Believe In Me PLR Sales Funnel Special

Believe In Me PLR Package

Child Safety PLR Sales Funnel

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Child Safety Lockdown PLR Sales Funnel

Discover How To Keep Kids Safe From The Dangers of The World And Prevent Accidents Using This UP-TO-DATE Child Safety Course!

Are You A Parent Or Expecting Kids? The Truth Is That There’s No Shortage of Dangers Out There, But You Can Easily Keep Your Kids Safe And Lower The Threat! Discover Everything You Need Today!

  • With this Child Safety course, you will learn…
  • An approach to teaching children safety
  • How to decrease the chance of safety accidents
  • The inside scoop about child safety statistics
  • A laundry list of safety tactics
  • Simple tricks to communicate with your kid
  • Proven solutions for keeping children safe
  • Helpful resources and solutions for child safety

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The Child Safety Lockdown done-for-you private label rights package is an excellent business in a box that will provide you with all of the shortcuts you need for both product creation and content generation efforts all around.

By far one of the most evergreen topics is anything parenting niche. Consider that people aren’t going to stop raising kids, well, ever. Every moment a new baby is born, meaning there’s an always expanding audience in this niche. You’ll be able to zone in on any demographic, sub-niche or anything else to help market this to the audience.

This PLR product covers a unique variety of proven and practical solutions for keeping kids of all ages safe. A wide variety of topics and methods are discussed including: car and travel safety, outdoors safety, school safety, stranger security, Internet safety for kids, and so much more.

The best part is that this course is structured in such a way that it’s not only easy to comprehend and digest, but also applicable and practical for any parents or care taker.

Beyond just the course, you’ll be receiving all sorts of other assets for marketing in this niche and with this product. This includes the graphics modules such as 2D eCover designs, 3D mock ups, banners, quote posters, and more graphics features – with the PSD source files. On top of that, you’ll receive a video course (in the upgrade), multiple sales pages, and everything else you need to set up shop and expand your content all around the child safety niche and parenting market.

Take A Look At Some Of The Modules In This Child Safety PLR Sales Funnel…

Module 1: High Quality Child Safety Guide

Child Safety Lockdown PLR Sales Funnel

This fully stocked and very detailed training guide / e-book delves deep into the aspects of child safety and everything to do with that topic.

Through real world scenarios, examples, and solutions – your customers will be detailed a hands-on fully proven methods and approaches to protecting children and teaching child safety effectively.

File Format(s) Included:

What’s Inside This Kids Safety PLR Training Guide?

  • The most up to date and comprehensive information on child safety and security
  • Over 14,500 words of 100% unique and fresh content
  • Full PLR will be given to you in PDF, and Document format so that you can edit it however
  • Professionally formatted with beautiful header images and appearance
  • Information is valuable to anybody – even you (this is one of the HOTTEST topics right now)

Take A Sneak Peak At The Inside Of This Child PLR Training Manual…

Module 2 – Hybrid Cheat Sheet

Child Safety Lockdown PLR content

We call this a hybrid cheat sheet because it doesn’t just share simple steps for completing tasks.  It outlines fully detailed methods for each step, and even provides examples and references where necessary.

All of the topics covered in the training course are outlined in the hybrid cheat sheet and you also receive the document file so you can edit it.

File Format(s) Included:

Module 3 – Do’s And Do Not’s Chart

Child Safety PLR

We knew that the Do’s And Do Not’s Chart would be a popular addition to this package simply in that the topic being discussed covers a lot of do’s and don’ts along the way.  With this, you can provide this reference to the customers that purchase the main guide too.

File Format(s) Included:

Module 4 – Resources Report

Child Safety Lockdown PLR product

The resources report is where you we outline the massive amount of different resources and tools that people can use to help improve their child safety and security efforts.

Because of the way this is set up, you can also include your affiliate links where necessary and even add other details as well.

File Format(s) Included:

Module 5 – Comprehensive Mind Map

Child Safety private label rights ebook

The main training package wouldn’t be complete without the addition of a very comprehensive and useful mind map.  The mind map covers each of the topics found within the detailed training course, in a neat and easy to follow manner.  Source included.

File Format(s) Included:

Module 6 – Done For You Sales Page

  • Our top tier web designer worked with our copywriter to ensure that this sales page not only looks amazing – but also bangs conversions out like crazy.
  • With over 2,400 fresh words of completely unique copy, you don’t even have to worry about hiring a copywriter.  We’ve done all the hard work for you.
  • Simply add your buy button and name, upload to your site, and send traffic!

