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Calorie Counting Premium PLR Ebook

Calorie Counting Premium PLR Package 35k Words

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#calories #caloriecounting #caloriesplr #foodplr #dietplr #exerciseplr #eatingplr #cardioplr #weightloss #mealplanning #joggingplr #walkingplr #metabolism #burncalories #caloriecontrol #cleaneating #calorie #countcalories #countingcalories

Calorie Counting Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 35 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Self Help Content.


Attention: Self Help Marketers, Personal Development & Self Improvement Coaches

Done for You Premium Self Help PLR Product on a



Dear Self Improvement online business owner, When it comes to self help and personal development searches, the Calories is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Calories has spawned an entire industry of blogs, courses, books and products.

This is where my premium done-for-you Calorie Counting PLR content package comes in. It’s all about teaching your customers The Simple Guide to Weight Loss Math (Counting Calories to Shed Those Pounds).

Everything is completely done-for-you and ready-to-go – from the main Self Help Private label info product to your social media updates – it’s simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative self improvement niche.



Introducing The…

Calorie Counting PLR Package

Featuring Over 35 000 Words of High Quality Calories Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality Calorie Counting PLR package covers the hugely popular self help niche. Self Help is evergreen and will always be. This Calorie Counting PLR package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it or use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Calorie Counting MEGA PLR Package…


Main Report: “The Simple Guide to Weight Loss Math (Counting Calories to Shed Those Pounds)

(4,217 words, 7 images)

Calorie Counting Premium PLR Ebook


A look inside the Calorie Counting PLR eBook:

Calorie Counting Premium PLR Ebook Sneak Preview


Table of Contents for the Calorie Counting PLR Ebook:

Introduction – Why Count Calories……………………………………….. 2

What is Calorie Counting?………………………………………………………………… 2

We Overestimate How Much We Burn and Underestimate How Much We Eat……………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

Calorie Counting Is An Education……………………………………………………. 3

Calorie Counting Gives You More Control……………………………………… 3

Part One: What is a Calorie?………………………………………………….. 4

The Calories In, Calories Out Myth……………………………………………………….. 4

Part Two: How Many Calories Do You Need?………………………… 6

How to Decide How Many Calories to Eat Every Day……………………. 6

The Role of Exercise in Calorie Counting and Restriction…………… 7

Sample Calorie Restriction Plan……………………………………………………… 9

Part Three: Tools, Tips and Methods to Count Calories……… 11

Food Journal……………………………………………………………………………………… 11

Calorie Counting Sites, Services, and Applications…………………….. 11

Devices………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12

Next Steps………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12

Tips for Calorie Counting Success……………………………………….. 14


Sample Content for the Calorie Counting Premium PLR Ebook:

Introduction – Why Count Calories

When you’re trying to lose weight and achieve optimal health there are many habits and weight loss paths to consider. Undoubtedly, it’s important to pay attention to what you eat. The more you eat, the more calories you put into your body. If your body doesn’t burn those calories through the natural course of your day, it stores the energy as fat.

Not good.

The goal is to burn fat, to get rid of it and to never see it again. This is why some people turn to the process of calorie counting to lose weight – it works.

What is Calorie Counting?

Calorie counting is the practice of tracking the food you eat each and every day. You track not only the types of food, but also the amount of food, that you eat. For example, if you have some green beans it’s not enough to document “green beans.” You also need to measure the amount. Did you have a cup of green beans? A half-cup?

How you cook the item is important as well. For example, there are 31 calories in raw green beans, 44 in boiled, and 46 calories in microwaved green beans. With calorie counting, the details are important. If you’re 100 calories off each day that’s a pound at the end of the month, and when you’re trying to lose weight every pound matters.

As you track what you’ve eaten, and how much, you’ll also refer to your choice of calorie information tools. There are mobile applications, online tools, and books that you can use to help you track your daily calories.

Keep in mind that as you’re counting what you consume, you’ll also want to count what you burn. Again, there are tools for doing this. Using a variety of tools or devices that we’ll discuss in a bit, you can track how many calories you burn running errands, walking the dog, watching television and doing Zumba for an hour at the gym. This way you can look at your numbers at the end of the day and make sure that you’re burning more than you’re consuming.

So why go to such detail and why count calories?

