Routine Premium PLR Package 30k Words
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Routine PLR Package – Featuring Over 30 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen and Premium Self Help
PLR Content.
Attention: Self Help Marketers, Personal Development & Self Improvement Coaches
Done for You Premium Self Help PLR Product on an EVERGREEN Topic:
Daily Routines and Habits!
Dear Self Improvement online business owner, When it comes to self help and personal development searches, the Routine is one of the most searched-for topics online.
It’s safe to say that Routine has spawned an entire industry of blogs, courses, books and products.
This is where my premium done-for-you Routine PLR content package comes in. It’s all about teaching your customers how to Create Your Powerful Daily Routine.
Everything is completely done-for-you and ready-to-go – from the main Habit PLR info product to your social media updates – it’s simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative self improvement niche.
Introducing The…
Routine Premium PLR Package
Featuring Over 30 000 Words of High Quality Routines and Habits Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!
This high quality Routine PLR package covers the hugely popular self help niche. Self Help, daily habit and routines are evergreen topics and will always be. This Routine PLR content package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it or use it to build your list of raving fans.
Here’s everything you’ll get in the Routine MEGA PLR Package…
Main eBook: “Create Your Powerful Daily Routine”
(4,470 words, 21 pages, 8 images)
A look inside the Create Your Powerful Daily Routine PLR eBook:
Table of Contents for the Create Your Powerful Daily Routine PLR Ebook:
How to Create a Powerful Daily Routine: Introduction. 3
Examine Your Current Routine………………………….. 5
Make 2 Lists…………………………………………….. 5
Think About Your Goals………………………………….. 7
Crafting Your New Daily Routine………………………… 9
Time to Go Shopping…………………………………. 10
Improve Your Productivity by 20% to 40% Just by Writing Stuff Down… 11
How Do You Want to Feel Each Day?………………. 11
Gather All Your Information……………………………. 12
Your Morning Routine…………………………………… 14
Eat Breakfast for Better Productivity……………….. 15
Reflecting On & Tweaking Your New Routine……… 15
Creating New Routines & Habits………………………. 17
Multitasking Doesn’t Work…………………………… 17
Improving Your Odds of Sticking to Your Schedule. 18
Some Examples of Famous Daily Routines…………… 19
Conclusion………………………………………………… 21
Sample Content for the Create Your Powerful Daily Routine Premium PLR Ebook:
How to Create a Powerful Daily Routine: Introduction
Routine sounds repetitive. It might even sound boring. Doing the same thing over and over might not sound like your cup of tea. On the other hand, you might be one of those individuals who craves order and discipline. Most people are somewhere between those two extremes.
While we are speaking of routines, do you have one? Do you have a daily or weekly schedule you follow? Most people do. You have a strict schedule you must follow when you are going to school. The same thing is true at your workplace.
While you may sneak in a sick day here or there to go to the beach or hang out with your friends, you are probably 95% to 99% sticking to your work or school schedule. You take these schedules for granted because you know you must adhere to them. However, routines can produce big rewards over time. If you understand that routines are so important for delivering positive results in your life, why haven’t you created a daily routine for the life you lead outside of school or work?
That’s what we are going to help you do today.
Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.
Browse for more Personal Development PLR Content Packages at BuyQualityPLR.com
Create Your Powerful Daily Routine Checklist :
(481 words, 3 pages)
A look inside the Create Your Powerful Daily Routine Premium PLR Checklist:
Create Your Powerful Daily Routine PLR Editable Ecovers:
5 Emails/ Blog Posts:
Topic: The Benefits of A Daily Routine – 1737 Words
Email #1 – Title 1
Email #2 – Reduce Stress with a Daily Routine
Email #3 – Make fewer decisions with a daily routine
Email #4 – Benefits of setting new habits as part of a daily routine
Email #5 – Meeting your big goals
Routine Email Content Sample:
Email #1 – Title 1
Hello and welcome to our series on the benefits of a daily routine. So just what is a daily routine? In short, it is a sequence of actions you take every day. You most likely already have a routine that you follow, but may not even realize it. For instance, a common one for many people is to get up, make coffee and read the paper. The advantage of having this routine is you don’t have to think about what you are going to do right away after getting up; just follow your routine.
