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Kettlebells Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 40 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Fitness Content.


Attention: Health, Fitness and Wellness Entrepreneurs

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Dear online business owner, When it comes to top fitness searches, the Kettlebell Fitness is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that fitness has spawned an entire industry of blogs, fitness courses, and products.

This is where my premium done for you Kettlebell Fitness PLR Package comes in. Its all about teaching your customers about The Kettlebell Fitness Plan.

Everything is done for you – from the main Body-Building PLR info product to your social media updates – its simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative fitness niche.


Introducing The…

Kettlebells Fitness Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 40 000 Words of High Quality Kettlebells Fitness Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality  Kettlebell fitness PLR package covers the hugely popular fitness niche. Fitness and exercising is evergreen and will always be. This kettlebell fitness PLR content package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it and use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Kettlebells Fitness MEGA PLR Package…

Main eBook:”The Kettlebell Fitness Plan”

(4,170 words, 20 pages, 9 images)

Kettlebells Premium PLR Ebook


A look inside The Kettlebell Fitness Plan Premium PLR eBook:

Kettlebells Premium PLR Ebook Sneak Preview


Table of Contents for The Kettlebell Fitness Plan PLR eBook:

Introduction – What Is a Kettlebell? What Makes Them So Unique?……………. 3

A Quick History Lesson…………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

About that Heavy Ball with a Handle………………………………………………….. 4

How Are They Weighed?………………………………………………….. 4

The Benefits of Kettlebells ………………………………………………….5

Kettlebells Help You Take Your Workout to The Next Level………………… 5

Kettlebells are Budget Friendly………………………………………………….. 5

Kettlebell Movements Are Fun………………………………………………….. 6

They’re Compact and Portable………………………………………………….. 6

Kettle Bell Movements…………………………………………………. 7

#1 The Kettlebell Deadlift – Beginner…………………………………………………. 7

#2 Kettlebell Shoulder Press – Intermediate………………………………………… 8

#3 Kettlebell Lunge – Beginner…………………………………………………. 9

#4 Turkish Getups – Advanced………………………………………………….. 10

#5 Swings – Intermediate………………………………………………….. 11

#6 Pushups – Intermediate………………………………………………….. 12

#7 Kettlebell Row – Beginner ………………………………………………….13

#8 Kettlebell High Pull – Advanced………………………………………………….. 13

#9 Goblet Squat – Beginner…………………………………………………. 13

#10 Oblique Twist – Beginner…………………………………………………. 14

#11 Thruster – Intermediate………………………………………………….. 14

#12 Clean & Jerk – Advanced………………………………………………….. 15

#13 Snatch – Advanced………………………………………………….. 16

#14 Kettlebell Floor Press – Beginner……………………………………. 16

Sample Strength Training & Cardio Workouts………………………… 18

Sample Kettlebell Cardio Workouts………………………………………….. 18

Sample Kettlebell Strength Workouts……………………………………………….. 19

Moving Forward – Next Steps & Conclusion…………………………………….. 20


Sample Content for The Kettlebell Fitness Plan PLR eBook:

Introduction – What Is a Kettlebell? What Makes Them So Unique?

You may have recently heard a lot about kettlebells. They are the hot new fitness equipment and everyone is talking about them. But why? What makes the kettlebell unique? It’s essentially a heavy ball with a handle, and that is exactly what makes them so awesome.

A Quick History Lesson

Sometimes it can be fun to know where a movement or exercise originated. With the case of the kettlebell, the history is a bit unclear. However according to, “the kettlebell originated approximately 350 years ago. The first appearance of the word in a Russian dictionary appeared in 1704. They were originally used as handled counterweights (bearing the Imperial Seal) to weigh out dry goods on market scales.”

So, as you’re swinging or lifting a kettlebell, you can remember that they used to be used to weigh heavy items at the market.

About that Heavy Ball with a Handle

You might wonder what makes a kettlebell different from a dumbbell. The answer is the handle. The handle makes all the difference. Imagine trying to swing a dumbbell. Not a pretty picture, right? You don’t have the same range of motion.

Kettlebells provide that range of motion because the handle can rotate in your hand. It also can challenge your stability, which makes you stronger, and it’s more versatile. You can perform the same movements with a kettlebell that you can with a dumbbell, and many more that you cannot really perform well with a dumbbell.

Finally, that handle makes the exercises and movements more functional. Generally speaking, when you’re lifting and carrying things, you have some swing and range of motion. You need to work your body in a way that resembles and supports proper function in real life.

For example, carrying a big bag of groceries is much more like carrying a heavy kettlebell than it is carrying a dumbbell. Kettlebell exercises are much more functional than those done with a traditional dumbbell.

How Are They Weighed?