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.

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Browse for more Self Improvement PLR content packs at

Calorie Counting Checklist:

(256 words, 1 pages)

Calorie Counting Premium PLR Checklist


Calorie Counting Checklist Sneak Preview:

Calorie Counting Premium PLR Checklist


Heart Rate Monitor Reviews:

Omron HR-100CN Heart Rate Monitor – 491 words

Polar FT4 Heart Rate Monitor – 474 words

Timex T5K541 Personal Trainer – 503 words


Toning Shoe Reviews:

FitFlop Women’s Pietra Sandal – 452 words

New Balance Women’s WW850 True Balance Toning Shoe – 428 words

Skechers Women’s Shape Ups – 453 words


Calorie Burning Clothing Reviews:

Delfin Spa Bio Ceramic Anti Cellulite Capris – 477 words

Everlast for Her All-in-One Body Slimmer – 426 words

Womens Kutting Weight Neoprene Weight Loss Sauna Pant – 461 words

Zaggora Women’s Flares 2.0 Pant – 452 words


High Quality Calorie Counting PLR Articles:

2 Rehabbed Recipes for Low Calorie Desserts Under 125 Calories – 588 words

3 Hidden Calorie Traps – 439 words

4 Ways to Reduce Calories in Home Made Desserts – 409 words

20 Easy Ways to Reduce Calories – 515 words

Balancing Calorie Deficit with an Increase in Physical Activity – 518 words

How Cutting Calories Can Save You Money – 520 words

How Many Calories Is It Safe to Cut Out Each Day/Week? – 441 words

How Positivity Affects Weight Loss Success – 425 words

How to Cook Healthy AND Tasty Vegetables! – 414 words

How to Curb the Late Night Urges for a Snack – 472 words

How to Satisfy Your Hunger While You’re Cutting Calories – 430 words

Should You Use Cooking Spray to Cut Calories? – 405 words

Steps To Being A Physically Fit Family – 631 words

Tips for Avoiding Binge Eating – 479 words

What Does It Mean to Have a High Metabolism? – 467 words

What Is a Calorie? – 504 words

Why All Calories Are Not Created Equal – 505 words

Why Fat Free Foods Are Not Always the Best Choice for Your Health – 439 words

Why Focusing on Getting Healthy, Rather Than Losing Weight, Will Help You in the Long Run – 418 words

Why Water Is Important to Your Weight Loss – 453 words


Calorie Counting PLR Article Sample:

4 Ways to Reduce Calories in Home Made Desserts

Desserts don’t have to be loaded with calories (and fat) to taste great. There are many alterations/ substitutions you can make to your current recipes, and still have them taste great. Here are four changes you can make that your family won’t even notice.


Low or non-fat yogurt is a great substitute for high fat ingredients used in baking such as shortening, oil, butter and sour cream. Not only does it cut fat and calories, but it adds a creamy texture. If your recipe calls for 1 cup of butter, use 1/2 cup or butter and 1/4 cup of yogurt. Replace 1 cup of shortening or oil with 1/2 cup shortening/oil, 1/4 cup yogurt plus 2 tablespoons.

Sugar blend

A part of a healthy lifestyle, many people are switching over to natural sweeteners derived from the Stevia plant. While 20 times sweeter than sugar, it has 0 calories. If you use pure stevia, then use at the ration of 6 packets to 1/4 cup of granulated sugar.

Some companies have created a stevia/granulated sugar blend. Use it at the replacement ratio of 1/2 cup of sugar blend per 1 cup of sugar. You still get the great taste of sugar, but with only half the calories and it is all natural.


For sweeter quick breads, muffins and cakes, and with a creamier texture, substitute applesauce for butter. In most recipes, you can do a one-for-one swap. Use unsweetened applesauce measured in a measuring cup made for measuring liquids. When using applesauce as a replacement, mix in the other liquid ingredients into the applesauce, then add in the sugar and finally fold in the dry ingredients. Mix only until well combined. Do not shorten up the baking time.


White whole wheat flour is a great substitute in recipes calling for all-purpose or white flour. Replace half of the flour requirement with whole wheat flour. While white flour is highly refined and has many of the nutrients taken out in the process, whole wheat flour still contains the wheat seed, germ and bran, making it much more nutritious.