Over the course of these 5 lessons, we will cover routines and their benefits – especially in these areas:
- Getting things done
- Reducing stress
- Making fewer decisions
- Setting new habits
- Meeting your big goals
Getting things done
One of the powers of having a daily routine is that it creates structure in your life – both personally and professionally. By having structure, it allows you to be more productive with the time you have than what you would otherwise could have accomplished. Why? Because without a routine, you waste time thinking about what you must do next. With a routine, you know what recurring tasks must be done that day. Routines commonly fall into these categories:
- Work
- Personal
- Batching
- Daily
- Weekly
And of course, some routines may overlap each other such as weekly and batching. A stay-at-home mom might have a batch routine where each week she grocery shops, goes to the post office, stops at the pet store and does all the weekly errands on the same day each week. This not only saves time, but also money as it only requires one trip to town, instead of several during the week. It overlaps on the weekly routine in that on that day things on the batch list are done. On a different day, it might be housework and laundry. One of the biggest benefits of having a daily routine is that it not only saves time, but takes out some of the chaos in your life thus reducing your stress level.
That wraps it up for this first lesson. In the next lesson, we will talk about more in depth of how having a daily routine reduces stress. Be sure to read that one!
High Quality Routine PLR Articles:
4 Elements to Incorporate into a Productive Morning Routine – 400 words
5 Acts of Self-Care to Add to Your Daily Routine – 400 words
6 Elements to Incorporate into a Productive Evening Routine – 402 words
How to Stick to Your Daily Routine – 400 words
Why a Daily Routine is Good for You – 390 words
Routine PLR Article Sample:
5 Acts of Self-Care to Add to Your Daily Routine
Looking after yourself should be your top priority. If you are in good health, both physically and mentally, you can help others, see the world with a clearer outlook and feel happier in yourself. If you’re wondering how you can include more self-care in your daily routine, here are some simple acts to get you started.
- Write down good things
Keep a note of the positive things in your life. Some people like to keep a record of all the compliments that they receive, while others prefer to note down their happy moments. You could keep a list of the times that other people have helped you, or the times when you have felt valuable to somebody.
- Take a bath
Running yourself a hot bath with some bath salts or essential oils can be one of the most relaxing things to do after a long day or when you’re feeling in need of some reinvigoration. Not only does this help your body physically, but lying in warm water with some of your favorite music playing can really lift your mood and make you feel like you’re taking great care of yourself.
- Spend time outdoors
You don’t have to exercise in order to benefit from the great outdoors, although it’s an added bonus for your health if you do. Venturing into the garden or taking a stroll to the local park are both great ways to get some Vitamin D when the sun is shining, or just spend some time among nature.
- Cut out one item of junk food
You should try to cut junk food from your diet altogether, but if you regularly consume food and drinks which you know are bad for you, start by cutting down on just one item. Find healthier alternatives, or eat/drink less if you’re struggling to give up altogether at the start.
- Spend time with people who make you happy
They might be family members, they could be close friends, but if they don’t make you happy you should cut down the amount of time you spend with them. Other people’s actions are the cause of many problems for a lot of people, whereas positive actions and words can help us to feel better about ourselves. Be kind to yourself by spending more time with those you love who motivate and help you, not those who bring you down.
Browse for more Habits PLR Articles at our PLR Store.
Social Media Posts and Images:
5 Shareable Social Media Graphics (PLR)
15 Social Media Posts with hashtags (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)
8 Royalty Free Images
Routine Keyword Research Pack
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Long Article: 7 Habits Of Successful People – 794 words
7 Habits Of Successful People Sample Content:
7 Habits of Successful People
Have you ever wondered what highly successful people like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs have in common? The answer is quite a lot. While people achieve success in different ways, you would be shocked at the sheer number of habits that extremely successful people tend to share in common. In this article, you will see the 7 habits of that lots of successful people have in common.
Waking Up Early
As Ben Franklin said, “early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” While getting up early can be extremely difficult, the benefits appear to be worth it. Not only does getting up early give you a lot more time to do things like exercise, read, make a good breakfast, and respond to emails, but research has also shown that it can improve your performance at work or at school.
Lots Of Sleep
In addition to getting up early, successful people also tend to get to sleep early as well. Sleep is crucial not only for your body but for your mind as well. Sleep is when your mind “recharges” itself and gets ready for the next day. We tend to think that the longer that you work, the more that you will get done. But successful people recognize that if they work all night and don’t get enough sleep then they aren’t going to be as effective at work.