In the states, we’re accustomed to things being measured in pounds. From barbells and plates to dumbbells, they’re usually measured in pounds. In the Olympic weightlifting world, and in the rest of the world outside the United States, things are generally measured in kilograms. For reference, one kilogram is equal to 2.2 pounds. So, if someone says they can lift 65 kg, they’re lifting 143 pounds.

However, in Russia the kettlebell was originally measured in Pood. Yes, that’s spelled correctly. Pood is a fun word to say, rhymes with “food.” A kettlebell either weighed one pood, one and a half pood, or two pood. It’s interesting to note that according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the term pound was derived from Pood.

At any rate, one pood is approximately equal to 16 kg or 36 pounds. One and a half pood is 24 kg or 53 pounds, and 2 pood is 32 kg or 70 pounds. In the sporting goods store you’ll find them usually in pounds, but it’s good to know your kg to pound conversion so you purchase the correct sizes.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.

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Short Report:”A Guide to Choosing the Best Type of Weights for Your Workout”

(1,760 words, 9 pages, 5 images)

Kettleball Premium PLR Report

A look inside A Guide to Choosing the Best Type of Weights for Your Workout PLR Report:

Kettlebells Premium PLR Report Sneak Preview


Product Reviews:

“Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy” by Bret Contreras – 534 words

Contoured Single Vinyl Coated Kettlebell With Training DVD by GoFit – 584 words

KETTLE GRYP – 550 words

KettleWorX Kickstart Kit – 724 words

Rep Kettlebells (various sizes) – 521 words


Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Kettlebells – 905 words


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: A Beginner’s Guide to Kettlebells for Weight Loss

Email1-Intro to Kettlebells – 422 words

Email2-How Can Kettlebells Help You Lose Weight – 388 words

Email3-Ideas for Kettlebell Moves – 423 words

Email4-How Often to Workout – 355 words

Email5-Basic Dietary Changes Needed to Boost Results – 406 words


Kettlebells Email Sample Content:

Intro to Kettlebells

Welcome to the world of kettlebells for weight loss. If you are not familiar with this piece of fitness equipment, lets start by describing one so you get a clearer picture of what one looks like.

Essentially, a kettlebell is a small weight shaped similarly to a cannonball with a handle on top that comes in various sizes and weights. Much like other weights, it is used to build muscular strength and endurance by providing resistance when lifted similar to the same thing as a dumbbell.

The difference between the two though is that the handle on a kettlebell is on top of the weight instead of being in between two weights essentially a cast-iron ball that you can grasp in one or both hands from the top.

When some of the moves performed with kettlebells, extra movement is added to what would be otherwise a fairly static and unchanging exercise because of the weight always wanting to be underneath the handle. As the weight shifts during movement, so does the angle of the resistance. This in turn works the muscles differently than if the same move was done using a dumbbell.

Whats more interesting still, is that the kettlebell allows you to hold it from a variety of different angles. You can grab it by the handle from the top for instance, hold it by it the part of the handle on each side going down into the weight itself, or hold the ball with both hands. How you hold it depends on which move you are doing at the time.

And if you swing the kettlebell, you add an extra dimension of momentum which must be controlled. A swinging kettlebell creates its own force and trajectory and you have to compensate for that while doing a swinging movement.

This is where the true challenge of using a kettlebell comes in, because you have to constantly adapt to the changing angle, momentum and trajectory of the kettlebell. This in turn means you need to maintain your balance using your stabilizing core muscles, you need to grasp hard onto the handle thus increasing your grip strength and you need to recruit supporting muscles that you probably go long stretches without using the rest of the time, all the while increasing your heart rate to a cardio exercise level. Essentially it is both a cardio and strength training routine all rolled into one.

In the next email, well look at how using kettlebells can help you lose weight.


Browse for more PLR email courses at BuyQualityPLR.


High Quality Kettlebells PLR Articles:

3 Reasons to Workout with Kettlebells – 419 words

4 Mistakes People Make with Kettlebells – 397 words

4 Reasons Why You Should Be Doing Strength Training Exercises – 482 words

4 Strength Training Exercises That Are Easy to Perform at Home – 407 words

Advantages of Strength Training for the Over 50s – 415 words

Do You Need Variety in Your Strength Training Workouts? – 407 words

How Can You Tone Your Body Without Getting Bulky? – 398 words

How Does Strength Training Help Prevent Disease and Degenerative Conditions? – 401 words

How Does Weight Training Help You Burn Fat? – 419 words

How Heavy Should Your Kettlebell Be? – 447 words

How to Combine Strength Training with Cardio for Best Results – 386 words

Kettlebell Workouts vs. Bodyweight Exercises – 396 words

Kettlebell Workouts vs. Running – 429 words

Kettlebell Workouts vs. HIIT – 419 words

Kettlebells vs. Dumbbells or Barbells – 384 words

Kettlebells vs. Medicine Balls – What’s the Difference? – 394 words

Top 4 Kettlebell Moves – 410 words

What is Functional Strength Training? – 400 words

Which Is Best: Strength Training Or Cardio? – 427 words

Why Strength Training is So Important for Women – 412 words


Kettlebells PLR Article Sample:

4 Mistakes People Make with Kettlebells

Kettlebells are a versatile exercise tool. They can be used for both cardio and to build muscle, so it is no wonder that they are a very popular exercise tool. However, many people are using them without learnig how to do so properly. Are you making any of these mistakes, too?