File Format(s) Included:

Module 7 – High Converting Sales Copy

  • Not only is the high converting sales copy already integrated into the sales page for you but we’ve taken it a step further to simplify things:
  • You will receive text and document files that contain the sales copy in it’s entirety.
  • Use this to create other content, presell the sales page, hire a writer to re-write the copy or anything else you choose.

File Format(s) Included:

Module 8 – Captivating Sales Video

To help you make promoting this offer an absolute breeze, we’re handing you a fully done for you sales video for boosting your conversion.

This is in the ever popular and high converting video sales letter / explainer style of sales video.
People love them, and when you add these into your fully done professional sales page, you’ll be overwhelmed with sales.

This sales video has been perfected to focus directly on presenting the offer and introducing urgency to the package.  Additionally, we’ve also had one of our best voice over artists narrate the script (which we’ll be providing you as well).

Just check out an example of the video below…

File Format(s) Included:

Module 9 – Hybrid Thank You Page

  • Most PLR providers just drop you with a regular thank you page that instantly grants your buyers access to their purchase, while missing out on a crucial factor.
  • We’ve implemented a 2-step download process into our system.
  • First you direct your buyers to a page (we provide) where they “register” their purchase (and get onto your list) and then after that, they’re directed to the REAL download page.

File Format(s) Included:

Module 10 – Support System & Legal Pages

  • Not only is this is a necessity for selling online, but you want to also present your business and this product as 100% professional.
  • You’re receiving a set of legal pages / documents that you can plug in to your site and link in the footer section of your sales page.
  • Additionally, you receive a completely integrated “support system” / “contact us” page so that your customers and even potential buyers can get in touch with you.

File Format(s) Included:

Module 11 – Professional Graphics Package

Outsourcing the graphic design work can end up costing you an arm and a leg.  That’s why we’ve taken the liberty of providing you with not only an entire graphics package, but also the PSD source files as well.

  • Cover designs for each asset (book, reports, check lists, etc.)
  • Header, logo and favico design so you can integrate them however you’d like.
  • Blank cover graphic so that you can add a new title and details easily without Photoshop.

File Format(s) Included:

Module 12 – Full Email Series

Don’t sweat coming up with email content and swipes to promote this package to your list or anywhere else.

We’ve taken the time and effort to have 5 professionally written email swipes whipped up that are geared and focused on getting clicks and making conversions.

All you have to do is choose the swipe in the series, pick your subject line, and then paste the body of the email into your autoresponder.  It’s that simple!

File Format(s) Included:

Module 13 – License Package

And of course, we present you with the licensing images and documentation for each tier of the licensing for this package.  This includes the private label rights, master resell rights, and basic resell rights licenses for all of these modules.

File Format(s) Included:

Module 14 – Step By Step Setup Guide

Forget about hiring somebody to set this kids safety PLR funnel up for you!  You can truly do it all yourself, and that’s why we’ve provided a comprehensive step-by-step setup guide for the entire package.  You’ll be able to get your new product up and banking sales in no time (and without any headache).  That’s our promise to you!

File Format(s) Included:

There was a time in history when protecting your children was truly as simple as ensuring they were home at sundown, brushed their teeth, and had a full belly after dinner.

The world has certainly changed over the last few decades, and even just the last few years.

Unfortunately, it seems that we now live in a world where dangers lurk around every corner; especially for the innocent and helpless children that we love so dearly…

From The Outside – Keeping Your Kids Safe Is A Seemingly Endless and Tireless Task,

Yet it’s one that you would go to seriously great lengths to secure for the most precious beings in your life.

Starting on day one, when you bring your children home from the hospital until the day that you leave the earth, protecting your kids from harm’s way is something that you’d go throw thick and thin to do.

Sure, friends and family are always there to provide you with advice, tidbits, and guidance for child-rearing and maintaining your kid’s safety.

However, often times while it’s always (or often) meant-well and acknowledged

  • It’s sometimes inaccurate or based on hocus pocus.
  • It maybe doesn’t match your parenting style personally.
  • It’s not even up to date with the times.

Who can really blame anyone in this situation? The big thing is, you can’t know how to counteract every situation perfectly.

The best you can do is be prepared. And the problem here is that a lot of people don’t put enough urgency upon that.

You may shrug your shoulders, and pass it off, but there’s more to it than that.

What exactly am I taking about?

If Child Safety Isn’t Already A Concern For You, Then The Following Statistics Might Alarm You…

I don’t want you to get “bubble boy” syndrome, but pay close attention.

