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Fitness As Medicine Premium PLR Ebook

Fitness As Medicine Premium PLR Package 43k Words

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Fitness As Medicine Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 43 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Fitness and Exercise Content.


Attention: Health, Fitness and Wellness Entrepreneurs

Done for You Premium Fitness PLR Product on a




Dear online business owner, When it comes to top fitness and exercises searches, the Fitness is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that fitness has spawned an entire industry of blogs, fitness courses, and products.

This is where my premium done for you Fitness As Medicine PLR Package comes in. Its all about teaching your customers How Exercise Can Improve Symptoms and Even Reverse Chronic Disease.

Everything is done for you – from the main Fitness PLR information product to your social media updates – its simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative fitness niche.


Introducing The…

Fitness As Medicine Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 43 000 Words of High Quality Fitness As Medicine Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This big Fitness As Medicine PLR package covers the hugely popular fitness niche. Fitness and exercising is evergreen and will always be. This Fitness As Medicine PLR content package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it and use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Fitness As Medicine MEGA PLR Package…

Main eBook: ”Fitness as Medicine: How Exercise Can Improve Symptoms and Even Reverse Chronic Disease”

(4,150 words, 21 pages, 9 images)

Fitness As Medicine Premium PLR Ebook


A look inside the Fitness as Medicine Premium PLR eBook:

Fitness As Medicine Premium PLR Ebook Sneak Preview


Table of Contents for the Fitness as Medicine PLR eBook:

How Exercise Can Reduce Disease Symptoms and Even Reverse Chronic Disease……. 3

What About DNA?………………………………………………………………………………. 3

Benefits of Exercise as Medicine…………………………………………… 4

Common Conditions That Exercise Can Improve………………….. 5

Neurological Diseases……………………………………………………………………….. 5

Cancer………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

Cardiovascular Diseases…………………………………………………………………… 7

Psychological………………………………………………………………………………………. 7

Metabolic Conditions………………………………………………………………………… 8

Musculoskeletal Conditions……………………………………………………………… 8

Pulmonary Conditions………………………………………………………………………. 9

What Exercise Approach Is Best for……………………………………. 10

Neurological Diseases…………………………………………………………………….. 10

Cancer………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12

Cardiovascular and Pulmonary…………………………………………………….. 14

What Types of Exercise thats Best for Preventing  Stress, Anxiety or Psychological Conditions?……………………………………………………………………………………….. 15

Metabolic Conditions………………………………………………………………………. 16

Musculoskeletal Conditions…………………………………………………………… 18

Getting Started with an Exercise Program When You’re Dealing with A Health Problem…… 20


Sample Content for the Fitness as Medicine PLR eBook:

How Exercise Can Reduce Disease Symptoms and Even Reverse Chronic Disease

You’ve probably heard, from your doctors and the media, that exercise is good for you. What you may not know – and what generally isn’t talked about – is why exercise is good for you and how it’s good for you. Truly, exercise has been shown in study after study to reverse, prevent, and virtually eradicate diseases.

What About DNA?

If you’re like millions of people in the country and around the globe, you may have a family history of certain types of diseases. For example, when you go to the doctor they ask you about your family heart history, cancer history, diabetes, and neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s.

These conditions do have a genetic component that CAN make you more susceptible to getting the disease. However, lifestyle changes can impact your DNA. You can change your DNA by changing what you eat and how you exercise.

It’s a field called epigenetics. Epigenetics looks at your personal risk factors and explores how to change your lifestyle to prevent, or significantly reduce, your risk of getting the condition. Additionally, if you’re already dealing with a health problem, changing your lifestyle and exercising can reverse the condition.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.

