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CPA Marketing Excellence Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

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#CPA  #CPAMarketing #CPAMarketingExcellence #CPAadvertising #CPAnetwork

CPA Marketing Excellence Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

Discover The Six Easy Steps To CPA Marketing That Can Put Thousands Of Dollars Into Your Pocket Each Month…

  • Why CPA marketing is the fastest and easiest way to generate tons of converting traffic… for FREE
  • The “insiders” method for identifying your target market so you know EXACTLY what type of content they are looking for and how to get them to CLICK
  • CPA 101 – An in-depth look at CPA and how to get started using it correctly…
  • How to use CPA to get BIG brands to send you tons of traffic…

Are you familiar with CPA marketing?

CPA is taking the internet by storm as more and more companies and marketers embrace CPA as an efficient, affordable, and extremely effective way to market online…

CPA stands for ‘cost per action’ or ‘cost per acquisition’ and is gaining popularity because it effectively means that businesses and online advertisers that use CPA advertising only pay for results…

…Not just clicks or impressions…

Unlike other paid advertising methods like PPC, where you pay a set amount per click, with CPA, you’re only paying for an ad that converts…

Your Opportunity With CPA Marketing

CPA can be a great model for generating sales in your online business…

Although often overlooked, CPA is just like having your very own sales team working for you to generate qualified leads and even sales.

Unlike PPC or other paid advertising methods where you pay for merely clicks, with CPA, you only pay when an action that you designation takes place…

  • These actions could be any of the following…
  • Filling out a form
  • Getting an estimate or quote
  • Signing up for a free trial
  • Making a purchase

Why Is CPA Marketing Almost Always Better Than PPC, Banner Ads, And Other Paid Traffic Sources?

When you know what you’re doing, you can get a campaign started quickly – Unlike PPC campaigns and banner ads that take TONS of tweaking, ad variations, and testing just to barely break even

As the search engines push for more and more advertising dollars from their paid search programs, it’s getting harder to rank at the top of the search results pages organically (for free).

The search engines are regularly changing their algorithms, so even if you do happen to rank for a keyword that’s bringing in some nice free traffic, it can all VANISH overnight…

When you know what you’re doing, you can get a campaign started quickly – Unlike PPC campaigns and banner ads that take TONS of tweaking, ad variations, and testing just to barely break even

As the search engines push for more and more advertising dollars from their paid search programs, it’s getting harder to rank at the top of the search results pages organically (for free).

The search engines are regularly changing their algorithms, so even if you do happen to rank for a keyword that’s bringing in some nice free traffic, it can all VANISH overnight…

It’s pretty obvious that CPA is far superior to almost all other paid traffic sources, and it’s pretty easy to get started…

But, To Succeed As A New CPA Marketer, There Are Things You Must Consider…

Things like…

  • Choosing the right CPA network
  • Setting up your tracking
  • Creating your first CPA ad… the right way, so you don’t lose money
  • Setting up your landing page correctly so that you generate results

Although the process of getting approved and setup to generate traffic, sales, and ultimately put profits in your pocket with CPA is not that hard…

…Most People That Try CPA Fail Miserably…

But why?

There’s a lot of people that do things wrong when it comes to getting started with CPA…

The reason?

They try to “wing it” or use free information found online to get started…

Although there are tons of paid and free resources about getting started with CPA networks for the purpose of advertising…

…the CPA world is moving fast and what worked a few months ago, just doesn’t work as well today…

Things change, and…

The “Devil” Is In The Details When It Comes To CPA

You need to learn the ropes from someone that knows what they’re doing when it comes to CPA…

…someone that is “plugged-in” to what’s working today and how to successfully make money and see results.

Doing Things The Right Way Can Be The Difference Between Seeing This… 

Or This…


When you do things the right way, generating massive traffic like you see in the first example is VERY doable… for ANYONE… regardless of past experience or skillset.

Unlocking The Secret To Getting Free Traffic With CPA…

Which one would you prefer?

I got tired of seeing all of the misinformation and people talking negatively about CPA…

After all, when done correctly, CPA is one of the fastest and easiest ways to see results online…

That’s why we decided to compile an up-to-date, easy to follow PDF guide that will show you how to get started with

CPA and see results…

No guessing…

No hoping your campaign is profitable…

If you’re interested in the highest-quality PAID traffic method that’s available for marketers and business owners today, you owe it to yourself to get access to this exclusive PDF training that will give you everything you need to succeed and PROFIT… today!


