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How To Go Paleo Premium PLR Ebook

Go Paleo Premium PLR Package 18k Words

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Go Paleo Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 18 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Health and Diet Content.


Attention: Health and Diet Entrepreneurs

Done for You Premium Health/Diet PLR Product on a


Paleo Diet!


Dear online business owner, When it comes to top health and diet searches, the Paleo Diet is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Paleo Diet has spawned an entire industry of blogs, health and diet courses, and products.

This is where my premium done for you Go Paleo PLR Package comes in. Its all about teaching your customers exactly How to Go Paleo and how it works in this beginners guide.

Everything is done for you – from the main info product to your social media updates – its simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative health and diet niche.


Introducing The…

Go Paleo Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 18 000 Words of High Quality Go Paleo Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality paleo diet PLR package covers the hugely popular health niche. health and diet is evergreen and will always be. This paleo diet PLR content package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it and use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Go Paleo MEGA PLR Package…

Main eBook: Go Paleo! (How to Go Paleo)

(4,316 words, 20 pages, 12 images)

Paleo Diet PLR Ebook


A look inside the How To Go Paleo Premium PLR eBook:

Go Paleo Premium PLR Ebook Sneak Preview


Table of Contents for How To Go Paleo PLR Ebook:

How to Go Paleo……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

What is The Paleo Diet?…………………………………………………………………………………… 5

Health Benefits of a Paleo Lifestyle…………………………………………………………………… 6

Why is The Caveman Diet Better Than “Normal” Diets?…………………………………………. 7

What Is and Isn’t Allowed on the Paleo Diet?…………………………………………………….. 8

What Fats Can I Eat on the Paleo Diet?……………………………………………………………… 9

Is Dairy Paleo?………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10

You have to make the decision for yourself………………………………………………………… 10

Are Grains and Legumes Paleo?……………………………………………………………………… 11

Why (and How) the Paleo Diet Works for Health & Weight Loss……………………….. 12

How to Transition to a Paleo Diet……………………………………………………………………. 13

Go Paleo Overnight or Transition Slowly?………………………………………………………….. 13

Gradually Learning to Eat Like a Caveman………………………………………………………….. 13

From Processed and Fast Food to Paleo and Healthy Fats Overnight……………………….. 14

Paleo Nutrition Tips……………………………………………………………………………………….. 16

Make Sure You Are Eating Enough……………………………………………………………………. 16

Understand How to Build a Balanced Paleo Plate………………………………………………… 17

Eating Paleo Away from Home………………………………………………………………………… 17

Batch Cooking the Paleo Way………………………………………………………………………….. 18


Sample Content for the How To Go Paleo Premium PLR Ebook:

How to Go Paleo

Why would anyone in their right mind want to eat like a caveman? We have wonderfully delicious, lip-smacking foods available on every street corner. Our Paleolithic ancestors did not have this convenience. Sweet, savory, salty delights can be purchased inexpensively, without us having to spend hours in our kitchen. Our cave dwelling predecessors also didn’t have near the choice we have in selecting something to eat.

So why in the world would you choose a Stone Age diet when there are so many eating options available? The answer is simple. The incidence rate of cancer and heart disease has increased dramatically, right alongside the advent of modern agriculture and food processing.

Just because food is convenient, inexpensive or tasty does not mean it is necessarily healthy.

There are chemicals, steroids, artificial flavors, preservatives and unhealthy ingredients added to most processed food. These additions are not made in the name of health. They are made in the name of profits, intentionally forming dangerous addictions to unhealthy food so you keep coming back for more.

Cavemen did not have a McDonald’s and Starbucks on every street corner, fortunately for them. They probably didn’t even have streets, come to think of it. But you get the point here.

When Paleolithic man needed to eat, he hunted or foraged. He ate natural foods, made healthy by mother nature. He didn’t have to worry about additives, refined sugar, salt, preservatives and other chemical nasties ruining his health and well-being.

The reason for returning to a more natural way of approaching your nutritional needs has everything to do with your health.

Human beings are more overweight and obese than ever before. We suffer from more heart disease, cancer and chronic diseases now than at any other time in human history. Nutrition experts, doctors and researchers now understand this is directly tied to the unhealthy processed and fast food diet which so many people unfortunately follow.

The special report you hold in your hands can be a literal lifesaver.

It explains exactly what the paleo diet is, and the advantages and benefits it offers over traditional diets. You will learn exactly what you can and cannot eat when you grub out like a caveman. You will also discover delicious fats which are part of this healthy nutrition plan.

The Paleolithic relationship to losing weight is included, and you will find out if grains, beans and dairy products are a part of this nutritious lifestyle. Finally, we take you by the hand and show you exactly how to transition, quickly or slowly, to a healthy paleo approach to eating.

Let’s get started by defining the Paleolithic diet (also called the caveman or Stone Age diet).