If you read about the lives of extremely successful people you will notice another common trend, namely that they are all voracious readers. For example, both Warren Gates and Bill Gates are known to read a lot (Bill Gates even assembles a yearly book list). Reading not only makes you smarter in general but reading books that are relevant to your career can really make you a better worker, no matter what you do for a living.
Persevering Through Failure
Being successful doesn’t mean that you never fail. Tons of successful people over the years have failed. Steve Jobs had several setbacks before he got to the top of Apple, as did Bill Gates. The key thing to remember was that they never let their failures stick with them. If you fail, get over it and keep going. Never let a failure kill your desire to improve yourself or to try something new.
10 Routines PLR Articles and Social Media Posts
Banishing Habits That Don’t Promote a Healthy Routine – 526 words
Creating a Routine That Focuses on the Important Things – 535 words
Finding Your Willpower and Self-Control – 520 words
How to Focus When You’re Surrounded by Distractions – 510 words
Incorporating “Me” Time in Your Routine – 534 words
Making Time to Create New Habits – 514 words
Slow and Steady Wins the Race – 521 words
Using an Accountability Partner to Keep You on Track – 518 words
Ways to Stay Motivated – 513 words
Why Routines Are Important – 509 words
These Routines PLR articles are available in Word Doc format and includes a PLR license.
Routines PLR Article Sample:
Creating a Routine That Focuses on the Important Things
When you’re looking to create a routine, there are so many different things you could focus on. Trying to plan out your days can be tough and it’s easy to forget the most important things.
So, if you want to create the most effective routine, below you’ll discover how to ensure it includes the important things.
Getting Enough Sleep
One of the most important things you need to focus on in your daily routine is sleep. It is estimated that around 35% of Americans don’t get enough sleep and it could be having a significantly negative impact on their health.
When you don’t get enough sleep, you won’t be able to consolidate memories as well as usual. You’ll feel constantly fatigued, which in turn can lead to overeating and increased stress levels. You won’t be able to focus, and you may find it negatively impacts your mental health too.
When creating your daily routine, make sure you focus on developing a healthy sleep routine. That is, getting ready for bed at the same time each night, avoiding technology an hour before bed, and ensuring your mind and body are fully relaxed.
Spending Time with Loved Ones
When you’re extremely busy in your daily life, it can be difficult to find time to spend with loved ones. However, when you aren’t spending quality time with the people you care about, it does start to have a negative impact on mental health.
Healthy relationships are key to our wellbeing. So, if you’ve been neglecting your friends and family, now’s the time to start slotting in time to see them. It could be a phone call in the evening, a quick video call, or a weekly catch-up with friends. You should also aim to have sit-down meals with the family at least once a week.
Including a Little “Me” Time
Making time for yourself each day is also valuable to your wellbeing. However, if you’re like most people, you’ll find it tough to put yourself first and allow yourself some “me” time.
Even just half an hour of “me” time a day can do wonders for your quality of life. If you struggle to fit it into your routine, consider getting up a little earlier. Also look at how you spend your free time in the evenings. Instead of collapsing onto the sofa and binge-watching Netflix, look at things you can do to relax the mind and body. Yoga, reading, listening to music and painting can all be much healthier ways to spend a little “me” time.
Minimizing Screen Time
Further to the above, another way to create a schedule that makes time for the important things, is to limit your screen time. That is, the amount of time you spend on your smartphone, watching television and browsing on your tablet device.
By reducing the amount of time you spend staring at a screen each day, you’ll be surprised how much happier and relaxed you feel.
These are just some of the things to focus on when creating a routine. If you forget about the important things, you’re not going to get the most benefits out of your routine.
10 Habits in Your 20s PLR Articles
- Health Screening Tests to Get in Your 20s – 708 words
- How to Keep Your Teeth and Gums Healthy – 670 words
- How to Protect Your Skin in Your 20s – 757 words
- Solid Financial Habits to Practice Now in Your 20s – 762 words
- The Health Implications of Smoking: How to Stop – 515 words
- The Lifelong Value of Investing Time in Friends and Family – 476 words
- The Long-Term Impact on Mental Health of Being Assertive – 497 words
- Tips for Ensuring a Lifelong Healthy Relationship with Food – 848 words
- Ways to Make Exercise Part of Your Everyday Life – 768 words
- Why Does It Matter What You Do in Your 20s? – 556 words
These Habits in Your 20s PLR articles are available in Word Doc format and includes a PLR license.