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Short Report:”10 Health Benefits of Improving Your Fitness”

(1,727 words, 8 pages, 5 images)

10 Health Benefits Premium PLR Report

A look inside the 10 Health Benefits of Improving Your Fitness PLR Report:

Fitness As Medicine Premium PLR Report Sneak Preview


Product Reviews:

FEIERDUN Exercise Bike – 426 words

FEIERDUN Vertical Climber Exercise Machine – 411 words

NordicTrack T 6.5 S Treadmill Review – 415 words

Stamina Conversion II Recumbent Exercise Bike/Rower – 405 words

Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights? Fitness Book Review – 411 words


Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Fitness Trackers – 1233 words


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Maintaining a Healthy Cardiovascular System

Email1-You have some control over your cardiovascular health – 328 words

Email2-Exercise for a healthy heart – 398 words

Email3-Improve your heart with these lifestyle changes – 360 words

Email4-Eat a hearthealthy diet for good health and to lose weight – 373 words

Email5-What happens if you dont take care of your heart – 379 words


Fitness as Medicine Email Sample Content:

What happens if you don’t take care of your heart?

We have arrived at the last lesson in this ecourse. So far we have covered what you can do to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. A healthy heart beats on average from 90,000 to 100,000 beats per day; in your lifetime, it will pump 42 million gallons of blood. That is pretty amazing!

But if you don’t take care of it properly, it and the whole cardiovascular system can be at an increased risk of several diseases. In this lesson we discuss a few of the more common ones.

Heart disease

Heart disease results when arteries become blocked from plaque buildup. Commonly called atherosclerosis, the blockage can be so great that it can result a heart attack or stroke, depending on where the blockage occurs. Arterial blockage is the underlying factor in 85% of heart disease cases.


Consistently high blood pressure can overburden a heart and the whole cardiovascular system. It can cause peripheral arterial disease, a blockage of the smaller blood vessels in the legs, and aneurysms which are weak spots in the cardiovascular system that can burst. If an aneurysm bursts, internal bleed occurs and can result in death.

Heart failure

This is where the heart becomes so damaged that it can no longer pump blood to the far reaches of your body. Consequently, the organs don’t get the supply of blood they need to function and can result in shortness of breath, swelling of the ankles and chronic tiredness.


While not a heart disease itself, the result of having high blood sugar over time takes its toll on the cardiovascular system. It can cause high blood pressure, heart disease and increases your risk of a stroke by four times. Most Type II diabetes can be controlled by exercising, maintaining a healthy weight and eating a healthy diet … ironically many of the same things to maintain a healthy heart and cardiovascular system.

Like we said in Lesson One, you only have one heart, so take care of it. Eat heart-healthy food, maintain a healthy weight, exercise each day and ditch unhealthy habits and your heart will take good care of you in return. And remember – it is never too late to start living heart-healthy!


High Quality Fitness as Medicine PLR Articles:

3 Ideas for Moderate-Intensity Exercise You Can Do Each Day – 383 words

3 Mental Health Benefits of Exercise – 419 words

4 Physical Health Benefits of Exercise – 407 words

Can Exercise Help Reduce Cancer Risk? – 410 words

Does Walking Count as Good Exercise? – 406 words

How Can Exercise Help You Manage Chronic Disease? – 415 words

How Does Exercise Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease? – 407 words

How Exercise Can Help You Live Longer – 406 words

How Exercise Can Improve Your Sex Life – 399 words

How Exercise Can Improve Your Sleep – 405 words

How Exercise Helps Your Brain Health and Memory – 381 words

How Exercise Improves Your Musculoskeletal Health – 404 words

How Exercise Keeps Your Skin Healthy – 387 words

How Exercise Prevents Cardiovascular Disease – 419 words

How Long Should a Good Workout at the Gym Last? – 401 words

How Many Calories Should You Aim to Burn in a Day? – 403 words

How Much Exercise Do You Need As You Age? – 414 words

How Much Should You Be Exercising Every Week? – 402 words

Is Exercise Really Medicine? – 440 words

The Relationship Between Exercise and Blood Sugar Levels – 405 words


Fitness as Medicine PLR Article Sample:

3 Mental Health Benefits of Exercise

There are a lot of mental health benefits associated with exercise. Even though 99% of all exercise related articles will focus exclusively on the many physical benefits of exercise, there are substantial mental health benefits as well. We live in an era where the stigma around mental health is decreasing and where are people are starting to become more and more open about mental health problems. With this in mind, let’s use this article to focus on just a few of the many mental health benefits associated with regular exercise.