CPA Marketing Excellence

Inside This Step-By-Step Guide To Profiting With CPA, You’ll Learn…

  • The basics of CPA marketing, what it’s all about, and why you should be marketing with CPA…
  • CPA versus other forms of marketing – Why CPA may be the right answer for your next campaign and how to get the best return on your marketing investment.
  • There are many CPA networks… how to choose the right CPA network for you and your product or service.
  • The difference between pure CPA networks and affiliate networks and how to leverage both to generate more sales…
  • The secret to using CPA to leads and ultimately sales for less than you ever thought possible
  • Did you know Google and Facebook both offer CPA marketing? The pros and cons of both platforms are revealed, along with how you can get started right away…
  • All CPA ads are not created equally… when to use __________________ ads and when you should use ___________________ ads… do this wrong and you could find yourself missing thousands of dollars in profits
  • Tracking 101 – It’s important to know where you stand to see where you’re going… The fast and easy way to setup tracking and begin seeing better results right out of the gates
  • Tired of losing campaigns? Discover how to use CPA marketing to GUARANTEE your campaigns are always winning and generating profits in your pocket… from Day 1
  • The insider secret to getting higher quality leads by simply ____________________ your leads as they come in…. It takes just a few minutes, but this tiny action can increase your profits and lower you ad expenses by 25% of more…
  • Many marketers get stuck on their CPA landing pages… learn how to quickly get your landing pages setup and primed to convert even if you have ZERO copywriting and design skills
  • The 6-step CPA success formula that sums up the entire blueprint to CPA success and gives you a roadmap that’s easy to profit and see plug-and-play profits right out of the gates…

There’s no question that CPA is hot and getting hotter…
…and there’s no better resource for seeing success with CPA than with the CPA Marketing Excellence EBook…
But, don’t take my word it…

“This Sounds Great, How Much?”

When you consider just how much money you may be losing by using other forms of paid advertising, it’s hard to put a value on what you’ll learn inside the CPA Marketing Excellence EBook…

After all, you’ll learn how to create extremely profitable campaigns that don’t just generate clicks and impressions…
…CPA campaigns are all about generating targeted actions from interested people…
Actions that result in sales.

Many people have seen HUGE increases in profit when using CPA instead of other paid advertising…

When you consider that the average click can cost $1 or even more, using CPA marketing on your next campaign could easily save you hundreds of dollars…

…Not to mention, if you were to hire a CPA expert to show you the ropes, you’d likely pay $200 per hour or more.

Today, you’ll get step-by-step, easy-to-follow instructions for getting started with CPA that are just as good as having a CPA expert consult you every step of the way…

But today, you won’t pay $200, or more, for this valuable training…
You won’t even pay $97…

This EBook normally retails for $47, but when you make the wise decision to purchase today, you can lock-in a special discount…

I don’t want cost to hold you back from something that could change your life and business for the better, so for a very limited time, you can get access to the CPA Marketing Excellence eBook for just $9.99…

(Don’t delay – If you wait and come back tomorrow, the price could be much higher)

When You Take Action Today, You’ll Also Get These Fast Action Bonuses…

Fast Action Bonus #1 – Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet is a handy checklist that you can print out and use to easily take action at every step of the process.

It breaks up the whole training into easy-to-follow steps so that you can make sure you have every single piece of advice taught in the training at your fingertips.  This helps you to track your progress and will help you meet your income goals faster than you thought possible…

Fast Action Bonus #2 -Mindmap

Some people learn better by looking at a mind map.  This mind map gives you an overview of every step you need to apply.  You can also print it out for quick reference any time you need it!

Fast Action Bonus #3 -Resources

The Resource Guide gives you a quick point of reference to all of the resources mentioned throughout the training.

This makes it easy to stay on track and see results even faster!

But please… hold on, because I’m about to make this REALLY easy for you…

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Start Getting Results And Making Money With Your Next CPA Campaign Even Faster With This Upgrade To CPA Marketing Excellence…

I know you’re going to learn a lot and begin seeing profitable CPA campaigns in no time with what you’ll learn inside the CPA Marketing Excellence Ebook.

Although the Ebook is easy-to-follow and incredibly in-depth, we have a special offer that’s ONLY available to existing customers that will help you see results EVEN faster.

Many people learn MUCH faster by watching something done rather than reading about it…

In fact, a majority of the population learns better and retains information much faster from a video than by reading the text version of something.

Are you looking to see results as quickly as possible?

If so, the video version of CPA Marketing Excellence is for you…

It’s the same great content that you’ll find inside the Ebook version of the training, but we’ve recorded it all in high-quality videos that make getting started even easier.

