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No More Fad Diets Premium PLR Package 37k Words

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No More Fad Diets Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 37 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Diet and Weight Loss Content.


Attention: Health, Fitness and Wellness Entrepreneurs

Done for You Premium Diet/Fitness PLR Product on a


Diet and Weight Loss!


Dear online business owner, When it comes to top Diet and Weight Loss searches, the Diet and Weight Loss is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Diet and Weight Loss has spawned an entire industry of blogs, courses, books and products.

This is where my premium done-for-you No More Fad Diets PLR content package comes in. It’s all about teaching your customers all about No More Fad Diets! How to Diet the Healthy Way.

Everything is completely done-for-you and ready-to-go – from the main Diet PLR inforomation product to your social media updates – it’s simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative diet and weight loss niche.



Introducing The…

No More Fad Diets PLR Package

Featuring Over 37 000 Words of High Quality Diet and Weight Loss Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality No More Fad Diets PLR package covers the hugely popular self help niche. Diet and Weight Loss is evergreen and will always be. This No More Fad Diets PLR package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it or use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the No More Fad Diets MEGA PLR Package…


Main Report: “No More Fad Diets! How to Diet the Healthy Way

(4,531 words, 4 images)

No More Fad Diets Premium PLR Ebook


A look inside the No More Fad Diets PLR Report:

No More Fad Diets Premium PLR Report Sneak Preview


Table of Contents for the No More Fad Diets PLR Report:

Introduction: Getting Ready for Success……………………………….. 3

Mindset………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Goal Setting for Weight Loss…………………………………………………………….. 4

Why Do You Want To Diet?………………………………………………………………. 4

#1 Diet or Lifestyle Change? Which Is Right For You?………….. 6

Diet Is Short Term, Lifestyle Changes Are Forever………………………. 6

Diet Implies Restriction Or Deprivation, Lifestyle Changes Can Be Made Gradually…………………………………………………………………………….. 6

Diet Often Provides Quick Results, Lifestyle Changes Need Patience and Persistence………………………………………………………………….. 7

#2 Reasons to Diet and Not to Diet……………………………………….. 8

Make Sure You’re Doing It for Yourself Instead Of Someone Else 8

Realistic Goals…………………………………………………………………………………….. 8

Health Improvements……………………………………………………………………….. 9

#3 The Problem with Crash Diets and Yo-Yo Dieting…………. 10

1 – You Gain the Weight Back………………………………………………………… 10

2 – Crash Diets and Yo-Yo Dieting Make it More Difficult to Lose Weight……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10

3 – Serious Health Implications…………………………………………………….. 10

4 – Feeling Like a Failure………………………………………………………………… 11

5 – Moodiness, Crankiness, and an Overall Feeling of Irritability…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11

#4 The Benefits of Choosing a Lifestyle Diet……………………….. 12

1 – Gradual Changes………………………………………………………………………… 12

2 – Healthier In Both The Short And The Long Term…………………. 12

4 – The Weight Stays Off…………………………………………………………………. 12

5 – Easier To See Real Changes in Your Health, Weight, Fitness and More…………………………………………………………………………………………… 12

#5 Dieting Isn’t Always the Complete Cure…………………………. 14

Emotional Eating……………………………………………………………………………… 14

Health Conditions……………………………………………………………………………. 14

Exercise and Activity………………………………………………………………………. 14

#6 Finding The Right Diet For Your Needs………………………….. 16

1 – Separate the Fads………………………………………………………………………. 16

2 – Match Your Goals With The Diet……………………………………………… 16

3 – Match your Lifestyle………………………………………………………………….. 16

Wrapping Up – Tips for Success………………………………………….. 17


Sample Content for the No More Fad Diets Main Premium PLR Report:

Introduction: Getting Ready for Success

Last year, according to ABC News, more than 100 million people in America were on a diet. They also report that the average dieter tries to succeed at dieting four to five times annually. If you stop to think about that for a minute that means the average dieter likely stays on any given diet for less than two or three months.

That’s not a long time, and if they’re dieting four or five times a year that also indicates that most dieters aren’t achieving success – they’re not losing the weight.

Does this scenario sound familiar to you?

Would you like to finally lose weight once and for all?

And perhaps most importantly, would you like to keep the weight off and enjoy the weight loss process?

