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The Website Traffic Premium PLR Content Package

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The Website Traffic Premium PLR Content Package

Become An Instant Expert In The Hot Make Money Online Niche…

Here’s All The Content You’ll Need To Make Money With The Super Profitable Website Traffic Topic…

Here’s what’s included in this The Website Traffic Premium PLR Content Package:

1 monetized lead magnet. Over 11,300 words and 30 pages!

10 content pieces in multiple formats. Over 10,000 words and 30 pages!

10 emails to help you engage with your list and lead them to your content!

30 Social media images to pull in traffic to your website.

10 videos you can use in multiple marketing strategies.

10 audios you can use for content and/or marketing!


If you’ve found this page, then you already know that the “make money online” niche is a super-hot niche! And now more than ever, with so many people out of work and looking for ways to make money online you can be a super hero to thousands upon thousands of people by providing them with the information they NEED to be able to succeed!

I’ve come back into the PLR world to provide YOU with done for you killer content with private label rights for this niche on a ton of different topics so that you can not only help these people that need it so badly, but also be able to profit by helping them too!

When you get the PLR (private label rights) to this done for you content package, you’ll be able to use it in many ways to make money with this niche without all of the headache and time consuming work of creating the content yourself!

You can…

Create a blog and use the content on your blog. Monetize the content with your affiliate links and make money!

Use the content to get traffic from your social media profiles. You can send that traffic to anything you want!

Build a list and build a relationship with that list so you can actually get them to open your emails and buy from you!

Create a YouTube channel with the content and use it to grab all that traffic from YouTube!

Be seen as an expert in the make money online niche and having people coming to you to learn what they are dying to know to succeed!

Use the content to create your “freebie” to give away to build your list quickly and easily!

I could go on and on here, but I’m sure by now you just want to see what I’ve packed into this PLR package, so let’s get right to it…

The Website Traffic PLR Content Package

The Website Traffic PLR Content Package

I’ve created this package for any marketer, coach, influencer, blogger etc. that’s in the make money online niche to allow you to profit and market with it in any way you choose! Here’s exactly what you’ll find inside…

Monetized Lead Magnet

This isn’t just any lead magnet. This is a fully monetized lead magnet that you can use to build your list, and make money with it because you can monetize it with your affiliate links.

I have added in “promotional blurbs” within this lead magnet that you can insert your affiliate links into, and make money when your reader buys through your link.

Of course you can use the lead magnet in any other way you want to, including removing any promotional blurbs you don’t want to use.

This lead magnet was created as a 31 page report (11,764 words) and I created it by combining all the articles in this package along with an introduction and a “wrap up” section to make it a report instead of just a bunch of articles put together. This is an information packed report that will educated the reader about website traffic and all the different traffic strategies available to them!

Sample Content for the Website Traffic PLR Report:

Hi there and welcome to The Website Traffic Playbook. In this guide I have complied some of the best tips and strategies for getting all the website traffic you could ever want along with educating you about everything else related to website traffic. I encourage you to print this guide out, sit down with a notebook, and take notes on anything that sticks out to you. Then take your notes and decide what you want to implement.

Traffic and having the RIGHT things to send traffic to are the lifeblood of an online business, so take your time with what I’m about to share with you and go use it!

Let’s get started…

Note: If you would like to learn tons of traffic and online marketing strategies in a hands on way, I highly recommend that you get all the workshops from at Your Full Workshop Bundle Lifetime Offer Affiliate Link

The Truth You Need To Know About Website Traffic

Today I want to take you back to the beginning of learning about website traffic. You’ve probably been told so much garbage information and so many different things that I’d like to just wipe your brain and unteach you all the wrong stuff. So, take a deep breath and dive in with me here as I take you through the truth about website traffic through a few lessons.

Lesson 1: Be Ready

The first lesson I want to give you about website traffic is that you need to be ready for it. Yes! Before you even begin to decide what traffic tactics to use you need to make sure you’re ready for it.

Is the page your sending traffic to ready for traffic? Does it look professional? Is it easy to navigate? Does it have a strong call to action? Etc. Whatever it is that you’re sending traffic to (be it a lead capture page, a sales page, a blog post, etc.) needs to have one job and that job needs to be crystal clear to the visitor.

For example, if you’re sending traffic to a lead capture page. You need to make sure you’ve got a good offer there that people will want and copy that makes them want to get it right now along with an easy way for them to get it. No other distractions or links. Nothing!

