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Make Money With AI and ChatGPT PLR Ebook

How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT Premium PLR Package 23k Words

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How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT Premium PLR Package – A High Quality How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT PLR Content Package Ready To Be Used In Your Business, Over 20 000 words!

Attention: AI and ChatGPT Marketers

Done for You Premium How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT PLR Product on a


AI and ChatGPT!

Dear Make Money With AI and ChatGPT online business owner, When it comes to self help and personal development searches, the Affirmations is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Affirmations has spawned an entire industry of blogs, courses, books and products.

This is where my premium done-for-you make money with AI and ChatGPT PLR content package comes in. It’s all about teaching your customers on AI and ChatGPT.

Everything is completely done-for-you and ready-to-go – from the main make money with AI and ChatGPT Private label digital product to your social media updates – it’s simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative mental resilience niche.

Introducing The…

How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 20 000 Words of High Quality How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT Guide Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality Make Money With AI and ChatGPT PLR package covers the hugely popular AI and ChatGPT niche. Meditation is evergreen and will always be. This Make Money With AI and ChatGPT PLR package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it or use it to build your list of raving fans.

Here’s everything you’ll get in the Make Money With AI and ChatGPT Guide MEGA PLR Package…

Main PLR eBook: “How to Make Money with ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence”

(11,6975 Words)

Make Money With AI and ChatGPT PLR Ebook

A look inside the How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT PLR eBook:

How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT PLR Ebook Screenshot

Table of Contents for the How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT PLR Ebook:

Introduction. 7

What Does ChatGPT Stand for, What Does It Mean?. 9

How Much Does ChatGPT Cost? Is It Free to Use? 11

The Downside to ChatGPT and Other Artificial Intelligence Engines, Bots and Software. 11

Let ChatGPT Tell You What to Do. 15

What Are ChatGPT Prompts?. 19

ChatGPT Prompt Writing Tips. 19

Provide Detail and Clarity, Be Very Specific. 19

Add Context If You Can. 21

Don’t Be in a Rush. 21

Create “What If” Scenarios. 22

Give Your Prompt Some Purpose. 22

Provide Examples. 23

Use ChatGPT to Create Written, Text-Based Content. 25

Write E-Books, Paperback and Hardback Books. 26

Compose Emails. 28

13 Ways to Make Money Online with ChatGPT and Other Artificial Intelligence Tools. 31

1.   Freelance Writing, Copywriting, Ghostwriting. 31

2.   Resume Writing. 32

3.   Video and Podcast Script Writing. 32

4.   Writing E-Books. 32

5.   Graphic Design. 32

6.   Affiliate Marketing. 33

7.   Creating Digital Products and Courses. 33

8.   Blogging. 33

9.   SEO Services. 33

10.    Create a YouTube Channel 34

11.    Podcasting. 34

12.    Translation Services. 34

13.    Create Artificial Intelligence Chatbots. 34

7 Chrome Browser Extensions for Converting YouTube Videos (and Other Content) into Text. 38

1.   Eightify. 38

2.   Glarity. 39

3.   YouTube Summary with ChatGPT. 40

4.   Chat GPT – Summarize Everything! 41

5.   VidSummize. 41

6.   Rio. 42

7.   YouTubeDigest. 43

7 ChatGPT AI Chatbot Alternatives. 45

1.   Bard. 45

2.   Jasper. 45

3.   Bing AI 46

4.   Perplexity. 47

5.   Zapier AI Chatbot. 48

6.   Chatsonic. 48

7.   Personal AI 49

Top 5 AI Digital Image Creators. 52

1.   DALL-E 2. 52

2.   Midjourney. 53

3.   Bing Image Creator. 53

4.   Craiyon. 53

5.   DreamStudio. 54

Top 5 AI Video Creators. 55

1.   Synthesia. 55

2.   Deepbrain AI 56

3.   InVideo. 56

4.   HeyGen. 57

5.   Colossyan. 58

The Wrap-Up  59

Sample Content for the How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT Premium PLR Ebook:

There were equal parts optimism and pessimism, fear, concern and hope for how technology could improve our lives when ChatGPT was introduced to the world. You heard comments like “How did it write that code in just a few seconds?”, “How can I use this to make money online?”, and “Is artificial intelligence going to replace humans in the workplace?”