By using healthy substitutes, such as whole wheat flour in place of regular flour, yogurt in place of butter, applesauce in place of oil, and reducing the sugar in your recipes, you can turn your calorie-laden desserts into something healthy, and more than likely your family will not notice the difference. Experiment and see how you can rehab your recipes.


Social Media Posts and Images:


Shareable Social Media Graphics (PLR)

Calorie Counting Premium PLR Social Media Graphics


Calorie Counting Keyword Research Pack

Calorie Counting Premium PLR Keyword Research


20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook) + 3 bonus bylines for article marketing or guest blogging

Calorie Counting Premium PLR Social Media Tweets and Bylines

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10 Stay Fit PLR Articles

1.Five Ideas for Staying Motivated about Fitness – 516 Words

2.Five Ways to Find More Time to Exercise – 484 Words

3.Four Fun Ways to Burn More Calories – 477 Words

4.Fun Ways to Get Fit at Home – 459 Words

5.How to Boost Your Metabolism after 40 – 467 Words

6.How to Find Affordable Fitness Gear for the Whole Family – 487 Words

7.Ten Ideas to Get Your Family Active and Moving – 521 Words

8.The Secrets to Enjoying Exercise – 438 Words

9.The Snowball Effect of Exercising – 480 Words

10.Volunteer Your Way to Skinny – 419 Words

These Stay Fit PLR Articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR License.


Stay Fit PLR Article Sample:

Four Fun Ways to Burn More Calories

The truth of the matter is that everything we do, from walking up and down the stairs to house cleaning, burns calories. While we can think of many different ways to burn more calories, the fact remains that burning more calories than we consume is the key to weight loss. Most of us associate burning those calories with painful and dreaded methods in doing so. That does not mean, however, that we cannot have fun while burning those calories. Here then are four fun ways to burn more calories.

Sleep It Off

Although you may find it difficult to shut your mind off at night, did you know that getting a solid eight hours of sleep every night can burn well over 350 calories a night. It pays to get into a sleep-inducing routine every evening. By setting yourself up for a good night’s sleep about an hour or two before settling in, not only do you get a healthy body, mind, and spirit, you also have the opportunity to burn calories without moving a muscle. Now, that is a win-win situation.

Skip the Car Wash

Instead of running the car through the car wash, gather your family around and make it a family affair. Not only will you save money by washing the car yourself, you will also burn calories and spend time with your family. Washing your car can be fun, especially at the end when everyone gets the opportunity to wet each other with the hose – and you have the possibility of burning more than 100 calories.

Grow a Garden

Even if you do not have a green thumb, the benefits of growing a garden are numerous. You will have the benefit of trying something new and no matter how big or small, you’re sure to achieve success. Gardening gives you the bonus of seeing something through from beginning to end. Whether you grow flowers or vegetables you get to see the birth of something new and gardening has the potential to help you burn up to 300 calories per hour. It also clarifies the mind.

Power Walking

If you enjoy going for a leisurely stroll, why not take it up a notch. Power walking is not only fun but also can be a great excuse to meet up with neighbors. Reach out to someone who is likely to be interested in walking but is at the same level as you. So if you are a beginner walker, do not get together with someone who is an avid runner or power walker. Begin with a beginner. As you go along, you will see that you are able to navigate hills and walk for longer time periods. It is great for the mind, body, soul, and for burning calories while having a fun conversation with your neighbor.


10 Weight loss PLR Articles

10 Weightloss PLR Articles Titles:

Fat burning foods that really work – 519 Words

Resistance training – the key to burning fat fast – 542 Words

Best whole body fat loss exercises – 487 Words

Food combining for fat loss – does it work? – 411 Words

Why calorie counting is not the best long term option – 461 Words

What is the satiety index and does it work? – 494 Words

Curb your cravings – 439 Words

Eat carbs, lose weight, really – 501 Words

Keeping a close eye on portion sizes – 482 Words

You can have your cake and eat it too, really – 576 Words

These Weight loss PLR Articles  are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR License.


Weight loss PLR Article Sample:

Curb your cravings

So how do you stop craving junk food? That’s a question a lot of people struggle with.

