Believe In Me PLR Sales Funnel Special

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Affirmations Premium PLR Ebook

Affirmations Premium PLR Package 32k Words

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Affirmations PLR Package – Featuring Over 32 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen and Premium Self Help PLR Content.


Attention: Self Help Marketers, Personal Development & Self Improvement Coaches

Done for You Premium Self Help PLR Product on a




Dear Self Improvement online business owner, When it comes to self help and personal development searches, the Affirmations is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Affirmations has spawned an entire industry of blogs, courses, books and products.

This is where my premium done-for-you Affirmations PLR content package comes in. It’s all about teaching your customers The Power of Affirmations: Change Your Thoughts to Change Your Life.

Everything is completely done-for-you and ready-to-go – from the main Self Help Private label digital product to your social media updates – it’s simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative self improvement niche.


Introducing The…

Affirmations Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 32 000 Words of High Quality Affirmations Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality Affirmations PLR package covers the hugely popular self help niche. Self Help is evergreen and will always be. This Affirmations PLR package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it or use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Affirmations MEGA PLR Package…


Main eBook: “The Power of Affirmations: Change Your Thoughts to Change Your Life”

(4,053 words, 20 pages, 8 images)

Affirmations Premium PLR Ebook

A look inside The Power of Affirmations PLR eBook:

Affirmations Premium PLR Ebook Sneak Preview


Table of Contents for The Power of Affirmations PLR Ebook:

Why Affirmations?…………………………………………………………………. 3

What is an Affirmation?…………………………………………………………. 4

Self-Talk Can Help You Think and Do New Things……………….. 6

Affirmations Let You Listen to You, Rather Than Everyone Else.. 7

Learning from Pavlov’s Dogs……………………………………………………………. 7

The Science Behind Affirmations – Why Do They Work?………. 9

Same Old, Same Old Is Not Necessarily Good………………………………. 10

Getting Uncomfortable is Good……………………………………………………… 10

Science-Backed Proof that Affirmations Can Change Your Life.. 10

Brain Imaging Gives a Clear Picture of Subconscious Activity…. 12

How to Speak and Perform Your Affirmations……………………. 15

Be Consistent……………………………………………………………………………………. 15

The Process………………………………………………………………………………………. 16

Should I Journal or Talk to Myself in a Mirror?………………………….. 17

Sample Affirmations……………………………………………………………. 19

Health………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19

Love……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 19

Career Success, Financial Improvement……………………………………… 20

Happiness…………………………………………………………………………………………. 20


Sample Content for The Power of Affirmations Premium PLR Ebook:

Why Affirmations?

Depending on which set of statistics you believe, you are bombarded each day with hundreds or thousands of marketing messages. Your radio, smartphone, tablet and computer are rife with advertisements. Even the games and apps you use on your phone sell ad spots to marketers trying to get your attention.

You receive indirect messages and suggestions every day as well. The things people drive, wear and do can heavily influence your thoughts, sometimes at an unconscious level you don’t recognize. Then there are outright recommendations and urgings you receive from your loved ones. Finally, your behavior is influenced by your environment, and by the thoughts of your sleeping and waking minds.

This can be a lot of constantly arriving data for your brain to process. All those messages seldom align, and many are negative in a subtle or direct way. A weight loss ad may subtly appeal to your desire to lose that spare tire around your belly by showing people who are smiling, happy and slim and trim. Then they show unhappy, unsuccessful people who are overweight. The subtle signal is clear.

Marketers may alternately be as subtle as a baseball bat over the head.

A weight loss company may outright tell you that if you are fat you are unattractive, your career path will be very short and unrewarding, and no one will ever love you. Whether subtle or direct, data and information received by your five senses heavily impact what you think about yourself, and those thoughts lead to actions. When your actions are not creating the world you want to live in, your thought patterns need to change.

One way people have been changing their realities for literally thousands of years is through the use of affirmations.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.

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Affirmations Checklist :

(411 words, 3 pages)

Affirmations Premium PLR Checklist

A look inside the Affirmations Premium PLR Checklist:

Affirmations Premium PLR Checklist Sneak Preview


Affirmations PLR Editable Ecovers:

Affirmations Premium PLR Ecovers


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: A Beginner’s Guide to Affirmations & Positive Thinking

Email 1-Welcome to the affirmations and positive thinking guide – 379 words

Email2-The bodymind connection – 411 words

Email3-The connection between positive thinking and positive affirmation – 304 words

Email4-Making positive affirmations more effective – 403 words

Email5-The 3 elements of a positive affirmation – 539 words


Affirmations Email Content Sample:

Email #1 – Welcome to the affirmations and positive thinking guide!