In this case, both optimists and pessimists are probably correct in their opinions. Artificial intelligence is in its early infancy, at least where its availability to the general public is concerned. AI has actually been around for quite some time. It’s been used by multiple industries for years, and in some cases decades.

The fact that powerful artificial intelligence apps, websites and software are readily available to the common man is both scary and wonderful.

We could talk for quite some time about the controversy surrounding using artificial intelligence to impact our lives. While that is certainly a worthy discussion, it is beyond the scope of this e-book. AI has already replaced millions of jobs and created millions more, and there are ethical discussions which could be addressed. That’s not what we are here for today.

What we offer are proven methods for harnessing the amazing abilities of artificial intelligence to put some money into your pocket.

We will focus predominantly on arguably the most well-known AI entity, ChatGPT. We will also discuss how to use artificial intelligence engines that create digital imagery and videos.

We’ll introduce you to Google’s Bard, Big G’s answer to ChatGPT. While Google uses Bard to directly compete with other AI chatbots, they have announced a $10 billion investment into OpenAI, the creators of ChatGPT. Does this mean the eventual creation of an artificial intelligence monopoly that can grow out of control and eventually change the way we live our daily lives (for good or for bad)? Who knows?

What we do know is that you can use artificial intelligence to make your current online businesses speedier and more efficient. It can ease your workload. You can also create a moneymaking business with AI if you are an absolute beginner to online marketing and artificial intelligence.

That’s what we’re here to help you do. Let’s get started with a quick discussion about what ChatGPT is.

What Does ChatGPT Stand for, What Does It Mean?

ChatGPT is a word that was created to shorten what is quite a mouthful. It stands for Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer. The software was developed by artificial intelligence research company Open AI. It was originally designed to operate as a conversational chatbot, but it has many other features and capabilities.

This is a piece of software which is free to use. You can opt to pay for extra features. It isn’t necessary to access the paid model to benefit from this amazing artificial intelligence software so you can make money online.

(In case you’re keeping score, as of August 2023 the free version is ChatGPT 3.5. The paid version is ChatGPT 4.0.)

You might be familiar with chatbots. They are computer programs created to simulate a natural conversation between two human beings. Many people that speak with virtual customer service representatives by chatting or texting don’t realize they are not dealing with a person.

In many cases they are interacting with a chatbot.

A company programs all necessary information into the software. The artificial intelligence unit always has that information available. It uses it to listen and respond to the questions or comments a customer or a prospect has.

Then it references frequently asked questions and the wealth of information it has been programmed with to provide an appropriate response. Think of it as a virtual game of tennis.

The customer talks, the chatbot replies, and the conversational tennis ball is hit back and forth.

ChatGPT was designed with this capability.

It has since been upgraded several times. It can answer questions as long as you ask it something it is familiar with. It has access to a vast library of information which is constantly updated.

The current version as of this writing, ChatGPT 4, can tell you what to do if you want to have a fun day in Los Angeles while you are on vacation. You don’t have to be a code writer to build a website, as ChatGPT can write code for you that will create your website, design an app, and to do so much more.

How Much Does ChatGPT Cost? Is It Free to Use? Where Do I Go to Use It?

You can certainly use this chatbot for free. There is a monthly subscription service that you can pay for which will give you more features and capabilities (ChatGPT Plus). We don’t recommend paying for the subscription service until you’ve used the free version. How do you get started? Just do this.

  • Go to the ChatGPT website (
  • Click on the “Login” button and enter your email address and password.
  • Verify your account through your email inbox.

That’s all it takes to get started. You can access your account through any device with an Internet connection.