One thing to understand is that cravings and hunger are two different things. Cravings can come even when you aren’t hungry. They are specific to one kind of food or another and usually have an emotional attachment. It’s also important to note that cravings are far more common when you are hungry.

So how do you eliminate cravings?

Here are three simple tips to follow:

#1) Don’t give yourself opportunity to give in.

In other words, try to keep whatever you are craving out of your home and work environment. What if you can’t do this? For instance, you might work someplace with vending machines, where that dreaded candy bar is just 75 cents away. In this case just eat a healthy food you enjoy in its place.

One of the reasons for binging is being too restrictive, which often times leads to intense cravings. So the key to overcoming that is to enjoy what you eat.

As an example, if you want a candy bar, try eating dates or honey instead. These are natural sweet alternatives and will usually alleviate your desire for junk food.

#2) Stay full.

While it’s true that cravings aren’t necessarily the result of hunger, as mentioned earlier they do get worse when you are on an empty stomach. So the key is to be full. This is especially true when you are going somewhere where junk food will be available. If nothing else, this will at least reduce the amount you eat overall.

#3) Find another way to alleviate stress.

For many people, cravings only come when they are stressed out. As a result of a lifetime of conditioning, they instantly want junk food for “comfort”. Try something different. Instead of eating, just exercise. This is hands down one of the top methods for eliminating worry.  And do it early in the day.

The later you wait, the less likely you are to do it.

#4) Limit your junk food consumption.

Many have found that restricting this to one day a week tends to satisfy the cravings for the rest of the week. You may want to experiment with this.

And assuming you do binge from time to time, it also limits the damage done. This is because your body gets it all out of its’ system in one day.

The bottom line is that when you incorporate one or all of these tips, you will dramatically reduce the amount of junk food you eat. Your health will also improve as a result.


15 Fitness PLR Articles and Images 

1.Exercises for Strengthening Your Core – 463 words

2.Fitness Tips for Older Adults – 451 words

3.Getting Started with Strength Training – Using Your Body Weight – 450 words

4.How to Add High Intensity Interval Training to Your Home Workout – 503 words

5.How to Track Your Workouts – 529 words

6.Is Restorative Yoga Right for You? – 465 words

7.Can a Personal Trainer Help You Get Fit? Understanding Your Personal Training Options – 491 words

8.Three Reasons to Try Circuit Training – 447 words

9.Seven Reasons to Try Tai Chi – 553 words

10.The Benefits of High Intensity Boot Camps – 453 words

11.Five Tips for Balancing Calories and Physical Activities – 481 words

12.Tips for Strength Training Safely – 461 words

13.Seven Tips and Tools to Help You Recover from Your Workouts – 450 words

14.What Exactly Is Functional Fitness? – 465 words

15.What Is a Whole Foods Diet and Why Should You Consider It? – 497 words

These Fitness PLR Articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR License.


Fitness PLR Article Sample:

Getting Started with Strength Training – Using Your Body Weight

Strength training intimidates many people. They envision red-faced men and women with building muscles grunting and lifting heavy weights. While this may be true for some individuals, the vast majority of people who strength train do so for improved health.

Strength training has been shown to burn more fat and calories. It actually improves cognitive function, reduces blood pressure, and improves bone density. Even in older men and women it can reduce bone loss and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Strength training improves mobility and boosts confidence.

The fear of getting bulky is just one reason that people avoid strength training. However, unless you have a unique genetic makeup and you’re willing to lift weights for hours a day, that’s not going to happen to you.

People also hesitate to train because they’re uncomfortable in the weight room at the gym. The good news is that the first step to strength training, whether you want to go to the gym or not, is often to use your own body weight to get stronger.

Think about the basic push-up. The push-up is a bodyweight exercise. And most people cannot do a single push-up. The movement strengthens your core, your shoulders, your chest and your arm muscles. It’s a comprehensive strength-training movement and it only uses the weight of your body. The following are also strength-training movements that you can do at home with your own body weight:

* Pull-ups (you can do this movement at your local playground on the bars)

* Squats

* Lunges

* Good morning (this is a movement where you keep your legs straight and your knees soft. Keeping your back straight, you bend forward at the hip. The moment your back starts to curve, using your hips and leg muscles, you straighten back up.)

