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Tube Live Cash Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

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#TubeLiveCash #YouTubeLive #YouTube #LiveStreaming #StreamingYouTube

Tube Live Cash Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

SHOCKING! YouTube Genius Shares Secret Tricks To Instantly Rank YouTube Videos In Literally Seconds, Generating Huge Profits At The Same Time, All On Complete Autopilot!

Finally! This Is YOUR Chance to Cash-In Huge From YouTube Videos, Quicker Than Ever!

  • Proven Method Gets You:
  • Instant Rankings!
  • All Eyes On You!
  • 3x More Engagement!
  • 64% More Sales!

Hurry Up! And Take Advantage Of An Insane Discount:

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9 Reasons Why You Absolutely Need To Dominate YouTube Live Before Your Competitors Do:

Instant Rankings

It’s proven you can rank a YouTube Live Video to the top of YouTube and Google, in seconds.

Get Eyes All Over You

More than 2.4 million television subscribers have left television with new streaming devices.

3x More Engagement

People spend 3x longer watching a video which is Live compared to video which is no longer Live.

64% More Sales

After Watching a Video, 64% of users are more likely to buy a product online.

Viewers are Switching

Now days, viewers are preferring to watch online streaming of particular channels.

Increase in Demand

Advertisers are targeting the audience with various live streaming applications.

20% Growth

Live streaming by authenticated channels has driven nearly 20% growth compared to previous year reports.

Google Owns YouTube

This alone is one of the most convenient facts for your business.

The Second Top

Besides being the top video-sharing website in the world, YouTube is also the Second most visited website in the world.

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Let’s be straight here…

Anyone Who Has Tried to Generate Huge Profits from YouTube Videos Has Run into One Problem After Another.

It’s no secret. Trying to Profit from YouTube Videos is extremely difficult, if you don’t know what you are doing.

You must probably have…

Hit yourself hard against the complicated “learning curve wall”, trying to figure out the exact tricks used to rank YouTube Videos, and make them really profitable.

Which ended up in…

Spending hours, days learning how to create videos, figuring out how to rank them, having no success, no matter how hard you try.

You must probably have…

Hired a Video Creator, and even a YouTube Video Ranking Service, spending a lot of money in something you can easily do yourself, if you only knew how to do it.

Which only resulted in…

Waiting for the video to start getting some views, and hopefully bring you some sales, without having a clue about it.

…and oh yeah, you probably have even…

Spent more money to send some traffic to your top ranked video, desperately waiting to at least get your investment back.

Which led to…

Sadly, hitting your head harder against the wall, waiting for your wife to ask you: “did you recover back your children’s money with that silly video”? That’s even worse!

It’s really no wonder that most people who try to at least make a Profit from YouTube Videos just give up. But the truth is…

Finally, Being Able to Instantly Rank YouTube Videos In Literally Seconds, And Generating Huge Profits, All On Complete Autopilot, is much closer than you think!

But Who in the World is telling you all this anyway?

and yes, I have been down the same road.

These days, things have gotten much better…

I’m finally able to Instantly Rank YouTube Videos, in Literally Seconds, and convert each one of them as my personal Golden Eggs’ Goose, generating me affiliate commissions, pretty much for each video I create.

I could have also spent from nothing to a ridiculously low amount of money to create and Rank as many YouTube Videos as I want, and I’m very lucky in that I can get my low investment back, and start profiting from it, all in the same day I set it up.

But I have never forgotten the frustration before seeing any improvement.

Having Tried It All, I Was Beaten Down and Ready to Throw in the Towel.

Roadblocks were my constant reality.

I didn’t have a clue on ranking a video on Google, or even on YouTube, and didn’t even know what a highly profitable YouTube Video should look like.

I didn’t have $300 for someone to create a professional short video for me, and paying another $50 to another guy to make it Rank it on top, but still having no clue on how to make the video profitable.

I didn’t have $500 for a 1-hour private coaching call, for only taking a look at the tip of the iceberg on how to rank a YouTube Video and make it profitable enough to recover all your money back at least.

That equals to $850 in real costs for making things happen, well, hoping things will happen.

Of course, I’m sure you know exactly what I mean.

So you couldn’t blame me for wanting to give up when this sounds so familiar to you.

But don’t sweat! I’ve got a one-of-a-kind opportunity for you.

Right before I pulled the plug entirely…

Something Happened that Changed Everything…

I was steps away from giving up when I Decided to make it work myself no matter What.