The Downside to ChatGPT and Other Artificial Intelligence Engines, Bots and Software

While the abilities of this wonderful (and free) software seem limitless, there is a downside. There are pros and cons to anything that’s this powerful. ChatGPT 4 is no exception. Here are a few things you need to remember before you start using this OpenAI creation to make money.

Database Knowledge Is Currently Limited to the Year 2021

Imagine that you want to create an artificial intelligence machine to help people improve their productivity. You decide you are going to include as much of the current knowledge mankind has assembled. Think about that in just one area.

How long would it take you to locate all the knowledge that mankind has assimilated up to now in the field of gardening? That would be a massive endeavor. It would take your entire life and you would never complete the job, because we are always getting new information and improving our knowledge base.

Now imagine that your new creation (ChatGPT) is going to attempt to gather knowledge in every aspect of our lives.

There are thousands of topics, if not tens of thousands or millions, that need to be covered. Because of this incredibly time-consuming and resource draining process, ChatGPT has extremely limited knowledge of anything that happened after 2021. It was programmed with as much information the designers had access to through the end of September, 2021.

That doesn’t mean it will always be this way.

Open AI has plans to use ChatGPT to improve its own knowledge base. There are of course a lot of humans involved in the process of making this AI product more capable and knowledgeable in the future. Currently, any information or events which appeared or occurred after 2021 may not be accessible.

Sometimes It’s Wrong

Have you ever been wrong when you have given an opinion or stated what you thought was a fact? Of course you have. This happens to all of us, possibly on a daily basis.

There’s nothing wrong with that. It is a natural aspect of the human condition. No one is perfect and no one is always right. In this aspect, ChatGPT is very much like us human beings.

Sometimes you are given incorrect information, and it’s not because artificial intelligence is some evil, sentient being that is trying to undermine humanity. This happens because the software is based on previous knowledge found online.

Where does that knowledge come from? Human input.

So if someone somewhere at some time before 2021 placed intentionally false or accidentally incorrect information online, it could end up in the ChatGPT memory banks. The software may also make jumps in logic that lead to unfavorable (and in some case dangerous) results. So just bear in mind that when you use the software to make any type of claim or create a process that is designed to deliver an intended result, you need to fact check and test drive that information first.

Being Wrong Can Have Terrible Implications

Again, understand that this happens because incorrect information was supplied to ChatGPT. It is not trying to cause bad things to happen to you or anyone that uses whatever you create.

But think about it for a minute.

Perhaps you ask ChatGPT (or any of the other wonderful artificial intelligence apps, engines and software that are out there) to give you a 90-day diet for reversing type II diabetes. Sugar and other simple carbohydrates must be restricted. A healthier diet full of plant-based foods and few highly processed foods is needed.

What if ChatGPT stumbles across a few recipes that were included in a diabetes diet found online, and those recipes are anything but diabetes-friendly? The outcome could be worsening the diabetic condition rather than relieving it.

ChatGPT doesn’t understand if instructions or step-by-step procedures can be harmful. You asked a question and it went into its knowledge base to provide you with the answer. It considered something relevant, and even though there may be biased content, and harmful knowledge was intentionally or unintentionally used to give you an answer, it has no opinion about that.

So just bear in mind that what we said before is very important. When you use artificial intelligence of any kind (ChatGPT, DALL-E 2, Bard, Jasper Chat, Bing AI, etc.), all fact checking is up to you. You are responsible for anything that happens to someone who uses whatever you create, whether the result is good or bad.

Check, double-check and triple-check any information that ChatGPT gives you.

Now let’s get down to brass tacks. There are a few things you can do to harness the truly amazing ability of ChatGPT and artificial intelligence to put money into your pocket. You can set up passive income streams that work while you sleep.

A lot of entrepreneurs use this and other pieces of software to create images, videos and audio files on a daily basis. This isn’t truly passive income, but it requires very little time, energy and effort. The software does almost all of the work. Then all the user has to do is market these products online. In many cases, here’s the first thing you need to do to turn artificial intelligence into a moneymaking business.