Not realizing that kettlebells are meant to work out the lower body

Kettlebell swings are one of the main exercises that people do when they use kettlebells. A lot of people, however, make the mistake of not realizing that kettlebell swings are meant to exercise the lower body. When you do a kettlebell swing, you should be primarily focusing on working out your lower body. When doing the actual swing, your lower body should be doing the vast majority of the work. You should use your arms should be used to keep the kettlebell steady and centered, but the actual swinging should be done entirely with your hips.

Swinging a kettlebell too high

This mistake is closely related to the previous one. A lot of people make the mistake of swinging the kettlebell too high when they do a kettlebell swing. Some even go as far as swinging it up near their head. This is a big mistake since swinging the kettlebell too high puts unnecessary amounts of stress on your upper body, specifically your shoulders and your spine. So, remember, when doing kettlebell swings, try and keep the kettlebell lower, not higher. Let the momentum of your hips raise the kettlebell, do not add unnecessary force to the swing.

Breathing wrong while using the kettlebell

Breathing is a crucial part of doing kettlebell exercises right. If you want to do kettlebell exercises properly, then you need to develop proper breathing technique. A lot of people fail to do this and it holds them back. The proper way to breathe when doing kettlebell exercises is to take a deep breath while lowering the kettlebell then exhale while swinging the kettlebell.

Lifting the kettlebell from a squat position

A lot of people make the mistakes of lifting a kettlebell from a squatting position. They bend their knees too much instead of bending their hips. Your knees are not the focus nor should they be. The focus is on your lower body. So, make sure that instead of bending your knees, that you are bending your hips instead.

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Social Media Posts & Images:


5 Shareable Social Media Fitness Graphics (PLR)

Kettlebells Premium PLR Social Fitness Tips


5 Shareable Social Media Inspirational Images

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14 Royalty Free Images

Kettlebells Royalty Free Images


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Kettlebells Keyword Research Pack

Kettlebells Premium PLR Keyword Research



Kettlebell Buyer Guide – 1,250 words


Kettlebell Buyer Guide Article Sample:

The Kettlebell Buyer’s Guide

If you are shopping for a kettlebell (a giri or girya in Russian), you probably want to know what different types are available. Can men and women and use the same kettlebell? And what weight should you get? If you have never used a kettlebell before, should you purchase a different type of product than someone who is familiar with the “cannonball with a handle”? And just how did this odd looking cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training device originate? You have questions, and we have all the answers in this definitive guide to buying kettlebells.

What is a kettlebell and where did it come from?

Kettlebells date back to the 1700s in Russia. A large, round cast-iron or steal weight with a handle, kettlebells facilitate swinging and ballistic movements. They were not used for exercise originally. Rather, farmers used them to weigh crops. At markets and festivals were they sold their goods, these farmers enjoyed showing off the strength they had developed from constantly lifting these heavy weights.

The Soviet Army began using them as physical training and conditioning equipment in the 20th century, and sports competition began in Russia and Europe in the 1940s. Kettlebells became popular as a strength and cardio training device in the United States in the 1960s, and are now found in health and fitness clubs throughout the country .

What types of kettlebells can I choose from?

You will find some sand-filled kettlebells on the market and even a few filled with water, but generally they are made from either professional grade steel or standard grade cast-iron.


When choosing cast-iron, the larger the bell size, the heavier the weight. The smaller the bell size, the lower the weight. There may be a slight difference in handle diameter and width as well. The handle will be thicker than on competition steel bells, and may not be best for people with small hands. Cast-iron kettlebells will almost always be less expensive.


Competition bells, made of high-grade steel, are always the same size. They will vary in weight, but the size is uniform to guarantee a standard lifting technique. Competition steel kettlebells are always more expensive than cast-iron, since they must adhere to national and international competition specifications. The handles on steel kettlebells are thinner than their cast-iron counterparts, and are specially designed to prevent slipping.

Whether beginner or veteran weight trainer, what should I be looking for?

Beginning weight trainer

You should probably get started with a cast-iron kettlebell as a beginner. Because of their unique design and effect on your body, kettlebells are not for everyone. A cast-iron investment is less expenses, and if you find out you enjoy the intense, one-of-a-kind kettlebell training exercises and benefits, you can always step up to the more expensive, professionally constructed competition bells.