So, the first step in getting traffic is making sure whatever you’re driving traffic to is ready and will actually work to do what you need it to do. That could be to get someone to join your list, buy something, click a link, etc.

Why would you want to go through the effort of driving a bunch of traffic if what you have isn’t going to get you the results you need?

Side Note: 99% of the time you need to be driving traffic to a lead capture page or something that builds your list. Once you have people on your list you can email them and drive them wherever you want. Stop wasting time and money on one off traffic that you can’t reuse. Build an email list so you can send traffic to anything you want, anytime you want!

Lesson 2: Decide How You’ll Get Website Traffic

The next step is deciding what route you want to go with getting website traffic. Meaning, what traffic tactics are you going to use? This is where most people melt down and try to learn how to do everything and never do enough of any one thing to get any amount of traffic. You do not want to do that because you’ll never see any real results without being focused on just a few website traffic strategies.

There are basically three ways to get traffic and they are:

  1. You can buy it.

You can pay for ads on social networks, you can buy advertising space on sites that offer it in your niche, solo ads, and the list goes on and on. If you know that what you have gets results (meaning people buy from you, or opt-in to your list, or whatever result you want) then this is a great option because you will be able to recoup your investment and then some. However, if you don’t know that what you have gets results then you’re going to spend a lot of money getting it all figured out.

My rule of thumb with paid advertising is that I won’t use it unless I know I have something that will get results. Pulling in an expert to help you with website copy and everything else would be your best bet here. If not, you could waste a lot of money.

  1. You can borrow it.

When I say borrow, I mean use the traffic that others can send you. This is where you’ll setup an affiliate program and get affiliates to send you traffic. You pay them a percentage of your profits (a commission) or pay them for actions their people take. There’s a lot of ways to do this, but you need a product and an affiliate program. This is a great option if you have your own products and services.

  1. You can mine it.

This is where most other traffic tactics live. This is where you are doing things to get the traffic. You’re “mining” it. You’re digging for it. Tactics like blogging, social marketing, guest blogging, SEO, YouTube marketing, and the list goes on and on and on and on are all examples of mining traffic.

Take what I’ve taught you here and figure out what traffic strategies you’re going to use. Educate yourself and learn how to effectively use what you choose to use, but don’t try to do them all at one time.

Now the last thing when it comes to driving traffic…

Lesson 3: Be Consistent

Look, no matter how you decide you’re going to get website traffic you need to make sure that you’re doing something to get traffic every single day.


If you’re using paid advertising you need to make sure that your ads are working (stat checking), you need to be testing other ads against your ads to get them working better, you need to be looking for more places to advertise, etc.

If you’re running an affiliate program you want to be working on reaching out to affiliates, creating new promotional tools, etc.

If you’re mining it well that’s hard to say because there’s about a million different ways to mine it, but however you decide to mine it you have to work on that each and every day.

You get the idea here. You need to be doing something each and every day no matter how you’re driving traffic. The minute you stop doing what it takes to get traffic is the moment your traffic stops. When you have a day where you don’t feel like doing the work or you find yourself getting distracted with other things then you need to keep in mind that your traffic is stopped and so are your profits.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the Report.


10 Content Pieces In Multiple Formats

I researched and found the hottest topics related to website traffic to talk about and then created a 1,000 word+ piece of content for each topic. Here are the topics along with page and word counts of each piece of content…

  1. The Truth You Need To Know About Website Traffic (1087 Words) (3 pages)
  2. Do You Have A Business Foundation For All That Website Traffic? (1093 Words) (3 pages)
  3. How To Create A Website Traffic Plan For Your Business (1054 Words) (3 pages)
  4. 6 Big Website Traffic Tactics Explained (1121 Words) (3 pages)
  5. The Top Social Media Sites That Are Best For Getting Website Traffic (1002 Words) (3 pages)
  6. How To Create A Content Marketing Strategy To Get Website Traffic (1024 Words) (3 pages)
  7. How To Get Started With Using Paid Website Traffic (1031 Words) (3 pages)
  8. How To Use Influencers To Get Website Traffic (1034 Words) (3 pages)
  9. 6 Old Website Traffic Tactics That Still Work (1106 Words) (3 pages)
  10. 7 Steps To Getting Started With SEO For Website Traffic (1059 Words) (3 pages)

You will get all 10 content pieces in both Word and Txt format!

