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Fat Adapted Diet Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 18 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Health and Wellness PLR Content.


Attention: Health and Wellness Entrepreneurs

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Diet and Weight Loss!


Dear online business owner, When it comes to top Diet and Weight Loss searches, the fat-adapted exercise, keto and burning fat are some of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Fat Adapted Diet has spawned an entire industry of blogs, cookbooks and products.

This is where my premium done for you Fat Adapted Diet PLR Package comes in. Its all about teaching your customers about Fat-Adapted Exercise & Weight Loss: Tweak Your Diet to Boost Your Body’s Fat-Burning Power!

Everything is done for you – from the main info product to your social media updates – its simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative health and wellness niche.


Introducing The…

Fat Adapted Diet Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 18 000 Words of High Quality Fat Adapted Diet Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality Fat Adapted Diet PLR package covers the hugely popular health and wellness niche. Fat Adapted Diet is evergreen and will always be. This burning fat PLR content package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it and use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Fat Adapted Diet MEGA PLR Package…

Main eBook: Fat-Adapted Exercise & Weight Loss!

(4,498 words, 19 pages, 13 images)

Fat Adapted Exercise PLR Ebook

A look inside the Fat-Adapted Exercise & Weight Loss Premium PLR eBook:


Burning Fat PLR Ebook


Table of Contents for Fat-Adapted Exercise & Weight Loss PLR Ebook:

Do You Burn Fat or Sugar? What Does It Mean to Be Fat Adapted?……………………………. 3
What Is a Sugar Burner?…………………………………………… 5
What Is a Fat Burner?…………………………………. 5
Sources of Fuel/Energy ………………………………….. 6
30/40/30 Principle – Fueling Your Body for Optimal Nutrition ……………………..6
Sources of Protein ………………………………….7
Sources of Carbs ………………………..7
Sources of Fat ……………………………..7
How to Know How Much Is 30% ……………………………..8
The Role of Whole Foods …………………………..8
How to Burn More Fat ……………………………….10
Intensity matters ……………………10
Interval Training …………………………………..11
Tabata ………………………………12
HIIT ………………………..13
CrossFit ………………………..13
Strength Training ………………………………….14
Functional Movements ………………………….14
Tips for Getting Started with Fat Adapted Workouts ………………………..15
What to Expect From Your Fat Adapted Lifestyle ……………………………..17
Weight Loss ………………………………17
Less Urgent Hunger and Cravings ………………………..18
More Energy ………………………………..18
Better Sleep ……………………………18
Improved Mood and Mental Function …………………………18
Improved Skin ……………………………………………….18
Getting Started – Beginning the Path to Your Fat Adapted Lifestyle …………………………………19
Create Accountability ……………………………………19
Find Motivation ……………………….19


Sample Content for Fat-Adapted Exercise & Weight Loss PLR Ebook:

Do You Burn Fat or Sugar? What Does It Mean to Be Fat Adapted?

You run on energy. Just like anything else in this world, to move, survive, and thrive you need fuel. The human body is actually capable of gaining energy in a number of ways. We’ll take a look at those ways in just a minute, but right now it’s important to simply understand that the energy your body needs is both created and consumed on a cellular level. Yes, your cells both make and use energy.

Your energy requirements, or the amount of energy that you need on a daily basis, depend largely on what you’re doing. There’s what’s called your BMR or basal metabolic rate. It’s simply the energy that you need to survive. It takes energy to breathe. It takes energy to keep your heart pumping and your brain functioning. That energy is your BMR and it’s often based on your height, weight, age, and gender.

For example, a 45-year-old female who is 125 pounds and 5 feet, 5 inches tall has a BMR of 1,213 calories a day. A male with the same height, weight, and age has a BMR of 1,379. He needs 1,379 calories a day to keep his body functioning.

Here are the basic BMR calculations:

BMR = 10 * weight(kg) + 6.25 * height(cm) – 5 * age(y) + 5 (man)

BMR = 10 * weight(kg) + 6.25 * height(cm) – 5 * age(y) – 161 (woman)

Beyond your BMR, you have energy needs based on your activity level. If you’re sedentary, you need very little beyond your BMR. If you’re active, then you need more energy to help sustain that activity. It makes sense, right?

