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Spirituality Guide for Beginners PLR Ebook

Spirituality Guide for Beginners Premium PLR Package 22k Words

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Spirituality Guide for Beginners Premium PLR Package – A High Quality Spirituality PLR Content Package Ready To Be Used In Your Business, Over 22 000 words!


Attention: Spirituality Marketers, Self Improvement Coaches

Done for You Premium Spirituality PLR Product on a





Dear Affiliate Blogging online business owner, When it comes to spirituality searches, the Affirmations is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Affirmations has spawned an entire industry of blogs, courses, books and products.

This is where my premium done-for-you Spirituality PLR content package comes in. It’s all about teaching your customers Spirituality and Choosing a Profitable Niche and Keywords.

Everything is completely done-for-you and ready-to-go – from the main Spirituality Private label digital product to your social media updates – it’s simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative spirituality blogging niche.



Introducing The…

Spirituality Guide for Beginners Premium PLR Package


Featuring Over 23 000 Words of High Quality Spirituality Guide for Beginners Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality Spirituality PLR package covers the hugely popular Motivation niche. Spirituality is evergreen and will always be. This Spirituality Guide for Beginners PLR package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it or use it to build your list of raving fans.

Here’s everything you’ll get in the Spirituality Guide MEGA PLR Package…

Main PLR eBook: “Spirituality Guide for Beginners”

(11,406 Words)

Spirituality Guide for Beginners Ebook


A look inside the Spirituality PLR eBook:

Spirituality Guide for Beginners Ebook Screenshot

Table of Contents for the Spirituality PLR Ebook:

Introduction. 6

What is Spirituality?. 8

Giving Spirituality a Hard Definition. 9

Are Spirituality and Religion the Same?. 12

Why Is a Regular Spiritual Practice Important?. 15

Become an Exploring Child Again. 15

The Importance of Purpose in a Spiritual Life. 18

Identify Your Purpose and Values. 19

14 Ways to Develop a Spiritual Practice. 21

1 – Become Mindful and Aware. 21

Action Step – How to Be More Mindful 23

2 – Examine Your Values and Beliefs. 25

Action Step – How to Examine Your Values and Beliefs. 25

3 – Clear Clutter from Your Physical Space. 27

Action Step – How to Clear Clutter from Your Physical Space. 28

4 – Learn to Let Go of Emotions and Physical Things. 29

Action Step – How to Learn to Let Go of Emotions and Things. 30

5 – Embrace True Love. 31

Action Step – How to Embrace True Love. 33

6 – Move Past Your Ego. 33

Action Step – How to Move Past Your Ego. 35

7 – Why You Should Avoid Spiritual Materialism.. 36

Action Step – How to Avoid Spiritual Materialism.. 37

8 – Open Your Mind to New Realities. 39

Action Step – How to Open Your Mind to New Realities. 40

9 – Commune with Mother Nature. 40

Action Step – How to Commune with Mother Nature. 42

10 – Practice Self-Care and Self-Love. 43

Action Step – How to Practice Self-Care and Self-Love. 44

11 – Communicate Your Thoughts, Get Them Out. 45

Action Step – How to Communicate Your Thoughts, Get Them Out. 47

12 – The Power of Meditation in a Spiritual Practice. 48

Action Step – How to Harness The Power of Meditation in a Spiritual Practice. 48

13 – Embrace Your Own Path. 50

Action Step – How to Embrace Your Own Path. 51

14 – Start Now, No Matter Where You Are in Life. 51

Conclusion – Spirituality Guide for Beginners – Practical Ways to Cultivate Your Spirituality As a Beginner  54


Sample Content for the Spirituality Premium PLR Ebook:

For a lot of people, spirituality is hard to nail down. One person will tell you that it’s about understanding who you are and where you belong in the world. Some believe it’s about connecting with a higher power. You admit that there’s something big going on behind the scenes, and you want to connect with this power.

Yet others will tell you that spirituality is individual; it can be different for everyone. Organized religions are often recognized as spiritual organizations. Yet there are plenty of people that believe these organized religious groups are all pomp and circumstance, with no substance.

I think you can see that it’s difficult for everyone to agree on a concrete definition of spirituality.

Even still, so many of us recognize there’s something more than our physical existence. We see evidence in our lives that there’s more than a cradle-to-grave reality for us all. You and I may identify ourselves as spiritual, yet still have a difficulty giving it a hard definition.

Guess what? All of those situations are okay.

As long as you’re searching for something more, something above and beyond the physical human experience, you’re on a spiritual journey. You’re looking for your own personal awakening to your purpose and why you’re here.

