Green Tea PLR Report:

(2,053 words)

Green Tea PLR Report

A look inside the Green Tea Premium PLR Report

Green Tea List Building Report Screenshot

Green Tea PLR Editable Ecovers:

Green Tea PLR Editable Ecovers


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Green Tea 5-email sequence

Email 1# Why is green tea green?
Email 2# Should I drink green tea instead of some other tea?
Email 3# Do all green teas smell and taste the same?
Email 4# Do I need anything special to enjoy green tea “the right way”?
Email 5# Can green tea make me more spiritual?

Green Tea PLR Emails Total Word Count: 1 234 words Words

Green Tea Email Content Sample:

Email #1 Subject line: Why is green tea green?

“The tea I’ve been drinking all my life is dark brown in color. I hear that it’s called “black tea”. Since this dark brown tea is called black tea, why do they call green tea green?”

Have you ever thought about this? A lot of people have.

Approximately 90% of all tea sold in the United States is traditional black tea, the tea you’ve probably been drinking most of your life. The same is true in most other first-world countries.

So when did we start drinking green tea?

It became popular during the 1960s and 1970s when yoga, meditation and other Far Eastern beliefs were embraced globally. It didn’t really take off as a commercially available tea option in grocery stores until the 1990s and the early 21st century.

Now that you know when it started to pop up just about everywhere, why in the heck is it called green tea?

It has to do with the way that the tea leaves are processed. Directly after harvesting they are heated and dried to prevent excessive oxidation. This keeps the leaves green rather than brown, which is the color of the leaves used to make black tea.

This process preserves a lot of the chlorophyll in the leaves that make them green. It also produces a much healthier tea than other varieties, resulting in coloring the tea liquid a natural green.

It also presents a totally unique flavor when compared to black tea and other teas.

Signature file

High Quality Green Tea PLR Articles:

  1. 7 Eyebrow Raising Uses for Your Green Tea Bags (725 words)
  2. Are Matcha Green Tea and Green Tea the Same Thing (548 words)
  3. Comparing Loose Leaf Green Tea with Tea Bags (501 words)
  4. Green Tea The Secret to Successful Intermittent Fasting (504 words)
  5. Hit Your Fitness Goals with Green Tea (567 words)
  6. The Difference between Tea Mugs and Teacups (567 words)
  7. What Is a Japanese Tea Ceremony (613 words)
  8. What Is Green Tea Allergy (665 words)
  9. Why Green Tea Is Perfect for Keeping You Hydrated (618 words)
  10. Why Your Tea Needs White Bone China Cups (580 words)

Green Tea PLR Article Sample:

7 Eyebrow-Raising Uses for Your Green Tea Bags

Did you know that billions of people drink tea regularly? It’s a globally loved beverage with a lot of health benefits. Some enjoy their favorite tea every day, either in the morning to get started, or in the afternoon as a stress relieving and relaxing drink.

The most common way to prepare green tea is in a tea bag. You pour some warm water over a tea bag or drop the bag into the water. Nearly everyone that enjoys a cup of tea this way simply discards the used tea bag. They toss it in the trash can, but it turns out that humble little provider of such wonderful flavor and aroma has a lot more to offer.

Many of the health promoting compounds in green tea have other advantages around the household. So the next time you brew up a cup of relaxing green tea, don’t throw that soggy little bag into the trash. Here are seven ways to get the most out of your used tea bags (green, black, etc.).

1 – Remove the Bags under Your Eyes

Do you sometimes get puffy bags under your eyes? A lot of people do. This can happen for many reasons. Your diet can cause this, they might be the result of a lack of sleep, or you could be retaining too much water.

Soak two used tea bags in warm water and then let them cool down for a few minutes in your refrigerator. Place one on each eye for 5 to 7 minutes to make your eyes less puffy.

2 – Reinvigorate Your Face

It’s possible to rejuvenate the appearance of your face using tea bags. Cut open the used bag. Pour its contents into a bowl and add a teaspoon or more of honey. Mix well.

Lightly massage the mixture into the skin of your face working in circular motions. Let it sit for 5 to 8 minutes and rinse. Don’t be surprised if you notice a glowing complexion almost immediately.

