300 Spirituality Viral Videos Unrestricted PLR

Spirituality Viral Videos Package
Find Your Purpose Premium PLR Ebook

Find Your Purpose Premium PLR Package 26k Words

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Find Your Purpose PLR Package – Featuring Over 26 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen and Premium Self Help PLR Content.



Self Help Marketers, Personal Development & Self Improvement Coaches

Done for You Premium Self Help PLR Product on a


Self Help!


Dear Self Improvement online business owner, When it comes to self help and personal development searches, the Finding your purpose in life is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Finding your purpose in life has spawned an entire industry of blogs, courses, books and products.

This is where my premium done-for-you Find Your Purpose PLR content package comes in. It’s all about teaching your customers How to Find Your Purpose in Life and live your dreams.

Everything is completely done-for-you and ready-to-go – from the main Personal Development PLR info product to your social media updates – it’s simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative self improvement niche.


Introducing The…

Find Your Purpose Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 26 000 Words of High Quality Self Help Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality Find Your Purpose PLR package covers the hugely popular self help niche. Self Help is evergreen and will always be. This Find Your Purpose PLR content package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it or use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Find Your Purpose MEGA PLR Package…


Main eBook: “How to Find Your Purpose in Life”

(3,877 words, 19 pages, 8 images)

Find Your Purpose Premium PLR Ebook

A look inside the How to Find Your Purpose in Life PLR eBook:

Find Your Purpose Premium PLR Ebook Sneak Preview


Table of Contents for the How to Find Your Purpose in Life PLR Ebook:

How to Find Your Life Purpose and Live Your Dream Reality. 3

Don’t Ask What Your Purpose Is, Ask “What’s Important?”…. 5

“What is an important use of my time?”………………………………………… 6

Time to break out a pen and paper…………………………………………………. 7

Create a true life purpose journal or notebook or binder………….. 7

What Are You Willing to Make Sacrifices for?………………………. 8

How Often Do You Avoid Failure or Embarrassment?………… 10

What About Your Life Today Would Make the Childhood Version of You Sad?……………………………………………………………… 12

What in Your Life Makes Time Fly By?………………………………… 15

Are You Trying to Eat the Elephant All at Once?…………………. 16

What Would You Be Doing If Money Was Not a Concern?…… 18


Sample Content for the How to Find Your Purpose in Life Premium PLR Ebook:

How to Find Your Life Purpose and Live Your Dream Reality


Do you ever question why you’re here? Our lives these days are so busy. Many people feel there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. Does that sound familiar? This situation can lead you to feeling that you are quickly moving through life just keeping busy.

You begin to wonder if life is nothing more than checking things off of a to-do list that seems to add more responsibilities than you can handle. You check off one task and two more appear. Is that all there is to life? What happened to the unbridled joy, excitement and sense of discovery you had when you were a child?

Can you get that back by identifying your true purpose in life? And if you can, how do you go about discovering the one thing that you were meant to do and be? Is there some way to uncover your true purpose so you realize lasting fulfillment, deep happiness and a sense of emotional and spiritual wellness like you have dreamed about for so long?

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.

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Browse for more Self Improvement PLR Content Packages at BuyQualityPLR.com


How to Find Your Purpose in Life Checklist :

(513 words, 3 pages)

Find Your Purpose Premium PLR Ebook


A look inside the How to Find Your Purpose in Life Premium PLR Checklist:

Find Your Purpose Premium PLR Checklist Sneak Preview


How to Find Your Purpose in Life PLR Editable Ecovers:

Find Your Purpose Premium PLR Ecovers


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: How to Separate What You Want From Societal Expectations – 2021 Words

Email #1 – Welcome to Our Ecourse on Societal Expectations

Email #2 – Social Norms and Roles

Email #3 – Breaking Societal Expectations

Email #4 – The Impact of Social Media on Societal Expectations

Email #5 – 6 Societal Expectations You Should Break If It Serves You Better


Find Your Purpose Email Content Sample:

Email #1 – Welcome to Our Ecourse on Societal Expectations

Hello and welcome to the series on societal expectations and how to get what you want. Over the course of these lessons, we will cover:

  • Social Norms and Roles
  • Breaking Societal Expectations
  • The Impact of Social Media on Societal Expectations
  • 6 Societal Expectations You Should Break If It Serves You Better

What are Societal Expectations?

Social expectations are an internalized social norm for individuals and organizations, thus for society as a whole, about what people should do and how they should act in different social settings. For example, one longstanding expectation has always been to be quiet when in a public library. Another one is going to the back of a line instead of cutting in closer to the front. Many of our societal expectations are things we have been taught since we were young and, in many cases, don’t even think about it – we just know how we should act.