However, if you have the money to invest in competition grade kettlebells from the start it is highly recommended that you do so. The handles are thinner and easier to grasp, slip-free design is integrated, and the ball portion of the device is always the same size, regardless what weight bell you purchase.

Veteran weight trainer

You will probably want to get started immediately with competition steel kettlebells. As a veteran weight trainer, you understand the importance of form over function. Steel kettlebells allow for a perfect and consistent range of motion for each repetition. And when you get stronger and move up to a heavier weight, the uniform size and easy grip handle mean you will continue to practice perfect form. Proper form delivers quicker results and fewer injuries, whenever weight training is involved.

Should men and women use different sized weights, and what weight size is best for me?

Men and women should first choose bells according to the above criteria. As far as weight is concerned, women probably want to start off with an 8 kg or 10 kg bell (15 or 20 pound sizes are comparable in the US). Men should probably start with a 12 kg to 16 kilogram bell (roughly 25 to 35 pound US equivalent). Not sure what weight is right for you? Choose the lighter weight above, or find a local gymnasium or health club which uses kettlebells and get some hands-on experience.

What are some typical kettlebell weights?

Russian kettlebells are usually measured in weight by “poods”. 1 pood equals about 16 kilograms (around 35 pounds). In the United States, typical kettlebell weights will range from 10 to 80 or more pounds. This includes both cast-iron and steel competition bells.

In the United Kingdom and other non-US areas, you can expect to find bells beginning as light as 5 kilograms and as heavy as 32 or 36 kilograms. (Remember to always err on the side of caution, and choose the lighter bell when deciding between 2 different weight sizes.)

What exercises can I perform with my kettlebell?

The most common kettlebell exercises are swings, cleans, windmills, and snatches. Single arm swings and 2 arm rows are popular, as are the goblet squat, figure 8 and the Russian twist. There are plenty of videos and instructional e-books available online which walk you through performing each and every kettlebell exercise properly.

What physical benefits do kettlebells deliver?

Moving from the farmer’s fields to the Russian Red Army, kettlebells provide an intense total body workout. Because swinging motions are involved, your agility and balance are improved. Obviously lifting weights builds your strength, but your endurance is boosted as well. When done properly and in high repetitions, kettlebell exercises offer improved cardiovascular health and functioning. Your hips, glutes, hamstrings and waistline also benefit from this unique physical fitness tool.

Unlike the more common dumbbell which is also used for single arm weightlifting, kettlebells have a center of mass which moves far beyond your hand. This impacts your body in a greater manner than a dumbbell, involving more muscle groups. Known as an “unstable force” in weight training, this is the primary reason for the greater impact kettlebell training has on your body than standard free weights.

How much do kettlebells cost?

A quick search on Amazon shows that you can purchase a 5 pound kettlebell for around $5. Obviously, you have a shipping charge to consider as well. And that particular price is for a cast-iron bell with a one-piece cast. 25 pound cast-iron kettlebells will be anywhere between $20 and $30 usually, with a 55 pound kettlebell costing between $45 and $55.

Because of their painstaking production and competition level specifications, steel kettlebells are more expensive. 8 kg (15 to 20 pound) models can run as much as $40 online, with a 32 kg (70 pound) professional grade competition kettlebell setting you back $150 or more.

More points to consider

Kettlebells are extremely unique, in both design and exercise. Do not assume that just because you are physically fit that you can start off with a heavy weight. Swinging, snatching and jerking movements need to be perfected before you move up in weight.

You get what you pay for. Cast-iron kettlebells are definitely recommended if you are just getting started. Just remember that uneven bottoms, welded handles, a rough handle finish and sometimes minimal handle clearance can be negatives encountered with the cast-iron version of this product.

It is not always easy to find kettlebells locally. The Internet provides a great place to comparison shop, you will always find exactly what you are looking for, and get delivery right to your front door.


10 High Quality HIIT Basics PLR Articles

Are You Healthy Enough for HIIT? (563 words)

7 Commonly Asked Questions Regarding HIIT (690 words)

What is HIIT and Why is It So Effective? (645 words)

Discover the Amazing Benefits of HIIT (561 words)

9 Common HIIT Mistakes to Avoid (703 words)

Thinking of Getting Started with HIIT? Read This First! (602 words)

How to Structure a HIIT Workout (648 words)

What is the Tabata Protocol? (648 words)

Making Time for Your HIIT Workouts (656 words)

What are the Best Exercises to Use in a HIIT Set? (582 words)

These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and Includes PLR License.