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.


How To Go Paleo Premium PLR Checklist:

How To Go Paleo PLR Checklist


A Look Inside How To Go Paleo Premium PLR Checklist:

A Look Inside The Go Paleo Premium PLR Checklist Workbook


How to Go Paleo Printable Planner Workbook:

How To Go Paleo PLR Workbook


How To Go Paleo Editable Premium PLR Ecovers:

Go Paleo Premium PLR Checklist Ecovers



Short Report: “Top 7 Paleo Superfoods

(1,586 words, 8 pages, 5 images)

Top 7 Paleo Superfoods PLR Report


Paleo Superfoods Editable eCover Files:

Top 7 Paleo Superfoods Printable Ecovers


Email Product Presell Series: Are You Ready to Go Paleo? (5 emails)

Do You Deserve the Paleo Lifestyle? (300 words)

2 Huge Benefits of Gradually Going Paleo (271 words)

What Exactly is The “Carb Flu”? (296 words)

Paleo Eating Resets Your Brain to Ignore Junk Food (291 words)

Your Choice – Go All-Paleo Overnight? Or Transition Slowly? (278 words)


Are You Ready to Go Paleo Email Sample:

Do You Deserve the Paleo Lifestyle?


Do you deserve to reach and maintain a healthy body weight?


Do you believe it’s your right to have healthy blood sugar levels, a stronger, leaner, toned body and a reduction in your likelihood of contracting sickness and disease?


If those benefits, fewer aches and pains due to inflammation, and skin, hair and teeth that are young, strong and healthy looking are what you believe you deserve, the Paleo lifestyle might be for you.


Notice we said lifestyle, and not diet.


That is because adopting a Paleolithic approach to nutrition is all about living that lifestyle. When people hear the word diet, they think about some drastic approach to eating for a short period of time, to lose X number of pounds.


And that’s not what the caveman “diet” is all about.


It is about changing your mindset about health, and eating natural, whole foods that are unprocessed, like vegetables and fruits, seafood and lean meats, healthy fats, nuts and seeds. The way the human body works has not changed for thousands of years. However, our food has.


It is chock-full of man-made chemicals, preservatives, steroids and additives. Unhealthy processed and refined sugar, flour and salt are in just about everything you eat. Monosodium glutamate (MSG), trans fats and other poisons have been added to your food to make it last longer in the grocery store.


The result is that processed food has very little nutrition.


Natural foods, raw, whole fruits, vegetables and lean meats, are nutrient-rich. Eating those foods and gaining the health benefits of such a sensible approach to nutrition is what the Paleo lifestyle is all about.


Keep an eye on your inbox, because in your next 4 emails, you will discover more “must know” information about living the Paleo lifestyle.

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Go Paleo Additional Content:

(Use on the web/ emails/ as a bonus to the product)


20 High Quality Go Paleo Related PLR Articles:

4 Processed Foods That Can be Paleo and Healthy – (402 words)

Does The Paleo Diet Contain Too Much Protein? – (433 words)

Can You Drink Alcohol on the Paleo Diet? – (403 words)

How Batch Cooking Can Help You Stick To The Paleo Diet – (419 words)

How to Quit Sugar on The Paleo Diet – (432 words)

Is The Paleo Diet Suitable for Vegetarians? – (393 words)

Is the Paleo Diet the Same as a Low Carb Diet? – (420 words)

The Pros and Cons of the Paleo Diet – (439 words)

What is The Low Carb Flu and Will You Get It on a Paleo Diet? – (413 words)

Why Should We Eat Like Our Ancestors? – (400 words)

Do You Eat Enough Fruits and Vegetables Every Day – (452 words)

A Guide to the Best Storage Options for PrePrepared Meals – (413 words)

A Guide to the Best and Worst Cooking Oils for Healthy Fat Levels – (436 words)

Cooked vs Raw Which is Better for your Health – (409 words)

3 Reasons to Eat Local Seasonal Foods – (432 words)

4 Healthy Snack Ideas to Bring to Work – (405 words)

How to Make the Perfect Healthy Mason Jar Salad – (402 words)

Unrefined vs Refined Foods What is the Difference – (414 words)

Is Canned Food as Healthy as Fresh Food – (421 words)

The Case for Eating Several Smaller Meals Per Day – (489 words)


Go Paleo PLR Article Sample:

3 Reasons to Eat Local, Seasonal Foods

It is often suggested that eating seasonally is a great idea, but it is rarely explained why. Look at any restaurant menu and they will proudly boast about their “Seasonal Fruits” dessert, or go in to any supermarket and wonder at their seasonal vegetables. Local, seasonal foods are all around us, and yet so many of us remain ignorant as to the real reasons why we should care. When it comes to making food choices, there are generally 3 main reasons to pick one food over another. Is it cheaper? Does it taste better? Is it healthier? Let’s consider local, seasonal foods under those 3 headings.