Reduced Stress

Arguably the greatest mental health benefit associated with regular exercise is reduced stress levels. There are a couple of reasons for this. First off, exercise helps lower the cortisol levels in your body. For those who don’t know what cortisol is, it’s commonly referred to as the “stress hormone.” By helping to reduce the amount of cortisol in your body, exercise can be extremely useful for helping you to get rid of stress.

Exercise also provides a much-needed distraction during stressful times. A big issue with excessive stress is that the person who is stressed out is constantly thinking about whatever it is that is causing the stress, which then causes them more stress. One of the keys to managing stress levels is having the ability to take your mind off whatever it is that’s stressing you out; exercise allows you to do just that.

It Improves Your Self-Confidence

A lot of people suffer from low self-confidence. This not only negatively impacts their life, but it can also lead to other, serious mental illnesses like depression. Again, exercise can be of great help in this situation. Study upon study has shown that regular exercise makes you more confident. A big part of this is due to body image. People who exercise regularly feel stronger and may even lose weight, which makes them feel better about how they look.

It Can Help Battle Addiction

Addiction is very much a mental illness. Your brain and body get addicted to the good feelings provided by whatever it is you’re addicted to. In that sense, exercise can actually help you fight against addiction. When you start exercising regularly, your body starts to release chemicals called endorphins. These feel-good chemicals are what your brain and body get addicted to. So, exercise emerges as a healthy way to still provide those feel-good endorphins, without engaging in very bad, addictive behavior like smoking, over-eating, gambling, or other activities that are both addictive and harmful.

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Social Media Posts & Images:


5 Shareable Social Media Graphics (PLR)

Fitness As Medicine Premium PLR Social Media Tips


5 Shareable Social Media Inspirational Images

Fitness As Medicine Premium PLR Inspirational Images

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20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

Fitness As Medicine Premium PLR Social Media Tweets


14 Royalty Free Images

Fitness As Medicine Royalty Free Images


Images of All Products Reviewed

Fitness As Medicine Premium PLR Products Reviewed


Fitness as Medicine Keyword Research Pack

Fitness As Medicine Premium PLR Keyword Research



17 Health Benefits of Exercise PLR Checklist – 434 words

The Health Benefits of Exercise PLR Checklist is available in .TXT and Word Doc format


The Health Benefits of Exercise PLR Checklist Article Sample:

17 Health Benefits of Exercise

It is a given that you can exercise to lose weight and get in shape. Your doctor may have prescribed exercise as a way to treat some physical health problem. Improving your health is certainly one of the biggest and most well-known benefits of exercising and staying physically active, as opposed to being sedentary most of the time. The following 17 benefits of exercise show exactly how staying physically active can positively impact your life in many ways.

☐ Exercise boosts your mood. This happens because chemicals like dopamine and other hormones and substances which create positive feelings are released when you are physically active.

☐ You can lose weight and maintain a healthy body weight. This is the number one reason why many people exercise.

☐ Physical activity burns body fat. Whether you want to look good on the beach or lower your risk of developing a number of life-threatening diseases and conditions, exercise can help by burning fat.

☐ Regular exercise dramatically drops your risk of heart attack, stroke and other heart diseases and conditions.

☐ You get a massive energy boost.

☐ Exercise promotes a healthy sex drive.

☐ If you are having trouble remembering where you put the car keys, start exercising, because this activity improves memory and other cognitive functions.