So where does that energy come from? For most people, it comes from sugar in the form of starchy carbohydrates and, well… plain sugar. Americans consume almost 60 pounds of sugar each year. When the FDA recommends no more than 10 grams of sugar a day, it’s easy to see why Americans are struggling with obesity. And let’s face it; if you eat the SAD (Standard American Diet), then you’re likely one of those average Americans who is eating 60 pounds of sugar a year. This infographic over at The Daily Burn shows you just how pervasive sugar is in American foods:

What does this all mean?

It means that you, and most people, are sugar burners. You burn sugar for your energy. This isn’t how your body was designed and it causes a number of problems including, but not limited to:

  • Fat storage – and weight gain
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Low energy/chronic fatigue
  • Digestive issues
  • Cancer
  • Attention deficit problems
  • And much more

There is an answer and it’s a relatively straightforward one. There are other sources of energy. In fact, your body wasn’t designed to be a sugar burning system. It is designed to be a fat burning system. So the goal is to shift your metabolism and become fat adapted. When this happens you’ll lose weight, gain energy, and enjoy significant health improvements. Let’s look at sugar burners and fat burners in a bit more detail and then dive into how to become fat adapted.

What Is a Sugar Burner?

A sugar burner is someone who relies primarily on sugar sources for energy. Most specifically, the sugar source is glucose. The simplest source of sugar for anyone is starchy carbohydrates. They’re readily converted by your body to glucose and burned for energy. The problem is that sugar burning doesn’t last forever, unless you’re eating candy bars while you exercise. And sugar burning doesn’t do anything for weight loss. It doesn’t help you burn fat. So let’s look at that next.

What Is a Fat Burner?

A fat burner turns to fat as a source of energy. It can happen when a few different situations occur. It can happen when you exercise at a specific “fat burning level,” which we’ll talk about. It can also happen with different types of exercise. To help explain it, we’ll talk about the different ways your body makes energy and what it uses.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.


Top 7 Healthy Fats PLR Report:Fat Adapted Premium PLR Report

A Look Inside The Top 7 Healthy Fats PLR Report:


Fat Adapted Diet Premium PLR Report Sneak Preview


Short Report:

Topic:  “Top 7 Healthy Fats to Include In Your Diet” (1694 words)


Top 7 Healthy Fats to Include In Your Diet Short Report PLR Article Sample:

Top 7 Healthy Fats

They say nothing is guaranteed but death and taxes. I like to add another item to that list of inevitable and unavoidable occurrences … change. Especially in the health and wellness industries, change happens all the time. It used to be the common belief by health professionals that eating too many eggs was unhealthy for you.

Then after substantial research was done, we found out that eggs are great for you, and you don’t need to limit your consumption. Something similar as happened the past few years regarding eating fat. Doctors, nutritionists and other health experts lived by the mantra that “you are what you eat”.

Because of this, it was commonly believed that eating fat causes you to be fat. As you know, overweight and obesity cause other health problems. Some doctors warned against eating fat. This led to a move towards sugar, processed foods and refined carbs, and away from eating fatty foods.

The result?

The entire planet has become fatter and sicker than ever before. Fortunately, change has come to the health and wellness industries. It is now common knowledge that certain fats are good for you. Not only should you not be avoiding them, you should be actively seeking to get them into your body. If you are unsure what fats are good for you, delivering amazing health rewards, we have done the research for you.

The following is a list of the top 7 high-fat foods and healthy fats you should definitely be eating more of. They are full of flavor, and lead to a healthy heart and a slimmer waistline. They can also rescue you from the cancer, heart problems, diabetes, obesity and chronic disease that processed and sugar-filled foods are guaranteed to deliver.


You may have heard that avocados are one of the healthiest foods you can eat. There are a couple of very good reasons for that. First off, the avocado is a fruit. Fruits are good for you. Secondly, while avocados qualify as fruits, they are wired a little differently than others. When you eat a lot of fruits, you have to be careful about gaining weight, because most fruits are carbohydrate-rich.

Avocados, on the other hand, get 77% of their calories from fat. This is a higher fat quantity than most animal-based food. The secret ingredient that makes the fat-filled avocado so healthy is a monounsaturated fat that goes by the name of oleic acid.

Avocados also deliver high quantities of potassium, 40% more than bananas. When you eat an avocado you additionally get healthy dietary fiber, as well as at least 20% of your daily recommended allowance of 10 important minerals and vitamins. Your risk of contracting heart disease, cancer and diabetes goes down, a healthy cholesterol level is regulated, and you can lose weight to boot.

