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Beginner Guide to Natural Remedies Premium Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 50 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Health and Fitness Content.


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Beginner Guide to Natural Remedies!


Dear online business owner, When it comes to top Diet and Fitness searches, the Natural Remedies is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Natural Remedies have spawned an entire industry of blogs, health/fitness courses, and products.

This is where my premium done for you Beginner Guide to Natural Remedies PLR Package comes in. Its all about teaching your customers Beginner Guide to Natural Remedies and how to get your weight loss efforts and eating back on track for good!

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“The Beginner’s Guide to Natural Remedies”

(3,764 words, 20 pages, 7 images)

Beginner Guide to Natural Remedies PLR Ebook


A look inside the Beginner Guide to Natural Remedies Premium PLR eBook:

Beginner Guide to Natural Remedies PLR Ebook Inside Look


Table of Contents for the Beginner Guide to Natural Remedies PLR Ebook:

Introduction………………………………………………………………………………. 3

How to Stay Safe When Using Natural Remedies………………………. 5

Natural Ways to Manage Stress & Emotional Health………………… 7

Exercise…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

Yoga…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7

Acupuncture…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8

Diet…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8

CBT…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

Journaling…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9

Commune with Nature…………………………………………………………………………… 9

Natural Remedies for Common Ailments………………………………… 10

Headaches………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10

Minor burns…………………………………………………………………………………………… 11

Colds……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11

Natural Remedies for Your Hair & Skin…………………………………… 12

Oily Skin………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12

Dry Skin………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12

Hair………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13

Acne…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 14

6 Essential Oils to Have One Hand for Natural Remedies……….. 15

Lavender………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15

Lemon oil……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 16

Peppermint Oil……………………………………………………………………………………… 16

Tea tree oil…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17

Ylang-Ylang…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17

Lemongrass……………………………………………………………………………………………. 17


Sample Content for the Beginner Guide to Natural Remedies Premium PLR Ebook:

Most natural remedies are based on hundreds, if not thousands, of years of experience; hundreds of years in the case of Native Americans and thousands of years in the case of Chinese. At the time, these were the only medications they had as most of the modern medicine remedies had not been invented or discovered yet.

And while many of these natural remedies are as effective today as they were in the past, it is important to note that because most of them are not regulated, caution still advised when using them.  We’ll see why later in this lesson. For now, let’s look at some of the pros and cons of natural remedies:


  • Of course, first on the list is reduced undesirable side effects. As good as modern medicine is sometimes the side effects from certain medications are worse than the conditions they are trying to treat.
  • Some herbal remedies are more effective over the long-term than modern medication. In many cases, the medications of today are meant to quickly treat an illness or disease in the short-term whereas many of the natural remedies are well tolerated over the long-term for ailments or conditions.
  • One of the big differences between modern and natural remedies is price. With prices of pharmaceuticals skyrocketing lately, herbal ingredients are comparatively inexpensive.
  • Most herbal ingredients in natural remedies don’t require a prescription making them more readily available. As a matter of fact, many people grow their own herbs they use in their home-grown remedies.


  • When it comes to sudden and serious illnesses or accidents, modern medicine is better than most natural remedies as they work faster.
  • Because herbal ingredients are not regulated, in many cases dosing requirements do not exist so it is easier to overdose oneself if not careful.
  • Harvesting wild herbs is risky at best as many poisonous varieties look similar to the non-poisonous ones.
  • Undesirable interactions can result if taking certain modern medicines and herbal concoctions at the same time. For example, there is a warning against taking Valerian and St. John’s Wort for anxiety if you are taking certain anti-depressants at the same time.
  • Not only are herbal ingredients not regulated, but different qualities exist. Some types of herbs may in fact either be stronger or weaker than other types of the same herb, but at a different grade quality. This can make treatment either less effective or run the risk of overdosing.

While natural remedies can often treat a condition better than prescribed medications, one should always consult a healthcare professional when considering taking an herbal or natural remedy. They can advise which ones may help without running the risk of an unpleasant interaction with any taken prescribed medications.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the Natural Health PLR ebook.