☐ Regular exercise, especially aerobic exercise, has been proven to reduce your risk of dying from any cause, and promotes longer life.

☐ Exercise has multiple antiaging benefits, including making your skin and hair younger, stronger and healthier looking.

☐ Exercise reduces chronic pain rather than aggravating it, which was previously believed.

☐ Exercise is a great way to socialize, and studies show that when people are in the presence of other people, they feel less stress and anxiety and more peace and fulfillment.

☐ A lowered risk of developing diabetes is a major exercise benefit.

☐ Exercise lowers “bad cholesterol” and raises “good cholesterol”.

☐ If you have asthma, exercise opens your airway and reduces inflammation that antagonizes asthma attacks.

☐ Exercise, especially strength training, leads to stronger bones and less of a risk of developing bone-related issues like osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

☐ Exercise increases self-esteem and self-love, by promoting the release of the “feel-good” chemicals and hormones we mentioned earlier. Self-esteem also comes from you feeling better about yourself when your health improves, and you begin to look better in the mirror.

☐ Exercise improves balance, stability and flexibility in the elderly. This reduces the chances of injury from falling, which is the leading cause of death for people 65 and older.


15 Exercise And Fitness For Mature Women PLR Articles Pack 

Menopause Treatment-Here Are The Alternatives Available – 428 words

Stay Active Even In Old Age With These Simple Tips – 484 words

These 5 Foods Will Keep You Safe From Cancer and Heart Disease – 476 words

These 7 Fitness Activities Are Perfect for Mature Women – 568 words

Try These 5 Proven Tips To Manage Osteoporosis – 493 words

7 Natural Treatments That Are Effective For Treating Menopause Symptoms – 462 words

7 Simple Ways To Keep Your Mind Active and Engaged – 475 words

9 Major Body Tests You Must Have After Clocking 50 – 594 words

Add These Foods to Your Diet for Anti-Aging – 500 words

Do This When Talking To Your Doctor about Menopause – 506 words

For Those Above 50-The Workout Exercises You Should Consider – 539 words

Heres How To Avoid These Four Common Health Conditions That Affect Mature Women – 585 words

Heres How To Beat The Common Mental Health Illnesses That Affect Older Women – 458 words

Hormone Replacement Therapy-The Myths and Facts You Should Know – 461 words

How To Lower Your Chances of Getting Alzheimers and Dementia – 487 words

These PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR License.


Exercise And Fitness For Mature Women PLR Article Sample:

Do This When Talking To Your Doctor about Menopause

Many women are hesitant to talk to their doctor about their most pressing health questions. Often times they suffer in silence when the solution may be quite simple. Menopause is one of those subjects many women are reluctant to discuss. However, knowledge is power and your doctor can help. Here are a few tips to help you talk with your doctor about menopause.

#1 Don’t be embarrassed.

Your doctor sees hundreds of patients each week. Many of them are experiencing the same symptoms and conditions that you are. Any question you ask, your doctor has likely already heard many times. It’s important to have the answers to your questions so please don’t be embarrassed to ask them.

#2 Be prepared.

It’s important to be prepared to answer your doctor’s questions. Before you go to your appointment make sure you know your vital information.

* What medications are you taking? How much and how often? How are the medications making you feel? Any side effects?

* What herbs or supplements are you taking? How much and how often?

* Do you drink alcohol or caffeine? How much? Do you take drugs or smoke?

* How is your diet? (Be honest.) How often do you exercise? How much sleep are you getting?

#3 Have a Goal

What do you want to get out of the appointment? What’s the purpose for you going to the doctors? Make sure you take steps to achieve your goal. For example, if you’re struggling with hot flashes that are making your life unbearable then your goal may be to manage or eliminate hot flashes.

#4 Make a list.

Make a list of the questions you have for your doctor. This accomplishes two important things. The first is that if you’re asking questions from your list it may give you the extra push to ask the questions that you find embarrassing. All you have to do is read the question.