It is possible to lose weight, keep it off, and feel pretty darn wonderful as you’re losing that weight. The keys to success are:

  • Mindset
  • Goals
  • Reason(s) for dieting

When these three keys are established prior to your diet, you stand a much greater chance of success. Let’s take a quick look at them so you can move forward with the confidence and purpose you need to achieve lasting weight loss.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.

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No More Fad Diets Checklist :

(265 words, 1 page)

No More Fad Diets Premium PLR Checklist


No More Fad Diets Checklist Sneak Preview:

No More Fad Diets Premium PLR Checklist


Clickbank Diet Reviews:

14 Day Rapid Fat Loss – 637 words

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle – 567 words

Cruise Control Diet – 475 words

Eat Stop Eat – 537 words

Fat Burning Furnace – 512 words

Fat Loss 4 Idiots – 529 words

Metabolic Cooking – 599 words

PaleoBurn – 532 words

The Fat Loss Factor – 667 words

Truth About Cellulite – 425 words


Clickbank Diet Article Sample:

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle Review

Burn the Fat is the diet/ fat burning system that promises “no magic pills, no extreme diets, no living at the gym”.

The makers of this program promise that you’ll see a big difference in your body within just 49 days. This is a bold claim, but it’s certainly not dangerously quick like many hype diet programs.

Key Features of Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle

The Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle Program is delivered in the form of a 300 page eBook, which will teach you a number of methods, incorporating both diet and exercise, that’ll help you tone up.

  • If you’re already slim, it’ll help you build muscle,
  • If you need to lose weight, you’ll burn off that fat,
  • If you’re obese, you’ll help improve your health and you’ll look and feel better too.

You’ll also get a number of bonuses in addition to the main program:

  • A guide to foods that burn fat,
  • A guide to foods that turn to fat,
  • A food rating guide to make it easier to know what to eat,
  • A guide to measuring your body fat,
  • A 60-day trial to the members’ area (with social support, coaching and extra downloads).

A key element of this program is building up your muscle, but it’s not targeted at bodybuilders. It’s for anyone who wants to burn off their fat and look more toned, even if you DON’T actually ever want to have huge muscles.

Advantages of Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle

You’ll get all of the above for around $40, which is a good price when compared to other online fat burning programs. There is also the option for the deluxe package at around $60, and you’ll get an extra fat burning guide, though most users will be fine just buying the standard package.

The standard course takes basic concepts like calorie counting and metabolism and goes into a lot more detail than most of us will ever realize. Learning more about these concepts helps get to the core of how and why people lose weight, to help set you up for maximum success.

Getting social support in the form of the “inner circle” is also a massive bonus. Studies show that people are far more likely to meet their fat loss goals if they can keep themselves accountable to others. This social group is the place to do it, and it’s also a good resource if you ever get stuck on any aspect of the program.

The program also helps you to create a customized diet plan, rather than using a “one size fits all” approach to dieting. This helps increase the chances that you’ll see success.

Drawbacks of Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle

Note that you’ll get a 60-day trial to the membership when you purchase the Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle system. This is a good bonus to the eBook, since it means you can get extra social support and even personal coaching from the creator. The only drawback is that your membership will end after 60 days and you’ll need to pay more if you want to continue.

In short, you’ll get a lot from the Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle program, especially for the price you pay. The system is based on solid, long-term changes that’ll set you up for a healthier body if you’re willing to put the work in.


Other Diet Reviews:

Acai Berry – 405 words

Alli – 433 words

eDiets – 434 words

GI Diet – 434 words

Jenny Craig Diet – 417 words

Nutrisystem – 463 words

Paleo Diet – 429 words

Raw Food Diet – 407 words

Slim-Fast Diet – 424 words

South Beach Diet – 438 words

The Atkins Diet – 449 words

The hCG Diet – 423 words

The Mediterranean Diet – 421 words

Volumetrics Diet – 425 words

Weight Watchers Diet – 431 words


Other Diet Review Article Sample:

The GI Diet Explained

The GI diet, otherwise known as the Glycemic Index and Low Glycemic Index diet, is a diet that requires dieters to measure their carbohydrate intake to lose weight. Like the BMI, the glycemic index has long been a popular method used by dieters. But does this diet work, and is it really safe?

The Glycemic Index And The GI Diet

Glycemic index refers to a scale of the pure glucose content in foods. Every food that you eat has its own glycemic index, which can be between 1 and 100. Generally, the higher the glycemic index of a food item, the more glucose it has.