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Natural Remedies Checklist :

(428 words, 3 pages)

Beginner Guide to Natural Remedies PLR Checklist


A look inside the Beginner Guide to Natural Remedies Premium PLR Checklist

Beginner Guide to Natural Remedies PLR Checklist Inside Look


Beginner Guide to Natural Remedies PLR Editable Ecovers:

Beginner Guide to Natural Remedies PLR Editable Ecovers


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5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Natural Remedies in Your Kitchen Cupboard

Email #1 – Welcome to Kitchen Cupboard Remedies
Email #2 – Apple cider vinegar
Email #3 – Raw honey
Email #4 – Oats
Email #5 – Ginger

Beginner Guide to Natural Remedies PLR Emails Total Word Count: 1629 Words


Beginner Guide to Natural Remedies Email Content Sample:

Email #1 – Welcome to Kitchen Cupboard Remedies

Hello and welcome to our series on natural kitchen cupboard remedies. To see the real value of natural home remedies, let’s go back in history. From the Ancient Egyptians and Chinese right up to Native Americans and pioneers, all used what Mother Nature provided them to treat common illnesses, conditions and ailments. Why? One reason is because that is all they had at their disposal as doctors were scare and pharmacies almost non-existent. The second reason is because they worked! And many of those natural remedies still work as good today as they did back then.

Using natural items found in most kitchen cupboards is not only cheaper than using prescribed or over-the-counter medications, but they typically don’t have the harmful and undesirable side effects that is common when using today’s pharmaceuticals.

However, caution does have to be exercised. Many people think because these are natural items, they are not dangerous. And while that is true in most cases, some people must exercise caution.

One group of people that should consult their doctor before using some of these items are pregnant women. Some prescribed medications can react negatively as can be the case if taking ginger at the same time. Always consult your healthcare professional before starting any regimen of home or natural remedies just to ensure they will be safe in your particular situation.

Over the course of the next 4 lessons, we will cover:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Raw Honey
  • Oats
  • Ginger

While all these items can be purchased in most supermarkets or health food stores, look for the ones are organically grown. Otherwise you could suffer effects from pesticide or herbicide residue still in the product. This of course can produce health issues of its own, which you don’t need.

That wraps it up for this first lesson. In the next lesson, we will talk about some uses of apple cider vinegar as a natural home remedy. Be sure to read that one.



Beginner Guide to Natural Remedies PLR Articles:

  1. 5 Kitchen Cupboard Ingredients that Make Great Natural Remedies – 404 words
  2. Are Natural Remedies Safe? – 391 words
  3. Natural Ways to Cure a Cold – 397 words
  4. The Benefits of Essential Oils – 394 words
  5. Why Use Natural Remedies Over Conventional Medicine? – 406 words


Beginner Guide to Natural Remedies PLR Article Sample:

5 Kitchen Cupboard Ingredients that Make Great Natural Remedies

Trying to eat clean and ensure you only put safe foods into your body may mean swapping out some harmful products for safer and more natural alternatives. This could apply to remedies and medicines, as well as your daily meals and snacks. There are many ingredients which you may have in your kitchen cupboard which will make great natural remedies. Here are some that you may have.

1. Turmeric

It’s difficult to start reading about natural remedies without coming across turmeric. This food has many health benefits, which is why it has been used to decades in Indian cooking. It acts as a strong anti-inflammatory and works for relieving joint pain and aches.

2. Ginger

It’s not expensive and it’s easy to get your hands on. Many people have fresh ginger or ground ginger in the kitchen cupboard, and adding a bit of it to your meals can help to keep you in top shape. It has been known to help relieve the pain associated with arthritis. You can add crushed ginger to salads and stir fries, or mix some into a glass of warm water.

3. Olive oil

A kitchen isn’t complete without a bottle of olive oil, and there are many things you can use it for besides cooking. You can use olive oil on your hair to help it retain healthy oils and stay smooth and shiny, or you can use it on your skin as a moisturiser. Olive oil also acts as an anti-inflammatory, so it’s a good idea to drizzle some over salads and other meals.