The Website Traffic PLR Article Sample:

6 Big Website Traffic Tactics Explained

When it comes to getting website traffic you’ve got to figure out where your potential audience is and use the right traffic tactics to get in front of them in those places. In this short tutorial I’m going to give you 6 different big traffic strategies that you can try out to see if your potential audience is there for you to get in front of them. I’m going to give you a summary of each of them because these are big traffic strategies. I encourage you to do some research to see exactly what it takes to implement each and decide if they’re for your business or not.

Website Traffic Strategy #1: Paid Social Media Ads

Social media advertising has become a staple in the website traffic tactics world. Almost everybody is on at least one social media site so the chances of you being able to reach your audience there are high.

Figure out the best social media sites for your business to advertise on, start with the first one, and see what results you get. I recommend that you thoroughly research the process of advertising on the social media site you want to go with, and then take what you learn, implement it, and see what results that you get.

Once you get one social media site working for you, then you can add more, but make sure you start small and start with only one at a time. You will need an advertising budget to use this tactic, but once you get a good advertising campaign to work for you it can pay you back very well.

Website Traffic Strategy #2: Organic Content Marketing With Social Media

Content marketing is where you create content that brings your target audience into your business. You create killer content that they want to consume and then post that content to your social media channels to get them from social media into your business.

There’s quite a few “moving parts” to this, but it’s a great strategy that works for most online businesses. Do some research to see what your competition is doing and the results they’re getting to gauge if this would be a good tactic for you to implement for your business. If you do all the work yourself, you don’t need much of an advertising budget, but there will be a few tools that you’ll want to invest in to help you implement this tactic.

This is a great strategy to start with if you have little to no budget and you’re new to getting website traffic.

Website Traffic Strategy #3: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is a tactic that has been around almost as long as the Internet has been around. It’s changed so much over the last few decades and it’s something that will forever be changing because the search engines are always changing. I also consider this another form of content marketing because it’s done with content.

With SEO you do keyword research to find out what your potential audience is searching for and then try to get your website ranked in the search results of the big search engines for those keywords. Now there’s a lot more that goes into it, but that’s the shortest explanation I can give you.

While you can do all of your own SEO without an advertising budget, it comes with a sharp learning curve and as I said it’s constantly changing. My advice is to search Google for free SEO courses, get a good grasp of how it works, and decide if it’s something you want to use. If so you can move forward on your own or hire a professional to help you or even do all of your SEO work for you.

Website Traffic Strategy #4: Influencer Marketing

In the last several years we’ve seen influencers pop up in just about every niche you can think of on just about every topic you can think of. These are generally people on social media who have a big following in a certain niche. You can use these people to advertise your website/product/service or to meet any other goals that have like brand awareness and lead generation.

This tactic is for those who have the money for it and generally for those who have a product or service the influencer can create content for or do a straight endorsement for to their followers. Search out influencer marketplaces to see if there are influencers you can work with and what it will cost you.

Website Traffic Strategy #5: Affiliate Program Marketing

If you have a product or a service that you’re trying to sell having an affiliate program can be a great option. With an affiliate program you get affiliate marketers to promote your product/service to their audience in exchange for a commission. Depending on your product type will depend on the commission you set. With digital products commissions can be anywhere from 20% all the way to 100% commissions but are generally much less for physical products because of hard costs involved.

This is another strategy with a lot of “moving parts” and options but can be a great source of traffic because you’re dealing with people who have the exact audiences you need to be in front of. I highly recommend you spend some time researching this tactic to get a good idea of how it works and how you can implement it, but in my experience it’s one of the best traffic strategies and most profitable that I’ve ever used.



10 Content Announcement Emails

If you have an email list (or plans for one in the future) you’re going to need content for that list. So, I created an email for each of the pieces of content from above that you can use to get your list in front of your content!

All you need to do is add your name to the emails, the link to your content, make any changes that you want (no editing needed if you don’t want to edit), and you can either send it out to your list or even add it to your autoresponder follow-up messages.

You could use these emails as an automated system to put EVERY piece of this content in front of every person that gets on your list!

The Website Traffic PLR Email Content Sample:

Subject: Open up! 6 Big Traffic Tactics Inside!

Hi there NAME!

YOUR NAME here from YOUR DOMAIN NAME and I’ve got a resource for you today that I’m VERY excited about.

I’m going to show you 6 BIG traffic tactics. These are traffic tactics that are so big you could pick just ONE and that ONE could bring you all the traffic you’ll ever need.

Click the link below to get the resource and find all 6 BIG traffic tactics!


To your success!