Foods with a higher glycemic index generally increase your blood sugar levels quicker but keep you full for a shorter amount of time than low GI foods. While on the GI diet, you should try to take foods with a low GI since they take longer to be absorbed by your body and can prevent you from overeating.

Foods To Eat On A GI Diet

The GI diet is based on the concept that low GI foods are healthier and keep you full for longer than high GI foods. Although that concept is true, there are some low GI foods that are processed and unhealthy as well.

Low GI foods you can eat when on this diet include fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans. It’s also very advisable to mix in some lean meat and skimmed milk for protein.

Although the GI diet focuses on reducing your bad carbohydrate intake, you can still eat some carbs such as oatmeal, whole meal bread and pasta as they are slower to absorb than white grain products, and are acceptable in this diet.

Is The GI Diet Good for Weight Loss?

The GI diet limits your choice of foods by considering the GI of a particular food. However, some GI scores can be confusing. For instance, carrots are nutritious and very rich in fiber but can have a wide range of GI scores. Fully cooked, soft pasta also seems to have a higher GI than al dente pasta. This variation in the GI of foods can be confusing to some dieters.

Also, since people often combine different ingredients or have a few dishes during their meals, the interaction between the different foods influence the total GI in the meal and how blood sugar is affected. Considering the GI scores in your food can be troublesome at times and may not totally impact your weight loss efforts. However, using the GI scale to choose high quality carbohydrates for your diet is a good idea.


High Quality No More Fad Diets PLR Articles:

Do Low Carb Diets Really Work? – 419 words

Green Tea and Its Potential Effects On Weight Loss – 417 words

Straight Talk About Weight Loss Pills – 463 words

5 Top Dieting Tips – 504 words

What is a Juice Fast and why do People do Them? – 427 words


No More Fad Diets PLR Article Sample:

Straight Talk About Weight Loss Pills

It’s very common to hear the term “magic pill” when talking about weight loss. The truth is, a magic pill just doesn’t exist to make the weight fall off without any effort. Which usually begs the question, do weight loss pills work in any way shape or form? Do they really have the nasty side effects that people usually talk about? Should you start taking weight loss pills?

Popular Diet Pills

The diet pill industry is one that keeps booming year after year. It makes sense that people want to try them – after all, it can be a slow process losing weight even if you do put the effort in to get more physically active and to improve your diet.

Among recent additions to the diet pill family include hoodia, bitter orange, saffron extract, green coffee bean extract, and so much more. However, it’s important to know that these pills are mostly unregulated by the FDA, as they are not drugs but supplements. Because of this, it’s important to be cautious when attempting diet pills as a weight loss solution. There are only a few weight loss pills that are given the green light by the medical community, examples being Alli and Xenical.

Do Diet Pills Work, and Are There Side Effects?

A majority of diet pills are not backed up by studies, and any “evidence” they claim is usually rhetorical or anecdotal. Many consumers report no change in weight or appetite by taking weight loss pills, though they may work for a small percentage of users.

Fat absorption inhibitors like Alli do help reduce the amount of fat that the body absorbs, but usually at the price of side effects like gassiness, stomach cramps, loose stool, bowel incontinence, and so on. Even other forms of diet pills can result in side effects like insomnia, headaches, nausea and vomiting.

In severe cases, especially with unregulated diet pills where you just don’t know what’s in them, side effects can include cardiac problems and even death.

Long-term Effects of Weight Loss Pills

When taken long-term, weight loss pills can cause a lot of harm in the form of heart conditions, pill addiction, hypertension and a host of other health problems. Therefore, it is best to avoid taking them at all. In fact, stick to the healthy and natural way to lose weight, which is with a low-calorie diet and plenty of physical activity.

There really is no such thing as a magic pill, and the sooner you get rid of that notion, the better. Keep your money in your wallet and use it to buy wholesome healthy foods and practical exercise equipment instead. At least with a proper diet and exercise, you will really lose weight and be able to keep it off long-term too!


Social Media Posts and Images:

Shareable Social Media Graphics (PLR)

No More Fad Diets Premium PLR Social Media Images


20 Social Media Posts with hashtags and Bylines(for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

No More Fad Diets Premium PLR Bylines


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5 Diet Changes For Weight Loss PLR Articles

Will Cutting Your Carbs Help You Shed the Pounds? (596 words)

Intermittent Fasting: Yay or Nay? (580 words)

2 Diet Tips That Will Accelerate Your Weight Loss (596 words)

Is it What You Eat or is it What’s Eating You? (551 words)

Should You Eat Six Times a Day Like They Tell You To? (533 words)


Diet Changes For Weight Loss PLR Article Sample:

2 Diet Tips That Will Accelerate Your Weight Loss

The success or failure of your weight loss journey is directly linked to your diet. While exercise will help you to shed the excess weight, ultimately it’s your eating plan that decides if the weight actually comes off.