I created my own videos with free tools, I tried hard applying several video ranking techniques which took me so long to figure out, and I tried my best to make it profitable.

I could hardly believe success had happened. After making so many calculated mistakes, I couldn’t believe I had stumbled on the answer.

However, knowing I wasn’t the only one who had suffered with this problem, I had to share my formula of success.

After all, I wasn’t anything special. I wasn’t more deserving of this success. I simply had a stroke of luck that came my way.

Which is why I’m so glad you’ve stumbled your own way to this letter. I can’t wait to introduce you to…

Proudly Presents…

Tube Live Cash

Revealing The “Secret Tricks” Which Will Lead You Straight Into Generating Huge Profits From YouTube Live Videos like Never Before.

If you want to know how I was able to Instantly Rank YouTube Videos In Literally Seconds, Generating Huge Profits At The Same Time, All On Complete Autopilot!… well… this is it.

And trust me, this solution is likely going to frustrate you. Not because it doesn’t work. But because you’ll be shocked at how simple it is (I honestly couldn’t believe it myself!)

What Type Of People Should Urgently Dominate YouTube Live, TODAY?

Internet marketers

Looking to create several additional income streams online.

Offline business owners

Looking to expand their business and find new sources for leads and sales.

Offline marketers

Looking to offer marketing services for offline clients.

Speakers, book authors & coaches

Looking for a new, and outstanding approach to launch webinar presentations, training videos, and coaching programs.

Regular folks

Looking for a way to quit their job and start making money online.

Here’s What You’ll Get TODAY!

20 HD Training Videos

Now you’ll be able to access a high-definition, professional video training series. It’s filled with 20 crystal-clear presentations and screen recorded videos teaching Profitable YouTube Live strategies.

Video courses have a MUCH higher training experience than regular ebooks. That means you’ll be able to learn a lot faster, make things happen quickly, and concentrate yourself on making HUGE profits, and not trying to figure out what an eBook says.

The Tube Live Cash Video Training is comprised of 20 HD training videos organized into 5 sections.

Here Is What Makes It A Truly 5-Star Quality Video Course:

  • Professional, studio-quality voiceover makes the training polished
  • Top-notch HD videos recorded and edited by video experts
  • Actionable, over-the-shoulder videos keeping you happy
  • Most of the videos are a screen share which is a more engaging type of video than regular, -boring slideshows. You will learn faster and get more out of the training.

Here Is What You’ll Discover Inside This HD Video Training:

Section 1: Live Streaming Basics

VIDEO #1 – What is Live Streaming and why should you bother with it?

VIDEO #2 – Why YouTube would be your best choice for Live Streaming?

Section 2: Start Streaming – Step by Step

VIDEO #3 – What is required before starting live Streaming?

VIDEO #4 – Setting up your YouTube Channel

VIDEO #5 – Verifying your YouTube Channel Account

VIDEO #6 – What types of Live Streaming YouTube Offers you?

VIDEO #7 – How to start live streaming the Easy Way

VIDEO #8 – Managing the “Google Hangouts” Tools

VIDEO #9 – Managing the “Live Control Room”

Section 3: The YouTube Live Quick-Top-Ranking Power

VIDEO #10 – Quick-Top-Ranking Tricks by Using Money Keywords

VIDEO #11 – Quick-Top-Ranking Tricks by Using Your Name or Business Name

VIDEO #12 – Quick-Top-Ranking Tricks by Using Product Names

VIDEO #13 – Quick-Top-Ranking Tricks Using Product Launches

VIDEO #14 – Quick-Top-Ranking Tricks By Replacing Old Ranked Videos

Section 4: Promoting your Live Stream

VIDEO #15 – Promoting your Live Event Before the event

VIDEO #16 – Promoting your Live Event During the event

VIDEO #17 – Promoting your Live Event After the event

Section 5: Final Remarks

VIDEO #18 – What things should you do and not do with YouTube Live?

VIDEO #19 – Tips to Improve Live Streaming

VIDEO #20 – How you can have someone else do the hard work for you

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Audio Version


You’ll also get an audio version of the whole video course.

You can download the MP3 version so you can listen to it on your phone or mp3 player wherever and whenever you want.

PDF Version

You’ll also get script files for all the videos.

You can use it to plan your learning, make notes, and insure you understand every word of the training.