Let ChatGPT Tell You What to Do

Have you heard of Jackson Greathouse Fall? In March of 2023 he was blown away by the abilities of artificial intelligence in general, ChatGPT specifically. Like so many others, he asked it tons of questions and spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to create a moneymaking online business with the help of this software.

After a lot of time and mental energy was invested, he decided to try something simple. Instead of telling ChatGPT what to do, he asked it what he should do! What a stroke of genius. The brand designer and writer gave ChatGPT the following prompt.

“You have $100, and your goal is to turn that into as much money as possible in the shortest time possible, without doing anything illegal.”

That’s basically all he gave the software. He eventually added that he would be the human counterpart of a team with ChatGPT and that he would do everything the chatbot told him to do.

He was basically asking a powerful online tool with lots of accumulated knowledge of profitable business models to tell him how to create a moneymaking business. He limited his capital to $100 because he knew a lot of people wouldn’t have much more than that to get started.

And he fully intended to take action. This wasn’t just going to be a question and response that he would share with everyone else. He wanted to see if it could actually work.

It succeeded far beyond his expectations.

It began asking him questions … lots of them. Eventually, he was instructed to start a business called Green Gadget Guru. It would offer text-based information to help people live a more sustainable lifestyle. The website would also recommend certain products that paid a commission. When someone purchased a product suggested by Green Gadget Guru, Fall would be paid a commission.

Our awareness of the environmental impact our lives have on the planet has never been higher. ChatGPT found that appealing to this sensitivity could be profitable, and it would help Jackson Fall’s business, as well as the environment and the people who want to take care of it.

Here are the basics of what ChatGPT told him to do.

(NOTE: You could do a lot worse than copying what Jackson Fall did. He had a business up and running in a week, though he had little time to invest in the project.)

Step #1 – Buy a Domain and Hosting

You need a domain name (the name of your online business) and hosting (a server where your digital business “lives”) to build a website you own and control. Fall found that the domain name Green Gadget Guru was available. He purchased that domain name for $8.16. He spent $29 on annual site hosting, leaving him $62.84 out of his $100 startup money.

Step #2 – Build a Niche Affiliate Website Relevant to That Domain Name

The software told him to look in the area of a “profitable niche with low competition”, and then recommended eco-friendly products among other suggestions. He built the website and was in business.

Fall asked how he could create a website logo. The AI image generator DALL-E 2 was suggested. He asked for prompts he could feed into DALL-E 2 and eventually created his company logo.

Step #3 – Leverage the Power of Social Media Networks

ChatGPT recommended that its human counterpart should start posting product reviews and articles on social media platforms. It suggested Facebook, Instagram and Reddit among others. Fall went to work doing exactly that.

Before he took any time to write an article, he asked ChatGPT to do it for him. He gave the software certain specifications and had his first piece of content to share on social media.

Step #4 – Optimize for Search Engines

He was told to use SEO (search engine optimization) techniques to help drive free, generic traffic to the website. He asked the software what he needed to do, he followed the instructions, and secured $500 in investments for his company the first day.

Fall followed all the instructions ChatGPT gave him. He built a website in less than a week. This led to him raising $1,378.84 from investors for his company. He quickly realized $130 in sales from the website. Soon the company was valued at $25,000 due to its income earning potential.

So before you consider taking action on any of the moneymaking strategies we are about to share with you, always remember that sometimes asking ChatGPT what to do is the best strategy of all. If you get stuck or you don’t like the progress you are making, ask the software what you are doing wrong or how you can improve.

This is a real world, working example of building a business quickly. It has income earning potential. While $130 in sales is certainly not a lot of money, the scalability of this process is important to recognize.

Scalability refers to the potential to quickly reproduce results.

If it takes you a long time to repeat the process (it isn’t quickly scalable), it can be difficult to produce a moneymaking business model in a time-efficient manner. It just takes too long to realize any decent amount of money.

With this model you could build a new business every week or every couple of weeks. It wouldn’t take long to realize some substantial income with a little bit of work on your part, enlisting the help of ChatGPT or some of the other AI tools, websites and apps we’re going to share with you in a little bit.

