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Top Quality How Routines Help You Become More Productive and Less Stressed PLR Report

In This PLR Report You’ll Get How Routines Help You Become More Productive and Less Stressed Private Label Rights To Help You Dominate the Productivity Market Which Is A Highly Profitable And In-demand Niche.

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Top Quality How Routines Help You Become More Productive and Less Stressed PLR Report

Top Quality How Routines Help You Become More Productive and Less Stressed PLR Report

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What Can You Do with The How Routines Help You Become More Productive and Less Stressed PLR?

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Here An Outline Of What The How Routines Help You Become More Productive and Less Stressed PLR Report Covers:

  • • What Is a Routine?
    • Examples of Routines That Work
    • The Many Benefits of Following a Routine
    • Tips for Creating Successful Routines
    • Getting Back on Track When a Routine Is Broken

Here’s A Sample Of This Finding How Routines Help You Become More Productive and Less Stressed PLR Content

Mark Zuckerberg wears a grey t-shirt and jeans every day. Barak Obama always wears a grey or navy suit. Fashion executive Jenna Lyons always eats the same lunch, while writer Danielle Steele always has the same breakfast.

Why are these famous and successful people so “boring”? The answer is, they’ve learned that creating a simple daily routine to cover the basic stuff of life leaves them free to work on the important, interesting and creative challenges that make up their life work.

Each day, we are forced to make thousands of decisions – from what to eat, to what to wear, to what to buy. By streamlining some of those decisions into simple, repeatable routines, we can free up time and energy to do things that really matter to us. Read on to learn more about the power of routines, and how they can help you be more productive and less stressed.

What Is a Routine? 

A routine is any set of actions that are repeated, habitually and without much thought. Routines come in different sizes. They can be as small and simple as the few keystrokes it takes to turn on and unlock your computer, or as large and complex as the daily schedule that keeps you and your family fed, cleaned, clothed, and attending your work, school, and leisure activities.

For most of us, our days are made up of various routines, stitched together. We have a routine upon waking, a routine for getting to work, a routine we do when we get to the office, a routine at the gym, and so on.

By their very nature, routines happen on autopilot, freeing our minds for other things. After all, can you remember in detail exactly how you got to work this morning? Or did you just get there somehow, without really remembering all the steps? If you are like most people, your commute to work happens automatically. You walk to the bus or pull onto the highway while thinking about other things. It’s precisely this automatic nature of routines that makes them powerful. Once we make something a regular habit, we no longer have to concentrate on it.

So, the key to harnessing the power of routines is in recognizing those portions of each day that have become routine. The next step is to analyze those routines. Are they helping you, or hurting you? Recognize what works and what doesn’t, then change your routine to improve your life in whichever way you choose – whether you want to finish your novel, get in shape, organize your life, or just have more time for your kids.

Examples of Routines That Work

Many successful and creative people have harnessed the power of routine to get their work done.

Early to Bed, Early to Rise, Early to Create a Bestseller

While many writers disdain the tyranny of “office jobs”, some of the most successful writers in the world maintain stricter schedules than most bosses would ever hold them to. For example, Japanese writer Haruki Murakami gets up at 4 am every day and writes for five or six hours. In the afternoon, he runs, swims, or both, then reads and listens to music. He then goes to sleep every day at 9 pm. Murakami maintains this schedule for six months to a year at a time, while he is working on each book.

Even more disciplined than Murakami is American novelist Danielle Steele, who has written 179 books and counting. Steele is at her typewriter every single day by 8:30 am, nibbling on the same breakfast each day: toast and a decaf iced coffee. She keeps typing for hours, claiming to work as much as 24 hours straight when the words are flowing. Note that while this particular schedule may work well for Steele, sleep experts recommend that adults get at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night in order to be as healthy and productive as possible.

Boring Outfits, Creative Minds

While many creative professionals and entrepreneurs take wild risks in their work, in their personal lives they trust in a regular routine to relieve stress and free up mental space for more important decisions. Choosing a daily uniform is one common way that creative people limit the decisions they have to make each day.

We mentioned Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, who is famous for his limited wardrobe of grey t-shirt, jeans, and a hoodie. While he has been seen in a suit on rare occasions, he mostly sticks to his uniform. He claims that by always wearing the same thing, he reduces the number of decisions he has to make in a day so he can focus on more important matters.