You may have felt a longing for a more spiritual understanding for a while. That’s because it can be said that connecting to your spiritual self is a lifelong journey. You never reach a final destination. You’re constantly growing in a deeper knowledge of how you’re connected to the world, the people in it and possibly a greater being or force.

You know the pursuit of more spiritual awareness is just as important as defining the subject. It’s a safe bet that you want a better understanding of spirituality so you can practice it regularly. You don’t want to end your physical time here on earth without growing as much as you can spiritually.

If anything we’ve just said resonates with you, that’s good.

You’re in a good place.

We’re here to give spirituality a clear definition. You’ll also discover why a spiritual practice is important. Discovering your purpose is crucial for a spiritual awakening. Additionally, we’ll share with you some practices for awakening your spirituality that many experts agree upon. This is true regardless of your personal interpretation of the subject.

What is Spirituality?

Spirituality is an experience. It’s not a physical thing. You know that. You understand that. The times you think about your spiritual awareness are when emotions and feelings are speaking to you. You’re not thinking of something hard and concrete. And you have questions.

You’re looking for a definition or explanation of what being spiritual means. The thing is, the definition is not the same thing as the experience itself. To make that point more clear, consider this example.

A friend you know just got back from a mountain climbing expedition. She said it was the most amazing thing she’s ever done. You have an extremely limited idea of what it takes to climb a mountain. You know pretty much what’s going to be required vaguely, but you don’t know the details.

You’ve certainly never climbed anything substantial. You’ve taken a hike here or there and been up hills and mountains, but nothing like what she did.

In other words, her explanation to you will expand your knowledge on the subject a great deal. That doesn’t explain your personal experience. Until you climb that mountain yourself, you really don’t know what’s involved.

Concerning spirituality, this means that you need to have your own experience.

Open yourself. Be open to receiving a spiritual awakening. It’s going to come in different shapes and forms for different people.

You clear yourself of preconceived notions. You’re telling the universe that you’re ready to awaken your spirituality. You’re not trying to force yourself into some mold. This is not about learning how some other person or organization expresses spirituality and then joining them because it sounds good.

I guess it’s best said that spirituality is a gateway for you to connect with some bigger thing.

You may call that thing “fate” or “God” or “the universe” or some other word. Labels don’t matter. In order to develop your own spiritual practice and become a spiritual person, the first step is in understanding that there’s something bigger than you that you’re trying to connect to.


Spirituality PLR Checklist:

( 2,419 words)

Spirituality Guide for Beginners Checklist

A look inside the Spirituality Premium PLR Checklist

Spirituality Guide for Beginners Checklist Screenshot


Spirituality PLR Report:

( 2,419 words)

FAQs Beginners Have about Spirituality PLR Report

A look inside the Spirituality Premium PLR Report

FAQs Beginners Have about Spirituality Report Screenshot


Spirituality PLR Editable Ecovers:

Spirituality PLR Editable Ecovers

5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Spirituality 5-email sequence

Email 1# Do you question your spiritual nature?
Email 2# What does spirituality mean to you?
Email 3#What do your values say about your spiritual nature?
Email 4# What does your physical environment say about your spirituality?
Email 5# Introducing the Spirituality Guide for Beginners

Spirituality PLR Emails Total Word Count: 1646 words Words


Spirituality Email Content Sample:

Email #1  Subject line: Do you question your spiritual nature?

Lots of people have questions about spirituality.

In many cases, these questions are similar. Regardless of age, gender or other differences, it seems humans have basically the same questions about what spirituality is.

  • “My normal, daily, physical life can’t be all there is to my existence. Is there something more?”
  • “What is spirituality? What does it mean?”
  • “Is religion the same thing as spirituality?”
  • “Is it important to pursue a deeper spiritual knowledge of myself?”
  • “I feel like I’m stumbling through life with no real direction. Can becoming more spiritual give me some purpose that provides meaning to my life?”

These are common questions. Many women young and old have these thoughts frequently. They want to know why they’re here. Who are they, really?

Is there something beyond the physical self that can provide meaning and fulfillment to life? If this physical existence is all there is, why do these questions continue to haunt you?

This is a recurring thinking process for so many people. If these are the questions you have from time to time, that’s good. It means you’ve already begun to walk upon your spiritual path.

Beginning any significant journey means asking lots of questions.

To answer those questions, we’ve created a valuable resource. It can truly be life-changing if you want to grow and strengthen your spirituality.