4. Cayenne pepper

Consuming cayenne pepper means you’ll benefit from its anti-inflammatory properties, but it can be used externally too. You can make your own cayenne cream for joint aches using two popular kitchen ingredients – cayenne pepper and coconut oil. For every half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper, mix in 2-3 teaspoons of warm coconut oil. You can use warm water if you don’t have coconut oil available at home.

5. Cinnamon

Cinnamon has many uses, including helping to fend off a common cold. In addition, consuming cinnamon can also help to keep down your sugar levels if you suffer from Type 2 Diabetes. If you have any problems with your liver, you should be careful how much cinnamon you eat. As with many other things, eating cinnamon in moderation will ensure you stay safe and enjoy maximum benefits from this natural remedy.


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Social Media Posts and Images:


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5 Natural Remedies For Joint Pain PLR Articles

Natural Remedies For Joint Pain PLR Article Sample

4 Easy Exercises for Painful Joints

If you stopped to look at the structure and joints in your body, you’d realize what a wonderous thing it really is. We are upright and bipedal because of intelligent knee and foot joints; we can do a huge variety of tasks because we have opposable thumbs, and we can express ourselves to be clearly understood because of our jaws.

Many of these functions become difficult or even impossible if you have an inflammatory joint disease. It seems counterintuitive, but if you have painful joints, you have to work exercise into your daily routine.

It increases energy levels, strengthens muscle, keeps your bones strong and your weight under control.

1. Walking

Walking is quite possibly the world’s most underrated exercise. If you spend some time planning your routes, walking can be relaxing and highly enjoyable. It’s good for your bones and your leg muscles, and you can take things at your own pace.

If you’re just starting out with any kind of exercise, just do what you can manage. Do not, under any circumstances, push yourself beyond your limits. If you think you can manage 5 minutes of walking, then just stick to that. Do it for 3 days to a week and then add another 2-5 minutes. Keep at it till you reach 30 minutes a day for 3-5 days a week.

You may want to get an activity tracker like a Fitbit to help monitor your progress. You’ll be surprised at how motivating this can be.

Another point of great importance is this: if your joints are extremely inflamed and painful, do not push through the pain. Forego exercise till you are better.

2. Water workouts

This is the perfect exercise if you have significant joint pain. If you see a physiotherapist regularly, ask him or her if they know someone who does hydrotherapy. This is supervised therapeutic exercise in water.

Hydrotherapy is usually done in a gently heated pool, sometimes with saltwater. In the beginning, all you’ll do is probably walk across the pool, chest-deep. This seems easy – and often is – but you get a wonderful, manageable workout for your body, while being kind to your sore joints. The water makes your body feel lighter so there’s a lot of good you can achieve through hydrotherapy.

Again, be careful not to overdo it. Because you feel lighter, you may be tempted to do more than is prescribed by your therapist. Don’t. Your joints will pay a heavy price if you move too fast too soon.

3. Therapeutic Pilates

While we’re on the subject of supervised exercise, you may want to look for a practitioner who does therapeutic Pilates. This has all the benefits of regular Pilates like stretching your muscles, increasing your range of motion, being gentle on the joints improving posture and mobility.

The difference is that therapeutic Pilates is usually custom-designed for each client. Also, the reformers you use will have many more support and safety features than a regular reformer.

It’s important that you are comfortable with the therapist and the exercises he or she has designed for you. If you experience pain after a session, tell them immediately. They should implement change to the routine to prevent further pain. Also, they should have a good grasp of how much exercise you can take. If you feel you are being pushed beyond your limit, find another therapist.

4. The chair stand

This is a good one if you spend most of your day sitting in front of the computer. Firstly, ensure you have a good chair for work. If you have painful joints, you’re very likely to also suffer from backaches. Sore joints throw your posture out of kilter which takes a toll on your back.
Consult an occupational therapist to get the chair that is right for you.

To do the chair stand, you need a work chair with arms. Bring your own arms to the side while widening your shoulders and chest. Push down on the ground with your feet and stand, keeping your knees slightly bent. When you sit, let the back of your thighs (just below the buttocks) just touch the seat. Don’t sit completely.