How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT PLR Checklist:

(1,034 words)

Make Money With AI and ChatGPT Checklist

A look inside the How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT Premium PLR Checklist

How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT Checklist Screenshot

How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT PLR Report:

(2,118 words)

Top 5 AI Tools to Make Money Online List Building Report

A look inside the How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT Premium PLR Report

How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT List Building Report Screenshot

How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT PLR Editable Ecovers:

How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT PLR Editable Ecovers

5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT 5-email sequence

Email 1# Thank You and Congratulations!
Email 2# What do you want to accomplish?
Email 3# What’s the quickest way to make money online with artificial intelligence?
Email 4# Does using artificial intelligence cost a lot of money?
Email 5# To ChatGPT or not to ChatGPT … that is the question.

How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT PLR Emails Total Word Count: (1116 words Words)

How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT Email Content Sample:

Email #1 Subject line: Thank You and Congratulations!

We would like to extend a great big “Thank You” to you!

And congratulations as well. Thank you for downloading your report, ” The Top 5 AI Tools to Make Money Online”. We put a lot of hard work and effort into it.

(If you haven’t received your report in your inbox yet, Click Here to download it now.)

This report can get you started with some powerful artificial intelligence tools that can help you make money online, even if you’ve never operated an Internet business before. And the congratulations are well earned.

Give yourself a pat on the back. You’ve made a smart move, because AI makes it easier than ever before to make money on the Internet. Even better news is that artificial intelligence tools like’s ChatGPT do most of the work for you.

Artificial intelligence truly has the power to reduce the amount of work the online businessperson needs to do by as much as 80% to 90% in many cases. That means you may be able to generate a full-time income working the equivalent of just one or two days each week.

How do you get started? We’ll answer that in your next email. See you soon.

Signature file

High Quality How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT PLR Articles:

  1. 3 Unique Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools For Making Money Online (504 words)
  2. 4 Free (and 2 Paid) ChatGPT Features You Might Not Know About (1,051 words)
  3. 7 Online Marketing Tasks ChatGPT Can Take Off of Your Hands (561 words)
  4. Can ChatGPT Help Bloggers and Self-Published Authors (793 words)
  5. Is ChatGPT Just for Answering Questions (858 words)
  6. Is It Ethical and Legal to Use ChatGPT (585 words)
  7. The 3-Step Formula Bloggers Can Use with ChatGPT to Save A Lot Of Time, Energy and Money (1,115 words)
  8. The History of ChatGPT – Rise of the Generative Chatbot (703 words)
  9. The Top 3 Ways ChatGPT and AI Make Marketers Money (684 words)
  10. What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and How Can You Use It to Make Money Online (490 words)

How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT PLR Article Sample:

3 Unique Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools For Making Money Online

Artificial intelligence, also referred to as AI, can make your life so much easier in a number of ways. It can save you time and energy because it takes tasks off of your hand. This makes running any kind of business more efficient. You are much more productive in a shorter amount of time. Here are three unique artificial intelligence tools that you can use to start a full-time business, or just to make some extra money online.


Did you know artificial intelligence can help you make money as a travel planner? Don’t worry, you don’t need to know anything about the destinations, attractions or events someone might want to see. You just need to know what city your client wants to visit.

Then type that city’s name into the search box at

You will instantly get a travel itinerary for a few days. Each day is divided into morning, afternoon and evening activities. Add any qualifications or factors you would like to consider, such as letting the software know you want to find the best coffee shops, vegetarian restaurants, or that you will be traveling with your family.

You can sell travel planning services on sites like Fiverr, and make $20 or $30 for each result that only takes a few seconds to generate with And guess what? The website is free to use.


There are authors making a great living selling children’s stories. Now you can do the same thing. does all the work for you. It quickly creates a story after you select a main character, give the character a name and then provide the software with one or two sentences that describes what your story is about.

That’s it. In just a minute or two your story is ready to go. You can sell personalized children’s stories to individual customers and reach them on social media sites, or sell these stories as books on Amazon.