Societal expectations can differ depending on one’s location. For example, people in the U.S would not even think about going topless on a public beach, but in Europe, it is very common – different countries – different societal expectations.

And one can take societal expectations one step further to the point where doing certain things is taboo or even against the law. Or not doing certain things can create an international situation. In either situation, a person did not fulfil a societal expectation of that country. Knowing what one should do and not do are important when traveling to a foreign country and warrants research before going there.

Societal expectations are based on social norms or the accepted standards of behavior when in social groups; it is these social norms that provides order to a society.

That wraps it up for this first lesson. Speaking of social norms, that is the topic in the next lesson where we will discuss social norms and roles. Be sure to read that one.


High Quality Find Your Purpose PLR Articles:

5 Reasons Why You Might Be Feeling Unsatisfied in Life – 395 words

5 Tips for Finding Something You Love to Do – 403 words

Does Everybody Have A Purpose in Life? – 399 words

Is It Really Possible to Do What You Love? – 395 words

Why Having a Sense of Purpose Can Make You Happier – 412 words


Find Your Purpose PLR Article Sample:

5 Reasons Why You Might Be Feeling Unsatisfied in Life

It’s not uncommon to feel discontented and unsatisfied with your life, but if you feel like this on a long-term and regular basis, you should consider what it making you feel this way. There are many reasons you may be feeling unsatisfied in life, and some of them may not have even occurred to you. Here are some reasons why you might be feeling unsatisfied.

  1. Your job

Disliking your job can have a massive impact on your life and the way that you feel. Loving your job can make going to work easy, enjoyable and a huge positive part of your life. However, the opposite can quickly have negative effects on your mental and physical health. Remember that you don’t have to stay in your job, and there are often complaints procedures and ways to report a grievance if you feel this is impacting your work and the way you feel.

  1. Your partner

This is often a reason why people experience feelings of dissatisfaction. Many people who have been with a partner for a long time may find it difficult to leave, even if it has a negative effect on them. Others don’t always recognize that they are in an unhealthy relationship, or that their partner is making them feel unsatisfied.

  1. Your diet

What we eat has a huge impact on the way we feel. Sometimes you may be feeling down and unsatisfied as a result of a poor or inadequate diet. You may also have an allergy which could be affecting your physical and mental health and making you feel tired, lethargic and unsatisfied.

  1. Your view of yourself

People who tend to compare themselves to other people and feel like they should be hitting targets and achieving things by a certain point can find themselves feeling unsatisfied. While many other factors can influence the way you view yourself, sometimes it is a stand-alone factor in making a person feel unsatisfied in life.

  1. Loneliness

While partners can make you feel unsatisfied, being lonely is also a huge problem globally and can create severe feelings of dissatisfaction. There are ways to combat this, however, such as finding social groups online, spending more time with friends or family, or even going on a few dates. You’ll be surprised how quickly some social time can pick up your mood and feelings of discontent.


For more self help PLR article packages, click this link.


Social Media Posts and Images:


5 Shareable Social Media Graphics (PLR)

Find Your Purpose Premium PLR Social Media Graphics


16 Social Media Posts with hashtags (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

Find Your Purpose Premium PLR Social Media Tweets


8 Royalty Free Images

Find Your Purpose Royalty Free Images

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Find Your Purpose in Life Powerpoint


10 Top Quality Life Goals PLR Emails eCourse – 4923 words

Available in Word Doc Format and includes a PLR License


Life Goals PLR Email Sample Content:

Email #1

Subject: Life Goals in Your 20s

Dear [Name],

Becoming an adult can be quite stressful but also extremely rewarding and exciting. This is your best chance to set and accomplish your life goals with a fresh start. Setting goals, no matter your age, should be personal to you. However, some areas are essential not to overlook if you want to have a successful life in your 20s and the next.

College or Career

Your 20s are the start of a brand-new world, and you need a way to continue it financially. Set goals that will help you accomplish this. Maybe that means you’ll finish college or attend a vocational school. Whatever it is, now is the time to figure it out and create a plan of action to get it done. Keep in mind that it’s natural for college and career goals to change as you get older and as you learn more about yourself.

Retirement and Emergency Savings

The idea of saving for retirement in your 20s may sound crazy, but it is the best thing you can do. Starting now will only allow you to have more because you are giving it more time to grow. Even if you can only save 100 dollars a month, this will really add up later in life due to compounding interest.

Your first goal needs to be three months of emergency expenses. After that, start donating that savings amount to a 401K through your bank.


