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Effective Parenting Premium PLR Package

Effective Parenting Premium PLR Package 16k Words

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Effective Parenting Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 16 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Parenting Content.


Attention:Effective Parenting

Done for You Premium Parenting PLR Product on a


Effective Parenting!


Dear Effective Parenting online business owner, When it comes to Parenting searches, the Effective Parenting is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Effective Parenting has spawned an entire industry of blogs, courses, books and products.

This is where my premium done-for-you Effective Parenting PLR content package comes in. It’s all about teaching your customers how to How to Be a Good Parent and Raise Amazing Kids.

Everything is completely done-for-you and ready-to-go – from the main info product to your social media updates – it’s simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative Parenting niche.



Introducing The…

Effective Parenting PLR Package

Effective Parenting Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 16 000 Words of High Quality Effective Parenting Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality Effective Parenting PLR package covers the hugely popular self help niche. Self Help is evergreen and will always be. This Effective Parenting PLR package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it or use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Effective Parenting MEGA PLR Package…


Main eBook: “How to Be a Good Parent and Raise Amazing Kids”

(8,352 words, 42 pages)

Effective Parenting eBook

A look inside the Effective Parenting PLR eBook:

Effective Parenting PLR eBook Screenshot


Table of Contents for the Effective Parenting PLR Ebook:

Introduction. 3

Discover Your Parenting Style. 4

So, What’s Your Style?. 7

1 – Remember: They’re Always Watching and Listening. 9

Create the Right Environment Early. 9

2 – Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative. 11

3 – Teach with Stories. 12

4 – Let Them Fall, Let Them Fail 13

5 – Develop a Healthy Bedtime Formula. 14

6 – Get Your Child to Join Something. 15

7 – Just Be Available. 17

8 – Teach Earning, not Entitled Receiving. 20

9 – Establish a Family Chat Time, Fun Time. 23

10 – Start Intergenerational Interaction. 25

11 – Get Them Outside and in Nature. 27

How to Get Your Kids Begging to Spend Time Outside. 28

12 – Teach a Daily Gratitude Session. 29

13 – Give the Power of Budgeting and Saving. 31

14 – Develop a Weekly “Candy and Treats Day”. 33

15 – Give the Gift of Reading. 35

You Teach Powerful Listening Skills. 35

You Improve Language Development and Cognitive Learning. 36

Child Readers Become Better, More Responsible Adults. 37

16 – Watch When Your Child Says “Watch Me”. 38

17 – Don’t Compare or Play Favorites. 40

18 – Forgive Yourself … You’re Not Perfect 42

Conclusion. 43


Sample Content for the Effective Parenting Premium PLR Ebook:

You want nothing but the best for your children. That’s natural. A lot of parents see themselves in their kids. They instinctively remember their own childhood. They especially recall times when they felt their parents should’ve handled a situation differently. They also reminisce over the great times their parents provided for them.

This is a normal thing to do. As a parent though, you have to be careful not to superimpose your childhood on to your children. That can be tough. While the things you were taught as a child may seem absolutely normal and healthy to you, that may or may not apply to your children and the world they live in.

So, what do you do? You don’t want to make any mistakes with your children. You want to be the best parent of all time and give your children the greatest opportunity to become successful, happy, caring, responsible kids … and adults. How do you do that? How do you raise the perfect child? How do you make yourself perfect as a parent?

The answer to those last two questions is simple … there’s no such thing as perfection.

Your children are going to have to deal with things that you never imagined. The world changes so quickly. That means that the particulars of raising kids could constantly change as well. That having been said, there are certain practices that worked to raise amazing children in the past, still work today, and will work in the future.

Below I’m going to share with you 18 effective parenting techniques and lessons. They’ll help you raise children you can be proud of, individual and unique people with their own personalities, abilities and dreams. The first step is uncovering your personal parenting style.

Discover Your Parenting Style

Everyone is different. There have been many billions of parents in human history. That means there have been and will be different ideas about how people should raise their children. Ask a dozen adults their ideas on parenting and you may get a dozen different answers.

While this is true, most approaches to parenting fall under 4 different main styles.