If you’re at a daily caloric deficit of about 500 calories, you will lose weight. If you’re training 4 hours a day and giving it your best, but your calorie intake is at a surplus, you’ll not lose a single pound. You might gain weight though.

While you’ll become fitter and stronger, your weight will remain the same. This is one reason why so many people who exercise get confused. They know that their stamina and strength has gone up, but the weight on the scale has not gone down.

Most of the time, they’re either eating too many calories or at maintenance level. You must be at a caloric deficit to see weight loss. This is the cornerstone of all weight loss.

That said, if you’re at a caloric deficit, there are two tips that can help you to lose the excess weight even faster. Let’s look at what they are.

  • Increase Your Fiber Intake

Fiber refers to vegetables such as broccoli, collard greens, beetroot, carrots and so on. When your diet consists of a lot of fiber, you will feel ‘full’ faster when eating. The fiber takes up space in your stomach and your hunger is sated.

The fiber is also calorie negative. What that means is that your body burns as much calories as the vegetables contain to digest them. You’re burning calories in order to digest the food.

This doesn’t apply when you consume oily or sugary foods that the body can easily digest, which results in a surplus.

Your liver also needs fiber to flush out the fat in your system. So, when you’re trying to lose weight, consuming foods such as broccoli will help the body to flush out your excess fat more efficiently.

  • Reduce Your Carb Intake

This second tip is one of the most effective ones when it comes to losing weight. Most people are addicted to carbs. They do not realize it until they try giving up carbs and realize just how difficult it is.

Carbs, in this case, refers to carbohydrates that come from bread, pasta, cookies, rice, etc. These are simple carbs that cause your body to have a blood sugar spike.

When that happens, your body secretes insulin to manage the sugar. This is normal, but when you consume carbs in excess over long periods of time, your body becomes insulin insensitive.

It then secretes more insulin than required to process the same amount of sugar. The excess insulin ends up being stored as fat, which is just stored energy.

To prevent this from happening, reducing your consumption of processed carbs and simple carbs will help to keep your blood sugar levels stable. This is the key to preventing weight gain and accelerating fat loss.

Get your carbs from vegetables as mentioned in the earlier point. Those are the best type of carbs.

On cheat days, it’s recommended that you only have carbs for one meal. If you find it extremely difficult to give up simple carbs, you’re better off not indulging on your cheat day. It’s akin to giving a drug addict a quick fix for just one day.

The cravings will begin after that. So, you should either carry on with your diet, or just have one small cheat meal and not an entire cheat day.

Give these two tips a try and you’ll notice that your weight comes off much more easily.


5 Diet Success PLR Articles

Is Your Diet Right For You? (617 words)

Understanding Why Eating Right is a Lifestyle and NOT a Diet (635 words)

How to Ensure You Succeed with Your Diet (704 words)

Do Diets Work? (688 words)

Will a Diet Fix Your Eating Habits Permanently? (617 words)


Diet Success PLR Article Sample:

How to Ensure You Succeed with Your Diet

Here’s a brutal truth – over 95% of people who embark on a healthy diet to transform their health and life will quit. The struggle just seems too tough for them and they believe that they do not have the discipline and determination required to succeed.

This is a false belief and very often these people would have succeeded with their diet if they had taken a few extra steps to help themselves and change their mindset.

  • Track your progress

It’s imperative that you record down what you were eating before, your weight and even take photos of your body so that you can track your progress.

So often, people believe that they’re not making any progress because the results come slowly. However, if you have photos of yourself from before, you’ll be amazed at how far you’ve come in a month.

You may not have reached your end goal yet, but you’re on your way there. If you don’t track your progress, you ONLY have the end goal as a reference and it seems like an insurmountable mountain.

With tracking, you can congratulate yourself on reaching the milestones along the way and motivate yourself to keep going.

  • Self-reflection

Self-reflection is important. If you’re on the verge of quitting on your diet, ask yourself why you want to quit. Do you feel like a failure because you binge ate the previous night?

