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How and Where to Sell Your PLR Products

How (and Where) to Sell Your PLR Products

This report is all about how to profit with PLR. That means selling your products. I’ve highlighted a few moneymaking methods for PLR content earlier. Let’s take some time now to give you some specific ways to sell your creations. This includes how you should go about selling your products, as well as the top online marketplaces for the information products you’ll be creating.

Give Your Product Away for Free to Social Media Influencers

Social media can be very powerful. The problem is that it takes you a while to build up a huge following. Instead of waiting years to attract tens of thousands or even millions of followers, why not “hijack” the followers of the biggest influencers in your niche?

You do this by giving away your products. Once you use PLR to create some type of digital information product, reach out to big-name influencers in your market. Look for those social media superstars that have tons and tons of followers and supporters.

Tell them what your product does, how much it costs and that you’re going to give them one for free. Ask them for an honest review and see ifyou can get them to mention your product to their following. Sending a free sample of your product to an influencer on a social media site can earn you loads of sales overnight.

If you sell your product through an affiliate marketing platform, explain to the influencer that he or she can earn a commission on each sale. This is a great way to develop a reputation as an industry leader in a short period of time.

Do Your Own Social Media Work

You don’t have to be a huge social media influencer to get the word out about your product. You can build a fan page for your business or product. You may just want to develop a personal page. In either situation, you talk about your products and services. Send all social media traffic to a landing page that captures email addresses. Then move that traffic through an email autoresponder series that introduces your product.

Social Media PLR, marketing plr, internet marketing plr, plr products, plr digital products

Build a Blog

The WordPress platform makes building a blog in an afternoon super simple. There are plenty of free WordPress themes and helpful blogging plug-ins that can turn your blog into a moneymaker. Once you have created some type of product out of PLR, you should be blogging about it.

People love blogs. Google and the other Internet search engines do as well. When you fill your blog with valuable, free content and update it regularly, you start to see free web traffic rolling in.

This means you need nothing more than time and a little brainpower to get free eyeballs on your offer.

Set aside a time each week to write a few blog posts that answer big questions and solve big problems. Post them to your blog, aiming for at least once a week as a delivery schedule. Then advertise your new blog posts to your email list and on social media.

Use industry relevant keywords and phrases and the search engines will start delivering lots of free traffic. Include a link at the bottom of each blog post to a landing page. Capture email addresses and begin an email marketing campaign. This is how you use a blog to build your email list and eventually sell the product you have created.

You can also include links to your order page in your blog posts. This won’t result in as many sales as an email marketing campaign, but those extra sales certainly don’t hurt.

Start Guest Blogging

Guest blog posts can build your brand and your business. You write blog posts for the top bloggers in your niche. This makes for a win-win situation for both parties involved.

You win because you get to harness the considerable traffic attracted by the biggest bloggers in your market. That marketer wins because he doesn’t have to spend time researching and writing a new blog post. You do all the work for him. Then you include a link at the end of your blog post back to your website.

This guest blogging process can drive traffic back to your product’s sales page, or to a landing page for you to build your email list.

Guest Blogging PLR, blogging plr, blog plr, outsourcing plr, email list plr, plr content

Build and Work Your Email List

You will see several mentions of email marketing in this report. That’s because your email list is the most important business asset you can ever develop. If you change businesses, you can take your email list with you. You can sell it to another marketer. You have total control over your email list. It doesn’t matter if other business platforms disappear, you can always market products and services to your list.

The best way to sell PLR content or digital products you have created using PLR content is through email marketing.

Send your emails out on a predictable schedule and your list members will start looking for them. When your list knows when to expect an email from you, the odds that those list members open those emails increases dramatically.

Engage your list. Offer a lot of free and valuable information. Don’t try to sell your product in every email. Smart email marketers only offer make an offer every 3 to 5 emails.

Interview “Big Names” in Your Niche or Market

You know who the big influencers are in your marketplace. If you’re not sure, it’s not hard to find out. Browse the blogs and websites which market the same types of products and services you’re going to offer.

You can search for “top 25 _____ blogs”, filling that blank with keywords that relate to your niche. Reach out to the biggest names you find. Offer to interview them. Tell them that you’ll post the interview on your blog or website. If you perform a video interview you can offer to post it on YouTube or use the audio as a podcast episode.

Tell the influential marketer that you will include a link back to his or her website. Then work hard to drive traffic to the interview. Simply by having a conversation with a powerful market leader you can develop the perception that you to are a leader in your marketplace. This can lead to more traffic to your web properties and more sales of your products.

Influencer Marketing PLR, internet marketing plr, digital marketing plr, affiliate marketing plr, online business plr

Take Advantage of the Power of Affiliate Marketing

The planet’s biggest retailer uses affiliate marketing as its number one advertising tool. Amazon has become the largest retailer in the world (online and off) using this marketing practice.