1 – Disciplinarian

2 – Indulgent, Permissive

3 – Uninvolved

4 – Authoritative

These 4 major parenting styles were presented by developmental psychologist Diane Baumrind in the 1960s. She noticed that most parents fell into one of these categories. There are commonalities and strategies in each style, and one or another will no doubt appeal to you.

It bears noting that these parenting styles and strategies are based on research done in the United States. There may be cultural differences if you live in some other part of the world. Even so, you may notice yourself in one or more of these profiles.

  • Disciplinarian Parenting

This is a strict way to raise kids. This type of parent offers little wiggle room for negotiation with children. The rules of behavior are very restrictive. If a child moves just a hair outside the lines, punishment is quick and often severe.

The communication here usually goes only one way. The parent does most of the talking. A disciplinarian parent may listen to what a child has to say, but the communication usually means very little.

Rules may not be explained. The child is just told what the rules are and what happens if they are not followed. This is far from a nurturing parental practice. Expectations are high and in some cases, nearly impossible to achieve.

Children raised this way often have low self-worth because they are failing more often than not. They are taught to see the world in black-and-white, and to offer or accept no excuses when rules are not followed.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.

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Effective Parenting Checklist :

(1,016 words, 7 pages)

Effective Parenting Checklist

A look inside the Effective Parenting Premium PLR Checklist

Effective Parenting PLR Checklist Screenshot


Effective Parenting Report :

(2,081 words, 10 pages)

Parenting Mistakes To Avoid Report

A look inside the Effective Parenting Premium PLR Report

Effective Parenting PLR Report Screenshot


Effective Parenting PLR Editable Ecovers:

Effective Parenting PLR Ecovers

5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Email 1 – Need more confidence as a parent?
Email 2 – Being a better parent means … getting selfish?
Email 3 – Parents, reward your child’s important milestones as yours too
Email 4 – Smart parents don’t compare
Email 5 – What’s your biggest question as a parent?

Effective Parenting PLR Emails Total Word Count: 1551 Words


Effective Parenting Email Content Sample:

Email #1 – Need more confidence as a parent?


A proven hack a parent to build confidence is to spend some “alone” time with your child, regardless his or her age. This means each of the parents should carve out at least a few minutes each day to talk to and bond with your child.

How can this simple activity make you more confident that you’re raising your child the right way?

Repetition builds self-confidence and self-esteem. Even if you repetitively attempt a task you’re not very good at, you can’t help but get better. Human beings are hardwired to be fearful and anxious about situations where they feel uncertain. So spending time with your child in this way makes you feel more at ease, and your child learns to anticipate it too.

On the other side of that coin is the fact that people feel more relaxed and comfortable, as well as competent, when faced with a task or environment that is familiar to them.

This means that each day you spend some one-on-one time with your child, you will slowly begin to build confidence in your child-rearing ability. Not only that, but as you are bonding with your child in a way that no one else can, you’re creating a special and unique connection.

You will frequently have to figure out how to handle day-to-day activities while spending time with your child. This means figuring things out for yourself, which lends itself to self-confidence over time. This means more confidence in your parenting efforts.

Make sure you schedule alone time with your child for you and the child’s other parent. With hectic modern-day schedules this may be difficult. However, if you are going to build confidence in your ability to raise a happy, healthy child, significant and regular one-on-one bonding is required.

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Effective Parenting PLR Articles:

  1. 4 Tips Effective Parents Use to Get Their Kids Eating Healthier 662 words
  2. 7 Tips for Parents to Raise a Smart Child 723 words
  3. Effective Parenting Means Being Flexible 510 words
  4. Parents Be There for Your Children … or the Internet Will 576 words
  5. Smart Parenting Tip – The First-Timer Club 536 words
  6. Use The 3 F’s of Effective Parenting when Disciplining Your Child 697 words


Effective Parenting PLR Article Sample:

4 Parenting Tips to Get Your Kids Eating Healthier

Getting your children to make smart food choices can be tough. A lot of schools these days do a great job offering healthy food at lunchtime. They also stress proper nutrition in the classroom, but even so, children are surrounded with unhealthy food influences.