It’s titled Spirituality Guide for Beginners – Practical Ways to Cultivate Your Spirituality As a Beginner. It answers many of the nagging questions you have regarding your spirituality.

More importantly, it provides 14 practical, simple ways to help you become more of a spiritual being. When you Click Here link to sales page or order form you move closer to a meaningful, spiritual existence.

In just minutes from now you can be realizing a deeper spiritual reality. Click Here link to sales page or order form and grab your copy. Your spiritual growth awaits.

Signature file


High Quality Spirituality PLR Articles:

  1. Beginners to Spirituality Should Be More like Thomas Edison (594 words)
  2. Can a More Spiritual Life Extend Your Lifespan (501 words)
  3. Can You Be Spiritual without God (513 words)
  4. Define Your Intention to Become More Spiritual (502 words)
  5. How Spirituality Helps You Prioritize What’s Important (508 words)
  6. Spiritual Growth Means Opening Your Eyes (590 words)
  7. Spirituality for Beginners – A Self-Guided Journey (717 words)
  8. Spirituality for Beginners – What’s the Meaning of Life (622 words)
  9. The First Step for a Beginner Seeking Spirituality (548 words)
  10. What Is True Peace and How Can You Find It (507 words)


Spirituality PLR Article Sample:

Beginners to Spirituality Should Be More like Thomas Edison

Thomas Alva Edison is known as one of the most prolific and influential inventors of all time. He can also be classified as a fantastic failure. It’s important to recognize that failure is a natural part of the human condition. We’re going to fail again and again, just as Thomas Edison did in his many experiments.

Edison’s probably most famous for inventing the incandescent electric lightbulb. He invented the phonograph and was always working on experiments and inventions, even at a very young age.

His world-changing inventions were in the fields of telegraphy, sound recording and electricity, among others. He filed for and was approved for a staggering 1,093 patents in his lifetime. If that number sounds incredible, it really is.

Edison died at the age of 84. That means if he would have begun filing patents for his inventions from the very day he was born, he would have averaged more than 12 per year in his lifetime!

He followed his natural tendency to experiment even though some of his early teachers claimed he was “too stupid to learn anything”. Thankfully, he didn’t listen to them or anyone else. He went on to fail more than 1000 times just in his attempt to create the first lightbulb.

Considering he was constantly experimenting on ways to create new things and new processes, his lifetime failure tally at experiments had to number in the tens of thousands.

What Does Thomas Edison Have To Do with Discovering Your Spirituality?

You might be wondering how Edison the inventor can help you reach a deeper level of spirituality. The lesson here is …

… Experiment!

Look to expand your spirituality in some way. If you don’t feel like you’re moving forward on your path of spiritual enlightenment, try something else. More than 1,000 times Edison tried and failed at creating the precursor to the modern light bulbs that are in your home right now.

It’s a good thing he didn’t stop as a failure. He persisted and finally succeeded. It was the same story with all of his significant and insignificant inventions and patents. He said never once did he succeed the first time in trying to create something. He learned with each failure what didn’t work, and that pushed him in the direction of what did work.

If you’re trying to understand or enhance your spirituality, get some help. Seek some guidance. There are proven practices for beginners to grow their spirituality. Then once you get started, if something doesn’t seem to be working, experiment. But never give up. Have the tenacity of Edison. Keep going until you reach a level of success you’re happy with.

“Many of life’s failures are people who didn’t realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”

That’s what Edison once said during an interview. It could be the case with you on your spiritual journey. You may be frustrated at times. You don’t feel like you’re growing in a spiritual sense. Don’t give up. Keep at it. Only one thing can happen if you give up, and that’s failure.

Spirituality – Keyword Research Pack

Spirituality SEO Keywords


Spirituality – Social Media Posts

Spirituality Social Media Posts



Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!

For the first 50 buyers of this WordPress Affiliate Blogging PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!

Bonus 1

Connect With Spirituality eBook and Salespage with Master Resell Rights

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Package Details:

  • Ebook
  • Covers
  • Website

Total File Download Size:

1.37 Megabytes (MB)

Bonus 2

120 Unrestricted Spirituality PLR Articles Pack

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Here are the titles of the 120 Unrestricted Spirituality Articles:

1. 6 Fears and How to Overcome Them – Law of Attraction Classics Napoleon Hill
2. A brief history of dreams and their interpretation
3. A FREE Tool That Will Change Your Life
4. A System for Self-growth and Discovery
5. About Guru – The Liberator
6. Accessing Your Spiritual Guidance
7. Addiction to Spirituality
8. Angels and Spirit Guides
9. Appealing for a psychic reading
10. Astrology and Mankind
11. Astrology and marriage
12. Astrology and the Western World
13. Aura – Unravel the Mystery
14. Bad Company Corrupts Good Character
15. Becoming a different Toy
16. Belief – Opinion – Pride – Expectation
17. Believing In The After Life Has Many Benefits
18. Buoyant Mind — No More Tears
19. Burial considerations
20. Can Dream Interpretation Be A Valid Method For Self-growth
21. Can the Source of existence be a thing
22. Captivated
23. Ceremonial Magic Some Secret sources of Energy
25. Christian Psychotherapy for Convicts
26. City of Peace – East Meets West. The Dream of the Spiritual Is-Ra-El
27. Clairvoyance – Voluntary And Involuntary Clairvoyance
28. Curious – Do A Bible Search
29. Dare to Achieve and Discover a Daring New You
30. Divination Without Being Psychic
31. Do You Experience God
32. Does Our Personality Has Free Will
33. Don t Believe… Know
34. Effect Of Prayers On Our life
35. Expressions of Sympathy
36. Feng Shui Bathroom Wealth
37. Feng Shui Design – How Does It Help You Enhance Chi In Your Home
38. Feng Shui Study
39. Finding G-d in the Details
40. Great Shift of Consciousness – The Passion
41. Guided Meditation To Make You Whole
42. Has the Philosophers Stone Been Found – Quantum Science Begins to Understand Ancient Alchemy
43. Have You Ever Had Your Palm Red – Online Psychic Readings Are As Easy As 1 2 3
44. Heart
45. Help Others Find Inner Peace
46. Here I Am (Gulp) Lord
47. Hey! Get the Phone! It s for You!
48. History of Astrology
49. How much of the Bible is literally true
50. How To Be A Spiritual Atheist
51. How To Make A Dowsing Pendulum
52. I don t believe in religion but I believe in God
53. I know my destiny – can I change it
54. It All Starts With a Decision
55. Jesus Loves Me
56. Journey To The Center of The Self…Guide To Inner Wisdom
57. Just As I Am
58. KABBALAH OF LOVE II The Secret Power of Ego
59. Karma versus Meditation
60. Karmic Pattern Clearing
61. Learning and Growing
62. Left To God
63. Let s Synchronize Watches
64. Life After Death – Is It Really Necessary That We Prove It
65. Making the World a Better Place One Single Thread at a Time
66. Martha Peace Seeks to Change Attitudes
67. Measuring Life
68. Message from The Holy One
69. Metaphysics
70. Miracle Of Shirdi Sai Baba
71. Modern hand Analysis – What s In It For us
72. My Prayer For Tonight
73. No Idea
74. Numerology and its benefits
75. Once Saved – Always Saved
76. Opening to Your Life Insights
77. Out of The Matrix
78. Palmistry
79. Pass It On – Sincerity is no Substitute for the Truth
80. Personality Test – Do You Have Saintly Qualities
81. Pray Without Ceasing
82. Psychic Attack – Spiritual Purification and Cord Cutting
83. Questions That Most People Ask about the Second Coming of Christ
84. Reality Exposed
85. Relieve Me of Myself
86. Religious Fanaticism and Poly-behavioral Addiction
87. Science or not – Astrology is what I like to believe in
88. Scientific Explanations For Remote Viewing
89. Seeing Red and Other Aura Colors
90. Self Arising Impression And Judgement
91. Shadows…
92. Spiritual Warfare And The Deuteronomy Factor
93. Spirituality And Science – Opposites
94. Spirituality Articles
96. Tai Chi
97. TAROT – How Often Should You Have a Reading
98. Tarry with Me
99. The Ethics of Divination – Choosing Your Seer
100. The History of Wicca Where Did The Craft Originate
101. The Landscape of the Soul
102. The Law of Attraction – The Basics Part One
103. The Narrow Gate – Choosing the Right Way of Life
104. The Secret – To Spiritual Success
105. The Secret of the Void
106. The Seventh Abundance
107. The Spiritual Feng Shui
108. The Tao of Breathing
109. The Truth About Magic Spells – Real Cures Or Mind Over Matter
110. The Truth Behind Belly Energies and Psychic Abilities
111. Three Keys to Good Health
112. Understanding Bible Prophecies From The Old Testament
113. Useful Feng Shui tips for bed room
114. Useful Lie Number One
115. What a Gift We Have Been Given
116. What is the Higher Self
117. What is transpersonal psychology
118. Where Souls Meet
119. Who Am I
120. Who Are You – Really
121. Why Is Spiritual Truth So Elusive
122. Yin-Yang You