10 High Quality HIIT Basics PLR Article Sample:

9 Common HIIT Mistakes to Avoid

High intensity interval training (HIIT) is excellent for fat loss and boosting your stamina. If your objective is to increase the oxidative capacity of your muscles and get shredded, you can’t go wrong with HIIT.
Or can you?
In this article we’ll look at 9 of the most common mistakes people make when engaging in high intensity workouts. Be mindful of them and steer clear of these pitfalls. This will allow you to get the best rewards from all that sweaty effort and exhaustion.

1. Not enough effort
HIIT workouts are tough. There’s no denying that. The good news is that they’re not long workouts. Ideally, you should not train for more than 15 minutes. Beyond that and diminishing returns will set in.
During the 15 minutes you’re training, you must work with maximum intensity. You absolutely must not hold back. Give it your best. It’s normal to gasp and pant and groan. That’s just how it is. Not expending maximum effort will diminish the effectiveness of your workout.

2. Training too long
As mentioned earlier, try to stick to 15 minutes or less. The Tabata Protocol, which is considered as one of the most effective HIIT workouts lasts for only 4 minutes.
You can’t train at a high intensity for an hour. Hardly anybody can… and you don’t need to. Short, intense sessions are the key to getting lean and fit.

3. Training too often
When you’re starting off, you can do HIIT twice a week. As you get fitter, you may go up to 3 or 4 times a week. Always try to have a one-day break between each HIIT sessions. Spreading them out is better than doing them consecutively.
Many beginners try to do them daily and end up exhausted and drained. The workouts become dreary and there will be a tendency to skip workouts and finally quit. So, take a break.

4. Insufficient recovery time/too much recovery time
You need sufficient rest intervals between each exercise. Ideally, a 15 to 30 second break will do before you move on to the next exercise in your set. If you go from exercise to exercise with no rest, you’ll be too tired to give your best.
The rest is meant for your heart to slow down a little so that you can give your maximum effort in the next round. On the flip side of the coin, don’t have a 2-minute interval between each exercise. That’s too much time for the workout to be effective.

5. Not prioritizing the workouts
The biggest mistake of all is not working out. Prioritize your HIIT workouts over your TV time, social media, etc. All you need is 15 minutes. That’s just 1 percent of your day. Everybody has time for a quick HIIT session.

6. Using weights that are too heavy
HIIT is about speed. If your weights are too heavy, you’ll be struggling to move the weights. So, pick a weight that will allow you to do about 15 reps in quick succession during your training phase. HIIT is not the same as training for hypertrophy.

7. Not warming up
Spend 2 minutes walking on the treadmill or cycling on the stationary bike. Get your heart pumping a little. Doing a HIIT workout with cold muscles is not a good idea.

8. Training on an empty stomach
HIIT is NOT fasted cardio. Eat a light meal about an hour prior to your workout. This will raise your blood sugar levels a little and you’ll have more energy for your workout.
Don’t worry about insulin spikes, etc. The workouts are so hard that you’ll burn through the fat stores in no time at all.

9. Poor form
Never sacrifice form for speed. Maintain good form at a high pace. Doing the exercises with poor form will make them less effective and you may get injured.
These 9 mistakes are to be avoided at all cost. It’s inevitable for some of them to creep up when you’re not expecting – especially poor form and too much recovery time. These occur when you’re exhausted.
So, be alert and watch out for them. Use HIIT to get shredded and fit. You’ll look and feel better than you’ve ever felt in 3 to 4 weeks.


10 Top Quality Kettlebell PLR Articles and Tweets 

1.Beginner Workout Tips – 596 words

2.Common Mistakes People Make with Kettlebells – 484 words

3.Common Questions about Using Kettlebells – 513 words

4.Complementary Exercises – 459 words

5.How Kettlebell Training Benefits Your Body – 494 words

6.The Most Important Kettlebell Exercises You Can Do – 630 words

7.Tips for Using Kettlebells at Home – 505 words

8.What to Expect from a Kettlebell Class – 494 words

9.Which Kettlebells Do You Need and Where Do You Get Them From? – 499 words

10.Who Should Not Do a Kettlebell Workout? – 492 words

These articles are available in .TXT format and Includes PLR License.


10 Top Quality Kettlebell PLR Article Sample:

Beginner Workout Tips

Kettlebell workouts originated in Russia, but it’s now a popular tool all over the world for exercising and getting into shape. It’s mostly designed to work your core, but you will get a full body workout with a kettlebell. Let’s look at some beginner workout tips for anyone new to the kettlebell.

* Start with the Right Weight – You don’t want it to be too light or too heavy. Therefore, you’ll want to get one that is between 8 and 16 kg. If you have weightlifting experience, you’ll more than likely want to start out heavier than lighter. If it’s too light, you won’t get the right effect.

* Start Slow – Start with about a ten-minute workout and then work your way up. Most people stick to about 30 minutes a day of kettlebell training because you can burn about 600 calories in half an hour.