You want to achieve a controlled movement of sitting and standing. This is a good exercise for your legs, so make sure you are pushing down with your feet – and not your arms – to stand and sit.

The thought of exercising when you’re in any kind of pain can be overwhelming, even frightening. The secret lies in the first step. If you need to, start with just two minutes of outdoor walking a day.

Feel the achievement. Recognize that you overcame physical and mental hurdles to get some exercise. Do this every time you work out, even if it’s for a very short time. 2 minutes is infinitely better than nothing.

Before long, exercise will lose its long, dark shadow and you’ll be looking forward to your daily routine of strengthening your body.


10 Natural Remedies PLR Articles

Natural Remedies PLR Article Sample:

Natural Treatments for Acne

Acne is the sort of problem that can strike at any age, it seems. While we tend to associate it with teenagers, it can flare at various other points in your life. Hormones play a key role in the development of acne, as does nutrition and other factors.

You may be looking for natural treatments for acne. After all, the “chemical” acne treatments sold over the counter may seem harsh and/or ineffective. Here are some ideas for natural treatments for acne, regardless of what age you are.

Take a Good Multivitamin

Many people are deficient in key vitamins and minerals. Among those nutrients most important for the treatment and prevention of acne are Vitamin A, zinc, Vitamin E, selenium, and chromium. If you can’t find a supplement with all of these nutrients, you can take some of these separately, or increase your dietary intake of these key vitamins and minerals.


The role of the diet is somewhat controversial with regard to controlling acne. For example, the great chocolate dilemma – does eating it cause acne? – has never really been resolved. However, given the role that vitamins and minerals play in staving off and healing acne, it makes sense that a healthy diet is important in managing this condition. For example:

* Experts recommend cutting back on dairy products, especially milk, as the hormones and trans-fatty acids it contains can worsen acne.

* Refined sugar is said to exacerbate acne. Sources point to sugar’s effect on the body’s insulin production, and the connection between effective sugar metabolism and skin health. Studies have shown an improvement in acne when sufferers received insulin injections. Since most of us can’t inject ourselves with insulin – nor is this advisable for non-diabetics – it makes better sense to cut out refined sugar and the increased need for insulin that it leads to.

* Fresh, whole foods are implicated in the treatment of acne. Processed foods often contain artificial dyes and preservatives, which have been shown to affect hormone levels in the human body. Given the role of hormones in acne, it makes sense to avoid such artificial substances.

Natural and/or Homemade Cleansers

Helping your acne heal also means applying treatments to your face. Sulfur-containing soaps and cleansers can help quite a bit, and are available at many natural health stores for less than $10. Here are some homemade options as well:

* Mix 2 tablespoons of plain Greek yogurt with 1 teaspoon of raw honey. Apply this to your face as a cleanser or to clean skin and massage gently. Leave it on for as long as possible, up to 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. Yogurt and honey both help balance bacterial activity on your skin.

* Grind rolled oats in your blender until they are a fine powder. Mix the oatmeal with enough water to make a paste and apply it to the problem areas. Leave on for a bit, then rinse off. Alternatively, you can mix the oatmeal flour with plain yogurt.


15 Natural Remedies PLR Articles Pack

Natural Remedies PLR Article Sample:

4 Essential Calming Oils

Essential oils have been used for centuries to remedy a variety of ailments both physical and emotional. Some, like peppermint oil are great for digestion while others like grapefruit are known for their fat burning properties. However, the most common use for essential oils is to help induce a state of relaxation or calming.

Here are 4 essential calming oils and how to use them.

Rose oil

Rose oil has several uses including being used as an antidepressant, anti-wrinkle, to treat chronic bronchitis and asthma and to help improve sexual potency. It’s also used to induce calming and relaxation. And is said to be able to heal emotions and trauma by bringing warmth to the heart and soul.

It’s often blended with other calming oils to produce an all encompassing calming effect and blends well with Patchouli, Cedarwood Oil, Bergamot, Sandalwood, Chamomile, and Ylang-Ylang. You can place it in a lotion and apply directly to your skin. You can place rose oil in massage oils or bath products. You can also place in a diffuser and enjoy the scent in a room that you find calming. Say your bathroom, bedroom or study.