Hello and welcome to our beginner’s guide to affirmations and positive thinking. Before we go any further, let’s first define exactly what an affirmation is and what constitutes positive thinking.

An affirmation is defined as “A statement or group of statements made with confidence about a perceived truth”. Did you notice it said a perceived truth? Affirmations work because they reprogram the mind into believing the affirmation is real (a perceived truth) as it can’t tell the difference between what is real and what is not. Repeated over and over, it is as if it is like a self-fulfilling prophecy. With that said, the same affirmation might not work for all people, so you must find the ones that work for you – the ones you can really believe in.

However, one has to be careful as an affirmation can be negative as well as it can be positive. Just look at the body shaming going on in social media today. Some of the people being shamed have taken their own life, because they heard the shaming over and over and began to believe it was real and did not see any other way out. This solidifies that affirmations are real and powerful, so they should not be taken lightly. Just like positive affirmations, negative ones can stay in your conscious or sub-conscious mind for years and can pop back to the forefront at any time.

And because of how the subconscious brain works, the wording of an affirmation has a big effect on how it is perceived. Saying “I’m not fat” is perceived as “I’m fat” in your brain because the brain does not recognize words like “not” and “don’t”. A better wording would be “I have a slim, healthy body”.

Positive thinking on the other hand is your outlook on life, your attitude about yourself and whether you are optimistic or pessimistic. In other words, is your glass half-empty or half-full? If it is half-empty, then you may want to work on your positive thinking by incorporating more positive affirmations.

O.K., that is enough for this first lesson. In the next lesson, we delve into the results from some studies on affirmations and positive thinking. See you then!


Affirmations PLR Articles:

Affirmation Ideas to Improve Your Life – 402 words

Do Affirmations Really Work? – 403 words

What’s the Difference Between an Affirmation and an Afformation? – 384 words

When and How to Practice Affirmations – 395 words

Why You Should Always Write Affirmations in the Positive – 401 words


Affirmations PLR Article Sample:

Do Affirmations Really Work?

Affirmations are a great way to encourage yourself to feel and act more positively. By encouraging more positive thoughts and positive energy, many people are able to improve their lives and bring about change. When first looking at the potential of affirmations, the questions often arises around whether affirmations actually work. Let’s take a closer look at how affirmations could help you and what you need to do to ensure they work for you.

What are affirmations?

Affirmations usually take the form of positive repetition which enables you to feel more positive about something. This could be something specific, for example, an upcoming event or situation at work which is making you feel nervous, or it could be a much broader issue, such as poor body image or lack of confidence.

Many people practise affirmations by spending five minutes in the morning concentrating on their positive thoughts.

What makes affirmations work?

In order to understand whether affirmations really work, it’s a good idea to look at the examples of when they have worked and try to analyze why it was such a success.

Getting to the bottom of your negative thoughts is one way to make affirmations work for you. This can be challenging since many people don’t want to face their negative and bad experiences. Writing down the issues which are bothering you or which have been bothering you in the past is a great first step. You can then turn these into positive thoughts which can help you to feel better.

Talking to others about your affirmations is another key thing which can help to improve their effectiveness. Not only can other people share their ideas with you, but you can encourage one another. Helping other people can also help you, but make sure that you don’t get too involved with negative people who could damage your good efforts.

Do affirmations really work?

Once you understand affirmations and what their purpose is, it’s a lot easier to understand how they could work for you.

Affirmations can really work and help you to feel more positive about yourself, but you have to be committed to regular affirmations and positive thinking. Keep a journal to help you maintain a record of what you are feeling good or bad about, and keep track of all the small positive successes as well as the negative moments and what you can do to improve next time.