Dark Chocolate

Natural dark chocolate gets approximately 65% of its calories from healthy fat. (You probably don’t need me to tell you how delicious tasting it is, which is a wonderful side effect that not all healthy foods deliver.) What many don’t know is that 11% of dark chocolate is healthy fiber, and that it delivers more than 50% of your recommended daily allowance of copper, magnesium, manganese and iron.

Research shows that if you eat dark chocolate at least 5 times a week, you are
50% less likely to die from heart disease than if you didn’t chow down on this chocolaty treat.

Why blueberries are known for their high levels of healthy antioxidants, which boost your immune system and protect your cells, not many know that dark chocolate offers more antioxidants than blueberries. To regulate healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and contribute to a healthy cardiovascular system, make sure you are eating dark chocolate that is at least 70% cocoa.


The egg is extremely versatile in the kitchen. There is just about no end to the number of ways you can prepare eggs. Eggs are also nearly universally liked. As it turns out, the egg is also one of the most nutrient-dense foods you can find anywhere.

It used to be that you were told to limit how many eggs you ate. Egg yolks were considered extremely high in cholesterol and fat, and it was thought that the way your body processed that fat and cholesterol led to an unhealthy heart. The truth is that eggs do have a lot of cholesterol and a lot of fat. However, eating eggs doesn’t lead to health problems, as was previously believed.

A large whole egg has about 212 mg of cholesterol. This is 71% of your recommended daily intake. More than 60% of the calories in whole eggs come from fat. Those 2 statistics have led doctors and other health professionals to recommend you should limit your egg intake. However, as mentioned above, we now understand that your body processes the types of cholesterol and fat found in eggs in a healthy manner.

When you replace grain in your breakfast with eggs, you eat fewer calories throughout the day, and end up losing weight. The vitamins and minerals found in a single egg protect your eyes and boost your brain functions. Eggs are extremely high in protein as well, are relatively inexpensive and readily available, and you should be eating more of this “good” fat.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

EVO, or extra virgin olive oil, is an incredibly healthy fat. It is an essential part of the Mediterranean diet, which has been shown repeatedly to deliver multiple health benefits. EVO delivers tons of vitamins E and K, is rich in healthy antioxidants, offers anti-inflammatory properties and protects your heart in a very unique way.

Recent studies on the cardioprotective properties of extra-virgin olive oil have revealed some amazing information. One of the major polyphenols in olive oil is called hydroxytyrosol, or HT. HT helps protect the cells that line your blood vessels by doing something astounding … it actually makes protective and helpful changes at the genetic level.

This causes your antioxidant defense system to be supercharged. The result is a healthy cardiovascular system, and a lowered risk of developing heart problems, high blood pressure, chronic diseases and cancer.

Coconut Oil (and Coconuts)

The humble coconut is the #1 food source of saturated fat. An incredible 90% of the fatty acids in coconuts are saturated fats. In most cases, you want to avoid consuming saturated fats. However, because of the way the fats in coconuts are connected, this particular saturated fat is extremely healthy instead of unhealthy.

The fat in coconuts is made up primarily of medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs). This particular fatty acid construction is why populations which consume large amounts of coconut, and coconut oil, do not suffer from heart disease and other cardiovascular problems.

In fact, people living in areas such as the Pukapuka and Tokelau Polynesian islands are extremely healthy. They eat the fatty coconut daily, and are healthy and happy to show for it.

MCFAs also suppress your appetite. This is the reason why, when you eat coconut or consume coconut oil, you tend to eat fewer calories throughout the day. Coconut consumption has also been linked to effective Alzheimer’s treatment, it can help you burn belly fat, and boosts your metabolism by up to 120 calories every day.

Fatty Fish

All fish are not created equal. This realization is reinforced when you compare a goldfish to a whale. Aside from physical shape and appearance, fish are also different in how they are constructed internlaly. Some fish, like salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel and trout, have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3s are required by the human body. However, you can’t produce them. This means you must ingest foods that have omega-3 fatty acids in them. These particular fatty acids are extremely healthy for your heart. Studies also show that when you eat fish like salmon and mackerel (wild caught, not farm raised), your levels of stress, anxiety and depression drop substantially.