10 Social Media Images X 3 Platforms

I took the 10 content pieces from above and took a “blurb” from each piece and created an image for it for Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

You can take these images, add your own branding to them, and post them to social media to bring traffic to the content or anything else you want to bring traffic to.

You can also use them in any other way you want such as images for your blog/website, images for emails, etc.

You’ll get 1 social media image per mentioned social platform for a total of 30 images!


10 Content Videos

People love videos, and they’re going to LOVE these content filled videos.

I took each of the articles and turned each one of them into a content video for you, so that you can use in many different ways.

You can take these, add your branding, add your affiliate links, or anything else you want to do with them.

Then use them as content for your YouTube channel or content for your blog, or even content for your various social media channels.

You’ll be provided with the videos in mp4 format which can be edited in just about any video editing software or app you want to use.

IMPORTANT: These videos aren’t those crappy “robot generated” videos. I created each one of them and there is a REAL voice behind each one!


10 Content Audios

I’ve also taken each of the articles in this package and turned them into audio files for you. You can use these in many ways like…

Create your own visual videos and add these audios to them.

Use them as part of a podcast.

Use them to create an audio playlist that you give away or charge for.

use them as an audio product or as an add on to any product.

… and so many more ways.

You’ll get the individual audio files for each of the articles in this package to use just about any way that you want to.

Grab your PLR license to this awesome website traffic PLR content package today while it’s still available at such a low price!


Website Traffic Premium PLR Content Package

Monetized Lead Magnet

This lead magnet was created as a 31 page report (11,764 words)

10 High Quality Website Traffic PLR Articles:

The Truth You Need To Know About Website Traffic (1087 Words) (3 pages)
Do You Have A Business Foundation For All That Website Traffic? (1093 Words) (3 pages)
How To Create A Website Traffic Plan For Your Business (1054 Words) (3 pages)
6 Big Website Traffic Tactics Explained (1121 Words) (3 pages)
The Top Social Media Sites That Are Best For Getting Website Traffic (1002 Words) (3 pages)
How To Create A Content Marketing Strategy To Get Website Traffic (1024 Words) (3 pages)
How To Get Started With Using Paid Website Traffic (1031 Words) (3 pages)
How To Use Influencers To Get Website Traffic (1034 Words) (3 pages)
6 Old Website Traffic Tactics That Still Work (1106 Words) (3 pages)
7 Steps To Getting Started With SEO For Website Traffic (1059 Words) (3 pages)
You will get all 10 content pieces in both Word and Txt format!

10 Content Announcement Emails:

Email – 6 Big Website Traffic Tactics Explained
Email – 6 Old Website Traffic Tactics That Still Work Today
Email – 7 Steps To Getting Started With SEO For Website Traffic
Email – Do You Have A Business Foundation For All That Website Traffic
Email – How To Create A Content Marketing Strategy To Get Website Traffic
Email – How To Create A Website Traffic Plan For Your Business
Email – How To Get Started With Using Paid Website Traffic
Email – How To Use Influencers To Get Website Traffic
Email – The Top Social Media Sites That Are Best For Getting Website Traffic
Email – The Truth You Need To Know About Website Traffic

10 Social Media Images For Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest:

You’ll get 1 social media image per mentioned social platform for a total of 30 images!

10 Content PLR Videos

These are video versions of each of the articles.

10 Content Audios

These are audio versions of each of the articles.

PLR License


Your PLR License Terms

PERMISSIONS: What Can You Do With These Materials?

You can add the articles or content to an ebook or product that you plan to sell or give away for individual use.
You can use the content to build your email list.
You can modify the content by removing, adding or otherwise editing to suit your needs.
You can use the content on your websites, blogs, newsletters or anywhere you publish content.
You can add your affiliate links, product links, Adsense and other ad code.
You can bundle the content into a viral report, free ebook, product or bonus for your customers.
You can charge for access to read this content. For example, a paid ebook, membership site or other paid access content.
You can translate it into another language and resell with personal use rights.
You can add the content as an autoresponder email series.

What You CANNOT Do With These Materials?

1 – You CANNOT sell this product as your own PLR or in your PLR store.

2 – You CANNOT submit any of the content provided by Buy Quality PLR to reprint article directories or other websites which accept reprint content even if you have edited or reworded the content.

Why? Because many article directories won’t take PLR articles. If everyone started submitting similarly written articles to these directories it wouldn’t be fair for the directory owners, their users or our members. Be fair to everyone involved and don’t do it, even if you feel you’ve edited or reworded the article.

3 – You CANNOT sell this product with a PLR, MRR or Resell Rights License.


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