Social Media Posts and Images:


5 Shareable Social Media Graphics (PLR)

Affirmations Premium PLR Social Media Tips


15 Social Media Posts with hashtags (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

Affirmations Premium PLR Social Media Tweets


8 Royalty Free Images

Affirmations Royalty Free Images


Affirmations Keyword Research Pack

Affirmations Premium PLR Keyword Research

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List of Affirmations – 817 words


List of Affirmations Sample Content:

List of Affirmations

Practising affirmations can help you to become more positive and feel better about yourself and your life in general. Affirmations can be broken down into several different categories, depending on what you are struggling with, what you are trying to reinforce as a positive element of your life, and what you are trying to achieve overall. We’ll consider some of the most common and useful affirmations that you could use in order to feel happier and healthier, whether this is about your work life, relationships or family.

  1. Affirmations about your life

This is one of the most common affirmations that people choose to practise. There are few people who are completely happy with their lives and don’t want to change anything at all. The feeling of wanting to change yourself can bring with it some positive and motivating thoughts, but it can also bring negative energy. Those trying to use affirmations to get rid of negative energy could use the following, for example:

  • I have happiness in my life
  • I am grateful for the things I have
  • I am in control of my own destiny

By reinforcing these thoughts, you will soon start to feel more positive about your life in general. You can tailor the affirmations according to your individual feelings and struggles. For example, if you are struggling to feel positive about where you are living, your job, your friends or anything else which is affecting your life, you can tailor affirmations so that they work for you.

  1. Affirmations about your health

Affirmations can help you to make a start looking after yourself and improving your health. Many people practise affirmations in order to help them exercise consistently, eat better, lose weight or just feel more positive about their bodies. Some examples of affirmations you might like to use about your health are:

  • I love my body/I’m thankful for my body
  • I enjoy eating foods which are good for my body
  • My body belongs to me only

You can practise affirmations such as these if you feel negative or demotivated when it comes to exercising or being more healthy.

  1. Affirmations about your mindset

This can be a particularly difficult one to practise, since many people struggle with anxieties, worries, depression and many other issues which affect the way you think. Affirmations which may help you to have a more positive mindset and outlook could include:

  • I feel happy with the things I have
  • I have many good things in my life
  • I am in control of my life

Affirmations like these will help you to feel more positive in general. While affirmations are not able to help you with every aspect of your mindset and mental health, they certainly have the potential to help. You should aim to practise affirmations in the morning and then at night before you go to bed. By doing this on a regular basis, you will build a habit of thinking more positively more often.

  1. Affirmations about your work/study life

When you have a stressful job or you’re worried about your college work, it can be difficult to gather your thoughts together and think in a positive way. If you’ve found yourself in this situation, you can try practising affirmations in order to improve your mindset and hopefully improve your performance too. Here are some examples of affirmations you could practise regarding work or study:

  • I am blessed to have this job/this opportunity
  • I have an amazing opportunity to meet new people
  • I have the chance to make an impact

You can amend the affirmations depending on how you feel and what you would like to feel more positive about. For example, some people like to feel like they are achieving things every day at work. Rather than despairing about the things you are not achieving, you can think about the things you are achieving and try to turn your negative feelings into positive ones.

  1. Affirmations about your relationships

Another area of life which many people have difficulties is relationships. This could be romantic relationships, or it could be the relationships you hold with your friends, work colleagues or even family members. Some examples of affirmations which you could practise are as follows:

  • My partner accepts me for who I am
  • I am thankful to have my relationships (change to specific relationship if you like)
  • I have the opportunity to influence my friends/relationships for good

You can alter these affirmations depending on the relationships you are struggling with or the relationships you are trying to improve. You can also choose the specific aspects of a relationship which are proving to be difficult for you. When it comes to romantic relationships, you should always discuss any problems together with your partner rather than letting your grievances build up.


Overcoming Self-Doubt and Believing in Yourself PLR Report – 5333 words


  • What Is Self-Doubt?
  • The Dangers of Self-Doubt and How It Affects Your Life
  • How to Identify Where Your Self-Doubt Lies
  • Reasons to Believe in Yourself
  • How to Overcome Negative Thoughts
  • Strategies for Dealing with Self-Doubt
  • What to Do Right Now

This Report is available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR license.


Overcoming Self-Doubt and Believing in Yourself PLR Report Article Sample:

The Dangers of Self-Doubt and How It Affects Your Life

There are many dangers inherent in hanging on to self-doubt that you should be aware of. If you suffer from self-doubt, it’s important to understand the type of damage you’re doing to yourself if you continue to hang on to it. It has affected your past, is affecting your present and can devastate your future if you don’t deal with it. Here’s why.