Here Is A Sample PDF:

Mobile Responsive Training Area

You will love having Instant Access, and you will also love to be able to access it in different formats. And that’s exactly what you will get once you buy from us.

You will be directed to a very useful and flexible Product access Experience. You will be able to watch the videos right away online, or You can download them if You prefer.

You will even have the chance to hear the training with the audio version, or read it if You prefer. All within a Mobile Responsive Training Experience.

“Hmm… What’s the Catch Here?”

Again, fair question. What do I get out of this, really?

I’m a straight-to-the-point kind of person. And yes, I would like to make a bit of money.

You could always try to rank the video yourself taking a look at an endless number of ideas freely available over the web that might not work anymore, wasting your time, money and effort, and even getting your YouTube account suspended.

You can also pay $299 for someone to create a professional 60-second YouTube video, and pay other $47 to another guy to make it rank on top quickly, which is not that hard.

And Finally you can spend $497 for a 1-hour private coaching call, only for teaching you how to rank a video, and make it profitable, making it a lot harder for you to get all that money back, after several trials and errors.

That is a total of $843 to get you up and running, and in about a week or so, you might see results.

How does it sound to you to get get cheap access to my 1-hour step by step, proven HD Video Training, where you could easily set everything up in 60 minutes from now, and on top of that, using 100% free services, that will surely bring you awesome results?

And really, does it matter if I make a bit of money if it means you save yourself a ton of money, time and frustration for a fast tracked but proven solution?

Don’t worry. You won’t have to pay anywhere near $299 for creating a YouTube Video, nor $47 for having someone to rank it nor even $497 for learning how to make it profitable.

And to be 100% sure you get an immense amount of value from this offer, I’m going to kick it up a notch.

But Wait, I’ve Got Some Phenomenal Bonuses To Help You Make Money Even Faster & Hassle-Free

Fast Action Bonus #1 – Training Mind Map

A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information. And that’s what we have created for you as well. Some of its benefits are:

  • It will help you brainstorm and explore any idea, concept, or problem.
  • It will help you facilitate better understanding of relationships and connections between ideas and concepts.
  • It will Make it easy for you to communicate new ideas and thought processes.
  • It will allow you to easily recall information.

Fast Action Bonus #2 – Training Checklist

A checklist is a type of informational job aid used to reduce failure by compensating for potential limits of human memory and attention. We have created an awesome Checklist for you. Some of its benefits are:

  • It will help you to stay more organized by assuring you don’t skip any steps in a process.
  • It will motivate you to take action and complete tasks.
  • It will help you to complete repetitive tasks quickly and efficiently.
  • It will allow you to master the repetitive tasks and utilize more brain power for creative activities.

Fast Action Bonus #3 – Training Quiz

A quiz is a form of game or mind sport, in which the player attempts to answer questions correctly. We have also created a really fun training quiz for you. Some of its benefits are:

  • It will motivate you to “want to” learn.
  • It will help you to measure growth in knowledge, abilities, and/or skills.
  • It will help you to remember what you have learned.
  • It will help you to think from different angles or simply ‘to think outside of the box’.

Fast Action Bonus #4 – Training Resources

Resources are materials, services, staff, knowledge, or other assets that can be used in order to run things effectively. We have also created that for you.

It consists of a list of top YouTube Live Videos, Tools, Training, Blogs, and Forums, which would take you hours or even days to research for yourself. Some of its benefits are:

  • It will expand your Knowledge even more.
  • It will help you to increase profits.
  • It will help you to meet needs or wants.
  • It will help you set up a proper functioning system.

Fast Action Bonus #5 – Surprise Gift

Here We will shock you with a really awesome gift which will help you to make huge profits from YouTube Live.

Join In, so you can have access to this awesome gift.

Would It Be Worth To You Investing Just $9.99 For An Exclusive Training That Will Bring Your Real Positive Results?

Think about it. For just $97 you’d be able to Learn how to Instantly Rank YouTube Videos In Literally Seconds, Generating Huge Profits At The Same Time, All On Complete Autopilot!

Getting trained by other means could cost hundreds of dollars or countless weeks to figure out things for yourself.

But now it’s all delivered for you on a silver platter. All you’ve got to do is to learn how it’s done, make small tweaks, and profit (for years to come).

No more frustration. No more late nights. No hassle.

You save time, you save money, YOU WIN!