Getting plenty of omega-3 in your body is also important for your brain. Dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases can be avoided, and effectively treated, with a healthy diet of fatty fish. The fatty acids found in fat fish protect your body against common diseases and illnesses as well, so eat more of the above-mentioned fish, or take an omega-3 supplement.


Nuts are often overlooked when the conversation turns to healthy foods because of their high fat content. This is unfortunate, because nuts are a substantial source of dietary fiber, and a natural, non-meat source of protein. Protein is required by nearly every one of your internal processes. So if you want to avoid some of the health concerns linked to eating meat, make sure you pop a handful of nuts every day, or enjoy a natural nut butter.

Nuts also deliver magnesium, which is an essential mineral that most diets are short on. Research has also shown that those who eat nuts are usually healthier than those who do not. A diet plan that includes eating nuts regularly can additionally help you lose weight, and protect against obesity, type II diabetes and heart disease.

All nuts are not created equal, however.

Peanuts deliver high levels of vitamin E, niacin, folate, manganese and protein. Peanuts also contain resveratrol, the heart-healthy phenolic antioxidant found in wine. A 1/4 cup serving of walnuts delivers more than half the copper and manganese you need each day. That same amount of walnuts also delivers 113% of your omega-3 daily requirements. One quarter cup of cashews delivers between 21% and 98% of the zinc, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous and copper you need to consume daily.

Walnuts, peanuts and almonds are all heart-friendly foods. They are also high in healthy fats. Nuts are versatile, and can be consumed in a number of ways. They are extremely portable, make for a healthy snack, and have a long shelf life. Eat more of them regularly for a nutty health boost.


Product Reviews:

200 Low-Carb, High-Fat Recipes Cookbook – 620 words
Ninja Master Prep – 413 words
Reflective Vest for Running and Cycling – 451 words
Resistance Bands – Set of 2 With Handles – 466 words
Spiralizer Tri-Blade Vegetable Spiral Slicer – 649 words


Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Elliptical Trainers – 1653 words


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

How Exercise Improves The Keto Diet For Better Weight Loss (237 words)

Ketogenic Diet Pros and Cons (257 words)

What Do You Eat On The Ketogenic Diet (218 words)

What Is The Ketogenic Diet (266 words)

What Ratio of Carbs Protein Fat is Right For Me (167 words)


Fat Adapted Diet Email Sample:

How Exercise Improves The Keto Diet For Better Weight Loss

The keto diet burns fat. It does this extremely well.

Exercise builds muscle. A muscular body burns fat much more effectively than a non-muscular body.

Add the keto diet (efficient fat burning) to a consistent exercise plan (efficient fat burning) and you improve your weight loss efforts. This is not a “maybe” or “possibly” scenario.

It is based on the way the human body works.

The ketogenic diet puts you in a state of ketosis, where you burn fat rather than carbohydrates. You limit the number of carbs you take in, and this leads to weight loss. Exercise creates strong muscles, and those muscles spend 24 to 72 hours after your workout repairing themselves and coming back stronger than before.

This process continually burns calories and fat, and your muscle mass improves. Muscle burns fat better than a non-muscular body, so the exercise joins the ketogenic process to literally shred fat and weight from your body, while adding a lean, strong, toned, muscular look.

Just remember that muscle weighs more than fat. What this means is if you were to burn 10 cm³ of fat from your body and replace it with 10 cm³ of muscle, you may actually gain a little weight.

However, the result is a strong and muscular, toned and slim physique, rather than a flabby, fat, unhealthy and unattractive reflection in your mirror.

Give the keto diet a try today. In as few as 10 to 14 days you can see significant and noticeable.