Do you want kids in the future? A spouse? How about a home of your own? Saving now makes everything that much easier to accomplish. By the time you are in your 30s, you will be able to mark this off your bucket list easily and without stress. Not only that, but you will also get the house of your dreams more likely than not.

All you need to save is about 20 percent of your principal to get a good deal on a mortgage, which will always be less than if you paid rent for something similar in quality. Having children costs money, but if it’s something you need and want in order to be happy, start now setting up your life for your dreams to come true.


Before you plan on having kids (or even if you decide not to have kids), it’s always helpful to set life goals related to health – including your mental health. Living a sedentary lifestyle can shorten your lifespan almost as much as smoking cigarettes can. Use your 20s to be the healthiest you can be to live the longest possible. The habits you form now will pay off in amazing ways later.

One tactic to ensure you are healthy is to make it simple. Move more than you sit and eat more plants than anything else. Also, stay hydrated and get check-ups and dental cleanings regularly even when you feel fine.

Personal Interests

It is never a good idea to avoid what you are passionate about. Maybe you are not one of the fortunate ones that get to work at a job you’re passionate about yet. It’s okay; dive into those passions when you can. Set a schedule so you fit it in.

Spending time with yourself is important, as is taking time to do what you like. For example, set a goal to read one book a month, or learn to paint, or take up a yoga practice. You can also work on that business plan you always thought was unrealistic. Passion projects always boost mental clarity and give everyone a sense of purpose.

Take advantage of the “extra” time you have in your 20s. Set life goals that will continue for decades and lead to a rewarding successful life. This saying may seem trite, but it’s so true: “If you don’t plan, you are just planning to fail.”

Next time, we’ll look at setting life goals when you’re in your 30s.


How To Raise Healthy Kids For Life PLR Report – 2288 words

Available in Word Doc Format and includes a PLR License


How To Raise Healthy Kids For Life PLR Report Sample Content:

5 Steps You Can Take Today To Change Your Child’s Future

Childhood obesity is growing at an alarming rate.  You know that.  You hear the news, read the articles and watch the reality shows on television.  Our beautiful children are suffering from diabetes, heart disease, eating disorders, and the resulting shame that being overweight often results in.  They deserve better.  They deserve to live rich, full lives abundant with laughter, activity and the joy of feeling pride in themselves.  They deserve to look in the mirror and be proud of who they are.  This isn’t about vanity it’s about self-confidence.

Our children are our responsibility.  Even as they grow into adults, if we haven’t provided them with a foundation of healthy skills and habits, they will suffer and make harmful health choices.  The following pages will highlight on ten very important, but simple steps that you can take today to change your child’s life for the better.  These steps will teach them how to care for themselves so that they feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Don’t stress ‘diet’s’ or ‘weight loss’ in children. It only teaches them to be self conscious and ashamed of their bodies.  Teach your children to appreciate themselves for who they are and to be the best person that they can be.  When they love themselves, they’ll take better care of their bodies as children and as adults.

Let’s get started!


Raising Optimistic Child PLR Report – 4721 words

Report: Raising an Optimistic Child

  • The Definition of an Optimistic Child
  • Is Optimism Genetic?
  • The Future for an Optimistic Versus a Pessimistic Child
  • The Importance of Being a Role Model
  • How to Change Your Child’s Explanatory Style
  • Mistakes Parents Make When Raising Pessimistic Children
  • Things You Can Do to Raise an Optimistic Child

Available in Word Doc and .TXT Format and includes a PLR License


Raising Optimistic Child PLR Report Sample Content:

As a parent, you want to try to raise your child so that they have the best chance to live a purposeful life full of happiness. However, since life has its ups and downs, how do you do that – especially if your child happens to have the “pessimistic gene”?

First, we need to define what it is to be an optimistic child, discuss whether optimism is genetic or not, and how the world looks through the lens of optimism versus pessimism for a child. Then we’ll look at how you can teach optimism even if the genetics aren’t on the side of optimism, using your examples and love.

The Definition of an Optimistic Child

There is a meme going around the internet regarding optimistic versus pessimistic children. It involves a room full of poop versus a room full of every single imaginable toy possible.

The optimistic child spends a couple hours in the poop room and leaves happy, covered in poop. The pessimist child goes in the toy room that has every imaginable toy and has a horrible time. The pessimistic child leaves the room negative and unimpressed.

This is a very extreme example and not even a true story, but it does clearly show the differences in how most people view optimism versus pessimism. The optimist child can look on the bright side even for a room full of poop, while a pessimist cannot even see the value in a room full of fun toys.

This is kind of a problem in the way we teach children the value of optimism over pessimism. You really don’t have to teach children unrealistic ideals in order to help them become more optimistic and therefore happier.