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil may be the most common essential oil using for relaxation. You can find it in the grocery store isles in lotions, bath gels, shampoo and even candles. Lavender is everywhere. In addition to being wonderful for relaxing and calming, lavender oil can be uses as an analgesic, diuretic, styptic, rheumatism, muscle pain, depression, headaches, hypertension, insomnia, stress and skin diseases.

Like Rose Oil, you can combine it in a number of personal care products, drip it into your bathtub, or you can place it in a diffuser and enjoy it throughout your home.

Jasmine Oil

Jasmine has a most recognizable fragrance and is commonly used as an aphrodisiac, to treat headaches, for fatigue, to soothe coughs, to improve and tone skin and to calm menstrual issues. Jasmine is also tremendous oil for calming.

While jasmine oil is more expensive than just about any other essential oil, it is very powerful oil. To use you can blend into personal care products like bath gels, massage oils and lotions or you can place a few drops of jasmine oil in a vaporizer and let it permeate your yoke. * Burners and vaporizers

Jasmine oil blends well with Bergamot, Rose, Sandalwood and Citrus oils.

Chamomile Oil

Chamomile oil, both Roman and German, are wonderful for their calming and relaxing properties. They also help with treating PMS and other menstrual and menopausal problems and to heal and regenerate tissue.

Many practitioners recommend using Chamomile to treat irritable children and colicky infants. To use, blend in massage oil, place a few drops in the bath, blend into lotions and creams and place a few drops in a vaporizer or diffuser.

To create a powerful relaxing effect you can blend Chamomile with jasmine, lavender or rose oil.

Essential oils have many wonderful properties. To fill your home with a sense of peace and calming, consider diffusing one or a blend of the above essential calming oils. And for those extra stressful days, add some to a bath or a vaporizer and enjoy the relaxing benefits.



35 Colds and Flu PLR Articles

Colds and Flu PLR Article Sample:

10 Tips That Will Improve Your Immune System

Your immune system has a big task. It fights germs and keep you from succumbing to sickness and disease. Because your immune system plays such a vital role in regards to your health, you should do everything you can to keep it strong. Here are some ways you can assist your immune system to make it the best it can be.

1. Eat a variety of whole foods. Focus on foods that can be eaten straight from nature. Concentrate on fresh fruits and vegetables, and add in healthy fats, lean proteins, and whole grains as well. By eating a large variety of foods, you will benefit from the combination of vitamins and minerals that each of them provide, which work together to strengthen your immune system.

2. Learn about the specific benefits of individual foods. There are many foods that have special immune-boosting qualities. Fresh garlic is antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. Yogurt contains probiotics, which benefit the immune system by giving you a healthy balance of gut flora.

3. Practice good hygiene. Simple steps such as washing your hands after using the bathroom and before eating can have a profound impact on your health. Your immune system will have fewer battles to fight if you focus on basic precautions such as these.

4. Get a sufficient amount of sleep every night. Your immune system works best when it has time to rest. If you do not get enough sleep, your immune system will be compromised and will be less able to fight off colds and the flu.

5. Be physically active on a daily basis. Exercise stimulates the immune system by increasing the production of macrophages, which attack bacteria. One bout of exercise brings this effect for a few hours, and regular exercise extends this time period even further.

6. Drink lots of water to help your immune system function at its best. Consuming at least 8 glasses of water per day assists your body in flushing out toxins. Your body also uses water to produce lymph, which transports white blood cells and other immune cells all over your body to fight infection and disease.

7. Avoid unnecessary chemicals and toxins. Taking in chemicals and toxins puts a stress on your immune system. Some are unavoidable, but stay away from the ones you can. These include produce with heavy pesticides, nicotine, and alcohol. Avoid chemicals you apply topically such as certain perfumes and lotions.

8. Get daily fresh air and sunlight. Sunlight is necessary to allow your body to synthesize the production of Vitamin D, which prevents susceptibility to infection. Breathing fresh air brings oxygen to every part of your body, which fights a variety of illnesses, infections and diseases.