High Quality Fat Adapted Diet PLR Articles:

5 Ideas for Low Carb Pre Workout Snacks – 412 words
6 Clever Low-Carb Food Swaps – 443 words
7 Foods to Eat When You’re Cutting Carbs – 409 words
Can High Intensity Exercise Burn Fat? – 410 words
Can You Be a Low Carb Vegan or Vegetarian? – 470 words
Does the Length of Your Workout Affect How Your Body Burns Fat? – 408 words
How Exercise Intensity Affects How Much Fat You Can Burn – 475 words
How to Calculate Your Macronutrient Intake – 445 words
How to Cut Bread From Your Diet – 427 words
How to Cut Down on Carbs When Eating Out – 509 words
How to Increase Your Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption – 480 words
Is It Worth Exercising in a Fasted State? – 409 words
Is the Ketogenic Diet Expensive? – 438 words
Is the Ketogenic Diet Safe? – 429 words
The 7 Hidden Benefits of A Ketogenic Diet – 437 words
What are Medium-Chain Triglycerides? – 403 words
What Are Net Carbs? – 443 words
What Is Polarized Training? – 412 words
What Is the Keto Flu? – 446 words
Which Type of Cardio Burns Fat Quickest? – 452 words


Fat Adapted Diet Premium PLR Article Sample:

5 Ideas for Low Carb Pre Workout Snacks

Regulating the number of carbohydrates you put into your body is important for a number of reasons. The carb-heavy diet enjoyed by most modernized nations is one that leads to a higher risk of a number of diseases and health conditions. When you keep your daily carb intake at a healthy level, you enjoy any number of health benefits.

To fuel your workouts, you need a lot of protein. You don’t want to ingest that protein at the cost of too many carbohydrates, however. This is where complex carbohydrates with dietary fiber, some healthy fat as a fuel source and protein rich snacks with a low net carb count come into play. Enjoy the following 5 pre-workout snacks and you will keep your carb count down, and your healthy fitness results up.

(Aim for eating your pre-workout snack 30 to 90 minutes before you exercise. This seems to deliver the best results. You should also consider enjoying a protein rich, low-carb snack between 30 and 90 minutes after your workout is over.)

1 – 1/2 Turkey Wrap With Vegetables

Choose a wrap which has a low net carb count. Stick to organic turkey whenever possible. Add vegetables and some coconut oil or avocado. This delivers plenty of healthy protein, just enough carbs, fiber rich vegetables and healthy fats for a perfect low carb, pre-workout snack. Save the second half of your turkey wrap for later in the day, or tomorrow’s workout.

2 – 2 Hard-Boiled Eggs

Choose eggs with no added hormones or antibiotics. A couple of hard-boiled eggs delivers plenty of healthy protein and a low carbohydrate count. Add a little guacamole for healthy fat.

3 – 4 to 6 Ounces of Grilled Chicken

Choose organic chicken breast. Sauté or stir fry in 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. Dice and eat with some asparagus.

4 – Oatmeal Plus Protein Powder

Adding a Whey Protein Powder to a cup of oatmeal makes the perfect low carb, pre-workout snack. You get healthy dietary fiber and tons of protein. This is also a recommended snack if you have a sensitive stomach.

5 – Salmon and Walnuts

This pre-workout snack qualifies as low in carbohydrates, and extremely high in healthy fats and protein. Make sure you limit the amount of walnuts or almonds you eat. Just 8 to 12 nuts is plenty, and complements the low carb salmon perfectly. Take your salmon steamed or grilled, and insist upon wild caught fish instead of farm raised.

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Social Media Posts and Images:


5 Shareable Social Media Diet Tips Graphics (PLR)


Fat Adapted Diet Premium PLR Social Media Tips


5 Shareable Social Media Inspiring Images


Fat Adapted Diet Premium PLR Inspirational Tips

15 Social Media PLR Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)


Fat Adapted Diet Premium PLR Social Tweets with Buylines


18 Royalty Free Images


Fat Adapted Diet Royalty Free Images


Images of All Products Reviewed:


Fat Adapted Diet Premium PLR Product Reviewed


Fat Adapted Diet Premium PLR Keyword Research 


Fat Adapted Diet Premium PLR Keyword Research


Bonus: 5 x Diet and Weight-Loss Articles 

– 2 Diet Tips That Will Accelerate Your Weight Loss (616 words)

– How Do I Switch to a Gluten-Free Diet (600 words)

– Keto Diet for Vegetarians (527 words)

– Raw Food Diet Basics What You Need to Know (548 words)

– Will Cutting Your Carbs Help You Shed the Pounds (607 words)


2 Diet Tips That Will Accelerate Your Weight Loss Bonus Article Sample:

The success or failure of your weight loss journey is directly linked to your diet. While exercise will help you to shed the excess weight, ultimately it’s your eating plan that decides if the weight actually comes off.