Are you fed up because the results are slow to come? Do you feel like no matter what you do, nothing seems to change?

It’s crucial that you ask yourself these questions before you quit. Very often, your behavior and attitude will dictate if you stay on track or quit.

  • Know why you started

Once you know why you want to quit, you need to ask yourself why you started. Did you want to look better? Improve your health? Have the energy to play with your kids?

Knowing your why is important. You must understand that if you hate starting over, you should not quit. There’s no point in quitting now, only to make a New Year’s resolution the following year to eat healthy.

Keep going. You didn’t get this far to only get this far.

  • Be patient

Patience with yourself is a virtue. It takes time to build a healthy eating habit. Slipping up and indulging now and then is the norm. You’re not weak or lack discipline.

You’re just fighting against old habits. Do not let one or two mistakes detract you from your end goal. Pull up your socks and maintain the pace. Acknowledge the mistake, correct it and stay on your diet.

  • Do NOT obsess

They often say that one needs to obsess to succeed. However, in many cases, obsessing over your diet leads to aiming for perfectionism. You become too hard on yourself if you make a mistake… and almost always you will slip up sooner or later.

You’ll then think you’re not cut out for the diet and an utter failure. Your obsession makes you overexaggerate your mistake in your mind.

The goal is to change your diet and not think too much about it. Make positive gradual changes and get on with your life instead of constantly thinking about the food you’re eating and if you’re losing weight.

Rest assured that the results will come. Be kind to yourself.

  • The journey is not linear

It’s imperative to understand that your journey will not be linear. It never is. All successful journeys have setbacks, obstacles, etc. There will be times when you slip up. Times when you need to retreat and approach your diet from a different angle.

This is the norm. Don’t burden yourself by expecting your journey to be smooth and progress from strength to strength. It rarely happens that way.

Ultimately, adopting a new clean diet is more a mind game than a physical one. While you may experience food cravings and occasional hunger and inconvenience, the real test is in how patient and consistent you are in your journey – and how you encourage yourself when the results are slow.

Give yourself time. Focus on the process and not the results. You will clean up your diet and be healthy in time to come.


5 Plant Based Diet PLR Articles

4 Important Points to Observe When on a Plant-based Diet (639 words)

7 Common Mistakes People Make When Adopting a Plant-Based Diet (643 words)

5 Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet (661 words)

Understanding the Macros and Micros of a Plant-Based Diet (569 words)

5 Reasons to Give Up Meat and Adopt a Plant-Based Diet (650 words)


Plant Based Diet PLR Article Sample:

4 Important Points to Observe When on a Plant-based Diet

There are many rewarding benefits that can be reaped when you’re on a plant-based diet. However, you’ll only start seeing and feeling these benefits after 3 to 5 weeks. It takes time for the body to adapt and wean itself off the foods it’s addicted to.

When following a plant-based diet, while it is simple in nature, there are 4 important points that you must be aware of. Many people overlook these points because they’re so focused on the foods they eat that they neglect everything else.

Below you’ll find 4 points that you should take note of. Write them on a piece of paper and stick in on your refrigerator door so that you’re constantly reminded of them.

  1. Stay hydrated

The plant-based diet aids in detoxification. When you’re on this diet, you body will start losing fat and the toxins stored in these fat cells will be released into your body. Staying hydrated and drinking enough water will ensure that your body is able to flush out these toxins much more effectively.

When it comes to water consumption, you need to spread it out throughout the day. Drinking 2 liters in the morning and 2 at night is not going to cut it. You’ll need to drink a glass of water at regular intervals. However, avoid drinking water prior to meals because you’ll be diluting your stomach acids.

  1. Ease into diet gently

When it comes to making positive changes, many people are very gung-ho about it and try to make changes overnight. They want to see fast results, so they decide to be ‘hardcore’ about it.

Usually, the body has a mind of its own. You’ll notice that you have very strong food cravings and also experience mood swings and other symptoms if you make a sudden change. It can be a struggle and this is where most people quit.

Doing things too fast also means that you’ve not taken the time to truly understand what you’re doing. When you do things systematically with an understanding of what you’re doing, you’ll understand the value and importance of your goal.

It’s best to ease into the diet gently. Slowly aim to reduce your consumption of meat, processed foods and other junk food. In this way, you’ll give your body time to adapt and get used to the new diet. Slow and steady wins the race.

