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Affiliatecome PLR Coaching Guides with Salesletter 28k Words

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Affiliatecome PLR Coaching Guides with Salesletter 28k Words

What Do the Super Affiliates Know About Generating Sales and Making Money That You Don’t Know?

Pssst: Once you know their closely held tips, tricks and secrets, you too could be a super affiliate with a super-profitable business.

A lot of affiliates who’re struggling to generate sales look over at the super affiliates and wonder how everything they touch seems to turn into big commissions.

You know what I’m talking about, right?

The top affiliates send an email and instantly generate enough money to pay their monthly bills.  They win all the affiliate contests. And vendors practically beg them to promote their wares by offering huge commissions and other perks.

Let me share with you a little secret…

The top affiliates in your niche aren’t doing any one thing that sets them apart from everyone else. There’s no singular magic bullet, no single tip.

Instead, they’ve built their businesses by consistently implementing the best conversion-boosting, sales-generating tips, tricks and ideas. And if you commit to working as smart as they do, then you too can start seeing bigger paychecks.

I know some of you who are reading this are struggling to make sales. And some of you haven’t yet started, but you’re wondering if you should.

Check this out…


Here Are Three Good Reasons Why Affiliate Marketing is a Great Way to Make Money Online…

#1: You make money off of someone else’s hard work.

Creating a sales funnel full of products is a bit of a drag. It takes a lot of work, or a lot of money (if you outsource). And you might even create a dud, which means all your hard work is wasted.

Now compare that to affiliate marketing. Someone else creates the product, creates the sales letter, and makes sure the whole thing is profitable and converts like crazy. All you have to do is drop links in front of a targeted audience to make money. Easy peasy!

#2: You can get started FAST (as in, today).

Since you don’t need to create a sales funnel full of products, you can literally get started today. What other business lets you get up, running, and making money this fast?

#3: Affiliate marketing is super-profitable.

If you choose proven products with big commissions, it’s almost like having people throw money at you. Just imagine making $50, $100, even $500 every time someone buys through your links. Those commissions add up quick!

Now all of these benefits sound pretty good, right?

But here’s the catch: you need to know the RIGHT way to build and grow your affiliate business. Because once you know how to pick the most profitable offers, drive targeted traffic, and build a list brimming with cash-in-hand prospects, then you’re going to see a whole lot of commissions.

And that’s exactly what you’ll get when you download my collection of 12 affiliate marketing PLR guides.



Affiliatecome: How to Reach More People and Do More Business – a set of 12 PLR coaching guides that show you what’s really working right now to generate more and bigger commissions with affiliate marketing!


Affiliatecome Coaching Guides PLR


Quick heads up: these aren’t in-depth tutorials or step-by-step manuals. Instead, each guide presents to you a collection of 17 of the very best tips, ideas, insights, examples, templates, checklists and strategies you need to grow your affiliate marketing commissions. These are the gold nuggets and “aha!” moments that will help you become one of the top affiliates in your niche.


So, with that in mind, let’s take a look at what’s inside each of these 12 PLR Affiliate Marketing guides.

Here’s what you get…

Affiliatecome PLR Coaching Guides Screenshot


PLR Guide 1: The Guide to Affiliate Market Research: 17 Keys to Figuring Out What Your Audience Really Wants

In order to have a successful affiliate business, you need to do your market research in order to figure out which market you should be targeting, and what your audience wants to buy. Check out these 17 keys for gathering these valuable, profitable insights!

PLR Guide 2: The Guide to Selecting Profitable Products: 17 Questions to Ask When Deciding What to Promote

You’ve got your eye on an affiliate product. Maybe you’ve just discovered it, or maybe it’s something that it seems like everyone else is promoting. But before your grab your affiliate link, you’re going to want to review these 17 key factors before you promote an affiliate offer. Skip this, and you may end up wasting time promoting something that doesn’t pay you very well.

PLR Guide 3: The Guide to Beating Your Competitors and Generating More Sales: 17 Ways to Add Value to an Affiliate Offer

As an affiliate, you’re always going to have a lot of competition.  Not only are you competing with others who are selling similar products, but there may be dozens, hundreds or even thousands of serious affiliates who are selling the EXACT same product as you are.

How do you beat your competition? By adding value to any affiliate offer you promote.  This means providing some sort of a bonus – a freebie – to anyone who buys an offer through your affiliate link. And this guide reveals 17 ways to do exactly that!