  • Self-Doubt Damages Motivation – When you don’t think you can do much, and don’t trust yourself to do something right, fear can get in the way of doing anything. This can turn into a severe lack of motivation to do more than you have to just to get by. It can affect your entire life because you may have fewer satisfying relationships, a job you hate, and not enjoy life much.
  • Self-Doubt Causes Procrastination – If you don’t think you know how to do things “right” then you may end up thinking you’re a perfectionist, which is just a way to procrastinate and never finish anything or finish it at the last minute. This is how you set yourself up for failure. No one is perfect and perfection is not necessary to thrive in this life.
  • Self-Doubt Leads to Regret – When you miss opportunities, you will experience regret. Regret, when left unresolved, can lead to chronic stress and anxiety. This will then build upon itself to create even more self-doubt, which will create more regret, and so on.
  • Self-Doubt Causes Defeatism – If you allow self-doubt to continue, you can start to become almost morbid in your belief that you cannot experience anything good or happy. It’s essentially an acceptance of failure.
  • Self-Doubt Stunts Self-Improvement – When you have no faith in yourself, it’s hard to even think about self-improvement. You think you have too much to improve because you can’t do anything, and maybe you even think you’re a victim of your circumstances to a point that you cannot achieve even if you try.
  • Self-Doubt Stifles Inspiration – When you don’t believe in yourself, it’s hard to get inspired to do anything new or to create anything new. Ending the self-doubt will bring out the creativity you already really have.

As you can see and may have experienced yourself, self-doubt can be dangerous and these are all good reasons on their own to work toward overcoming self-doubt and learning to believe in yourself.


10-Day Overcoming Self-Doubt ECourse – 6750 words

Self-Doubt PLR ECourse Outline:

1.Increase your self-belief with positive affirmations

2.Overcoming imposter syndrome

3.Nix negative thoughts this way

4.Can you deal with feedback?

5.How to deal with worries with less stress

6.Remove toxic people from your life

7.Have self-doubt and need motivation?

8.Positive ways to deal with failure

9.How to forgive yourself

10.Do you need professional help?

This PLR Email Course is available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR license.


Overcoming Self-Doubt ECourse Email Sample:

Email #2

Subject: Overcoming imposter syndrome

Dear [Name],

Do you know that many people who are super-successful are walking around with imposter syndrome right now? They are by all accounts very successful in their endeavors, but they feel lousy because they don’t think they deserve it. They feel like a fake. They feel as if everything they’re doing is a fluke and at any moment someone else is going to find out about the truth. If you feel that way sometimes, use these tips to overcome imposter syndrome.

If You Think This Success Was Too Easy

If you are feeling as if your success was too easy to come by compared to what you thought it would take before you experienced it, this can be a reason you experience imposter syndrome. You feel fraudulent because it was simple to achieve, and you now think it’s not even that special because anyone can do it.

The way to deal with this erroneous feeling is to look at some stats. How many people in your situation have achieved what you have achieved? You’re likely to find out that not as many people have succeeded doing what you’re doing as you think. This information alone should help you realize that you had to be responsible at least a little for your achievement. Even if other people could do it if they wanted to, you did it – they did not.

If You Think No One Is Self-Made So You Don’t Deserve Kudos

Everyone gets some form of help, whether it’s the zip code they’re born in or meeting the right people at the right time, or something else. Even if it’s just being able to drive to and from work, someone had to build the roads, and you had to be born being able to see to do it. Therefore, someone helped and you’re not totally self-made.

So guess what. No one is self-made. But, everyone has some part in their own success. It doesn’t matter if you were born on first base, third base, or not even on the field; you are responsible for your actions from where you found yourself to where you are now.

You deserve kudos for it. You deserve the life you are building and it’s okay to accept that you value the things you have achieved, and you could not have done it without making the choices you made. Even if someone gave you a million dollars, you had choices. You could blow that million dollars or you could invest it and turn it into a billion dollars. Either way, you are where you are now due to your own choices at the time.

You Have Value

The hard thing for people who have imposter syndrome to understand is the value they provide by being who they are. Even if 100,000 people are doing what you want to do, you provide a unique input and value to your version of that thing that no one else can ever provide. This means that even if you are making money selling blue jeans, which are everywhere, your jeans are special because you came up with the idea.