* Focus on Form – In the beginning, you want to focus on form, not time. Moving your body right is essential. Find a trainer or expert to help you get your moves just right. It might help to go to an in-person class before doing it alone.

* Listen to Your Body – For any kind of workout, it’s imperative to listen to your body. It will let you know if you’re too tired. More exercise is not always better. You may want to let your body rest every other day.

* Work on Your Swing – Perfecting your swing and getting it right is important to ensure you are doing the exercise right. You’ll want to watch someone else do it who is doing it right, and then try to do it their way.

* Follow Your Own Beat – When you are doing reps, you’ll want to follow your own rhythm so that you can focus on your swing and your form. How firmly and fast you perform each swing does indicate how many calories you’ll burn, but slow and steady also works.

* Hips Not Back – When you swing, you are supposed to use your hips, not your back. The way to ensure you are doing this is to pretend you have a hinge on your hips so that you swing and bend there rather than your back. Keep your back flat.

* Stop If It Hurts – A little burning and “feeling” at the site that is getting worked out is okay, but you don’t want to have any pain – primarily in areas like your back, neck, and shoulders. You should be relaxed and stop if you have pain, as pain can be a sign of bad form.

Working out with a kettlebell enables anyone to get a full body workout without having to have too much other equipment around. It’s a simple way to keep in shape, burn calories, and lose weight. If you want to try it, start with a local class, then once you learn you can do it whenever you want.


15 Top Quality Fitness PLR Articles, Slide Shows and Images 

1.Exercises for Strengthening Your Core – 463 words

2.Fitness Tips for Older Adults – 451 words

3.Getting Started with Strength Training – Using Your Body Weight – 452 words

4.How to Add High Intensity Interval Training to Your Home Workout – 504 words

5.How to Track Your Workouts – 535 words

6.Is Restorative Yoga Right for You? – 465 words

7.Can a Personal Trainer Help You Get Fit? Understanding Your Personal Training Options – 491 words

8.Three Reasons to Try Circuit Training – 447 words

9.Seven Reasons to Try Tai Chi – 553 words

10.The Benefits of High Intensity Boot Camps – 457 words

11.Five Tips for Balancing Calories and Physical Activities – 482 words

12.Tips for Strength Training Safely – 464 words

13.Seven Tips and Tools to Help You Recover from Your Workouts – 457 words

14.What Exactly Is Functional Fitness? – 465 words

15.What Is a Whole Foods Diet and Why Should You Consider It? – 498 words

These articles are available in .TXT format and Includes PLR License.


15 Top Quality Fitness PLR Article Sample:

How to Add High Intensity Interval Training to Your Home Workout

High Intensity Interval Training, also known as HIIT, is a proven approach to burn more calories and fat in less time. The old practice of exercising for hours to burn more calories and lose weight no longer has to be your approach. You can actually lose weight and exercise less often.

How Does HIIT Work?

The key to HIIT is intensity. Unlike a traditional fat-burning workout where you exercise for a long period of time at a moderate intensity, with HIIT you exercise for a short amount of time but your intensity is significant. On a scale of 1-10, a 6 would be a moderate intensity level. You’d be able to complete a sentence while you’re exercising. With HIIT you are at a 9 and you cannot do anything other than focus on your exercise.

The Tabata is a perfect example of an HIIT workout. With the Tabata you do 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest. You repeat that cycle for four minutes. For example, you might sprint for 20 seconds and rest for ten. Your sprint will be as fast as you can possibly run as its an all-out effort.

Interval training is another example of HIIT. You might run your fastest 400-meter run and then walk a 400-meter run. You could repeat this until you’ve logged a mile running.

HIIT helps you get in better shape. Its been proven to help with:

* Faster weight loss

* Improved strength

* Improved endurance

* Improved cardiovascular fitness

* Speedier fat burning

* Decreased abdominal fat

* Decreased insulin resistance

* Reduced risk for cardiovascular disease

So How Do You Fit HIIT into Your Existing Workout?

Its important to know that just about any movement or exercise can be part of an HIIT program. For example, you can jump rope at a high intensity and alternate with rest periods. You can perform a Tabata with pull-ups. This involves twenty seconds of as many pull-ups as possible followed by 10 seconds of rest.

Adding HIIT to your weekly workout program is easy. A Tabata only takes 4 minutes. You can add it to a strength-training day. You can swap your long cardio days for a 20-minute interval training session. Take a look at your existing workout program and look for days to swap or add HIIT.

Keep in mind that with intense effort, more rest may be required. Generally speaking, you don’t want to do more than three days in a row of HIIT. For example, if you do an intense workout on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday then Thursday needs to be a rest day or an active rest day. You might take a yoga class or go for a walk or slow jog.