Habits in Your 20s PLR Article Sample:
Health Screening Tests to Get in Your 20s
The thing is, not everyone will need every single test listed here. For some of them, you’re only going to be recommended for the tests by your primary care physician if you are somehow considered to be at risk. However, these are screenings you can get in your 20s that can help prevent worse problems later.
Blood Pressure Test
High blood pressure affects people of all ages. In fact, having high blood pressure at a younger age indicates that you have a higher probability of developing cardiovascular issues such as heart disease later in life. If you monitor and treat your high blood pressure now, you can prevent so many problems down the line and maybe even save your life.
Cholesterol Test
The lipids (fat) in your blood can start to build up in your arteries, which can then harden and turn into plaque that might cause you to have too narrow passageways. This can lead to heart attack and stroke. Monitoring your cholesterol and using that information to adjust your diet or use medication can help prevent heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular issues later in life.
HIV and Other STD Tests
The problem with STDs is that they’re a lot more prevalent than people realize. You don’t have to live in a big town to contract an STD. The only way to really help yourself in this case is to get tested frequency so that you can get treated sooner rather than later. Even if you have HIV, the treatments today (when you get them early) can help you live a normal life.
Skin Cancer Check
Since you’re so young right now, it’s not likely that you have skin cancer caused by the environment or sun exposure. However, getting your skin checked yearly is a good idea because you can avoid allowing problems that you don’t know about to get worse. Skin cancer is highly treatable with early detection.
Breast Cancer
While women in their 20s have the lowest incidence of breast cancer, it still happens. Getting screened early can alert you to any issue you have, such as genetic risks and other factors that can contribute to your likelihood of getting breast cancer. Having a baseline to compare is also helpful so that breast changes are caught sooner rather than later.
Diabetes Test (A1C)
Getting tested for diabetes is important too because with type II diabetes, you can reverse it most of the time with proper diet and exercise. And for sure, you can treat it with medication if that doesn’t work. It’s just a simple blood test that called an A1C that will show an average of your blood sugar level over a period.
Cervical Cancer
You should get a pap test every three years if your test is normal. If it’s abnormal, you may need to get one more often. The screening can help you catch any cancer cells early, thus avoiding illness and harsher cancer treatments by just removing the cells.
Obesity Test
Okay, there is no real “test” for obesity, other than the scale and comparing your weight on charts. But the truth is, if you are considered obese by medical standards or even insurance standards – regardless of how much you love yourself just the way you are – you’re at more risk for many illnesses and even death.
Trying to maintain a normal weight range is very important to good long-term health. You can be obese all your 20s and even your 30s and not suffer ill effects, but you will when you get older.
Hepatitis B Test and Tuberculosis Test
Testing for these illnesses, especially if you travel abroad on a regular basis, is a good way to get fast treatment for serious illnesses that will reduce the severity substantially. People do walk around with these diseases without even knowing it, infecting others as well as getting sicker themselves.
It’s important, no matter how you feel, to get at least one physical each year from your primary care doctor or healthcare professional. By doing this, you’ll ensure that you get any important preventative healthcare such as vaccines, while also ensuring anything you have is treated early to avoid complications as you age.
10 Bad Habits PLR Articles and Tweets
1.Eight “Bad” Habits That Are Actually Good for You – 531 words
2.Eight Seemingly Harmless Habits That Are Actually Bad for You – 548 words
3.Nine Habits That Are Bad for Your Body – 596 words
4.Nine Habits That Are Bad for Your Mental Health – 556 words
5.The Impact of Bad Habits on Your Family – 702 words
6.The Impact of Bad Habits on Your Friends – 596 words
7.The Impact of Bad Habits on Your Work – 561 words
8.The True Impact of Addiction – 558 words
9.The True Impact of Smoking – 464 words
10.What Is Meant by a Bad Habit? – 467 words
These Bad Habits PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.
Bad Habits PLR Article Sample:
Eight “Bad” Habits That Are Actually Good for You
Believe it or not, some bad habits are really good for you. Sadly, our parents usually try to punish us out of or control us out of doing these things. Of course, everything in moderation, right? Let’s look at eight “bad” habits that are actually good for you that you can stop trying to end now.
- Fidgeting – If you tend to wiggle a lot, your mom probably tried to stop it. Your partner might try too. However, fidgeting is really good for you because it burns more calories and keeps your blood moving. This is especially true if you have a job that requires a lot of sitting. Sitting is possibly worse for you than smoking, so anything that can undo that damage is a good thing.