Anytime you can provide something for someone, it is valuable (and that value is in the eye of the beholder); it doesn’t matter if it’s a commodity or if it’s totally 100 percent unique. Your special touch adds just enough value to make it worthwhile to you and to others. When you accept your value to the world, you’ll be able to let go of imposter syndrome and instead of asking, “why me?” you’ll start asking “why not me?”.

Overcoming imposter syndrome is to accept that you are important as you are, that you offer something special even if it’s similar to others, and that you are valuable in your own right. You are valuable just because you exist and the things you do add value to the lives around you, even if it’s not totally original or new.

Next time, we’re going to give some tips on how to overcome negative thoughts.


15 Top Quality Motivational PLR Articles and Images

How to Feel Awesome All Day Long – 525 words

How to Make a More Positive Impact on Your Own Life – 509 words

How Volunteering Can Make You Happier – 492 words

Laugh More – 532 words

Life is a Song – 511 words

The Art and Style of Self Confidence – 512 words

The Art of Positive Goal Setting – 517 words

The Power of Imagination and How to Kickstart Yours – 520 words

Ways to Make Affirmations Work for You – 505 words

Courage is the Willingness to Try Again – 500 words

Face Your Weaknesses to Find Your Strength – 502 words

Greatness Starts with Believing in Yourself – 518 words

How Men and Women Love Differently – 511 words

How to be a Great Friend – 506 words

How to Create Your Own Happiness – 499 words

These Motivational PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


Motivational PLR Article Sample:

Face Your Weaknesses to Find Your Strength

What is the fight or flight syndrome? When our brain interprets a situation and tells us that we are in danger and we have two choices, either to stand and fight or to flee from danger, that is known as the fight or flight syndrome.

What does this have to do with our weaknesses? Well, when we take a good hard look at weaknesses, we may see fear underlying many of them. On many occasions, that fear is what makes us flee and opt for the flight syndrome. However, there are ways we can overcome fear and even turn our weaknesses into our biggest strengths.

Overcoming Fear

Sometimes the only way to overcome a fear is to face it head on; however, this can be daunting and even frightening at first. However, if you take small steps in the beginning, see, and recognize your small successes, chances are you will go on to bigger and better things.

Overcoming fear is one way to face your weaknesses to find your strength.

Take Inventory

If you have areas, like we all do, that you would like to improve upon, then you should definitely take inventory of where you feel you are lacking and what your strengths are, as well.

For example, if you are weak in networking and social gatherings, you may want to look at some videos, take a class or attend a seminar on the subject. You do not need to spend countless hours on therapy in order to identify your weaknesses. You just need to look within and find the answers that you know are already there.

Once you have identified your weak areas, now it is time to take action.

Take Action

Another great way to face your weaknesses to find your strength is to take action. Taking action means that you take those areas that you have identified and taken action in each one of them. Now, you don’t have to take action in all areas at the same time as that may be too much at once.

Start with one small area and when you have finished working on that area, move on to another area. Let’s say for example, you are weak in public speaking. Take a class, watch a video, read a book, talk to a professional and you will see that you will begin to feel more empowered right away.

After all, knowledge is power and when you take action you give yourself the ability to minimize your weaknesses and enhance your power.

Take an Inside Out View

Sometimes your strongest suits are the ones where your weakest areas live. For example, if you always disliked the fact that you were quiet, shy, and withdrawn, perhaps you have a creative side that simply needs an outlet.

If you look at your weak sides and find a way to turn them inside out and turn them into your strong suits, you will find success was there all along.


5 Wealth Attraction Secrets PLR Articles

4 Ways to Keep Negativity at Bay and Attract Wealth – (733 words)

5 Powerful Affirmations to Attract Wealth – (751 words)

Discover Why You Need to Believe That You Deserve Wealth – (685 words)

How to Attract Wealth by Using Vision Boards – (952 words)

Keeping Your Energy Positive to Attract Wealth – (1,021 words)

These Wealth Attraction PLR articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR license.


Wealth Attraction Secrets PLR Article Sample:

Discover Why You Need to Believe That You Deserve Wealth

You’ve come round to the idea of manifesting wealth through the law of attraction. You say your affirmations and fill your mind with pictures of abundance. But in your heart of hearts, there’s a niggling question: Do I deserve wealth? Do I deserve all that I am asking for?

Many face the same doubt, laboring under the belief that what we have or have not done is related to what you deserve in terms of wealth. You rationalize by looking at others: “She was smart enough to have saved a lot when she was young. He has a really high IQ so he was always going to make it.”