PLR Guide 4: The Guide to Better Conversions: 17 Best Practices and Tips for Improving Your Lead Page

If you’re an affiliate, then building a big, responsive list is among one of your most valuable assets. However, if you’re sending targeted traffic to your lead page and not getting the response you want, then it’s time to figure out what might be wrong. You can start by following these 17 best practices and tips for improving your lead page and boosting opt-ins.

PLR Guide 5: The Guide to Email Marketing: 17 Ways to Make Sure Your Subscribers Open and Read Your Emails

Let’s imagine for a moment that you’re building a list, but your results are less-than-dazzling whenever you send an email.

Here’s the problem: it seems that people aren’t opening and reading your emails as often as you’d like. And when they do open them, they’re not clicking.  They’re not buying anything. And you’re not making any money.

So, how do you fix these problems? Easy – by reading this guide and implementing these tips!

PLR Guide 6: The Preselling Guide: 17 Tips, Tricks and Ideas for Selling More Affiliate Products

Just tossing your affiliate link out into the wind isn’t going to rack up a whole lot of sales for you. Instead, you need to create a content strategy that works to presell the offers you’re promoting. This guide shows you how, by giving you 17 tips, tricks and ideas for boosting your affiliate sales using presell content and other methods!

PLR Guide 7: The Affiliate Advertising Guide: 17 Ways to Generate Highly Targeted Traffic      

Whether you’re trying to get targeted traffic to your lead page or to your affiliate bonus page, the best approach is a multiprong approach. And that’s why this guide shows you 17 of the best ways to drive cash-in-hand customers to your links!

PLR Guide 8: The Affiliate’s CTA Guide: 17 Call-To-Action Templates and Tips for Using Them

As an affiliate, you’re always trying to get your audience to take a specific action.  This includes CTAs for buying a product, encouraging people to join your list, registering for your webinar, checking out a video, sharing a piece of content and much more.

Do you know how to create super-effective CTAs for every occasion? No problem if you don’t, because this guide gives you 17 fill-in-the-blank CTA templates. Use these to create all your CTAs the quick and easy way!

PLR Guide 9: The Paid Advertising Guide: 17 Tips, Tricks and Hacks for Making the Most of Your Paid Advertising Campaigns

No one likes spending a lot of money on something that isn’t producing great results. That’s why you’ll want to review this paid advertising guide and put these 17 proven ideas to work to start boosting your sales. You’ll get tips and tricks that cover strategies you can use for pay per click marketing, banner advertising and even offline advertising!

PLR Guide 10: The Guide to Establishing Yourself as an Expert: 17 Proven Ways to Position Yourself as an Authority in Your Niche

Stop and think about your niche for a moment. Then ask yourself, who’s making all the sales?

Like most niches, the people who make the most sales are the ones who are considered the experts or authorities in the niche.  And if you want to start racking up the big sales and commissions too, you’ll want to learn how to position yourself as an expert using these 17 proven ways. (It’s easier than you think!)

PLR Guide 11: The Affiliate Optimization Guide: 17 Ways to Optimize Your Site, Emails and Ad Campaigns to Maximize Response

Just because you’re making money as an affiliate doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement. You could be making a LOT more money. And once you start tweaking various parts of your sites and campaigns, you may be surprised at just how quickly your business grows.

That’s why you’ll want to check out this guide to discover 17 ways to optimize your site, emails and ad campaigns to garner maximum response!

PLR Guide 12: The Affiliate Marketing Guide: 17 Of The Best Tips, Steps and Ideas for Boosting Your Affiliate Sales and Income

Ready to rocket yourself from mediocre ho-hum affiliate marketer to affiliate marketing super star? Then you’ll want to put these 17 “best of the best” tips, tricks and ideas to work for you to grow your affiliate business!


You also get a high quality PLR giveaway report that you can use to build your list:


It’s called the..

Affiliatecome Referral Revenue (Affiliate Marketing Free PLR Report)



Affiliatecome Free Report Referral Revenue PLR Report

So, let’s take a look at what you’re about to get your hands on in this PLR affiliate marketing lead magnet…

Affiliatecome Free Report Screenshot

Here’s a Sample of what inside this Affiliate Marketing PLR Giveaway Report:

If you’re already an affiliate – or you’re just thinking about becoming one – then you’re definitely reading the right guide. That’s because over the next few pages you’re going to discover 12 must-dos for generating bigger affiliate commissions!

So, without further ado, let’s jump in…

  1. Complete Affiliate Marketing Research

Your first step when it comes to selecting a product to sell is to find out what your audience wants.

Sure, you can ask them what they want – but you may not get a straight answer. A lot of people who answer surveys tend to give answers based on what they think you want to hear.