* Sit-ups

* Dips – You can use a stable coffee table or a sturdy chair. Placing your hands behind you on the stable piece of furniture, you lower your backside until your arms are at a 90 degree angle or less.

Each of these movements, when performed correctly, can help strengthen your body from head to toe. Start with a pattern of perhaps performing 8-12 repetitions in three sets. As you get stronger you can start increasing the number and the intensity. For example, you might do as many push-ups as possible in a minute.

Once you feel a little more confident with your strength you can add weights. If you’re still not interested in going to the gym’s weight room, consider getting a set of hand weights or kettlebells. It’s a simple way to add weight and continue to increase your strength.


Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!


For the first 50 buyers of this Calorie Counting PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!

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Bonus 1

10 Quality Fast Fat Burning PLR Articles


View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the 10 Quality Fast Fat Burning PLR Articles:

  1. The Multiple 10 Minute Workout Method
  2. Small Steps Can Lead to Big Weight Loss
  3. 3 Foods to Avoid if You Want to Lose Weight
  4. Step by Step Guide to Fabulous Abs
  5. How to Increase Your Metabolism
  6. Easy Exercises You Can Do At Home
  7. Burn Fat Fast With High Intensity Workouts
  8. Designing an Easy to Follow Workout Routine
  9. Burning Belly Fat Made Simple
  10. How to Use Group Exercises to Lose Weight and Stay Motivated


Bonus 2

Fat Burning Secrets PLR Ebook

Fat Burning Secrets PLR Book

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Download File Size –  2.13 MB
eBook Format – PDF,
Source File – Word
Number of Pages – 12


Bonus 3

5 High Quality Fitness Routines For Weight Loss PLR Articles

5 High Quality Fitness Routines For Weight Loss PLR Articles

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the 5 Weight Loss Articles:

  1. Is Exercise Really That Important for Your Weight Loss Journey? (662 words)
  2. 4 Training Mistakes People Make When Trying to Lose Weight (662 words)
  3. Are You Killing Yourself with High Intensity Training? (639 words)
  4. How Often Should Your Exercise to Lose Weight (677 words)
  5. How to Structure a Training Program to Lose Weight (567 words)

Bonus 4

Simple Speed Secrets To Transform Your Body Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

Simple Speed Secrets To Transform Your Body Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Ecovers
Module 3 – Website-Pages
Module 4 – Promo-Banners
Module 5 – Articles
Module 6 – Report + Lead-Capture
Module 7 – Reseller License Pack
Module 8 – Keyword Report+EMD


Bonus 5

Spice Up Your HIIT Workouts PLR Report and Squeeze Page

Spice Up Your HIIT Workouts Ebook

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • Images
  • Lead Magnet
  • Squeeze Page

Total File Download Size:

36.1 Megabytes (MB)


Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!


Package Details For The Calorie Counting PLR Package:

Main Report:

The Simple Guide to Weight Loss Math (Counting Calories to Shed Those Pounds)

(4,217 words, 7 images)

* Introduction – Why Count Calories

* Part One: What is a Calorie?

* Part Two: How Many Calories Do You Need?

* Part Three: Tools, Tips and Methods to Count Calories

* Tips for Calorie Counting Success


Heart Rate Monitor Reviews:

Omron HR-100CN Heart Rate Monitor – 491 words

Polar FT4 Heart Rate Monitor – 474 words

Timex T5K541 Personal Trainer – 503 words


Toning Shoe Reviews:

FitFlop Women’s Pietra Sandal – 452 words

New Balance Women’s WW850 True Balance Toning Shoe – 428 words

Skechers Women’s Shape Ups – 453 words


Calorie Burning Clothing Reviews:

Delfin Spa Bio Ceramic Anti Cellulite Capris – 477 words

Everlast for Her All-in-One Body Slimmer – 426 words

Womens Kutting Weight Neoprene Weight Loss Sauna Pant – 461 words

Zaggora Women’s Flares 2.0 Pant – 452 words


Calorie PLR Articles:

2 Rehabbed Recipes for Low Calorie Desserts Under 125 Calories – 588 words

3 Hidden Calorie Traps – 439 words

4 Ways to Reduce Calories in Home Made Desserts – 409 words

20 Easy Ways to Reduce Calories – 515 words

Balancing Calorie Deficit with an Increase in Physical Activity – 518 words

How Cutting Calories Can Save You Money – 520 words

How Many Calories Is It Safe to Cut Out Each Day/Week? – 441 words

How Positivity Affects Weight Loss Success – 425 words

How to Cook Healthy AND Tasty Vegetables! – 414 words

How to Curb the Late Night Urges for a Snack – 472 words

How to Satisfy Your Hunger While You’re Cutting Calories – 430 words

Should You Use Cooking Spray to Cut Calories? – 405 words

Steps To Being A Physically Fit Family – 631 words

Tips for Avoiding Binge Eating – 479 words

What Does It Mean to Have a High Metabolism? – 467 words

What Is a Calorie? – 504 words

Why All Calories Are Not Created Equal – 505 words

Why Fat Free Foods Are Not Always the Best Choice for Your Health – 439 words

Why Focusing on Getting Healthy, Rather Than Losing Weight, Will Help You in the Long Run – 418 words

Why Water Is Important to Your Weight Loss – 453 words


Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Images

20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

+ 3 bonus bylines for article marketing or guest blogging



10 Stay Fit PLR Articles

1.Five Ideas for Staying Motivated about Fitness – 516 Words

2.Five Ways to Find More Time to Exercise – 484 Words

3.Four Fun Ways to Burn More Calories – 477 Words

4.Fun Ways to Get Fit at Home – 459 Words

5.How to Boost Your Metabolism after 40 – 467 Words

6.How to Find Affordable Fitness Gear for the Whole Family – 487 Words

7.Ten Ideas to Get Your Family Active and Moving – 521 Words

8.The Secrets to Enjoying Exercise – 438 Words

9.The Snowball Effect of Exercising – 480 Words

10.Volunteer Your Way to Skinny – 419 Words

These Stay Fit PLR Articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR License.


10 Weight loss PLR Articles

10 Weightloss PLR Articles Titles:

Fat burning foods that really work – 519 Words

Resistance training – the key to burning fat fast – 542 Words

Best whole body fat loss exercises – 487 Words

Food combining for fat loss – does it work? – 411 Words

Why calorie counting is not the best long term option – 461 Words

What is the satiety index and does it work? – 494 Words

Curb your cravings – 439 Words

Eat carbs, lose weight, really – 501 Words

Keeping a close eye on portion sizes – 482 Words

You can have your cake and eat it too, really – 576 Words

These Weight loss PLR Articles  are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR License.


15 Fitness PLR Articles and Images

1.Exercises for Strengthening Your Core – 463 words

2.Fitness Tips for Older Adults – 451 words

3.Getting Started with Strength Training – Using Your Body Weight – 450 words

4.How to Add High Intensity Interval Training to Your Home Workout – 503 words

5.How to Track Your Workouts – 529 words

6.Is Restorative Yoga Right for You? – 465 words

7.Can a Personal Trainer Help You Get Fit? Understanding Your Personal Training Options – 491 words

8.Three Reasons to Try Circuit Training – 447 words

9.Seven Reasons to Try Tai Chi – 553 words

10.The Benefits of High Intensity Boot Camps – 453 words

11.Five Tips for Balancing Calories and Physical Activities – 481 words

12.Tips for Strength Training Safely – 461 words

13.Seven Tips and Tools to Help You Recover from Your Workouts – 450 words

14.What Exactly Is Functional Fitness? – 465 words

15.What Is a Whole Foods Diet and Why Should You Consider It? – 497 words

These Fitness PLR Articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR License.


Total Word Count: 35 000+ Words

FAST-ACTION BONUSES – Available for the first 50 buyers of this Calorie Counting PLR Pack. You’ll no longer see these awesome extra bonuses available on this page once the 50 fast action takers have been awarded.


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Articles, reviews, comparison charts and all other content from Quality PLR Content Packages are for you only – you cannot pass on any rights to anybody else.

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Can be added to or edited completely.
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Social media images may be edited using the PSD files, and you may repost them on social media sites but you cannot sell or pass on the PSD files to customers.

The images contained within the main report and top 10 tips report are Public Domain and free to use in personal and commercial projects.

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Free Sales Funnel Builder

System IO Free Sales Funnel Builder 160x600
System IO Free Sales Funnel Builder 160x600

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