Is it Cheaper?

By its very nature, seasonal foods are cheaper than foods out of season. The reasons for this are simple; when something is in season, there is plenty of it to be supplied. Contrast this with something that is out of season, and there is far less of it supplied. As a result, the cost of seasonal produce is always cheaper than foods that are produced out of season. This is one of the biggest reasons why people should consider shopping seasonally. There are huge savings to be had be simply being aware of what is scarce and what is in great supply.

Does it Taste Better?

This is directly linked to the considerations above. Food tastes at its best when it is freshest, and it will undoubtedly be at its freshest when it’s in season! There is also the very real consideration that in season foods can generally be sourced locally, as there are less preservation considerations when the produce is at its freshest. As a result, seasonal foods can often be some of the freshest, tastiest and most affordable foods available.

Is it Healthier?

You can probably answer this one yourself by now, but let’s consider it anyway. We already know that a balanced diet consists of fresh, unrefined foods that haven’t been heavily processed or tampered with. Local, seasonal foods are exactly what you’re looking for in this regard. Farmed up the road and entirely unprocessed, local seasonal foods give you the best chance to get the most out of your food. And the brilliant thing about eating seasonally is that your diet changes throughout the year! As a result, seasonal eaters get a huge variety in their diet throughout the year, further enhancing the health benefits of seasonal eating.

When you consider all of these benefits, it’s hard to explain why anyone wouldn’t consider tailoring their diet with a more local, seasonal focus.

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3x Paleo Food Lists:

– List of Paleo Foods
– List of Non-Paleo Foods
– List of Suggested Paleo Food Swaps


4 Essential Paleo Kitchen Product Reviews:

Crock-Pot SCCPVL610-S – 511 words
Hamilton Beach 70730 Bowl Scraper Food Processor – 483 words
Lodge 12-Inch Cast-Iron Skillet – 448 words
Top Chef by Master Cutlery 5-Piece Chef Basic Knife Set – 428 words


Paleo Recipe Book Review:

“The Paleo Slow Cooker Cookbook” by Martha Drummond – 508 words


Social Media Posts and Images:


10 Shareable Social Media Graphics (PLR)

Go Paleo Premium PLR Social Graphics


20 Social Media Posts with hashtags (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

Go Paleo Premium PLR Social Tweets and Bylines


Infographic – Pros and Cons of the Paleo Diet

Paleo Pros and Cons Infographic


17 Royalty Free Images

Go Paleo Royalty Free Images


3 Bonus Article Bylines

3 Bonus Article Bylines


Paleo Diet Keyword Research – 500+ Keywords

Go Paleo Premium PLR Keyword Research


Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

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Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!


For the first 50 buyers of this Go Paleo Premium PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!


Bonus 1

Living Paleo Explained MRR Ebook and Squeeze Page

Living Paleo Explained MRR Ebook and Squeeze Page

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • Covers
  • Ebook
  • Squeeze Page

Total File Download Size:

7.97 Megabytes (MB)


Bonus 2

Living Paleo Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

Living Paleo Bundle

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Training Guide
Module 2 – Cheat Sheet
Module 3 – Mindmap
Module 4 – Resource Report
Module 5 – Sales Letter and Thank You Page
Module 6 – Sales Video
Module 7 – Legal Pages
Module 8 – Graphics
Module 9 – Quality Articles
Module 10 –Banners
Module 11 – Promotional Email Swipes
Module 12 – High Quality eCovers
Module 13 – Social Media Images Pack


Bonus 3

Navigating The Paleo Diet Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

Navigating The Paleo Diet Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights Bundle

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Website
Module 3 – Promo Banners
Module 4 – Articles
Module 5 – Report Lead Capture
Module 6 – License Pack
Module 7 – Source Graphics
Module 8 – Keyword EMD Report


Bonus 4

Paleo Diet PLR Newsletter eCourse

Paleo Diet PLR Newsletter

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • 12 Paleo Diet Email Messages (Word Doc & Text Format)
  • Clickbank Affiliate Recommendations (Word Doc & Text Format)
  • Bonus Content Containing Extra Paragraphs, Extra Titles & Opening and Closing Paragraphs (Word Doc & Text Format)
  • HTML Squeeze Page
  • HTML Thank You Page
  • Web Ready eCover Graphics
  • Editable PSD Graphics Files
  • Download File Size – 56.1 MB


Bonus 5

The Paleo Blueprint PLR Ebook

The Paleo Blueprint Ebook

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Download File Size – 3.98 MB
eBook Format – PDF,
Source File – Word
Number of Pages – 11

Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!