- Gum Chewing – Sugarless gum is really good for you. If you have the right dental work or your own teeth, chewing gum burns calories, helps you eat less, freshens your breath and also cuts down on cavities.
- Video Games – While there may be some games that aren’t worth the added benefit, playing video games helps with developing fine motor skills, keeps the mind nimble, and by some reports can help give relief for chronic pain conditions by taking your mind off the problem.
- Daydreaming – Finding a way to allow your mind to get bored enough to be able to daydream is very good for your mind as well as for your goals in life. You cannot create amazing goals for your life if you can’t daydream.
- Swearing – Everyone has a swear jar growing up, either for parents or the kids. Swearing is considered inappropriate, but studies show that people who swear appropriately tend to have less stress in their lives. Remember that swearing is completely different from a slur. A slur is something you say about a person, whilst a swearword is just a curse word – otherwise known as an expletive.
- Messiness – If you are a naturally messy person, take heart; you’re likely also a very creative person. Messiness is sometimes a sign of creativity. If you want to be more creative, don’t purposely become messy but realize that sometimes being messy is required to be creative.
- Sleeping in Late – They say that “the early bird gets the worm,” but do they? Sleeping well and enough each night is important to your health and brain function. If you stayed up late and need to sleep in and it won’t cause you to get fired or miss something important – go for it.
- Passing Gas – Everyone farts and burps every single day. Passing gas is good for you because it’s a normal activity that is getting rid of built-up gas from your digestive tract to prevent bloating and pain.
Of course, you don’t want to do some of these things when other people are around, but it’s okay to accept some of these things as part of who you are and part of living life. As long as you can choose the habits you create, you can build a life exactly as you want it to be.
Back to School How to Get a Good Routine Going PLR Report – 3970 words
Back to School How to Get a Good Routine Going PLR Report Sample Content:
Back to School – How to Get a Good Routine Going
Before you know it the school bells will be ringing and it will be time for children to head back to school. If you’re wondering about how to get a good routine going, consider the following ideas to help you create your own. Once you have a routine in place, the chance your family will be able to start the new school year on a bright and less harried note will be increased.
Don’t wait too long to set up your back to school routine. The longer you wait to get the children into the habit of going to bed at a set bedtime, the harder time your children will have getting up for school in the morning. Of course, if you can help your children get into the routine of going to bed earlier, choosing their clothes for the next day and being sure everything is in their book bag the day will start much better.
Attending a new school
Think about how you felt when you started at a new school. You were probably a little bit scared or nervous. Chances are your child will be, too. What can you do to help them feel less scared?
One thing you can do before school starts is to visit their new school. Stop by the front office and explain that your child is going to be attending the school and ask if they can get a tour. If they can’t take the time to go with you around the school, they will probably allow you to walk through on your own.
See if you can meet with your child’s teacher while you’re there. If they’re not available, you can at least find out where your child’s homeroom class will be. You may already have their schedule for the year; if this is true try to find all the other classrooms. In fact, you may want to walk with them through their schedule by going with them to each classroom as they would during school.
Don’t forget to find the other important rooms of a school building. Locate the bathrooms, especially the ones along their daily path, so they’ll know where they can go when they have a minute between classes. You’ll also want to find the lunchroom and the library. If they’re involved in sports find the locker rooms or the band room if they play an instrument.
Will your child ride the bus, walk to school or will you take them every day? Find the quickest way for them to get to school if they’ll be walking to school. Take the time to drive them along that route so they know where they’re going. If you’re going to be driving your child to school, take them with you as you drive by the school. Help them get familiar with the route you’ll take each day.
Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!
Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!
For the first 50 buyers of this Routine PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!