While Mark Zuckerberg’s wardrobe is particularly limited, he isn’t alone in limiting his clothing choices. Designer Vera Wang, despite creating some of the most beautiful and extravagant wedding dresses in the world, limits her own wardrobe to a handful of basics, all in black. Designer Michael Kors also keeps to a sleek black wardrobe of blazer, t-shirt, pants and loafers.

Simple Meals Save Time

Many people tend to eat the same breakfast and lunch day after day, but Norwegians take “boring” meals one step further. In Norway, almost everyone brings exactly the same type of lunch to work each day, and this habit may be one reason why Norway has one of the highest scores for quality of life in the world. Everyday around noon, almost all Norwegians reach into their packs for their matpakke, a stack of several slices of brown bread with a thin layer of butter and a slice of cheese, meat pate or smoked salmon. This stack of open-faced sandwiches is always simply wrapped in brown paper.

This basic lunch has many advantages: it can be made in a few moments; it can be carried in a backpack without harm or mess; it doesn’t require refrigeration or heating; and it can be quickly eaten. This last point is key. In Norway, lunches last only 30 minutes. These short lunches help keep Norway’s working hours among the shortest in the world, an average of just 38.5 hours per week, which helps boost their quality of life.

The Many Benefits of Following a Routine 

As the examples above show, routines can be an effective way to maximize your day. Here are some benefits of following a routine:

Avoiding Decision Fatigue

Every day, we have to make thousands of decisions. Our brains are constantly making choices, from the small (which shirt to wear) to the big (which company to award a contract to). Every time we ponder the options and make a choice, it uses a little bit of mental energy. Our store of mental energy is finite and as it runs out, it becomes more and more difficult to make decisions. This can result in procrastination, snap decisions, and poor decision making, on top of unnecessary stress.

This is true even when we are making fun choices, such as vacation planning or picking items for a registry. For example, one study showed that volunteers enjoyed choosing fantasy items for a hypothetical wedding registry for around four minutes. By minute 12, making decisions — even fun decisions — was exhausting.

Of course, making decisions is an important part of life. After all, making decisions is how we choose our education, jobs, and life partners. So, how can we escape needless decision making and preserve energy for those choices that really matter? The answer is to set a routine you don’t need to think about for the simple things, so that your decision-making abilities are saved for the important things in life.

Time Savings

Have you ever lost your keys, your wallet, or your work badge? How long did you waste looking before your items turned up?

Everyone misplaces something from time to time, but if you regularly lose important items, developing a routine can save you time. Create a place for all the daily items you need and return them to their place, every single day. Likewise, if you lose track of important documents at work, or frequently forget items on your to-do list, developing a routine for organizing and keeping track of your important papers will save you time and energy, and let you get your work done faster.

Money Savings

Do you eat lunch out every day? Or grab a daily latte and a muffin from the coffee shop for breakfast? A habit of eating out is a routine, and it’s one that could be costing you a lot of money. Instead, develop a routine of buying groceries and prepping simple breakfasts and lunches once a week. You’ll save time and money in the long run.

By a similar token, developing a consistent look can help you spend your clothing budget wisely, and avoid impulse shopping for clothing that doesn’t suit you or your lifestyle. It can also save time getting dressed each morning. Of course, a consistent uniform doesn’t have to be all boring black. Think of Angela Merkel’s signature colored jackets, Diane Von Furstenberg’s brightly printed dresses, or Kanye West’s color coordinated sweat suits. The idea is simply to pick something that works for you and stick to it.

Boosting Health

According to CDC, only 23% of Americans get the recommended amount of exercise each week. Adults should perform strength training exercises twice a week, as well as getting 150 minutes of brisk movement each week, equal to a 25-minute walk per day.

Even fewer Americans get enough fruit and vegetables each day, with just one in ten eating the recommended four to five cups of fruits and veggies per day. If you aren’t the sort of person who wakes up feeling motivated to hit the gym and eat broccoli (and really, who is?), a routine can help.

The key to a routine is that it doesn’t depend on motivation — you just do it out of habit. If you want to get healthy, make fitness and healthy eating part of your routine. For example, add a serving or two of fruit and vegetables to every meal, and when you get home from work, walk around the block a few times before you go in the door.

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