In case you’re not sure what affiliate marketing is, it’s pretty easy to understand.

A company has products and services it sells. It pays marketers a commission on every sale they generate. The marketer is in charge of driving traffic to the company’s website. If someone makes a purchase after being led to the company’s website by the marketer, that affiliate marketer gets paid a portion of the sale.

Amazon has tens of thousands of affiliates (if not millions). They drive traffic to Amazon’s website. When something is bought, no matter what that product is, Amazon pays a commission. The affiliate marketer doesn’t have to deal with delivering the product, customer service, refunds or anything else. Affiliate marketers just try to drive as much qualified traffic as possible to a website that uses this marketing tool.

You can do the same.

There are websites that specialize in marketing digital products. In the next section of this chapter, I’ll show you the top affiliate marketing platforms where you can sell your products. You offer a commission, usually a percentage rate, and other marketers will sell your products for you. Make the commission high (such as 50% or 75%) and affiliate marketers are more likely to work hard to sell your products.

Offer Your Product on Marketing Forums

Imagine that you are in the organic gardening market. To take advantage of the appropriate marketing forums, run a Google search for “organic gardening forums”.

Browse the results. Look for those that have recent communications. Join the forums and start communicating. Put a signature link on your profile that drives traffic to your product’s sales page. Some marketing forums have marketplaces where you can offer your product for sale. You just pay a small publishing fee.

A side benefit of spending time in relevant online forums is that you improve the perception that you’re an industry leader.

Marketing PLR, internet marketing plr, marketing forums plr, forums plr

Hit the Classified Ads (Online and Off)

Your local newspaper has a classified ads section. People often don’t think about advertising PLR products and other digital creations in newspapers. This might be a mistake. Small classified ads can be purchased for relatively little money. This can get the word out about your product to people that otherwise wouldn’t be likely to discover it online.

There are tons of online classified ads websites as well. A web search for “top 10 classified ads websites” can point you in the right direction. Here are a few free online classified advertising sites you may want to check out.

  • Oodle
  • Google My Business
  • Craigslist
  • Adpost
  • Facebook Marketplace
  • OLX
  • PennySaver USA

Publish Videos to the Top Video Sharing Sites

The cameras on smartphones have been getting better and better for years. You can now make short, high-quality videos with the phone in your pocket or purse. Each video you upload to YouTube, Vimeo and the other top video sharing sites can be used to get the word out about your products.

Here are a few of the top video-sharing sites. Hit as many as you can. Don’t forget to include relevant industry keywords and phrases in your video description content. This harnesses the power of search engine optimization (SEO) for more traffic.

  • YouTube
  • Daily Motion
  • Vimeo
  • LiveLeak
  • Break
  • MetaCafe

Video Marketing PLR, plr videos, plr products, email marketing plr, list building plr

Sell Directly from Your Own Website

Digital product marketplaces like ClickBank and JV Zoo are excellent places to sell digital products. They aren’t the only place you can sell your PLR products from. You can use the marketing tools offered by PayPal and other online payment processors to sell your products directly from your website or blog.

I mentioned WordPress earlier as a blogging platform. WP is the “go to” platform for building blogs and websites for many Internet marketers. There are free and paid themes, plug-ins, apps and tons of software that integrate easily into the WordPress system.

Here are 10 payment processing plugins for WordPress that allow you to sell directly from your WP site or blog.

  • WPForms
  • WPPayForm
  • WP Simple Pay
  • PayPal Plus for WooCommerce
  • Direct Stripe
  • Stripe Payments
  • LearnDash
  • Contact Form 7
  • MemberPress
  • Easy Digital Downloads

Marketplaces to Sell Your Digital Products

Do you have certain stores where you shop for particular items? A lot of people do. They find that one grocery store might sell the best meat, but they have to go to an entirely different store for the freshest produce. Some stores do a better job of selling certain products than others.

The same is true online.

There are websites which specialize in selling digital products. These are the information products that you create using PLR. They are also the PLR products you sell. In most cases they not only attract customers that are thinking about buying your products.

Digital Products PLR, plr products, business plr, blog plr, email marketing plr, affiliate marketing

They are also home to joint venture affiliate marketers. These are the people I talked about earlier that earn a commission if they sell your product for you. Get just a few strong JV partners working with you at the following digital product marketplaces and your products will be flying off their virtual shelves in no time.

  • JV Zoo
  • ClickBank
  • Warrior Forum
  • TradeBit

The following websites and applications can turn your site or blog into an e-commerce site. They allow you to take payments and deliver digital products through your own site, or a website you build with their software.

  • Shopify
  • SendOwl
  • GumRoad
  • Simple Goods
  • FetchApp
  • DPD (Digital Product Delivery)
  • E-Junkie
  • EasyDigitalDownloads
  • PayToolbox
  • SellWire
  • FastSpring
  • PayLoadz


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