Second, it helps you remember to ask all of the questions you want to know. As you get talking to the doctor it’s easy to forget what you wanted to ask. Having your questions written down ahead of time will help you remember.

#5 Demand Attention and Respect

Many patients complain about not getting the kind of treatment they want from their doctor. Maybe they just don’t get enough time with their doctor or maybe they feel disrespected. Don’t settle for this. If your current doctor isn’t able to give you the time or respect you want and deserve, find another doctor. There are many good physicians who place a high priority on listening to their patients. Your health is too important to settle.

Menopause is a time of great change in your life. You’ll experience physical, mental and emotional changes. Give yourself permission to talk freely with your doctor about what’s going on with your health. Be prepared. Demand respect and attention. Be honest and let go of embarrassment. Your health is too important.


15 Health and Fitness For Men PLR Articles Pack

These Simple Tips Wil Get You Through Post-Operative Recovery for Heart Attacks – 442 words

This Is What Causes Hair Loss in Men (and how you can treat it) – 406 words

Try These Exercise Regimens for a Healthy Heart and Fit Body – 451 words

Understanding Weight Loss In Men – 554 words

Angina Attacks in Men-What Causes Them and When To See A Doctor – 470 words

Check Out The Causes and Symptoms of Hypertension in Men – 468 words

Defining The Line Between Diet and Exercise In Men – What’s The Correlation – 474 words

For Men-How To Cope with Erectile Dysfunction – 460 words

For Men-How to Prevent Hypertension – 465 words

Hair Loss in Men-What You Need To Know – 406 words

Heart Disease in Men Signs, Causes and Other Facts about The Disease – 467 words

Here’s The Difference Between Good Cholesterol And Bad Cholesterol – 482 words

The NutriSystem Diet Plan for Men-How It Works – 455 words

The Signs and Symptoms of Testicular Cancer – 477 words

The Signs, Symptoms and Occurrence Facts of Prostate Cancer – 457 words

These PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR License.


Health and Fitness For Men PLR Article Sample:

For Men: How to Prevent Hypertension

How to avoid hypertension in men can be accomplished by first understanding its cause. Just as air pumped into a tire exerts pressure on its lining and surface, your heart pumps blood through your arteries, and the force of the blood flow exerts pressure on the arterial walls. Therefore, just as too much air pressure is bad for the life of a tire, too much blood pressure eventually damages your arteries.

Here are some suggestions on how to avoid hypertension:

While smoking is not a cause of hypertension, it is a contributing factor. We know there is a definite link between smoking and heart disease, thus the combination of smoking and high blood pressure increases the risk of developing a heart attack.

Being overweight is another cause of hypertension. High salt intake increases this condition as well. It is important to find an appropriate diet regimen and exercise program to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. While there may be a connection between weight and hypertension, research reveals people who are at their ideal weight have less tendency to develop hypertension than those who are overweight.

Type A personalities may be more prone to hypertension than others. Stress is evident in our lives every day; but the key is to not let it take over your life. While we all work hard and try to live comfortably, the pressure to succeed rapidly is taking its toll, physically, emotionally and mentally. It is also a contributing factor to hypertension. If you have a highly stressed job, or find that you cannot fill the demands placed upon you – find another job that is not so stressful. If this is not an option; use meditation to maintain an inner balance. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Your health is more important than the job.

Try not to drink alcohol in excessive amounts. Alcohol increases blood pressure and if you are taking medication; the two can cause severe side effects. Recently, however, an eminent heart surgeon suggested that a glass of red wine a day is preferred for a healthy heart. The debate continues, and while it does, it seems that wine instead of other alcoholic beverages may yield the best results.

Exercise and a good nutritional diet can work wonders, not only in reducing weight but cleansing your body of all of the toxins, as well as purifying your blood. Meditation is another form of self-help therapy which can not only relax you, but keep your pressure down.  If you find you are becoming excitable over something at work or at home – take a deep breath and go for a walk. These suggestions on how to avoid hypertension in men are necessary components in reducing blood pressure and living a healthy life.


