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Get Started with Webinar PLR eBook Resell PLR

How would you like to own your own PLR info-product where you can sell the product with Private Label Rights and earn top profits? Yes! You Heard Right…

On this page, you’ll discover a evergreen and highly in-demand Webinar PLR eBook where you can grab a reseller license to sell the ebook with PLR rights; this means you’ll be helping others to find PLR ebooks they can resell as their own!

And we’re not going to charge you a high price for this PLR Webinar Resell PLR eBook, we want to empower you and your business to sell PLR to your own Webinar PLR ebooks so that you can earn good profits from selling PLR rights while helping YOUR audience.

But you’re not just limited to selling PLR, you can so much more with the PLR content, just read the reseller PLR license at the bottom of this page to see exactly what you can and cannot do with it.

The Reseller PLR license is very flexible, you can even give it away for free! Just not with PLR rights.


Get Started with Webinar PLR eBook Resell PLR

Get Started with Webinar PLR eBook Resell PLR

A 12000 Word Webinar PLR eBook Resell PLR Ebook with Reseller Private Label Rights so you can resell it with a PLR license!


Here’s a Screenshot inside the Webinar PLR book:

Get Started with Webinar PLR eBook Resell PLR Screenshot

Table of Contents for the Webinar PLR Ebook:


Chapter 1: Pre-Requisites Required to Host a Successful Webinar

Chapter 2: Picking a Niche and Selecting Your Topic

Step One: Know Your Niche

Step Two: Decide What People Want to Know

Step Three: Decide What You Are Good at

Step Four: Build up your Expertise

Step Five: Publish Your Expertise & Promote Yourself

Chapter 3: Advertising & Promotion

Chapter 4: Getting Your Presentation Ready

Step One: Choose your Topic

Step Two: Begin Promoting Your Webinar Months in Advance

Step Three: Write a Script

Step Four: Prepare Your Slides

Step Five: Determine if You Need Other Multimedia

Step Six: Practice Your Presentation

Step Seven: Do a Dress Rehearsal

Step Eight: Start Your Presentation Early

Chapter 5: Handling Queries

How Many Questions Can You Handle

How to Take Questions

When to Take Questions

How to Answer Questions

Chapter 6: Being the Best Presenter

Chapter 7: Co-Organizers, Webinar Partners & Staff

Where to Find Co-Organizers

Approaching Co-Organizers

How to Contact Co-Organizers

What to Say to Co-Organizers

Webinar Partners

Webinar Staff

Chapter 8: Monetizing Your Webinar


Charging for Your Webinar

The Free Webinar


Forum Access


Chapter 9: Ensure people come back to you

Chapter 10: Creating a Business from Archived Webinars

Conclusion & Summary

Next Action

Here’s a Sample of the Webinar Content inside the eBook:

Webinars have become one of the most popular ways to promote a business in the past few years. They are so effective because they provide an immersiveness that other forums of media do not and attendees get real-time information delivered straight to them, not to mention the interactivity of question-and-answer sessions. According to the Adobe Software blog, webinars rank in the top three of the content delivery methods out there.

If you are reading this book and have no idea what the word ‘webinar’ actually means, it is a method of communicating to a group via a specific platform, with the ability to share information with them like voice, text, slides, multimedia and more. Webinar is a play off of the word ‘seminar’ because that’s what a webinar basically is – a seminar for the web.

In order to use a webinar to promote your business, you are going to need to know the secrets to a successful webinar. This book is your guide to putting on a successful webinar, including emphasis on the most important concepts. According to SlideShare, the elements that engage 70% of people the most are interesting content and a passionate speaker.

This book will help you become a passionate and engaging speaker, as well as develop your idea so that you can host the best webinar possible. In addition, we will be covering other concepts that are vital to webinars, such as the equipment that you will need, mastering Q&A’s, working with co-organizers and hiring staff and much more.

This book is divided into three sections. The first section will cover what you need to do before your webinar starts. The second is information you will need to start your webinar and things that happen during. Finally, the third section will cover what happens after your webinar is over and how you can begin preparing for the next one.

Each section will explore in-depth the topics of webinars and at the end you will be able to prepare and hold a webinar with confidence. Here are just a few of the benefits that you will get out of this book.

  • Understanding what the available platforms are for conducting webinars and how much they cost, as well as information on how to use them. These programs are complex and often have a great deal of features. You will be able to understand how these programs work with this book.
  • You will also learn how to choose the topic for discussion during your webinar. Choosing a topic that is interesting and engaging is very important because it a significant number of attendees go to webinars simply because of the topic.
  • How to prepare for your webinar, including how to do marketing and advertising. You are going to need to let people know about your webinar and most people are pretty lost the first time that they try to get attendees. You will have some tools for promoting your webinar when you finish this book. You will also learn how to prepare your slides, do a rehearsal and make sure that you are completely ready to run a webinar.
  • You will learn methods for improving your presenting skills, including how to have better diction, body language and many other factors.
  • You will be able to choose which equipment you want to use for your webinar, and make sure that you present yourself in the best way possible like tips for screen sharing, camera, lighting, backdrop and more.
  • You will be able to improve your current webinars by making them more interesting and engaging, including the way that you present slides and using alternative forms of multimedia to make your webinar amazing.
  • Learn how to increase your attendees by partnering up with other speakers and each of you giving information to the audience. A webinar with one expert is great, but a webinar with multiple experts can’t be missed.
  • Everything you need to know about monetizing your webinar, including how to charge admission for your webinars and how to host webinars for free but make money by creating other revenue streams. There are many people making very good money with their webinars and you can do the same.
  • You’ll learn what to do at the end of a webinar in order to get people to take action, whether that means signing up for an email list or actually buying something that you are selling. The whole point of free webinars is to point consumers towards the alternative revenue streams and then convince them to take immediate action.
  • You’ll also learn what it takes to get people to come back to your future webinars. If you don’t have return attendees, then you will be starting over every single webinar you do. This book contains tips on how to make them want to sign up for your next webinar and then how you can actually convince them to show up.
  • In addition, you will learn how you can create a business from your archived webinars including tips for placing them on YouTube and bundling them up into a course and selling it separately (via a webinar of course).
  • Finally, you will learn things that will help you immensely if this is your first time doing a webinar. For example, do you know which day or days of the week is best for a webinar? Do you know how long most attendees prefer them to be? If you are going to charge for your webinar do you know what price range will make people attend and at what point you will price yourself out of business? These are all things that are covered in this book