If you’re at a daily caloric deficit of about 500 calories, you will lose weight. If you’re training 4 hours a day and giving it your best, but your calorie intake is at a surplus, you’ll not lose a single pound. You might gain weight though.

While you’ll become fitter and stronger, your weight will remain the same. This is one reason why so many people who exercise get confused. They know that their stamina and strength has gone up, but the weight on the scale has not gone down.

Most of the time, they’re either eating too many calories or at maintenance level. You must be at a caloric deficit to see weight loss. This is the cornerstone of all weight loss.
That said, if you’re at a caloric deficit, there are two tips that can help you to lose the excess weight even faster. Let’s look at what they are.

• Increase Your Fiber Intake
Fiber refers to vegetables such as broccoli, collard greens, beetroot, carrots and so on. When your diet consists of a lot of fiber, you will feel ‘full’ faster when eating. The fiber takes up space in your stomach and your hunger is sated.
The fiber is also calorie negative. What that means is that your body burns as much calories as the vegetables contain to digest them. You’re burning calories in order to digest the food.

This doesn’t apply when you consume oily or sugary foods that the body can easily digest, which results in a surplus.
Your liver also needs fiber to flush out the fat in your system. So, when you’re trying to lose weight, consuming foods such as broccoli will help the body to flush out your excess fat more efficiently.

• Reduce Your Carb Intake
This second tip is one of the most effective ones when it comes to losing weight. Most people are addicted to carbs. They do not realize it until they try giving up carbs and realize just how difficult it is.
Carbs, in this case, refers to carbohydrates that come from bread, pasta, cookies, rice, etc. These are simple carbs that cause your body to have a blood sugar spike.

When that happens, your body secretes insulin to manage the sugar. This is normal, but when you consume carbs in excess over long periods of time, your body becomes insulin insensitive.
It then secretes more insulin than required to process the same amount of sugar. The excess insulin ends up being stored as fat, which is just stored energy.

To prevent this from happening, reducing your consumption of processed carbs and simple carbs will help to keep your blood sugar levels stable. This is the key to preventing weight gain and accelerating fat loss.
Get your carbs from vegetables as mentioned in the earlier point. Those are the best type of carbs.

On cheat days, it’s recommended that you only have carbs for one meal. If you find it extremely difficult to give up simple carbs, you’re better off not indulging on your cheat day. It’s akin to giving a drug addict a quick fix for just one day.
The cravings will begin after that. So, you should either carry on with your diet, or just have one small cheat meal and not an entire cheat day.

Give these two tips a try and you’ll notice that your weight comes off much more easily.


Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

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Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!


For the first 50 buyers of this Fat Adapted Diet Premium PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!


Bonus 1

10 High Quality Keto Diet For Weight Loss PLR Articles


10 High Quality Keto Diet For Weight Loss PLR Articles Pack

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the Keto Diet For Weight Loss Articles:

  1. Understanding How the Keto Diet Breaks Down Fat (608 words)
  2. Keto Foods that Accelerate Weight Loss (585 words)
  3. Discover Why You are Not Losing Weight on the Keto Diet (590 words)
  4. 5 Keto Tips for Fast Weight Loss (635 words)
  5. How to Reach Ketosis Faster (554 words)
  6. What is the Ketogenic Diet and Why is it So Effective for Weight Loss? (717 words)
  7. Coping with Keto Flu While Trying to Lose Weight (568 words)
  8. 3 Techniques to Create Ketosis and Make You Lean (620 words)
  9. 4 Common Misconceptions about Weight Loss and the Keto Diet (653 words)
  10. Will the Ketogenic Diet Make Me Fatter and Increase My Cholesterol? (579 words)


Bonus 2

10 High Quality Keto Diet For Health PLR Articles


10 High Quality Keto Diet For Health PLR Articles Pack

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the Keto Diet For Health Articles:

  1. 4 Health Benefits of Ketosis (558 words)
  2. 5 Health Benefits You Can Get from Going Keto (576 words)
  3. Brain Health and Keto: Is There a Link? (556 words)
  4. Comparing the Keto Diet with Paleo and Low Carb (629 words)
  5. Discerning the Good Fats from the Bad When on Keto (550 words)
  6. Discover Why Artificial Sweeteners Should Be Avoided On the Keto Diet (606 words)
  7. How to Get the First 21 Days of Keto Right (629 words)
  8. Keto and Weight Loss: Understanding Fat Adaptation (594 words)
  9. The Ketosis Process: What to Expect (570 words)
  10. Will the Keto Diet Cause High Cholesterol Levels? (512 words)