The following statistics are indeed verified, validated and up-to-date:

  • A child is reported missing every 40 seconds in the U.S.
  • 74% of all child abductions are of female victims.
  • The Department of Justice reports that there are 1.8 million children affected by sexual abuse in the U.S. Many of these cases involve a close family member or friend, or someone that the child trusted.
  • One out of every three teens aged 12 to 17 has been the victim of cyberbullying.
  • Approximately 400 children were killed while riding their bikes in 2010.
  • There were another 515,000 bicycle injuries were reported in this same year. These accidents were oftentimes the result of not wearing a helmet.
  • Baby-proofing and child-proofing your home may reduce the risk of accident or injury by as much as 60% in many cases.

Look, that’s just some of what I could easily and quickly pull down to show you regarding this subject…

If you happen to be alarmed at this point, or maybe offput – don’t be.

Why would I say that? Because there’s plenty of ways that you can easily counteract many of these statistics with ease..

Alright, beyond the statistics, I’m sure we can all admit this…

The Non-Existent ‘How-To’ Manual of Caring For Children Would Be a Blessing To Most Parents

But unfortunately it’s unavailable (and would likely be of little help since all children are cut from a different loin).

So… more often than not; it is up to mothers and fathers to do what they feel best for their children, making decisions sometimes spur-of-the-moment and without idea of what is really the best solution.

The best method of keeping children safe is something that parents disagree on often, that’s no secret.

But at the end of the day, what’s important is that your child feels safe, secure and confident wherever they go, thanks to your efforts of protecting them.

At the end of the day, what we all want is to find what works for us to protect our children and actually be effective at doing such.

That in turn opens the door for something right now…

What if there WAS a resource that you could use that is FULLY up-to-date and packed with information for keeping kids of all ages safe?

Additionally, what if this resource put you in the know with everything you’d need to stay connected on the newest findings and the top methods for keeping your children safe?

Well… with this guide you’ll learn the most highly effective, proven professional tips and advice for child safety all across the board.

Whether You’re The Parent of a Baby, a Toddler, or a School-Aged Child or Even a Teenager…

The information inside of this course is provided to you in an effort to help you keep the people that you love most in life safe no matter where life may take them.

You will be provided you with countless proven tips and information for child safety when they’re at home with the babysitter and while they ride their bike; there is safety information for babysitters and dealing with strangers.

Better yet, there is an abundance of safety information covered here.

Everything that you need to do can be found within this course and thanks to its easy to reference sections, you can come back and go through any information once again easily.

I’m sure you’re reeling to see what this is, and wait no longer, because here it is…


Child Safety Lockdown PLR Package

Child Safety Lockdown PLR funnel

This is just a brief summary of all of the chapters and sections that are laid out in this child safety course:

  • Chapter I: Child Safety Statistics
  • Chapter II: Child Safety Basics
  • Chapter III: Children & Car Safety
  • Chapter IV: Bicycle Safety For Kids
  • Chapter V: Children & Strangers Safety
  • Chapter VI: School Safety
  • Chapter VII: Improving Your Kid’s Academic Approach
  • Chapter VIII: Children & The Internet
  • Chapter IX: Kids and Sports Safety
  • Chapter X: Youth Safety Around The House
  • Chapter XI: Outdoor Safety 101
  • Chapter XII: Babysitter & Childcare Safety
  • Chapter XIII: Talking To Your Child
  • Chapter XIV: Keeping Your Toddler or Infant Safe
  • Chapter XV: Making Safety a Top Priority
  • Chapter XVI: Children and Drug Abuse

What’s even better is that I’m giving you insight from various people, myself included, who have actually raised and interacted with kids and worked towards improving safety. These are people that have learned how to properly communicate safety to kids, and keep them safe, and now I’ve compiled all of this into a PROVEN e-book course so that anybody, even YOU, can benefit from it.

So… are you ready to keep your children safe without worrying?

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Now You Can Get Instant Access To 10 Fresh, Comprehensive, Step-By-Step Video Tutorials For This Anger Control Course…

What I’m about to say shouldn’t come as a surprise…

There’s A TON of material and information provided in this entire course.

It can be daunting to retain all of the knowledge and benefit from it, due to the pace of everything.

It may also take a decent bit of time to work your way through reading the entire guide, and then putting the system and strategies detailed into action.

Perhaps you feel that you don’t have the time to be sitting down, picking through pages of materials, and so on.