Making videos can be difficult and time-consuming. Not with the particular piece of artificial intelligence we are going to share with you. quickly and effortlessly produces funny and engaging 3D animated videos after you give it a simple prompt.

How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT – Keyword Research Pack

Make Money With AI and ChatGPT SEO Keywords

How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT – Social Media Posts

Make Money With AI and ChatGPT Social Media Posts

Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!

For the first 50 buyers of this How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!

Bonus 1

AI Youtube Masterclass Ebook Package with Master Resell Rights

AI YouTube Masterclass Bundle

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Premium Quality Guide
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Mindmap
Module 4 – Resources
Module 5 – Ready Made Sales Page
Module 6 – Lead Magnet – Optin Page
Module 7 – High Quality Professional Graphics
Module 8 – Articles
Module 9 – Email Swipes
Module 10 – Social Media Pack
Module 11 – License

Total File Download Size:

69.3 Megabytes (MB)

Bonus 2

Mastering ChatGPT Prompt Engineering PLR Course 19k Words

Mastering ChatGPT Prompt EngineeringeCover

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Mastering ChatGPT Prompt Engineering – PLR Course

Module 1: Introduction to ChatGPT and Prompt Engineering
Module 2: Understanding Language and Context
Module 3: Designing Clear and Specific Prompts
Module 4: Prompt Types and Variations
Module 5: Context Management Techniques
Module 6: Polishing and Refining Interactions
Module 7: Ethical and Responsible Prompting
Module 8: Beyond Text: Incorporating Multimodal Prompts
Module 9: Real-World Applications and Case Studies
Module 10: Pushing Boundaries: Future of Prompt Engineering

Total Word Count: 15 661 Words

Number of Pages: 67

Mastering ChatGPT Prompt Engineering – Bonus Content

List of Tones, Styles and Commands

Word Count: 1386 words


Word Count: 2151 words

Salespage Content

Word Count: 479 words

Total Word Count: 19 677 Words

Bonus 3

10 Artificial Intelligence Predictions PLR Articles and Social Posts

10 Artificial Intelligence Predictions PLR Articles and Social Posts

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the 10 Artificial Intelligence Predictions Articles:

Five Ways That AI Can Benefit You in Business
How Much Should You Invest in AI?
AI Predictions in Marketing and Advertising
Using AI to Generate Content
Using AI to Predict Customer Behavior
Using AI to Help with Customer Service
Trendspotting Using AI
AI – The Impact on Your Business Security
When a Real Human Is Needed
Longer-Term Predictions for AI

Package Details:

10 Artificial Intelligence Predictions PLR Articles in Word format
Total Word Count –  Over 5400 Words
Download File Size – 340 KB

Total File Download Size:

69.3 Megabytes (MB)

Bonus 4

Artificial Intelligence In Digital Marketing Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

Artificial Intelligence In Digital Marketing Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Training Guide
Module 2 – Cheat Sheet
Module 3 – Mindmap
Module 4 – Resource Report
Module 5 – Sales Letter and Thank You Page
Module 6 – Sales Video
Module 7 – Legal Pages
Module 8 – Graphics
Module 9 – Quality Articles
Module 10 –Banners
Module 11 – Promotional Email Swipes
Module 12 – High Quality eCovers
Module 13 – Social Media Images Pack

Advance Video Course:

Module 1 – Training Videos
Module 2 – Ready Made Sales Page And Thank You Page
Module 3 – Legal Pages
Module 4 – Sales Video
Module 5 – Affiliate Page
Module 6 – Promotion Email Swipes For The Upsell
Module 7 – Squeeze Page
Module 8 – Giveaway Report
Module 9 – Graphics
Module 10 – MP3 Files

Total File Download Size:

379 Megabytes (MB)

Bonus 5

AI For Internet Marketers Crash Course Premium PLR Package

View full product details here ->>>

AI For Internet Marketers Crash Course

Package Details:

AI For Internet Marketers – Affiliate Programs
AI For Internet Marketers – Graphics
AI For Internet Marketers – PDFs
AI For Internet Marketers – Source Text Docs
AI For Internet Marketers – PLR License

Package Details For How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT Premium PLR Package:

How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT – PLR eBook

eBook – ChatGPT Goldmine (11,380 words)
How to Make Money with ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence

Comes in Word Doc and PDF Format.