  1. Intuitive eating

Always ask yourself how you feel before eating. Are you eating because you’re hungry, or are you just bored? When you crave for foods rich in sugar and fat, you should ask yourself if your decision will help you or hurt you.

Just taking a step back to analyze your decisions will help you greatly in making the right ones. Eat slowly and always stop when you feel 75 percent full. It takes a while for the brain to register that the stomach is full.

You may wish to start a food journal and write down how the different foods make you feel afterwards. Even on a plant-based diet, not every fruit or vegetable may agree with you. By knowing how the foods make your body feel, you’ll be able to eat what makes you feel good and steer clear of what doesn’t.

  1. Supplements

It can be difficult to get all the vitamins and minerals you need while on a plant-based diet. Your meal planning will really need to be on point. If you’re busy, you may slip up now and then. So, having vitamins and supplements to help you make up for any shortfall or deficiencies will be really helpful.

Remember these 4 tips and apply them to your daily life when you’re on a plant-based diet. Once you develop the habit, this is a sustainable diet that can be a part of your lifestyle for a long time to come.


5 Raw Food Diet PLR Articles

Raw Food Diet Basics: What You Need to Know (537 words)

Discover the Benefits of the Raw Food Diet (663 words)

How to Flavor Your Meals with Raw Ingredients (635 words)

Foods to Avoid When You’re on a Raw Food Diet (608 words)

Tools and Appliances You May Need When on a Raw Food Diet (623 words)


Raw Food Diet PLR Article Sample:

Foods to Avoid When You’re on a Raw Food Diet

There are many different types of diets going around. We have the ketogenic diet, blood type diet, paleo diet, Mediterranean diet and so many more. Each diet has its own unique rules and principles that must be abided by.

With the keto diet, the focus is on consuming more fat than carbs or proteins. The Paleo diet, is much more stringent and has a long list of foods that must be avoided. The Mediterranean diet is laxer with a focus on healthy fats and fish.

The raw food diet is very simple in concept. You only eat raw foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. Many people confuse this with a vegetarian diet… but there is one glaring difference here. You do not cook your foods in the raw food diet.

You can blend them and juice them, but for the most part, you won’t be doing any cooking. That instantly eliminates a lot of foods. You can’t eat chicken or beef in a raw state. So, most people will know how to avoid these obvious foods.

However, there are some foods that you may not be sure of. Can you use artificial sweetener? How about margarine or salad dressing?

Below you’ll find a list of foods to avoid, and this should clear up any confusion you may have. The rule of thumb is this – if it has been manufactured, you should avoid it. Salad dressing, margarine and artificial sweetener are all man-made and best avoided. Stick to raw food.

  • Processed foods

Cereal, donuts, biscuits, etc. are all processed foods and should be avoided. Your raw food diet will mostly be comprised of single ingredient foods. A broccoli or tomato is a single ingredient food. An energy bar is not. Even with the labels, you’ll not know what the different chemicals and additives went into the creation of these foods.

  • Hydrogenated cooking oils

These oils look clean, golden and healthy. However, they’re anything but healthy and should be avoided at all cost.  You should stick to extra virgin olive oil and cold pressed coconut oil.

Commercially sold oils like canola oil, corn oil and other vegetable oils have gone through high heat and other industrial processes that make them unsafe for human consumption. In the long run, these oils wreak havoc in your body and cause problems ranging from inflammation to high cholesterol and worse.

  • Corn sugar, corn syrup & white sugar

Sugar is a highly inflammatory ingredient. High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) creeps into more foods than you can imagine. Even the tomato ketchup that you think is healthy may contain HFCS. The ketchup may not taste sweet, but the sugar is in there.

Other foods like baked goods, sodas, ice-cream, etc. contain loads of hidden sugars. In an article published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, it was stated that sugar might even be a gateway to alcohol and other addictive substances. It’s that potent, and more dangerous than most people realize.

  • Enriched foods

The term ‘enriched’ or ‘fortified’ is usually used in the packaging of many processed foods. This is clever marketing and is deceptive. While people think that these foods are better because of the enriched vitamins, in reality, some nutrient or another was probably lost during the processing. So, the food manufacturer has ‘enriched’ it to compensate for the lost nutrients.

These are just some of the foods you should avoid. It goes without saying that you should avoid trans fats, bleached foods such as French fries and of course, junk food. If you stick with the raw vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, you can’t go wrong. It’s really that simple.