9. Avoid sugar and all substitutes. Sugar depresses the immune system, making it more likely for you to become ill with any virus that you are exposed to. Sugar substitutes are no better, which are related to a variety of health problems. Let fresh fruit satisfy your sweet tooth.

10. Make mental health a top priority. When you are not happy, your immune system suffers. Make time for your happiness and mental wellness. Surround yourself with people who love and care for you, and avoid people and situations that add to your stress level.

Your immune system fights on a moment by moment basis for you. It has a tough job to do already, so help it function at its peak. Do what you can to assist your immune system by following these 10 simple tips.

Tweet: Your immune system: What you can do to help it out.


Natural Cures to Help This Allergy Season PLR Report

Natural Cures to Help This Allergy Season PLR Report sample:

In light of the terrible winter we’ve had, most of us are looking forward to the spring and summer months.  But for the majority of allergy sufferers, it is a time of trepidation because it signals the beginning of the allergy season.

There are over 50 million individuals who suffer from allergies in one form or another.  It seems that every year, more of us face the prospect of developing symptoms associated with allergens.

For most, allergy symptoms can turn a lovely day into a one that is filled with congestion, sneezing, breathing problems, rashes, itching and a host of reactions that can make us miserably ill.

Allergies are caused by the immune system’s reaction to foreign substances.  Whether it is exposure to the chemicals or toxins in the environment, grass, pollen, pet dander, metals such as nickel, mold, make-up, food, or stress; the result is a variety of responses that affect the eyes, nose, throat, skin, and lungs.

The most common types of allergies are: hay fever, asthma, conjunctivitis, eczema, and hives.  Sneezing, headaches, sinusitis, itching, and rashes are symptoms of these conditions.

Anaphylactic shock is the most serious condition caused by a reaction to certain allergens.  In one case, a gentleman had a severe migraine and was given a strong dose of Motrin by his co-worker.  Unfortunately, he became disoriented and suddenly collapsed.  His face, throat, and hands began to swell and he was immediately rushed to the hospital.  He was treated and released two days later.

In this particular case, treatment was absolutely necessary.  But for most people, over-the-counter medications or injections may not be the end-all cure-all because treating the symptom and not the cause provides only temporary relief in the short term.

There are a myriad of natural remedies which can ultimately treat and sustain the end result.  As we become less dependent on medications, seeking natural remedies to cure allergies and other health conditions has become the rule rather than the exception.

In this report, we will provide natural treatments that will help to either cure or relieve allergy symptoms.   We will offer dietary suggestions, household advice, and treatments using natural substances that have been researched, studied, and proven to offer sustainable results in the treatment of allergies.

It is important to remember, however, that the key to fighting off any type of allergen is to maintain a strong immune system.  Utilizing the following tips and suggestions may help to relieve and/or completely dissipate these allergies without having to resort to medications which, for some, can be worse than the cure.



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Bonus 1

25 Unrestricted Natural Remedies for Losing Weight PLR Articles

25 Unrestricted Natural Remedies For Losing Weight PLR Articles

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Here are the titles of the 25 Unrestricted Natural Remedies for Losing Weight Articles:

  1. Natural Remedies for Losing Weight – Thermocerin
  2. Natural Remedies for Losing Weight – 5 HTP
  3. Natural Remedies for Losing Weight – Aloe
  4. Natural Remedies for Losing Weight – Ayurveda
  5. Natural Remedies for Losing Weight – BItter Orange
  6. Natural Remedies for Losing Weight – Cascara
  7. Natural Remedies for Losing Weight – Chitosan
  8. Natural Remedies for Losing Weight – Chromium
  9. Natural Remedies for Losing Weight – Citricoma
  10. Natural Remedies for Losing Weight – Colon Cleansing
  11. Natural Remedies for Losing Weight – Dandelion
  12. Natural Remedies for Losing Weight – Dexatrim
  13. Natural Remedies for Losing Weight – Ephedra
  14. Natural Remedies for Losing Weight – Garcinia
  15. Natural Remedies for Losing Weight – Guar Gum
  16. Natural Remedies for Losing Weight – Guarana
  17. Natural Remedies for Losing Weight – Herbal Diuretics
  18. Natural Remedies for Losing Weight – Leptoprin
  19. Natural Remedies for Losing Weight – Pyruvate
  20. Natural Remedies for Losing Weight – St. Johns Wort
  21. Natural Remedies for Losing Weight – the Brain
  22. Natural Remedies for Losing Weight – The Cross Training Support Program
  23. Natural Remedies for Losing Weight – Yerba Mate
  24. Natural Remedies for Losing Weight- Exiliss
  25. Nautral Remedies for Losing Weight – Glucomannan