Maybe you’d like to SEE the information by having it presented to you and then reviewing it THAT way.

Better yet, you’ll be able to learn in a visual and audible way everything that’s laid out in this child safety and security course.

That’s why I have especially great news for you…

I’ve recorded 10 exclusive, comprehensive video tutorials that will go over the methods, the tools, the mindset and the entire system for not only keeping kids safe but also giving you the tools to teach kids proper life safety..

Here’s just a summary of the videos in this upgraded package:

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Take A Look At Some Of The Modules In This Child Safety PLR Sales Funnel…

Module 1 – Video Training Series

Having an entire 10 part video training course based around this product is the perfect upgrade (or even main portion) for the training.

You have an entire professionally done, voiced, and organized video series at your disposal, entirely unbranded.  No setup required at all!

File Format(s) Included:

Module 2 – Powerpoint Slides

Seeing as the video course is partially PowerPoint based, what would this package be without including the same PowerPoint presentation that was used to create the videos?

You can edit the presentation, cut it up, and even provide it to customers as another learning tool for the course.

File Format(s) Included:

Module 3 – MP3 Audio Training (Audio Book)

Audio based training is all the rage nowadays.  With the rise of audio books and people being too on the go all the time to sit down and go through the pages of a book.  You can provide your customers with this audio training with their purchase, or even market the audio however.

Listen to a sample of the audio training here:

Your browser does not support the audio element.

File Format(s) Included:

Module 4 – Scripts For Videos / Slides

Maybe you want to re-voice the video series with your own voice, or hire a new voice over artist.  Perhaps you want to add the transcripts to the videos so that closed captioning works.  Regardless of your reasoning, we’ve provided the script for each video / slide in this series / upgrade.  You can do anything you want!

File Format(s) Included:

Module 5 – Learning Center for Customers

We’ve developed an interactive web based learning center that you can provide to customers access to after their purchase.  This center breaks down the video course piece by piece, and also provides buttons to all of the other assets.

This requires no set up at all, all you have to do is upload the learning center folder to your website and you’re ready to go.

File Format(s) Included:

Module 6 – Improved Front End Sales Page

  • This improved front end page has a spot on it for the video course, and a preview section.
  • With over 1,500 fresh words of completely unique copy, you don’t even have to worry about hiring a copywriter.  We’ve done all the hard work for you.
  • Simply add your buy button and name, upload to your site, and send traffic!

File Format(s) Included:

Module 7 – Upsell Sales Page

  • This upsell page is PERFECT for presenting the video series upgrade to customers directly after they purchase the main course.
  • With over 1,500 fresh words of completely unique copy, you don’t even have to worry about hiring a copywriter.  We’ve done all the hard work for you.
  • Simply add your buy button and name, upload to your site, and send traffic!

File Format(s) Included:

Module 8 – Captivating Upsell Sales Video

To help you make promoting this offer an absolute breeze, we’re handing you a fully done for you sales video for boosting your conversion.

This is in the ever popular and high converting video sales letter / explainer style of sales video.  People love them, and when you add these into your fully done professional sales page, you’ll be overwhelmed with sales.

This sales video has been perfected to focus directly on presenting the upgrade (video) offer and introducing urgency to the package.  Additionally, we’ve also had one of our best voice over artists narrate the script (which we’ll be providing you as well).

Just check out an example of the video below…

File Format(s) Included:

Module 9 – Resell Rights Sales Page

  • Boost your sales by reaching out to an entirely new audience that’s interested in having their own product that they can resell for 100% profits.
  • Receive the entire resell rights page and thank you page as well.
  • Everything is packaged up, you just add your buy button and deliver the product.

File Format(s) Included:

 Module 10 – Support System & Legal Pages

  • Not only is this is a necessity for selling online, but you want to also present your business and this product as 100% professional.
  • You’re receiving a set of legal pages / documents that you can plug in to your site and link in the footer section of your sales page.
  • Additionally, you receive a completely integrated “support system” / “contact us” page so that your customers and even potential buyers can get in touch with you.

File Format(s) Included:

Module 11 – Resell Rights Email Swipes

Don’t sweat coming up with email content and swipes to promote this package to your list or anywhere else.

We’ve taken the time and effort to have 5 professionally written email swipes whipped up that are geared and focused on getting clicks and making conversions.

All you have to do is choose the swipe in the series, pick your subject line, and then paste the body of the email into your autoresponder.  It’s that simple!