Joint Pain Remedies PLR Report and Squeeze Page – 2339 words

The Joint Pain Remedies PLR Report is available in .TXT and Word Doc format


Table of Contents for the Joint Pain PLR Report:

Joint Pain 101……………………………………………………………….. 4

Rheumatoid arthritis……………………………………………………….. 4

Gout……………………………………………………………………………… 5

Osteoarthritis (OA)………………………………………………………. 5

CAUSES……………………………………………………………………….. 6

SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS……………………………………………….. 8

Natural Joint Pain Remedies…………………………………………… 9

  2. GET ENOUGH SLEEP…………………………………………… 11
  3. ACUPUNCTURE………………………………………………….. 13
  4. EXERCISE………………………………………………………….. 16
  5. WATCH YOUR DIET……………………………………………. 16

Conclusion…………………………………………………………………… 21


Starting On Weightloss for Life PLR Report – 7090 words

The Starting On Weightloss for Life PLR Report is available in .TXT and Word Doc format


Starting On Weightloss for Life PLR Report Article Sample:


It’s Never Too Late to Change Your Life!

Are you familiar with the phrase, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks?”

It implies that after a certain age, you’re stuck. You cannot change your habits or learn new ideas, or ways of doing things.

No, we’re not comparing you to a dog. And this phrase couldn’t be further from the truth. The truth is that it is important to your mental health and well being that you do continue to learn new things, adopt new habits, and continuously strive to improve.

One of the best ways you can focus on your personal self improvement is to lose weight and get healthy.

The Benefits of Losing Weight

When you lose weight you instantly begin to lengthen your life. You also begin to reduce your risk of getting some serious diseases like cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Not to mention you also reduce your risk for other ailments like depression, chronic pain and fatigue.

You also gain confidence, an appreciation for your body, a “can do” attitude, better relationships with people and a better relationship with food.

Additionally, you’ll:

  • Increase your energy level
  • Lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  • Improved mobility
  • Improve your breathing and cardiovascular system
  • Sleep better
  • Improved blood sugar levels and stop the constant cravings

And the good news is that losing weight, whether you’re twelve or seventy-two, isn’t about deprivation and extreme measures. If you want to lose weight, get in shape, and keep the weight off for the rest of your life the key to success rests in your habits.


Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

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Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!

For the first 50 buyers of this Fitness as Medicine Premium PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!


Bonus 1

Fitness Mindset Tips PLR Report and Squeeze Page

Fitness Mindset Tips Ebook

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • Images
  • Lead Magnet
  • Squeeze Page

Total File Download Size:

20.0 Megabytes (MB)


Bonus 2

29 Unrestricted Health and Fitness PLR Articles Pack

29 Unrestricted Health and Fitness PLR Articles Pack

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the 29 Health and Fitness Articles:

  1. Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes
  2. Heart Rate Monitors
  3. How to Read Food Labels
  4. Importance of Resistance Training For Women
  5. Importance of Warming Up Before Exercise
  6. Multivitamins – A Ticket to Daily Health
  7. Quick Tips to Boost Your Metabolism
  8. Staying Motivated to Exercise
  9. The Importance of Working Your Core Muscle
  10. The Wondrous Benefits of Soy Protein
  11. Why Muscles Get Sore
  12. Why You Can’t Spot Reduce
  13. Your Thyroid and Weight loss – The Connection is Real
  14. 7 Diet Secrets of the Stars
  15. Benefits of Boxing Training for Fitness
  16. Benefits of Cardio Interval Training
  17. Benefits of Cardio Training
  18. Benefits of Detoxing for Fitness and Health
  19. Benefits of Fish Oil for Fitness and Health
  20. Benefits of Liquid Vitamins
  21. Benefits of Resistance Training
  22. Benefits of Stretching
  23. Benefits of Using a Stability Ball in Your Training
  24. Benefits of Whey Protein
  25. Cross Training for Fitness and Fatloss
  26. Exercise and Arthritis
  27. Exercise and Cellulite
  28. Exercise and Hypertension
  29. Exercise and Pregnancy