Bonus 2

10 High Quality Prevention and Natural Remedies For Inflammation PLR Articles

10 High Quality Prevention and Natural Remedies For Inflammation PLR Articles

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Here are the titles of the Prevention and Natural Remedies For Inflammation Articles:

  1. 3 Must-Take Supplements to Reduce Inflammation (588 words)
  2. Fight Inflammation with These 4 Sugar Alternatives (694 words)
  3. How Water Intake and Sleep Patterns Can Inhibit Inflammation (902 words)
  4. 4 Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Work into Your Diet (552 words)
  5. Preventing Infection to Avoid Inflammation (713 words)
  6. Managing Your Stress To Avoid Inflammation (1,266 words)
  7. Discover How Consuming the Wrong Liquids Will Leave You In More Pain (775 words)
  8. Fight Inflammation with These Vegetables (566 words)
  9. Is Sugar Making Your Inflammation Worse? (909 words)
  10. 3 Anti-Inflammatory Ingredients You MUST Use To Prevent Inflammation! (762 words)


Bonus 3

10 Natural Remedies PLR Infographics

10 Natural Remedies PLR Infographics

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Bonus 4

15 Top Quality Natural Treatment PLR Articles Pack


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Here are the titles of the 15 Natural Treatment Articles:

1. Eat These Foods To Stay Forever Beautiful
2. Going Completely Natural With Cosmetics
3. How To Care For Your Acne The Natural Way
4. How To Treat Eczema the natural way
5. Natural Skin Cures You Can Try for Treating Acne Scars
6. Some Effective Herbal Remedies for Rosacea
7. Some Simple Recipe Ideas For Homemade Bath Salts You Can Use
8. There’s A Natural Way You Can Take Care of Your Skin And Prevent Anti Ageing
9. These Easy Home Remedies Are Effective For Treating Dry and Cracked Feet
10. These Natural Remedies Are Perfect For Treating Dry Skin
11. Treat Your Baby’s Skin The Natural Way With These Remedies
12. Try These Natural Recipes For Your Persoanl Skin Care Regimen
13. Use These Natural Tips To Grow Strong, Healthy Nails
14. Why Natural Cosmetics and Skin Care Products Are The Healthier Option
15. You Can Treat Your Dandruff Naturally With These Steps


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Natural Treatments For Anxiety Stress PLR Report

Natural Treatments For Anxiety Stress Ebook

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Package Details:

  • Download File Size – 1.00 MB
  • Total Word Count: 6366+ Words
  • Word Doc Format – Source File
  • eCover Graphic – Jpeg Format



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Package Details For The Beginner Guide to Natural Remedies Premium PLR Package:

Main eBook:

“The Beginner’s Guide to Natural Remedies”
(3,764 words, 20 pages, 7 images)

+ Checklist
+ eCovers
+ Keywords

5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Natural Remedies in Your Kitchen Cupboard

Natural Remedies PLR Articles:

5 Kitchen Cupboard Ingredients that Make Great Natural Remedies – 404 words
Are Natural Remedies Safe? – 391 words
Natural Ways to Cure a Cold – 397 words
The Benefits of Essential Oils – 394 words
Why Use Natural Remedies Over Conventional Medicine? – 406 words

Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Tips
15 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)
7 Royalty Free Images


5 Natural Remedies For Joint Pain PLR Articles

Natural Remedies For Joint Pain PLR Article Titles:

4 Easy Exercises for Painful Joints (820 words)
4 Home Remedies to Battle Joint Pain (760 words)
Acupuncture for Painful Joints (616 words)
Soothing Your Mind to Soothe Joint Pain (982 words)
Hot & Cold Therapy for Painful Joints (623 words)

These Natural Remedies For Joint Pain PLR Articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes PLR License.