3 – Treat Sunburn

Soak a couple of tea bags in warm water and chill them in the refrigerator. Then place them directly where the sun has burned your skin. You can use a wrap or your hand to hold them in place. You can alternately soak a cloth in warm water with a few used tea bags and then use the cloth to treat your sunburn.

4 – Deodorize Your Rugs and Carpets

After you’ve used a few tea bags, dry them out. Tear them open and sprinkle their contents onto your rugs and carpets. Let sit for a few minutes and then vacuum. This is a chemical-free way to remove odors from your carpets and rugs.

5 – Spice up the Flavor of Boring White Rice

White rice (or any other grain) can benefit from those used green tea bags. Pop a couple into boiling water before you add the rice or whatever grain you want to infuse with flavor. Leave them in for a couple of minutes and then remove. Continue with your recipe as usual.

6 – Give Your Hair a Treat

Soak three or four used tea bags in warm water. Shampoo your hair as usual. Finish off the process by pouring the tea water over your hair. Don’t rinse. This will help remove built-up haircare products and other compounds that might be damaging your hair.


Green Tea – Keyword Research Pack

Green Tea Keywords


Green Tea – Social Media Posts

Green Tea Social Media Posts

Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!


Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!

For the first 50 buyers of this Mental Resilience PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!


Bonus 1

Top Quality Green Clean Eating Staying Healthy PLR Report

Top Quality Green Clean Eating Staying Healthy PLR Report

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Package Details:

Download File Size – 8.26 MB

Total Word Count: 5639+ Words

Word Doc Format – Source File

eCover Graphic – Jpeg Format

Bonus 2

Green Smoothie Cleanse Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

Green Smoothie Cleanse MRR Sales Funnel

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Package Details:

Module 1 – Training Guide
Module 2 – Cheat Sheet
Module 3 – MindMap
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Module 10 – Banners
Module 11 – Promotional Email Swipes
Module 12 – High Quality eCovers
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Advance Video Course:

Module 1 – Training Videos
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Module 4 – Sales Video
Module 5 – Affiliate Page
Module 6 – Promotion Email Swipes
Module 7 – Squeeze Page
Module 8 – Giveaway Report
Module 9 – Graphics
Module 10 – Audios

Total File Download Size:

350 Megabytes (MB)


Bonus 3

140 Unrestricted Green Tea PLR Articles Pack

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Here are the titles of the 140 Green Tea Articles:

  1. A New Way To Lose Weight From The Orient
  2. All About The Chinese Diet Green Tea Good For Diet
  3. An Overview Of Hoodia With Green Tea
  4. Benefit of Green Tea
  5. benefits-of-green-tea-03
  6. benefits-of-green-tea-10
  7. benefits-of-green-tea-11
  8. benefits-of-green-tea-23
  9. Burn Excess Fat Green Tea Weight Loss
  10. Caffeine in Green Tea
  11. Can Green Tea Improve Your Chances Ofsurviving Breast Cancer
  12. Can Green Tea Treat Skin Cancer
  13. Can Green Tea Treatskin Cancer
  14. Cancer Prevention and Green Tea Intake
  15. Chinese Diet Green Tea Good for Diet
  16. Curb Cravings With Green Tea Helps The Body Burn Fat
  17. Did You Know Green Tea Protects Against Cancer
  18. Different types of Green Tea
  19. Discover Green Tea Diet New Ideas
  20. Discover the Benefits of Green Tea
  21. Does Green Tea Offer The Prescription For Beating Cancer
  22. Does Green Tea taste like grass
  23. Energy Drink With A Healthy Heritage
  24. Facts You Must Know About Your Green Tea
  25. Greatness on a Cup of Green Tea
  26. Green and Black Tea are great for your health
  27. Green Tea
  28. Green Tea The Japanese Secret To Good Health
  29. Green Tea – A Tea from the Far East
  30. Green Tea – A very Versatile Beverage
  31. Green Tea – Help Or Hype
  32. Green Tea – Natures Miracle Heath Drink
  33. Green tea Weight Loss and More
  34. Green Tea – Why Drink It
  35. Green Tea – Works Off Your Pounds
  36. Green Tea (Camellia Sinensis) And Weight Loss
  37. Green Tea A Healthy Alternative To Soda
  38. Green Tea and Caffeine
  39. Green Tea and Cholesterol facts
  40. Green Tea and its amazing health qualities
  41. Green tea and its numerous health benefits
  42. Green Tea And Some Of Its Benefits
  43. Green Tea and The Asian Paradox
  44. Green Tea as a Natural Remedy For Acne
  45. Green Tea Caffeine Is A Personal Preference
  46. Green Tea Can Loosen Weight
  47. Green Tea can raise your Resting Metabolic Rate
  48. Green Tea Cancer Fighting Miracle Brew
  49. Green Tea Cleansing Skin Care
  50. Green Tea Concentrate Health Benefits
  51. Green Tea Diet Facts
  52. Green Tea Diet Pills Jump-Start Your Fat-Burning and Diabeties Fighting Ability…
  53. Green Tea Extract
  54. Green tea extract might help blood cancer patients
  55. Green Tea Fat Burning Benefits
  56. Green Tea for Improved Fertility
  57. Green Tea Health Benefits
  58. Green Tea How It Can Help You Lose Weight
  59. Green Tea Increases Metabolism
  60. Green Tea Mints Make An Ideal Healthy Snack
  61. Green Tea Patches For Weight Loss
  62. Green Tea Protection Against Stomach Cancer
  63. Green Tea Reasons Why You Should Start Drinking It
  64. Green Tea s Effect On Body Fat
  65. Green Tea Side Effects Are All Positive
  66. Green Tea The Japanesesecret To Good Health
  67. Green Tea The Miracle Weight Loss Drink
  68. Green tea to Cure HIV
  69. Green Tea Weight Loss Hollywood s Favorite
  70. Green Tea Weight Loss – Myth or Fact
  71. Green Tea Weight Loss Plan
  72. Green Tea-Camellia Sinensis-And Weight Loss
  73. Green Tea-Help Or Hype
  74. Green Tea-Natures Miracle Heath Drink
  75. Green Teas Effect On Body Fat
  76. Green Teaside Effects Are All Positive
  77. green-tea-concentrate-04
  78. green-tea-information-03
  79. green-tea-information-04
  80. Herbal Green Tea
  81. Home Remedies of Green Tea
  82. Hoodia Diet and Green Tea A Healthy Combination
  83. How Can Green Tea Benefit My Family
  84. How Does Green Tea Help Weight Loss
  85. How to Brew Green Tea
  86. How To Maximize The Health Benefits Of Green Tea
  87. How you should drink tea if you have Headaches Migraines High Blood Pressure and Stress ..
  88. Identifying the Different Kinds of Green Tea
  89. Is Green Tea Really Healthy
  90. Losing Weight and Green Tea, The Relation
  91. Mega-T Green Tea Diet
  92. Practical Tips For Buying Green Tea
  93. Prenatal Nutrition – The Effects Of Caffeine and Green Tea
  94. Proven Green Tea Benefits Health and Weight Loss
  95. Purchasing Bulk Green Tea Online
  96. Relax With Green Tea Weight Loss
  97. Research Confirms Drinking Relieves Stress
  98. Safe And Simple Green Tea Health
  99. Saving Your Skin With Green Tea
  100. Secrets of green tea
  101. Tea Comparing Ceylon Green Teas To Indian Green Teas
  102. Tea Drinking Green Tea
  103. Tea Growing Quality Green Tea
  104. Tea How Is Green Tea Different From Other Teas
  105. Tea Ordering Green Tea Online
  106. Tea The Best Green Tea Blends
  107. Tea Varieties And Grades Of Green Tea
  108. Tea When Are The Best Green Tea Pluckings
  109. Tea Comparing Ceylon Green Teas To Indian Green Teas
  110. Tea Drinking Green Tea
  111. Tea Growing Quality Green Tea
  112. Tea How Is Green Tea Different From Other Teas
  113. Tea Ordering Green Tea Online
  114. Tea The Best Green Tea Blends
  115. Tea Varieties And Grades Of Green Tea
  116. Tea When Are The Best Green Tea Pluckings
  117. The Antioxidising Benefits of Green Tea
  118. The benefit of green tea
  119. The Benefits Of Green Tea
  120. The Benefits of Green Tea Why It’s Good For You
  121. The Effects Of Green Tea
  122. The Green Tea Diet Can Provide Vital Health Benefits
  123. The Link Between Green Tea And Losing Weight
  124. The Many Benefits of Green Tea Extract
  125. The Power Of Green Tea
  126. The Side Effects of Green Tea During Pregnancy
  127. The stimulating Effects Of Black Tea And Green Tea
  128. The Truth About Green Tea Capsules
  129. The Weight Loss Benefit of Green Tea
  130. The Wonder of Chinese Green Tea
  131. The Wonder Of Chinese Green Tea In Today s Society
  132. Tips on Minimizing Caffeine in Green Tea
  133. Top 10 Green Tea Benefits
  134. Weight Loss From Green Tea
  135. Weight Loss With The Help Of Green Tea
  136. What Is Green Tea
  137. What is Organic Green Tea
  138. What is the Green Tea Diet Plan
  139. Whats New About Green Tea Health Benefits
  140. Why Drink Green Tea – Three Reasons To Enjoy A Popular Beverage
  141. Wu Yi Green Tea Review