Bonus 3

The Future Of Fitness Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

The Future Of Fitness Bundle

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Website
Module 3 – Promo-Banners
Module 4 – Articles
Module 5 – Report
Module 6 – Keyword Report
Module 7 – Graphics


Bonus 4

12 Fitness Master Resell Rights Ebooks Pack

12 Fitness Master Resell Rights Ebooks Pack

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Download File Size – 3.35 MB
eBook Format – PDF,
Reading Requirements – Any PDF Reader
Number of Pages – 26


Bonus 5

15 Quality Exercise And Fitness For Mature Women PLR Articles Pack

15 Quality Exercise And Fitness For Mature Women PLR Articles Pack

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the 15 Exercise And Fitness For Mature Women Articles:

  1. Menopause Treatment-Here Are The Alternatives Available
  2. Stay Active Even In Old Age With These Simple Tips
  3. These 5 Foods Will Keep You Safe From Cancer and Heart Disease
  4. These 7 Fitness Activities Are Perfect for Mature Women
  5. Try These 5 Proven Tips To Manage Osteoporosis
  6. 7 Natural Treatments That Are Effective For Treating Menopause Symptoms
  7. 7 Simple Ways To Keep Your Mind Active and Engaged
  8. 9 Major Body Tests You Must Have After Clocking 50
  9. Add These Foods to Your Diet for Anti-Aging
  10. Do This When Talking To Your Doctor about Menopause
  11. For Those Above 50-The Workout Exercises You Should Consider
  12. Heres How To Avoid These Four Common Health Conditions That Affect Mature Women
  13. Heres How To Beat The Common Mental Health Illnesses That Affect Older Women
  14. Hormone Replacement Therapy-The Myths and Facts You Should Know
  15. How To Lower Your Chances of Getting Alzheimers and Dementia

Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!

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Package Details For Fitness as Medicine Premium PLR Package:

Main eBook:

“Fitness as Medicine: How Exercise Can Improve Symptoms and Even Reverse Chronic Disease”

(4,150 words, 21 pages, 9 images)


Short Report:

“10 Health Benefits of Improving Your Fitness”

(1,727 words, 8 pages, 5 images)


Product Reviews:

FEIERDUN Exercise Bike – 426 words

FEIERDUN Vertical Climber Exercise Machine – 411 words

NordicTrack T 6.5 S Treadmill Review – 415 words

Stamina Conversion II Recumbent Exercise Bike/Rower – 405 words

Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights? Fitness Book Review – 411 words


Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Fitness Trackers – 1233 words


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Maintaining a Healthy Cardiovascular System

Email1-You have some control over your cardiovascular health – 328 words

Email2-Exercise for a healthy heart – 398 words

Email3-Improve your heart with these lifestyle changes – 360 words

Email4-Eat a hearthealthy diet for good health and to lose weight – 373 words

Email5-What happens if you dont take care of your heart – 379 words


Related Articles:

3 Ideas for Moderate-Intensity Exercise You Can Do Each Day – 383 words

3 Mental Health Benefits of Exercise – 419 words

4 Physical Health Benefits of Exercise – 407 words

Can Exercise Help Reduce Cancer Risk? – 410 words

Does Walking Count as Good Exercise? – 406 words

How Can Exercise Help You Manage Chronic Disease? – 415 words

How Does Exercise Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease? – 407 words