This is going to be an exciting journey through the world of webinars and you will learn more than you ever have before to create the perfect webinar business. If you have struggled with webinars in the past, then this book will help you get back on track and make the kind of money that you have always wanted to from webinars.

Chapter 01 – Pre-Requisites Required to Host a Successful Webinar

In order to run a successful webinar, you are going to need some tools. There are certain pieces of hardware and software that are required to host a successful webinar and understanding what they are, and how to use them properly is going to allow you to become a better webinar host.

Your Internet Connection

Let’s start with your internet connection. This is definitely an important aspect of webinars because your data is going to be streamed to dozens or hundreds of people and you can’t have that data dropping out at inconvenient points. It isn’t good for your business.

So make sure that your internet connection is super-fast, say around 10 mbps minimum, and that you use a wired connection. Don’t connect with Wi-Fi because it is much more unstable than a LAN connection. This means that you are going to have to do the webinar in your home or office, somewhere that you have access to the model and can plug in a LAN cable that allows you to directly connect.

If you have to, you can use Wi-Fi, but just keep in mind that your data may not get through to all of your attendees every time. Most of the time, people will let you know that they didn’t hear you or catch the last concept you were talking about, but if it happens too often too a multitude of people attending your webinar, you will find very few that want to return for a future session.

Your Computer

Your computer is the next thing that we are going to discuss because it is just as important as your platform or the type of internet connection you have. In fact, these three things tie for first place if you were going to try to prioritize the equipment that you’ll need for a webinar.

Because your computer will be running multiple programs at once, you will need to have a processer with multiple cores and a good CPU speed. You will also need to have plenty of RAM and a good soundcard that allows sound to travel over the internet and still be perfectly clear to the people that are hearing it.

Most people are going to have to make do with the computer that they currently have, but here are a few things that you can do to make your computer a little faster in order to make sure that you don’t have any problems running your webinar:

  • Shut down all running programs except for your browser and the programs you need for your webinar
  • Increase the size of your paging file
  • Use Glary Utilities to clean up your computer removing unnecessary files, shortcuts, registry entries and more
  • Disable all of your browser add-ons unless you need them for your webinar
  • Disable all background programs by going to MSCONFIG and then restart
  • Use a browser that is as lightweight (in CPU usage) as possible

The Platform

Next, we are going to discuss the platform that you will be using. Platform is a very important choice because it determines the quality of your webinar and what you’ll be able to do during it. There are numerous features offered by webinar platforms on the market today. Here are just a few of those features.

  • Recording of your webinar
  • Statistics tracking
  • Ability to add your own logo
  • Screen sharing
  • Mobile device access
  • Chat room

These are just a very small representation of the features that you might get with your webinar platform. The platform basically does it all for you, allowing people to connect and giving you administrative privileges over the webinar.

As far as the cost goes, this varies significantly from one service to another. For example, you might have to pay $20 per month to host 25 attendees with one service while another may only offer $99 per month with 100 attendees as the starting point. What these services all have in common though is that they have tier pricing that bases the cost on how many people you will be able to let in for your webinar.

There are a lot of platforms out there and it is difficult to recommend a specific one because the one that you need will be based upon your topic, your budget and what features you need. However, GoToWebinar is a very popular choice and Cisco’s WebEx is used widely as well.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.


Finding ebooks to that you can sell with a PLR license online is very rare, most of them are junk outdated or don’t even make sense.

Don’t wait any longer, grab your reseller PLR license to this high in-demand evergreen PLR Webinar eBook and start using it to build your list or resell with private label rights for big profits!

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Package Details:

Download File Size: 14.8 Megabytes (MB)

eBook Format: Word Doc, Open Office Doc, Text Doc and PDF formats.

PLR eBook Graphics: Includes a Flat and 3D eCover with PSD files.

Total Word Count: 12 000+ Words


PLR License Terms

PLR Reseller License Terms and Conditions:

[YES] Can be sold
[YES] Can be used for personal use
[YES] Can be packaged with other products
[YES] Can modify/change the sales letter
[YES] Can modify/change the main product
[YES] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
[YES] Can be added into paid membership websites
[YES] Can put your name on the sales letter
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus
[YES] Can be used to build a list
[YES] Can print/publish offline
[YES] Can be given away for free
[YES] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
[YES] Can be added to free membership websites
[YES] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
[YES] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
[YES] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights


You may not sell this product or the any of its rights if you ask for a refund. Your license will become null and void.

You must keep this license to verify yourself as an official licensee. You must be able to show the license on demand.

You may not market the product in any immoral, illegal or unethical way (Spam).

You are responsible for your own hosting, download locations, payment processor and customer service to your customers.

Any violation of this license will be subject to revoking this agreement and potential legal action may ensue.

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