Ketogenic A Lifestyle, Not a Diet PLR Report – 4586 words

Report: Ketogenic: A Lifestyle, Not a Diet Topics

  • What Is It and What Makes It a Lifestyle?
  • Reasons the Ketogenic Lifestyle Is So Effective
  • Health Benefits of the Ketogenic Lifestyle
  • Eating Do’s and Don’ts
  • Common Side Effects and How to Combat Them
  • Reasons to Stop or Modify Your Ketogenic Lifestyle
  • Common Questions about the Ketogenic Lifestyle


Ketogenic A Lifestyle, Not a Diet PLR Report Sample Content:

What Is It and What Makes It a Lifestyle?

A ketogenic lifestyle consists of eating the ketogenic way: low carb, high healthy fat, and moderate protein 99 percent of the time – even if it’s your birthday. What does it mean to eat ketogenic, though? Well, basically you eat in such a way that your body produces ketones. Don’t worry, this is not scary; in fact, ketones can protect your brain from Alzheimer’s and other problems, such as brain fog and memory.

What if you started eating the way your ancestors used to eat? What would that look like? When you consider what your ancestors did not have, namely processed food, you can see what that might look like. The food around was that which was easily available such as berries, wild animals, and vegetables that are easy to grow like spinach, cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower.

Because it was hard to catch food, they also had to ensure everything they ate was as high in fat as possible so that they could keep on enough weight to be healthy. But not fake fat, of course – healthy fat from fruit like coconut oil and olive oil.

Some people also enjoy ghee, which is clarified butter, in this plan. That’s the other thing that is awesome about the ketogenic lifestyle; you do have lots of leeway in what you eat if it follows the main goals, which are to eat low carb, high fat, and moderate protein most of the time.

Processed food is full of refined sugars, unhealthy fats, and chemicals that no one can pronounce and will leave you unsatisfied, always craving more. And guess what; it’s not your fault if you’re always craving more. They made the food that way.

The food you’re eating is designed to cause cravings. Processed food is made to hook you on it, just like opiates. The food scientists know the exact combinations of fat, salt, and sugar to hook you. They’ve found the formula to make every meal into a drug. What’s worse is that this drug will make you fat, unhealthy, prone to diabetes and you’ll likely die earlier than you otherwise would. Even when you think you’re eating small amounts of food called “diet” food, you can be fat and very unhealthy. In fact, thin people who are eating a fully processed diet are also very unhealthy and prone to illness. Disease manifests differently in everyone.

Thankfully, the ketogenic diet has become more mainstream. People are taking to it and getting healthier. They’re getting healthier because it’s simple. They don’t have to think too hard to know whether they can have that food or not. Due to this fact, it makes it easy for the ketogenic way of eating to become a full-on lifestyle.

That’s good, because one thing that can ensure that people really change for life, and make eating keto a habit, is to turn it into a lifestyle. When you know you’re going to live this way forever, that you’re not taking breaks, and that you’re not doing it for just the next few weeks until the big party, then you tend to stick to a healthier way of eating because it’s just normal and natural. Since ketogenetic eating is so natural, you’ll agree that it can easily become a lifestyle.


Mindful Eating Mistakes PLR Report and Squeeze Page – 2556 words

Includes Lead Magnet, Squeeze Page, Images and PLR License.


Table of Contents for the Mindful Eating Mistakes PLR Report:


What Is Mindful Eating?…………………………………………………… 4

Mistake #1 – Wrong thinking……………………………………….. 7

Mistake #2 – Complacency……………………………………….. 9

Mistake #3 – Going overboard……………………………………….. 11

Mistake #4 – Not at a caloric deficit………………………………………. 13

Mistake #5 – Not satisfying your emotional needs………………… 15

Mistake #6 – Not exercising……………………………………….. 17

Mistake #7 – Failing to keep a record……………………………………….. 18

Conclusion………………………………………. …………………………. 19


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Bonus 2

10 High Quality Ketogenic Diet For Beginners PLR Articles

10 High Quality Ketogenic Diet For Beginners PLR Articles

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Here are the titles of the Ketogenic Diet For Beginners Articles:

  1. Ketogenic Diet VS Water Fasting: Which is Better? (859 words)
  2. How to Prepare for the Keto Diet (609 words)
  3. Common Ketogenic Diet Mistakes You Should Avoid (649 words)
  4. What Every Beginner Should Know About the Keto Diet (592 words)
  5. 5 Success Tips for the Keto Diet (653 words)
  6. 7 Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet (608 words)
  7. Are Carbs or Fats Making You Fat? (588 words)
  8. Discover How the Ketogenic Diet Combats Diabetes (577 words)
  9. Rapid Fat Burning with a Fat-Based Diet (533 words)
  10. Will Eating Fat Reduce Your Bad Cholesterol Levels? (601 words)


Bonus 3

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The Bulletproof Keto Diet

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10-Day Other Popular Diets PLR ECourse

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Bonus 5

The Dieting Weight Loss Correction Master Resell Rights eBook

The Dieting Weight Loss Correction Ebook

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Total File Download Size:

4.11 Megabytes (MB)


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Package Details For The No More Fad Diets PLR Package:

Main Report:

No More Fad Diets! How to Diet the Healthy Way

(4,531 words, 4 images)


Clickbank Diet Reviews:

14 Day Rapid Fat Loss – 637 words

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle – 567 words

Cruise Control Diet – 475 words

Eat Stop Eat – 537 words

Fat Burning Furnace – 512 words

Fat Loss 4 Idiots – 529 words

Metabolic Cooking – 599 words

PaleoBurn – 532 words

The Fat Loss Factor – 667 words

Truth About Cellulite – 425 words


Other Diet Reviews:

Acai Berry – 405 words

Alli – 433 words

eDiets – 434 words

GI Diet – 434 words

Jenny Craig Diet – 417 words

Nutrisystem – 463 words

Paleo Diet – 429 words

Raw Food Diet – 407 words

Slim-Fast Diet – 424 words

South Beach Diet – 438 words

The Atkins Diet – 449 words

The hCG Diet – 423 words

The Mediterranean Diet – 421 words

Volumetrics Diet – 425 words

Weight Watchers Diet – 431 words


Dieting PLR Articles:

Do Low Carb Diets Really Work? – 419 words

Green Tea and Its Potential Effects On Weight Loss – 417 words

Straight Talk About Weight Loss Pills – 463 words

5 Top Dieting Tips – 504 words

What is a Juice Fast and why do People do Them? – 427 words


Social Media Posts & Images:

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5 Diet Changes For Weight Loss PLR Articles

Will Cutting Your Carbs Help You Shed the Pounds? (596 words)

Intermittent Fasting: Yay or Nay? (580 words)

2 Diet Tips That Will Accelerate Your Weight Loss (596 words)

Is it What You Eat or is it What’s Eating You? (551 words)

Should You Eat Six Times a Day Like They Tell You To? (533 words)


5 Diet Success PLR Articles

Is Your Diet Right For You? (617 words)

Understanding Why Eating Right is a Lifestyle and NOT a Diet (635 words)

How to Ensure You Succeed with Your Diet (704 words)

Do Diets Work? (688 words)

Will a Diet Fix Your Eating Habits Permanently? (617 words)


5 Plant Based Diet PLR Articles

4 Important Points to Observe When on a Plant-based Diet (639 words)

7 Common Mistakes People Make When Adopting a Plant-Based Diet (643 words)

5 Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet (661 words)

Understanding the Macros and Micros of a Plant-Based Diet (569 words)

5 Reasons to Give Up Meat and Adopt a Plant-Based Diet (650 words)


5 Raw Food Diet PLR Articles

Raw Food Diet Basics: What You Need to Know (537 words)

Discover the Benefits of the Raw Food Diet (663 words)

How to Flavor Your Meals with Raw Ingredients (635 words)

Foods to Avoid When You’re on a Raw Food Diet (608 words)

Tools and Appliances You May Need When on a Raw Food Diet (623 words)


Ketogenic A Lifestyle, Not a Diet PLR Report – 4586 words

Report: Ketogenic: A Lifestyle, Not a Diet Topics

  • What Is It and What Makes It a Lifestyle?
  • Reasons the Ketogenic Lifestyle Is So Effective
  • Health Benefits of the Ketogenic Lifestyle
  • Eating Do’s and Don’ts
  • Common Side Effects and How to Combat Them
  • Reasons to Stop or Modify Your Ketogenic Lifestyle
  • Common Questions about the Ketogenic Lifestyle


Mindful Eating Mistakes PLR Report and Squeeze Page – 2556 words

Includes Lead Magnet, Squeeze Page, Images and PLR License.


Total Word Count: 37 000+ Words

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