File Format(s) Included:

Module 12 – Professional Graphics Package

Outsourcing the graphic design work can end up costing you an arm and a leg.  That’s why we’ve taken the liberty of providing you with not only an entire graphics package, but also the PSD source files as well.

  • Upgraded cover designs for each asset (book, reports, check lists, etc.)
  • Header, logo and favico design so you can integrate them however you’d like.
  • Blank cover graphic so that you can add a new title and details easily without Photoshop.
  • Upgraded set of mock ups and boxes that you can use for each package.

File Format(s) Included:

Module 13 – Step By Step Setup Guide

Forget about hiring somebody to set this funnel up for you!  You can truly do it all yourself, and that’s why we’ve provided a comprehensive step-by-step setup guide for the entire package.  You’ll be able to get your new product up and banking sales in no time (and without any headache).  That’s our promise to you!

File Format(s) Included:

Module 14 – Affiliate Promo Tools Center

Gather up affiliate to promote this awesome package for you.

You’ll receive an entire stocked affiliate promotion center containing the following:

  • Email Swipes
  • Banner Ads
  • Product Graphics
  • Social Media Swipes

And everything else that potential affiliates need to easily start promoting your product and earning a commissions for themselves.

All you have to do is add your details and the link for affiliates to apply and get their affiliate link.

File Format(s) Included:

Module 15 – Social Media Swipe Kit

Promoting on social networks is one of the easiest and quickest ways to drive TONS of free and targeted traffic, not to mention the potential for your message or offer to spread around on autopilot.

That’s why we took the time to put together all of the essential kits you’ll need for promoting on different platforms such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Forums, and even different signatures as well.

All you have to do is add your sales page link to these posts and you’re ready to start cashing in.

File Format(s) Included:

Module 16 – Set of High Converting Banner Ads

Run massive pay-per-click and other kinds of ad campaigns on any network you choose with these 6 high quality banner ads that center around this package.

These ads were designed by a professional graphic designer with the sole purpose in mind of converting impressions to clicks like crazy, so you can expect a flood of traffic.

File Format(s) Included:

Module 17 – Social Media Covers

A great way to passively promote this product on various networks would be to just slap up a cover photo that’s focused around the product itself, on various social networks.

Better yet, we’ve provided you with cover images for all of the most popular platforms, and even include the PSD source files so that you can edit these images in Photoshop and change them however you see fit.

File Format(s) Included:

Module 18 – Keyword Research Report

Targeting the wrong keywords for a marketing campaign, especially when it comes to SEO, can be detrimental to both your business and your wallet as well.

We took the time to hire an incredibly talented keyword research SEO specialist to dig up the golden nugget keywords for this niche.

On top of that, we told him to include as many other keywords and low hanging fruit as possible.  That way you can target all kinds of different keywords and see which one converts the best for you.

You receive an entire spreadsheet file, a PDF file, and even an awesome guide that will explain how to understand the entire research report.  With over 200 words, you’re sure to have a successful campaign.

File Format(s) Included:

Module 19 – Viral Quote Images Pack

You will receive 15 viral quote photos that you can post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, or any other network that allows the posting of images.

These quote images are based on “self-esteem” quotes so you can be sure that plenty of Internet users will be sharing them around like wildfire because of the content.

This means you can post the images anywhere, add your company name, and then watch the images go viral for you.

File Format(s) Included:

Module 20 – Set of 10 High Quality 2D ECovers

  • Ten completely unique high quality 2D ecover graphics for this product.
  • Each cover contains a different title and sub-title so you can easily brand the product.
  • Perfect quality so you can easily replace the covers on the training package.
  • PSD files included for each of the designs.  A MASSIVE value allowing you to edit them.

File Format(s) Included:

Module 21 – Camtasia Studio Video Project Files

Let’s say you re-brand this training course product with a new cover, new title, and everything in between.  There’s still a problem… you’re still stuck with a sales video with has the old details on it.

Well, not anymore.  Because we’re providing the Camtasia Studio project file for both the FRONT END sales video and the UPGRADE sales video as well.  All you have to do is open up the project file, and there’s a clearly marked area to drop your new e-cover into.

It’s really just as simple as that.  Plus we’re including a step-by-step tutorial guide that shows you just how to do this.  No fussing around!

File Format(s) Included:


Child Safety Lockdown PLR Advanced Upgrade Package

Child Safety Lockdown PLR course

Child Safety Lockdown PLR Video Series

Child Safety Lockdown PLR videos

Now you can kick start your knowledge on keeping kids safe and teaching them safety, because this 10 part step-by-step video training series will cover everything inside of the e-book guide AND more.