Package Details:

Download File Size – 412 KB

Bonus 3

Being Whole Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

Being Whole Bundle

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Resource Cheat Sheet
Module 4 – Mindmap
Module 5 – Sales Page
Module 6 – Optin Page
Module 7 – Graphics
Module 8 – Email Swipes
Module 9 – Social Media Images

Advance Video Course:

Module 1 – Videos
Module 2 – Upsell Page
Module 3 – 7 Day Autoresponder Series
Module 4 – Instagram Carousels
Module 5 – Affiliates Toolbox Page
Module 6 – Social Media Swipe Kit
Module 7 – Motivational Quotes
Module 8 – Keywords
Module 9 – Presentation
Module 10 – Feature Images
Module 11 – Presentation Slides
Module 12 – Video Transcripts
Module 13 – Audio Files

Total File Download Size:

282 Megabytes (MB)

Bonus 4

Yoga Secrets Revealed PLR eBook Resell PLR

Yoga Secrets Revealed PLR eBook Resell PLR

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Download File Size: 56.1 Megabytes (MB)

eBook Format: Word Doc, Open Office Doc, Text Doc and PDF formats.

PLR eBook Graphics: Includes a Flat and 3D eCover with PSD files.

Total Word Count: 10 300+ Words

Bonus 5

Achieve Prosperous Living through Spiritual Empowerment PLR Ebook

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Download File Size – 14.3 MB
eBook Format – PDF,
Reading Requirements – Any PDF Reader
Number of Pages – 42



Package Details For The Spirituality Premium PLR Package:

Spirituality – PLR eBook

WordPress Affiliate Blogging – PLR eBook

eBook – Spirituality Guide for Beginners – (11,406 words)

Comes in Word Doc and PDF Format.

Includes Editable Cover Graphics in JPG and PSD Format.

PLR List Building Report:

Spirituality Guide for Beginners – PLR List Building Report

Frequently Asked Questions Beginners Have about Spirituality (2,419 words)

Comes in Word Doc and PDF Format.

Includes Editable Cover Graphics in JPG and PSD Format.

Spirituality Guide for Beginners – 10 Spirituality Guide Articles (5,602 Words)

  1. Beginners to Spirituality Should Be More like Thomas Edison (594 words)
  2. Can a More Spiritual Life Extend Your Lifespan (501 words)
  3. Can You Be Spiritual without God (513 words)
  4. Define Your Intention to Become More Spiritual (502 words)
  5. How Spirituality Helps You Prioritize What’s Important (508 words)
  6. Spiritual Growth Means Opening Your Eyes (590 words)
  7. Spirituality for Beginners – A Self-Guided Journey (717 words)
  8. Spirituality for Beginners – What’s the Meaning of Life (622 words)
  9. The First Step for a Beginner Seeking Spirituality (548 words)
  10. What Is True Peace and How Can You Find It (507 words)

Spirituality Guide for Beginners – PLR Emails

Email 1# Do you question your spiritual nature?
Email 2# What does spirituality mean to you?
Email 3#What do your values say about your spiritual nature?
Email 4# What does your physical environment say about your spirituality?
Email 5# Introducing the Spirituality Guide for Beginners

Spirituality PLR Emails Total Word Count: 1646 Words

Spirituality Guide for Beginners – Checklist

Your Spirituality Guide for Beginners Checklist (1,202 words)

Spirituality Guide for Beginners – 5 Social Media Posts (234 words)

Spirituality Guide for Beginners – Keyword Research

A list of Spirituality related keywords for SEO and Advertising is CSV format with details.

Total Word Count: 22,853 Words


Your PLR License Terms

PERMISSIONS: What Can You Do With These Materials?

Sell the content basically as it is (with some minor tweaks to make it “yours”).

If you are going to claim copyright to anything created with this content, then you must substantially change at 75% of the content to distinguish yourself from other licensees.

Break up the content into small portions to sell as individual reports for $10-$20 each.

Bundle the content with other existing content to create larger products for $47-$97 each.

Setup your own membership site with the content and generate monthly residual payments!

Take the content and convert it into a multiple-week “eclass” that you charge $297-$497 to access!

Use the content to create a “physical” product that you sell for premium prices!

Convert it to audios, videos, membership site content and more.

Excerpt and / or edit portions of the content to give away for free as blog posts, reports, etc. to use as lead magnets, incentives and more!

Create your own original product from it, set it up at a site and “flip” the site for megabucks!

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