Why Video Is Better…

Remember when I said just how profitable CPA can be when compared to other forms of marketing…

…IF you know what you’re doing.

There are little things in every single CPA campaign that be the difference in being profitable right out of the gates or falling flat on your face and losing money.

With CPA you can get highly targeted traffic that quickly turns into leads and sales, but you MUST understand and comprehend EVERY SINGLE DETAIL that you’re being taught inside the training…

You may be one of those people that prefers to read a report, follow what’s inside it, and apply what you learn to see results…

But, most people NEED a hands-on, “do this and then do that” approach that video training provides…

That’s why I created the video version of  CPA Marketing Excellence…

…to make absolutely sure you don’t miss any of the key, crucial, and important DETAILS when it comes to:

  • Filling out a form
  • Getting an estimate or quote
  • Signing up for a free trial
  • Making a purchase

Although CPA Can Be Extremely Profitable, If You Don’t Do Things The Right Way You Can End Up…

  • Choosing the right CPA network
  • Setting up your tracking so you know where you stand
  • Creating your first CPA ad… the right way, so you don’t lose money
  • Setting up your landing page correctly so that you generate results

Of course, I’m sure these are all things that you most certainly want to avoid…

After all, you made the wise decision to invest in CPA Marketing Excellence because you see the HUGE benefit of running profitable CPA campaigns when compared to other paid advertising…

You’re looking to profit and see results with CPA as fast and efficiently as possible, right?

Are you ready to get faster results and avoid mistakes that could cost you time and money?


CPA Marketing Excellence – The Video Version”

“Sounds Like A Wise Investment… How Much?”

Because of the video format of the training, it’s like having an expert at CPA sitting down with you in your home or office and showing you the ropes…

This would easily cost you $100-$200 per hour…

Not to mention, unlike other advertising where you’re merely paying for clicks, with CPA, you’re getting results.

People are targeted and they are taking action by doing things like…

  • Filling out a form
  • Getting an estimate or quote
  • Signing up for a free trial
  • Making a purchase

Because CPA, done correctly, can be extremely profitable, one or two small adjustments can results in 2-3 more sales each and every day…

Over a month, this can amount to hundreds or even thousands of dollars…

But, you won’t pay hundreds of dollars today…

In fact, you won’t even pay $97 for 10, HIGH-QUALITY videos that will take you by the hands and make you a complete expert at CPA.

For a very limited time, you can access the video training for the low price of just $9.99.

You’ll Also Get This Exclusive Fast Action Bonus…

Fast Action Bonus – High-Quality MP3

Don’t have time to watch videos? I am also providing you with 10 MP3’s that you can use to learn while you’re on the go…

Listen to them in the care, at home, or even at the office and you’ll be a CPA advertising expert in NO TIME.

Here’s the best part about all of this…

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Here’s a Sample Video So That You Know What To Expect From These Videos

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Package Details:

Module 1 – Training Guide
Module 2 – Cheat Sheet
Module 3 – Mind Map
Module 4 – Resource Report
Module 5 – SalesLetter And Thank You Page
Module 6 – Sales Video
Module 7 – Legal Pages
Module 8 – Graphics
Module 9 – Articles
Module 10 – Banners
Module 11 – Promotional Email Swipes

Advance Video Course:

Module 1 – Training Videos
Module 2 – PowerPoint Slides
Module 3 – Voiceover
Module 4 – Upsell Salespage
Module 5 – Legal Pages
Module 6 – Sales Video
Module 7 – Affiliate Page
Module 8 – Promotion Email Swipes For The Upsell
Module 9 – SqueezePage
Module 10 – Giveaway Report
Module 11 – Graphics

Total File Download Size:

487 Megabytes (MB)

Master Resell Rights License:

[YES] Can be packaged
[YES] You Can Use This Product Yourself
[YES] Can be sold as it is not less than $7 price tag!
[YES] Can pass on the Resell Rights privilege to your customers.
[YES] Can Add This Product to a Membership Site or Bundled Within a Product Package as a Bonus.
[YES] Can be used to create audio/webinar/video products
[YES] Can Give Away The Product (NOT The Source Code Files) To Your Subscribers, Members or Customers as a Bonus or Gift.
[YES] Can change sales page and/or graphics
[YES] Can be added to paid membership sites
[YES] Can sell master resale rights
[NO] Add to a free membership sites
[NO] You can’t just pass away the product to anyone
[NO] Contents of the product can be edited, modified or altered.

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