Includes Editable Cover Graphics in JPG and PSD Format.

PLR List Building Report:

How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT – PLR List Building Report

The Top 5 AI Tools to Make Money Online (2,012 words)

Comes in Word Doc and PDF Format.

Includes Editable Cover Graphics in JPG and PSD Format.

How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT PLR Articles

How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT – 10 Related Articles (7,344 words)

  1. 3 Unique Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools For Making Money Online (504 words)
  2. 4 Free (and 2 Paid) ChatGPT Features You Might Not Know About (1,051 words)
  3. 7 Online Marketing Tasks ChatGPT Can Take Off of Your Hands (561 words)
  4. Can ChatGPT Help Bloggers and Self-Published Authors (793 words)
  5. Is ChatGPT Just for Answering Questions (858 words)
  6. Is It Ethical and Legal to Use ChatGPT (585 words)
  7. The 3-Step Formula Bloggers Can Use with ChatGPT to Save A Lot Of Time, Energy and Money (1,115 words)
  8. The History of ChatGPT – Rise of the Generative Chatbot (703 words)
  9. The Top 3 Ways ChatGPT and AI Make Marketers Money (684 words)
  10. What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and How Can You Use It to Make Money Online (490 words)

How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT – PLR Emails

How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT – 5 Email Autoresponders (1,116 words)

How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT Email Subjects:

Email 1# Thank You and Congratulations!
Email 2# What do you want to accomplish?
Email 3# What’s the quickest way to make money online with artificial intelligence?
Email 4# Does using artificial intelligence cost a lot of money?
Email 5# To ChatGPT or not to ChatGPT … that is the question.

How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT – Checklist

Your ChatGPT Goldmine Checklist (1,034 words)

How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT – 5 Social Media Posts (284 words words)

How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT – Keyword Research

A list of How To Make Money With AI and ChatGPT related keywords for SEO and Advertising is CSV format with details.

Total Word Count: 23,170 Words

Your PLR License Terms

PERMISSIONS: What Can You Do With These Materials?

Sell the content basically as it is (with some minor tweaks to make it “yours”).

If you are going to claim copyright to anything created with this content, then you must substantially change at 75% of the content to distinguish yourself from other licensees.

Break up the content into small portions to sell as individual reports for $10-$20 each.

Bundle the content with other existing content to create larger products for $47-$97 each.

Setup your own membership site with the content and generate monthly residual payments!

Take the content and convert it into a multiple-week “eclass” that you charge $297-$497 to access!

Use the content to create a “physical” product that you sell for premium prices!

Convert it to audios, videos, membership site content and more.

Excerpt and / or edit portions of the content to give away for free as blog posts, reports, etc. to use as lead magnets, incentives and more!

Create your own original product from it, set it up at a site and “flip” the site for megabucks!

RESTRICTIONS: What Can’t You Do With These Materials?

To protect the value of these products, you may not pass on the rights to your customers. This means that your customers may not have PLR rights or reprint / resell rights passed on to them.

You may not pass on any kind of licensing (PLR, reprint / resell, etc.) to ANY offer created from ANY PORTION OF this content that would allow additional people to sell or give away any portion of the content contained in this package.

You may not offer 100% commission to affiliates selling your version / copy of this product. The maximum affiliate commission you may pay out for offers created that include parts of this content is 75%.

You are not permitted to give the complete materials away in their current state for free – they must be sold. They must be excerpted and / or edited to be given away, unless otherwise noted. Example: You ARE permitted to excerpt portions of content for blog posts, lead magnets, etc.

You may not add this content to any part of an existing customer order that would not require them to make an additional purchase. (IE You cannot add it to a package, membership site, etc. that customers have ALREADY paid for.)

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