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Here’s a Sample Video So That You Know What To Expect From These Videos

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Leave Your Competition In The Dust By Taking Your YouTube Live Skills To The Next Level, Multiplying And Securing Your Profits At The Same Time, All In Under 60 Minutes!

Do Not Let Your Competitors Steal Your Rankings,
And Hence Your Profits. Here Is How To Avoid That!

Hurry Up! And Take Advantage Of This Monster Upgrade:

First, I wanted you to congratulate you on making a wise decision by investing in the “YouTube Live Cash” Basic Video Training.

Now, you can Instantly Rank YouTube Videos In Literally Seconds, Generate Huge Profits At The Same Time, and All On Complete Autopilot!

Before you can access your download page, I’d like to Teach you My Secrets to Multiply And Secure Your YouTube Live Profits, by stopping your competitors from stealing your Rankings, And Hence Your Profits.

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Let Me Introduce You to…

Tube Live Cash Advanced Video Course

Taking your YouTube Live Skills to The Next Level, Multiplying And Securing Your Profits At The Same Time. All In Under 60 Minutes!

If you want to know how I was able to Multiply And Secure My YouTube Live Profits, by stopping My competitors from stealing My Rankings, And Hence My Profits!… well… this is it.

Trust me, it is really possible for someone to steal your rankings, if you don’t carefully follow the instructions I give you in this Advanced YouTube Live Video Course.

Here’s What You’ll Get With The UPGRADE!

20 HD Advanced Training Videos

Now, you’ll be able to access a high-definition, professional, advanced video training series.

It’s filled with 20 crystal-clear presentations and screen recorded videos teaching Advanced YouTube Live strategies.

The YouTube Live Cash Advanced Video Training is comprised of 20 HD training videos organized into 5 sections.

Here Is What You’ll Discover Inside This HD Advanced Video Training:

Section 1: Live Streaming the Advanced Way

VIDEO #1 – Setting up your live streaming encoder

VIDEO #2 – Live encoder settings, bitrates, and resolutions

VIDEO #3 – Live streaming with “Stream now”

VIDEO #4 – Live streaming with “Events”, “Custom” Type

VIDEO #5 – Once your Live Streaming is done

Section 2: Managing YouTube Live features

VIDEO #6 – Creating highlight clips

VIDEO #7 – Managing the Live Chat

VIDEO #8 – Setting up multi-camera events

VIDEO #9 – Adding cards to your live stream

VIDEO #10 – Embedding your live stream to a site

Section 3: Monetizing your Live Stream

VIDEO #11 – Slate and ad insertion

VIDEO #12 – Live Fan Funding

VIDEO #13 – Setting up Paid Live Streams

Section 4: Ranking your Live Stream Video, the Advanced Way

VIDEO #14 – The Title

VIDEO #15 – The Description

VIDEO #16 – Tags

VIDEO #17 – Social Proof

VIDEO #18 – Backlinks

Section 5: Final Tips

VIDEO #19 – YouTube Live Streaming Resources to Consider

VIDEO #20 – Frequently Asked Questions

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Audio Version

You’ll also get an audio version of the entire video course.

You can download the MP3 version, so you can listen to it on your phone or mp3 player wherever and whenever you want.

PDF Version

You’ll also get script files for all the videos.

You can use them to plan your learning, make notes, and insure you understand every word of the training.

PDF Version

Mobile Responsive Advanced Training Area

You’ll love having Instant Access, and you’ll also love to be able to access it in different formats. That’s exactly what you’ll get once you buy from us.

You’ll be directed to a very useful and flexible Product access Experience. You’ll be able to watch the videos right away online, or You can download them if You prefer.

You’ll even have the chance to hear the training with the audio version, or read it if You prefer. All within a Mobile Responsive Training Experience.

But Wait, I Have Some Phenomenal Bonuses, Too!

Fast Action Bonus #1- Advanced Training Mind Map

A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information, and that’s what we have created for you, as well. Some of its benefits are:

  • It will help you brainstorm and explore any idea, concept, or problem.
  • It will help you better facilitate understanding of relationships and connections between ideas and concepts.
  • It will Make it easy for you to communicate new ideas and thought processes.
  • It will allow you to easily recall information.