10 Natural Remedies PLR Articles

Natural Remedies PLR Article Titles:

The Healing Power of Honey (444 words)
Natural Treatments for Acne (507 words)
Antiviral Herbs (503 words)
Herbal Options for Arthritis (436 words)
Food as Medicine – How to Add Healing Power to Everyday Meals (451 words)
Antibiotic Herbs (529 words)
Natural Fungus Fighters (455 words)
Hay Fever and Allergies – A Natural Approach (439 words)
A Natural Approach to Headache Relief (464 words)
Herbs for Kids – Are They Safe? (497 words)

These Natural Remedies PLR Articles are available in .TXT format and includes PLR License.

15 Natural Remedies PLR Articles Pack

Natural Remedies PLR Article Titles:

Natural remedies for scrapes and bruises (411 words)
Nature Walk With Kids To Improve Their Emotional Well (563 words)
Safe Alternatives to Dangerous Lunchboxes (474 words)
The dangers of Aspartame (495 words)
4 Essential Calming Oils (542 words)
5 Ayurvedic Natural Beauty (428 words)
10 Green Reasons To Buy Organic Meat (811 words)
Beware of toxic plastics (486 words)
Helping ADD with Diet (438 words)
Homeopathic healing (587 words)
How to Overcome Insomnia Naturally (716 words)
Imagine (476 words)
Natural Anxiety Cures (707 words)
Natural flu remedies (531 words)
Natural IBS Remedies (530 words)

These Natural Remedies PLR Articles are available in .TXT format and includes PLR License.

35 Colds and Flu PLR Articles

Colds and Flu PLR Article Titles:

10 Tips That Will Improve Your Immune System (607 words)
Alternative Cures for the Flu (2181 words)
Back To School Health Concerns (3316 words)
Eat Well to Avoid Cold and Flu (482 words)
Herbal Remedies for the Flu (1178 words)
Herbs that are Naturally Anti-Viral (507 words)
Homeopathic Healing (585 words)
How to Bolster your Flu and Cold Defenses (480 words)
How to Fight Flu with Vitamin D (390 words)
How to Keep Bugs and Viruses at Bay (450 words)
How to Soothe a Sore Throat Naturally (457 words)
Keeping Babies and Young Children Safe from Influenza (483 words)
Natural Cold Cures (1177 words)
Natural Flu and Cold Remedies (532 words)
Natural Flu Remedies (531 words)
Natural Immune Boosters for Flu Season (487 words)
Natural Remedies for Sore Throats (551 words)
Natural Ways to Fight Off Superbugs (524 words)
Nutritional Supplements to Help Prevent Illness and Disease (427 words)
Preventing Influenza from Spreading (502 words)
Tamiflu (1016 words)
The Common Cold What Your Body Goes Through (955 words)
The Difference between Colds and Flu (500 words)
The Flu What Is It Really (1596 words)
The Pros and Cons of Antibacterial Soaps and Sprays (457 words)
The Stomach Flu Verses the Other Flu (1014 words)
The Symptoms and Treatment of Strep Throat (488 words)
Tips for Keeping Your Child Healthy This School Year (641 words)
Tips to Ward off Future Illnesses (440 words)
Top Tips for Eating More Fruit and Vegetables and Boosting Your Immune System (557 words)
Top Tips to Prevent Colds and the Flu (463 words)
Treating the Stomach Flu (1106 words)
Understanding Probiotics (498 words)
What Are the Most Common Illnesses in School Children (616 words)
When Is It a Good Idea to Supplement with Vitamins (473 words)

These Colds and Flu PLR Articles are available in .TXT format and includes PLR License.

Natural Cures to Help This Allergy Season PLR Report – 2705 words

This Natural Cures PLR Report is in Word Doc format and includes a PLR license.


Total Word Count: 50 000+ Words

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