Each major section of the guide is broken down into one separate video, allowing you to digest the contents section by section without becoming overwhelmed.

List of Videos

Child Safety Lockdown PLR video course

Have A Peak At A Video From The Course

As before, here’s the breakdown of all of the videos you’ll get in this training course upgrade package:

  • Video I: Getting Started With Child Safety
  • Video II: Kids and Mobility Safety
  • Video III: School Safety and Academic Mentality Insight
  • Video IV: Babysitter, Childcare, and Stranger Safety
  • Video V: Children & The World Wide Web
  • Video VI: Outdoor Safety 101 (Sports Included)
  • Video VII: Youth Safety Around The House
  • Video VIII: Keeping Your Toddler or Infant Safe
  • Video IX: Children, Teens, and Drug Abuse
  • Video X: Talking To Your Child About Safety + Prioritizing Safety Tips

All of the hard work, effort, and strategies that can teach you the stuff you need to keep your children safe and allow you to present them with the skills to protect themselves, have been fully laid out and done for you. You just need to get your hands on this package and apply these PROVEN tactics to make certain that you NEVER have to worry and fret about child safety ever again, or at least not as badly.

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What’s Included With This PLR Package?

Front End Package

  • Module 1: Training Guide E-Book (15K Words)
  • Module 2: Hybrid Cheat Sheet
  • Module 3: Do’s And Do Not’s Table
  • Module 4: Resources Report
  • Module 5: Mind Map
  • Module 6: Sales Page
  • Module 7: Professional Graphics Package
  • Module 8: Captivating HD Sales Video Promo
  • Module 9: Hybrid Thank You Page
  • Module 10: Support System & Legal Pages
  • Module 11: High Converting Sales Copy
  • Module 12: Solo Email Series
  • Module 13: Licensing Package
  • Module 14: Step-By-Step Setup Guide

Upgrade Package

  • Module 1: Video Series (10 Videos, 76 Minutes)
  • Module 2: PowerPoint Slides
  • Module 3: MP3 Audio Book
  • Module 4: Video Series Scripts
  • Module 5: Learning Center
  • Module 6: Improved Sales Page
  • Module 7: Upsell Sales Page
  • Module 8: HD Upsell Video
  • Module 9: Resell Rights Sales Page
  • Module 10: Support System & Legal Pages
  • Module 11: Resell Rights Email Swipes
  • Module 12: Upgraded Graphics w/ the PSDs
  • Module 13: Step By Step Setup Guide
  • Module 14: JV / Affiliate Center
  • Module 15: Social Swipes Kit
  • Module 16: Six Banner Ads w/ PSD Files
  • Module 17: Keyword Research Report
  • Module 18: Social Posters Pack
  • Module 19: 10 HQ 2D E-covers w/ the PSD Files
  • Module 20: Camtasia Studio Video Project Files (Front End & Upsell)

Product Details:

  • eBook File Formats: DOC, DOCX, PDF
  • Viewable With: Any PDF Reader (Online and Offline)
  • eBook Word Length 15,110+ Words of High Quality Content
  • Pages In eBook 65 Pages Total (Formatted with Images)
  • Video File Format: MP4​​​​​
  • Videos In Series: 10 Total Videos
  • Video Series Total Length: 01 Hour, 16 Minutes, 18 Seconds
  • File Size: 1.28 GB

Here Are The PLR License Terms

What you can do:

  • Can change the title on this report.
  • Can add your name as the author / creator
  • Can modify or brand this report in any way.
  • Can give the report away in any format or method (PLR)
  • Can sell the report with personal use license (Suggested price $7+)
  • Can offer the report as part of a PLR membership site (Personal Usage Only)
  • Can offer the report as part of a free or paid membership site of any kind. (Personal Use Only)
  • Can break apart the report for content of any kind.
  • Can add to the content or use the content in the report for anything.
  • Can modify or change the provided squeeze page in any way.
  • Can offer the report (individually) as a bonus
  • Can sell resell rights to the report. (Minimum $17)
  • Can sell master resale rights to the report (Minimum $27)

What you cannot do:

  • Cannot resell this main package in any way.
  • Cannot add the report to a PLR site w/ PLR, MRR, RR (Only Personal Use)
  • Cannot sell resell rights to this portion of the product.
  • Cannot sell this portion of the product with private label rights.
  • Cannot sell the report or this package on an auction site or as a WSO.

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