Guess what? Lots of people save early in life. And many of them get wiped out because some kind of disaster struck. Likewise, countless people have high IQs and phenomenal ideas. Many of these people are also living on the street.

Believing that you deserve all the wealth you want is fundamental to the law of attraction. This is your bedrock, the self-belief that you must rejig first in order to allow abundance to flow.

In other words, stop using your time and energy to assess what kind of person you are and where you went wrong with money. This places constant, relentless focus on the wrong choices you think you made and only reinforces the idea that a person like you doesn’t deserve wealth.

But you do. Plain and simple.

And here’s how you know that. Take a look at all the wealthy people around you, the ones who are free from money woes, the ones who can live easily in the present because they look forward to a joyful tomorrow. Do you really, really believe that they never put a foot wrong when it came to their finances?

Of course they did, because everyone has. But these are the ones who didn’t spend years beating themselves up about it. Instead, they forgave themselves, revved up their self-belief and went on to achieve full financial freedom. They adamantly refused to believe that they didn’t deserve it.

Your mind is key. You can use it to tell yourself you’re worthless, in which case, you will feel worthless. Wealth is not attracted to worthlessness. It is attracted to confidence and an unshakeable belief that everything that you have is not just deserved, it is well-deserved.

So when you catch yourself being negative or you notice your habit of putting yourself down, immediately arrest your train of thought and let it go no further. Tell yourself that you deserve nothing but the best. Use that powerful mind of yours. It will take practice – lifetime habits can be hard to break – so start with something simple.

When you start to berate yourself, change that immediately to, “I deserve my wealth.” Keep it to these four words at the beginning. “My” wealth, you ask?”

Yes. The wealth is already yours. You just need the firm belief to bring it to you. By saying it’s yours, you are also getting into the frame of mind of being wealthy.

  1. “I should have bought a much cheaper car.” Strike that. I DESERVE MY WEALTH.
  2. “Why did I buy all these handbags? I don’t need designer labels.” Nope. I DESERVE MY WEALTH.
  3. “If only I hadn’t gone on that holiday…” Nonsense. I DESERVE MY WEALTH.
  4. “I was stupid to venture out on my own. I should have stuck to a Mon-Fri job.” Wrong again. I DESERVE MY WEALTH.
  5. “I enjoyed myself too much when I was younger. If I hadn’t, I’d have a lot more now.” What do we say? Exactly – I DESERVE MY WEALTH!

Use affirmations as much as possible. Say it when you wake up, before you go to bed and at every opportunity in between. Don’t rationalize, justify or make a case as to why you deserve wealth.

Just understand what the universe is trying to tell you. Your wealth already has your name written on it. All you need to do is realize – fully and firmly – that what’s yours will come to you.

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Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!


For the first 50 buyers of this Affirmations PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!


Bonus 1

Affirmations Made Easy MRR Ebook and Squeeze Page

Affirmations Made Easy MRR Ebook and Squeeze Page

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Package Details:

  • Articles
  • Covers
  • Ebook
  • Optin Page

Total File Download Size:

7.81 Megabytes (MB)


Bonus 2

50 Positive Self Esteem Affirmations PLR Lead Magnet Toolkit

50 Positive Self Esteem Affirmations PLR Lead Magnet Toolkit

View full product details here ->>>

Product Details:

  • Report File Formats: DOC, DOCX, PDF
  • Viewable With: Any PDF Reader (Online and Offline)
  • Report Word Length 700+ Words of High Quality Content
  • Pages In Report: 3 Pages Total (Formatted)
  • File Size: 42.9MB


Bonus 3

The Mantras and Personal Affirmations Master Resell Rights Ebook

The Mantras and Personal Affirmations Master Resell Rights Ebook

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • Ebook
  • Graphics
  • Website
  • License
  • Download File Size – 4.41 MB


Bonus 4

Meditation For Busy People Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

Meditation For Busy People Bundle

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Resource Cheat Sheet
Module 4 – Mindmap
Module 5 – Sales Page
Module 6 – Optin Page
Module 7 – Graphics
Module 8 – Email Swipes
Module 9 – Social Media Images


Bonus 5

5 High Quality Power of Your Subconscious Mind PLR Articles

5 High Quality Power of Your Subconscious Mind PLR Articles

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Here are the titles of the 5 Power of Your Subconscious Mind Articles:

  1. 5 Easy Subconscious Mind Exercises You Can Do (579 words)
  2. Understanding Why Too Much Repetition is Counterproductive (554 words)
  3. Why Visualization is Not Enough to Manifest Miracles (677 words)
  4. How Does My Subconscious Mind Work? (595 words)
  5. 7 Ways to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind (844 words)


Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!