Bonus 3

5 High Quality Diet Changes For Weight Loss PLR Articles


5 High Quality Diet Changes For Weight Loss PLR Articles Pack

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the 5 Weight Loss Articles:

  1. Will Cutting Your Carbs Help You Shed the Pounds? (596 words)
  2. Intermittent Fasting: Yay or Nay? (580 words)
  3. 2 Diet Tips That Will Accelerate Your Weight Loss (596 words)
  4. Is it What You Eat or is it What’s Eating You? (551 words)
  5. Should You Eat Six Times a Day Like They Tell You To? (533 words)


Bonus 4

10 Top Quality Keto Diet PLR Articles and Tweets


Keto Diet PLR Articles and Tweets Pack

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Here are the titles of the 10 Keto Diet Articles:

1. How Does the Keto Diet Work and How Long Should You Do It For?
2. History of the Keto Diet
3. Entering Ketosis
4. Keto Diet Risks and Side Effects
5. Eating Do’s and Don’ts
6. Recipe Ideas for the Keto Diet
7. Keto Diet for Vegetarians
8. Health Conditions That the Keto Diet May Help With
9. Tips for Getting Back to the Diet after a Break
10. Common Mistakes on the Keto Diet

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Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!


Package Details For The Fat Adapted Diet Premium PLR Package:

Main eBook:
“Fat-Adapted Exercise & Weight Loss: Tweak Your Diet to Boost Your Body’s Fat-Burning Power”
(4,498 words, 19 pages, 13 images)

Short Report:
“Top 7 Healthy Fats to Include In Your Diet”
(1,664 words, 7 pages, 5 images)

Product Reviews:

200 Low-Carb, High-Fat Recipes Cookbook – 620 words
Ninja Master Prep – 413 words
Reflective Vest for Running and Cycling – 451 words
Resistance Bands – Set of 2 With Handles – 466 words
Spiralizer Tri-Blade Vegetable Spiral Slicer – 649 words

Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Elliptical Trainers – 1653 words

5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

How Exercise Improves The Keto Diet For Better Weight Loss (237 words)

Ketogenic Diet Pros and Cons (257 words)

What Do You Eat On The Ketogenic Diet (218 words)

What Is The Ketogenic Diet (266 words)

What Ratio of Carbs Protein Fat is Right For Me (167 words)

Related Articles:

5 Ideas for Low Carb Pre Workout Snacks – 412 words
6 Clever Low-Carb Food Swaps – 443 words
7 Foods to Eat When You’re Cutting Carbs – 409 words
Can High Intensity Exercise Burn Fat? – 410 words
Can You Be a Low Carb Vegan or Vegetarian? – 470 words
Does the Length of Your Workout Affect How Your Body Burns Fat? – 408 words
How Exercise Intensity Affects How Much Fat You Can Burn – 475 words
How to Calculate Your Macronutrient Intake – 445 words
How to Cut Bread From Your Diet – 427 words
How to Cut Down on Carbs When Eating Out – 509 words
How to Increase Your Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption – 480 words
Is It Worth Exercising in a Fasted State? – 409 words
Is the Ketogenic Diet Expensive? – 438 words
Is the Ketogenic Diet Safe? – 429 words
The 7 Hidden Benefits of A Ketogenic Diet – 437 words
What are Medium-Chain Triglycerides? – 403 words
What Are Net Carbs? – 443 words
What Is Polarized Training? – 412 words
What Is the Keto Flu? – 446 words
Which Type of Cardio Burns Fat Quickest? – 452 words

Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Fat-Adapted Fitness Tips
5 Shareable Social Media Inspiring Images
20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)
+ 3 bonus bylines for article marketing or guest blogging
18 Royalty Free Images
Images of All Products Reviewed

Bonus: 5 x Diet and Weight-Loss Articles 

– 2 Diet Tips That Will Accelerate Your Weight Loss (616 words)

– How Do I Switch to a Gluten-Free Diet (600 words)

– Keto Diet for Vegetarians (527 words)

– Raw Food Diet Basics What You Need to Know (548 words)

– Will Cutting Your Carbs Help You Shed the Pounds (607 words)


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