Fast Action Bonus #2 – Advanced Training Checklist


A checklist is a type of informational job aid used to reduce failure by compensating for the potential limits of human memory and attention. We have created an awesome Checklist for you. Some of its benefits are:

  • It will help you stay more organized by assuring you don’t skip any steps in a process.
  • It will motivate you to take action and complete tasks.
  • It will help you to complete repetitive tasks quickly and efficiently.
  • It will allow you to master the repetitive tasks and utilize more brain power for creative activities.

Fast Action Bonus #3 – Advanced Training Quiz

A quiz is a form of game or mind sport where the player attempts to answer questions correctly. We have also created a really fun training quiz for you. Some of its benefits are:

  • It will motivate you to “want to” learn.
  • It will help you to measure growth in knowledge, abilities, and/or skills.
  • It will help you to remember what you have learned.
  • It will help you to think from different angles, or simply ‘to think outside of the box’.

Fast Action Bonus #4 – Advanced Training Resources

Resources are materials, services, staff, knowledge, or other assets that can be used in order to run things effectively. We have also created that for you.

It consists of a list of top YouTube Live Affiliate Programs, Webinars, Infographics, Case Studies, and Facts, which would take you hours or even days to research for yourself. Some of its benefits are:

  • It will expand your Knowledge even more.
  • It will help you to increase profits.
  • It will help you to meet needs or wants.
  • It will help you set up a proper functioning system.

Fast Action Bonus #5 – Surprise Gift

Here We will shock you with a really awesome gift that will help you make huge profits from YouTube Live.

Join In, so you can have access to this awesome gift.

Would It Be Worth To You Investing Just $97.00 For An Advanced Training That Will Show You How to stop your competitors stealing your Rankings, And Hence Your Profits?

Think about it. For just $97, you’ll be able to Learn how to Leave Your Competition In The Dust by Taking your YouTube Live Skills to The Next Level, Multiplying And Securing Your Profits At The Same Time, and All In Under 60 Minutes!

As you already know, getting access to these tricks by other means could cost hundreds of dollars or countless weeks to figure out things for yourself.

Now, it’s all delivered to you on a silver platter. All you have to do is learn how it’s done, make small tweaks, multiply, and secure your profits (for years to come).

No more frustration. No more late nights. No hassle.

You save time, you save money, YOU WIN!

Claim Your Massive 80% Discount For Lifetime Access To The Advanced “Tube Live Cash” Video Course

For all of these reasons I decided to slash the investment drastically. Giving you a one-of-a-kind shortcut to mutiplying and securing your YouTube Live Cash.

Forget about paying the normal price $97.00.

You’ll be able to…

Get Access To EVERYTHING For Only $9.99!

Save your spot before the price increases!

Normal: $97.00    Today: $9.99

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Yes, that’s right! For only $9.99 bucks you’ll learn the exact things you need to know. That’s an 80% DISCOUNT!

Think about it, apply the process just ONCE and your investment is secure, and even multiplied. Just ONE TRY! No-brainer!

The price jumps up after the launch ends, so don’t miss out!

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Here’s a Sample Video So That You Know What To Expect From These Videos

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Package Details:

  • Audios
  • High Converting SalesVideo
  • Lead Capture Page
  • Mind Map
  • Mobile Responsive Sales Page
  • Mobile Responsive Training Area
  • Ready to Plug-in Legal Pages
  • Training Checklist
  • Training Quiz
  • Training Resources
  • Training Videos
  • Video Transcripts

Advance Video Course:

  • Advanced Training Area
  • Audios
  • Checklist
  • Lead Capture Video
  • Lead Capture Video Page
  • Lead Magnet
  • Quiz
  • Resources
  • Upsell Sales Page
  • Upsell Sales Video
  • Video Transcripts
  • Videos

Total File Download Size:

1.35 Gigabytes (GB)

Master Resell Rights License:

[YES] Can be packaged
[YES] You Can Use This Product Yourself
[YES] Can be sold as it is not less than $7 price tag!
[YES] Can pass on the Resell Rights privilege to your customers.
[YES] Can Add This Product to a Membership Site or Bundled Within a Product Package as a Bonus.
[YES] Can be used to create audio/webinar/video products
[YES] Can Give Away The Product (NOT The Source Code Files) To Your Subscribers, Members or Customers as a Bonus or Gift.
[YES] Can change sales page and/or graphics
[YES] Can be added to paid membership sites
[YES] Can sell master resale rights
[NO] Add to a free membership sites
[NO] You can’t just pass away the product to anyone
[NO] Contents of the product can be edited, modified or altered.

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