Package Details For The Affirmations PLR Package:

Main eBook:

“The Power of Affirmations: Change Your Thoughts to Change Your Life”

(4,053 words, 20 pages, 8 images)

+ Checklist

+ eCovers

+ Keywords


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: A Beginner’s Guide to Affirmations & Positive Thinking

Email 1-Welcome to the affirmations and positive thinking guide – 379 words

Email2-The bodymind connection – 411 words

Email3-The connection between positive thinking and positive affirmation – 304 words

Email4-Making positive affirmations more effective – 403 words

Email5-The 3 elements of a positive affirmation – 539 words


Related Articles:

Affirmation Ideas to Improve Your Life – 402 words

Do Affirmations Really Work? – 403 words

What’s the Difference Between an Affirmation and an Afformation? – 384 words

When and How to Practice Affirmations – 395 words

Why You Should Always Write Affirmations in the Positive – 401 words


Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Tips

15 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

8 Royalty Free Images



List of Affirmations – 817 words


Overcoming Self-Doubt and Believing in Yourself PLR Report – 5333 words


  • What Is Self-Doubt?
  • The Dangers of Self-Doubt and How It Affects Your Life
  • How to Identify Where Your Self-Doubt Lies
  • Reasons to Believe in Yourself
  • How to Overcome Negative Thoughts
  • Strategies for Dealing with Self-Doubt
  • What to Do Right Now

This Report is available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR license.


10-Day Overcoming Self-Doubt ECourse – 6750 words


Self-Doubt PLR ECourse Outline:

1.Increase your self-belief with positive affirmations

2.Overcoming imposter syndrome

3.Nix negative thoughts this way

4.Can you deal with feedback?

5.How to deal with worries with less stress

6.Remove toxic people from your life

7.Have self-doubt and need motivation?

8.Positive ways to deal with failure

9.How to forgive yourself

10.Do you need professional help?

This PLR Email Course is available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR license.


15 Top Quality Motivational PLR Articles and Images

How to Feel Awesome All Day Long – 525 words

How to Make a More Positive Impact on Your Own Life – 509 words

How Volunteering Can Make You Happier – 492 words

Laugh More – 532 words

Life is a Song – 511 words

The Art and Style of Self Confidence – 512 words

The Art of Positive Goal Setting – 517 words

The Power of Imagination and How to Kickstart Yours – 520 words

Ways to Make Affirmations Work for You – 505 words

Courage is the Willingness to Try Again – 500 words

Face Your Weaknesses to Find Your Strength – 502 words

Greatness Starts with Believing in Yourself – 518 words

How Men and Women Love Differently – 511 words

How to be a Great Friend – 506 words

How to Create Your Own Happiness – 499 words

These Motivational PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


5 Wealth Attraction Secrets PLR Articles

4 Ways to Keep Negativity at Bay and Attract Wealth – (733 words)

5 Powerful Affirmations to Attract Wealth – (751 words)

Discover Why You Need to Believe That You Deserve Wealth – (685 words)

How to Attract Wealth by Using Vision Boards – (952 words)

Keeping Your Energy Positive to Attract Wealth – (1,021 words)

These Wealth Attraction PLR articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR license.


Total Word Count: 32 000+ Words

FAST-ACTION BONUSES – Available for the first 50 buyers of this Affirmations PLR Pack. You’ll no longer see these awesome extra bonuses available on this page once the 50 fast action takers have been awarded.


Your PLR License Terms

Articles, reviews, comparison charts and all other content from Quality PLR Content Packages are for you only – you cannot pass on any rights to anybody else.

More information on the PLR rights that come with your purchase:

What You CAN Do With The Content In This PLR Package:

Can be added to or edited completely.
Can put your name on as the author.
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Social media images may be edited using the PSD files, and you may repost them on social media sites but you cannot sell or pass on the PSD files to customers.

The images contained within the main report and top 10 tips report are Public Domain and free to use in personal and commercial projects.

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