Then there are the dozens of fast food restaurants located within minutes of your home or your child’s school. Every parent wants the best for their children, and if you’re having a difficult time getting your kids to make smart food choices, the following 4 tips can help.

1 – Don’t Expect Immediate Change

Smart parents start slow when trying to change behavior in their children. Get your kids to agree to try one new fresh fruit or vegetable serving each day. Remove some less than healthy food, some simple carbohydrates or sugar-laden, white flour-packed food.

Slowly increase this to two substitutions per day, and eventually three or more. If you meet your children halfway and take things slow, you’re more likely to develop healthy eating habits that stick.

2 – Get Them to Drink Water before Meals

This is a great healthy eating tip that works for adults as well as children. There are several studies that show drinking 8 to 12 ounces of water before meals can help adults eat less. This doesn’t necessarily change the “what” of your eating choices, but it can certainly and positively affect the “how much” aspect of mealtime.

Your children might not be able to drink that much. Getting your children to drink a small cup or two of water before meals not only makes them feel full quicker when they eat, but there are other benefits. Water is a great detoxing agent that helps rid your body of waste material, and water is always a smarter, healthier drinking choice than a soda or energy drink.

3 – Think Small

Broccoli and peas, Brussels sprouts and beans, kale and cucumbers are right there at the top of the most hated foods list for many children. If you’ve tried to get your kids to eat these and other healthy foods and had a tough time in the past, perhaps you’re thinking too big.

A smart parenting tip is to think small instead. You can’t eat a serving of peas without eating a single pea first, so why not get your kids to do exactly that?

Serving incredibly small portions, such as one bean or one pea rather than an entire serving, is a proven way to slowly get your children to adopt healthy eating practices. Reward these baby steps by following the consumption of the dreaded vegetable or fruit with some type of food your child loves as a reward.

4 – You Have To Practice What You Preach

Gone are the days when you can tell your child, “Do as I say, not as I do.” Kids, especially very young children, want to emulate their parents. Toddlers unconsciously look at the world around them and mimic the behaviors and choices they see adults making.

This means your young children see and hear a lot more than you may realize, and what they see you doing is what they desire to do.

This is a very natural learning mechanism. Baby bears grow up doing what their parents do. The same is true with dogs and cats, and your child is going to be more likely to adopt a healthy eating practice if you do so first. If you want to give your children the gift of happier, longer, healthier lives, start eating right yourself.


Effective Parenting Keyword Research Pack

Effective Parenting Keyword Research Pack

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Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!

For the first 50 buyers of this Effective Parenting PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!


Bonus 1

10 Top Quality Parenting Teens PLR Articles and Social Posts

10 Top Quality Parenting Teens PLR Articles and Social Posts

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the 10 Parenting Teens Fit Articles:

  1. Why Parenting Teens Can Be Such a Challenge
  2. The Importance of Setting Boundaries
  3. Tips for Dealing with Mood Swings
  4. Tips for Dealing with Inappropriate Friends
  5. Tips for Dealing with Drink and Drug Issues
  6. How to Tell If Something Is Seriously Wrong
  7. Battles to Pick and Things to Let Go
  8. Tips for Letting Them into Your World
  9. Tips for Dealing with Excessive Phone Use
  10. Tips for Getting Them to Help Out More at Home

Package Details:

10 Parenting Teens PLR Articles in Word format
Total Word Count –  Over 5500 Words
Download File Size – 340 KB

Bonus 2

15 Top Quality Natural Parenting PLR Articles Pack

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Here are the titles of the 15 Natural Parenting Articles:

1. Consider These Advantages of Cloth Diapers
2. Co-sleeping with The Baby- How To Get Started
3. How to Calm Down A Crying Baby The Natural Way
4. How To Go Safely About Breastfeeding in Public
5. How To Prepare Yourself for Natural Child Birth
6. Looking To Make Homemade Baby Food-Here’s How To Get Started
7. Make Your Own Diaper Wipes With These Simple Directions
8. Modern Sleeping Arrangements Co-sleeping with Toddlers
9. Raise Your Kids To Be Eco Friendly With These Easy Ideas
10. Teaching Your Baby To Communicate With Sign Language
11. The Art of Baby Wearing-See its Benefits for you and the baby
12. These Are The Benefits Associated With Breastfeeding Your Baby
13. These Natural Teething Remedies For The Baby Are Better Alternatives For Medical Products
14. What Does Attachment Parenting Mean
15. Which Is the Right Cloth Diaper For My Baby