HIIT can be a part of a home workout. Bodyweight exercises and basic cardio movements can be taken up a notch. You’ll burn more fat in less time and get into the best shape of your life.


2 Powerpoint Slideshows:

Seven Reasons to Try Tai Chi

Seven Tips For Recovering from Your Workouts


Womens Strength Training PLR Report and Squeeze Page – 2280 words

Report Title: Womens Strength Training Myths Dispelled

This Report is available in .TXT and Word Doc format and Includes PLR License.


Womens Strength Training PLR Report Table Of Contents:


Strength Training 101: What You Need to Know!……………………… 4

So, how does strength training help women?……………………………. 5

Strength Training Myth #1 – You’ll get bulky…………………………… 8

Strength Training Myth #2 – Only cardio burns fat……………………. 9

Strength Training Myth #3 – You need a gym membership…….. 11

Strength Training Myth #4 – You need a trainer……………………… 13

Strength Training Myth #5 – Bodyweight training is enough……… 15

Conclusion………………………………………………………………………. 17


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For the first 50 buyers of this Kettlebells Premium PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!


Bonus 1

Kettlebell Bootcamp Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

The Ultimate Kettlebell Training Manual

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Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Mindmap
Module 4 – Sales Page
Module 5 – VSL
Module 6 – Lead Magnet
Module 7 – Landing Page
Module 8 – Emails
Module 9 – Graphics Pack


Bonus 2

10 Quality Kettlebell Training PLR Articles

10 Quality Kettlebell Training PLR Articles Pack

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Here are the titles of the 10 Kettlebell Training Articles:

1. 4 Kettlebell Exercises You Can Do at Home
2. 5 Tips to Kettlebell Training
3. Are Kettlebell Training DVDs Worth The Money
4. Discover the Best Kettlebell Exercises
5. How to Buy a Kettlebell and What Should You Look Out For
6. Kettlebell Training for Athletes
7. Should Women Train With Kettlebells
8. Should You Join Kettlebell Classes
9. Top 5 Mistakes That People Make With Kettlebells
10. Why Is Kettlebell Training The Latest Craze Now


Bonus 3

Kettlebell Transformation Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

Transforming Your Body With Kettlebells Articles

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Package Details:

Module 1 – Training Guide
Module 2 – Cheat Sheet
Module 3 – Mind Map
Module 4 – Resource Report
Module 5 – Sales Letter And Thank You Page
Module 6 – Sales Video
Module 7 – Legal Pages
Module 8 – Graphics
Module 9 – Articles
Module 10 – Banners
Module 11 – Email Swipes
Module 12 – eCovers
Module 13 – Social Media Images


Bonus 4

The Kettlebell Advantage eBook and Audio Mega Pack

The Kettlebell Advantage Ebook

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Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Website
Module 3 – Promotional Banners
Module 4 – Ecovers
Module 5 – Audio
Module 6 – Keywords
Module 7 – 3 Promotional Videos
Module 8 – Tweets

Total File Download Size:

85 Megabytes (MB)


Bonus 5

10 High Quality HIIT Advanced PLR Articles Pack

10 High Quality HIIT Advanced PLR Articles Pack

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Here are the titles of the 10 HIIT Advanced Articles:

  1. Best Upper Body Exercises for HIIT (528 words)
  2. Effective Lower Body Exercises to Include in Your HIIT Workouts (537 words)
  3. Don’t Neglect Your Core When Doing HIIT (510 words)
  4. How to Warm Up Before a HIIT Session (560 words)
  5. HIIT with Running: What You Need to Know (603 words)
  6. Understanding Intensity and How to Train with HIIT (720 words)
  7. Training Specific Parts of the Body with HIIT (634 words)
  8. Should You Use Kettlebells for HIIT? (583 words)
  9. Understanding the Importance of Recovery When Doing HIIT (605 words)
  10. The Cubicle Workout: Taking it to HIIT Level (593 words)

Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!

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Package Details For The Kettlebells Premium PLR Package:

Main eBook:

“The Kettlebell Fitness Plan”

(4,170 words, 20 pages, 9 images)


Short Report:

“A Guide to Choosing the Best Type of Weights for Your Workout”

(1,760 words, 9 pages, 5 images)


Product Reviews:

“Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy” by Bret Contreras – 534 words

Contoured Single Vinyl Coated Kettlebell With Training DVD by GoFit – 584 words

KETTLE GRYP – 550 words

KettleWorX Kickstart Kit – 724 words

Rep Kettlebells (various sizes) – 521 words


Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Kettlebells – 905 words


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: A Beginner’s Guide to Kettlebells for Weight Loss