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Bonus 1
The Organized Life Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights
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Package Details:
Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Mindmap
Module 4 – Sales Page
Module 5 – VSL
Module 6 – Lead Magnet
Module 7 – Landing Page
Module 8 – Emails
Module 9 – Graphics Pack
Bonus 2
Managing Your Time Master Resell Rights eBook Package
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Package Details:
Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2- Checklist
Module 3 – Resource Cheat Sheet
Module 4 – Minisite
Module 5 – Sales Video
Module 6 – Advertising Banners
Module 7 – Source Graphic
Total File Download Size:
62.0 Megabytes (MB)
Bonus 3
Lifestyle Design Sales Funnel Mega Pack With Master Resell Rights
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Package Details:
Module 1 – Training Guide
Module 2 – Cheat Sheet
Module 3 – Mind Map
Module 4 – Resource Report
Module 5 – Sales Letter And Thank You Page
Module 6 – Sales Video
Module 7 – Legal Pages
Module 8 – Graphics
Module 9 – Articles
Module 10 – Banners
Module 11 – Promotional Email Swipes
Module 12 – 10 High Quality eCovers
Module 13 – Social Media Images Pack
Bonus 4
Time Management for College Students Unrestricted PLR eBook
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Package Details:
- Ebook
- eCover
- Sales Page
- Source
Total File Download Size:
2.15 Megabytes (MB)
Bonus 5
Breaking Bad Habits Sales Funnels with Master Resell Rights
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Package Details:
Module 1 – Training Guide
Module 2 – Cheat Sheet
Module 3 – Mindmap
Module 4 – Resource Report
Module 5 – Sales Letter and Than You Page
Module 6 – Sales Video
Module 7 – Legal Pages
Module 8 – Graphics
Module 9 – Quality Articles
Module 10 –Banners
Module 11 – Promotional Email Swipes
Module 12 – High Quality eCovers
Module 13 – Social Media Images Pack
Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!
Package Details For The Routine PLR Package:
Main eBook:
“Create Your Powerful Daily Routine”
(4,470 words, 21 pages, 8 images)
+ Checklist
+ eCovers
+ Keywords
5 Emails/ Blog Posts:
Topic: The Benefits of A Daily Routine – 1737 Words
Email #1 – Title 1
Email #2 – Reduce Stress with a Daily Routine
Email #3 – Make fewer decisions with a daily routine
Email #4 – Benefits of setting new habits as part of a daily routine
Email #5 – Meeting your big goals
Routine PLR Articles:
4 Elements to Incorporate into a Productive Morning Routine – 400 words
5 Acts of Self-Care to Add to Your Daily Routine – 400 words
6 Elements to Incorporate into a Productive Evening Routine – 402 words
How to Stick to Your Daily Routine – 400 words
Why a Daily Routine is Good for You – 390 words
Social Media Posts & Images:
5 Shareable Social Media Tips
15 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)
8 Royalty Free Images
Long Article: 7 Habits Of Successful People – 794 words
10 Routines PLR Articles and Social Media Posts
Banishing Habits That Don’t Promote a Healthy Routine – 526 words
Creating a Routine That Focuses on the Important Things – 535 words
Finding Your Willpower and Self-Control – 520 words
How to Focus When You’re Surrounded by Distractions – 510 words
Incorporating “Me” Time in Your Routine – 534 words
Making Time to Create New Habits – 514 words
Slow and Steady Wins the Race – 521 words
Using an Accountability Partner to Keep You on Track – 518 words
Ways to Stay Motivated – 513 words
Why Routines Are Important – 509 words
These Routines PLR articles are available in Word Doc format and includes a PLR license.
10 Habits in Your 20s PLR Articles
- Health Screening Tests to Get in Your 20s – 708 words
- How to Keep Your Teeth and Gums Healthy – 670 words
- How to Protect Your Skin in Your 20s – 757 words
- Solid Financial Habits to Practice Now in Your 20s – 762 words
- The Health Implications of Smoking: How to Stop – 515 words
- The Lifelong Value of Investing Time in Friends and Family – 476 words
- The Long-Term Impact on Mental Health of Being Assertive – 497 words
- Tips for Ensuring a Lifelong Healthy Relationship with Food – 848 words
- Ways to Make Exercise Part of Your Everyday Life – 768 words
- Why Does It Matter What You Do in Your 20s? – 556 words
These Habits in Your 20s PLR articles are available in Word Doc format and includes a PLR license.
10 Bad Habits PLR Articles and Tweets
1.Eight “Bad” Habits That Are Actually Good for You – 531 words
2.Eight Seemingly Harmless Habits That Are Actually Bad for You – 548 words
3.Nine Habits That Are Bad for Your Body – 596 words
4.Nine Habits That Are Bad for Your Mental Health – 556 words
5.The Impact of Bad Habits on Your Family – 702 words
6.The Impact of Bad Habits on Your Friends – 596 words
7.The Impact of Bad Habits on Your Work – 561 words
8.The True Impact of Addiction – 558 words
9.The True Impact of Smoking – 464 words
10.What Is Meant by a Bad Habit? – 467 words
These Bad Habits PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.
Back to School How to Get a Good Routine Going PLR Report – 3970 words
Total Word Count: 30 000+ Words
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