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Package Details For The Go Paleo Premium PLR Package:

1) Main Product:

Main eBook: “How to Go Paleo”
(4,316 words, 20 pages, 12 images)

How to Go Paleo Checklist
How to Go Paleo Printable Planner Workbook
Editable eCover Files

2) List Building Content:

Short Report: “Top 7 Paleo Superfoods”
(1,586 words, 8 pages, 5 images)

Paleo Superfoods Printable Checklist
Editable eCover Files
Email Product Presell Series: Are You Ready to Go Paleo? (5 emails)

Do You Deserve the Paleo Lifestyle? (300 words)

2 Huge Benefits of Gradually Going Paleo (271 words)

What Exactly is The “Carb Flu”? (296 words)

Paleo Eating Resets Your Brain to Ignore Junk Food (291 words)

Your Choice – Go All-Paleo Overnight? Or Transition Slowly? (278 words)

3) Additional Content:
(Use on the web/ emails/ as a bonus to the product)

10 Related Articles:

4 Processed Foods That Can be Paleo and Healthy – 402 words
Does The Paleo Diet Contain Too Much Protein? – 433 words
Can You Drink Alcohol on the Paleo Diet? – 403 words
How Batch Cooking Can Help You Stick To The Paleo Diet – 419 words
How to Quit Sugar on The Paleo Diet – 432 words
Is The Paleo Diet Suitable for Vegetarians? – 393 words
Is the Paleo Diet the Same as a Low Carb Diet? – 420 words
The Pros and Cons of the Paleo Diet – 439 words
What is The Low Carb Flu and Will You Get It on a Paleo Diet? – 413 words
Why Should We Eat Like Our Ancestors? – 400 words

3x Paleo Food Lists:
– List of Paleo Foods
– List of Non-Paleo Foods
– List of Suggested Paleo Food Swaps

4) Product Reviews

4 Essential Paleo Kitchen Product Reviews:

Crock-Pot SCCPVL610-S – 511 words
Hamilton Beach 70730 Bowl Scraper Food Processor – 483 words
Lodge 12-Inch Cast-Iron Skillet – 448 words
Top Chef by Master Cutlery 5-Piece Chef Basic Knife Set – 428 words

Paleo Recipe Book Review:

“The Paleo Slow Cooker Cookbook” by Martha Drummond – 508 words

5) Social Content:

10 Shareable Social Media Tips on the Paleo Diet
20 Social Media Posts with hashtags (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)
Infographic – Pros and Cons of the Paleo Diet

6) Extras:

17 Royalty Free Images
3 Bonus Article Bylines
Paleo Diet Keyword Research – 500+ Keywords

Total Word Count: 18 000+ Words

FAST-ACTION BONUSES – Available for the first 50 buyers of this Paleo Diet PLR Pack. You’ll no longer see these awesome extra bonuses available on this page once the 50 fast action takers have been awarded.


Your PLR License Terms

Articles, reviews, comparison charts and all other content from Premium PLR Report Kits are for you only – you cannot pass on any rights to anybody else.

More information on the PLR rights that come with your purchase:

What You CAN Do With The Content In This PLR Package:

Can be added to or edited completely.
Can put your name on as the author.
Can be used as content for websites, courses, newsletters, eBooks.
Can be used in videos, MP3s, books.
Can sell or give away for personal informational use only.
Can add the content to your coaching membership site
Can add the content to a paid membership with Personal Use Rights (PDF).
Can be offered as a bonus in PDF format (as long as you don’t offer PLR rights).
Can add to a website that is sold with a unique domain name (no templates/ PLR sites) as long as you don’t offer PLR rights.
Can rewrite and add the articles to client websites and projects.
Can use the content to build your list (PDF format)

What You CANNOT Do With This Content

Cannot sell or give away Resale Rights, Master Resale Rights or Private Label Rights.
Cannot offer through auction websites or dimesales with PLR rights.
Cannot add to a free membership site in any format with PLR rights.
Cannot pass on any PLR rights to your clients.
Cannot use my name on the PLR content.
Cannot use as is to publish Kindle books (it’s against Amazon’s terms).
Cannot use in article directories unless you rewrite completely.
Cannot pass along (sell or give away) Private Label Rights in ANY format.
Cannot sell this entire PLR package as is
Cannot add this package to a PLR membership site (only the ebook with personal use rights)

This license is non transferable. Meaning this PLR license is for you only and not for your customers.

Your customer can only learn from the content.

You can use PLR articles on as many of your own sites as you wish.

Can It Be Used For Website Flipping? If you add this PLR to a site and decide to sell it, that’s fine. But it can only be sold on sites that come with a unique domain name (i.e. not on PLR website packs that include templates/content sold to multiple buyers but no domain) and please don’t include the separate package with all the keywords/ bonuses.


Social media images may be edited using the PSD files, and you may repost them on social media sites but you cannot sell or pass on the PSD files to customers.

The images contained within the main report and top 10 tips report are Public Domain and free to use in personal and commercial projects.

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