Email1-Intro to Kettlebells – 422 words

Email2-How Can Kettlebells Help You Lose Weight – 388 words

Email3-Ideas for Kettlebell Moves – 423 words

Email4-How Often to Workout – 355 words

Email5-Basic Dietary Changes Needed to Boost Results – 406 words


Kettlebells PLR Articles:

3 Reasons to Workout with Kettlebells – 419 words

4 Mistakes People Make with Kettlebells – 397 words

4 Reasons Why You Should Be Doing Strength Training Exercises – 482 words

4 Strength Training Exercises That Are Easy to Perform at Home – 407 words

Advantages of Strength Training for the Over 50s – 415 words

Do You Need Variety in Your Strength Training Workouts? – 407 words

How Can You Tone Your Body Without Getting Bulky? – 398 words

How Does Strength Training Help Prevent Disease and Degenerative Conditions? – 401 words

How Does Weight Training Help You Burn Fat? – 419 words

How Heavy Should Your Kettlebell Be? – 447 words

How to Combine Strength Training with Cardio for Best Results – 386 words

Kettlebell Workouts vs. Bodyweight Exercises – 396 words

Kettlebell Workouts vs. Running – 429 words

Kettlebell Workouts vs. HIIT – 419 words

Kettlebells vs. Dumbbells or Barbells – 384 words

Kettlebells vs. Medicine Balls – What’s the Difference? – 394 words

Top 4 Kettlebell Moves – 410 words

What is Functional Strength Training? – 400 words

Which Is Best: Strength Training Or Cardio? – 427 words

Why Strength Training is So Important for Women – 412 words


Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Tips Images

5 Shareable Social Media Inspirational Quote Images

20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

+ 3 bonus bylines for article marketing or guest blogging

15 Royalty Free Images

Images of All Products Reviewed



Kettlebell Buyer Guide – 1,250 words

10 High Quality HIIT Basics PLR Articles

Are You Healthy Enough for HIIT? (563 words)

7 Commonly Asked Questions Regarding HIIT (690 words)

What is HIIT and Why is It So Effective? (645 words)

Discover the Amazing Benefits of HIIT (561 words)

9 Common HIIT Mistakes to Avoid (703 words)

Thinking of Getting Started with HIIT? Read This First! (602 words)

How to Structure a HIIT Workout (648 words)

What is the Tabata Protocol? (648 words)

Making Time for Your HIIT Workouts (656 words)

What are the Best Exercises to Use in a HIIT Set? (582 words)

These articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and Includes PLR License.


10 Top Quality Kettlebell PLR Articles and Tweets

1.Beginner Workout Tips – 596 words

2.Common Mistakes People Make with Kettlebells – 484 words

3.Common Questions about Using Kettlebells – 513 words

4.Complementary Exercises – 459 words

5.How Kettlebell Training Benefits Your Body – 494 words

6.The Most Important Kettlebell Exercises You Can Do – 630 words

7.Tips for Using Kettlebells at Home – 505 words

8.What to Expect from a Kettlebell Class – 494 words

9.Which Kettlebells Do You Need and Where Do You Get Them From? – 499 words

10.Who Should Not Do a Kettlebell Workout? – 492 words

These articles are available in .TXT format and Includes PLR License.


15 Top Quality Fitness PLR Articles, Slide Shows and Images

1.Exercises for Strengthening Your Core – 463 words

2.Fitness Tips for Older Adults – 451 words

3.Getting Started with Strength Training – Using Your Body Weight – 452 words

4.How to Add High Intensity Interval Training to Your Home Workout – 504 words

5.How to Track Your Workouts – 535 words

6.Is Restorative Yoga Right for You? – 465 words

7.Can a Personal Trainer Help You Get Fit? Understanding Your Personal Training Options – 491 words

8.Three Reasons to Try Circuit Training – 447 words

9.Seven Reasons to Try Tai Chi – 553 words

10.The Benefits of High Intensity Boot Camps – 457 words

11.Five Tips for Balancing Calories and Physical Activities – 482 words

12.Tips for Strength Training Safely – 464 words

13.Seven Tips and Tools to Help You Recover from Your Workouts – 457 words

14.What Exactly Is Functional Fitness? – 465 words

15.What Is a Whole Foods Diet and Why Should You Consider It? – 498 words

These articles are available in .TXT format and Includes PLR License.


2 Powerpoint Slideshows:

Seven Reasons to Try Tai Chi

Seven Tips For Recovering from Your Workouts


Womens Strength Training PLR Report and Squeeze Page – 2280 words

Report Title: Womens Strength Training Myths Dispelled

This Report is available in .TXT and Word Doc format and Includes PLR License.


Total Word Count: 40 000+ Words

FAST-ACTION BONUSES – Available for the first 50 buyers of this Kettlebells PLR Pack. You’ll no longer see these awesome extra bonuses available on this page once the 50 fast action takers have been awarded.

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