The truth is, the definition of optimism is basically “the feeling or belief that good things will happen even if it’s not likely.” (Dictonary.com) So, in some ways, the ability to be optimistic seems almost unrealistic. However, studies show that the ability to look on the bright side serves people well because they tend to be happier even when things don’t go the way they had hoped. Because of this, there is a lot of value in intentionally raising optimistic children.


10 Dealing with Life PLR Articles and Social Posts

  1. How to Cope with Unwanted or Unexpected Visitors – 756 words
  2. Steps for Dealing with Major Life Challenges – 554 words
  3. Steps to Help You Overcome Setbacks – 561 words
  4. Tips for Coping When Moving to a New House – 554 words
  5. Tips for Overcoming Life’s Little Surprises – 700 words
  6. Tips to Help You Deal with Getting Older – 633 words
  7. Toxic People at Work: How to Cope – 536 words
  8. Ways to Cope When Your Child Has Unexpected News – 624 words
  9. Ways to Deal with Injustice without Depression – 673 words
  10. What to Do If You Fail an Exam – 600 words

Includes 10 Social Media Posts.

These Dealing with Life PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


Dealing with Life PLR Article Sample:

How to Cope with Unwanted or Unexpected Visitors

It probably happens to everyone once, at least in a lifetime. You’re going about your day, minding your own business, with your own plans and suddenly someone shows up uninvited and unexpectedly hoping to visit with you and stay with you in your home. What should you do?

Analyze the Situation

The first thing you’re going to want to do, which you won’t have much time to do, is to consider whether sending them away will have repercussions that you can deal with or not. Sometimes it is easier to just give in, set a time limit, and then move on. Sometimes the right thing to do is say no. You’ll have to figure this out within about five minutes of opening your door.

Be Courteous but Set Your Boundaries

Greet your visitors with a smile and say something that is nice but also lets them know you have important boundaries. “Wow, such a surprise to see you! Why didn’t you call me first, I hate that you traveled all this way for nothing as we’re on our way out the door.” Or whatever you are ready to do instead of being with them if that’s the case.

Let Them Know about Pre-Existing Obligations

If you do have obligations that you cannot change, you’ll have to tell them within the first few minutes. They may uninvite themselves at that point, allowing you to avoid that discomfort. However, if they don’t say anything, you’ll have to be more direct. If you don’t mind them staying at your home alone, you can let them know that’s what’s going to happen too. If you have no plans other than watching TV, that is not their business.

Offer to Pay for Their Hotel Accommodations

If you can afford it, and you really don’t want them to stay with you, offer to give them money for their hotel. Just state that you aren’t prepared for guests right now, but the hotel down the street is very nice, and you’ll be happy to pay for it. If you cannot offer to pay, at least point out the price and where it is. They should get the hint.

Ask Them to Contribute to Their Stay

If you can let them stay, but you don’t want to feel taken advantage of, give them ways that they can contribute to their stay – such as letting them clean up the area they’ll stay in themselves since you weren’t ready. Mention to them that you’re happy to fix dinner for everyone but you’ll need a few things at the store, and you’ll make them a list. The more you ask them to do, the more fun you’ll have and the more you’ll discourage this from happening again.

Explain the Best Way to Contact You First in the Future

At some point in this visit, you’ll want to have an open and honest discussion with the visitors about the best way to enjoy time with you. Reminding them of your contact details, and asking them to check with you first about your plans, can save them time and money and can save you stress.

Make Your Excuses

When people drop by without calling, they know it’s a risk. It’s not rude to say, “I can’t right now.” It’s not rude to say no; it’s perfectly acceptable to say, “Oh, wow, so great to see you, sadly, I’m heading for the shower in a few minutes because I have plans that I cannot change. Give me a call and let’s schedule a visit when we can really spend time together.” Then, don’t let them in the door.

Do Not Apologize

The thing to remember when unwanted and uninvited guests show up, is that it’s not up to you to say you’re sorry about anything. Of course, you want to be courteous and not rude to avoid turning the situation into unneeded drama, but you do want to be direct, assertive and don’t apologize if you cannot do something.

Even if you let them stay, don’t feel obligated to entertain them or spoil anyone on their vacation who has come by unannounced and uninvited. If you really cannot let them stay, it’s okay; it’s not your job to give them a free place to stay just because they are friends or family. You have a right to say no if that’s what you want. Likewise, you also have a right to say yes, with conditions, if that’s what you want to do.


Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!

For the first 50 buyers of this Find Your Purpose PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!