How Exercise Can Help You Live Longer – 406 words

How Exercise Can Improve Your Sex Life – 399 words

How Exercise Can Improve Your Sleep – 405 words

How Exercise Helps Your Brain Health and Memory – 381 words

How Exercise Improves Your Musculoskeletal Health – 404 words

How Exercise Keeps Your Skin Healthy – 387 words

How Exercise Prevents Cardiovascular Disease – 419 words

How Long Should a Good Workout at the Gym Last? – 401 words

How Many Calories Should You Aim to Burn in a Day? – 403 words

How Much Exercise Do You Need As You Age? – 414 words

How Much Should You Be Exercising Every Week? – 402 words

Is Exercise Really Medicine? – 440 words

The Relationship Between Exercise and Blood Sugar Levels – 405 words


Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Tips Images

5 Shareable Social Media Inspirational Quote Images

20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

+ 3 bonus bylines for article marketing or guest blogging

14 Royalty Free Images

Images of All Products Reviewed



17 Health Benefits of Exercise PLR Checklist – 434 words

The Health Benefits of Exercise PLR Checklist is available in .TXT and Word Doc format


15 Exercise And Fitness For Mature Women PLR Articles Pack 

Menopause Treatment-Here Are The Alternatives Available – 428 words

Stay Active Even In Old Age With These Simple Tips – 484 words

These 5 Foods Will Keep You Safe From Cancer and Heart Disease – 476 words

These 7 Fitness Activities Are Perfect for Mature Women – 568 words

Try These 5 Proven Tips To Manage Osteoporosis – 493 words

7 Natural Treatments That Are Effective For Treating Menopause Symptoms – 462 words

7 Simple Ways To Keep Your Mind Active and Engaged – 475 words

9 Major Body Tests You Must Have After Clocking 50 – 594 words

Add These Foods to Your Diet for Anti-Aging – 500 words

Do This When Talking To Your Doctor about Menopause – 506 words

For Those Above 50-The Workout Exercises You Should Consider – 539 words

Heres How To Avoid These Four Common Health Conditions That Affect Mature Women – 585 words

Heres How To Beat The Common Mental Health Illnesses That Affect Older Women – 458 words

Hormone Replacement Therapy-The Myths and Facts You Should Know – 461 words

How To Lower Your Chances of Getting Alzheimers and Dementia – 487 words

These PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR License.


15 Health and Fitness For Men PLR Articles Pack 

These Simple Tips Wil Get You Through Post-Operative Recovery for Heart Attacks – 442 words

This Is What Causes Hair Loss in Men (and how you can treat it) – 406 words

Try These Exercise Regimens for a Healthy Heart and Fit Body – 451 words

Understanding Weight Loss In Men – 554 words

Angina Attacks in Men-What Causes Them and When To See A Doctor – 470 words

Check Out The Causes and Symptoms of Hypertension in Men – 468 words

Defining The Line Between Diet and Exercise In Men-Whats The Correlation – 474 words

For Men-How To Cope with Erectile Dysfunction – 460 words

For Men-How to Prevent Hypertension – 465 words

Hair Loss in Men-What You Need To Know – 406 words

Heart Disease in Men Signs, Causes and Other Facts about The Disease – 467 words

Heres The Difference Between Good Cholesterol And Bad Cholesterol – 482 words

The NutriSystem Diet Plan for Men-How It Works – 455 words

The Signs and Symptoms of Testicular Cancer – 477 words

The Signs, Symptoms and Occurrence Facts of Prostate Cancer – 457 words

These PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR License.


Joint Pain Remedies PLR Report and Squeeze Page – 2339 words

The Joint Pain Remedies PLR Report is available in .TXT and Word Doc format


Starting On Weightloss for Life PLR Report – 7090 words

The Starting On Weightloss for Life PLR Report is available in .TXT and Word Doc format

Total Word Count: 43 000+ Words

FAST-ACTION BONUSES – Available for the first 50 buyers of this Fitness as Medicine PLR Pack. You’ll no longer see these awesome extra bonuses available on this page once the 50 fast action takers have been awarded.

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