So, here’s what you do instead: do your market research to find out what your audience is already buying. You can search ClickBank to ferret out bestselling products, including those with a mid to high gravity (which indicates multiple affiliates are making multiple sales).

  1. Select Profitable Products

Even though a product may seem popular on the surface, it may not be profitable for you if it’s not a good fit for your audience. That’s why yournext step is to review and use the product yourself to ensure it’s a high-quality, engaging offer that solves a problem.

Be careful here: don’t look at what the vendor says about the product. Don’t look at reviews from other affiliates. Don’t even look at customer reviews.

Instead, read and use it yourself. Put it through its paces and see if it really does everything the sales letter promises. If it truly is an awesome, in-demand product backed by a reputable vendor, then you’ve got an offer that is likely a sure thing.


  1. Beat Your Competitors and Generate More Sales

When it comes to promoting an affiliate product, you’re naturally going to have a lot competition.  But that’s not a problem if you add value to your offer, meaning you provide a bonus to anyone who purchases the affiliate product through your link.

Now here’s the key…

Offer a high-value bonus that lets you naturally follow-up with your customers and sell additional offers on the backend. A bonus with a high perceived value attracts a lot of customers, and the ability to follow up effortlessly helps you generate additional profits.

What sort of high-value bonuses fall in this category?  Two good examples include an ecourse and a fixed-term membership site. Every time you deliver fresh content for the course or the membership, you have another opportunity to promote related offers.

  1. Improve Your Lead-Page Conversions

Another key to running a profitable business selling affiliate offers is to build your own list, and then market your offers to this list. In other words, don’t waste your traffic by sending them directly to the vendor’s sales page, as the vast majority of them won’t buy anything without repeated follow ups.

So, here’s the key to creating a high-converting lead page: offer an in-demand lead magnet.

This lead magnet needs to be something your audience really wants in order to entice as many people as possible to sign up. It also needs to be something that’s highly related to the affiliate offer you’re promoting, as the lead magnet should naturally lead to this offer. In fact, the paid offer and your free lead magnet should ideally work together to enhance the user’s enjoyment or benefits. You can find DFY PLR lead magnets  at

For example:

  • You’re selling a copywriting course, so you offer a set of sales letter templates and swipes as a lead magnet.
  • You’re selling a weight loss guide, so you offer a report with 20 tips for boosting one’s metabolism.
  • You’re selling a bodybuilding guide, so you offer a set of videos showing common lifts and their variations.

In short, create a desirable lead magnet that naturally leads to the paid offer, and you’ll both build a big list and generate more sales.


We’re also including a Salesletter so you can quickly get the product ready for sale. Here’s a quick look at the salesletter you’re getting:

Affiliatecome Coaching Course Salesletter


Here’s the bottom line: if you’re looking for the net’s best collection of tips, examples, insights, ideas and strategies to start getting better and more profitable results from affiliate marketing, then Affiliatecome is exactly what you need.

This report is perfect for building your list, educating them about email marketing while leaving them hungry for more information.

and your main guides are the perfect upsell/one-time offer!

But you’ve got one question…

How Much Is It?

(Hint: it depends on how fast you are…)

You might expect to pay $10, $15 or more for each of these guides, and you can bet they’d be worth every penny. That’s because just ONE profitable tip inside each of these guides is worth more than the asking price. These are the sorts of tips that can add hundreds or even thousands to your bottom line (they’ve done that for me – imagine what they’ll do for you)…

But you don’t need to pay $15 or more for each of these guides. I’ve bundled all 12 of them together into one set for the low price of $47 — that’s just $8 a guide.

That’s a steal. You know it and I know it.  If these guides help you get just one or two extra sales this year, then Affiliatecome pays for itself. You can’t ask for anything better than that.

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Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!

For the first 50 buyers of this Affiliate Marketing  PLR Pack, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!



Bonus 1

Supreme Affiliate Marketing Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

Supreme Affiliate Marketing Bundle

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Training Guide
Module 2 – Cheat Sheet
Module 3 – Mind Map
Module 4 – Resource Report
Module 5 – Sales Letter And Thank You Page
Module 6 – Sales Video
Module 7 – Legal Pages
Module 8 – Graphics

Advance Video Course:

Module 1 – Training Videos
Module 2 – Sales page
Module 3 – Sales Video
Module 4 – Audios
Module 5 – Affiliate Page
Module 6 – Follow Up Emails
Module 7 – Giveaway Report
Module 8 – Squeeze Page
Module 9 – Legal Pages
Module 10 – Graphics

Total File Download Size:

158 Megabytes (MB)

Bonus 2

5 Premium Affiliate Marketing with ClickBank PLR Articles Pack

5 Premium Affiliate Marketing with ClickBank PLR Articles Pack

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the 5 Affiliate Marketing with ClickBank Articles:

  1. 9 Quick Tips for ClickBank Affiliates (1130 words)
  2. 10 Common Mistakes ClickBank Affiliates Make (1079 words)
  3. ClickBank 101: A Crash Course for Affiliates (688 words)
  4. How to Choose a ClickBank Product to Promote (918 words)
  5. Should You Promote ClickBank Products without a Website? (891 words)

Package Details:

5 Affiliate Marketing with ClickBank PLR Articles in Word and Text format

Total Word Count –  Over 4706 Words

Download File Size – 340 KB

Bonus 3

5 Premium Affiliate Marketing With WarriorPlus PLR Articles Pack

5 Premium Affiliate Marketing With WarriorPlus PLR Articles Pack

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the 5 Affiliate Marketing With WarriorPlus Articles:

  1. 10 Tips to Increase Your Affiliate Sales on WarriorPlus (1098 words)
  2. WarriorPlus 101: A Quick Guide for Affiliates (797 words)
  3. How to Choose a WarriorPlus Product to Promote (840 words)
  4. How to Increase Your Chances of Getting Approved as an Affiliate (828 words)
  5. Should You Be a Vendor on WarriorPlus? (716 words)

Package Details:

5 Affiliate Marketing With WarriorPlus in Word and Text format

Total Word Count –  Over 4279 Words

Download File Size – 340 KB

Bonus 4

Affiliate Marketing Mastery MRR Ebook with Sales Tools

Affiliate Marketing Mastery Bundle

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Cheat Sheet
Module 4 – Mind Map
Module 5 – Resources
Module 6 – Sales Letter and Thank You Page
Module 7 – Optin-Page and Download Page
Module 8 – Professional Graphics
Module 9 – 10 Articles
Module 10 – Promotion Emails

Total File Download Size:

275 Megabytes (MB)

Bonus 5

Top Quality Affiliate Marketing Profits PLR Report

Top Quality Affiliate Marketing Profits PLR Report

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • Download File Size – 6.82 MB
  • 10 Email Messages (Text Format)
  • Total Word Count: 5593 Words
  • Word Doc Format – Source File
  • Text Doc Format – Source File


Package Details:

Affiliatecome  – Premium Coaching Guide Word Doc (24 123 words, Number of Pages 102)

Affiliatecome  – PLR Giveaway Report Word Doc (2244 words, Number of Pages 12)

Affiliatecome  – Keyword Research

Affiliatecome  – Salesletter Word Doc (1883 words, Number of Pages 12)

Affiliatecome – PLR License PDF


Brandable PLR Coaching Course License:

PERMISSIONS: What Can You Do With These Materials?

Sell the content basically as it is (with some minor tweaks to make it “yours”).

If you are going to claim copyright to anything created with this content, then you must substantially change at 75% of the content to distinguish yourself from other licensees.

Break up the content into small portions to sell as individual reports for $10-$20 each.

Bundle the content with other existing content to create larger products for $47-$97 each.

Setup your own membership site with the content and generate monthly residual payments!

Take the content and convert it into a multiple-week “eclass” that you charge $297-$497 to access!

Use the content to create a “physical” product that you sell for premium prices!

Convert it to audios, videos, membership site content and more.

Excerpt and / or edit portions of the content to give away for free as blog posts, reports, etc. to use as lead magnets, incentives and more!

Create your own original product from it, set it up at a site and “flip” the site for megabucks!

RESTRICTIONS: What Can’t You Do With These Materials?

To protect the value of these products, you may not pass on the rights to your customers. This means that your customers may not have PLR rights or reprint / resell rights passed on to them.

You may not pass on any kind of licensing (PLR, reprint / resell, etc.) to ANY offer created from ANY PORTION OF this content that would allow additional people to sell or give away any portion of the content contained in this package.

You may not offer 100% commission to affiliates selling your version / copy of this product. The maximum affiliate commission you may pay out for offers created that include parts of this content is 75%.

You are not permitted to give the complete materials away in their current state for free – they must be sold. They must be excerpted and / or edited to be given away, unless otherwise noted. Example: You ARE permitted to excerpt portions of content for blog posts, lead magnets, etc.

You may not add this content to any part of an existing customer order that would not require them to make an additional purchase. (IE You cannot add it to a package, membership site, etc. that customers have ALREADY paid for.)


Find more Premium Quality coaching PLR guides at Buy Quality PLR.

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