Package Details:

Download File Size – 203 KB

Bonus 3

The Easy Guide to Parenting for New Moms PLR Report

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Package Details:

  • Download File Size – 1.71 MB
  • Total Word Count: 5300+ Words
  • Word Doc Format – Source File
  • eCover Graphic – Jpeg Format

Bonus 4

10 Top Quality Parenting PLR Articles and Tweets

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Here are the titles of the 10 Top Quality Parenting PLR Articles:

  1. Consistency in Parenting: Top Tips
  2. Four Tips for Stopping Homework Power Struggles
  3. How to Help Kids Understand Their Emotions
  4. How to Get Your Kids Involved in Their Community
  5. Instilling Values: Children Learn What They Live
  6. Over-Parenting: Are You Doing Too Much for Your Child?
  7. Pay It Forward – Teaching Your Kids to Overcome the Entitlement Mentality
  8. Respect in Parenting: a Two-Way Street
  9. The Role of Positive Reinforcement in Parenting
  10. Top Tips for Outsmarting Picky Eaters

Package Details:

Download File Size – 400 KB

Bonus 5

Single Parenting PLR Newsletter eCourse

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Package Details:

Download File Size – 10.0 MB


Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!


Package Details For The Effective Parenting Premium PLR Package:

Effective Parenting PLR – PLR eBook

eBook – Effective Parenting – How to Be a Good Parent and Raise Amazing Kids 8K eBook (8000 Words)
Comes in Word Doc and PDF Format.
Includes Editable Cover Graphics in JPG and PSD Format.

Effective Parenting PLR – PLR List Building Report

7 Mistakes Today’s Parents Make … and How to Avoid Them (2,081 words)
Comes in Word Doc and PDF Format.
Includes Editable Cover Graphics in JPG and PSD Format.

Effective Parenting PLR – 6 High Quality Effective Parenting Articles (3700 Words)

4 Tips Effective Parents Use to Get Their Kids Eating Healthier 662 words
7 Tips for Parents to Raise a Smart Child 723 words
Effective Parenting Means Being Flexible 510 words
Parents Be There for Your Children … or the Internet Will 576 words
Smart Parenting Tip – The First-Timer Club 536 words
Use The 3 F’s of Effective Parenting when Disciplining Your Child 697 words

Effective Parenting PLR – PLR Emails

Effective Parenting – 5 Email Autoresponders (1,643 words)

Email Subjects:

Effective Parenting Autoresponder Email 1
Need more confidence as a parent?

Effective Parenting Autoresponder Email 2
Being a better parent means … getting selfish?

Effective Parenting Autoresponder Email 3
Parents, reward your child’s important milestones as yours too

Effective Parenting Autoresponder Email 4
Smart parents don’t compare

Effective Parenting Autoresponder Email 5
What’s your biggest question as a parent?

Effective Parenting PLR – Effective Parenting PLR Checklist

Effective Parenting Checklist (1,016 words)

Effective Parenting PLR – Keyword Research

A list of Effective Parenting keywords for SEO and Advertising is CSV format with details: keyword, volume, bid, rank value and more.

Total Word Count: 16 000+ Words

FAST-ACTION BONUSES – Available for the first 50 buyers of this Effective Parenting PLR Pack. You’ll no longer see these awesome extra bonuses available on this page once the 50 fast action takers have been awarded.


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Sell the content basically as it is (with some minor tweaks to make it “yours”).

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Break up the content into small portions to sell as individual reports for $10-$20 each.

Bundle the content with other existing content to create larger products for $47-$97 each.

Setup your own membership site with the content and generate monthly residual payments!

Take the content and convert it into a multiple-week “eclass” that you charge $297-$497 to access!

Use the content to create a “physical” product that you sell for premium prices!

Convert it to audios, videos, membership site content and more.

Excerpt and / or edit portions of the content to give away for free as blog posts, reports, etc. to use as lead magnets, incentives and more!

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