Package Details:

Download File Size – 426 KB

Bonus 4

5 Top Quality Natural Detox Methods PLR Articles

5 Top Quality Natural Detox Methods PLR Articles

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the 5 Natural Detox Methods Articles:

  1. Are Detox Teas Effective? (580 words)
  2. Foods That Detox – What You MUST Know! (555 words)
  3. Understanding How a Raw Food Detox Can Improve Your Health (589 words)
  4. Water Fasting – Is it Effective for Detoxing? (588 words)
  5. How to Detoxify Your Brain Naturally and Safely (557 words)

Package Details:

Download File Size – 204 KB

Bonus 5

5 Top Quality Mindful Eating For Women PLR Articles

5 Top Quality Mindful Eating For Women PLR Articles

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the 5 Mindful Eating Articles:

  1. How to Apply the Principles of Nutrition to Your Mindful Eating (929 words)
  2. Knowing the Difference between Emotional Hunger and Real Hunger (725 words)
  3. Mindful Eating 101: What Every Woman Should Know (899 words)
  4. Mindfully Choosing Foods That Promote Fitness (803 words)
  5. Tips to Eating Mindfully When You’re at a Social Gathering (832 words)

Package Details:

Download File Size – 204 KB

Package Details For The Green Tea Premium PLR Package:

Green Tea – PLR eBook

eBook – Green Tea Natures Miracle Health Drink (11,307 words)

Comes in Word Doc and PDF Format.

Includes Editable Cover Graphics in JPG and PSD Format.

PLR List Building Report:

Green Tea – PLR List Building Report

Frequently Asked Questions about Green Tea (2,053 words)

Comes in Word Doc and PDF Format.

Includes Editable Cover Graphics in JPG and PSD Format.

Green Tea PLR Articles

Green Tea – 10 Green Tea Articles (5,888 Words)

  1. 7 Eyebrow Raising Uses for Your Green Tea Bags (725 words)
  2. Are Matcha Green Tea and Green Tea the Same Thing (548 words)
  3. Comparing Loose Leaf Green Tea with Tea Bags (501 words)
  4. Green Tea The Secret to Successful Intermittent Fasting (504 words)
  5. Hit Your Fitness Goals with Green Tea (567 words)
  6. The Difference between Tea Mugs and Teacups (567 words)
  7. What Is a Japanese Tea Ceremony((613 words)
  8. What Is Green Tea Allergy 665 words)
  9. Why Green Tea Is Perfect for Keeping You Hydrated (618 words)
  10. Why Your Tea Needs White Bone China Cups (580 words)

Green Tea – PLR Emails

Green Tea – 5 Email Autoresponders (1,234 words)

Green Tea Email Subjects:

Email 1# Why is green tea green?
Email 2# Should I drink green tea instead of some other tea?
Email 3# Do all green teas smell and taste the same?
Email 4# Do I need anything special to enjoy green tea “the right way”?
Email 5# Can green tea make me more spiritual?

Green Tea – Checklist

Green Tea Nature’s Miracle Health Drink Checklist (1,204 words)

Green Tea – 5 Social Media Posts (234 words)

Green Tea – Keyword Research

A list of Green Tea related keywords for SEO and Advertising is CSV format with details.

Total Word Count: 21,686 Words

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