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Bonus 1

12 Questions To Identify Your Why and Transform Your Life MRR eBook and Squeeze Page

12 Questions To Identify Your Why and Transform Your Life MRR eBook and Squeeze Page

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Package Details:

  • Covers
  • Ebook
  • Squeeze Page

Total File Download Size:

4.56 Megabytes (MB)


Bonus 2

Peak Productivity Apps That Will Change Your Life MRR eBook with Squeeze Page

Peak Productivity Apps That Will Change Your Life Ebook

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • Covers
  • Ebook
  • Landing Page

Total File Download Size:

2.17 Megabytes (MB)


Bonus 3

The Meaningful Life Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

The Meaningful Life Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights Bundle

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Resource Cheat Sheet
Module 4 – Mindmap
Module 5 – Sales Page
Module 6 – Optin Page
Module 7 – Graphic Images
Module 8 – Articles
Module 9 – Email Swipes
Module 10 – Social Media Images


Bonus 4

The Empowered Life Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

The Empowered Life Sales Funnel Bundle

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Resource Cheat Sheet
Module 4 – Mindmap
Module 5 – Sales Page
Module 6 – Optin Page
Module 7 – Graphic Images
Module 8 – Articles
Module 9 – Email Swipes
Module 10 – Social Media Images


Bonus 5

Take Control of Your Life Unrestricted PLR eBook

Take Control of Your Life Unrestricted PLR eBook

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • Ebook
  • eCover
  • Sales Page
  • Source

Total File Download Size:

3.74 Megabytes (MB)


Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!


Package Details For The Find Your Purpose PLR Package:

Main eBook:

“How to Find Your Purpose in Life”

(3,877 words, 19 pages, 8 images)

+ Checklist

+ eCovers

+ Keywords


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: How to Separate What You Want From Societal Expectations – 2021 Words

Email #1 – Welcome to Our Ecourse on Societal Expectations

Email #2 – Social Norms and Roles

Email #3 – Breaking Societal Expectations

Email #4 – The Impact of Social Media on Societal Expectations

Email #5 – 6 Societal Expectations You Should Break If It Serves You Better


Find Your Purpose in Life PLR Articles:

5 Reasons Why You Might Be Feeling Unsatisfied in Life – 395 words

5 Tips for Finding Something You Love to Do – 403 words

Does Everybody Have A Purpose in Life? – 399 words

Is It Really Possible to Do What You Love? – 395 words

Why Having a Sense of Purpose Can Make You Happier – 412 words


Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Tips

15 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

8 Royalty Free Images



Find Your Purpose in Life Powerpoint


10 Top Quality Life Goals PLR Emails eCourse – 4923 words

Available in Word Doc Format and includes a PLR License


How To Raise Healthy Kids For Life PLR Report – 2288 words

Available in Word Doc Format and includes a PLR License


Raising Optimistic Child PLR Report – 4721 words

Report: Raising an Optimistic Child

  • The Definition of an Optimistic Child
  • Is Optimism Genetic?
  • The Future for an Optimistic Versus a Pessimistic Child
  • The Importance of Being a Role Model
  • How to Change Your Child’s Explanatory Style
  • Mistakes Parents Make When Raising Pessimistic Children
  • Things You Can Do to Raise an Optimistic Child

Available in Word Doc and .TXT Format and includes a PLR License


10 Dealing with Life PLR Articles and Social Posts

  1. How to Cope with Unwanted or Unexpected Visitors – 756 words
  2. Steps for Dealing with Major Life Challenges – 554 words
  3. Steps to Help You Overcome Setbacks – 561 words
  4. Tips for Coping When Moving to a New House – 554 words
  5. Tips for Overcoming Life’s Little Surprises – 700 words
  6. Tips to Help You Deal with Getting Older – 633 words
  7. Toxic People at Work: How to Cope – 536 words
  8. Ways to Cope When Your Child Has Unexpected News – 624 words
  9. Ways to Deal with Injustice without Depression – 673 words
  10. What to Do If You Fail an Exam – 600 words

Includes 10 Social Media Posts.

These Dealing with Life PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


Total Word Count: 26 000+ Words

FAST-ACTION BONUSES – Available for the first 50 buyers of this Find Your Purpose PLR Pack. You’ll no longer see these awesome extra bonuses available on this page once the 50 fast action takers have been awarded.


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Articles, reviews, comparison charts and all other content from BuyQualityPLR.com Quality PLR Content Packages are for you only – you cannot pass on any rights to anybody else.

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Social media images may be edited using the PSD files, and you may repost them on social media sites but you cannot sell or pass on the PSD files to customers.

The images contained within the main report and top 10 tips report are Public Domain and free to use in personal and commercial projects.

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